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» Moldings in the interior. An inexpensive way to make your home unique. Moldings in the interior to separate the wallpaper Gray walls with white moldings

Moldings in the interior. An inexpensive way to make your home unique. Moldings in the interior to separate the wallpaper Gray walls with white moldings

Designers of the 21st century began to use moldings to visually divide space, as well as create zones in a room, for example, in a children's room, when you need to separate a place to sleep from a work or play area. The decoration of wall surfaces with the help of moldings is the most popular technique, since the solution is new, unusual and quite attractive. These products add some relief to the appearance of the walls, which is required for the formation creative interior. The peculiarity of the materials is that they are very easy to work with, and they are far from expensive, which simplifies repairs.

Over the past ten years, wallpaper with moldings has become in great demand, they can be found in almost every home. With the help of these decorative elements, you can not only decorate the surface of the walls, but also perform the function of separation. To be more precise, it is the molding that is used to combine different materials, types and colors of wall decoration.

If unusual and originality is required, then moldings are what you need.

In some interiors, you can find the separation of wall zones, one of which is painted decorative paint, and the other is covered with wallpaper. Inserts, decorated pictures, as well as home-made panels can be framed with a molding, thanks to which they will be separated from total area walls and become more attractive. Mostly designers use moldings in styles such as baroque and classic.

Different styles for the kitchen? Why not. We have selected a few good options for you:

Wallpaper with molding in the interior

If the decoration of the room is carried out from several types of wallpaper, then the space will be divided into zones and make the room visually more spacious.

Zoning with moldings is especially popular in small apartments, where each resident needs their own corner.

In order to choose a molding, it is worth familiarizing yourself with its variety and what it is made of, as this can affect the external data of the cladding, the durability of the repair, and the overall design development.

There are many types of materials from which moldings are made. Studying them will help you make a better decision.

What are moldings made of?

  1. Gypsum moldings are needed for decoration, and they are installed on the surface of walls, ceilings and in the spaces between them. They are attached using a material such as alabaster, which has excellent adhesion and performance properties.
  2. Decor made of polyurethane is attached to acrylic adhesive and after installation it is painted in the required color.
  3. Wooden slats, corners and narrow panels can be fixed with glue or nails. Such elements will perfectly fit into any kind of room, regardless of the style of decoration.
  4. Metal moldings are mainly used to trim the corner of a step or threshold. Basically, it is installed with additional fasteners connecting the corners with the cladding.
  5. Plastic molding is found wall and corner, as well as plinth, the installation of which is not so difficult to figure out.

At the moment, self-adhesive moldings have appeared on sale, which can be made from any material. Among these products are border tape from a rubber cloth, as well as groove elements, the installation of which does not require much effort.

What wallpaper to choose in the hall? How to choose them so that the room has changed beyond recognition? You will find answers to these and other questions in the following article:

Wall decoration with wallpaper and moldings

Before dividing the space and starting to glue the material, you should pay attention to the finish of the molding, since it depends future view premises.

Types of molding finishes:

  1. White molding looks great on dark walls. With the help of such products, it is possible to decorate not only the wall surface, but also the doorway, ceilings and furniture. With the help of white molding in dark rooms, you can create coziness and comfort, which is sometimes so lacking there. Some prefer to choose complete combination trim colors and moldings, which will also be advantageous, but the most important thing is not to overdo it with innovations.
  2. Pastel color moldings are great for the living room to form a focal point for paintings and family photos. In addition, these products are also suitable for highlighting a recreation area, watching movies or a hookah.
  3. Colored moldings are sold in a wide range, and it is possible to pick up what your heart desires to create the most unimaginable room design that will impress even the most picky critic.

Moldings can be glued to almost any surface, namely:

  • For door and window openings that have the same shade as the product. This allows you to create a complete composition and comfort in the room.
  • On the surface of the wall to decorate it and separate the two zones, or to finish the corners to prevent them from rubbing and deformation.
  • To decorate the ceiling covering, through which it is possible to visually raise the height of the room and make the room more spacious.

At right choice moldings and a competent approach to work, you can quickly achieve a positive result. A competent calculation of the dimensions of the product itself and the parameters of the area to be finished will be required. You also need to carefully choose the combination of material with glue. It was then that the molding would become not just a finishing material, but an excellent addition and decor to the room.

How to glue moldings on a wall with wallpaper

You can install the molding different ways, but it all depends on the severity of the product and on the surface on which the material will be attached. As a rule, to calculate the number of moldings, you need to find out the size of the room and divide it in half. This is how the length of one molding will be revealed.

Fastening is carried out by:

  • Gluing on wallpaper, and the surface must be even, without depressions and bumps;
  • Pasting the surface cleared of wallpaper, before which puttying, priming and grouting is necessarily carried out.

Painting molding (video)

High-quality installation of moldings allows you to make the room attractive and original. If you start pasting the space masterfully from the corner of the room, then the installation will be difficult, but the quality is what you need to get during the repair work. Modern finishing materials allow you to work wonders in rooms of any purpose, but the most important thing is their quality and preliminary design of the work.

Moldings for separating wallpaper in the interior (photo)

Each of us wants to make our own home beautiful and unlike any other. For this there are many design ideas and solutions.

One of the ways to create stylish interior design in the apartment is to use moldings - overhead decor elements.

With the help of decorative moldings, you can solve a variety of designer tasks. Habitual pasted over wallpaper the walls take on a completely different look, complete and complete.

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Types of decorative moldings

Gypsum moldings

Moldings are made from different materials. It could be:

  • gypsum;
  • Styrofoam;
  • polyurethane;
  • plastic;
  • marble;
  • wood.

Gypsum good because they do not change color over time, they are easy to restoration.

Foam and polyurethane moldings are resistant to drops temperature regime and to increased humidity.
For this reason, it is these moldings that are often used on kitchen and in bathroom room.

The only disadvantage of moldings from can be called insufficient strength, they are subject to mechanical damage. But they inexpensive, and also easy to install.

Moldings - trims

Depending on the purpose, moldings of various forms, including:

  • planks;
  • panels;
  • plinth;
  • cornices;
  • framework.

Note: for decorative finishing of columns, arches and creating complex geometric shapes flexible moldings are used. Such moldings are made from polyurethane mixed with rubber.

What functions do moldings perform in the interior?

Ceiling decoration with moldings

Moldings in the interior can decorate ceilings, walls, door and window openings, and furniture. Since the moldings different on form and at the same time they can be absolutely any in color, then we can safely say that they are easily fit in in any interior.

If you paint the moldings gilding and appropriate style, you can recreate the atmosphere of the era classicism, and with the help of dark contrasting panels located in the corners of the room - give your home flavor east.

But there are other goals that can be achieved using moldings. For example, hide some defects walls. Moldings will help divert attention from irregularities and in combination with visually make the surface practically ideal.

They are also used to cover joint between ceiling and walls (so-called ceiling plinths and cornices). Moldings are also applicable for additional protection wallpaper (eg. outside corners archways).

Basic techniques for decorating walls with moldings

Imitation of panels and columns

Imitation of columns in an apartment

Moldings are perfect not only for decorations interior, but also for visual extensions space.

Since it is known that vertical elements visually increase the height of the ceilings, then to create this effect, you can use various types of panels that imitate columns, for example.

Or connect the ceiling space and wall space with skirting boards the same color as the ceiling.

Separation of different materials

molding elements

Often with the help of moldings do separation in wall decoration different materials or one, but different in color and texture. For example, when used companion wallpaper(how to paste wallpaper of two types, read). Places them horizontal joints decorated with molding panels, which are then painted in a suitable color.

Creating Rhythm Sections

Creating Sections with Wall Moldings

Moldings are also used to divide space into sections.

This approach is well suited for one-room apartment or studio apartments, in which there is a need to divide the space into zones.

Additional line of ceiling baguette

The use of moldings on the ceiling

This decorative technique can be used indoors with high ceilings.

Along the perimeter of the room, just below ceiling baguette, located over thin molding.

The strip formed by these decorative elements can be pasted over with the same wallpaper, as the rest of the wall surface, or contrasting.

Framing photos and decorative elements

Pictures or photos are also framed with moldings

A very popular way to use moldings in the interior is framing photographs, paintings, mirrors, and other decorative items.

There are special framework, that stick to the wall. They can be painted in any color, and choose the shape that suits you. style interior as a whole.

Important: before fixing the moldings, it is necessary to make an accurate calculation and marking, and if a complex composition is planned, apply the drawing to the wall completely.

In order to gluing molding there were no problems, it is necessary to follow the sequence of actions:
    • sand its surface, and this will contribute to better adhesion of materials;
    • choose the right one glue. Everything will depend on what material the moldings are made of. For lightweight foam plastic, either PVA. Moldings from polyurethane glue on a special mounting adhesive or gypsum stucco molding must be fixed either on polyurethane glue or on a special gypsum mortar. For wooden planks are suitable for fastening with nails;
    • necessary outline for yourself a place to install the moldings, and then carefully glue them. The glue dries in about 5 hours;
    • after drying surplus glue is removed, and the seams are carefully puttied;
  • when everything is completely dry (it will take about 12 hours), it will be possible to start painting the moldings and

Often on forums on the Internet they ask the question: “How to glue moldings on wallpaper? Basically, lungs moldings can be glued to the wallpaper, but undesirable. Firstly, it is impractical, and secondly, to cope with such jewelry work is not for everyone, because it is necessary to accurately calibrate amount glue, so that there is no excess, and also thoroughly coat the seams. Yes and with painting moldings glued to the wallpaper, there will be difficulties. To do everything carefully, without staining the wallpaper, very difficult.

As we see region The use of moldings is very wide. It's interesting and unusual decor element, performing several functions in the interior at once. moldings adorn room, expand it visually, divide into zones, hide imperfections of surfaces. Moreover varieties so many moldings that everyone can choose suitable shape and size, quality and price.

How to glue ceiling cornice, look at video:

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Many years ago, designers different countries used moldings in the decoration of residential premises and for the decoration of furniture. Since then, this element has been either in demand or forgotten. Today, decorative molding has again burst into designer fashion. Therefore, we suggest that you find out in more detail what kind of material it is, what it is made of and how to use it in the interior.

What is molding?

Molding is a decorative element that looks like an overhead volume plank made of various materials. Usually its length starts from two meters. The width of the molding can be completely different - from one to more than ten centimeters.

In the context, this decorative element can also be different: flat, convex, carved, curved, with many small additional details, and so on.

Types of molding according to the material of manufacture

To date, decorative molding, depending on the material of manufacture, can be of the following form:

  • Styrofoam. This is the cheapest and most common type of decorative elements. They are very light and highly resistant to moisture. There is also a very large variety in appearance. In work, foam molding also does not cause difficulties. The only drawback of the material is that it is quite easy to spoil it.
  • Polyurethane. Such a molding is lighter than gypsum, but stronger than foam. At the same time, it is also quite budgetary and is represented by a wide range. There is even a flexible polyurethane molding that allows you to create a finish of any shape.
  • Wood. This is an environmentally friendly, but expensive type of molding. He has a wonderful decorative look, hard surface but not resistant to moisture.
  • Marble, plaster and metal. These species are not widely distributed as they are quite expensive, heavy and difficult to work with. Basically, these types of moldings are used to create interiors and facades of houses in a historical style, where new technologies are inappropriate.

Styrofoam and polyurethane moldings are the most in demand and have a lot of positive feedback. Consumers note that, in addition to a good price, they have a wide range. You can choose a suitable surface that has already been processed or decorate it at home on your own. This is not very difficult to do, so you can not resort to the help of builders.

Self-adhesive decorative molding is in special demand. Many say it is easy to use and does not require special knowledge and skills. Self-adhesive molding has the appearance of a border, and it is made of rubber or plastic. Most often used in the bathroom to mask the joint between the tub and the wall.

Where can moldings be used?

Decorative molding in the interior is used for:

  • breaking walls into separate sections;
  • masking defects and finishing errors;
  • masking joints between wallpaper, wall and ceiling, wall and door frame;
  • creating objects that attract attention;
  • protecting walls from unexpected damage;
  • creating a frame around small windows to visually enlarge them;
  • creating cornices and various;
  • giving an interesting appearance to furniture;
  • creating unusual skirting boards, as well as doors and arches.

Depending on the application, there are decorative moldings for furniture, walls and ceilings.

ceiling molding

This molding is different kinds moldings and plinths. With their help, you can not only interesting decor ceiling, but also mask irregularities and defects in the finish. For finishing, products made of foam or polyurethane are most often used.

Ceiling moldings may have different shape and width - from flat to convex and embossed, from narrow to very wide. You can paint them the color of the ceiling or give them a completely different shade.

wall moldings

This type of moldings has a fairly wide range of applications. They are used not only for various but also as a surface around doorways, arches and windows. There are a huge number of options for wall elements: narrow and wide, even and convex, smooth and embossed. Decorative is selected based on the size and style of the room, as well as the shape and color of the plinth.

The most commonly used strips are foam and polyurethane. With their help, various zones are usually distinguished on the wall, which are then glued bright wallpaper or painted in a different color. That is, with the help of decorative moldings, they create frames for bright accents in the interior.

There is also a special kind of decorative strips that resemble columns. They are quite wide and embossed. The top and bottom parts have a special decorative look. With their help, you can not only complete the interior in classical style, but also mask serious coating defects.

Styrofoam or polyurethane door and arch moldings are a more budget-friendly alternative to wooden architraves. They can be the usual rectangular or oval and even curly. You can also make them completely different colors.

Molding for windows is most often used in white. With it, you can visually enlarge small windows and mask the joints between the slopes and the wall.

Furniture moldings

Furniture decorative molding is used to decorate various carpentry products. It comes in three types: smooth, textured, metallized. The latter helps to create an imitation of furniture, entirely or partially made of metal.

With the help of furniture moldings, you can update old ones and create designer interior items without any special material costs.

Because the main function molding is the decor of the room and interior items, then when installing it, you need to work very carefully so as not to damage the surface of the plank and not leave any marks on it.

Decorative elements are fastened most often with the help of a special adhesive composition based on silicone. Many note that with its help it is very easy to install on flat surface not only foam and polyurethane moldings, but also metal ones. On porous walls or ceilings, decorative panels are fastened with liquid nails.

To make the whole process easy and the end result amazing, it is important to consider their appearance when installing moldings. Flat panels are much easier to work with. Just cut the corners where necessary and carefully glue.

When your panels have a figured look, you must first make the markup. To do this, attach the molding to the appropriate place and carefully circle it with a thin pencil line. Then glue the decorative elements clearly along the contour.

If we analyze the reviews of those who used moldings in their interior, it turns out that:

  • the most popular slats are foam and polyurethane;
  • for a budget price, you can easily create interesting design, emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws of the surface;
  • if you work carefully, you can easily cope on your own.

Pick up suitable option and decorate your home the way you like!

Wall moldings are a fairly simple and affordable solution to create a truly sophisticated interior and add stylish and bohemian shapes to the environment.

What are moldings?

Wall molding is a decorative element and a multifunctional detail that allows you to hide imperfections and flaws in the surface, perform visual zoning of space or act as a separator between different finishing materials.

Volumetric planks of various shapes and widths effectively replace stucco molding and bring luxurious and respectable notes to the room at low cost.

With the help of moldings, you can create panels or frames. Similar interior design, looks very elegant. This decor is also perfectly combined with different finishes walls in the form of wallpaper, plaster, paint, natural wood or mdf.

The photo shows the interior of the bedroom with a wall decorated with moldings in the form of a headboard.

What are the types?

The choice of the type of moldings for the walls depends on the type of room and on the style of the interior.

  • Wood. Differs in small weight and simple installation. Wooden decorative details do not emit toxic substances and therefore can be used to decorate a children's room. Due to the beautiful natural pattern and naturalness, such moldings have high aesthetic qualities and are perfectly combined with identical wooden wall cladding.
  • Gypsum. Massive gypsum decor, associated with stucco and palace decorations, harmoniously fits into classical interiors, and also complements such styles as the Renaissance or Rococo.
  • Metal. Due to the polished surface and strict execution, aesthetic and original metal moldings are often used in modern design in loft or high-tech style.
  • Polyurethane. Flexible polyurethane products allow you to design a rounded, radius or curved wall surface. Such straps are easily bent and fixed in any desired position.
  • Plastic. One of the popular types of moldings, which is characterized by low cost, low weight and high moisture-resistant qualities. Elements made of plastic or foam are suitable for rooms with any microclimate and functional purpose. In addition, plastic models have a diverse tint palette from bright acid color to deep black.

The photo shows painted metal moldings on the wall in the interior of a loft-style bedroom.

To budget option also includes moldings made of mdf or polystyrene foam.

The photo shows a bedroom with a wall decorated with white polyurethane moldings.

How to place on the wall?

Taking into account all the placement rules, a competent combination of the size and shape of the planks, many planning flaws in the room can be corrected.

Basically, moldings are placed on the walls horizontally or vertically. Also, with the help of these elements, repeating blocks are created, due to which the space becomes visually more voluminous. With the help of narrow rectangles in the form of vertical frames or half-windows pointing upwards, the ceiling in the room will look higher. For visual adjustment of proportions small room, you can pick up wide decorative skirting boards to match the ceiling and place them on the walls in a horizontal position.

The photo shows an asymmetric arrangement of wall moldings in a modern interior.

With the help of moldings, they almost always create whole compositions that include frames or interestingly intertwined planks. For example, for certain sections of a large wall plane, you can use a symmetrical design, so the design will take on a beautiful and expensive look.

The photo shows rectangular blocks of moldings on the wall above the head of the bed.

For a room with a high ceiling and light-colored walls, traditional rectangular sections of moldings are suitable. With the use of curved planks, semicircular arches or window imitation can be formed.

The photo shows the interior of a bedroom with a wall decorated with chaotic molding frames.

Examples in the interior of rooms

Thanks to the moldings, it turns out to make a stylish accent on the wall and bring a certain rhythm to the atmosphere.

Moldings in the kitchen

The wall composition of decorative strips allows not only zoning kitchen space, but vice versa harmoniously combine different areas with each other.

The photo shows gilded moldings in the design of the wall near the dining area in the interior of the kitchen.

In the kitchen, moldings are often found in the decoration of arches or doorways, this design gives expressiveness to the entrance. A window will look no less beautiful, complemented by wide slats along the perimeter.

Moldings in the interior of the living room

The walls in the living room, with the help of planks, are divided into symmetrical blocks that are decorated with mirrors, paintings, artistic bas-reliefs, hanging shelves or wall sconces. In the interior of the hall, you can use moldings to separate wallpaper or other materials of different textures and shades.

The photo shows a small living room in beige tones with walls decorated with narrow molding frames.

These elements are also perfect for framing a doorway, a column, or even a TV area.

An insert with wallpaper, decorated with moldings along the perimeter, can not only become the main accent of the room, but also highlight a certain piece of furniture in the form of a spectacular chest of drawers, an aquarium or a decorative fireplace.

Photo of moldings on the wall in the interior of the bedroom

For decoration with moldings on the walls in the bedroom, narrow slats in pastel colors are suitable. On a light wall surface, darker inserts framed with thin, discreet planks look spectacular. In the middle of the section, you can place a picture, stucco elements and other volumetric decor.

AT large bedroom interesting solution will be the zoning of the room into separate functional areas. Due to the molding on the wall, it will be possible to divide the room into a sleeping area and a workplace or dressing room.

Favorably emphasize the interior composition and the overall design intent, a wall with a molding frame that repeats the size of the bed.

On the picture different types wallpaper separated by moldings in the interior of the bedroom.

Moldings in the interior of the corridor or hallway

Moldings are most often used to highlight front door. Embossed elements can decorate a mirror with wall lamps. AT small corridor, not involving the installation of a cabinet, the planks can designate an area with hooks and a clothes hanger.

The photo shows white moldings in the design of gray walls in the interior of the hallway.

Interesting options for moldings on the walls of the stairs

Planks glued in a horizontal position not only diversify the wall cladding, but also adjust the height of the flight of stairs.

The photo shows a flight of stairs with gilded moldings on the walls.

Moldings on the walls in the children's room

Thanks to such decorative elements that have different textures and reliefs, you can create a fabulous atmosphere in the children's room. The interior with walls decorated with moldings in bright colors will look very original.

The photo shows painted walls decorated with plain moldings in the interior of the nursery.

How do they look in different styles?

Molding decor in the design of walls in rooms in different styles.

Photo moldings in a modern style

For the modern interior trend, modified varieties of metal and plastic slats are used, which frame individual sections, make out corners or joints. Thanks to such a delicate decor, it turns out to decorate plain walls and enliven the surrounding space using the minimum number of elements.

The photo shows a living room in a modern style with colored moldings on the wall.

Interior design in classic style

In the classics, luxurious golden, silver or patinated strips with a relief texture will look advantageous. Classic design involves natural wood moldings or white plaster models.

The photo shows light moldings on the walls in the interior of a classic bedroom.

Neoclassical examples

For elegant neoclassicism, moderate decor with wall moldings, distinguished by strict geometric shapes and unobtrusive ornaments, is suitable.

The photo shows a neoclassical living room with rectangular moldings in the interior to separate the wallpaper behind the sofa.

Photo gallery

Moldings on the walls transform the usual cladding, add originality and special aesthetics to the interior, and also visually adjust the proportions of the room.

When decorating walls and ceilings in the house, we usually use traditional materials: decorative panels, plaster, as well as wallpaper and paint. However, with a creative approach to the problem, moldings are already being used. These seemingly unremarkable and unsightly building products can turn even the most inexpressive corners of the house into an original piece of architecture. What are moldings, where can they be used, what materials are they made of and how to use them in the interior to separate wallpaper?

Moldings and their types: gypsum, polyurethane, foam, etc.

Molding is an overhead decorative element resembling a relief plank. With your curly or flat view, the product can cover the joints between the finishing materials or at the same time be beautiful decor in the interior. In addition, with the help of moldings, you can zone the walls and give individuality to the premises. They visually expand the rooms and raise the ceilings.

In the manufacture of decorative elements today, quite a variety of materials are used, which determines their feature and scope:

  • Gypsum moldings - wide and massive, have the form of stucco and are used to decorate the interiors and facades of buildings. They also arrange upper part buildings, even despite the significant mass of gypsum moldings.
  • Gypsum products are rarely used today, since new technologies have entered the market that imitate any materials and allow you to create any form.

  • Wooden moldings decorate the walls of buildings made of identical material. When using this decor as cornices and architraves under the roof, the moldings are decorated with carvings for different styles.
  • Wooden moldings are not used for finishing exterior walls and bathrooms.

  • Metal moldings. making out modern interiors in high-tech style, entrance groups and house facades usually use such decor. It is distinguished by restraint and has a beautiful relief and pattern.
  • Polyurethane moldings. Among other types of products, this is the most popular material that looks more advantageous on the ceiling. It is wear-resistant and durable, and the relief ornaments on its surface are more pronounced and clear.
  • Gypsum. Thanks to plaster moldings, you can create a voluminous, beautiful stucco molding. You should not install the product yourself, because there are difficulties in doing so.
  • Foam moldings. Most cheap option similar products, which is poorly combined with varnish, detergents and solvents.
  • Marble moldings are used in the design of buildings and interiors, which are aimed at creating various historical styles where it is impossible to use modern technologies. Marble moldings look great, but they are not a popular product when decorating ordinary apartments.
  • Name of moldings Advantages Flaws
    GypsumBeautiful, ubiquitous useDifficult to install, heavy, brittle, does not tolerate moisture
    WoodenPleasant appearance, environmental friendliness, easy processingHigh cost, moisture instability
    metalStrength, used for finishing thresholds or stepsThe need for additional fastening
    PolyurethaneResistance to damage and temperature extremes, ductility, reasonable price, durabilityWhen burning, they emit acrid harmful smoke. Cannot withstand strong mechanical loads
    StyrofoamMoisture resistance, lightweight, light weight, low price and easy installationInsufficient strength and service life, easily damaged, poorly joined, puttied and painted
    MarbleGreat lookHeavy weight, high price, not available for sale
    plasticLightweight, bendable, rot-proof, light weightThey break during installation, are afraid of open fire, emit harmful substances

    Also, moldings differ in purpose:

  • Ceiling products are designed to design a neat joint between the ceiling and the wall. There are 2 types: complex and simple, and they are made with stucco and different patterns. Their width can be different depending on the style of the interior. For high rooms, wide moldings are used, in small ones, simpler variations.
  • Floor - moldings are used to hide the seams between the walls and the floor.
  • Wall - combine products with wallpaper or simply impose on the walls, thereby creating a frame or pattern in the required area. Also, thanks to wall moldings, you can create decoration in the room on the surface of the wall. They come in a variety of lengths, colors and shapes.
  • arched and door products used to mask the joints between the door frame and the wall. They are curly, rectangular, and also oval. Such products hide the flaws of the arch or just for decoration.
  • Furniture products are used for decorating various joinery products, as well as upholstered and cabinet furniture. There are 3 types: metallized, textured, and smooth.
  • Moldings in a modern interior

    Moldings also differ in their location:

  • Embossed products are able to partially or completely cover ceilings or walls;
  • Moldings that cross a particular area;
  • Framing of interior details - openings of windows or doors, stoves or fireplaces, paintings or mirrors;
  • In the seams between the various surfaces of the room.
  • At the same time, the goals when using moldings can be varied. So, for example, with their help you can hide wall and ceiling defects, irregularities, cracks, as well as visually correct the flaws in the geometry of the room.

    Moldings with a relief and a golden frame give the interior of the room an atmosphere of luxury, antiquity or renaissance. Medieval style will help to make dark moldings. Light shades of products are perfect for Provence and Country style. Grey colour, "metallic" and "chrome" can become part of the high-tech design.

    Thanks to products that resemble platbands and photo frames, you can focus on especially important details in the interior. Pseudo-columns can be used to zone the rooms of an apartment - a studio. Great way to create unique interior with the help of moldings - this is the creation of "pseudo-panels". They visually divide the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls and ceiling, after which they are painted in a variety of colors.

    When using moldings, follow these rules:

  • Use wide and large products in large rooms, while numerous and artsy details are welcome. A small molding will not look good in a room of more than 50 squares, and stucco molding with patterns will simply “crush” a small room.
  • Do not install wide ceiling products in rooms with low ceilings, since light moldings will become more appropriate here.
  • The proportions of the room should correspond to the molding, for example, in a low and wide room, elements are installed that “look” up: panels, trim for doors, and so on. This will help visually "raise" the ceiling.
  • In addition to the size and dimensions of the room, consider the number of different interior items in it. If there is a lot of furniture in the room, then do not install luxurious moldings that will not make the interior harmonious.
  • Application for wallpaper separation

    Before you start zoning a room and wallpapering it, pay attention to moldings, since the type of interior being designed depends on them.

  • White moldings look great on dark walls. With their help, decoration of furniture, ceilings, doorways and wall surfaces. Also, an identical combination of shades of moldings and trim becomes a winning option.
  • Light-colored planks work well for a room where you can focus on family photos and paintings. These products are also suitable for highlighting different areas, for example, a hookah.
  • Colored decorative elements are used to create an unusual interior.
  • With high ceilings in the room, a double line of moldings is often used - a wide plank is glued end-to-end to the ceiling, behind it there are colored wallpapers, the boundaries of which are determined by a narrower decorative element. The main shade of the interior is created by wallpapers that are glued below.

    Creating a comfortable atmosphere in the room, it is worth using several types of wallpaper in soft colors. The boundaries between them are separated by a polyurethane molding.

    wallpaper in large rooms, in addition to the separation between the ceiling, they are often distinguished by a frame on the wall using moldings. When creating such an interior, it is recommended to hang lamps, paintings, family photos, mirrors or other filling details within the frames. Also, within the framework, you can paste wallpaper in colors with a common interior.

    In rooms of a large area, you can divide the wallpaper into sections, which are limited to molding. Such decor looks great in the design of a studio apartment, when there is a need to divide one area into different zones, thereby giving the interior an individuality. In cafes, restaurants and banquet halls wallpaper is also divided by moldings in a similar way.

    For classic interior gold-plated decorative strips are suitable, giving the room a unique look. In the interior oriental style often used moldings dark colors that complement the interior.

    With light wallpaper, cream, beige or golden palette of the room, moldings of similar shades are perfectly combined, however, use them carefully so as not to make the interior too bright and oversaturated.

    Wall and ceiling decoration in the living room, bedroom and other rooms

    Wall and ceiling moldings are used only if there is a need to divide it into zones or break up an unattractive large surface into beautiful sections. Then, if desired, each of them can be painted in the desired shade, pasted over with wallpaper, highlight the texture or hang pictures.

    Noticeable decor

    Moldings are decor that should stand out, so a thin strip of lath on the seam between the wall and the ceiling will not add beauty to the interior. But you still can't do without it. A low ceiling will not visually lower a wide molding down, but you will get a greater effect if you paint the product in the desired shade.

    Color game

    A molding of the same color may not always fit the snow-white walls and ceiling. AT this case you can break the rules. Make the main focus on the decorative element by highlighting it in color and size. Dark molding will do bright interior concise and strict, but dark objects (accessories, frames) should be present in it.


    Ceiling moldings can hide inexpressive curtain rods. And the lamps that you hide under the ceiling behind the cornice will create diffused light.

    In a room with a flat ceiling and walls are not used Wall panels, since the best effect will be created by properly selected moldings. Thin planks are attached to the wall in a regular rectangle.

    With the help of moldings, you can create thematic images, ornaments or fancy drawings on the ceiling and walls. They also decorate multi-level ceilings or create additional volume.

    Framing windows and doors with moldings

    An excellent example of the appropriate and correct use of moldings is the design of window and door openings. Often, openings are decorated pompously and pretentiously, but today moderate decoration with moldings has come into fashion. The usual is the design of windows and doors with products with different profiles and several of their types. Thanks to this, you will create additional volume and emphasize the architecture of doors and windows.

    When visually expanding the openings of windows and doors, moldings are also used, which are installed around the perimeter and painted to match the frame. Among other things, they will make the opening expressive and hide the joints between the window and door frame and the wall. Multicolored, carved, wooden or self made moldings will give the window and doors a unique look. They can also be curly and even, but they must match the style of the window.

    Selection of individual elements

    Moldings only initially seem monotonous and boring, but the right approach, due enthusiasm and imagination will help transform every detail in the interior. It can be collages, paintings, photographs, wallpaper or wall sections.

    Painted moldings transform the frame from an outdated mirror into an updated piece of room décor. Embossed rather than smooth moldings are suitable for such purposes. They are also used to decorate false fireplaces and electric fireplaces.

    Decorative panels and paintings will look much more beautiful if they are placed in moldings. A good solution is to create frames with wallpapers inside that differ in color. In baguettes, you can install mirrors that will make the interior interesting.

    Moldings are also used to frame arches, stairs and furniture, since without them it would be extremely difficult to design such large-scale structures.

    The use of moldings in the interior

    Moldings are an integral part of interiors in a classic style, which give the room elegance and solemnity. However, in modern houses these decorative elements were used in the form of decorations and in parallel as a functional item:

  • TV frame;
  • Hanging shelf;
  • Photo stand;
  • Shelf for books;
  • Shoe holder.
  • It is especially convenient to use moldings for shoes with heels - fasten several planks in one row on the wall. Thanks to this, you will make the interior more attractive and will be able to use the stand for its intended purpose. Also moldings can be used as bookshelves. In this case, take care of reliable fastening.

    For hinged shelves wide moldings are bought, which are installed in the bathroom, and they serve as a stand for hygiene accessories.

    Photo gallery: options for using moldings for decorating a room

    Baroque interior with gilded moldings Wooden ceiling moldings Arched moldings in the interior of the corridor Furniture moldings in the interior of the kitchen Floor moldings in the hallway Bright accent in the corridor with lamps Decorative moldings in the bedroom interior Moldings over the fireplace as decoration Ceiling moldings with embossed pattern Wide ceiling moldings in the interior of the living room Wall moldings in the interior of the kitchen Facade moldings on the building Ceiling and door decorative moldings
    Moldings in the interior of the restaurant blue tones
    Moldings as wall division in English style

    Moldings in various interior styles

    For decoration different surfaces in a room decorated in one style or another, the same types of figured or embossed moldings can be used, however, there are situations when it is necessary to select a certain version of their pattern.

  • Baroque - this style usually uses decorative moldings that have a floral relief ornament. With their help, create an overall picture in the design of the room. Planks are easy to tint different shades. This style should be dominated by a light palette of moldings, so consider purchasing gold, beige, cream or white moldings. They should be strictly symmetrical to the center of the ceiling and be decorated with a chic rosette under the chandelier.
  • Provence with its warm colors provides comfort in the room, conducive to relaxation and pleasant rest. Creative individual compositions are applicable in it, so you can use moldings that are simple in shape and with an elementary relief. At the same time, they are painted in shades that are in harmony with the main colors in the design of the room. This direction involves framing with moldings not the main wall area, but different joints. It is also possible that they different combination in color, shape and width.
  • Classic style is different high ceilings with arched windows. Also, carved interior decoration and tinted wood furniture are inherent in this style. Therefore, it is necessary to select the reliefs of moldings according to an identical principle.
  • In the Scandinavian style, moldings are used to decorate the floor, ceiling, as well as window openings and arches. At the same time, the slats cannot be the main element, but only an auxiliary one, which should emphasize the accuracy of the interior of the entire room. Moldings are covered with shades close to the main color of the room design.
  • AT mediterranean style moldings are used in all possible variations with clear identification on the surface. This style also involves framing ceilings, doorways and arches in light colors. This will greatly help visually expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.
  • The interior in a romantic style suggests the presence of light or pastel colors that look great with white moldings decorating furniture and walls. They are usually fixed on built-in wardrobes, ceiling, arched openings, walls and niches.
  • In the English style, it is necessary to use products with clear reliefs. At the same time, the installation of moldings can be carried out on built-in furniture, walls, and even completely cover the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdecor elements.
  • AT american style moldings should be used very sparingly without frills. Traditionally, with their help, they simply divide the walls into lower and upper spaces. Planks will visually increase or decrease the space of the room.

    Video: Decorative moldings in the interior:

    Video: an overview of interiors with moldings

  • In every style of interior there is an area where moldings can be placed, but consider the design of the room, and choose the planks taking into account the configuration, color, quantity and location of their installation. Moderation should always be present, since the excessive use of decorative elements or their inconsistency with the style of the interior will lead to disastrous consequences.