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» Cypress is a mighty evergreen long-liver. Slender tree - Cypress: photo, description of evergreen cypress, growing at home Outdoor cultivation

Cypress is a mighty evergreen long-liver. Slender tree - Cypress: photo, description of evergreen cypress, growing at home Outdoor cultivation

Cypress, in Latin Cupressus, is a coniferous plant that belongs to the Cypress family and has in its genus, according to various sources, from 14 to 19 species of evergreen trees and shrubs.


IN wild nature cypresses are widespread. You can meet them in areas with a tropical and subtropical climate - in Europe, Asia and North America.

The plant is long-lived favorable conditions it lives up to 300 years, and sometimes more. This coniferous tree has a very ancient origin, and the birthplace of Cypress is not known for certain.

Most of the species are slender trees with a straight trunk and a pyramidal crown, but lush sprawling shrubs are also found in the genus.

IN vivo the plant can grow up to 30 meters, and on garden plot cypresses are small attractive trees no more than 1.5-2 meters high.

Skeletal branches grow upwards, tightly pressed against the trunk, which gives it a special harmony, thanks to which even the expression "slender as a cypress" was born.

The shoots on the branches of the tree are thin and soft. They actively branch in one or different planes and are covered with small fern-like leaves of a dark green color. In young specimens, the leaves are needle-like, as in coniferous trees , in adults, as the tree grows, approximately in the fourth year of life, the shape of the leaves changes to scaly.

It's worth saying that the older this wonderful representative of the flora becomes, the more decorative it is.

Cypress is a gymnosperm plant. It bears fruit with male and female roundish cones of a grayish-brown color and with a diameter of no more than 3.5 s. They are covered with thyroid scales, under each of which there are several seeds. The buds mature in the second year of the plant's life..

Reference. Cypress is useful to keep in the house. This is a great air purifier that absorbs harmful substances and abundantly releasing oxygen and phytoncides.

Types of cypress with a photo

About 10 is used as an ornamental crop for landscaping a garden. On their basis, varieties with wide-pyramidal, columnar and squat crown forms were bred.

Meet interesting varieties with blue, silver-gray, bluish-green, bright yellow and bluish-gray needles. There are several dwarf forms to grow in room conditions .

Being a native of warm countries, the plant perfectly takes root and grows in the southern Russian regions. In the middle lane, it is recommended to grow frost-resistant varieties of cypress that can withstand the harsh winter cold.

The most popular types for open ground:

Arizona- drought-resistant and frost-resistant (up to -20 °C).

Arizona cypress

Ordinary or - heat-loving, shade-tolerant, demanding on moisture and "indulgent" to the composition of the soil.

evergreen cypress

large-fruited- poorly tolerates drought, frost-resistant (up to -15 ° C).

large-fruited cypress

Californian or Govena- shade-tolerant, drought-resistant and undemanding to the soil.

Cypress Govena

Italian- lover of the sun.

Italian cypress

McNaba- drought-resistant and frost-resistant (up to -25 °C).

Cypress McNaba

Kashmiri- heat-loving and in need of abundant watering.

Kashmir cypress

Lusitanian or Mexican- thermophilic and exacting to air humidity.

Lusitanian cypress

low shrub with a spreading crown. Often used in landscape design.

Usually cypress is purchased already grown. But you can also grow it yourself. For growing cypress at home, varieties, Fastigiata montrosa, Aschersoniana and other dwarf forms, which were specially bred by English breeders for room culture, are well adapted.

You can also grow Kashmir, Evergreen and Large-fruited cypresses indoors if you cut their roots every spring.


- this is the basis for a long life and beautiful appearance of your plant. Cypress growing in open ground, needs diffused lighting. Ideally, you need to choose a slightly shaded place for the plant. In the shade, the tree will stretch too much. Sufficient humidity is another main condition for the well-being of cypress.

In the hot season, he needs abundant watering with daily sprinkling in the mornings and evenings. It is important to prevent the soil from drying out.

In autumn during strong winds young branches should be tied up so that they do not break. It is desirable to cover it for the winter, and if this is not done, the tree crown damaged by frost will recover for a very long time. Warming is required even frost-resistant species plants.

Don't Forget About Mulching trunk circle sawdust, needles or peat. And top dressing with mineral fertilizers is especially important for cypress in the first 3-4 years of life - it must be applied up to two times a month in warm time of the year.

Indoor cypress requires high humidity air, especially during the heating season. If the air in the room is dry, Cypress begins to lose its decorative effect.

To avoid this, during the heating season and in the strong summer heat, the plant must be sprayed twice a day. It should be watered moderately.

At the same time, it is important to remember that both drying out and waterlogging of an earthy coma can threaten the death of a handsome green man.

From May to October, it is best to place the plant on the balcony., terrace or in the garden, providing it with light shading.

Sometimes the Cypress plant is confused with Cypress. Although they are very similar, there are differences.

Cypress is a wonderful tree that can decorate not only a garden plot, but also home interior. At proper care it will live for many years and delight you with its lush green outfit.

Coniferous trees are distributed throughout the world. They are widely used in landscape design, as these plants have a high decorative properties. Moreover, they have a positive effect on human health. Read about the types of coniferous trees in the article.


Why do gardeners and designers around the world prefer conifers? This happens for several reasons:

  • These representatives of the flora are evergreen. Only a small part of their varieties sheds needles into winter time of the year. They include larch. In other plants, the needles are updated gradually. Needles fall off every few years, they are immediately replaced by new needles, so the process remains invisible.
  • Coniferous tree is undemanding to lighting and humidity.
  • Almost all varieties have correct form, which means that you do not need to cut them.
  • The aroma of these plants is medicinal. It has a positive effect on the general condition of a person.
  • Coniferous plants can be planted almost anywhere, as their diversity allows you to choose a shrub or tree that is suitable in shape and size.
  • They go well with many ornamental grasses and flowers. You can make a composition with peonies, roses, hydrangea and other representatives of the flora.

An interesting fact is that it is coniferous trees and shrubs that occupy the first lines in the list of long-lived plants. Currently, the spruce found in Sweden is considered the oldest representative of the flora. Old Tikko (this name was given to this plant) lived for at least 9.5 thousand years. Another centenarian - Methuselah pine from the USA - will soon turn 5 thousand years old. From 20 ancient trees, known to people, only one is leafy. It is growing in Sri Lanka. Its age is 2217 years.


Perhaps the most popular coniferous tree is spruce. This plant looks great in both single and composite plantings. From spruces planted in a row, you can build hedge. Through the efforts of breeders, not only large tall varieties, with a cone-shaped crown, then neater and smaller plants. The following varieties are very popular:

  • Serbian spruce, reaching a height of 40 meters. She has an unusual color. Top part The needles are dark green, and the bottom is covered with white stripes. Brown-purple buds combined with bluish-green needles give the plant elegance and charm.
  • Siberian spruce has a dense crown. The top of the tree is slightly pointed. Gray fissured bark is almost invisible against the background of bright green, silver or golden needles and brown cones.
  • Norway spruce, or European spruce, has been active for 300 years. During this time, the trunk reaches a diameter of 1 meter. This variety is deservedly considered the fastest growing. Every year she adds at least half a meter in growth.


This representative of the pine family is distinguished by its appearance. Purple cones grow up. The needles are flat. Soft shiny needles are painted in several colors at once. Their upper part is dark green, and an even line stretches along the bottom. white stripe. An interesting fact is that not all botanists attribute fir to coniferous trees. Some people are convinced that it is a deciduous plant.

One of the most popular varieties is caucasian fir. It has a neat conical shape. Actually, because of the appearance, it got its distribution. In European countries, this culture often replaces the Christmas tree. Indeed, it is very convenient to decorate uplifted branches. Dark green needles have a sheen. The needles are very small and fluffy. They have a citrus scent.


This representative of the flora is the leader in bactericidal properties. A plant appeared on the planet at least 50 million years ago. Currently, there are at least 70 varieties of culture. You can choose a variety for every taste. There are giant junipers, whose height is more than 30 meters, and there are also elfins, which rise only 15 cm above the ground. Its features and care requirements directly depend on the variety. However, there is one thing in common that makes juniper one of the most common plants: it looks great in any arrangement. It can be grown in rock gardens or rockeries, it can be used to build a unique hedge.

If you want to plant juniper in the garden or in the country, do not place it next to fruit crops. This coniferous tree can infect other plants with a disease such as rust. Therefore, you need to regularly inspect the juniper and the crops growing next to it and take timely measures to trim the affected branches. Stock up on fungicides to treat damaged areas.


Cedars are the most popular conifers in the world. They are grown in almost all corners of the planet. They are especially popular in the UK. It is difficult to imagine an English garden landscape without a cedar. The plant frames the plot and is used as a front door decoration. Cedar not only gives the surrounding space an atmosphere home comfort, but also makes it more solemn.

In nature, these plants are most often found in mountain ranges. As part of such hills, they seem to be real giants. Still would! Cedar can reach a height of 50 meters. Despite the fact that mankind has known about this tree for at least a quarter of a century, botanists have not yet come to a common conclusion about the number of varieties of cedar. It is believed that in adulthood all individuals are absolutely identical, that is, only the Lebanese cedar exists. From another point of view, short-coniferous, Atlas and Himalayan breeds stand out.

By the way, pine nuts, beloved by many, have nothing in common with this plant, except for the name. The fruits of real cedar are inedible. People eat seeds cedar pine which was popularly called


In the wild, this coniferous tree reaches a height of 70 meters and appearance looks like a cypress. Currently, breeders are working on breeding new varieties of this crop. Undersized varieties widely used in landscape design as a hedge. Medium-sized trees look equally good in single plantings and in compositions. Dwarf varieties have found their application in rock gardens and mixborders. The plant can be entered into any design ensemble, because it has very soft fluffy needles. The most popular are dwarf varieties, whose maximum height is 360 cm. They are versatile and highly decorative.


The names of coniferous trees may be similar. A striking example is cypress and cypress. These are completely different representatives of the flora, do not confuse them. Cypress is a slender evergreen tree or shrub. The shape of the crown resembles a pyramid or cone. The slender trunk is covered with thick fluffy bark. The leaves are pressed against the branches. In the second year after planting, cones ripen.

Out of 25 known species 10 have found application in landscaping and gardening. Growing conditions, care requirements and characteristics directly depend on the variety.


Sometimes the names of coniferous trees are misleading. For example, larch, contrary to its name, is a representative coniferous plants. It belongs to the pine family. It grows in many parts of the world. Culture is rightfully considered a long-liver. Some representatives live almost a millennium, to be more precise - 800 years. Coniferous larch is one of the most common of its kind. Outwardly, it resembles a Christmas tree, but every year it sheds its needles.

If conditions environment favorable, the stem of the plant reaches a diameter of 1 meter. Max Height of this coniferous tree (larch) is 50 meters. The thick bark is richly covered with deep brown furrows. The branches form an openwork cone-shaped crown. They grow randomly upwards. In total, 14 plant species are distinguished.

Larch is not only a highly decorative crop, but also used in industry. Firstly, the tree has a hard and durable wood that is resistant to mechanical damage. Secondly, the plant is widely used in traditional medicine. Young shoots and buds are harvested by many healers. Turpentine is obtained from the resin, which is used in the treatment of many diseases. The bark is rich in many vitamins.


This coniferous shrub belongs to the cypress family. The only species grows in the Far East region of Russia. The microbiota is listed in the Red Book, as it is endangered due to forest fires and the inability of seeds to move away from the parent bush. Creeping shoots, resemble one of the forms of arborvitae. The scaly needles are green in summer and turn brown in winter. Small cones consist of 2-3 scales. The shrub grows extremely slowly. It adds only 2 cm in height per year. But it can be safely called a long-liver, because it has been growing for 100 years.


A coniferous tree known to mankind since ancient times. There are at least 115 needles of these plants emit a pleasant aroma. They are collected in small bundles (only 2-5 pieces in each). Pine species are determined precisely by these beams. The plant is so popular that many people plant it on their plots. Landscape design uses miniature pines, which are characterized by slow growth. IN large landings, for example, in parks, tall species are grown. Low varieties are planted on lawns, in mixborders and rock gardens. The most common varieties:

  • Scotch pine, which is deservedly called the symbol of the Russian forest. A tree of the first magnitude rises 40 meters above the ground. The bluish-green dense needles can have any shape. It comes out every 3 years.
  • Mountain pine is not considered tall. Her height is only 10-20 meters. Dwarf varieties do not even reach a meter in height. The plant is highly decorative, has long dark needles.


These compact coniferous forest trees are gaining in popularity. They are planted in parks and botanical gardens. The culture is resistant to decay, as well as adverse environmental conditions, such as drought and frost. The branches grow upward and form a pyramid or column shape. Small cones ripen in the first year after planting. The leaves are scaly and dark.

Breeders are breeding more and more so that dwarf, creeping and weeping varieties are already being cultivated. Especially popular is western thuja. Its powerful trunk grows very quickly, its height is 7 meters, and its diameter reaches 200 cm. The needles are evergreen. The needles of some varieties acquire a copper tint.

Thuja began to be cultivated in Europe. The French king called this plant "the tree of life." By his order, the space around the palace in Fontainebleau was planted with thuja. After 200 years, culture began to be grown in the eastern part of Europe.

by the most popular varieties varieties such as Columna and Smaragd are considered. The first variety has a dense crown, which resembles a column and reaches a height of 7 meters. The leaves of coniferous trees of this variety, that is, needles, all year round painted in dark green with a radiant sheen. Another variety has not so impressive parameters. Its height is 4 meters, and its width is 1.5.


These coniferous trees in Russia are very, very rare. An ornamental plant that remains green all year round, shaped like columns. Its height reaches 20 meters. Annually shoots increase by 1 meter. Scale-like leaves cover the branches. The plant has small fruits. The birthplace of culture is Great Britain. Here, hedges are made of wood. In Russia and other CIS countries, it is cultivated only by advanced gardeners.


Many coniferous trees (photos and names of some of them are presented in this article) are found everywhere. For example, cryptomeria is the national tree of Japan. It is found in wild forests, on mountain slopes, in park alleys. At the age of 150 years, the plant reaches a height of 60 m. Under favorable environmental conditions, the trunk diameter is 2 m. However, breeders have bred a number of varieties that can be grown not only in household plots but also in apartments. Their height does not exceed 200 cm.

A narrow dense crown may have a dark or light shade. Some varieties change the color of the needles to reddish or yellowish in winter. Short awl-shaped needles do not prick at all. Rounded cones are small in size, they are painted in Brown color. They ripen all year round. Since the birthplace of cryptomeria is eastern country The plant has several names. One of them is Japanese cedar. This naming is not recognized by scientists, since cryptomeria and cedar are completely different plants. In China, cultures are called "shan", and in Japan - "sugi".


Shrubs or yew trees have a smooth mountain of purple-smoky color. The needles are very soft and long. 8 plant varieties are found in Europe, Africa, East Asia and North America. In the CIS countries, a berry, or European yew, is common. This culture reaches a height of 20 meters. The bark is reddish-brown, the base of the leaves is narrowed. The upper part of the needles is painted in a glossy dark green, and the lower part is light matte. Yew is undemanding to care and environmental conditions. However, the plant can cause problems, because the needles are dangerous for animals.

Yew is a raw material that has been used by pharmaceutical companies for over 20 years. The fact is that this plant has medicinal properties. It is used to combat malignant tumors of the mammary glands, intestines, ovaries and stomach. There are yew processing centers in European countries. Here people bring cut branches after trimming hedges.

Cypress (lat. Cupressus) is a genus of evergreen coniferous trees and shrubs of the Cypress family (Cupressaceae). The genus cypress combines 15-20 species - trees and shrubs. It features soft fragrant wood. Representatives of this family differ sharply from most conifers. In general, they are characterized by high drought resistance, low soil requirements, high shade tolerance, combined with slow growth and long life expectancy.

Cypress trees are distinguished by their tall stature (reaching 40 m in height), pyramidal or cylindrical-rounded crown, as well as a pleasant smell. They have cross-paired leaves, small, scaly, adjacent to the shoot or somewhat recurved, convex on the back, with a resin gland. Their cones are rounded, woody, with shield-like, multifaceted scales on legs that fit snugly together. Cypress seeds are flat, with more or less developed wings. This plant is propagated by sowing, cuttings and grafting.

The genus includes about 20 species, which are native to the subtropics of North America and the temperate latitudes of the Eurasian continent, North Asia and North Africa. Thirteen species are bred in the Crimea, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and in some areas Central Asia. Evergreen cypress (C. sempervirens) is cultivated more often than others, reaching a height of 30 m and a width of 60 cm. The most common species in the United States is large-fruited cypress (C. macrocarpa). This plant grows in nature only on the coast of California. It reaches a height of 8-12 m, and is also distinguished by a compact narrow-conical crown and light or dark green leaves. The diameter of its cones reaches 3.8 cm. decorative forms large-fruited cypress grow quickly, tolerate strong pruning and various climatic conditions. Thanks to these qualities, they are ideal plants for decorating landscape gardening in Southern Europe and temperate regions South America and Australia. Most often they are used to create hedges.

Also known among gardeners are such species as Himalayan cypress (C. torulosa), Arizona cypress (C. arisonica), Lusitanian cypress (C. lusitanica) and Cashmere cypress (C. cashmeriana) - a small cone-shaped tree with blue-green leaves. In the coastal regions of China, large areas are occupied by the Duclos cypress, a tree up to 26 m high. Its needles are scaly, blunt, up to 1 mm long, with a bluish gland. Due to its decorative effect, this type of cypress is cultivated on the Black Sea coasts of the Caucasus and Crimea.
It is also worth mentioning the weeping cypress (C. fiinebris), which also comes from China, but is sometimes found in Japan, where it is planted around temples. It reaches a height of 18 m, is distinguished by drooping branches and light green leaves. The diameter of the cones is 1.3 cm.

It is worth noting that in Old Testament In the Bible, cypress, along with cedar and fir, is referred to as the tree of paradise. Moreover, it was used to decorate the Temple in Jerusalem.
Since ancient times, among some peoples, cypress was considered a tree of sadness, sadness, death, while others, on the contrary, were considered a symbol of youth, grace and nobility. “Slender as a cypress,” they often say about someone who watches their figure and has a chiseled silhouette.
In antiquity, cypress trees were planted around temples, grottoes, caves and cities, wounds and ulcers were treated with the resin of these trees. The analgesic and antiseptic properties of cypress are used in the treatment of varicose veins, numbness and swelling of the extremities, arthritis and hemorrhoids. In addition, cypress is used as a means of combating fungal diseases. However, not only in medicine, the deodorizing essential oil of cypress is used. In cosmetology, it is one of the main components that make up the care products for sensitive and porous facial skin. Valuable cypress oil soothes and makes the skin of the legs healthier, eliminating unpleasant odors and excessive sweating, and relieves fatigue from them.
Housewives are well aware that the smell of cypress is unbearable for moths and wood-boring beetles, therefore, if its branches are distributed around the house, then these pests should not be feared.
The handsome cypress comes to the aid not only of man, but also of many birds: woodpeckers, tits, grosbeaks, robins, wrens, finches and other birds feed on its seeds.

Cypress needs bright sunlight and grows well in open areas.
Cypress branches are usually dense, so it is necessary to start removing excess shoots, in accordance with the chosen form, early. Pruning is possible throughout the year, but it is best to do this in February-March.
Young shoots on the branches are constantly pinched so that only a small part of the corresponding shoot remains. Thus, from time to time the branches become thicker. If the terminal shoot stretches strongly upwards, it must be removed so that the lateral shoot following it can be turned into an apical shoot.
The soil is mixed, consisting of turf, sand and humus.
Planting pits for cypress must be prepared in advance. If the soils in your garden plot are heavy, drainage from gravel or broken bricks with a layer of 20 cm is required, as cypress loves loose soil. Before planting, you need to prepare a special soil - soddy land with the addition of sand and humus. Plants are planted to a depth of at least 80 cm. The distance between them is usually 0.5-1.5 m. When transplanting, make sure that the cypress root neck is not buried in the ground, otherwise the plant may die.
During the first two years after planting, the plant is fertilized with mineral fertilizer in the amount of 30-40 g/cm.
If the weather is hot and dry for a long time, then the trees need to be watered regularly, and sprinkled twice a month.
Too compacted soil around cypresses is supposed to be periodically loosened to a depth of 10-15 cm.

Reproduction: seeds (in spring), woody cuttings (in March - April) and grafting.
Seeds moderately moisturize and keep in a bright place. Rooted cuttings and seedlings are planted in a mixture of soddy and leafy soil and sand (4:2:1), adding a handful of crushed bricks.

In general, cypress is not very susceptible to disease. The most common diseases that affect these plants are:
- Yellowing of the leaves - due to lack of watering, dry air, lack of nutrients in the soil, excess calcium in the soil, i.e. watering
too hard water.
- Brown leaf tips - this can be caused by exposure to cold or dry air or insufficient watering.
- Scales and false scales: brown plaques on the surface of leaves and stems, suck out cell sap. The leaves dry up and fall off.
Control measures: mechanical pests cannot be collected from cypress. The plant can be sprayed or bathed in a 0.15% actellik solution (1-2 ml per 1 liter of water). Moreover, the procedure will have to be repeated several times. Treatments with actara and karbofos are effective.
Spider mite: appears when the air is too dry - a web appears between the branches, the leaves dry quickly and fall off.
Control measures: Spray with a 0.15% solution of Actellik (1-2 ml per liter of water). Humidify the air around the plant.

Most often, cypress is used as decorative tree for alley, group or single landings.

  1. Description
  2. Popular types
  3. Evergreen
  4. Arizona
  5. Mexican
  6. Kashmiri
  7. large-fruited
  8. Wood
  9. Landing
  10. plant care

The genus of cypresses includes several dozen species of evergreen gymnosperms and shrubs. These are heat-loving plants common in the tropics and subtropics of the Northern Hemisphere: Central America, USA, North Africa, China, Himalayas, Mediterranean. In Russia, cypress trees grow on the Black Sea coast: in the Caucasus and in the Crimea. These conifers belong to the ancient relic species that have existed on the planet since the Tertiary period.


IN natural environment cypresses can reach a height of 35-40 m, various garden and hybrid varieties are from 2 to 10 m. Also dwarfed, growing in room conditions. These trees are considered to be straight-stemmed and slender, but among them there are often patriarchs, gaining 5–6 m or more in girth. The lifespan of many of them is 400-500 years. The leaves of the trees are narrow and small, bright or dark green in color, needle-shaped at a young age, in adult specimens it becomes scaly and grows, in a tiled order, tightly adjacent to the branches. The leaves contain a large number of phytoncides and essential oil repelling harmful insects.

Cypresses are monoecious - male and female cones grow on the tree. Small in size, they have an ovoid or almost spherical shape, the scales are very dense, stiff. The seeds are slightly flattened and have light wings. The bark of cypress trees is reddish-brown or olive-gray, and tends to peel off in thin plates with age. Numerous shoots form a dense, often sprawling crown, but can also grow in different directions, giving the trees the appearance of columns, pyramids or giant skittles.

Among the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, cypress was considered a symbol of sadness. It was planted in cemeteries, and the branches were brought to the dwelling of the deceased or decorated with graves and tombs. For Christians and Muslims, on the contrary, this tree symbolizes life and immortality.

Popular types

Cypresses have outstanding decorative qualities and in the southern regions are integral part most landscapes: planted in parks, gardens, alleys. These trees purify the air from harmful impurities and salts of heavy metals and are simply pleasing to the eye. Botanists have not come to a consensus as to whether some types of cypress belong to the same or different families. The reason is their isolation and difference in properties. In total, about 15–25 plant species are distinguished, combined into one genus of trees. Some of them are the most popular.


Other names are common cypress or Italian. Distributed in the south of Europe: in France, Spain, Italy, Greece, in Western Asia. In the wild, it grows up to 30 m, has a spreading wide crown. irregular shape, leaves are scaly, bluish-green or bluish-green. The bark of young trees is light brown, turning gray at maturity. Breeding varieties are much lower, may have a pyramidal or columnar crown due to the peculiar direction of growth of the branches. Evergreen cypress can grow up to 1000 years, and it reaches full maturity only by 100 years. This tree is characterized by relative frost resistance - it can withstand cold down to -20 ° C, it can grow on poor stony soils at an altitude of 1300–2000 m above sea level.


This species is native to North America: Southwestern United States and Mexico. It is also popular on the Crimean peninsula and in Transcarpathia. Arizona cypress lives up to 500 years, grows up to 20 m. It tolerates frosts down to -25 ° C, winds and dry summer weather. The branches of the trees are spread horizontally, forming a wide pin-shaped crown. The leaves are dark green. The size of the cones is about 3 cm. With age, the bark of these trees turns from light gray to a brown-brown hue and begins to peel off the trunks in narrow strips. Feature- heavy dense wood, unlike other types.


The Mexican, or Louisiana, species grows in Central America, Mexico, and the southern United States. Among cypresses, it is considered a giant, as it reaches a height of 40 m. The trunks are covered with dense reddish bark. The branches extend almost from the base of the trunk, are spread horizontally and form a wide pyramidal dark green crown resembling a tent. In old trees, shoots penetrate, the lower ones descend almost to ground level. The cones are small in size - about 1.5–2 cm. Despite the powerful appearance, this cypress is afraid of frost. Needles and young shoots are used as raw materials for the production of aromatic substances.


The tree is native to India and the Himalayas. One of the most graceful species, it stretches to a height of up to 45 m, while the trunk diameter remains about 70–80 cm. The crown is narrow pyramidal, the leaves have a bluish-green or bluish color. It has a high growth rate, tolerates drought and extreme heat well, but is not resistant to cold.


Grows in the southern states of the USA. Differs in high growth rates, thermophilic. The trunks of adult cypresses in the wild stretch up to 20-25 m, the shoots are multi-branched, arranged horizontally. The shape of the crown in young trees is pyramidal, in mature trees it is sprawling and tent-shaped. A characteristic feature is the yellowish-green or golden hue of the leaves, emitting a light lemon scent. Large-fruited cypress got its name for big size cones - about 4 cm in diameter.


Cypress wood belongs to sapwood, wide-layered, evenly dense, soft, technical properties reminiscent of juniper. The massif has a light brown color with a slightly pronounced natural pattern, it is well cut, sawn and polished. Cypress is resistant to mold harmful insects, does not crack and does not warp from time to time. A good natural oiliness protects the fibers from moisture.

In general industry, this lumber is not used due to high cost and long maturation of wood. From cypress they make an expensive quality furniture used in shipbuilding, art design. Church accessories are cut out of the array, including rosaries, wooden crucifixes, icons are written on cypress boards.


For the temperate climate zone, cypresses remain exotic plants and are usually grown in greenhouses or on adjoining territories. For planting in gardens and household plots breeders have bred special compact varieties based on the most unpretentious and resistant to adverse weather conditions types. Arizona, for example, was taken to create decorative varieties: Compacta, Pyramidalis, Ashersoniana. These are cypresses of shrub forms, with a beautiful bluish tint of needles and crowns that tolerate shearing well.

On the basis of the evergreen species, dwarf varieties have been developed: Forlucelu, Montrosa, as well as the columnar Indica variety and the pyramidal Strikta.

If you wish, it is easy to grow a spectacular tree on your own. Important conditions for cypresses are:

  • light drained soils;
  • protection from strong winds;
  • good illumination.

Plants propagate by seeds and cuttings. For landscaping the garden, it is optimal to purchase seedlings in a nursery, but you can try to germinate them yourself in containers or flower pots.

The soil should include soddy, leafy soil, river sand and peat in equal parts. Before planting, any suitable drainage is laid on the bottom of the container, then the ground is covered and seeds are placed to a depth of 2 cm. Boxes must be placed on sunny side, and the soil must be moistened regularly. After a few months, the seeds will sprout. Dwarf shrubs can be used as an element of home decor: in a room in pots, cypress trees look unusual and elegant, they purify and heal the air.

Planting of rooted cuttings or grown shoots is carried out in spring at a temperature of 13–15 ° C. A place in the garden must be chosen semi-shaded: straight Sun rays harmful to young cypresses, but they cannot be left completely without light. The best option is at some distance from walls, fences or tall trees. When placing the plant in open ground, it is important to ensure that fragile roots are not damaged. The pits for them should be spacious. When planting several trees between the Turks, a distance of about 1 m is observed. It is advisable to strengthen the seedlings with sticks.

plant care

In the first months, young cypresses need to be watered abundantly: a seedling needs a bucket of water a week. In dry weather, spraying is carried out. You need to feed the trees 2 times a month with complex fertilizers. With the onset of cold weather, seedlings will need additional protection: the roots are mulched with needles or sawdust, in severe frost they cover the whole cypress.

After 3-4 years, the intensity of care is reduced: 2 top dressings per season are enough, watering the trees is required in case of severe drought.

Since cypresses grow rather quickly in the first years after planting, after 1-2 seasons you can begin to cut off their crown, giving the desired shape. Frozen and dried branches are removed in March, with the onset of heat they are cut completely. During the growing season, up to 30% of all greenery can be cut without damage to the tree.