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» What pillow to sleep on if you have cervical osteochondrosis. What orthopedic pillows are needed for cervical osteochondrosis? Comfortable pillow for sleeping with cervical osteochondrosis

What pillow to sleep on if you have cervical osteochondrosis. What orthopedic pillows are needed for cervical osteochondrosis? Comfortable pillow for sleeping with cervical osteochondrosis

Many patients are interested in how to sleep with osteochondrosis. Such an unpleasant disease as osteochondrosis is a problem office workers, car drivers and other people who are forced to sit a lot in uncomfortable positions.

How should you sleep with osteochondrosis?

This disease requires long-term and thorough treatment, because the consequences of osteochondrosis can be paralysis of the limbs, heart attacks, strokes, hypertension and other extremely life-threatening pathologies.

There are 4 types of osteochondrosis depending on its location:

  • cervical;
  • chest;
  • dorsal;
  • lumbar.

In addition to medication and physiotherapeutic treatment, and for greater effectiveness, it is worth reviewing some of your habits. For example, it is very important to sleep properly with osteochondrosis.

Such a seemingly trifle as the position in which you sleep plays a huge role in the success of the treatment of osteochondrosis and in the further avoidance of its exacerbations.

Let's look at how to sleep with osteochondrosis. The first and most important item for people suffering from osteochondrosis of any part of the spine is a mattress. The right mattress will not hurt people with a healthy spine, ensuring the prevention of back diseases and simply providing the highest quality rest for the entire body during sleep.

When choosing a mattress, you should pay attention to its hardness. A mattress that is too soft will not be able to ensure the correct position of the spine during sleep and will thereby aggravate the general condition of the ligaments and intervertebral discs, causing increased pain.

A mattress that is too hard will also not allow the body to take the correct position.

Is it good to sleep on the floor?

There is a misconception that you should sleep on a hard mattress, and some wonder whether sleeping on the floor is beneficial for osteochondrosis. The answer to this question is clear - no. This is due to the fact that hard surface cannot provide the correct S-shaped position of the spine for a person lying on his back, and cannot bend under the shoulder and pelvis while sleeping on his side. Under such conditions, the muscles and ligaments will be under tension, and the pain will intensify.

The ideal mattress for sleeping is a medium-hard mattress, preferably orthopedic, that is, able to adapt to the curves of a person’s body, regardless of the position in which he sleeps.

In addition to the mattress, you need to pay attention to the pillow. In specialized stores you can purchase an orthopedic pillow that:

  • ensures correct head position;
  • relaxes the muscles and ligaments of the neck;
  • will help improve cerebral circulation.

When the pillow and mattress are chosen, all that remains is to figure out what is the correct sleeping position for people suffering from osteochondrosis.

How to choose a sleeping position with osteochondrosis?

Let's look at how to sleep properly with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. For people with this diagnosis, a sleeping position is suitable: lying on your back or on your side in the fetal position.

It is recommended to sleep in the same positions if you have osteochondrosis of the neck. Lying on your back relaxes all the muscles of the body, with the exception of the legs, but in order to relax them, you can put small pillows or a bolster from a sheet under the knees and lower back. Thanks to such supports, the lower back will bend, then all parts of the spine will take the correct position, and the patient will be able to relax completely. This pose is not suitable for people who suffer from problems such as difficulty breathing, snoring, apnea, etc.

This position is suitable for sleeping with thoracic osteochondrosis and neck disease, in addition, it is ideal for people with lumbar osteochondrosis. Lying on your back using the right pillow helps normalize cerebral circulation if the latter has been impaired, which increases the flow of oxygen to the brain.

But a person cannot sleep motionless all night. The fetal position is another option on how to sleep better with cervical and osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. In this position, according to scientists, you need to sleep on your left side due to the structural features of the human esophagus, the location of the cardiac aorta and liver, the functioning of which will be impaired when lying on the right side. In this case, these organs become displaced, and they cannot work properly while the person is sleeping.

How to get into the fetal position correctly:

  1. Lie on your left side, leaning on your left shoulder and pelvis, slightly bend your knees and move them towards your chest.
  2. If this position is not very comfortable for you, you can extend one leg and leave the other bent.
  3. In addition, you can put a small pillow between your legs in the hip area - this will relieve tension from the pelvic muscles and relax well.

For problems with the lumbar spine, in addition to the fetal position and the sleeping position lying on your back, sleeping on your stomach is acceptable. In this position, the load is removed from the lower back, but in this incorrect position the ligaments and muscles of the neck are very stretched. This can injure them and lead to cerebrovascular accident. It is better to use the position lying on your stomach not during sleep, but to lie down and rest when pain in the lower back worsens or simply when it needs to be relaxed.

So, if you have been diagnosed with osteochondrosis of one or more parts, in addition to the treatment prescribed by a neurologist, you should also take care to ensure a comfortable position for the spine at any time.

During the day you need to maintain your posture; if you cannot do this yourself, buy a special corset. And at night you need to learn to sleep properly. To do this, you will have to suffer a little from problems falling asleep in the correct, but unusual position. In addition, it is necessary to replace sleeping area, or rather, change the mattress and pillow to orthopedic ones. It would also be a good idea to start leading more active image life and reconsider your diet.

Changing your habits will be more difficult than buying a new pillow and mattress, but rest assured that your efforts will be worth it.

Cervical osteochondrosis is a dangerous disease that, when in a prolonged position, provokes pinching of the nerves and arteries in the affected area.

Doctors recommend that such patients use special orthopedic pillows. This will help relieve pain, eliminate migraines, and improve blood circulation. How to choose the right pillow? Which pillow is better for cervical osteochondrosis and is it safe and comfortable for sleeping?

What are orthopedic pillows for?

Due to unusual shape and the filler pillow for cervical osteochondrosis has a positive effect on the body during sleep. It promotes the correct position of the vertebrae, thanks to which the neck muscles and spine relax at night. It has a preventive effect and can be used as an additional method of treating chondrosis.

Only high-quality materials are used to make the product, which reduces sweat production from the skin and improves air circulation around the head. A person on such a pillow gets enough sleep, feels comfortable and burgundy throughout the day.

In addition, it is important that a person sleeps in the correct position. What should it be like?

  • The patient sleeps in the fetal position.
  • The shoulder should rest against the mattress.
  • A small pillow is placed under the head.
  • You can sleep with cervical osteochondrosis on your back, but with your legs bent.

If you have problems with the cervical spine, then you should not sleep on your stomach.

What characteristics should a pillow have?

Doctors recommend only two types of neck rolls. It is a crescent shape and a rectangle with convex edges. It is easy to find a comfortable sleeping position on them that will not have a negative impact on your health.

Crescents sleep on their back, they fix the position of the neck and relax the muscles. They do not lose their original shape even after prolonged use.

How do you know what kind of pillow you need? Before purchasing, you should carefully inspect the pillow to see if it will be deformed by the weight of your head.

If the roller is high, you can harm your neck and accelerate the development of the disease.

Many people think that it is better to sleep without it at all, but this is not true. In this case, the muscles do not relax and are constantly tense, which increases compression of the artery.

It is better if the product is filled with a memory effect component. It will quickly restore its shape after use. For those who sleep on their back, it is better to choose products with latex. Fillers with latex springs hold the head well. They do not cause allergies. Independent spring block also holds the spine well during sleep. In such a cushion, the springs recognize a point load.

Gel-based rollers also evenly distribute the load and make sleep comfortable, providing micromassage and cooling the surface of the head and neck.

Sleeping on orthopedic products takes time to get used to.

What to look for when choosing?

  • The head lies in such a way that the person’s muscles relax.
  • The spine takes the anatomical curves of the spine.
  • The height is calculated as follows: one centimeter is added to the shoulder width.
  • The classic shape is better for back sleepers.
  • For a person who often turns over in his sleep, a product with bolsters is better suited different heights.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Sleep is more comfortable.
  • Migraines disappear.
  • Relaxes the neck muscles.
  • The product remains fresh for a long time.
  • The head sweats less.
  • A person breathes easier due to the position of the body.

On a latex pillow, the pain may intensify and neurological pain may occur.


What should a sleeping pillow be like?

  • Polyester fiber
  • Polystyrene.

What types of pillows are there?

Such products are divided into 3 groups:

  • Tough. Necessary for those patients who prefer to fall asleep on their side.
  • Medium firmness is more suitable for sleeping on the back.
  • A soft pillow provides better support for the stomach sleeping position.

According to form

  1. Rectangular with recess. This is a laconic design of the product that gives comfort when sleeping. As you use the sleeping pillow, it does not lose its shape or become deformed.
  2. Roller in the shape of a horseshoe (crescent). This option is good for traveling in the car, or can be used at home. It fixes the neck well and does not deform. These rollers have a soft degree of hardness.
  3. Oval with rollers of different heights. This type of product is best suited for patients who prefer to sleep on their side with cervical osteochondrosis. She holds her head and neck well.

To size

To calculate the width you need to measure the mattress. These two quantities must be the same. On average, this parameter is 30–50 cm.

The height of the product varies from 6 to 16 centimeters. The optimal pillow has a height of 10 to 14 cm. If the patient has wide shoulders, then it is recommended to select a hard mattress. A difference of 1 to 2 cm does not matter and does not affect the quality of sleep.

One of the most successful materials is Tempur filler. It recognizes point loads, is quite rigid and comfortable for long sleep.

Budget and economy solutions

The cost of a pillow starts from a thousand rubles, but in this case it’s worth considering how high-quality the material is in the product.

If you have osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, then you should take a closer look at more models costing from one and a half to two thousand rubles. They are usually filled with latex or other expensive materials. The covers are made of good fabric and can be soaked in aloe juice. The service life of such models can be up to 3 years.

Pillows costing more than two and a half thousand are considered expensive. They are made entirely of latex.

How to sleep properly?

Often the clinical picture of manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis depends precisely on the position in which a person sleeps.

  • The patient lies on his back, bends his legs. In this position, the spine relaxes. If the legs are straight, then the muscles of the lumbar region are constantly tense.
  • A man lies down, resting his shoulder on a hard mattress. The head is placed on the cushion, the legs can be bent.
  • The patient lies in the fetal position, rounding the back and pulling the legs towards the chest. If desired, place a cushion under the knees. The spinal muscles quickly relax, followed by an improvement in well-being.

But doctors do not recommend sleeping in this position, because the neck muscles are tense, and compression of the arteries and blood vessels occurs. A person suffering from cervical chondrosis may have a headache, fatigue and weakness. In rare cases, cerebral ischemia begins.

Prophylactic use

The use of such a roller is possible as a preventive measure.

Watch a useful video on this topic


Cervical osteochondrosis cannot be cured completely, but can only be stopped temporarily. One of these methods will be an orthopedic pillow, which, with the right choice of parameters, material, and rigidity, will help relax muscles during sleep and relieve pain. The correct pillow is selected according to its height; it is important that its filling is natural and does not cause allergic reactions.

The roller can also be used for preventive purposes.

Orthopedic pillows– a useful attribute for both adults and children. They are a wonderful prevention of many diseases, and also turn into an indispensable travel companion, brightening up long journeys in a sitting position.

Most would agree that getting enough sleep gives you a boost of energy throughout the day. And important in this process is the right bed and pillow, which will ensure healthy sleep both at home and while traveling. Correctly chosen sleep attributes not only help normalize sleep, but also help you forget about problems such as pain in the spine, joints, and also relieve migraines.
An orthopedic pillow for the cervical spine is very important, in particular, with a diagnosis such as osteochondrosis. What is the ideal orthopedic pillow for sleeping? Which types should you prefer, and which manufacturers are trustworthy?

Specifics of orthopedic pillows

When the human body is in an upright position, muscles and ligaments are responsible for the correct position of the body. But during sleep it can take any position. This is why doctors do not recommend using high pillows or stacking one such sleeping item on top of another. After all, such a head bed places the neck in the wrong position, and this contributes to spasms of its muscles and leads to headaches. At the same time, for example, an orthopedic pillow-collar for the neck (both at home and while traveling) will help relieve the cervical spine and neck muscles, fixing the vertebrae during sleep, and, therefore, will give you complete rest.

In addition, orthopedic pillows are made from a material such as memory, which is endowed with the property of remembering the shape of the human body due to the heat it generates. However, you should be aware that orthopedic pillows are not remedy with osteochondrosis of the spine, protrusion or torticollis. Its goal is rather the prevention of these ailments. For example, with osteochondrosis of the spine, protrusion or torticollis, the transition to such a pillow must be gradual and, perhaps, some of the diseases will first need to be stopped in advance.

Types of pillows

Products are often classified according to the following criteria:

  • by form;
  • by size;
  • by filler;
  • by age category.

The usual medical types of orthopedic pillows are rectangular and cushion-shaped. Thus, a rectangular orthopedic pillow, which is used to prevent osteochondrosis and protrusion, often has a recess for the head and it is very important that the head does not fall into this opening, since over time this will deform the neck. When choosing a pillow with a roller, you should make sure of its ability to maintain its shape. Good product almost immediately restores its original shape. In addition to these types, you can also find horseshoe pillows, made from two bolsters, with a recess for the shoulder, or from interconnected rectangles.

If we talk about pillow filling, it can be either synthetic or natural. In the first case, latex, polystyrene foam, memory foam, polyurethane or biofoam are used. Such pillows, in addition to providing good sleep and supporting the cervical spine, have several more positive qualities: they are durable, not susceptible to insect attacks, ventilated and hypoallergenic.
However, connoisseurs of naturalness may also give preference to natural fillers. These include buckwheat and rice hulls, as well as hop cones. Although such pillow fillers are often difficult to get used to, they are nevertheless perfectly distributed over the surface and help calm the human nervous system during sleep.

Often the dimensions of an orthopedic pillow are 30–50 cm in length, 20–70 cm in width and 6–14 cm in height. However, when choosing such an item, you need to be guided by one rule: the width of the pillow should correspond to the width of the shoulders of its owner. If we talk about the classification of pillows according to age criteria, then they are:

  • for newborns;
  • for older kids;
  • for adults.

Orthopedic pillows for children are recommended by doctors from 18 months. However, with torticollis, this attribute for sleep has been used since infancy. By using orthopedic products, parents guarantee their baby deep sleep, and at the same time they can be sure that his neck and its vertebrae are developing normally and definitely do not have a headache.

How to choose an orthopedic pillow?

When choosing a similar item for your needs, in addition to the specific characteristics, you should pay attention to the manufacturer of this attribute. After all, a time-tested manufacturer will be able to offer a truly high-quality product. To navigate among the huge number of manufacturers, it is better to consult your own doctor, or you can pay attention to the manufacturers’ ratings.
It should be noted that such a rating has existed on the Internet for a long time and this is an excellent recommendation for an ignorant buyer. The clear leaders among manufacturers of orthopedic pillows include:

  • Christian Fischbacher;
  • toscana Gomma;
  • kauffmann and Hefel Textil AG;
  • rolmatrazze;
  • hulsta;
  • ascona.

It should be noted that in Lately Orthopedic pillows “Magic Sleep” have become increasingly popular. These are products special form made of memory foam, which gently and reliably support the neck and head during sleep. The bolster of the “Magic Sleep” pillow can be of different heights and is equipped with a recess for a more comfortable head position. Also, “Magic Dream” products provide:

  • correct position of the head and spine;
  • eliminate displacement of the vertebrae that affects the neck;
  • remove numbness in the hands;
  • the neck, whose muscles are in spasm or excessive tone (for example, while traveling on a bus), acquires the necessary relaxation;
  • in addition, the Magic Sleep attributes are used to recover from cervical spine injuries.

Of course, it is better to buy such things either in pharmacies or in trusted specialized stores. In such places you can always count on qualified help if you still have difficulties making a choice.

Is it possible to make such a pillow yourself?

However, it is not always possible to purchase such an attribute from a renowned manufacturer, or there is simply no point in spending money on an expensive model (for example, when traveling, when your neck hurts unbearably from sitting for a long time). In such circumstances, such a thing can be sewn with your own hands. However, before you start making an orthopedic pillow with your own hands, it is better to consider some points:

  • to correctly determine its height, you need to measure the distance from the shoulder joint to the neck;
  • the product should be low if a hard mattress is used;
  • if a person usually sleeps on his back, then a low and hard pillow is preferable;
  • For sleeping on your stomach, a low and soft product that will not tire your neck is better.

Ideally, if the hand-sewn pillow is made from natural materials, moreover, this is true both for the materials of the product and for its fillers.

It is optimal to choose a “bone” shape that will help not only during travel, but can also serve in everyday situations. If you make it in the form of a roller, then it is more appropriate when it is double-sided, in two parts different sizes. This product will be universal for almost all family members.

In a situation where a hand-sewn pillow turns out to be uncomfortable during use, it is likely that partial removal of the internal filling can solve the problem. In all other cases, such a product is no worse than a purchased one, and maybe even better, because a piece of the soul of the person who created it was invested in it.

Often, problematic sleep is directly related to our health. This is especially true for people suffering from cervical osteochondrosis. Very often, choosing the wrong pillow further aggravates pain during sleep. However, with the correct position of the spine and back, a person will be able to sleep relaxed. Maximum comfort during sleep will be brought by orthopedic pillows for cervical osteochondrosis, which will prevent the development of the disease and its exacerbation. What are the advantages of orthopedic pillows over traditional ones?

Orthopedic pillows help maintain correct posture and avoid back and neck pain. While traditional pillows are not only uncomfortable, but also contribute to the habituation of the incorrect position of the spine during sleep. Orthopedic pillows can help you reduce and prevent musculoskeletal problems in general. This type is specially designed to fit the natural contour of your body, thereby ensuring that you are in the correct position and are not subjected to a lot of pressure that leads to pain. Orthopedic pillows also provide comfort during relaxation. Who said that only traditional pillows provide maximum comfort? Once you get used to the contours of an orthopedic pillow, you will find that it actually gives you much more comfort and quality sleep than any other pillow.

Thus, if you are worried about cervical osteochondrosis, an orthopedic pillow will provide complete relaxation during sleep and will prevent tension in the spine, as well as sprained muscles and ligaments. The development of osteochondrosis in the cervical area can only be prevented with the help of corrective pillows. In practice, many manufacturers offer quite a few options for orthopedic pillows. However, regardless of their quality, the pillow is selected individually for the person, taking into account its shape, size, level of hardness and filler.

There are only two types of pillows that will really help a person get rid of pain and discomfort during sleep:

  1. Cushion cushion. Outwardly it resembles a crescent, but it should be soft to the touch and not lose its shape after being crushed. This pillow is recommended for patients with back pain. During relaxation, it correctly supports the spine and fixes the correct position of the neck.
  2. The next type is even more popular and is regularly used in practice. This rectangular shape a pillow with two cushions distributed along the edges and a depression in the middle. This type of pillow does not deform during the compression process. But you need to choose it strictly, referring to the size. It is advisable to test the pillow before purchasing. It should not be too long or low. Any inaccuracy comes at the expense of comfort.

The standard parameters of pillows are 50x40 or 70x50 in centimeters. Many models come with increased functionality, but this choice depends on the patient’s personal preferences. How should you choose the right orthopedic pillow? There are a number of points to consider:

  • It is important to pay attention to the level of strength and rigidity.
  • The shape of the pillow should not deform during sleep. And after being crushed, it should quickly recover.
  • The size of the pillow is taken into account in this way: the width corresponds to the width of the shoulders. Also, the sleeper's shoulders should be on the pillow.
  • The height is determined personally by the patient, the main thing is that he feels comfortable.
  • Recommended sleeping position: on your back or side.
  • If you feel pain, you need to urgently replace the pillow.

If you want to find a quality pillow from modern and absolutely safe materials, order it in the “Good Orthopedist” online store.

Updated: 08/19/2018 17:25:39

With cervical osteochondrosis, degenerative damage to the tissues of the cervical spine occurs, which leads to discomfort, pain and even a threat to the health of the body. A person needs to take the right measures. First of all, choose suitable bedding that will reduce the load on the spine. We recommend the right pillows, which doctors advise to use for cervical osteochondrosis.

Night rest is important for the body's recovery, but during sleep the spine is at risk. We are unable to control the position of our body, which is why disc distortions and displacements occur. An orthopedic pillow fixes the cervical spine, reducing discomfort for people suffering from osteochondrosis. Do not forget that the neck is an important part of the body, on which blood circulation in the brain and the functioning of the nervous system depend.

Pillow sizes

People rely on their own preferences when choosing bedding. But with cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of specialists. The dimensions of the pillow are selected taking into account the width of the shoulders - it should not be significantly wider.

When selecting suitable model You should measure the distance from the beginning of the neck to the end of the shoulder. The dimensions of the optimal pillow correspond to the parameters human body, otherwise there will be inconvenience.

The height of the product becomes an important criterion. High pillows lead to curvature of the spine, while too low pillows cause pain and headaches. People with cervical osteochondrosis should maintain all parts of the spine at the same level. Therapists draw patients' attention to the compression of the mattress, which causes level differences.

    the height of the pillow for sleeping on the side is at least 10 cm;

    The height of the pillow for sleeping on the stomach and back is less than 9 cm.

    The width and length of the pillow are standard - 70x60 cm, but compact models - 50x40 cm - are also available for sale.

What shape of pillows to choose for cervical osteochondrosis

In sleep, a person completely relaxes his muscles, getting rid of tension. With cervical osteochondrosis, it is important to relax the entire muscular corset, maintaining the correct position of the head and spine. During wakefulness, the muscles support the spinal column, but at night the support is reduced to a minimum. The pillow solves the problem without discomfort or unpleasant sensations. Otherwise, due to residual tension, a person will not rest, but will wake up with a headache.

Bedding should solve the main problems:

    maintain the natural curves of the spine in the cervical region;

    support the head at the level of the spine;

    give proper support to the vertebrae;

    promote muscle relaxation.

Doctors recommend paying attention to the conditions described above when choosing an orthopedic pillow. If you experience discomfort or pain in your back or neck after sleeping, you may want to consider different bed accessories. Orthopedic pillows are used not only by patients with osteochondrosis, but also by healthy people for prevention purposes.

Pillow models differ in size, shape and materials. They are suitable for different cases diseases and degree of progression of cervical osteochondrosis. But remember that doctors identify only two “correct” types of orthopedic pillows:

    crescent shaped;

    rectangular pillows with slightly convex edges.

Products of this type fix the vertebrae in the correct position and support optimal height. The head should be slightly raised to maintain normal blood circulation, but the spine should not bend at the distance between the back and neck. A person relaxes and enjoys a good rest.

Orthopedic pillows in the shape of a crescent

The crescent-shaped pads hug the neck and provide gentle support for the head in the correct position. Fixation in one position eliminates curvature, even if a person spends a restless night. Due to the correct position and distribution of the load, the muscles rest, so the person does not experience discomfort and pain.

The crescent shape fixes the cervical spine and prevents the vertebrae from moving. This pillow is suitable for prevention and for sleeping with advanced stages of cervical osteochondrosis. Due to wear-resistant and elastic materials, products retain appearance after prolonged use. But a person has to constantly sleep on his back, which not everyone likes.


    reliable fixation in the correct position;

    effective assistance for mild and advanced pathologies of the spinal column;

    uniform load distribution;


  • There is only one sleeping position available - on your back.

Rectangular pads with convex edges closer to classic look. The products do not limit a person in choosing a suitable sleeping position - on the back, on the side. During the night, the position of the body changes, which eliminates muscle numbness and normalizes blood circulation. Despite this freedom, the spine remains straight, without bending or stress.

Before purchasing, it is important to find out which pillow will suit you best. You need to support your head correct height– slightly raised above the line of the spine. When choosing, pay attention to the materials used, the strength and wear resistance of the materials. Orthopedic pillows recommended by doctors do not sag and retain their original shape.

Rectangular pillows with convex edges - the best choice, if you determine the height correctly, you will select an elastic and wear-resistant product.


    the usual shape of a head pillow;

    optimal support for the neck and head;

    freedom in choosing a sleeping position;


  • difficulties in choosing the right dimensions, especially height.

Pillow hardness

The task of an orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is correct and uniform support. But orthopedists advise choosing stiffness based on your own preferences. For people who sleep primarily on their back, medium-firm pillows are suitable.

The firmest pillow will be needed for people who sleep primarily on their sides. In this position, it is more difficult to maintain the spine in the correct position. People who spend the night primarily on their stomachs choose soft pillows, because otherwise there is additional stress on the cervical spine.

Quality of materials

Pillows for cervical osteochondrosis have important properties, which depend on the specific material of manufacture and filler. The list of requirements includes:

    maintaining shape;


    wear resistance;

    easy cleaning.

The first point is the most important, because otherwise the pillow simply will not cope with its tasks. There are a dozen materials to choose from, but only 3-4 from the list are leading in popularity.

Bamboo cellulose fiber is made from plant stems by mechanical or chemical treatment. It is difficult to find models with pure bamboo fiber on the market, and often padding polyester or holofiber is added inside the pillow. The fiber does not cause allergic reactions, but evenly supports the spinal column.

A pillow with bamboo fiber is suitable for prevention, but if cervical osteochondrosis has already formed, you should look for other options.




    ease of care;

    light weight;

    lightness, breathability;

    hygiene, environmental friendliness;


    low hygroscopicity (does not absorb moisture, so it becomes wet);

    fragility (short service life);

    increased softness (crinkles under heavy load);


Synthetic latex is used to fill the pillows. The material is created with characteristics specifically for orthopedic products. If latex foam contains no more than 15% synthetic additives, the filler is labeled as natural “100% Latex Natural”. These pillows have correct form and always return to their original position.

Pillows filled with latex provide the best support, do not sag and retain their shape. But you will have to put up with a specific smell and high cost.


    firmness and elasticity;

    ease of care;




    relieving tension in the cervical spine;


Pillows with buckwheat husks relieve pain in cervical osteochondrosis. The products are dense and elastic, so the head is supported at the same level. The filler evenly distributes the load and guarantees a comfortable sleep.

Buckwheat husk is gaining popularity among those who suffer from pain in the neck and spine. Pillows with such filling in 20-30% actually relieve discomfort, and in the rest they help achieve a restful sleep. But 5-10% of people note the hardness of the pillow and the noise that makes it difficult to fall asleep peacefully. The average product weighs 4-5 kg. It is important to remember that the husk wears out, so the service life of one pillow is 2-3 years.


    elasticity and even support;


    massage effect;


    pain reduction;


    noise and rustling of the husk;


  • rigidity;

Cooling gel

Gel orthopedic pillows for cervical osteochondrosis are recommended by doctors and therapists. The products are attractive with their precise anatomical shapes - they follow the curves of the cervical spine, providing ideal support during sleep. The properties of the filler are similar to latex, but the gel has higher elasticity and a different density.

Pillows with gel filling are pleasant to the touch, the cooling gel refreshes the skin. The average thickness is 10-12 cm, but it is important to choose the right dimensions. If you follow the recommendations, then the person will enjoy a relaxing holiday. Gel, unlike latex, has no odor and is usually more durable.


    hygiene and environmental friendliness;


    “memory effect” of the material;

    exact repetition of the curves of the human body;

    absence of unpleasant odors;


    suitable for one specific body position;

    you need to accurately select dimensions and shapes individually for each person.

How to choose a pillow for cervical osteochondrosis?

The right pillow makes life easier. Sleeping accessories help with neck pain and are used for prevention. The models presented on the market have a set of characteristics and properties. The pillow holds the head in a position in which the muscle corset relaxes and the spine straightens. If unnatural curves appear, the pillow should be replaced.

Doctors recommend paying attention to the width of your shoulders - the width of a proper pillow is 1-2 cm larger. Manufacturers make the height proportional, so you don’t have to measure it. The shape determines the position of the body during sleep. Anatomical products and crescent-shaped pillows limit movement but prevent vertebral displacement.

The elasticity of the pillow, service life, presence or absence of odors, noise level, etc. depend on the filler. For constant pain, choose pillows of an anatomical shape and with dense filling, and for prevention, rectangular products with bamboo fiber or husk are suitable.

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the project’s authors and is not a purchase guide.

Every person’s body requires healthy rest to function properly. Scientists have found that the quality of sleep depends on body position. Today, special devices have been developed for the correct position of the torso and muscle relaxation, in particular, orthopedic pillows. With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, it is recommended for everyone to buy such a pillow, because such a disease causes a lot of unpleasant symptoms. To avoid them, the head and neck should be in a natural position while sleeping.

Purpose of a pillow for cervical osteochondrosis

An orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is extremely important because we all spend a significant part of our lives sleeping. At this time, our entire body should rest, the muscles should relax, the spine and head should be in an even position. And although purchasing an orthopedic product will not help solve absolutely all problems relating to the spinal column, proper rest in the correct position will prevent the progression of the disease.

Important! If you experience pain in the back and neck, as well as other signs of osteochondrosis, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible. With this disease, the doctor may recommend an orthopedic pillow as a preventive measure for spinal column deformation. And for treatment, special corsets are used against cervical osteochondrosis.

For cervical osteochondrosis, an orthopedic pillow will help:

  • normalization of muscle tone in the neck and back
  • eliminating feelings of discomfort;
  • improving sleep quality;
  • prevention of exacerbations and relapses of an already developed disease;
  • preventing vertebral deformities in the cervical spine;
  • improving blood flow in the neck and, as a result, nutrition of the brain;
  • elimination of pathological symptoms such as dizziness and headache;
  • rapid recovery after traumatic injuries or surgical interventions.

All the above tasks can be achieved by the special anatomical shape of the products. As a rule, such pillows have one or two bolsters that support the cervical vertebrae. It is worth noting that their use is recommended for completely healthy people who would like to fully relax and improve their sleep patterns.

Types of orthopedic pillows

You can buy orthopedic pillows for cervical osteochondrosis various types. Firstly, such products differ from each other in shape, Secondly according to the material of manufacture and filler.

Attention! A proper pillow with orthopedic properties has a roller-like thickening, or several such thickenings with a recess for the neck. During sleep, the head is located in the depression, the shoulders are on the mattress. The product should not change shape.

When the cervical spine is affected by osteochondrosis, crescent-shaped pillows that are designed for sleeping in a supine position are best suited. They have medium softness. If you are not used to sleeping on your back, it is better to choose a universal rectangular pillow of appropriate thickness.

Now let's talk about orthopedic filler, the main property of which is rapid restoration of shape. The filler is usually used:

  • latex – great option for lovers of high pillows, as well as people who prefer to sleep on their back. These models are characterized by good elasticity and high level comfort. One of the types of latex filler is springs that support the spinal column in a comfortable and natural position;
  • independent mini springs – similar models They are excellent at restoring their shape after pressure, and they also provide the necessary support to the spine;
  • special cooling gel – innovative technology, allowing you to distribute the load evenly, providing a massage effect and cooling for unsurpassed comfort during a night's rest. As practice shows, such products take some time to get used to;
  • buckwheat husk - perfectly follows the contours of the sleeper’s torso, provides micro-massage of the cervical region;
  • bamboo fiber is another type of filler, the advantages of which include ease of care. Such a pillow will not accumulate dust and will provide good prevention of spinal diseases.

Now you know what orthopedic pillows exist for cervical osteochondrosis. The price for them varies depending on the material of manufacture and the manufacturer, as well as the cost of any orthopedic pillows.

How to choose an orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis

So, the first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing is the shape and dimensions of the product. The pillow should be small and optimal thickness. Standard height the roller is 8 or 14 centimeters. The height of the pillow itself can be calculated by measuring the distance from the neck to the edge of the shoulder and adding another two centimeters to the result. Be sure to check the ability of the product to restore its shape after pressure..

Note! Some people with spinal diseases prefer to sleep without a pillow at all, however, doctors strongly do not recommend this. In this position, the muscles do not have the opportunity to relax, in addition, circulatory disorders occur, which further aggravates the course of the disease.

There are a few more important nuances, which you should pay attention to when choosing a suitable model. One of key points is the position in which you usually sleep:

  • on the back – we recommend choosing a fairly rigid rectangular model with a height of about 9 centimeters;
  • on the stomach - choose a soft product with a low height;
  • on the side - pay attention to the model with bolsters.

You can understand that a pillow is not suitable for you based on several signs. If you constantly want to put your hand under the pillow while sleeping, you should replace it with a higher one. Also, heaviness and pain in the neck will be a true indication wrong choice. During rest, you should feel that your body is completely relaxed, and that your head and cervical spine are securely held by the orthopedic product. In this case, the head and body should be at the same level.

In order for the purchased orthopedic pillow to bring maximum benefit, we advise you to take care of purchasing a mattress with an elastic, but not overly hard base. Despite enough high cost, orthopedic products will become profitable investment, because they will help to significantly improve your well-being and quality of life.

According to doctors, with diseases of the spinal column, people should rest on specially shaped objects, which reduces the negative effects of the pathology. But how to find suitable option? A pillow for osteochondrosis should be selected taking into account the characteristics of a particular person. Only in this case will it allow you to get rid of it.

The neck is one of the most mobile areas, so its health should be given as much attention as possible. It also depends on its proper functioning, which affects mental activity, as well as the brain’s performance of its main tasks.

What should the product be like?

One of the main features of pads for people with spinal disease is size. During sleep, the head should be as comfortable as possible, but not above or below a certain position. If this parameter is not taken into account, then the manifestations of the disease may intensify.

If there is no special pillow, then you can fold a regular pillow in half, but make sure that your head is not high. If this is not taken into account, it may result in subsequent circulatory problems. Many doctors agree that it is generally impossible to sleep without a height under your head, as the muscles will experience discomfort.

A pillow for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine allows you to feel relaxation and get rid of insomnia. It supports the vertebrae, normalizing blood circulation in this department. Feeling any discomfort in this area indicates a wrong choice.

Popular varieties

How to choose a pillow for cervical osteochondrosis? First we need to consider the main types of these products. According to doctors' recommendations, only two types of orthopedic devices are allowed: crescent-shaped and rectangular with convex edges. They allow you to find a comfortable position and not worry about your health. The neck muscles relax as much as possible, which relieves the person of unpleasant sensations.

Crescent-shaped models suggest resting only on the back. Such objects tightly clasp the neck and secure it in one position, allowing you to relax the muscles and take the correct posture. These devices do not lose their shape even after long-term use, so they will be convenient for anyone who suffers from pathology of the spinal column. But their disadvantage is that not everyone is ready to sleep all night only on their back.

Many people choose products with convex edges, which make it possible to be in any position without loss of comfort. When choosing this option, carefully consider the purchase and determine whether it is deformed when interacting with your head. Very important parameter is the height. If you choose it incorrectly, you can only make your situation worse.

Many people wonder: is it useful to sleep without a pillow if you have cervical osteochondrosis? Doctors do not advise doing this, since the neck needs support during rest. Otherwise, the muscles will not relax.


A pillow for cervical osteochondrosis should contain a special filler that restores its shape after use. This is called the "memory effect." On the orthopedic products market you can find models containing the following materials:

  1. Latex. This material is more suitable for people who prefer to rest on their back. Such things are characterized by high elasticity, which allows them to maintain their shape.
  2. Springs made of latex. Devices with such filling also contribute to good support of the head, in addition, they are hypoallergenic.
  3. Independent mini springs. This filler allows you to quickly restore shape and provide good support to the spine. The springs instantly change their shape depending on exactly how the person is lying.
  4. Cooling gel. This composition is becoming increasingly popular due to its amazing properties. When using products with gel, you can feel how it is evenly distributed depending on the applied load. Such models have two effects - massage and cooling.

All the products described are manufactured by different companies, which allows you to find the most suitable option. But even the right pillow with cervical osteochondrosis, it takes some time to get used to. This should be taken into account after the purchase instead of immediately going to look for new options.

How to choose the right one?

Before choosing a pillow for cervical osteochondrosis, you need to consider its main characteristics, on which the effectiveness of use depends. Attention is drawn to the following points:

  • A pillow for sleeping with cervical osteochondrosis should support the head in such a way that the person feels complete relaxation muscles in this section. The spine should be in the correct position without any unnatural bends.
  • One of the main parameters on the basis of which you should make your choice is shoulder width. Having measured it, you need to add about 1 cm. It is this figure that will correspond to the correct height.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the material from which the device is made and its filler.
  • If a person sleeps in different positions, then he needs a product with rollers of different heights. Thanks to this, you can choose the most convenient side. When positioned on the back, you need to opt for the classic shape.
  • Shoulders should not be elevated.

When choosing, you should know that specialized products cost more. This is one of the parameters by which you can immediately recognize such models. They are also usually made in a variety of forms that differ from the classical one.

What not to put under your neck

The most harmful to health are considered to be high elastic objects, which contribute to a large deflection of the spine and do not allow muscles to relax. Their negative effect can be noticed immediately after starting use. An unnatural posture leads to stretching of certain muscles and arching of the vertebrae. As a result, the nerve endings and... All this leads to pain.

Rollers are also not very useful. This is due to the fact that they are quite narrow and do not conform to a shape that provides maximum comfort for the neck. But with careful selection, you can choose the best option.

How to sleep properly

Yes, and you need to learn this. Disease of the vertebrae of the neck causes quite strong discomfort, such as:

  • pain,
  • limited mobility in the neck area.

Therefore, during the rest period it is very important for a person to feel comfortable. This is due to the fact that the sensations that appear throughout the day depend on the posture at night. If you do not select a special device, then the pathology of the spine can only worsen.

An important condition for healthy sleep is having a hard and level bed. Even healthy people are not recommended to use beds with sagging surfaces. To avoid complications of the disease, it is enough to purchase a smooth and elastic mattress that provides good support to all parts of the body.

Many people wonder which pillow is best to sleep on if you have cervical osteochondrosis, and they are right. But before choosing this accessory, you should first pay attention to the bed. This is due to the fact that the selected pillow for the wrong mattress also does not help to completely get rid of unpleasant sensations.

Therefore, before thinking about which pillow to choose for cervical osteochondrosis, you should pay attention to mattresses. Correct selection will ensure normalization of blood circulation and muscle relaxation. It is best to be on your side while sleeping - this way your shoulder rests firmly on the mattress. To negative impact on the spine to be minimized, the fetal position should be chosen.

Choosing a pose

When choosing a pillow for cervical osteochondrosis, you should first determine in which position you sleep most often. If the body is on the stomach, this can negatively affect blood circulation and cause pinched nerve endings. But what pillow to sleep on if you have cervical osteochondrosis if you don’t want to change your position?

You should choose a device that, when positioned, does not allow the chin to turn too much to the side.

Many types of products are suitable for sleeping on your back, so this option is more preferable. But the recommended position is the lateral position - this is the only way to really relax all the muscles.

Pros and cons of sleeping without a pillow

Many people wonder: is it possible to sleep without a pillow if you have cervical osteochondrosis? Some believe that such sleep is healthier and, when lying on the back, allows the spine to take a more comfortable position. But then why do many people experience great discomfort?

This is due to the fact that when positioned on the back, free space is created under the neck, and some muscles remain tense. The pillow supports this part of the spine and promotes healthier sleep.

It is also not recommended to rest without a pillow due to the fact that during sleep a person can unconsciously change his position and contribute to pinching of the intervertebral nerves. As a result, you will feel bad after sleep.

Symptoms indicating poor positioning at night:

  • headache,
  • numbness of the skin on the neck,

The answer to the question of what kind of pillow is needed for cervical osteochondrosis will be different for each person, since it is worth taking into account the position of the body, the height of the object, the features of the bed, as well as the influence of a certain filler. Try several types and see the effect.

This will help you choose a truly suitable option. By skimping on purchasing the right sleeping gear, you can seriously harm your health.

Ideal parameters

To find out which pillow is best for cervical osteochondrosis, it is worth considering the features of this product that affect the comfort of rest. The following parameters are taken into account:

  • height,
  • optimal size,
  • cover material,
  • quality of seams.

The most acceptable option is a size of 50x70 cm. It allows you to make the most efficient use of the bed space and contributes to convenient location heads. Children's options are reduced by 10 cm on each side.

When choosing, you should also pay attention to the cover. It should prevent the filler from coming out if we're talking about about feathers. But such parameters as lightness and breathability of the fabric are also important. When choosing similar product You should also pay attention to the quality of the seams. To check the strength and elasticity of these parts, you can pull them a little. Attention is also paid to the softness of the seams.