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» When to water orchids at home. Watering and spraying orchids at home. How to properly and often water an orchid with garlic water

When to water orchids at home. Watering and spraying orchids at home. How to properly and often water an orchid with garlic water

Orchids amaze with their exotic beauty and sophistication. Hobbyists collect a whole collection of these flowering plants. The most unpretentious and popular orchid among gardeners is phalaenopsis.

To achieve stable flowering, you need to properly care for the flower. Great importance For proper maintenance of the plant, it has timely watering. Not all beginning gardeners know how to water an orchid at home. Their main mistake is that they often and incorrectly irrigate the plant.

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    When to water plants?

    Orchid does not like a lot of moisture. It is recommended to water it once every 7 days. Only in summer, when it is dry and hot weather, the number of waterings increases to 2 times a week. When the soil is moistened, they are wiped damp cloth flower leaves.

    It is convenient when the orchid grows in a transparent pot. In this case, you can monitor the roots, which change color depending on the presence of moisture in the container. If the color of the roots is green, then the plant does not need moisture. When the roots begin to lighten, watering is necessary.

    Soil moisture can be determined using a wooden stick. It is placed in the substrate for 15 minutes and then removed. If it turns out to be wet, then moisture is present in the pot and watering is not required.

    Experienced gardeners determine the presence of moisture by the weight of the plant. A dry flower is much lighter than a moistened one.

    Watering methods

    The choice of irrigation method depends on the condition of the plant, the composition of the soil, and the volume of the orchid pot. It is difficult to say which method is better. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

    In addition, each gardener prefers his own proven method. With any watering method, the water in the pot should not stagnate. This leads to rotting of the roots.

    Surface watering

    When moistened in this way, the water is evenly distributed over the surface of the substrate and the aerial roots. The liquid should not get into the internal leaf axils and leaf rosettes. The presence of moisture in these places leads to plant disease and death. After watering, excess liquid is removed using paper napkin or a piece of fabric.

    Water the flower in a thin stream until water begins to pour out through the drainage holes. After all the liquid has flowed out, re-irrigation is performed.

    After watering is completed, the plant is dried and placed in its usual place. Over the course of several days, the moisture will gradually evaporate.

    Irrigation of roots

    Root spraying is used when the plant is grown without a substrate. Water is poured into a spray bottle and the roots of the flower are sprayed. The drops should be very small, in which case the moisture will be absorbed quickly. If moisture absorption does not occur within 4 hours, the roots of the plant rot.

    Immersing plants in water

    This method of moistening the substrate is suitable for young and healthy plants. It is often combined with top dressing. To do this, fertilizers are dissolved in the liquid.

    An orchid in a pot is placed in a container with warm water. The edge of the pot should be slightly above the water level. Soaking the leaves and stems of the flower is not allowed. The soil is moistened through drainage holes. The advantage of this method is that the probability of hitting excess water into the substrate. If immersion watering is being done for the first time, it should not last more than 10 minutes. In the future, this time is 15-20 minutes.

    After the procedure is completed, the pot is removed from the water. Excess liquid must drain, otherwise there is a high probability of root rot and mold formation. After each flower is moistened, the water should be replaced.

    Using a hot shower

    In order to help the plant adapt after transplantation, it is useful to use a hot shower. A shower will help the flower feel good after moving it to a new place. At the same time, the leaves will be moistened and dust will be washed off from them.

    It is important to observe during the procedure temperature regime. The water temperature should be no less than 50 and no more than 70 degrees. More precisely, it is selected taking into account the acidity of the substrate.

    Using a pallet

    If there are several orchids, you can water them at the same time. To do this, flower pots are placed in one common tray into which water is poured. Plants take in as much water as they need.

    The advantage of this method is that flower care is simplified. The disadvantage of the watering method is the following: if one plant gets sick, the rest become infected.

    Water quality

    The health of a flowering plant depends on what liquid is used to water it. Ideal option there will be rainfall or melted snow. If this is not possible, then filtered tap water is used.

    The most simple option will use cooled boiled water. It is not recommended to use distilled liquid for watering, because it completely lacks mineral substances that are beneficial for the plant.

    Adding oxalic acid will help reduce water hardness..

    Adding to irrigation liquid succinic acid will do the following:

    • will accelerate growth;
    • will improve the substrate;
    • will improve the absorption of fertilizers;
    • strengthens the flower's immunity;
    • will speed up the process of photosynthesis.

    Regular watering alternates with saturating the soil with garlic liquid. To obtain it, 1 crushed clove of garlic is infused in 1 liter of water for 40 minutes. Garlic extract is used for the next watering. It is a fertilizer and protects the plant from pests and microbes.

    Watering a blooming orchid

    During flowering, more attention is paid to plant care. At this time he needs more moisture And nutrients.In order for the flowering to be bright and long, flower growers advise following the recommendations:

    1. 1. If an orchid blooms in spring or summer, then it needs to be irrigated every 3 days. If the buds appeared in winter, then watering is carried out 2 times a week.
    2. 2. Every day the plant is sprayed with a spray bottle. Moisture should not get on flowers and buds.
    3. 3. The temperature of a hot shower should not be more than 60 degrees.
    4. 4. You cannot move a flowering plant to a new place. This may stop flowering.
    • to liter plastic bottle add 1 tsp. castor oil;
    • The bottle is capped and the mixture is thoroughly shaken.

    The smallest particles of oil are mixed with water. Watering is carried out immediately after preparing the mixture.

    An orchid is a capricious plant, but if you properly care for it and water it properly, you can achieve stable flowering.

Evgeniy Sedov

When hands grow out the right place, life is more fun :)

Mar 2 2017


A very beautiful flower is the orchid, and many women collect entire collections of its varieties. Caring for it is not so easy: it is very demanding, therefore, if you always want to see beautiful buds like in photos from plant catalogs, then you should know many subtleties, including how to water phalaenopsis.

How to properly water an orchid at home

Depending on how much proper watering you provide for orchids, these plants will give you the joy of their beautiful inflorescences. The finicky roots do not like too much moisture, but are very sensitive to drought. The slightest delay - and you will lose the flower without a chance of recovery. A few recommendations about the frequency, time of watering and water quality can help you cope with this difficult task. Knowing the secrets of how often to water an orchid, you will help the plant grow and reproduce, decorating your home with delicate buds.

How often to water an orchid at home

Very often this beautiful flower begins to be loved and cared for too much, which often leads to its death. One of the main rules home care– do not flood the roots with water. Those who think that daily watering will be beneficial and the plant will delight again and again beautiful flowers, are deeply mistaken. How many times should you water an orchid? In winter, once a week is enough, and in summer, a couple of times in seven days. These numbers cannot be called accurate, since the conditions under which the flower is kept are always different, and you need to focus on them. In more humid climates, it needs to be moistened less frequently.

When to water an orchid

Define exact time Only the owner of the flower can water the orchid. You need to carefully examine the soil to see how dry it is. For this purpose, plants often buy transparent flowerpots so that you can clearly see the state of the substrate and understand when it has finally dried out after the last watering. This is very important: phalaenopsis does not like a lot of water. If your pot is opaque, you can check the soil by weight - the dried soil will become light. If we talk about the time of day for watering, then there is absolutely no difference.

What water to water an orchid

Another secret you need to know is what water to use to water your orchid at home. Never do this with hot, boiled or carbonated water. This indoor flower you need regular water room temperature which contains all the essential natural minerals and useful material. The hardness of the water should be adjusted and if it is too hard, it is better to leave it for about a day, and the sediment does not need to be poured into the ground. Soft water can be used to moisturize almost immediately.

How to water phalaenopsis orchids at home

There are many ways to water a phalaenopsis orchid at home. You can choose one or use different options. The main thing is to follow the basic rules: do not flood, do not moisten too often and wait until the substrate dries thoroughly before watering. Another subtlety is that during flowering the indoor plant needs a different amount of humidity, so taking this into account is also important.

How to water an orchid during flowering

As soon as your flower begins to bloom and opens fresh buds, you need to water your orchids more frequently during flowering. The drying process accelerates at this time. When a warm period begins, it is better for the soil to be moistened 3-4 times a week, depending on the local climate (in a more humid climate, three times will be enough; in a dry climate, this will have to be done more often). In winter, the flower needs to be watered up to 2 times a week, but if central heating very strong, you will have to constantly monitor the condition of the soil.

During flowering, the soil should not dry out completely. The humidity level should be slightly higher than usual. Remember that air must penetrate well to the roots, so make sure that the substrate is not too dense, but lies with gaps. Utensils made from clear glass, through which you can easily monitor the condition of the soil.

How to water orchids in winter

Regardless of whether phalaenopsis blooms or not, watering orchids in winter differs significantly from summer. Both the temperature of the room and the quantity play a role here. sundial. Depending on these factors, the frequency of watering should be reduced or increased. On average, you need to water a houseplant in winter a maximum of once a week, sometimes once every two weeks. It is up to you to determine when to water your plant using the methods described above.

Methods of watering orchids

One can argue endlessly about how an orchid should be watered. Each owner of this noble plant has his own - as it suits you. Each of the methods that will be described below has its own disadvantages and advantages, so it is necessary to take them into account when choosing one method or another. The main watering options are surface, submersion, hot shower or using a tray. The final choice will depend only on you, because some of the methods require considerable time.

Surface watering

Agronomists often argue about whether it is possible to water an orchid from above. The answer is clear: yes. The flower treats surface watering very well; here it is only important to know when to stop. With a thin stream from a watering can we water not the flower, but the substrate in which it lives. The moisture gradually fills the pot and then evaporates over a few days. This is the simplest and quick way glaze.

Spraying the leaves can be done daily, preferably in the morning, so that all moisture from the surface evaporates during the day. Do not overdo it with such bathing, otherwise the leaves will become dull over time. It is also recommended to pour the soil from above very carefully, literally as much as necessary to moisten the entire substrate. The water in the container should not stagnate, so make sure it comes out through the hole at the bottom of the container.

Watering orchids by immersion

One common method of watering is to immerse the orchid in water for a few minutes. A huge advantage is that the soil will not take up more water than it needs, so the risk of the flower flooding is reduced, although in a humid environment this is still a possibility. After the pot has been lowered into water for 20-30 minutes and pulled out, it needs to stand on a wire rack for the excess liquid to drain off. If you water several times this way different plants, then the water needs to be changed after each.

Hot shower for orchids

For quick adaptation after transplantation for propagation or when changing location, a hot shower for a phalaenopsis orchid would be an ideal restoration. This procedure can be performed once every 10 days, then the flower can be moved to a new place for it. A warm shower helps the plant adapt faster to new conditions, and it also removes dust from the leaves well. For those who do not like to wipe each leaf separately, you can use this method.

During the procedure, it is important to monitor the temperature: the water temperature should not exceed 70 degrees, but also not be less than 50. The optimal one is selected taking into account the substrate and the acidity that it provides to the plant. After bathing, you can leave the pots in the bathroom so that they can still soak in the warm steam. Here's another one unusual way, how to water an orchid and let it grow and multiply.

Watering orchids in a tray

Another way is to water orchids in a tray. To do this, you need to select the size of the pallet according to your window sill or shelf on which the flowers stand. All pots are placed directly into the container, and during watering you just need to pour water into it. The flowers themselves will drink as much as they need. This type of care is especially suitable for those who do not have time for time-consuming care. Water can be poured into the trays from a watering can or glass. The peculiarity is that you moisten all the plants in this container at once.

Video: Proper watering of orchids

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Orchid is very delicate flower requiring you increased attention. That is why you need to know how to water an orchid and provide it with proper care. Failure to follow the rules is the surest road to the death of an elegant flower.

Required Tools


Often, when purchasing an orchid, we water the flower too much and too often, and then we wonder why the plant rots. One rule applies here - it is better to underfill the water than to overfill it. The basic law that applies to this flower is to water it when the soil is 100% dry, and root system will dry out.

There is an opinion that watering should be done strictly once every 7 days - this is completely wrong. The time it takes for the soil to dry directly depends on many factors, including air temperature and humidity levels, lighting in the apartment, and the size of the pot. By the way, many people are concerned about what kind of water to water an orchid, because it is both a source of nutrition for the flower and a method for regulating temperature.

In their normal environment, these flowers feed on rainwater, but even a child knows that rainwater in the city differs in characteristics from rainwater in tropical forests.

How to prepare water for plants?

To answer the question of how to properly water an orchid, first of all, you need to remember the rules for preparing water. After all, the life and growth of your beloved green pet will depend on its quality. So, water for a flower should be either soft or moderately hard. Checking the level of hardness using technological methods is a rather expensive procedure. However there is one home method: Hardness can be determined using a regular kettle. The faster scale forms on the bottom, the harder the water level.

To reduce this indicator, you will need ordinary oxalic acid, sold in any flower stalls. Take a 5 liter bucket, pour water into it, and pour half a spoonful of the product into it. The liquid must be infused for 24 hours, after which the water is carefully drained so as not to disturb the sediment from oxalic acid.

In order for orchids to develop normally, it is important to take into account the acidity of the water. Ph5 is considered the optimal level. If the indicator is below optimal, then it can be increased lemon juice– for a liter bottle, a few drops are enough. No need to water the plants cold water– the ideal liquid temperature is approximately +35 °C. Having grown beautiful orchids, you can engage in such a pleasant procedure for every plant lover as.

How to care for and water an orchid: methods

There are several methods of watering a flower, each of which has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. To choose the most appropriate one, you should first familiarize yourself with each method, learning their main characteristics.

  • The most effective method is a hot shower, which almost exactly replicates natural watering conditions. The experience of gardeners proves that this method allows the plant to grow green mass faster, the plant blooms more and more often. Regular showering will reduce the risk of pests and diseases. However, it is important to remember that the hot shower method is only suitable for those who have soft water coming from the tap. To apply the method, place the flower pot in the bathroom, after which it is watered from the shower with a small stream of warm water. Watering time depends on how quickly the substrate gets wet. When the soil gets wet, leave the flower alone for 15-20 minutes - this will help the excess moisture leave. After about an hour, you can wipe the leaves and sprouts with a dry soft cloth, removing excess moisture.
  • Another method is immersion, when a flower pot is immersed in liquid. After you dip the plant, you need to let the water drain completely. Do not forget that this method is only suitable for absolutely healthy plants..
  • The third method is using a watering can. IN in this case Water from a watering can must be carefully poured over the surface of the soil, avoiding getting on the leaves and avoiding liquid getting into the growing points. You need to water until liquid begins to seep out of the holes in the bottom of the pot. After 5 minutes, repeat the procedure, making sure to drain all excess water.
  • If we are dealing with orchids that grow without soil, then spraying the root system is best for them. It is advisable to spray during the day so that the root system is dry by the evening. As you can see, in order for an orchid, the care and watering of which is quite labor-intensive work, to please with its beauty, it is necessary to follow all the above rules. Only in this case will this capricious and delicate flower live long.


The question of how often to water an orchid is perhaps the most worrying for all owners of this plant, because this stage of caring for it is very different from caring for conventional plants. What's so special about it?

How to water an orchid?

An orchid is an extremely delicate and sensitive flower. To care for this plant, proper watering is very important, in the absence of which it will first cease to please you with its lush flowering, and then it will completely wither. This process consists of many specific subtleties, because methods of moisturizing that are quite suitable for other types of indoor plants are simply contraindicated for orchids. There are several basic methods for properly watering this flower. Let's look at them in more detail.

Immersion method. To water in this way, take a bucket or deep basin and fill it with warm water. Now lower the pot with indoor plant into the container so that it is completely immersed in the liquid. Such bath procedure for an orchid it can last about half an hour. After this time, remove the plant and let the water drain from the leaves. This watering method is extremely convenient and saves both time and water. However, it can only be used if the flower does not have any damage or disease.

The watering can method is the simplest and most common method of watering orchids. It is recommended to do it in the afternoon. Use thin streams of water to moisten the entire area where the plant is located. It is important that the liquid does not end up on its leaves. Water the soil until the excess begins to come out of the special holes at the bottom of the pot.

Root spraying is suitable for orchids growing on blocks. Fill a spray bottle with water at room temperature and thoroughly spray the roots of the plants. This procedure is recommended to be carried out before lunch.

Methodology warm shower was invented in order to maximally display the effect of tropical showers, usual for the growth of orchids. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the plant, promotes its growth and frequent flowering. And it is done extremely simply. Place the pot in the bottom of your bathtub and direct a gentle shower stream of warm water at the plant. It is recommended to carry out procedures several times during the month, and their duration can be up to fifteen minutes. At the end of the process, to remove excess liquid, the leaves of the plant must be wiped with a piece of dry soft fabric.

What kind of water and how often should you water your home orchid?

If you water an orchid with ordinary tap water, this tropical and rather pampered plant will quickly fade away and, of course, will not please you with colorful blooms. That's why caring owners you need to take care of the quality of water to moisturize the orchid. In doing so, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • temperature for watering should be about thirty-five degrees, it can be higher, but not lower, since the plant is extremely heat-loving;
  • acidity level (pH) – should not exceed 5, it can be reduced by adding lemon juice to the water;
  • softness – tap water It is characterized by quite high hardness, which is detrimental to orchids; it can be softened with oxalic acid (0.5 tsp per 5 liters of water) or using a cleaning filter.

It is almost impossible to give a definite answer how many times a week or month you need to water an orchid. The mode and frequency are selected individually. This is primarily due to the rate of drying of the soil, substrate, and the root system of the flower. And it depends on a number of others associated factors. These include:

  • degree of illumination;
  • pot sizes;
  • air temperature;
  • substrate size – it is believed that a large substrate dries faster, and a small one retains moisture longer;
  • degree of exposure to sunlight;
  • general humidity level;
  • Atmosphere pressure;
  • the composition of the substrate - for example, sphagnum moss or coconut chips retain moisture much better than, say, pine bark.

You can create an individual watering schedule by carefully observing the orchid. Make sure that the soil base does not dry out and that the soil always remains slightly moist. However experienced flower growers They say that overwatering is more dangerous for an orchid than underwatering. With excessive moisture, the roots of the plant begin to rot, which leads to its rapid death. You can determine that a flower needs watering using a simple test. Touch the soil in which your indoor orchid grows with your finger. If the soil remains dry at a depth of three centimeters, this means that it is dried out and the plant needs to be moistened.

General rules and features of watering

Experienced plant growers have identified a number of general rules for. For example, in a warm room with dry air, the plant should be watered more often than in low temperatures and high humidity. And on particularly hot days, it is also recommended to spray the orchid leaves with a spray bottle and humidify the air in the room. In general, moisturizing in the summer months should be more intense and frequent than in winter.

I would like to determine after how many days it is better to water the orchid, but even experts give a very vague answer. On average, it should be watered once every 5–13 days, focusing primarily on the degree of soil moisture. Irrigation should be quite rare, but plentiful. It is recommended to water orchids that grow in a large pot less often than others. This is due to the fact that moisture stays longer in a large container. And since excess moisture is detrimental to the root system of plants, you should definitely make small holes in the bottom of the pot through which excess liquid will come out.

To regulate humidity, you can put a couple of centimeters of expanded clay on the bottom of the container - a special substance that has the ability to absorb large amounts of water and then release it.

An orchid in a clay pot should be watered less often than a plant in plastic container. This is due to the fact that in a plastic pot the soil dries out unevenly, as if from top to bottom. Wherein upper layer The substrate may seem dry, but there is still enough moisture underneath. When watering, water should never fall on the flowers. And during intensive stem growth, the plant requires more frequent and abundant moisture.

The vagaries of different varieties of orchids and at the flowering stage

Watering frequency indoor orchid largely related to the variety and variety of this plant. Large orchids in large tubs are recommended to be watered approximately once every 10 days. Miniature plant varieties should be moistened after 2-3 days. Epiphytes grow on blocks, practically without soil - they should be moistened by daily spraying of the roots. In addition, once a week you should moisten the block itself with water and spray water from a spray bottle into the air.

The Phragmipedium variety requires permanently waterlogged soil. Therefore, it is recommended to water this type of orchid every day. Varieties such as miltoniopsis, paphiopedilum, vanda, and wulstekear thrive well with a sufficiently moist substrate. Watering these types of orchids should be done every 5–7 days. Caring for epidendrum and ludizia depends on the time of year. The presented varieties need intensive moisture during spring and summer period, but in autumn and winter months you should switch to a moderate watering regime.

Orchids of such varieties as encyclia, coelogina, brassia, catleya need abundant weekly irrigation, regardless of external circumstances. However, such plants need to dry thoroughly between waterings. Phalaenopsis – ideal variety for beginner orchid lovers. You can determine its need for moisture by the color of the roots. As long as they are green, the flower does not need irrigation. Dendrobium orchids are watered only when the soil is extremely dry.

Watering this type of plant, such as calantha, has a pronounced seasonal character. So, in the spring and summer months there is a period of rapid flowering of orchids. At this time, the flower needs daily irrigation. In autumn, when the plant sheds its leaves, its watering stops for about a month and a half and resumes with the appearance of the first green shoots.

During the flowering period, orchids in most cases require more frequent and intense moisture. The frequency of watering increases almost 2 times, and on average they are desirable after 3–4 days. It is very important for the well-being of the orchid that water does not get on its leaves and flowers. To prevent this from happening, pour water from a watering can, directing the stream directly to the roots of the plant. The best time to water a blooming orchid is in the morning.

The orchid family includes 28 thousand species growing in different conditions. Tropical orchids prefer substrates consisting of bark, while European orchids grow in the ground, like ordinary flowers. Their growing season and moisture requirements also vary greatly.

Therefore, it is very important for an orchid grower to know how to water each orchid. specific type. After all, if a tropical one requires a constantly moist substrate, then Mediterranean terrestrial orchids can withstand a six-month dry period.

Terrestrial orchids are heavily dependent on symbiotic fungi and wild specimens taken from nature into pots without large quantity land surrounding a wild flower is impossible. In addition, terrestrial orchids are protected.

Stores sell hybrids of tropical orchids and, much less frequently, wild specimens from tropical forest. Store orchids belong to species that are preferred and high humidity. To grow these plants, you need to know how to properly water an orchid at home during the growing season and during dormancy.

In nature, plants feed on rainwater, drawing the necessary substances from a poor nutrient medium: rotten wood. This water is similar to distilled water. To water orchids at home, the water must be specially prepared. The water coming out of the taps is too hard and unsuitable for these plants.

Orchid growers come out of the situation in different ways. Some collect rain or melt water, others use a filter, and others acidify the water with high-moor peat or oxalic acid. It is also necessary to observe the temperature regime. Water for irrigation is taken at least 30, but not more than 35°C.

Orchid in nature

How to determine the required watering frequency

The question of how often you need to water an orchid for each type of plant is decided individually. Each orchid has its own regime and method of watering and its own preferences. Plants differ not only in the frequency of watering, but also in the method of obtaining water.

One part of the flowers loves a constantly moist substrate. Another prefers to water them only after they are completely dry. Still others prefer daily irrigation. Moreover, in general, orchids are plants that prefer short-term drought to too much watering.

The required frequency of watering is determined by a combination of factors:

  • type of orchid;
  • season;
  • period of flowering or dormancy of an orchid;
  • soil dispersion;
  • air humidity level;
  • a pot or block is used to grow a flower.

The amount of watering of such orchids as, and some others, is better in terms of the presence of perspiration on the walls of a transparent pot and the color of the velamen on the roots. If there is moisture on the walls, watering is not necessary. There is no condensation - the flowers need watering. Green color velamena shows that the plant has enough moisture. Whitened roots indicate the need for watering.

Phalaenopsis orchid roots before and after watering

Odontoglossum, and prefer watering after the substrate in the container has completely dried. In this case, it is more convenient to determine the need for watering by the weight of the pot and wooden stick, stuck into the substrate. When the substrate is completely dry, the pot becomes very light and the stick is completely dry. This means the plants need watering. Using a stick, it is convenient for novice orchid growers to determine at home whether drought-resistant orchids require watering.

Flowers growing on blocks require more frequent watering than those growing in pots. Larger pieces of substrate dry out faster than smaller ones. You can slow down the drying of the soil by adding agrovermiculite, which can absorb water up to 500% of its own weight.

Which is grown with an open root, requires daily irrigation with a hand sprayer. When grown on blocks, water is added during irrigation to compensate for the lack of minerals.

How often to water orchids depends on the season and growing season. In summer, flowers are watered 2-3 times a week. In winter, watering is reduced to once every 2-4 weeks. If the apartment is heated well, orchids are watered more often. A signal of insufficient watering will be the leaves shed by the plant, since with a lack of moisture the plant tends to reduce the area of ​​evaporation of moisture, which is the leaves. It is impossible to oversaturate the soil with water; the roots of the plant may begin to rot.

Methods of watering orchids

There are several ways to water orchids:

  • shower in bath;
  • from a watering can;
  • “swimming in a basin”;
  • using a pallet;
  • spraying the roots.

Bathing in the shower

Most natural method simulating tropical rain. The shower is very suitable for phalaenopsis. Plants are placed in the bathtub and given a good watering using a shower head. You definitely need to watch what water to water your orchids with. Water temperature 40 - 50°C. After watering, the leaf axils and growth points of phalaenopsis and vanda are wiped dry; orchids rot if the water stagnates in these places. In phalaenopsis, it is important to ensure that the growing point does not rot, otherwise the plant will die.

Watering by soaking

Use only for orchids that love wet soil. The flower in the pot is placed in a basin of water and left for half an hour. After “swimming”, take it out and let the water drain. Phalaenopsis really likes “swimming in a basin.” It is very good to carry out such watering of orchids in the summer, when it can be difficult to keep track of the rate of drying of the soil. Especially in abnormal heat.

Watering orchids by soaking

Watering from a watering can

One of the most simple ways, often practiced by orchid growers. Warm water from the spout of the watering can is carefully poured onto the substrate, trying not to touch the root collar. The substrate should be completely saturated, but since the soil for orchids does not absorb water well, the liquid flows into the pan. There is no need to delete it. Either the water will evaporate on its own or will be absorbed back into the soil.

The disadvantage of this method is uneven wetting of the substrate. Above, the soil remains too dry, and below, the roots of the plant have every chance of rotting from excess water. Advantage: ability to water blooming orchid without affecting leaves and flowers.

Watering in a tray

The method saves the owner’s time and is suitable for plants during the flowering period. Used for flowers standing in a row on long surfaces. Proper watering there may be in pallets in the best possible way for the owner who does not have the opportunity to spend a lot of time caring for plants.

Before pouring water into the pan, add the necessary ones. Pallets are selected so that the roots of orchids do not suffocate when immersed in water. The disadvantage of this method is the possibility of plants becoming infected from each other by pathogenic microflora. But this only happens if there are several pots of orchids in one tray.

Spraying the roots

This method is applied to orchids growing without a substrate. Thanks to velamen - a special coating of aerial roots that can absorb moisture - epiphytic orchids can capture rainwater without being immersed in the substrate. How often to water an orchid grown in this way will have to be determined using a hygrometer and the color of the velamen. In this case, you will have to take into account the type of flower. If the plant is moisture-loving, it should be sprayed every day.

Spraying the roots of an orchid growing without substrate

Moisture requirements during flowering

With the beginning of the growing season, orchids' need for moisture increases. Preparing to bloom, the plant begins to require increased nutrition. Watering orchids during flowering is different from watering at other times of the year. Flowering plant water under the roots, without touching the leaves and flowers. If the humidity in the room is low, you can carefully spray the leaves of the plant, trying not to get on the flower itself. But general rules Not suitable for all orchids.