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» The floor of the house is on a pile-screw foundation. Insulation of the floor of a wooden house on screw piles. Attention to the quality of floor beams

The floor of the house is on a pile-screw foundation. Insulation of the floor of a wooden house on screw piles. Attention to the quality of floor beams

Foundations on piles are widely used in the construction of private log houses. Wooden houses and bathhouses, as well as utility buildings, are built on stilts. A pile foundation has many advantages: ease of creation, minimum labor-intensive work, and no special requirements for the soil.

But at the same time, a pile foundation also has a significant drawback - a wooden house in this case does not have a base, so there is a wind-blown space under it. This situation has two sides: the log house is separated from the ground and soil moisture, but at the same time wind and frost freely penetrate to the entire surface of the floor. Therefore, to keep the inside of the house warm, it is recommended to carry out high-quality floor insulation.

How to insulate a floor log house on stilts?

For high-quality insulation, it is necessary to ensure good access to the joists, which will lead to raising or dismantling the flooring. Access to the joists is also needed for a control inspection before insulation, since it will be almost impossible to get there later. It will also be necessary to create a subfloor. You don’t have to make a subfloor, but opt ​​for another design that will allow you to securely hold the insulation.


It is possible to make the subfloor in different ways. But there is the most common and affordable way, which many builders adhere to.

At the first stage, you need to nail a beam to the joists, on which the flooring boards will rest.

This beam is called the cranial beam. Logs and timber must be thoroughly treated with an antiseptic solution to protect the wood from rot and biological pests.

Flooring boards are also treated with antiseptics, which increases the wood’s resistance to atmospheric influences. Remember that when processing wood it is very important to allow the wood to “breathe”. Therefore, various mastics that will not allow the wood to ventilate cannot be used, since in this state the lumber deteriorates very quickly.

When creating a subfloor, you need to know the characteristics of the insulation, which will fit on it. In particular, the weight of the material is very important; it must be taken into account when calculating.

Lightweight insulation(for example, mineral wool) allow the use of sheet lumber such as plywood for the subfloor. If you plan to purchase and use rigid insulation(polystyrene, polystyrene foam and others), then instead of the subfloor you can put a mesh, attaching it to the joists. Just remember that you need to choose a strong mesh that can withstand the weight of the heat insulator and the subsequent operational load on the floor.

Important! When creating a subfloor and insulation, keep in mind that the strength of the piles is calculated with a small margin, so it is not recommended to heavily load them. Therefore, it is advisable to give preference to lightweight insulation materials that have low thermal conductivity.

Vapor barrier layer

Vapor barrier is required condition for a long service life of the floor insulation. Why? It's simple - atmospheric moisture should not get inside the floor structure, so reliable protection against it is necessary.

As a vapor barrier It is best to use membrane materials that do not allow moisture to pass through, but at the same time support air exchange. Economical option- roofing felt or polyethylene, but then you can’t do without ventilation ducts.

Vapor barrier must be installed not only from below, but also from above the insulation. In this case, the material will be reliably protected from moisture and condensation, which is caused by temperature changes. It is necessary to carefully lay the insulation and vapor barrier, ensuring that there are no cracks that will later become “cold bridges”, causing premature damage to the insulation and wooden floor elements.

Finish floor

Finish floor can be made from any material, designed for such purposes ranging from durable, solid boards and ending with sheet lumber (plywood, chipboard). When creating a finished floor, it must be taken into account that all types of material have different properties and therefore require different preparation and processing. So, sometimes there is a need to purchase soundproofing pads, sometimes you need to take a certain step between the joists. Compliance with these requirements is a guarantee of quality, both insulation and the floor itself.

Insulation will not be able to fully fulfill its function if the foundation piles are not protected with at least a light base. In addition to the practical side, this solution also has an aesthetic component - wooden houses on stilts without a base do not look so attractive.

Even an inexpensive base will eliminate the possibility of snow getting under the frame. Although it is worth saying that in order to fundamentally resolve the issue, it is recommended to immediately equip an insulated and durable base.

Buildings installed on screw piles need serious floor insulation. You can avoid cooling the lower part of the house by using serious insulation and covering the base with facade slabs. Currently on the market provided a large number of materials allowing for reliable insulation of the building.
it is made of timber well impregnated with an antiseptic, which prevents the destruction of wood during operation. Sometimes builders, in order to avoid costs in materials and complexity in work, use several boards connected to each other as tying screw piles; this method is not reliable and correct. Boards are subject to deformation and distortion than solid timber. It is worth considering that when installing the floor, the lower crowns are sheathed and a subfloor is created on which the insulation is attached. A skewed part of the floor will not allow for high-quality insulation, avoiding cracks, and therefore heat loss. This is very relevant for frame buildings, where a board is used as a strap instead of a beam. The main part of the connecting elements of the piles should be made of timber better than 150 mm. by 150 mm. A fiftieth board is quite suitable for intermediate joists.

How to insulate a floor on screw piles? There are a lot of insulation methods, it all depends on the materials used in the work. it can be polystyrene foam or various foam fillers, basalt slab etc. It is better to finish the bottom of the house with materials that prevent the impact on the wood.
When installing a floor for a bathhouse on screw piles Special attention It is worth paying attention to waterproofing. It is important to prevent moisture from entering the wooden parts of the structure. Be sure to install a ventilation and humid air extraction system. When constructing a facade, be sure to leave exhaust openings on both sides of the building. This will allow the lower part of the building to be ventilated.
How to properly make a floor in a log house on screw piles? Lower crown buildings made of timber are connected to each other by cuts (attached locking connections), the joints are tightly tightened with studs or bolts. The timber is rigidly attached with bolts or special formats to the heads of screw piles, which contributes to reliable fastening of everything
buildings to the foundation. The use of nails and self-tapping screws in fastenings and joints connecting parts of the building and foundation is unacceptable. The main load-bearing elements of the structure connected with nails or self-tapping screws do not give the structure sufficient rigidity and reliability, which will lead to distortions during operation. deformations and, as a result, repair or destruction of the structure.

Screw piles and floor insulation

A typical question that we often hear from customers is how to insulate the floor. After all, figuratively speaking, the wind will “walk” between the piles.

Of course, you definitely need to install a subfloor. Insulation is installed in the space between the subfloor and the floor coverings of the living areas. The choice of material depends on your desire. The main thing is that the insulation is dense and the spaces between the floors are densely filled with material. Any cracks and possible gaps must be eliminated. The floor insulated in this way is covered vapor barrier material. The lower part of the floor from the outside is sewn up with moisture-resistant material. To reduce the wind load in the lower part of the building between the piles, metal guides ( profile pipe) decorative facade slabs imitating brick or stone masonry are attached.

In the process of building a building on screw piles, it is important to understand that the building does not have a basement, but a feature is a ventilated underground. In houses built on screw foundations there will be increased humidity in the “underground” space. Therefore, when building a house on screw piles, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality and characteristics of the insulation materials used.

The necessary materials used when installing a floor on screw piles as insulation can be polystyrene foam, mineral wool, for vapor barriers, all kinds of films and vapor-windproof materials, which are now available on the market in a large selection.

Floor insulation in a wooden house on screw piles

How to install the floor correctly? To install a ceiling over the ventilated space, it is necessary to perform actions in the following sequence:
1. assemble a wooden frame, joists, lintels, subfloor for insulating materials;
2. lay a layer of vapor-permeable wind protection to avoid “weathering” of the insulation in the future;
3. the next stage is the laying of thermal insulation materials; different, including combined, options can be used;
4. Next, a layer of film is laid for steam and waterproofing;
5. The last stage is the installation of the finished floor, here the choice of materials with its own specific installation depends on tastes and wishes.

It is in this sequence that materials for flooring in houses on screw piles should be laid. Neglecting the sequence of floor installation can lead to undesirable consequences. Steam settling in a warm room in colder places will form condensation, which, in the absence of a vapor barrier layer, will penetrate into the insulation, which will subsequently lead to dampness with all possible consequences.
As a result, the appearance of dampness on the surface of the insulation and inside can lead to the following problems: increased costs for heating the house, increased humidity inside the building, rotting of the wooden elements of the building structure and the appearance of fungus, which leads to the destruction of the floor structure and can subsequently result in expensive repairs .

What materials are best to use for underfloor heating? It is necessary to pay attention not only to insulation, but also to waterproofing, vapor barrier, and wind protection.
The following materials can be used as thermal insulation: mineral wool (available on the market in the form of rolls and slabs; when installing floors, it is better to use slabs), mineral wool made from various raw materials can be “stone”, “glass”, “slag”. When laying min. cotton wool, it is necessary to observe safety precautions - special protective equipment;
polystyrene foam is the cheapest insulation material, used in the form of slabs of various thicknesses, the edges of the slabs must be tightly adjusted to avoid gaps and violations of thermal insulation, however high humidity and during a very temperature conditions polystyrene foam can crumble into its component elements (balls), which can lead to a breakdown in thermal insulation;
others possible material used in thermal insulation can be extruded polystyrene foam, which is similar in appearance to polystyrene foam, but has a number of distinctive characteristics; polystyrene foam is more durable, has a very low coefficient of water absorption due to which it is not subject to destruction at very low temperatures and, thanks to special additives, is not flammable, can be used in the form of slabs or filling in the form of foam using special equipment.

The following materials can be used for waterproofing and windproofing: polyethylene film, vapor-permeable film (isospan), wind-moisture-proof film, glassine.

For vapor barrier, a special film is laid on the insulation; there is no point in listing the names and characteristics, because now there is a wide variety of similar materials available.

A necessary requirement when installing a floor on screw piles- this is a mandatory treatment of wooden elements with antiseptics, which will prevent damage from fungus and insects in the future during operation.

The floor arrangement for a bathhouse on screw piles is somewhat different. In many cases, there are specifics to the work carried out and the materials used. When installing a bathhouse floor, it is necessary to take into account a very aggressive humid environment, where it is often necessary to use layers of moisture-proofing materials, concrete solutions and insulation. There is no doubt that installing the floor of a bathhouse is a much more complex process than installing the floor of an ordinary house. In addition, when building a foundation for a bathhouse, power frames are often created from channel bars and other steel materials.

IN We have accumulated extensive experience and understanding of the processes of foundation operation in this specific installation area. A properly constructed foundation is the key to long-term operation of any structure..

Foundations on screw piles are not uncommon in frame housing construction. Taking into account the peculiarities of the building, a number of requirements are imposed on the floor of the first floor. The base should not only be strong, but light, so as not to create excessive load on the piles. The thermal insulation aspect is no less significant. How to combine these characteristics and properly arrange the floor? Let's try to figure it out.

Specifics of the floor and requirements for its arrangement

The frame foundation on screw piles has many advantages. Among the main advantages are:

  • affordable price;
  • short construction time;
  • versatility - suitable for sites with difficult terrain and floating soils.

Despite significant advantages, the floor of a frame house on screw piles has a clear drawback - a drafty underground. Therefore, one of the main tasks of arranging the foundation is high-quality insulation and waterproofing. Thermal insulation cake solves a number of problems:

  • acts as a barrier between wooden structures and moisture, preventing mold and rotting of the floor;
  • improves home energy efficiency;
  • prevents the appearance of condensation on the surface of the floors.

During the floor installation work, it is necessary to take into account a number of important points and requirements. The developer must provide:

  1. Treating the bottom floor trim with an antiseptic. A deep penetrating composition should be used, since conventional impregnation wears off after 6-7 years.
  2. Placing insulation between joists.
  3. A fence for piles. Thermal insulation of the base reduces heat loss, prevents freezing of the soil under the house and is part of the decor.
  4. Ventilation vents. Making holes with a diameter of 10 cm, total area ventilation ducts - 1/400 from the perimeter of the base.

General layout of the floor of a frame house

The upper frame of beams along the fundamental supports is at the same time lags, which in itself reduces the cost of the construction budget. The structural floor pie has the following diagram:

  1. Rough floor. The basic base is assembled from the sheathing and bottom filing. The substrate used is: edged board, chipboard, OSB or multilayer plywood.
  2. Waterproofing. The best option– perforated membrane, alternative – film.
  3. Insulation. Options thermal insulation material: , extruded polystyrene foam, expanded clay.
  4. Vapor barrier. Prevents the formation of condensation and wetting of the insulation layer.
  5. Substrate. The choice of further technology depends on the type of floor covering.

If you plan to lay parquet, laminate or floorboards, then on the floor laying multilayer plywood. For decoration with tiles or linoleum, a dry screed is suitable. The “water floor” system is installed in a self-leveling screed.

Selection of structural elements and materials

The reliability, durability and thermal efficiency of the floor largely depend on the materials used. Let's consider acceptable options and indicate unacceptable solutions.

Attention to the quality of floor beams

In frame house construction, wood is mainly used for tying screw piles. Usually softwood lumber is used: larch, pine and spruce.

The main requirement is use of dried materials. The moisture content of the timber should not exceed 12%, otherwise deformation of the structural parts may occur after installation.

Arrangement of the grillage is possible in several ways:

  1. Laying monolithic timber measuring 20*15 cm. During construction two-story house you can use a 20*20 cm beam.
  2. Grillage made from assembled boards. A budget option. Each beam is formed from two to three boards. The output should be a beam with a cross section of 20*15 cm.

When the boards are securely fixed, the “batch” method is not inferior in strength harness made from solid beams.

Bottom trim options

When choosing a material for the base, you must remember that it is not advisable to overload screw piles. Therefore, the skin should be strong enough, but not heavy. Its main task is protection from wind and moisture.

What's suitable? Here are several options:

  1. OSB. An affordable material that has good strength, but is vulnerable to water. Before installation, it requires treatment with a composition designed to protect wood. The weak point is the joints of the slabs. They must be coated with acrylic sealant.
  2. Chipboard. Easy to process, but like OSB it is vulnerable to moisture. Inferior to the previous material in terms of environmental friendliness.
  3. Multilayer plywood. It is permissible to use only moisture-resistant sheets marked FK or FSF. The composition contains formaldehyde resins - they increase the resistance of the material to aggressive environments.

Very often, ordinary flooring made of boards with a cross section of 5*10 cm is used to install a subfloor. This option cannot be called economical, but its strength and environmental friendliness are beyond doubt. The main requirement is pre-treatment of the wood.

Insulation is the basis of floor insulation

When choosing a thermal insulation material, the main focus is on the possibility of its operation in a humid environment. The most rational solutions:

  1. Mineral wool . The best decision– mats made of basalt fiber. Pros: environmentally friendly, non-flammable, low thermal conductivity, resistance to deformation, minimal water absorption - 2%. With time stone wool gives shrinkage of only 5% - with proper installation, cold bridges do not form at the joints with joists.
  2. Extruded polystyrene foam. Leader in insulating properties. Additional advantages: elasticity and resistance to deformation, lack of water absorption, biostability, ease of installation. Disadvantages: high cost and flammability.
  3. Expanded clay. A budget alternative to sheet insulation. It is somewhat inferior in thermal insulation characteristics to mineral wool and expanded polystyrene. An important plus is fire safety.

For floor insulation frame house Foam plastic is sometimes used on screw piles. Main advantages: good thermal protection and low cost. However, upon contact with moisture and under the influence of low temperatures, the material loses its structural integrity. This solution is applicable in warm regions.

Step-by-step installation of a floor on a pile foundation

Let us describe the sequence of actions for arranging and insulating the floor of a frame on screw piles. Work begins after careful preparation of the wooden elements: treatment with an antiseptic and fire retardant compound.

Strapping device and lathing fastening

Let's assume that the piles are installed and the metal heads for fixing the beams are secured. Further progress of work:

  1. Drill four holes on each “bottom” of the screw supports.
  2. Lay waterproofing, for example, roofing felt, on the heads.
  3. Lay out the beams along the perimeter of the structure and connect the elements together “in half a tree.”
  4. Attach the beams to the heads with self-tapping screws.
  5. Insert the remaining beams inside the perimeter.
  6. Use steel staples to additionally connect the strapping parts.
  7. Check the horizontal placement of the beams.
  8. Fill the bottom of the beams with sheathing - a base for attaching the substructure.

Rough base and thermal insulation

Place on top of the guide rails OSB sheets, chipboard or moisture-resistant plywood. If used edged boards, then they must be nailed perpendicular to the joists.

After preparing the subfloor, they begin to insulate it:

  1. Cover the base with waterproofing film.
  2. Place insulation in the cells between the joists. When cutting mineral wool, it is necessary to provide a margin of 0.5 cm on each side for the tightest possible fit and to prevent the appearance of cold bridges.
  3. Spread on top of the insulation vapor barrier membrane with overlap between the canvases. Tape the joints with construction tape.

Subsequent actions depend depending on the type of flooring.

Creating a thermal contour for the plinth

The installation of a floor in a house on stilts necessarily involves driving in the base. The following methods of insulating finishing are possible:

  1. Brickwork. The base is a cushion of crushed stone and sand. The fence is laid out in half a brick; reinforcement is not necessary. Ceramic or clinker bricks are used for work.
  2. Siding. Thermal plates are mounted on a lathing made of galvanized profiles or bars, assembled on piles.
  3. Profiled sheeting. Purlins are welded to the bored posts, which serve as the basis for attaching the profiled sheet.
  4. DSP. Sheet material mounted by analogy with a profiled sheet. The outer part can be decorated flexible tiles, porcelain stoneware.

Regardless of the chosen method of finishing the underground part, it is necessary to provide “vents” - holes for natural ventilation.

The blind area of ​​the house is laid out from concrete screed, paving slabs or paving stones. When arranging, it is necessary to maintain a slope angle of 4° outward. It is imperative to seal the junction of the false base cladding with. This will prevent melt water and precipitation from entering the underground.

The nuances of arranging a heated floor

Warm heating on stilts is carried out using a water circuit or heating mats.

Arrangement scheme

  1. After installing plywood or OSB on the beams and waterproofing the subfloor, sheets of expanded polystyrene must be laid in the gaps between the joists. The top surface of the slabs should be flush with the trim.
  2. Spread a vapor barrier over the insulation, leaving a reserve of film around the entire perimeter based on the height of the finished floor.
  3. Lay the reinforcing mesh, fill it with a thin layer of cement-sand mortar and leave until completely hardened.
  4. Lay out the foil backing, shiny side up.
  5. Lay out heated floor heating mats and fill with concrete screed.

During the setting process, the solution must be moistened periodically to prevent cracks from appearing. After final hardening, you can lay finishing coat.

Video: how to make a screed

Arranging a frame on a pile foundation does not present any difficulties. But despite the simplicity of execution, the process requires the performer to be attentive and comply with all technological nuances.

Pile foundations have gained widespread popularity due to their relatively low price and the ability to be used in poor soil conditions. Such structures are quickly installed and can be used for almost any type of structure. Insulation of the floor pie in a frame house on stilts has its own characteristics that must be taken into account in order to avoid problems during further operation.

Building design features

When erecting a building on screw piles, it is necessary to take into account that the house does not have a basement or basement, but there is a ventilated underground. Such foundations are used mainly in swampy areas, so another important factor during operation there will be increased humidity in the space under the house.

When building a house on screw foundations, it is important to pay great attention operational characteristics insulation and additional layers.

As reliable protection thermal insulation material and interior spaces from high humidity waterproofing and vapor barrier will become, neglect of which will soon lead to serious problems.

Frame house floor composition

Bottom view of the floor of a house on stilts

To build a ceiling over a ventilated space, you will need to lay the layers in the following order:

  • load-bearing wooden frame (with a subfloor that “bears” insulation);
  • a layer of vapor-permeable wind protection (to protect the insulation from “weathering”);
  • thermal insulation material;
  • steam and waterproofing;
  • finished floor construction (board + finished floor).

All materials for a building on screw foundations must be laid in this order. Some sources indicate the erroneous installation of vapor barrier on the cold air side, but this makes no sense. Steam forms in a warm room and settles on colder surfaces, thus forming condensation. To prevent condensation from penetrating into thermal insulation layer and reducing the degree of protection of the building from the cold provide a vapor barrier.

Why is insulation necessary?

The need for thermal insulation material is not always clear to a person far from construction. From the point of view of the future owner of the house, it is much easier to start from the load-bearing capacity of the structure.

Neglect of thermal insulation standards can lead to the following problems during the operation of the building:

  • condensation on the surface of the floor in the technical underground;
  • decreased building energy efficiency and increased heating costs;
  • high humidity leads to wood rotting, mold and mildew, resulting in wooden structures They quickly fail and require expensive repairs.

Insulating the floor in a frame house allows you to avoid these troubles and ensure a long service life of the building and all its individual structures.

Insulation materials

Attention should be paid not only to the insulation material, but also to vapor barrier, waterproofing and wind protection.

Choice of insulation

Can be used as a thermal insulation layer various materials. It is important to consider the possibility of operation in conditions of high humidity. The most rational decisions the following options are:

Mineral wool insulation.
Mineral wool has a large number of advantages, including non-flammability, high thermal insulation characteristics. Not subject to biological influences. The disadvantages include the fact that if water gets on the material, it sags and loses its properties. Compared to other types, this insulation has a fairly high cost. Mineral wool is produced in the form of rolls and slabs. For the floor of a house on screw foundations it is better to use slab insulation because it has great rigidity. Depending on the type of raw material, stone, glass and slag wool are distinguished. It is important that when working with material, builders must have protective equipment: overalls, gloves, a mask.

is attractive in price and has good thermal protection properties. It is worth considering that when exposed to low temperatures and high humidity, it can crumble into small balls. Such damage leads to a violation of the building's thermal protection. If polystyrene foam is used, it is important to carefully protect it from moisture penetration.

(known to everyone as “Penoplex”) looks very similar to polystyrene foam, but lacks its main disadvantages. The material has higher strength and low water absorption. Thanks to this, you don’t have to worry about its destruction at low temperatures. In addition, extruded polystyrene foam is produced with special additives that allow it to fall into the group of non-combustible materials. The thermal protection characteristics of the above three materials are almost identical.

Another cheap option for insulating the floor of a house on screw piles is expanded clay. It is inferior in thermal insulation properties to all other materials, but is affordable. It is non-flammable and easy to use. It consists of round-shaped transverse clay particles.

Selection of related materials

The next step is to choose waterproofing and wind protection. Modern manufacturers produce materials that combine both of these functions at once. The design of the ceiling in a house on screw piles is somewhat reminiscent of an inverted pie mansard roof, for the construction of which builders often use moisture-proof, vapor-permeable membranes. Such multifunctional material allows you to save time on installation.

A vapor barrier is laid on the insulation. It can serve as ordinary polyethylene film. In addition, you can purchase special materials.

All wooden elements frames are necessarily treated with antiseptic compounds. This helps protect them from mildew, mildew, and insect damage.

Installation process

Laying the floor pie in a frame house on screw piles is carried out in the following order:

  1. Layout of load-bearing beams (logs);
  2. attaching parallel to joists cranial bars small section;
  3. styling boardwalk or plywood;
  4. fixed on top of the flooring vapor permeable wind protection;
  5. installation insulation differs depending on the chosen type (laying, backfilling);
  6. laid out and secured on top of the heat-insulating layer polyethylene film or a special one is glued vapor barrier material;
  7. erection of the structure flooring.

All the nuances of the technology are revealed in more detail in this video:

The installation process is quite simple and can be done independently, which significantly reduces the financial costs of construction.
If all the rules are followed, the correct order of laying the layers of the floor pie for a house on screw piles and a responsible attitude to the choice of materials, the future owner receives a reliable and durable structure that will protect the building from the penetration of cold. Self-installation allows you to carefully control the quality of construction.

Frame house on stilts: structural features

With help new technology frame-type construction has the opportunity to become the owner of a reliable home in the shortest possible time at reduced costs. These structures are lightweight (350-370 kg/sq.m.), which makes it possible to abandon the use of expensive strip foundations. To begin the construction of light frame structures, you only need to install a base from.

The use of such piles has the following advantageous advantages compared to similar columnar and conventional strip foundations:

  • Reducing the cost of foundation construction by 30%;
  • Minimum reduced construction time - up to 2 days;
  • Upon completion of the bunch of hollow piles, you can immediately begin building walls (in the case of a concrete base, you can expect a month until it completely hardens);
  • The possibility of constructing houses in areas with weak soil and shallow groundwater levels, as well as in areas with fairly complex terrain;
  • In the process of screwing in strong hollow piles, the soil surface is not loosened, but is subjected to uniform compaction, thereby increasing load bearing capacity the soil itself, while due to the impressive surface of the blades themselves, the level of pressure on the ground is reduced and resistance to the influence of all the acting forces of frost heaving increases;
  • The virtual absence of any earthworks.

Thermal properties of a pile support: dispelling existing misconceptions

Many are convinced that such a technique for creating a reliable pile foundation is quite cold in itself. There is a basis for these beliefs, because under a reliable frame structure there is not the usual concrete, but rather a sufficiently ventilated and free space.

However, there are two important points to consider here:

  • Over the long process of winter a private house on a regular strip-type support it is exposed to freezing to no less extent than such a cozy house on hollow piles;
  • The pile-screw support is sufficiently well ventilated during the spring, while durable concrete will accumulate the formed condensate for a long time and release its cold collected over the whole winter into the house;
  • Pile-type foundations have great advantages in terms of available thermal qualities compared to solid monolithic concrete.

Why carry out seasonal insulation of the floor in a house on durable stilts?

For such pile-screw structures, there is a need for sufficient floor insulation, but it must be precisely noted that this type of work can cause some difficulties.

The whole point is that this technology has found its reasonable application in many regions with high levels of humidity and heaving soils, as well as fairly shallow soils. groundwater. It is for this reason that it is necessary to protect the lower base of a frame house not only from penetrating cold, but also from emerging dampness. This one is very important point must be taken into account initial stage formation of the floor system.

High strength frame houses on a screw-pile support require mandatory insulation of the floor surface and the creation of a proper waterproofing system.

Correctly insulating the floor in a cozy house on a pile foundation

A significant part of the heat generated in such a stable house evaporates through the floor, which is why it is necessary to take the issue of its insulation quite seriously in order to avoid the penetration of cold air masses into the room. High-quality insulation will help to significantly reduce the cost of complete heating.

In the process of floor insulation in a frame structure, the following sequential technology is used:

  • creating sheathing;
  • formation of a reliable windproof layer;
  • insulation layer;
  • layer to provide vapor barrier;
  • rough floor

In order to maintain the maximum level of heat in the room, the thickness of the floor insulation itself should not exceed 200-500 mm. It all depends on what position the temperature drops to in each specific region in winter.

Before starting work directly with the floor, it is necessary to fill the grid under the joists along the entire perimeter of the structure. Most often, such a lattice is formed from regular boards. All boards must be treated with special antiseptics; they must be packed close to each other, without visible gaps.

In order to create an additional protective barrier from harmful rodents, you can lay a strong one on top of the knocked down boards. metal mesh with small cells.

Insulating the foundation of a house

The new design of the pile-screw foundation is one of the most stable and reliable. It can be installed with equal success in almost various climatic conditions, even in regions with fairly harsh and cold weather conditions.

But this is only possible with proper insulation of such strong home. This need for seasonal insulation is due to the fact that during the construction of almost any building on a pile-type support, a certain free space is formed between the base itself and the soil surface.

Due to this resulting space, the cold air mass is able to freely penetrate into the heated room, creating significant heat losses, for this reason the building becomes completely unsuitable for year-round living.

In addition to the noticeable housing insecurity that is felt by the residents, with constant freezing, the hollow pile can be directly pushed up, which can result in a significant distortion in the structure of the house itself.

Choosing the right insulation

To provide a house on stilts with decent thermal insulation, several insulating materials are used, which differ in many functional characteristics.

According to the degree of moisture resistance, the following insulation materials are distinguished:

  • insulation materials with a high degree of moisture resistance;
  • hygroscopic, requiring the creation of an additional degree of protection against unpleasant consequences exposure to moisture using special film, which has moisture-proofing properties. This fact must be taken into account, because the corrosion process of strong reinforced concrete and hollow metal piles will accelerate under the condition of constant contact with a sufficiently damp insulation, and the destruction of the heat insulator and the base itself will begin.

The main types of high-quality insulation materials

As effective insulation frame structure the following building materials can be used:

  • Moisture-permeable mineral wool;
  • Heat-retaining foam;
  • High-quality polystyrene foam;
  • Dense expanded clay.

Foam plastic and its technical qualities

Polystyrene foam is a material with a fairly porous structure. This type of insulation is quite in demand, which is directly related to its original properties, which help speed up the commissioning of the facility: sufficient ease of installation;

  • speed of flooring;
  • accessibility (this material is much less expensive than).

All of these above-mentioned qualities and relative accessibility are due to the ease of strengthening identical foam plastic slabs, which are evenly strengthened along the entire perimeter of the created base using a special adhesive base or a regular one, which is applied to the outside of the grillage.

The resulting joints in places where these plates are securely connected are reliably closed using conventional polyurethane foam. The only identified disadvantage of this material is that its slabs crumble when cut, it is for this reason that it would be most advisable to use them entirely.

Expanded polystyrene and its qualities

The leading position among insulating materials is occupied by polystyrene foam, the presence positive qualities It’s quite difficult to overestimate. It is quite lightweight, it is convenient to cut it with a knife, all these qualities make it quite easy to install; to securely fix it on the wall, a dowel or glue is used. It is also worth noting its easy resistance to loads and low vapor permeability properties.

Poor heat-conducting qualities will help keep your home warm for a long time. Many people note the ease of use of this material, because it does not crumble at all when cut. That is why many people prefer to constantly use this high-strength material for seasonal insulation of pile supports.

How the procedure for insulating the foundation goes: the entire sequence of necessary actions

The procedure for the next insulation of the pile-screw base is carried out in the following way:

  • at the initial stage, the grillage is waterproofed and the lower part of wall structures, and moisture-resistant material is laid between the lower part of the grillage and the lower surface of the walls of the structure itself, as well as between the lower part of the grillage and the end part of the piles;
  • then the waterproofing system is directly created the lower section of the storey building down to the lowest parts of the grillage.

In the role required material High-quality roofing felt is used for waterproofing, and the obviously unprotected parts of the grillage and protruding piles undergo the necessary treatment with a special moisture-resistant mastic.

It is also necessary to pay close attention to ensuring that the waterproofing of the grillages is evenly laid on all sides. This is the only way to really protect the structure from the gradual capillary movement of groundwater.

The need for external treatment to effectively protect the heat insulator

Many insulation materials used in the process of seasonal insulation of pile-screw supports often require additional protection from harmful effects of the environment and any strong influence.

They can be protected using conventional facade panels, performing not only protective, but also excellent decorative functions. Modern design and wide range colors gives panel structures a neat appearance and reliably protects them.

Modern facade models differ in their structure, but for an economical type of construction it would be more advisable to use profiled sheets. This high-strength material has high strength, durability and practicality in operation, and a relatively low purchase price.

The service life of such structures is up to 50 years. The simplicity of this installation, which is explained by the fact that all components of the facade covering are securely attached to the facade, placed on the top of the hollow screw piles.

Covering the base of the house

Creating a reliable basement covering for such a house on a strong pile support is one of the priorities in the process of seasonal insulation. Now on many construction markets it is possible to select the following cladding materials: neat basement sidings, high-quality panels, various decorative materials.

One of the most commonly used materials is a special base type of siding, which satisfies even the most demanding customer with its variety of models.

The following types can be the most commonly used types of insulating siding:

  • in the form of brickwork;
  • beautiful decorative stone;
  • neat ceramic tiles.

This insulating material looks great and is suitable for basement coverings. However, you should be aware that this type of coating serves only as decoration, but in no way has insulating properties. In case of use of this material It is necessary to produce high-quality floor insulation.

A reliable insulation option is a neatly laid brick wall, with which you can build and insulate the basement frame. For this purpose, it will be necessary in a pre-formed trench from cement mortar form a small base (foundation), which serves as base insulation. After the base has completely dried, you need to lay out a regular half-brick wall.

All proposed methods of seasonal insulation provide the necessary ventilation holes, which should not be forgotten. They are able to prevent the constant accumulation of moisture inside the very foundation of the house.

Vapor barrier

Frame houses also have a vapor barrier system. This is done in order to ensure reliable protection of the insulation itself and other layers of partitions from the possible ingress of moisture particles and the accumulation of condensation, which is formed due to temperature fluctuations inside and outside the room.

It is necessary to ensure proper insulation for such a house, because a wall without proper vapor barrier will deteriorate faster. For effective vapor barrier, various durable moisture-resistant materials with improved properties are used. These include: polyethylene, various diffuse membranes, special membranes for vapor barrier.


The procedure for insulating a house on a pile-screw support is quite complex, including several important measures.

Subject to proper installation of insulation and correct execution of all necessary work will contribute high-quality insulation houses on stilts. A properly insulated house is a worthy guarantee of reliability and excellent durability.