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» Broom planting and care in open ground. Broom - types and varieties, planting and care in open ground. Broom plant - description

Broom planting and care in open ground. Broom - types and varieties, planting and care in open ground. Broom plant - description

It was a discovery for me when I learned that the broom and the vaunted broom bush above the river have nothing in common with each other. This is absolutely different plants and various botanical species. Therefore, I want to tell you about broom so that you do not have any confusion about this unusually beautiful plant.

By the way, this genus includes in its ranks the familiar yellow acacia. Broom or citius are shrubs, sometimes trees, from the Legume family. Plants can be evergreen or deciduous. IN natural conditions grows in Europe, North Africa and Western Asia.

Prefers light and dry soils, sandy and sandy loam. Broom bushes, which have a spreading or compact fluffy crown, are popular among gardeners due to their beautiful and long-lasting flowering. They are often used for decoration garden plots. Moreover, caring for the bush is not difficult and does not require special care.

Broom bushes in nature grow up to three meters. The stems have a smooth surface that is bright green or grayish green. The branches are strewn with alternately arranged small leaves. The leaves are trifoliate and have small stipules.

Flowering begins in the second half of spring. The flowers are similar to pea flowers, in the form of elongated inflorescences collected in racemes. The flowers are pink, yellow or white.

Broom blooms for quite a long time, until July. Some varieties of broom have an incredible aroma when they bloom. Then the fruits ripen in the form of bean pods, inside of which there are small flattened bean seeds. After ripening, the pods open, scattering the seeds far over the surface of the ground.

The plant is popularly called golden rain.

Broom is a poisonous plant containing alkaloids, which in large doses can make breathing difficult. Therefore, working with this plant must be carried out with gloves, observing safety precautions.


Crown (C. purpureus)

This deciduous species grows in Europe and is quite frost-resistant. Bushes can reach three meters in height. Small, oval-shaped leaves are alternately arranged. Small light yellow flowers, up to two centimeters in diameter, are located in the leaf axils.

It has thin, flexible shoots with reddish bark and slight pubescence.

Prominent flowering (C. emeriflorus Rchb)

This species is often found in mid-latitudes due to its exceptional frost resistance. The bush is quite short, does not exceed 60 centimeters in height. The flowers are quite large, bright yellow.

Russian (C. ruthenicus)

Its natural habitat is Western Siberia. Reaches two meters in height. The leaves are small, 2 centimeters long, the flowers are formed into yellow spike-shaped inflorescences. It blooms throughout the month, from May to June. This species is poisonous.

Early (C. praecox)

A completely unpretentious species, growing up to one and a half meters in height. It has long, thin, flowing branches. The leaves are narrow and small. The flowers are bright yellow, with a pungent odor. Flowering begins in May. This frost-resistant type, preferring sandy soils.

Kewes (C. kewensis)

This species is very popular in Europe. Grows up to half a meter in height. The thin, drooping leaves with small green leaves bear cream-colored flowers in full bloom in spring.

Creeping (C. decummbens)

Low, up to 20 centimeters in height. A very lush, beautiful and brightly flowering shrub with yellow flowers.

Purple (C. purpureus)

A very striking type of ground cover shrub, growing up to 60 centimeters. Blooms in mid-summer for a month. The flowers are small, light lilac or purple.


Boskoop Ruby

Of the early broom varieties, this is the most decorative. It has thin and long, flowing branches, on which are small, bright green leaves.

The flowering of this variety is particularly beautiful. The red flowers have a mauve-pink color on the inside. The bush is literally strewn with them, not even the leaves are visible. Quite tall, reaching two meters in height.

Early broom Zeelandia

A very unpretentious variety with narrow leaves of bright green color. It blooms with soft pink flowers, containing peach shade. A heat-loving variety that requires shelter for the winter.


This is also a variety of the early species. A lush bush, with a spreading crown up to 2 meters in diameter, can grow up to one and a half meters in height. It has beautiful yellow flowers.

Is different abundant flowering and the strongest aroma. This is a sun-loving shrub that loves sandy soil and tolerates low temperatures well.


Low, up to one and a half meters, spreading shrub. It blooms very profusely with scarlet flowers, which are shaded inside by stripes of dark gold color. This is a heat-loving variety and requires shelter for the winter.

Andreanus Splendens

Variety of broom. It has a spherical shape, growing both in height and width by one and a half meters. The flowers are a very bright yellow with brown outer leaves. A sun-loving variety that blooms from the end of May.


This variety has quite large, up to 3 centimeters in diameter, red flowers with a yellow border. Resistant to low temperatures.


Grows up to one and a half meters in height. The crown also extends over one and a half meters. Has very spectacular flowering and very lush flowering in April-May. The color of the flowers is all shades of carmine. This sun-loving plant is frost-resistant and adapts well to urban conditions.


This is a varietal variety of early broom. A lush and compact, rounded bush, growing up to 1.2 meters in width and height. It blooms with white flowers with a slight yellow tint. It blooms starting in May for a month. The variety tolerates frosts well down to -20 degrees.

Burkwoodii crown broom

Grows up to two meters in height. The flowering is very bright and abundant. Flowers are up to 3 centimeters in diameter, coral-red, edged with a golden edge.

It adapts well to poor soils, is frost-resistant, and easily tolerates drought.

golden rain

This variety grows like a short tree. Poisonous variety.

Planting and transplanting

Broom prefers open, sunny and warm places. But broom does not tolerate drafts and winds. Planting is best done in late spring.

This shrub is unpretentious in terms of soil choice; its varieties can also grow in depleted areas. But light, sandy soils with low acidity are more suitable for abundant flowering.

Due to the fact that the broom bush is poisonous, its proximity to bodies of water is undesirable. This can destroy the fauna in the reservoir.

Soil composition:

  • sand -2 parts;
  • land - 1 part;
  • humus - 1 part.

If the soil is very poor, then adding a mineral complex will not be amiss. The bushes are planted in the soil at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other.

How to plant

A drainage layer 10-20 centimeters thick is placed in the prepared hole, depending on the density of the soil. Then the substrate is added, and the bush is planted so as not to bury the root collar.

After planting, the seedling is covered with soil and compacted. Then the seedling is watered abundantly. Mulching is done on top to retain moisture.

If necessary, the bush can be replanted. The composition of the soil should contain humus, sand and turf soil.

Some features of broom care, video:


Broom does not need special care. But this does not mean that you can completely ignore it.

The plant needs to be watered abundantly, but not often. The plant tolerates some dryness normally. But he cannot tolerate stagnant water.

Do not neglect loosening the soil and weeding around the bush. Instead of loosening, you can mulch the soil with peat to a depth of 5 centimeters.

Fertilizing broom bushes is carried out twice a year. The first time is in the spring, and then in the middle of summer. For spring feeding choose nitrogen-containing complexes. IN summer period Complex fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium are good.

It is also good to stimulate growth using wood ash.

Feeding frequency: twice a month.

Crown formation for broom is not required. Pruning is carried out only after flowering has ended in order to form more new buds.

Most broom bushes are frost-resistant, but they need some care for the winter:

  • Young plants are covered for the winter;
  • For short ones, a shelter made of spruce branches is necessary;
  • Tall bushes are bent to the ground and pressed, and then covered with spruce branches;
  • For mature plants, shelter is not required.

Features of care for the Moscow region

There are no special rules when caring for broom in the Moscow region, but some recommendations should be followed:

  • It is necessary to plant frost-resistant varieties.
  • IN winter time bushes need to be covered with spruce branches, this is especially important for young plants.
  • Watering is carried out abundantly, but only as the top layer of soil dries.
  • Planting should be done in well-lit and not blown places.
  • Carry out timely fertilizing and loosen the soil.

The plant is unpretentious and adaptable, so it is perfect for both an experienced gardener and a beginner, and its variety of dimensions will allow you to find a place for it in almost any area.

Broom (bean) is a shrub that can grow up to 3 m in height. Green bark covers its entire stem, which hardens over time. On the surface of the branches you can find slight pubescence and faint streaks of silver color.

The elastic shoots of a young plant face the ground due to the fact that a large mass of greenery bends the fragile stems. Three oval lobes form a leaf blade; united specimens can be found at the top of the broom. The leaf reaches a length of 4 cm.

Breeders have developed a variety of species and varieties of broom, among which there are frost-resistant, dwarf and versatile shrubs that emit a strong aroma, valued for their ability to quickly adapt to the environment.

View Description Leaves Features, application
Venechny (Zharnovets paniculata) In the early stages of growth, it is subject to slight pubescence, which then disappears. Green stems can reach 3 m in height. Irregular yellow flowers, decorated with fluff, grow up to 2 cm in diameter. The fruit is a bean with several seeds. The frost-resistant sample can withstand air temperatures of about -20 °C. Widely used in the European part of the continent. Prefers areas with mild climatic conditions. Regular, slightly elongated, oval-shaped. Subject to early shedding. Diversity decorative forms allows:
  • use for decoration of pine and birch trees;
  • decorate rock gardens and open meadows;
  • use in single plantings.
Kyussky The most common dwarf specimen (about 0.3 m), bred in late XIX century in England. Extremely spreading - up to 2 m wide. The flowers are large and yellow in color. Trifoliate. Great to combine with decorative stones.
Protruding-flowering Grows up to 0.6 m in height. Decorated with large flowers of rich yellow color. Resistant to cold temperatures down to -20 °C. Small, trifoliate. Compact dimensions allow the plant to be used universally.
Early A bush with a dense crown grows up to 1.5 m. The branches resemble the shape of an arc. In May, yellow flowers with a characteristic scent appear. The root does not go deep into the soil. Elongated, up to 2 cm in length. As part of a composition and as a free-standing plant. Plant to decorate borders and sandy slopes.
crowded The shrub has compact dimensions: 0.5 m in height and 0.8 m in diameter. Flowering begins in mid-summer and ends at the end of September. You can see already ripe fruits in October. Bright green, oval. It is notable for its precociousness, as well as for its high percentage of seed germination (more than 90%).
creeping The dwarf bush does not grow higher than 0.2 m in height, the diameter is 0.8 m. The flowers are presented different shades yellow. The fruit bears slightly pubescent beans. Cultivated since the end of the 18th century. The main feature is the splendor of flowering.
Oblong The most common species among other brooms. Blooms from early to mid-summer. Petals are golden in color. It exhibits the best growth performance in loose, nutritious soil in a well-lit area. The trifoliate leaves are pubescent. The apex is a point. Only mature (over 5 years old) specimens bear fruit; the beans ripen in early autumn. It does not tolerate cold well, so in winter it requires insulation.
Blackening The shrub does not grow above 1 m in height. Young shoots are covered with pubescence. The inflorescences are formed by 15-30 yellow flowers. Oblong, green. Viable seeds, the plant begins to bear fruit at the age of 2 years.


Habitat: mixed forests of the northern part of Russia. The stems of this low species rise 1 m from the ground surface. The fruit is beans (3 cm in longitudinal section). Light green, trifoliate, about 2.5 cm in length. Universal in location, prefers sandy soil.

Among such a variety of shrubs, almost every gardener will be able to choose the most suitable one for growing.

Variety Description Flowers
Boscope Ruby An early variety, notable for its decorative qualities. Grows up to 2 m in height, spreading, branches are long and thin. The foliage is deep green. Red on the outside, purple on the inside. Densely located on the bush.
Early Zealand The variety needs insulation for the winter period, since it does not tolerate frost and is very thermophilic. The leaves are bright green, oblong. Peach color.
Olgold The early variety is represented by a lush shrub up to 2 m in diameter. Requires a lot sunny color and sandy soil. During abundant flowering it emits a strong odor. Yellow tint.
Lena The heat-loving variety reaches 1.5 m in height and needs insulation in winter. The outside is red, the inside is golden.
Splenders It resembles the shape of a ball and grows 0.5 m in height and width. It blooms already at the end of spring. Rich straw color.
Palette Frost-resistant variety. A large red flower is framed by a sunny border.
Holland It blooms richly already in mid-spring. The sun-loving variety is notable for its resistance to cold and high adaptability. Red-purple color and its shades.
Albus The frost-resistant variety is characterized by early flowering, small dimensions and spherical shape. White with slight yellowing.
Burkwoody A tall variety that grows up to 2 m even in infertile soil and is resistant to cold and drought. Coral flowers are framed with a golden stripe.
golden rain Compact shrub containing poison. Lemon shades.

Broom planting and care

In order for the plant to please the gardener with its beautiful appearance, high growth rates and abundant flowering, it is necessary to provide proper conditions for broom, which is not particularly whimsical among other shrubs.

Landing dates and rules

Planting of seedlings in open ground is carried out in the spring. The place should be well lit and protected from strong gusts of wind. It is preferable to plant in slightly acidic soil equipped with drainage. The most advantageous option is sandy loam soil. It is not advisable to plant near bodies of water, since the poisonous elements contained in the plant can harm aquatic inhabitants. You must first prepare the mixture to fill the holes for the shrubs.

It should contain:

  • Sand;
  • Sod land;
  • Humus.

The mass needs to be mixed well on the eve of the rash; you can also add a little mineral fertilizer to it.

When planting, it is important to maintain a distance of 30 cm between seedlings. When digging a hole, you should take into account the presence of an earthen clod. Providing good drainage (20 cm) will help avoid stagnation of moisture and rotting of the root system. For sandy loam soil A layer of 10 cm will be enough.

Procedure for landing:

  1. Place the seedling in the hole;
  2. Cover the free edges with the prepared mixture;
  3. Compact the soil;
  4. Moisturize;
  5. Cover the damp soil a small amount organic material with a layer of 5 cm.


Watering is carried out as the soil dries, and should be plentiful. In rainy times, you can limit the frequency of moistening; it should also be reduced with the beginning of autumn. It is necessary to use settled water, since the lime contained in it will harm the broom. It is important to regularly weed the area and loosen the trunk circle of the bush 10 cm deep.


The plant should be fertilized:

  1. Nitrogen, urea in spring;
  2. A mixture of superphosphate (60 g) with potassium sulfur (30 g), diluted in a bucket of water;
  3. Wood ash (300 g per 1 bush) to slow down the rate of bush development.

Transplantation and propagation of broom

The process of replanting a plant is not significantly different from planting and is carried out as follows:

  1. A hole is prepared for the shrub that is 2 times the size of its root;
  2. The bottom of the hole is filled with crushed stone, broken brick or expanded clay (drainage);
  3. On the eve of removing the bush, the soil is prepared;
  4. The plant is placed in the prepared hole and sprinkled.

Propagation by seeds

At the beginning of autumn, you can collect seeds from beans and plant them in a special soil mixture that includes sand and peat in equal parts. The seeds must be immersed 0.5 cm into the soil. To create a greenhouse effect, cover the container with polyethylene and leave it in a warm, dark place. Ventilate and spray regularly.

When the sprouts acquire leaves (at least 2), they should be planted in different pots filled with special soil consisting of the following components:

  • Sand;
  • Turf land;
  • Humus.

In the spring, it is necessary to transplant young plants into larger containers. Afterwards, pinching is carried out so that lush foliage forms on the bush in the future.

Planting in open ground takes place after 2 years, by which time the shrub should have grown to 0.5 m.


In the summer, cuttings can be prepared by cutting off shoots that have already hardened and acquired 2-3 leaves. Then the seedlings should be shortened by half and planted in a pre-prepared soil mixture. For successful rooting of cuttings, it is necessary to create suitable temperature conditions for the shoots and spray them regularly. After 1.5 months, the rooted seedlings should be planted in separate containers. After 2 years, the plant can be planted in open ground.

Reproduction by layering

In the spring, you should select the branches growing from below and place them in the grooves under the bush, sprinkled with a small layer of soil. Then you should feed and water the branches, and with the first cold weather, insulate them. In the spring you can plant cuttings.

Diseases and pests

Wintering broom in open ground

After the plant has flowered, all thin branches should be cut off. It is recommended to insulate bushes that have not reached three years of age in the winter by hilling them with peat, pulling together the branches and covering them with non-woven fabric.

Application in landscape design

Used in composition with decorative stone and conifers, can also be located as a single plant. Shrubs are often used to form a hedge by planting them in a row. Broom combines with lilies of the valley, lavender and heather.

Zharnovets paniculata is known as a wonderful honey plant and is also valued for its medicinal qualities. For example, in order to prepare a medicinal infusion, you should pour 1 tsp. chopped plant cooled boiled water, insist and strain.

Indications for use:

  • Tuberculosis;
  • Jaundice;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Cough;
  • Headache.

Not yet widespread enough in landscape gardening landscape designs, a plant called “Broom”, confidently and deservedly takes its position in this area. Unpretentious perennial shrubs impress with their fluffy compact or, conversely, spreading cascading crown, densely covered fragrant flowers. The abundant and long-lasting flowering of broom causes real admiration among others.

This decorative crop attracts not only its spectacular appearance, but also its ease of cultivation. How to plant broom correctly and provide proper care for the plant is described in detail in this article. And for those who still decide to grow an exotic crop on their plot, a varietal description of the plant and a detailed video tutorial are provided.

Broom, plant description

  • Broom is a member of the legume family, there are about 50 species. Most often, these are quite tall (up to 3 meters) deciduous shrubs, less often – small fragile trees.

  • The birthplace of broom is considered middle lane Europe. The habitat has also spread to Western Asia and North Africa.
  • Shrubs attract attention with their decorative appearance, forming a dense green or bluish-pubescent crown.
  • The leaves of broom are trifoliate, alternately arranged and have very small stipules. Some species have spines on the stem.
  • The main decoration of the plant are the flowers: white, yellow or pink. The inflorescences are a raceme or head, elongated, up to 2-3 cm in size, reminiscent of pea flowers. The moth flowers have a tubular, two-lipped calyx with a sail, wings and a boat. This unusual structure of the flower allows the stamens to shed pollen as soon as the bee lands on the flower. The flowering period occurs in the second half of spring until July. The broom blooms for the first time after 3 years of age.

  • The fruits of broom are cracking elongated beans; The seeds are small, flat, kidney-shaped.

  • A honey plant, broom, loves open and sunny areas.
  • An otherwise unpretentious crop, broom is found in ravines, forest edges and even on rocky slopes. This decorative adaptability allows it to be planted in similar, non-standard and unacceptable places for other plants.
  • The species diversity of the shrub is represented mainly by wild species. About 15 species of broom are grown in cultivation. This plant, which is not widespread enough in the cultivated landscape, deserves more attention from gardeners due to its original appearance and ease of care.
  • There are also poisonous broom varieties.

Types of broom

All types of broom in the middle climate zone are characterized by an early and long growing season, when the first leaves appear in May and are so attractive decorative look lasts until frost.

Let's look at the most popular types of broom.

Crown broom (Cytisus scoparius)

It's deciduous tall bush, densely seated yellow flowers. Coronal broom can grow up to 3 meters in height. Green leaves fall early enough in preparation for the winter cold. Frost-resistant (withstands down to -20 ° C) and widely cultivated species.

This one is planted ornamental shrub both in large rock gardens and individually. In planting it goes well with evergreens coniferous plants.

Has a lot decorative varieties, characterized by bright red and even two-colored inflorescences.

Kyus broom (Cytisus kewensis)

A dwarf spreading species, reaching a height of about 0.3-0.5 m, and a width of up to 2 m. Numerous shoots of Kyus broom spread almost along the surface of the earth. The flowers are large, creamy, and warm in color.

This kind - great option for decorating small rocky gardens or rock gardens.

Protuberant broom (Cytisus emeriflorus)

This species also has other names - edge-flowered or floating-flowered, associated with the structural features of the flower. Large, yellow corollas are planted on long stalks, which creates the impression of inflorescences floating under the leaf or protruding forward.

Cold-resistant species, grows no more than 0.6 m in height.

Early broom (Cytisus praecox)

An unpretentious, medium-height (1-1.5 m) shrub, distinguished by a thick, dense crown formed by spreading and arched shoots. The plant acquires a light green color due to its narrow, elongated leaves.

Broom blooms in May, with abundant fiery yellow flowers with a sharp, specific aroma.

Frost-resistant species, widely used in landscaping and strengthening sandy slopes. Looks great in group border plantings.

The most famous variety is “Allgold”, which blooms very early, even before the leaves bloom. Also popular is the broom variety “Zealandia”, characterized by abundant and very beautiful soft pink flowering.

Crowded broom (Cytisus aggregatus)

A dwarf species, growing in height no more than half a meter. The diameter of the bush is almost twice its height.

Flowering occurs in the summer and continues until autumn. The inflorescences are deep yellow.

Light-loving, rapidly growing (blooms from the age of 3), the plant looks harmonious in garden and park plant compositions.

Creeping broom (Cytisus decumbens)

A popular low-growing (0.2 m) shrub with a spreading and slightly pubescent crown.

Abundant flowering has made this species the leader among all representatives of the broom family. Yellow shades, the flowers densely cover the entire bush, which gives the plant an unusually spectacular appearance.

Cold-hardy, planted both in groups and individually.

Russian broom (Cytisus ruthenicus)

Resistant to the climatic conditions of Russia, this species grows no more than 2 m in height. Branches, grayish in color, straight or arched, slightly pubescent. The inflorescence is mixed: racemose-spike-shaped with a small number of yellow flowers. The plant blooms in May for almost the whole month.

Broom grows on slopes or along roads and is poisonous.

Broom propagation

The shrub reproduces by seed and vegetative ways(cuttings, layering).


This method is used for species of broom.

  • Ripe seeds, collected at the end of summer, are sown in containers and placed in a shaded place. The soil mixture for seeds should be light, for example, sand and peat. Seed the seeds shallowly, up to 5 mm, ensuring their subsequent constant moistening and ventilation.
  • Supporting temperature regime about 20°C, the seeds sprout vigorously in the spring.
  • Then the seedlings are picked and transplanted into individual pots with a special soil mixture (turf soil: humus: sand in a ratio of 2:1:1/2). In the spring, after replanting and successful rooting, it is necessary to pinch the central shoot, thus ensuring subsequent branching of the broom. In just 3-4 years, the bush will delight you with its first flowers.
  • If seeds are sown directly in open ground in the spring, they are first hardened, ensuring higher germination. Stratification is carried out for two months before sowing.


The method is often used for hybrid broom species.

  • Cuttings.

In the summer, after the broom has finished flowering, they begin preparing cuttings for propagating the shrub. To do this, not too young shoots with 3-4 leaf nodes are cut.

The cuttings are planted in separate containers and covered glass jar for rooting. The care conditions are the same as when germinating seeds. Rooted cuttings are planted in open ground in the spring.

  • By layering.

The lower branches of broom creeping along the ground are rooted by bending them with special brackets and sprinkled with earth. Thus, providing the layering with constant sufficient moisture, subsequently, full-fledged seedlings are formed.

Rooted cuttings are separated from the mother bush and planted separately.

Planting broom

When planting broom, seedlings or seeds, choose an open, warm and windless place. Planting is best done in spring (April to May).

It is preferable to choose light, sandy soil with neutral or low acidity.

The only limitation is that you should not plant the plant near water bodies, due to the fact that the toxic substances contained in broom can have a detrimental effect on the living fauna of the pond.

Features of planting broom

  • The plant should be planted in a pre-prepared soil mixture from earth, sand and humus in an approximate ratio of 1:2:1.
  • If the soil composition is poor and poor, it is better to additionally add mineral fertilizers.
  • When planting seedlings, it is important to maintain a distance of at least 30 cm between plants.
  • You can buy seedlings for planting broom at any specialized point of sale. It is better to choose a grown plant with a closed root system.

Agricultural planting technology

  • Place the seedling in a prepared hole with soil mixture so that its root collar is at ground level.
  • The optimal condition for the development of a young plant will also be a pre-prepared drainage layer. Moreover, its thickness is landing pit will depend on quality composition soil (from 10 to 20 cm). The heavier and denser the soil, the larger the drainage layer. Used as drainage broken brick or pebbles.
  • After filling and compacting the soil after planting, it is necessary to water the plant abundantly.
  • By mulching the soil around the seedling, it will be possible to better retain moisture, aerate the soil and prevent the growth of weeds.

Broom care

Broom does not require special care or constant attention; it is enough to follow the basic rules of agricultural technology and the plant will feel comfortable in the garden.


  • Broom is a fairly drought-resistant plant, so it is better to water it abundantly, but not often, to prevent stagnation of moisture.
  • And under conditions of systematic precipitation, additional moisture is not required at all.


  • Loosening the soil around the bush and removing weeds is a necessary measure for caring for the plant.
  • Loosening should not be done too deep, up to 10 cm, so as not to damage root system broom
  • The optimal replacement for loosening can be mulching the soil with peat about 5 cm.

Top dressing

  • Fertilizer application is an important agrotechnical technique that improves plant growth and development.
  • Experts recommend carrying out several feedings during the period of active vegetative growth.
  • In the spring, nitrogen-containing fertilizers (urea) are applied, in the summer - potassium and phosphorus mixtures. The dosage of fertilizing is calculated according to the instructions.
  • If additional stimulation of broom growth is necessary, wood ash is also added.


  • The broom does not require any special shaping or pruning.
  • But, after flowering, in order to form even more young shoots with buds, its branches are pruned to strong lignified lateral branches.

Preparing for winter

  • To avoid freezing of young (up to 3 years old) shrubs, it is better to additionally cover them before the onset of cold weather.
  • If the bush is low, it is enough to cover it with spruce branches. In the case of taller broom, the branches are pressed to the ground with special brackets and covered with leaves or the same spruce branches.
  • Adult plants, as a rule, are quite winter-hardy and do not need such a procedure.

Growing in a container

  • Some heat-loving broom varieties are also grown as indoor plant. Then, in warm weather, the pots are exposed to fresh air, and in winter they are brought indoors.

Pest and disease control

  • Broom is a fairly disease-resistant crop.
  • If powdery mildew, use 5% copper sulfate, which is used to treat the plant when the buds have not yet opened. If signs of the disease continue to appear, spraying with foundationazole or colloidal sulfur helps in the summer. In case of broom disease with black spot, similar measures are carried out.
  • When attacked by pests, use appropriate insecticides. Thus, the pest moth that appears on the leaves is easily exterminated with a 0.2% chlorophos solution. And the moth is “afraid” of bacterial and organophosphate insecticides.

Application of broom

  • Most frequent use broom bushes - design of park and garden areas, various landscapes. The attractive decorative appearance of the plant could not help but interest landscape designers. Both single and group plantings of broom are practiced. A long-flowering shrub with an unusually beautiful crown that looks impressive against the background of conifers or cereal plants. Contrast color range advantageously emphasizes the diversity of planted ornamental crops.

  • In the pharmaceutical industry, poisonous alkaloids contained in broom are used.
  • Blooming in early spring, broom varieties are excellent for cutting.

  • Broom is an excellent honey plant.
  • Broom is used in the chemical industry to produce yellow dye and dye natural wool.
  • Durable wood from bush branches is used to make small crafts.
  • In the cosmetics industry, perfumes made from fragrant varieties of broom are used.

Thus, with so many advantages and favorable qualities, broom can easily be grown on your own plot. Love for species diversity flora will serve as an additional incentive to grow broom. And the spectacular decorative appearance of the plant and ease of care will help you quickly realize your plans.

Broom, photo gallery

Video: “Broom. Features of broom. Broom care"

Do you want to diversify and brightly decorate near own home? Plant broom. This plant will become wonderful decoration your yard. It will bring special joy during the flowering period: your garden will be filled not only with cheerful flowers, but also with a fragrant aroma. In addition, broom can be used for medicinal purposes.

Let's take a closer look at the features of this and how to care for it at home.

Botanical description

It is an evergreen or deciduous plant in the form, less commonly, from the family. Its leaves have a trifoliate, sometimes single shape. The height of a mature one can reach even 3 meters. Often the branches of the plant are lowered down, which is caused by the weight of the flowers and foliage. Other names for the culture are citius, zinovat, “golden shower.”

Today there are about 50 species of this plant; it “migrated” to us from Europe, which is its homeland.
Decorative value The plant's beauty lies mainly in its flowers, which are distinguished by their original shape: they resemble inflorescences. The components of the flower are a trifoliate two-lipped cup with a sail, wings, a boat, an elongated head and a brush (about 3 cm in length). So peculiar appearance promotes fast and high-quality pollination.

At the end of the flowering period, fruits begin to form in the form of a flattened oblong. One such bean can contain from one to several seeds.

The bright yellow color of the flowers turns into a living flame. There are also crops with white, pink or pale red petals. Broom blooms in mid-spring and will delight you with its flowers until July.

Types and varieties

Broom has a variety of species and varieties, which are classified according to leaf cover (and deciduous), flower color, foliage shape, growth method (bush or tree). Let's consider the features of the most popular varieties and types:

  1. Broom Albus- one of the most common deciduous species. The branches of this culture have an arched shape, which contributes to the formation of a dense crown, the height is about 1 m. During May–June, Albus is covered with delicate white pea-shaped flowers, which precede the appearance of foliage. The peculiarity of this species is its frost resistance - it can withstand up to -40˚C.
  2. - representative dwarf variety of this plant. Its height is only 20 cm. It is prostrate, about 80 cm in diameter. The culture is especially beautiful during flowering, when its thin branches are covered with dark yellow flowers. Not afraid of cold weather. Reproduction method: seeds and cuttings.
  3. An excellent decoration for a summer cottage is broom. This is a giant deciduous plant that reaches 3 meters in height. Its peculiarity lies in the richness of the colors of the inflorescences: from yellow to red. There are even two-color flowers (for example, combinations of yellow and red shades in the petals). It should be remembered that this variety is afraid of cold weather: its frost resistance limit is -20˚С.
  4. - one of the types of crown variety, which attracts attention with the spectacular color of the flowers, which combines golden and bright red shades. The plant forms a dense plant, about 1.3 m high. Flowering period: late May–early June.
  5. Representatives Russian variety steadfastly endure harsh climatic conditions. The gray-green leaves of the shrub go perfectly with the bright yellow flowers.
  6. Heady aroma sunny flowers is different early broom, which is resistant to cold and frost.
  7. Racemose variety- a representative of the evergreen bush citius. Its flowers are collected in flaming yellow inflorescences.
  8. Representatives Kyuss variety They are distinguished by flowers of warm, most often cream shades. The height of this crop is only 30-50 cm, but the diameter of the area that they cover with their branches and shoots is about two meters. This look is an excellent decoration or.

Choosing a landing site

Broom is not picky, but still has its whims. First of all, this concerns the choice of seating. Anyone who wants to admire the lush flowering of broom should carefully study the whims of this plant.

Lighting and location

Culture prefers places with bright, but diffuse sunlight, which is especially needed in the autumn-winter period. Direct hits are extremely harmful for her. sun rays at noon. Morning and evening sun rays will not harm.

If you decide to grow it indoors, place it on a windowsill located on the southeast side of the house. From time to time the plant needs to be taken out into fresh air. The place for planting outside should be warm and windless.

Soil type

Broom prefers loose soil with a moderate degree of fertility and or neutral reactions. It is also necessary to choose well-established soil. The plant does not take root on swampy soils or elevated soils. It is also contraindicated in soils on which groundwater lie close to the surface. The bush tolerates rare flooding of the soil quite steadfastly.

Important! It is forbidden to plant broom near water bodies, as it is poisonous and can adversely affect the living flora of the water body.


Planting and caring for broom in open ground- a painstaking task, but only if you have chosen the right landing site and type. Further cultivation will not require much effort. It is planted by seeds or cuttings. No matter the method best time for planting (transplanting) - spring (April - May).

Planting broom seeds can be done by self-sowing in autumn time, after fruit ripening. Seeds for growing seedlings must be sown after they are collected, that is, in the fall, in shallow containers.
To sow, you need to prepare a container and fill it with a mixture of sand and (1:2:1). Place the seeds in the resulting soil mixture and sprinkle a 5 cm ball of sand or the same mixture on top. Transfer the container with the sown seeds to a room whose temperature ranges from 18 to 20˚C. After germination, the seedlings must be picked and planted in separate pots filled with the same soil.

In May they are planted in open ground. After this, you need to pinch the central shoot. This action promotes lush growth of the bush. When planting, you must maintain a distance of 30 cm.

If you want to grow broom indoors, you need to transplant it into a spacious container, the size of which will facilitate the proper functioning of the root system.

The bush will delight you with “golden rain” only in the third year of life.

Did you know?Broom has powerful medicinal properties. Medicines from the culture are used in the fight against diseases of the heart, circulatory, vascular, nervous systems, migraines, pulmonary tuberculosis and other diseases.

Cuttings and layering

It is also effective to propagate broom by cuttings and layering.

  • The cutting technique is as follows: in the fall, when the bush has faded, you need to cut cuttings from it with 3 leaf nodes. For cuttings, you need to choose semi-woody shoots. The cuttings should be placed in a container with sand and peat substrate and covered with glass on top. Store the container in a room with a temperature of +20˚С. It is worth remembering to regularly ventilate and water the plant. Over the course of 4-6 weeks, the cuttings will form roots and can be transplanted into a larger container.
  • If your garden is decorated with brooms with creeping branches, they can be propagate by layering. To do this, the branches need to be bent to the ground, sprinkled with soil on top to provide the layering with a constant supply of moisture. Soon the cuttings will take root, and the bent shoots will become full-fledged seedlings that need to be separated from the mother branch and replanted.

How to care for a plant

Caring for broom includes watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing and pruning.

Watering and soil care

Broom does not like to be watered frequently and is quite drought tolerant. To find out whether it needs water, you need to monitor the top of the soil and the amount of precipitation (if planted outside). If the soil is dry, the plant needs water.

Important! Experienced gardeners It is recommended to water the vines with water containing a small amount of lime.

The complex of caring for shrubs also includes regular but shallow loosening of the soil around it and removal. Loosening must be done carefully so as not to harm the rhizome.

Top dressing

Active vegetative growth depletes broom, so it needs to be fed at this time. In the spring he needs, in the summer - especially and. The ratio specified in the instructions should be adhered to.

An effective means of feeding is.

If we look at the broom in the photo, it is presented as a shrub reaching a height of 0.5-3 m. It is used to strengthen and decorate wastelands and sandy slopes. Broom flowers are bright yellow, yellow-white, purple, and cream.

Common types of broom

Some brooms with fragrant flowers are grown in gardens and cottages.

The most famous include:

  • Crown broom (Cytisus scoparius). It reaches a height of 3 meters. On thin green shoots there are small oval or oblong-lanceolate leaves. Yellow flowers, irregular shape, up to 2 cm in size. The plant is frost-resistant, tolerates frosts down to –20 degrees. The leaves fall very early. Widely cultivated in Europe and in regions with mild climates. Blooms in April – May.
  • Early broom (Cytisus praecox). The shrub reaches a height of 1.5 meters. It is the most unpretentious species. Arched branches scattered to the sides form a dense crown. The leaves are narrow, small, up to 2 cm in size. Bright yellow flowers abundantly adhere to the branches. The plant is winter-hardy, grows quickly, blooms, like Venechny broom, in April - May.
  • Russian broom (Cytisus ruthenicus). Frost- and drought-resistant species, reaches a height of 2 meters, slightly curving branches, grayish-brown color. The leaves are trifoliate, up to 1.6 cm long, and the flowers are large, yellow, located from 2 to 5 pieces in the leaf axils. Grows in Europe, the Caucasus and the southwestern part of Siberia. Blooms in May – July.
  • Purple broom (Cytisus purpureus). A creeping, fast-growing shrub with a spreading green crown. It reaches a height of only 0.6 meters. The branches are densely covered with leaves. It blooms with purple and lilac flowers in June–July. It freezes over in winter, but recovers again in spring. Grows in central and southern Europe.

Growing broom

Broom is planted at a distance of 30–50 cm from each other so that the neck of the plant is located at ground level, and for drainage purposes it is placed at the bottom of the hole. river pebbles. After planting, mulch around the broom with peat or soil 5 cm thick.

Care includes regular weeding and fertilizing. So, Purple broom needs to be fertilized before flowering. To do this, mix potassium sulfate and granulated superphosphate. If you notice that the bush is not growing well, you can add some wood ash under the bush. Broom is covered with spruce branches for the winter. Shelter is especially necessary for young one- and two-year-old plants.

All varieties are drought-resistant. Therefore, if sufficient rainfall occurs during spring and summer, additional watering is not required. In dry weather, it is enough to water the plant once a week in the evening.

After flowering, part of the shoots is pruned to the side branching in order to stimulate the growth of young shoots and the laying of a significant number of buds.

Broom propagation

Broom propagates by green cuttings, layering and seeds:

  • broom from June to July, for which slightly lignified cuttings about 20 cm long are cut, 3 or 4 leaves are left on them and placed in boxes with moist soil consisting of peat and sand in equal proportions. The box is covered with transparent plastic film and the cuttings are rooted at a temperature of about +20 degrees for about a month and a half.
  • Broom seeds are sown in spring in boxes with peat and sand to a depth of 5 mm. In order for the seeds to germinate, they are pre-stratified for two months. The box with seedlings is kept in partial shade at a temperature of +18–20 degrees and with sufficient air and soil humidity.
  • In order to obtain layering, the branches of an adult broom are bent, placed in prepared holes and sprinkled with soil.

Healing and decorative properties of broom

If you study healing properties, then the Russian broom deserves the most attention. Immediately after flowering, it is necessary to collect the upper parts of the plant with young flowers.

Broom contains flavonoids, which remove chloride compounds from the body and have a diuretic effect. The prepared decoction or infusion is useful for angina pectoris, migraines, jaundice and cholecystitis.

IN garden design broom is used both in single and group plantings. During bright flowering, it creates a spectacular contrast with conifers. It is used in rocky gardens and on.

Thanks to its long flowering, broom is planted in containers and used to decorate various parts of the garden, terraces, and courtyards.