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» Maple ginnala care. Ginnal maple: description and tree planting. The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

Maple ginnala care. Ginnal maple: description and tree planting. The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

In our weather conditions Two similar maple species develop and grow well: riverine maple ( Ginnala) and Tatarian maple. Very often they are called sister plants, and in tree nurseries and garden parks they are sometimes confused. And this confusion is connected precisely with the fact that both varieties of maple have much in common in terms of care requirements, crown habitus, and methods of application, although the Tatar maple belongs to the European group of trees, and the Ginnala maple, on the contrary, belongs to the Asian group. This indicates their different origins, and due to different growing ecology, although there is an external similarity of these plants.

Planting and description of river maple

These two varieties of maple often grow in the form of medium-sized trees or huge shrubs with a height of about 4 - 9 meters. They have the same crown structure: the roundness of the crown stands out clearly and clearly, especially noticeable in winter, as well as the crooked trunk. However, maple leaves have different appearances.

In the Ginnala maple they are three-lobed, dark green, shiny, with an elongated lobe. The cross-section of a leaf decreases over time in the same way as when growing in poor, unsuitable conditions.

this one good external sign to characterize the growing conditions and age parameters of this maple.

Autumn color of maple varieties

In autumn, this maple is more elegant than the Tatarian maple, because the leaves turn a bright red color, but this only happens when they are proper cultivation. But when the ginnala maple does not have enough nutrition or light, and also over time it turns yellowish. The leaves of the Tatarian maple have a yellow autumn color; very rarely they become slightly reddish. The leaf has an oblong-ovate shape, bright green, with serrated lobes along the edge. Leaves thickly cover the tree trunk.

Both varieties of maple have almost the same uses. Thanks to their intricately curved and decorative trunks, they are used in parks natural style mainly in a single planting, and with proper pruning, taking into account the bare trunk below, maples can be used as a “real bonsai.”

Why does the Ginnala maple require special care?

Both trees are planted on the site by single-row planting, then a trench is dug 0.5-0.7 meters wide and at least 50 cm deep, which is filled with fertile soil from humus or compost, sand and turf soil in a ratio of 3: 2: 1 , you can add superphosphate - 120 g. per sq. meter of plot.

If you want to get beautiful autumn colors, then you need to choose only a sunny place and plant maple - Ginnala, however, if this goal is not pursued, then the hedge can be planted in a semi-shady area and Tatarian maple can be used.

Since riverine maple is more demanding of soil, its hedge requires additional fertilizing. In August, add potassium salt 15-20 grams per 1 square meter. meter, in September - October add 30-40 grams of superphosphate per square meter. meter.

Fences made from both maple trees do not require any additional measures to combat diseases and pests, since maples are practically not affected by diseases and pests, they are highly resistant. If you decide to purchase such a plant, then you will not have any problems with the purchase. You can contact our plant nursery, where you can purchase the type of maple that you like, and you will also receive advice the best specialists on planting large maple trees and caring for them.

  • Ginnal maple 1.5-2.5 meters high - price per tree from 900 rubles.
  • Ginnal maple 3-3.5 meters high - price per tree from 6,000 rubles.

The detailed cost and height of the trees are indicated in the price list on the website of our plant nursery.


Ginnala or riverine maple (Acer Ginnala) R asthet in the form of a large shrub up to 6 meters tall. It grows quickly, is winter-hardy, light-loving, and tolerates replanting and city conditions. Gives abundant growth. An excellent ornamental plant, suitable for group and single plantings, creating bright hedges, and landscaping the banks of reservoirs. It is especially good in the fall, when it stands out as a fiery red spot against the background of greenery. Looks good in combination with snowberry, dogwood, sucker, and against the background of conifers.

The flowers are yellowish, fragrant, in dense multi-flowered panicles, blooming after the leaves bloom. The fruits are lionfish up to 3 cm green, with a bright red blush in the sun.

The leaves are three-lobed with an elongated middle lobe. Autumn color ranging from yellow-orange to fiery red is particularly striking in good light.

Ginnala maple borders are very beautiful when regularly trimmed to a height of no higher than 0.5 m. The dense mosaic of leaves and bright autumn colors make such a border very impressive.

Beneficial features:

  • Clen is an excellent antidepressant, relieves nervous tension, reduces aggression, harmonizes, leads to energy restoration. In early spring in the vessels of maple wood accumulates in large quantities juice is a delicious nutritious drink. Maple sap contains a lot of sugar and vitamin C, as well as mineral salts, nitrogenous and other substances. The juice is almost colorless, sweetish, with a pleasant aroma; it is drunk for scurvy and for lower back pain. Maple sap was used to heal wounds and cure ulcers. It produces an unusually tasty syrup - natural, environmentally friendly pure product containing minerals.
  • Maple sap contains a rich complex of B vitamins: for example, thiamine affects the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. The juice of the plant is a real storehouse of antioxidants, including polyphenols, which contribute to the rapid recovery of cancer patients. It is recommended to be used for heart problems. The fructose content allows condensed juice to be used by obese people and diabetics. By adding syrup to the diet for pancreatic dysfunction, patients receive the help of abscisic acid (phytohormone).
  • Norway maple leaves and shoots are used in folk medicine as a choleretic, antiseptic, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Infusions and decoctions of the leaves are used to treat jaundice, scurvy, and kidney stones; they are taken in the same way as a diuretic, antiemetic and tonic. Fresh leaves in crushed form they are applied to purulent wounds and ulcers. Studying chemical composition leaves showed that they accumulate up to 268 mg% of vitamin C and contain alkaloids and tannins.
  • To prepare the syrup, the sap of only several types of maple is used, namely: black, red, silver and sugar. Fresh, finely crushed leaves are applied to damaged skin, decoctions and juice are drunk for vitamin deficiency and asthenia. Viral infections, kidney diseases, hepatitis, and bronchitis are treated more effectively if healing agents from maple are added to the complex of medications.

Landscape design has long become a kind of art in which paints, canvases and brushes are replaced by trees, shrubs, flowers and even lakes. One of the largest objects of this design are shrubs, because they can either create a background for other plants and buildings, or be part of some kind of landscape group or even represent a separate design object. It is precisely these bushes that include the Ginnala maple, also known as the riverine maple.

Botanical description

The Ginnala maple is a shrub, which can grow to the size low tree. Its height ranges from 3 to 5 m.

IN wildlife this plant can be seen in China, the Korean Peninsula, the Far East and the southeastern part of Mongolia. The shrub was first cultivated as a crop in 1860.

The spreading crown of the maple has the shape of a tent. It is quite wide and thick. If the plant has one trunk, that is, it looks like a tree, then the crown becomes conical. The crown diameter is from 5 to 7 m.

The crown is especially beautiful autumn period . At first it acquires a yellow-orange color, but gradually it changes and can even become fiery red.

The leaves of the plant are three-lobed. They reach a length of up to 8 cm. The largest middle part of the leaf protrudes further than the side parts, which are located almost at a right angle to it.

The maple blooms for three weeks with panicles composed of many fragrant cream-colored flowers. The flowers of the plant are small. At the end of spring, these flowers begin to smell delightfully fragrant.

After flowering, fruits appear on the bush. These elongated fruits are very reminiscent of wings, which is why they get the name “lionfish”. The size of the lionfish reaches 3 cm, and their color is no less decorative than the autumn foliage of the tree. It varies depending on the quantity sun rays, falling on the fruits, from green to bright red.

Over the course of a year of life, the maple tree increases by 25 cm in both height and width.

The bush can live more than 100 years.

The Ginnala maple is a relative of the Tatarian maple, or rather its subspecies.

Features of care

This plant loves sunlight , and therefore you need to choose the most open place for planting it. However, the shrub can tolerate light partial shade well. A dark area will cause the foliage to lose its natural color.

When planting a plant root system There is no need to go deep into the ground. Maximum 5 cm. Before this, it is better to feed the soil with humus or mineral fertilizers. If groundwater is close to the planting hole, a drainage layer of crushed stone is made.

The shrub requires the following watering:

  • summer - weekly up to 20 liters;
  • autumn and spring (taking into account regular rains) - monthly up to 20 liters.

To avoid the problem of soil compaction, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil around the trunk. It is especially important to do this after watering.

Additional fertilizer It is allowed to produce only a year after planting the plant. The following fertilizers are suitable for this:

  • superphosphate,
  • urea,
  • Kemira,
  • potassium salts.

The bush requires pruning annually.

This variety of maple is quite frost-resistant.. Adults tolerate it normally even very coldy, which cannot be said about the young.

Young plants, especially in winters with little snow, need additional insulation, in the form of a shelter made of spruce branches. In addition, the most vulnerable part of the bush, the root collar, also needs protection. To protect it from the winter cold, burlap is used. The fabric is wrapped around the trunk of a young tree in two layers and secured with rope. It is necessary to protect plants until they reach the age of three years.

With the onset of spring, the crown is inspected for shoots damaged by frost. All dead branches are cut off, which allows the maple not to waste energy on their restoration. In the future, the crown will grow to its previous size due to the growth of young shoots, which next winter will have time to acquire a fairly dense bark.

Reproduction methods

The Ginnala maple reproduces in three ways:

  • seeds,
  • cuttings,
  • vaccination.

In the wild, fallen plant seeds undergo natural stratification, that is, cold treatment, during the winter, which allows them to germinate successfully in the summer.

It is quite possible to grow maple from seeds at home. This is done in spring or autumn.

At spring growing The seeds of the plant must be subjected to artificial stratification. To do this, the lionfish are placed in a container with moistened sand, which is then left in the refrigerator for three months. In April or May, it is time to plant seeds from a container into open ground. For better germination, they are soaked in hydrogen peroxide for up to three days. The first shoots can be expected within 15 days.

At autumn planting the seeds are naturally cold-treated. To do this, they are placed in as close as possible to the time of snowfall. landing hole to a depth of four centimeters with wings up.

At any time of planting, by the beginning of autumn, the young maple will grow 20-40 cm in height. Caring for it consists of weeding, loosening the soil and regular watering. In addition, in the summer heat the plant will require shading from the sun's rays. On permanent place growth, it is transplanted at the age of 1−3 years.

To propagate a bush by cuttings it is necessary to prepare cuttings from 20 to 25 cm long in the fall. Then the finished cuttings are winter period dug into the ground. In spring, young plants are planted one at a time in pots with a light soil substrate.

Ornamental maples are most often propagated by grafting. That is, bushes of the same species are either budding, that is, grafting with a bud, or copulating, that is, grafting with a cutting. In such cases, the height of the trunk is from 0.5 to 3 m. The best time For grafting, early spring is considered, when the plants have not yet begun to flow sap.

Use in landscape design

It will look very good in any park or garden hedge from low trees. Maple is also quite suitable for a single-row hedge., if you use large bushes, and for a two-row, if you plant the bushes lower. Besides the beautiful decorative effect, the hedge will serve as a good background for compositions of flowers and ornamental plants. Equally important is that this type of fencing creates good sound insulation and protects the area from prying eyes.

A variety of maple planting options allow you to choose the most suitable for each specific site and design. The unusually curved black trunk of the plant, crowned with a bright crown of foliage, looks very impressive against the backdrop of a perfectly manicured, smooth green lawn.

This tree is also actively used in landscaping. coastal zone natural or artificial ponds or lakes. The reflection of the maple tree in the water looks mesmerizingly beautiful.

Trimming allows you to create uniquely shaped bushes, which can give the area a unique look, and the unusual external beauty of the tree is successfully used by designers when creating garden compositions.

Combinations of Ginnala maple with other plants, for example, look great different types lilac, as well as with mahonia and barberry. The autumn foliage of the tree looks advantageous against the background coniferous trees with their dark color. It does not get lost among the autumn colors of other trees and shrubs.

Major diseases

Maple foliage is susceptible to the following diseases:

  • Powdery mildew. It looks like a white coating on the leaves. Appears already in May - June. By the end summer period the white dots turn yellow and then black. Even winter cold does not protect against the disease; it goes into the soil and, with the arrival of spring, infects new leaves.
  • White spotting. The disease appears on the foliage in late summer as multiple spots. white. In the center of each spot there is a focus of the disease - a small black dot.
  • Brown spot. A fungal disease affects the leaf in the first months of summer. It looks like brown and red spots.
  • Pink spot. The disease affects leaves on both sides. Its source is located directly under the spot.
  • Fungus Taphrina polyspora. Causes leaf deformation. Usually the sore spots turn black or dark brown.

The branches and trunk of the plant may suffer from diseases such as:

  • Wilt. This disease can kill a bush. The vessels of the trunk and branches become victims of the fungus, which deprives the plant of adequate nutrition.
  • Nectria necrosis. The disease attacks the bark and vessels of the bush. It spreads through rainwater and insects. This type of fungus can destroy maple trees.
  • Cytosporosis. This disease is indicated by the appearance of local necrotic lesions on thin trunks and branches. Often the affected bark becomes slightly lighter or darker.
  • Diplodia necrosis. It is identified by the appearance of black growths on the maple bark that are rough to the touch.

For effective treatment, it is important to detect the infection in time, which is why you should carefully inspect the tree weekly and remove its diseased parts in a timely manner.

As preventive measures the following are suitable:

With proper care, the Ginnala maple will decorate any park, garden or personal plot. All summer it will be a worthy part of the landscape design in the form of a luxurious green bush, and in the fall it will add bright colors to the garden palette with its magnificent crown.

Maple is a real decoration of any city park or garden. In summer, under the shade of its thick crown you can hide from the sweltering heat, and in autumn you can admire the unusually bright color of its foliage. One of the common species of this tree is the Ginnala Maple (Acer ginnala Maxim). Popular rumor ascribes to it miraculous properties that can resist evil spirits.

Botanical description of the Ginnal Maple

The Ginnal Maple is native to China, Korea, Far East and southeastern Mongolia. This plant was first discovered in the middle of the 19th century, after which it began to be cultivated in European countries, where it took root well.

The Ginnala maple is a fairly large ornamental shrub that can reach the size of a low tree (up to 6 m). The bush has a dense, tent-shaped crown. If the crop has only one trunk, then in this case the crown is presented in the shape of a cone. The crown size can be 5-7 meters.

Over the course of a year, the crop grows by about half a meter. The shrub begins to bloom only after the leaves bloom. Inflorescences - paniculate, multi-flowered, yellow color. The flowers are small, about 5 mm in diameter, round, flat. During the flowering period, the plant emits a pleasant aroma. The fruit of the Guinnal Maple is a lionfish measuring 3 cm. The color of the fruit can vary depending on the degree of exposure to sunlight: from green to bright red. The leaf is curly in shape, reminiscent of three connected blades, of which the middle one is elongated slightly more than the others.

The life span of Maple Ginnal is 100 years.

Advantages of Maple Guinnal

  • Frost resistance (only adult crops, seedlings are afraid of frost);
  • Unpretentiousness to soil composition;
  • Drought resistance;
  • Use in landscape design.

Planting the Ginnala Maple

Since culture refers to light-loving plants, the area for its cultivation must be light. Only slight partial shade is allowed, otherwise the plant will grow and develop poorly, and the leaves will lose their unusual color.

If on site groundwater located close to the surface, then in this case drainage is required.

To plant a Ginnala Maple seedling, you need to prepare the planting holes. It is not recommended to deepen the root system. The acceptable parameter is no more than 5 cm for varieties with a developed root system. The distance between the seedlings, so that they do not interfere with each other in the future, should be 2-4 meters. Ginnala maple in landscape design

Although the plant is unpretentious to soil, it is better to plant a young tree in fertile land. To do this, the soil can be fertilized with humus or mineral fertilizers.

Planting should be done in spring or summer.

Cultivation care

* Loosening, weeding. After watering, be sure to loosen the soil around the plant trunk. This will prevent soil compaction. Remove weeds as they grow.

* Feeding. The first feeding of the plant is carried out a year after it is planted. You can use fertilizers such as Urea, Superphosphate, Potassium salts, Kemira.

* Trimming. Conduct annually.

* Winter care. While adult plants tolerate frosts without pain, seedlings do not. Therefore, young plants must be covered for the winter. To protect the root collar, it is better to cover the seedlings with spruce branches. For slightly older plants, for example, 2-3 years old, it is recommended to wrap the trunk in two layers of burlap. In spring, it is better to remove frozen branches so that the young plant does not waste its energy on restoring them.

Infectious diseases

The Ginnala maple is very susceptible to various fungal diseases. Moreover, both leaves and branches with trunks suffer from pathogens.

Leaf diseases:

  • Powdery mildew. The first sign of defeat is white coating on the leaves. The cause of the disease is drought. Appears in summer. Gradually, the white dots turn first into yellow and then black. Remove affected leaves, as the virus survives even in winter time, already affecting the soil.
  • White spotting. The disease appears in late summer as white spots irregular shape with a small black dot in the center, which is the focus of the virus.
  • Brown spot. Brown and red spots appear on the leaves at the beginning of summer.
  • Pink spot. Pink spots appear on the outside and inside leaf.
  • Sheet deformation. This is caused by a fungal virus called Taphrina polyspora. Areas affected by the fungal pathogen turn black or brown.

Diseases of the trunk and branches:

  • Wilt. A dangerous disease that can destroy a plant. The fungus attacks the vessels of trunks and branches, preventing the plant from fully nourishing itself. The affected bush begins to gradually dry out.
  • Nectria necrosis. The virus infects tree bark and blood vessels. The Ginnala maple first begins to fade, and then dries out completely. The fungus is spread by rainwater and insects.
  • Cytosporosis. The fungus attacks thin trunks and branches. It is local in nature. The fungus-infected bark differs from the main bark in a light or dark tone.
  • Diplodia necrosis. The disease manifests itself as black, rough growths on the tree bark.

How to cure a fungus-infected Ginnala Maple?

To prevent the plant from being subjected to a large-scale disease, it must be inspected as often as possible and, at the first signs of damage, appropriate measures must be taken immediately. This includes timely pruning of the affected parts of the crop, as well as spraying with a fungicide solution.

An integral element of landscape design are ornamental shrubs And dwarf trees. They can be used as a background or as part of a single composition. Single plants also look good. All this applies to the ginnala maple.


Let's look at the ginnal maple, description. Its other name is river maple. As you can see in the photo, this plant has a bushy form. The height can vary from 3 to 5 meters. IN natural conditions this type maple can be found in Southeast Asia. Ginnala also grows in our country. The date of breeding of the variety is 1860.

The crown is spreading, tent-shaped, wide and dense. There can be one or several trunks. Specimens with one trunk have a cone-shaped crown. The diameter can vary from 5 to 7 meters.

The shrub looks most impressive in autumn. The leaves first change color to yellow, then to orange, and then to fiery red.

The leaf blades are three-lobed. Their length can reach up to 8 cm.

The flowers are small, collected in panicles. Color – cream. They emit a fragrant aroma.

The fruits have an elongated shape, resembling wings in appearance. The length of the lionfish is approximately 3 cm. The color is quite decorative, the intensity and tone depend on the degree of lighting. The color scheme can be either green or red.

Maple grows quite quickly. It adds up to 0.25 m per year in all directions. The life span of the bush is more than a hundred years. The ginnala maple is a subspecies of the Tatarian maple.

Maple care

Planting and caring for the ginnala maple is a fairly simple matter. Even a novice gardener can handle it.

This shrub is light-loving, so the place to grow it should be open and sunny. Partial shade is also acceptable, but in small quantity. A lack of light will lead to a decrease in the decorativeness of the plant.

There is no need to plant maple deep into the ground. The planting depth should not exceed 5 cm. Before this, the soil must be fertilized. Humus or any fertilizer is suitable as a top dressing. mineral based. If the soil on the site is excessively wet, then you need to take care of drainage. You can use crushed stone for this purpose.

The ginnala maple tolerates frost well. But young plants up to 3 years old require shelter for the winter. The root collar also needs to be protected from the cold. You can use spruce branches and burlap for this.

Once a year the shrub needs pruning. It is usually carried out in the spring. In March and April, the tree is carefully inspected and all branches and shoots damaged by frost are removed.

Watering maple

From the description of planting and caring for the ginnal maple in open ground, it follows that the plant requires regular and abundant watering.

In the summer, up to 20 liters of water must be poured onto one bush every 7 days. In the spring-autumn period, the watering volume is reduced to 20 liters once a month. To prevent the soil from compacting, it is necessary to systematically loosen it.

Maple fertilizer

You can fertilize the soil only a year after planting the seedling. Superphosphate, urea or kemira are suitable as fertilizers. It is also appropriate to use potash fertilizer.


Reproduction occurs:

  • by seed method;
  • cuttings;
  • vaccination.

Propagation by seeds

This method is used in spring or autumn. In the first case, the seeds must be stratified by first placing them in a pot with river sand, and then left in the refrigerator for 90 days. They are usually planted in open ground in mid-April or May.

If you want to improve root germination, then first soak the seed in hydrogen peroxide for three days. You can see the first shoots after half a month.

Autumn planting does not require stratification. It is produced late autumn, just before the snow.

Caring for seedlings includes weeding, loosening and watering. You will also need a shading device. Plants are transplanted to their permanent place of residence after a year or three.

Propagation by cuttings

The method involves planting pre-prepared cuttings up to 25 cm long. For the winter, they are buried in the ground, and only in the spring they are planted in separate containers.

Reproduction by vaccinations

This is the most common reproduction technology decorative maple. Vaccinations are divided into:

  • budding;
  • copulation.

The length of the trunk can vary from 0.5 to 3 m. Optimal time for the procedure - the beginning of spring.

Ginnala maple in landscape design garden plots used quite often. This is due to its aesthetic appearance. Therefore, if you are thinking about decorating your local area, then be sure to take a closer look at this ornamental shrub.

Photo of ginnala maple