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» Window slope MDF or plasterboard. Slopes on windows: which ones are best to make. Finishing window openings inside with plastic

Window slope MDF or plasterboard. Slopes on windows: which ones are best to make. Finishing window openings inside with plastic

The final stage of the installation process of modern double-glazed windows is the finishing of the slopes. They are needed not only for decorating a window opening. Thick double-glazed windows and reliable fittings provide excellent thermal insulation, but pairing window frame and the walls of the apartment remain the weak point of the structure. This problem area needs to be covered. Let's find out which slopes are best suited for plastic windows.

Before considering window framing options, their advantages and disadvantages, let’s determine what is required of these elements.

  • Not inferior to the durability of the window design. Modern double glazed windows designed for a minimum of 15–20 years of operation. Slopes must withstand no less time without loss of basic qualities. Few people would like to redo them every two or three years.
  • Correspond general style windows, forming a single whole with it.
  • Maintain or even improve the performance characteristics of plastic windows.

When renovating an apartment in a new building or replacing windows, you will have to choose how to finish the openings after installing modern structures with double-glazed windows.

Window slopes can be finished using the following materials:

The manufacturing technology consists of sequentially applying several layers of plaster and putty mortar. Layer finishing putty painted.

Finishing a window opening with plaster has the following advantages:

  • Versatility. This material is used in rooms with different humidity and temperature levels.
  • Reasonable price. Plaster – inexpensive material Moreover, it is possible to save money by doing the work yourself.
  • Strength. Plaster slopes are more resistant to mechanical stress compared to other types of finishes.
  • No seams. Perhaps, main argument supporters of such a coating: there is no need to additionally process the joints and mating planes of the opening.
  • Possibility of updating and repair.

But a number of serious shortcomings have led to the fact that plaster is used less and less for work of this kind:

  • Duration and complexity of the process. Finishing takes considerable time: each layer plaster mixture need to dry out.
  • A large amount of dust and dirt, risk of scratching the window.
  • Low thermal insulation properties of plaster. Such slopes are prone to freezing in winter and condensation. In addition, when installing them, you have to cut the foam one or two centimeters inward, weakening the thermal insulation seam.
  • Detachment from frame. It is impossible to firmly connect the plaster and the PVC frame. There are no sealants with equally good adhesion to both materials. This leads to the formation of cracks between window block and a plaster layer.

The last two drawbacks can be eliminated by insulating the opening with penoplex before plastering and using an adjacent window profile with reinforcing mesh.

Pieces of gypsum plasterboard are used for their manufacture. the right size, which are screwed to the profile frame or glued to the sides of the opening. Then the surface of the drywall is primed, puttied and painted. The space between the wall and the new slopes is insulated polyurethane foam.

Attaching gypsum boards is easier and faster than creating a flat surface with plaster. But we must not forget that after installation, finishing is required, which will take several days.

Advantages of using drywall:

  • Low cost.
  • Easy to install. Requires very basic construction skills.
  • The ability to easily create perfectly smooth surfaces.
  • Additional insulation.
  • Simple repair, suitable for repeated repainting.

  • Inability to firmly bind the slope material and the PVC frame (as with the plaster version). This leads to the appearance of cracks at the joints.
  • Fear of moisture. If the windows “cry”, under the influence of condensation the drywall, even moisture-resistant, gradually collapses and swells near the frame. Judging by the reviews, this main reason refusal to use gypsum boards in the manufacture of slopes.
  • Risk of sagging and squeezing. Still, drywall is a fairly fragile material.

To avoid the finishing stage, you can take laminated gypsum board instead of the usual one. But in this case, you will have to use special corners to cover the ends of the sheets.

The technology for installing slopes made of gypsum fiber boards is practically no different from attaching plasterboard; the advantages will be the same. At the same time, GVL does not have the disadvantages of GCR: it is much stronger and stiffer, and its moisture-resistant version is not at all afraid of a wet environment.

Mr. Build believes that when correct installation GVL slopes are superior to other options in terms of operational characteristics And appearance.

Advantages of gypsum fiber slopes:

  • Fairly simple installation.
  • High strength and rigidity.
  • Possibility of high-quality insulation.
  • Ideal design geometry.
  • Long service life - at least 10 years.
  • Maintainability: a damaged element can be easily puttied and tinted.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Relatively high price (compared to gypsum board and plastic).
  • The need for finishing.
  • Cutting gypsum fiber is somewhat more difficult than cutting drywall.

If, after priming and puttying, you paint the GVL slopes with high-quality latex paint, then they can be washed without fear. And repainting will be required no earlier than after 5–8 years.

Another way to get aesthetic and reliable slopes is to cover the opening with double-sided sandwich panels. They have not only good thermal insulation properties, but also sufficient rigidity.

It is not recommended to use one-sided sandwich panels and decorative panels for finishing a window opening. Wall panels made of thin cellular plastic. They do not have the necessary strength, wear resistance and thermal insulation qualities.

Plastic finishing is gaining increasing popularity. The material of the slopes not only visually harmonizes with window frame made of PVC, but is also securely fastened to it using special sealants. This method of finishing the opening has other advantages:

  • Low price.
  • A smooth surface that retains its properties for many years and does not require additional finishing or regular maintenance.
  • No cracks or temperature changes due to the use of the same material from which the frame is made.
  • Additional thermal insulation that strengthens the weak point of the window opening - the seam between the frame and the wall of the room.

  • Fast installation. Plastic slopes are installed faster than plasterboard and especially plaster ones.
  • Minimum amount of dirt and dust when facing with plastic.
  • 100% moisture resistant.
  • It is possible to replace part of the slope if damaged.
  • The frame covering the outer contour reliably protects the junction of the wallpaper and the window opening.

  • Susceptibility to mechanical damage.
  • Impossibility of local repairs. If it breaks, you will have to replace the entire panel.
  • Low quality of additional elements, such as corners. Often these small parts are made from recycled plastic, which turns yellow over time and stands out unattractively against the background of snow-white slopes.

  • Incompatible with interior. Glossy plastic will look unnatural in a room decorated in classic style, as well as in any other direction of design where natural materials are used.

To these shortcomings plastic slopes others have not been added yet, you need to choose the material wisely, guided by two main rules:

  1. Panels must be made from virgin plastic. Only such products are absolutely harmless even when heated in the sun and will not turn yellow after a year.
  2. The PVC layer must be thick enough. This will help avoid damage to the slopes.

When choosing between matte and glossy plastic, you need to take into account that stains and fingerprints are more visible on a glossy surface. Matte panels look more natural and are similar to classic painted slopes.

All slope finishing options have pros and cons. No ideal material, which would be better than the others in every respect. Therefore, when choosing, you need to decide which properties and characteristics are more important in a particular case.

In this article we propose to talk about what exist methods of finishing slopes for plastic windows. Let's look at the pros and cons of one method or another and analyze which finishing method is best to choose.

Installation of slopes is a complex of construction and finishing works, without which the window will be able to perform the functions prescribed by the manufacturers. Slopes are finished using various technologies, characterized by quality, durability and price.

In order to do suitable choice, you need to consider a few tips

  • The slope must be reliable and durable;
  • Resistance to weather influences - moisture, heat, temperature changes is very important;
  • You should pay attention to the tightness and environmental friendliness of window frames and slopes;
  • Windows with slopes must successfully cope with the thermal insulation of the room and sound insulation;
  • Slopes must have a long service life commensurate with window profile, and be resistant to wet cleaning.

Let's look at what slopes there are and what are their differences:

- a widely used method suitable for both internal and external slopes in houses of any type. Plaster is the simplest and most cheap option. At low temperatures, there is a possibility of the slope freezing due to the weak thermal insulating properties of the plaster, which leads to the formation of condensation and mold.

+ smooth and strong slopes, can be repainted
you need to have certain skills in working with plaster, there is a possibility of the slope freezing

. Drywall is an excellent thermal insulator and rigid material. It costs more than plaster, but cheaper than plastic. However, after installing the drywall, the window opening must be properly treated with a primer and then painted.

+ you can make the slopes smooth without having the skills, you can repaint
not very durable; if wet for a long time, drywall can swell

Wooden slopes go well with wooden windows, both of them are quite expensive and require special care. Only professionals should install wooden slopes; it is extremely difficult, but the appearance of the window with them becomes simply royal.

+ beautiful appearance, environmentally friendly materials
you need to have certain skills in working with plaster, high cost

Plastic window slope Its characteristics best match a plastic window. Plastic slopes are used indoors various types. They have a neat and pleasant appearance and are quickly installed. The main advantage of this solution is that plastic slopes, due to the closed porous structure of the inner layer, have a low heat transfer coefficient. Therefore, at low outside temperature condensation is eliminated on slopes and on adjacent window elements, where the wall cross-section is minimal.

+ decorative properties, moisture resistant
almost irreparable if damaged, may turn yellow over time

Thanks to the above criteria and having additionally decided on the budget allocated for the installation of windows and slopes, you can choose best option window finishing.

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 12 minutes

The final stage of the installation process modern windows- This is the finishing of slopes. The thick profile, multi-chamber double-glazed windows and reliable fittings provide excellent thermal insulation, but the interface between the window frame and the apartment wall remains cold and not beautiful place. If this area is not given proper attention, condensation, mold, and wall destruction may occur. Therefore, let's find out which slopes are best suited for plastic windows.

What requirements must slopes meet?

Before considering window framing options, their advantages and disadvantages, let’s determine what is required of these elements.

Anton Tsugunov

Hello, friends!

First, I will talk about all types of slopes, as well as their pros and cons. I will describe the subtleties and share my experience. At the end of the article I will give recommendations on what slopes are best choice, and in what cases one should give preference to one or another material and finishing method.

Enjoy reading!

Slopes should:

  • Not inferior to the durability of the window design. Modern double-glazed windows are designed for a minimum of 15–20 years of operation. Slopes must withstand no less time without loss of basic qualities. Few people would like to redo them every two or three years.
  • Comply with the general style of the window, forming a single whole with it.
  • Maintain or even improve the performance characteristics of plastic windows.
  • Withstand mechanical loads and impacts of the doors.
  • If possible, be repairable.

Olga returned 21,024 rubles, while the cost of the windows was 43,800 rubles

Hello! I ordered the installation of 2 plastic windows: one in the kitchen and the second big window with a door to the balcony in the room. The cost of both windows is negotiable amounted to 43,800 rubles The company is quite reliable and well-known, I’ve read a lot of good reviews about it, it’s been in business for a long time. As a result, they really shook my nerves!

Firstly, they first brought the window to the balcony bigger size than necessary. Fortunately, the master first measured the old window and the one that was delivered, and did not immediately break the old window.

We agreed to move the installation. They said they would call and tell me when they could deliver it. The next day they informed me that they had some problems with production, the profile had run out, they were expecting delivery any day now (the manager explained this to me over the phone).

All this lasted for 2 weeks. And every day they called me and “fed me breakfast.”

I called the window company, but they explained to me that the team was busy and would only be able to arrive in 10 days to correct the defects. And they didn’t say a word about the delay at all, as if this was the way it should be. They didn't even apologize!

I studied a lot of information on the Internet on how to act in such a situation. On legal aid websites they immediately quoted me the price for a consultation ( 1,500 rubles), then for representing my interests and for drafting each piece of paper. They said that if necessary, they would bring this matter to court ( cost of filing a lawsuit from 20,000 rubles). I didn’t want to get involved with lawyers and pay them that much money as well.

Then I remembered that along with advice on how to save on repairs, I received letters about. I went through and in a couple of minutes I purchased it and paid with my card. I downloaded it right away. Based on the table of contents in the Instructions, I found a description of my case.

Everything is clearly explained and examples are given of how to write a claim. It also says in which folder the empty and filled ones are located.

There are a lot of documents there, they are all arranged in folders and the folders are labeled.

Finishing a window opening with plaster has the following advantages:

  • Versatility. This material is used in rooms with different humidity and temperature levels.
  • Reasonable price. Plaster is an inexpensive material, and you can also save money by doing the work yourself.
  • Strength. Plaster slopes are more resistant to mechanical stress compared to other types of finishing.
  • No seams. Perhaps the main argument of supporters of such a coating is that there is no need to additionally process the joints and mating planes of the opening.
  • Possibility of updating and repair.

Anton Tsugunov

Construction expert. Entrepreneur. 15 years of experience. More than 100 completed objects.

Today this is the dirtiest and longest finishing method. To avoid encountering condensation and mold, I recommend choosing this method only in warm rooms, for example, when a window is installed between a heated balcony and a living room, then freezing of the slopes is excluded. And also if for installation sheet material They simply didn’t leave any room.

Drywall slopes

To make them, pieces of gypsum board of the required size are used, which are screwed to a profile frame or glued to the sides of the opening. Then the surface of the drywall is primed, puttied and painted. In the case of laminated gypsum board, no further finishing is required. The space between the wall and the new slopes is insulated with polyurethane foam and insulation.

Attaching gypsum boards is easier and faster than creating a flat surface with plaster. But we must not forget that after installation, finishing is required, which will take several days. If you use laminated gypsum board, then the installation of the slopes is carried out in one day.

To avoid the finishing stage, you can take laminated gypsum board instead of the usual one. But in this case, you will have to use special corners to cover the ends of the sheets.

Slopes made of gypsum fiber (GVL)

The technology for installing slopes made of gypsum fiber sheets is practically no different from attaching drywall, the advantages will be the same. At the same time, GVL does not have the disadvantages of GCR: it is much stronger and stiffer, and its moisture-resistant version is not at all afraid of a wet environment.

Mr. Build believes that when installed correctly, gypsum fiber board slopes are superior to other options in terms of performance and appearance.

It is not recommended to use one-sided sandwich panels and decorative wall panels made of thin cellular plastic for finishing the window opening. They do not have the necessary strength, wear resistance and thermal insulation qualities.

  • Fast installation. Plastic slopes are installed faster than plasterboard and especially plaster ones.
  • Minimum amount of dirt and dust when facing with plastic.
  • 100% moisture resistant.
  • It is possible to replace part of the slope if damaged.
  • The frame covering the outer contour reliably protects the junction of the wallpaper and the window opening.
  • Susceptibility to mechanical damage.
  • Impossibility of local repairs. If it breaks, you will have to replace the entire panel.
  • Low quality of additional elements, such as corners. Often these small parts are made from recycled plastic, which turns yellow over time and stands out unattractively against the background of snow-white slopes.
  • Incompatible with interior. Glossy plastic will look unnatural in a room decorated in a classic style, as well as in any other design direction where natural materials are used.
Choosing the right slopes for plastic windows.

How to install slopes important stage installation of windows. The slope is the inside of the window opening, the place where the window itself is inserted. When you have to replace a window, you need to pay attention to the slopes; the higher their quality, the better the overall appearance will be.

When installing PVC windows, the following types of slopes are currently offered:

  • plasterboard;
  • plastering;
  • plastic.

Without (the joke) any newest and quality window will look unfinished and sloppy. And they often find out about slopes during the process of renovating an apartment or when replacing windows. There is an explanation for the fact that the old slopes stood for quite a long time without a single crack. The old window design had increased air permeability. There was air blowing from the loose fit and cracks, which created a gentle temperature zone for the slopes. And here modern design wooden and plastic windows are sealed. Air does not enter into the cracks, which simply do not exist, and the slopes are between the cold outside and the heat inside, that is, on the temperature boundary, which is expressed quite sharply. When opening a window to ventilate, cold air falls on a heated slope, causing it to crack. Condensation also plays an important role.

Plaster slopes for plastic windows

The plaster mixture from which the slopes are made is not firmly connected to the PVC frame, and this will sooner or later lead to detachment of the slope. There are no materials in the plaster slope that have good heat-insulating properties; this leads to overcooling of the opening and the window itself in cold weather. This causes condensation, both on the slope and on the glass unit.

It takes a lot of time to make plaster slopes. According to the technology, the material is applied in layers, and each new layer can be laid only after the previous one has dried. Otherwise the surface will crack. Plaster, which is applied to concrete or brick, continues the wall. Therefore, the slopes turn out to be cold and freeze at the junction with the frame. By the way, look at what we have now, the most common technology is oknadena.

Plasterboard slopes

The same disadvantages also apply to slopes made of wood, which still require good fastening. If you glue thin plastic onto a sheet of drywall, the quality will also not be up to par: this is labor-intensive work with insufficient stability of the drywall and unreliable adhesive connection, which also leads to destruction.

Thin plastic sheets are not suitable for finishing, although this is one of the most simple ways finishing. In this case, the window frames are not insulated, which leads to freezing and condensation, and the method of gluing the plastic leads to peeling due to compression/expansion of the material.

PVC plastic slopes

Now on the market building materials you can find panels made of cellular plastic. When insulating mineral wool When using a mounting profile or fastening panels to a rail, you can use this material. Here you should choose the highest quality manufacturers. Cheaper panels change color over time, front surface stiffening ribs are visible, which in turn leads to a loss of the overall attractiveness of the window, creating the impression of handicraft finishing of a window opening with a high-quality window.

Slopes made of MDF panels They are quite cheaper in cost than those made from plasterboard, do not have sufficient moisture resistance and require high-quality fastening.

For single-sided sandwich panels good aesthetic characteristics, but lacks sufficient rigidity. This is especially undesirable when wide slopes, since the slope will sag.

Today, two-layer sandwich panels and special plastic slopes are produced, which are considered the highest quality and most practical to use, although they are more expensive than others.

Installation of plastic slopes

In terms of installation, installation of slopes for PVC windows is the simplest. In addition, plastic, unlike other materials, can tolerate deformation to a critical point. If wooden slope cannot withstand seasonal temperature changes and deforms without varnish protection, then plastic calmly tolerates both moisture and temperature changes. From a decorative point of view, slopes can resemble the texture of finishing options such as metal and wood. This is achieved by lamination with a special film that imitates these materials. Find out about it, which will be very interesting.

Installation of plastic slopes video

How to make slopes on windows? This question worries many who, after replacing window designs I encountered this problem. Indeed, serious work remains to be done to make the surfaces reliable and beautiful. It is worth considering that slopes perform not only a decorative, but also a protective function. Therefore, it is necessary to approach this with utmost care. If you make mistakes or do the work poorly, a lot of troubles will arise.

Window slopes- This an integral part of any room. Some believe that minimal attention can be paid to such a design. But this is a misconception that leads to aesthetic and practical problems. The fact is that internal slopes perform a number of important functions:

  1. Maintain a certain microclimate. Slopes prevent heat from escaping from the room to the outside, as well as preventing cold from penetrating inside. Naturally, protection from moisture, which leads to the formation of condensation, cannot be ruled out.
  2. Extend the service life of all structures. That is why such finishing should be carried out in short time. Of course, you can still delay installation indoors, but outside, installing the slopes is required within a minimum time.
  3. They create an excellent decorative component. Installing slopes on windows can be considered one of the main components of a harmonious interior. You can install beautiful metal-plastic frames, but if they are not properly refined, they will lose their sophistication.

Therefore, when performing all the work yourself, you must comply with all technological nuances and rules. Then you can be sure that you will get a reliable and durable coating that will please the eye.

Design Features

The design of slopes has its own characteristics. The fact is that it is necessary to take into account the main nuances that must be done when working with your own hands:

  • The structure should be finished so that the edge of the frame is covered quite a bit.
  • It is necessary to take into account the location of hinges and opening doors.
  • The foam is trimmed flush with the frame. If you delete large quantity substances than required, then a distortion of the structure may occur. Also, any bulging residue will interfere with the finishing process.
  • Particular attention is paid to the installation seam. The option that will be used for cladding the window slopes depends on its thickness.
  • The sealing process is very important point. All places must be well coated.

But how to finish the slopes, the location outside the room? The technology is almost completely consistent internal work. But the obligatory and most important rule will be to install a low tide.

Finish options

It is customary to distinguish two main cladding options, which differ in the materials used.

Cladding with panel products

This technology assumes that materials will be used that are cut into panels of the required size.

When choosing this method, the following features should be taken into account:

  1. Quality of material. It is necessary to carefully select the products used. The fact is that if you install a low-quality option, then problems will begin to arise during the installation process. For example, cheap plastic is characterized by the fact that it crumbles and cracks when cut, and after installation it does not retain its good appearance for long.
  2. Correct insulation and processing technology. When installing panel products, voids often arise, which can serve as an opportunity for the development of fungus and mold. Such places are a source of cold penetration. Therefore, surfaces require pre-treatment and installation of insulation, the choice of which depends on specific situation.
  3. Careful measurement. Main mistake, which can happen is inaccuracies in measurements. If you do not take into account the location of the parts, wide joints will form that cannot be hidden even with decorative moldings.
  4. Finishing. Installation of slopes made of panel products must be combined with correct selection decorative elements. For subsequent finishing, you can use special profiles and corners, as well as putty external joints. When installing overhead fragments, it is important to make the correct trim so that all joints are equal.

On a note! To produce the most accurate parts for window slopes, two methods are used. The first is simply measuring and transferring data to the material, the second is creating stencils. This method is much more accurate, but requires more time, because it is necessary to perform a stencil at each stage of the work.

Application of the solution

Such work involves applying a certain layer of prepared mortar to the windows yourself, which completely covers the entire surface of the slopes. This option is considered the most traditional. His distinctive feature is cheapness.

Finishing can be carried out according to two main scenarios:

  1. Traditional. The surface is finished with a mixture that is leveled at a certain angle.
  2. With additional insulation. This technology involves the use of foam plastic, which serves as the base. In reality, this option can be fraught with many problems. Incorrect installation insulation is a guarantee that numerous cracks and peelings will appear.

Preparatory activities

Before wondering how to properly make slopes, you should thoroughly prepare the surface. The amount of work depends on the specific situation. Exists general order, which is required:

Slope manufacturing technology

How to finish the slopes? There are basic materials that are used for such work:

  • plastic PVC panels for walls;
  • sandwich panels;
  • plaster.

Each option is selected based on several reasons:

  • Distance from wall to window frame. That is, the thickness assembly seam.
  • Width of plots.
  • Financial expenses.

Considering that the master must perform all the work himself, the option that will be most acceptable is chosen.

PVC panels for walls

PVC panels are the most popular material for finishing window slopes

This material is used most often, especially if needed. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Cheapness. Modern technologies allow us to produce products that are accessible to everyone.
  2. Practicality. If you choose materials that do not belong to the category of economy, then they are unpretentious in operation and last quite a long time.
  3. Easy to install. The work is completed quickly, without the use of complex tools.

Installation of slopes from plastic panels carried out according to the following instructions:

But the window decoration is not finished yet. A number of finishing manipulations should be performed. They consist in the fact that all joints are well coated with sealant. Installed from the outside decorative corners. They must be trimmed correctly in order to join at an angle of 90 degrees.

When a dilemma arises about which slopes are better, many proposals and opinions may arise. But it is undeniable that it is better to make slopes from sandwich panels. They combine everything positive traits PVC materials, but have additional advantages:

  • The products include a reliable layer of protection (one or two), as well as a layer of insulation. This avoids the need to use additional material.
  • They are resistant to various influences, due to which their service life is practically unlimited.
  • Have excellent decorative look. Indeed, such panels are superior in appearance to wall products. Besides this material can be made in a fairly wide size, which is ideal for large openings.

Making slopes on windows with your own hands using such products is quite simple. It must be taken into account that this option is excellent in cases where the thickness of the installation seam is minimal. Three-layer material is used for work.

Let's look at how to install slopes from sandwich panels. Everything is done as follows:

Using plaster

Previously, there were no questions about how to make slopes on windows. After all, there was only one option, which was to use plaster. This method quite convenient and practical, but requires skills. This need arises due to the fact that it is necessary to correctly display all the planes and maintain the angle of inclination. Although, if you practice a little and understand how best to apply the mixture, then plastering work will not cause any particular difficulties.

The general technology is as follows:

The result is an excellent coating that is highly reliable. The undoubted advantage of this option is that each section made can be repaired and the decorative layer can be changed.


Summarizing the above, we can conclude that there are various options finishing of window slopes, which depend on the specific situation and financial capabilities. The main thing is to initially carry out all the work efficiently, observing all the nuances.