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» Is it difficult to be a prosecutor? How do you become a prosecutor? Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. Disadvantages of the prosecutor's profession

Is it difficult to be a prosecutor? How do you become a prosecutor? Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. Disadvantages of the prosecutor's profession

A prosecutor is a person authorized to present charges in court, as well as to monitor compliance with the law in almost all spheres of life in the country. And all this is in the name of the state.

Prosecutor(from lat. procurare- to manage, to be in charge of something, to take care) is a person authorized to represent the prosecution in court, as well as to monitor compliance with the rule of law in almost all spheres of life in the country. And all this is on behalf of the state. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in law and social studies (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

There are two sides to the work of a prosecutor, like the entire prosecutor’s office. Firstly, the prosecutor is part of the adversarial judicial system. If the lawyer defends the rights of the accused, then the prosecutor is on the side of the prosecution. Secondly, the prosecutor's office is a supervisory and investigative apparatus.

State prosecutor. If someone is accused of a criminal offense, it is the prosecutor who is responsible for presenting the evidence of guilt at trial.

When the investigator completes the investigation of a criminal case, he draws up an indictment, where he describes his findings and provides evidence. After this, the case is reviewed by the prosecutor. If the prosecutor for some reason does not agree with the results of the investigation (for example, he considers the evidence inconclusive), he returns the case for additional investigation. But if the prosecutor is satisfied with all the arguments and conclusions, he approves the indictment and sends the case to court. In this case, he must be prepared to defend the charges in court.

During court hearings, the prosecutor competes with the defendant's lawyer. He must present the case in such a way that the degree of guilt is not in doubt among the judge and jury. In Russian legislation there is a presumption of innocence, i.e. doubt about guilt must be interpreted in favor of the accused. This means that for success, it is not enough for the prosecutor to put on a uniform and furrow his eyebrows - he needs evidence, logical conclusions, and reliable testimony of witnesses. If the prosecutor is not satisfied with the court's decision, he has the right to appeal it.

Supervision. The main direction of work of the Russian prosecutor's office is prosecutorial supervision over compliance with the country's legislation, civil rights and freedoms. Prosecutors consider citizens' appeals,, if necessary, initiate criminal or administrative cases, monitor the work of investigative bodies under their subordination, and the work of so-called correctional institutions.

They monitor compliance with laws by ministries and departments, parliament, executive power, officials, etc. To do this, they evaluate issued decisions and acts. If the prosecutor sees that the law has been violated, he takes prosecutorial response measures - this is what is called a prosecutorial protest, presentation and warning.
The prosecutor has the right to independently go to court if he believes that human rights or state interests have been violated.
In addition, prosecutors participate in legislative activities.

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You need to graduate from a law school or university department with a degree in jurisprudence.

To work in the military prosecutor's office, you must graduate from a military university. For example, the Military University of the Ministry of Defense (Moscow) (Military Law or Prosecutor-Investigation Faculty, specializing in jurisprudence).

Dangerous job

There is a downside to so many rights: the prosecutor may be in danger, for example, when he supports the prosecution of a powerful criminal. They may try to bribe the prosecutor, and if the attempt is successful, he himself turns into a criminal.


A prosecutor is not a profession, a position. For a novice lawyer to eventually become a prosecutor, he should begin his service as an assistant prosecutor. An investigator can become a prosecutor. True, at present, almost all serious and especially serious crimes are investigated by the Investigative Committee. But investigative experience is still useful as a prosecutor.

The law enforcement system may change. The distribution of powers between different structures may also change, and their internal organization. The only thing that does not change is the need for high-level professionals.

The prosecutor's office has territorial bodies (in the constituent entities of the Federation, districts, cities). An integral part The prosecutor's office of Russia is the military prosecutor's office. As well as specialized prosecutor's offices: transport and environmental prosecutor's offices, for supervision of compliance with laws in correctional facilities.

The highest level of the prosecutorial hierarchy is occupied by the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, to whom his deputies, advisers, and various assistants (seniors, on special assignments) report. Prosecutors do not have the right to join political parties or be elected to bodies state power or local government. A prosecutor can combine his main work only with teaching, research or creative activity. The reason is clear: participation in business, government structures or political parties may interfere with prosecutorial impartiality.

Salary as of June 12, 2019

Russia 32000—40000 ₽

Moscow 41000—80000 ₽


Prosecutor's office.

Important qualities

A prosecutor is a position that requires good intelligence, analytical thinking, tenacious memory, emotional stability, self-discipline, honesty, a high sense of responsibility and self-confidence. Required to be able to find mutual language With different people.

Knowledge and skills

It is necessary to know the laws well (Criminal, Criminal Procedure Codes, Civil Code, etc.). You have to keep up with current changes in legislation.

How do you become a prosecutor? This profession obliges its owner to have a fairly strong will, iron restraint, analytical mind and justice.

In order to become a prosecutor, you will first need to undergo training at a university with a legal focus. It will also be required, but there are already separate universities for this specialty. For example, the Military University, where you can choose law.

Qualities that a prosecutor should have

How do they become prosecutors, what qualities and knowledge does a person who wants to get this position need to have? It is necessary to have an excellent knowledge of civil, criminal and other codes, regularly monitor all changes in legislation, have good memory, be disciplined, accurate in judgment, balanced, responsible and have many more positive qualities, since a conflicted and illiterate person will not make a prosecutor at all.

How to become prosecutors after training

A person who has been an investigator for a long time is usually appointed to this position, since prosecutorial work is very responsible, and without experience in it you simply cannot get an appointment. In addition, you must undergo a medical examination and submit a health certificate, which must correspond to the position. How do you become a prosecutor? They are appointed to this position by the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

Assistant prosecutors

Even after training, you don’t immediately become a prosecutor; you will have to work as his assistant for some time. At the same time, having demonstrated your qualities, in the future you can count on receiving the position of “senior assistant”. Then become a prosecutor, having previously obtained a certain amount of work experience.

The assistant prosecutor prepares acts for signing by his immediate superior. He has the right to make decisions independently, for example, instructions regarding the investigation. Responsibilities include preparing procedural acts for the prosecutor and making many decisions, except:

  • issuing a search warrant;
  • extension of the arrest period;
  • placement in a psychiatric clinic of an accused who is not in custody;
  • extension of the investigation period, etc.

Powers of the prosecutor

The activities of the prosecutor include prevention, identification and subsequent elimination of violations of the law. No one has the right to interfere with his supervision. He can freely enter the supervised territory, even if it has access control.

The prosecutor has the right:

  • request any documents for verification, even those containing;
  • protest acts that do not comply with the law;
  • release citizens who were detained illegally if there was no court decision on arrest;
  • issue an arrest or search warrant;
  • carry out supervision of the bodies that are engaged in investigation, search and inquiry.

Before the trial, his powers can be divided into several groups. So, prosecutor:

  • gives permission to select, cancel or change punishment (search, arrest, detention, recording of telephone conversations, complete removal from business, etc.);
  • gives sanctions and direct instructions in writing;
  • takes part in the investigation;
  • may extend the investigation if necessary;
  • resolves any investigative issues that arise;
  • has the right to challenge and recuse investigators and prosecutors (of lower rank);
  • removes unqualified investigators from conducting investigations;
  • confiscates the criminal case and subsequently transfers it to the investigator;
  • transfers criminal cases to other law enforcement agencies;
  • approves and then submits the necessary indictments to the courts;
  • can either suspend or terminate an ongoing criminal case.

The prosecutor in court has additional powers of the state prosecutor and is an official who is entrusted with the functions of correcting violations of the law.

The prosecutor is obliged to comply with the rules of non-disclosure of information received when working with secret documents.

Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation

Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation - the highest in the country's prosecutor's office. He heads the Prosecutor General's Office and appoints his representatives to positions in districts and cities. He has the rank: State Counselor of Justice. The Prosecutor General has personal advisers and several assistants, including those on special assignments. He completely manages the entire system of the prosecutor's office, issues orders and instructions that must be carried out by all law enforcement units of the Russian Federation. Establishes the necessary staff and structure of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation within the framework of the payment fund and work schedule. It determines the powers of the units, their necessary structure and number. The prosecutor is responsible for all tasks assigned to the department according to the law of the Russian Federation.

General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

Powers of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation:

  • Coordinate actions to combat org. crime of those bodies located in the federal district.
  • Monitor the proper implementation of the law of the Russian Federation by all law enforcement agencies.
  • Monitor the proper observance of freedoms and rights Russian citizens all organs.
  • Monitor the proper implementation of the law of the Russian Federation in those districts that carry out inquiry, preliminary investigation, search and operational activities. The same supervision is carried out over regional law enforcement agencies and departments that fight crime.
  • Investigate criminal cases about the most dangerous and significant crimes of the Russian Federation.

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation has a Scientific Advisory Council, which considers issues related to the activities of the entire structure. The position of the Council is approved by the Prosecutor General in the form of an order, and he also heads it. The decisions of the Council are advisory in nature and are then sent to the relevant higher authorities for consideration.

A prosecutor is not a profession, but a public position. This service is dangerous, difficult, but also not without some romance.

Who is a prosecutor

A prosecutor is a person who acts on behalf and in the interests of the state and represents the prosecution in court. The first principles of trials with the participation of the prosecutor and defense attorney were laid down in Ancient Rome. In Tsarist Russia, a similar profession was introduced in 1708 by Peter the Great.

What does a prosecutor do in the Russian judicial system?

The activities and powers of the prosecutor's office are regulated by the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office Russian Federation" and art. 129 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The prosecutor not only directly participates in the hearing of the case, but also carries out supervisory and investigative activities. The main functions of the prosecutor are as follows:

  • Control over the adoption and implementation of regulations.
  • Consideration of complaints and appeals regarding violations of the rights and freedoms of citizens.
  • Protesting illegal court decisions, sentences, rulings.
  • Receives investigation materials, processes them and submits them to the court, or sends them for additional investigation if there is insufficient evidence and lack of sufficient evidence.

How to become a prosecutor - education

You will not find the specialty “prosecutor” in any educational institution. You will need to obtain a higher legal education from one of the country's universities. In Moscow, this could be the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University, MGIMO or RUDN University. Graduates of St. Petersburg State University and Novosibirsk State University are also valued. Employees of the military prosecutor's office are graduates of military universities.

How to become a prosecutor - personal qualities, knowledge and skills

A person who applies for the position of public prosecutor must provide a certificate of no criminal record and have no diseases that may interfere with the performance of official duties. It is prohibited to have close relatives subordinate to or among immediate management.
A true professional has a number of qualities and skills:

  • knowledge of the legal framework;
  • analytical thinking;
  • the ability to avoid conflicts and emotional stability;
  • gift of persuasion;
  • integrity and honesty.

How to become a prosecutor - career growth

It is hardly possible to become a prosecutor immediately after university. First, you will need to gain experience for 3-5 years as an assistant prosecutor, or maybe as an ordinary investigator. Upon appointment, the rank of 3rd class lawyer will be awarded. Be prepared for long working hours, contacts with the criminal world, and possibly threats.

What makes a profession prestigious are the people who practice it, no matter how dangerous it may be.

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Everyone faces a difficult choice - choosing a profession. For those who have chosen the profession of a prosecutor, this article will certainly help to get answers to basic questions.

Where to go to become a prosecutor

The first step is conscious choice A university that will provide you with the opportunity to receive an education suitable for work in this field. This is exactly what a higher legal education is, to obtain which you will have to complete a period of study at any state legal university, or receive such an education by becoming a student at another university, studying in a legal specialty.

In order to obtain a law diploma in Moscow, you can opt for the Law Faculty of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation or the Law Faculty of the RUDN University; a diploma in the “jurisprudence” profile can also be obtained at the State Academic University of Humanities under the Russian Academy of Sciences.

It will also serve as your passport to the profession of a military prosecutor. So, if you are considering the option of working as a military prosecutor, then you need to choose educational institution more balanced, i.e. military orientation. The Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is just what you need.

What does it take to become a prosecutor?

Your knowledge of criminal, civil and other codes should be close to ideal, and you will also have to regularly replenish and update your stock of knowledge, as legislation is continuously improved, supplemented, and new various amendments, changes, etc.

In addition to the knowledge you have acquired, you will have to undergo complex training and develop special qualities in yourself, without which you will quickly lose interest or, what is much worse, receive a mark of incompetence, like a failed prosecutor.

So what are these qualities without which you cannot become a prosecutor?

These qualities include:

  • analytical thinking,
  • almost phenomenal memory,
  • calmness,
  • discipline,
  • responsibility,
  • diligence,
  • self confidence.

You should remember that an uneducated, illiterate and conflict-prone person will never make a good prosecutor - this is the truth. Therefore, increasing your intellectual level in the community with improving your communication skills should be a priority for you if you want to become a prosecutor.

How to become a prosecutor in Russia

A prosecutor is not so much a profession, it is a position. It will take time to transform a novice lawyer into a prosecutor. But you should start your work in the prosecutor's office by serving as an assistant prosecutor.

The road to becoming a prosecutor also lies through the investigation, which has recently been conducted in the Russian Federation by a separate structure, the Investigative Committee. In other words, you can easily retrain from an investigator to a prosecutor.
The work of a prosecutor is not only about the courts.

There are two areas of work of the prosecutor's office

  1. Part of the judicial system. The lawyer is charged with protecting the rights of the accused. The prosecutor brings charges. State prosecutor. Considers the possibility of taking the case to trial, in which he will bring charges based on the evidence collected in the case. During the trial, the prosecutor confronts the lawyer. He must present the case in such a way that the guilt of the accused is undeniable for the participants in the process. In the Russian Federation there is a presumption of innocence, which interprets all doubts about guilt in favor of the accused. To make it clear to the “romantics” who saw the work of the prosecutor on TV, a uniform and a stern face are not enough to successfully complete a case and win in court - you need an evidence base: evidence, conclusions based on logic and reliable testimony of witnesses.
  2. Supervisory and investigative body. Supervisory activities. The work of the prosecutor in this area consists of considering appeals and complaints from the population, initiating criminal or administrative cases if necessary, supervising the work of investigative bodies, correctional institutions, monitoring the implementation and observance of laws by various government agencies and officials. The prosecutor evaluates decisions and acts and, if violations of the law are detected, he takes certain measures.

The prosecutor has the right to independently appeal to the courts if, based on the results of the inspection, there is a violation of human rights or interests of the state.

The prosecutor acts as the main prosecutor in court. Monitors the legality of fulfillment of obligations in various areas. Acts exclusively on behalf of the state.


60,000–90,000 rub. (

Place of work

You can perform the duties of a prosecutor while in court or the prosecutor's office.


The work of the prosecutor is divided into 2 parts: representing the prosecution in court and supervisory and investigative activities.

The activities of the prosecutor as a prosecutor include: accepting incriminating evidence from the investigator, transferring the case to court, proving the guilt of the defendant at trial. The prosecutor’s duty is to correctly present the essence of the charge and be a worthy opponent to the lawyer. If the prosecutor is not satisfied with the decision of the judge, he has the right to appeal.

As a specialist of the supervisory and investigative body, the prosecutor considers complaints regarding violations of the rights and freedoms of citizens. If a violation occurs, the prosecutor is obliged to respond immediately. Result: protest, warning or going to court.

Important qualities

The profession of a prosecutor requires special analytical thinking, self-confidence and self-discipline. The prosecutor is obliged to be honest and decent, to act exclusively within the law. No less important qualities- emotional stability, skills of easy communication with people and the ability to firmly defend one’s position.

On the Day of the Prosecutor's Office, former employees of the department shared with PASMI their memories of methods of working with the population, “caste division” and principles of career building. First and last names have been changed at the request of former prosecutors.


According to former employees of the supervisory department, in some regions it is quite difficult for an outsider to even get into the district prosecutor's office - they need either connections or money.

“I was lucky, I got a job in the mid-2000s, when it was still possible to come to the personnel department of the prosecutor’s office and, having proven my qualifications, start working. I don’t undertake to talk about the situation throughout the country, but here, in the Volgograd region, this is hardly possible now.”

“I was hired by the city prosecutor’s office on the recommendation of the deputy city prosecutor, who selected young employees after practice. It’s interesting that a few weeks before his recommendation, I myself sent my documents to the HR department. But when I came to apply for a job with a recommendation from my superiors, the personnel officers did not have my file. That is, the folder with my documents was simply thrown into the trash or disappeared..."

“To become an ordinary employee in the prosecutor’s office, you must either be from a prosecutor’s family, or have good connections, or, as I heard, have at least 800 thousand rubles in your stash. I myself joined the prosecutor’s office without cronyism or money, having a university diploma with honors. But, despite his desire to help people, he didn’t last long...”

Leave or stay

According to former employees of the prosecutor's office, few remain to serve until retirement. Most either leave at will, or quits due to “renewal” of personnel. According to people who have worked in this system for several years, we're talking about on the rotation of personnel within the framework of the requirements of a particular boss. And those who are not suitable are either fired or not hired.

“Now they are trying to get rid of people who have worked for more than five years. They are recruiting university graduates. Moreover, in addition to the so-called insiders, the selection is also based on intellectual level - the lower, the more convenient it is for the authorities. Therefore, I would not count, at least in the near future, on a long career in some regions. You can transfer a little later to another region, republic or to the Prosecutor General’s Office.”

Artem Volkov, 6 years of work experience:
“In the seven years that I have no longer worked in the prosecutor’s office of our region, there has not been a single decent person left there. With the exception of one or two who decided not to take the initiative, not to interfere, in order to calmly work until retirement. Those who work there are, at best, mediocrities or completely lacking initiative. Why this body exists, I don’t know.”

Elena Molotkova, 11 years of work experience:
“They don’t need thinking people, they just need a typewriter: for reports, acts of response, so that the “sticks” can work out and inflate reporting. And in some regions this can happen along the entire vertical - from the chief prosecutor to the district one. If someone is not satisfied with this situation, but has a desire to work in the prosecutor’s office, then perfect option- transfer somewhere to the North, because at least there the pay is higher and there are more benefits.”

Career rise

According to those surveyed, it is very difficult for an “outsider” to make a truly successful career in the prosecutor’s office. Even if you are a “faithful soldier of the system” and unquestioningly carry out all the instructions of the leadership.

Regina A., work experience 8 years:
“A promotion is possible if you are quiet, calm, without initiative, do not try to achieve real results in your work and portray well a personnel unit that does not represent anything. And those who plow and work hard remain at their not very high level.”

Elena Molotkova, 11 years of work experience:
“If a person doesn’t have any connections, then sooner or later they will try to remove him. We need relatives and patrons. Outsiders - they are not needed, because people not from the system have a completely different outlook on life. They may, for example, disagree with how the authorities treat ordinary citizens. People like us may not find common ground with influential leaders, and therefore are not needed.”

Mikhail Tumanov, 3 years of work experience:
“Those who are silent all their lives, at least they are not pressed. The most important principle of a long-term career and some growth is to stay out of nowhere. And under no circumstances contradict management, even if their demands are illegal. If you misbehave once, they’ll dump you.”

Working with the public

The attitude towards citizens' statements in a number of departments, as former prosecutors say, is irresponsible. And the reason for this may be either a banal reluctance to work or lack of professionalism.

Elena Molotkova, 11 years of work experience:
“A lot of things are being done not just carelessly, but simply incorrectly. There were cases when they gave answers without making acts of reaction. This happened here... they might not respond to the population’s complaints at all. But they turn a blind eye to all this, because everyone knows who the father of this outstanding employee or employee is. And if you’re not with the system, then you get out of there.”

Artem Volkov, 6 years of work experience:
“They send wrong cases to court without delving into the essence. Even those in which there is no crime. But prosecutors sign the report and send the case to court - that’s how they rule statistics. Supervision over cases is carried out formally, because dismissed cases have a bad effect on their statistics, they are pushed into court by any means. In a number of cases, they try to lock defendants who are at large into cells in order to negotiate minimum sentences with them in exchange for admitting their guilt in court. These are all real cases.”

Working with business

According to respondents, official statistics have nothing to do with reality. Prosecutors may not respond to complaints from businessmen or simply carry out orders from management.

Mikhail Tumanov, 3 years of work experience:
“In my law practice, I was able to recover from the state the amount that the client spent on my work and other expenses. According to the law, this money had to be recovered from the official, through whose fault the state pays compensation. In the regional prosecutor's office, our appeal indicating a specific official, whom the court found to be wrong, was forwarded to the city one. From city to district. And the district said that it saw no reason to require the official to make payments to the budget. And that was the end of it."

Regina A., work experience 8 years:
“The rights of entrepreneurs are often violated. And they respond to requests from ordinary citizens with replies - go to court with claims. What do they get paid for? I don’t know how it is in the regions, but in our country satisfying a complaint was considered the most last thing. Rarely did anyone really work.”

Elena Molotkova, 11 years of work experience:
“The response system is not transparent. Employees know that managers are involved in some kind of fraud and protection. And the leaders are not shy about giving instructions... They told me directly: “Forget everything you were taught. Everything you know is of no use to anyone.” And this was said, as a rule, using obscenities.”

Revenge on the guilty

Management's attitude towards disobedient employees is worse than towards an ordinary citizen. Even a little disobedience can result in career ruin - at best, and in the worst - prison.

Regina A., work experience 8 years:
“Whoever works in the prosecutor’s office has no rights. Everyone has always talked about this and continues to talk about it. Therefore, if it is necessary to attract an employee, then he is attracted without asking whether it is legal or not. There is no law within the system. I worked recklessly, I didn’t expect that they would do this to me. Helped people. When I got to work, I felt like the happiest person in the world. As a result, it turned out that this honesty and equal treatment of both rich and poor was not welcomed. My boss told me this before I was kicked out.”

Artem Volkov, 6 years of work experience:
“Many people are afraid to quit. A prosecutor I know was charged with a criminal case only because, against the wishes of his management, he wanted to transfer to another area. His colleague from his own prosecutor’s office initiated the case. The unofficial reason is that he tried to go over the head of his superiors. Even if you want to stay in the system, but violating the wishes of the one who is higher, you become disliked by the system.”

Working conditions

Former employees of the prosecutor's office say that even with paperwork in the department, not everything is fine. Consumables, cleaning costs and transportation costs often fell on the shoulders of workers.

Mikhail Tumanov, 3 years of work experience:
“From time to time, former colleagues complain to me that they buy paper for their printers themselves. I know that the offices in the regional prosecutor's offices are repaired at their own expense by the employees themselves. What else should they do when the wallpaper falls off? You can’t ask for repairs - there’s corruption, they don’t allocate money for this, so they chip in and fix it.”

Regina A., work experience 8 years:
"We even household chemicals bought it for a cleaning lady. And due to the nature of the tender, January was always the month when there were no cleaners. And we chipped in from our money to pay the cleaning lady. And when we complained, they told us: “You already get a good salary.” Everything related to internal documentation was done on used sheets of paper. We disassembled documents intended for destruction and re-run them through the printer. But the funny thing is that I bought my work computer with my own money! I was given an antediluvian “computer with a TV”, which only began to figure something out by lunchtime. Well, I went and bought myself a normal computer. In principle, we were not provided with equipment. And we refilled the cartridges at our own expense.”

Artem Volkov, 6 years of work experience:
“The entire department of the prosecutor’s office had only Zhiguli cars, which periodically broke down. For this reason, we went to the regional center - 300-400 kilometers away - in our cars. Of course, no one paid us for gasoline, Consumables Same. The prosecutor asked us, and we folded. And when there wasn’t enough money for gasoline, they asked people from remote settlements come to the area to get answers. They even made it into stamps for letters.”

A prosecutor is a person with a legal education who represents the prosecution in legal proceedings. The profession also involves the preparation of various documents, travel, in some cases, to places of investigation, and consideration of civil complaints. If the complaint has a strong basis, the prosecutor has the right to open a case on it.

Not every person can become a prosecutor. He must have certain qualities. Analytic mind will allow you to quickly understand the matter and compare everything correctly, logic will simplify the work. The person must also have a significant amount of responsibility. The ability to fill out papers and keep them in order will not be superfluous. And the main thing is honesty. This quality presupposes a position. There is no place for prejudices, unnecessary thoughts or pity. The prosecutor must be honest, because he represents the law.


  • Depending on the type of person who occupies this position, he can receive a lot of useful connections. But it is not always the case. It’s not about the profession itself, but about how sociable, sociable and lucky a person is. Some people work tirelessly for years and don’t even hear a thank you in return, others, after working for just a few months, become famous throughout the entire district, and then the country, the world. It all depends on the case, but it is quite possible.
  • Prosecutors are very smart people . This is a respected profession and people usually trust them completely. If lawyers represent a client – ​​separate individual and can even defend a criminal, then the profession in question acts on behalf of the law, only it and nothing more. If evil or unlawful intent was seen in any case, the prosecutor is obliged to expose it and force the perpetrators to answer.

  • Prosecutors' salaries are very high. Enough for all necessary needs. But in order to get it, you first need to get a job - this is the main pitfall of the profession.
  • Although finding a job as a prosecutor is not easy, there is a demand for the profession. It’s just that not everyone is accepted for these positions. This is due to the fact that not everyone has enough education, experience, or personal qualities.
  • The profession provides promotion by career ladder . But there are not many levels of advancement and the competition is very high; a weak-willed person will not be able to “survive” here.
  • The prosecutors have quite normalized work schedule. You have to stay late after the end of the working day only in rare cases, if you come across a difficult case or if you need to submit some papers on the case. But during the working day they have a lot of work. It is impossible to call a profession “free”.


  • Not every person will be so legally seasoned as to be able to become a prosecutor. The profession requires full knowledge of all the nuances of the law. It takes a long time to study, and you need to know a lot. In addition, it is important to navigate in different areas, and not just in law, in order to quickly delve into new cases.
  • To become a good prosecutor you need to be very sociable and have public speaking skills. This not only helps in court, but also allows you to find a common language with people of different social classes.
  • The profession is very dangerous, because it is quite closely related to the detection of various serious crimes and criminals. The problem is that these same criminals are often very influential people who can, if desired, “take it out” on the prosecutor. That is why only very confident and confident people should choose such a position. strong personalities, who are difficult to intimidate and whose decisions are not influenced by anything other than the law.
  • You cannot get a job as a prosecutor right away. Before this, you need to work for some time as an assistant. Depending on the assistant's skills, a promotion can be expected for years and not everyone waits for it.
  • Competition is very high. Only a few students find work in their profession. This is due to the lack of jobs.
  • Stress will be as familiar as breakfast in the morning. The work is very difficult emotionally and psychologically. So it is recommended for people who are stress-resistant, with a healthy, strong psyche, and also physically strong.
  • Yes, the prosecutor presents the truth, but it does not always lie on the surface. Sometimes, if he did not investigate the case well or did not fully understand it, he may end up making an unjustified accusation. A good lawyer, of course, will be able to refute it, but in this case the prosecutor needs to be able to accept his own mistake, if not publicly, but at least for himself. The problem is that many prosecutors are overconfident, which later affects their health.
  • There is career advancement, but it is very slow and requires considerable perseverance and patience.
  • Prosecutors have influence and are respected, but not everyone and not always. It is believed that the law is on their side, but this law does not help everyone. Corruption has always existed in different professions, including this one. So among average citizens there is a very unpleasant opinion about prosecutors who, if they want, can turn a blind eye to the law that they represent. So you shouldn’t hope for universal love.
  • Prosecutors can spend months working on paperwork without a specific case. Paper work It is not suitable for everyone; it has a strong impact on health.


Working as a prosecutor involves a significant amount of responsibility and a lot of physical and emotional stress. Representatives of this position have to deal with different people, influential and not, rich and poor, and therefore the ability to communicate is always important.

A good prosecutor has a number of advantages. These include high salaries, positive connections, and stability, which, for example, lawyers cannot afford. If a person wants to become a prosecutor, he must understand whether this is his profession, because not everyone can do it. The ability to think logically, communicate, speak and defend the truth, and learn is not given to everyone.

In Russia, as in a number of other countries, there is a presumption of innocence, according to which it is not the accused who must prove his innocence, but the prosecution must prove that he committed an offense. This means that a special place in the Russian judicial system is occupied by representatives of the prosecutor’s profession, who, in fact, are responsible for the evidence base of the prosecution.

In Russia, as in a number of other countries, there is a presumption of innocence, according to which it is not the accused who must prove his innocence, but the prosecution must prove that he committed an offense. This means that a special place in the Russian judicial system is occupied by representatives prosecutor's profession who, in fact, are responsible for the evidence base of the accusation.

Let us immediately note that legal specialties are generally very popular among young people, since they are considered prestigious and promising for career growth and achieving material well-being. However, the profession of a prosecutor stands somewhat apart on this list. Why? Yes, because this profession has a number of specific features, which we will talk about today in this article.

Who is a prosecutor?

A highly qualified specialist and civil servant who is the main legal representative of the prosecution in legal proceedings. Also, representatives of the prosecutor's office are called upon to monitor compliance with law and order in almost all spheres of the state.

The name of the profession comes from the Latin procurator (manager, manager), which only partly reflects the essence of the prosecutor’s activity. The fact is that initially representatives of this profession were civil servants with different range of responsibilities (including managers who were also called prosecutors (procurators). In our usual understanding, the profession was formed in Ancient Rome, where, in fact, the concept of the trial was developed: with the participation of the suspect, the judge, the prosecution and the defense. In Russia, the first prosecutors appeared during the reign of Peter I.

However, the first Russian prosecutors performed the functions not so much of representatives of the state prosecution, but rather of intelligence agents. It was only in Soviet times that the duties of prosecutors were limited to monitoring compliance with the legality of charges and law and order in general.

From the time of Soviet Union duties of the prosecutor practically unchanged. Today they include:

  • participation in judicial proceedings in civil and criminal cases;
  • protesting court decisions, sentences, rulings, as well as acts issued by various officials if they contradict the law;
  • participation in legislative activities;
  • initiation of proceedings for a criminal or administrative offense;
  • consideration of complaints and appeals from citizens;
  • coordination of law enforcement activities;
  • supervision over the implementation of laws and observance of civil rights and freedoms.

What personal qualities should a prosecutor have?

Because the prosecutor's work is aimed at monitoring compliance with law and order in the country, representatives of this profession, first of all, must be honest, principled and incorruptible.

In addition, the prosecutor will not be able to efficiently perform his professional duties if he does not have such personal qualities, How:

  • Analytical mind;
  • stress resistance;
  • oratorical skills;
  • good memory;
  • attentiveness;
  • determination;
  • initiative;
  • equilibrium;
  • a heightened sense of justice;
  • impartiality;
  • developed intuition;
  • the ability to correctly formulate your thoughts both orally and in writing.

We cannot ignore the requirements for the professional knowledge and skills of prosecutors. In addition to extensive knowledge of jurisprudence, the prosecutor must be able to correctly draw up official documents (that is, know the basics of office work), be proficient in computer and other equipment, know the rules for wearing, using and storing service weapons, as well as the procedure for working with information that is state or protected secret law.

Advantages of being a prosecutor

As we already mentioned above, legal specialties in Russia are considered prestigious and the most promising in terms of career growth and material well-being. Is no exception profession of a prosecutor, advantages which includes, among others:

  • high salary level - the average monthly salary of a prosecutor in Russia today is 50-60 thousand rubles (and this does not take into account various allowances and bonuses);
  • significance - it is from the procurator workers that the rule of law in society and the observance of the rights and freedoms of citizens in all spheres of life depend;
  • great prospects for career growth - any ordinary employee of the prosecutor's office, with a successful combination of circumstances, can eventually take the post of Prosecutor General. Additionally, experience in litigation is invaluable for any lawyer.

Disadvantages of the prosecutor's profession

Those who are seduced by the large salaries of procurator workers should understand that this money is not paid for “beautiful eyes.” Disadvantages of the prosecutor's profession much more than benefits. And above all, this is a great responsibility for decisions made. Moreover, the responsibility is personal, since the prosecutor cannot justify himself by referring to someone else’s order or instruction.

Despite the fact that the prosecutor works in a secure building, and the main tools of his work are pen, paper and a computer, this profession is classified as dangerous (and both the specialist himself and his family members are at risk). And all because, by the nature of his activity, he has to constantly prove the guilt of offenders, some of whom are not only vindictive, but have influential friends and acquaintances.

A huge disadvantage of this profession is the difficulty of finding a job as a procurator. The fact is that serious demands are placed on prosecutors, due to which only a limited circle of people can obtain this position. Very often it is possible to become a prosecutor only after several years of waiting “in line.”

And most importantly, society has developed a rather negative attitude towards prosecutors: they are considered criminals vested with power, who, instead of controlling the rule of law, themselves create lawlessness. This greatly affects the psycho-emotional state of specialists who have to not only fight crime, but also prove to society that the prosecutor’s office works exclusively for its benefit.

Where can you become a prosecutor?

In order to become a prosecutor you need to graduate from one of the Russian law universities. But you won’t be able to become a prosecutor immediately after receiving your diploma, since this position is filled by people with experience in litigation. Therefore, the young specialist will have to work for some time, for example, as an assistant prosecutor. And only after this he can apply to fill the vacant position of prosecutor.

Also, future prosecutors need to be prepared for the fact that throughout their entire career professional activity he will have to constantly improve his skills and replenish the “baggage” of his knowledge. This means that in parallel with the execution job responsibilities prosecutors will need to spend personal time educating themselves.

If we talk about choosing a university, then first of all it is necessary to consider the possibility of entering best law universities in Russia, whose diplomas are highly rated among potential employers. Today we can include such universities.