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» Greenhouse business. Winter greenhouse as a business: how to start your own business from scratch

Greenhouse business. Winter greenhouse as a business: how to start your own business from scratch

Buy fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs all year round. They are also grown in greenhouses summer cottage, and in specially built greenhouses. This business brings good income. But understand all the intricacies of the matter so as not to fail.

To create a business plan and begin implementing a greenhouse business, conduct an analysis of what products can be grown in the region. In regions where cucumbers are grown without greenhouses, their final price is low for most of the year, which does not cover the cost. A cold region with unsuitable soils makes it impossible to grow a range of crops - find a middle ground that matches market demand.

Do not focus your business on one crop - it is easier, more profitable, and more flexible to grow a number of similar, interchangeable, complementary products that alternate seasonally and maximize efficient use land and ensure the profitable use of available areas so that the soil does not stand idle without generating profit and does not exhaust the nutrients necessary for plant growth.

When researching the market, pay attention to the end audience. When it is possible to use large areas and create a farm with a huge yield finished products, focus on mass consumer markets, large wholesale buyers. But when there are few free funds at your disposal to start a business, pay attention to rare products and their varieties that are sold through HoReCa networks; they are interested in supplies and at higher prices than for mass consumer products.

The type of greenhouses is distinguished by materials, purpose, location, type of frame, and method of assembly.

According to their intended purpose, greenhouses are divided into growing certain crops - separate requirements are put forward for them.

Greenhouses are also divided widely according to materials. The material of the frame and greenhouse covering is taken into account, which opens up space for combinations. To create the frame of small greenhouses, wood, polycarbonates or aluminum are used. Large permanent structures using glass or plastic hard surfaces require the use of steel or reinforced concrete supports and piles.

Depending on its location, the greenhouse can be separate, wall-mounted or basement (underground). Wall-mounted ones are used either in small households, where there is a strict limitation on available space, or as part of a large agricultural complex.

When creating an enterprise plan, you will need to find sales points for the finished product, calculate sales volumes, and then begin construction, purchase necessary equipment, hire workers.

Greenhouse business by industry:

  1. Vegetable.

A green greenhouse business pays off faster. Cold winters in mid-latitudes require large investments in heating and lighting. It is more cost-effective to build a greenhouse in the southern regions in order to make deliveries to other regions. And transport costs are lower than heating tariffs. This general concepts running a greenhouse business, but let’s look at them in more detail.


Due to the constant improvement of growing technology and the rapid development of this sector of the economy, competition is high. This reduces the profitability of production. Equipment requires regular modernization and investment. To keep up with new trends, it is necessary to introduce new products and expand production.

For a small greenhouse on a summer cottage you will not need practically anything except a frame and seeds, but when you want to run a full-fledged business, pay attention to other subtleties.

If you plan to engage in year-round cultivation, take care of purchasing lighting, heating equipment. Don’t forget about automated watering, which saves a significant number of man-hours - you can organize it in a small greenhouse at your summer cottage.

A common method of growing produce in a greenhouse is hydroponics. With its help, greens, cucumbers and tomatoes, and other types of vegetables are grown. The vegetative cycle lasts 2–3 weeks, with 2–3 tons of crop harvested from each hectare daily. This cycle is 5–10 times faster than when growing vegetables in natural conditions. 7 people are enough to service one hectare.

Comprehensive automation systems reduce the number of personnel required. Automated systems regulate watering, lighting, heating and air condition and, using sensors, control all parameters, including measuring soil indicators with automatic adjustment of all other processes.

Once you figure out what equipment you will need, start drawing up a business plan.

Sample outline of a business plan

  1. Studying the situation in this area. Analysis of competitors, market prices for goods, consumer demand and the quality of products available on the market.
  2. Making decisions about seasonal business activity. It will require farm greenhouses - cheaper and simpler. For year-round cultivation agricultural products require industrial ones with communications for heating and lighting.
  3. Search for points of sale of products, wholesale buyers.
  4. Calculation of all expenses and future profits.
  5. Thinking through and selecting sources of financing.
  6. Drawing up a marketing plan for product promotion.
  7. Preparation of documentation and the immediate project of the future farm. Choosing the organizational form of the enterprise.

Let's look at each point in more detail. You need to start by drawing up design documents, where all communications that are necessary for a specific area of ​​the greenhouse are calculated in detail. You need to know exactly how much the equipment, installation, and construction will cost.

Developing a plan for a greenhouse business

Select land allotment where the greenhouse will be located, the type of products grown. To grow more than one type of product, calculate how much space each of them will occupy.

Calculate the approximate harvest from each square meter for each type of vegetable. Indicate sales points and purchase volumes.

Sales of finished products

Deliver products to settlements that are in close proximity. This will reduce transportation costs and production costs.

It is possible to grow roses for sale in a greenhouse.

Try to enter into agreements with large companies: supermarkets, catering establishments or food factories.

Calculate the profit for the year of operation, as well as the profit that will pay for the production. It is important that the parameters are different and above the unprofitable line.

Calculation of time frames for preparation and implementation of a greenhouse business project

  • The construction of the complex, as well as the installation of communications, is completed in time T1. It depends on the type of greenhouse, dimensions and number of people employed in it;
  • purchase of equipment, installation of it over the period of time T2;
  • purchase of planting materials, planting in the ground - T3;
  • ripening period, which depends on the technologies used – T4;
  • implementation – T5.

By calculating the time when the greenhouse will begin to make a profit. When calculating, take into account the shelf life of the product. Greens, flowers and vegetables are perishable products. Look for sales markets before opening a business, so that after the harvest you don’t rush around looking for customers. Without wholesale buyers, the business will fail.

Production nuances

When drawing up a business plan, many little things are taken into account.

  1. Distance of the greenhouse from the communication network. They are being counted. Every extra meter affects the cost of production and investment in business.
  2. Accessibility of the farm for transport.
  3. If you can't buy land, rent it. Purchase collapsible greenhouses to dismantle when you cannot extend the lease period for the site.
  4. Heating is the main expense item. Manufacturers regularly introduce new technologies, which reduce costs and improve productivity.
  5. To be competitive, include the costs of modernizing production in your budget.

Approximate calculations for a half-hectare greenhouse

Calculate the costs to build a greenhouse for your business. This is the initial capital that is needed to start. This column includes construction works, supplying communications - water, electricity, heating, price of equipment and seeds. Consider the ongoing costs that accompany before you receive your first profit.

  1. A half-hectare greenhouse costs about $15,000.
  2. Workers are required - a technologist, a manager and three assistants. Their annual salary is $20–30,000.
  3. 90% of all expenses will be electricity, heating and the purchase of additional products - fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides, as well as soil in a number of situations.
  4. With an average profitability of 15%, the payback period for the farm will be up to 3 years. It depends on the products grown, prices and demand for them.

Creating a business in the form of a greenhouse farming is far from new idea. However, when competent organization“green” business can bring very good income. Where to start a greenhouse business and how to overcome the obstacles that arise on the path of a novice entrepreneur? We will talk about this and much more in this article.

Let's weigh the pros and cons

In greenhouses, greens and vegetables grow quickly; in some regions, 3-4 crops are harvested per year. Therefore, such a business, in fact, cannot be unprofitable. However, in addition to its advantages, it also has a number of disadvantages. Let's look at both of them in the table.

Benefits of greenhouse farming

Business Disadvantages

Greenhouse business is simple. Greenhouses are being built quickly. Launching a business can be done in a couple of months

Selling grown products is very problematic, so a constant search for consumers and markets is required

Opportunity to receive subsidies from the state. For example, the administration Krasnodar region subsidies are provided to start your own business in the field Agriculture up to 50%

Seasonality of prices and high competition require careful study of the local market

Business can be established in a small area required for greenhouses. Sometimes 2-3 acres is enough. Saving on rent if you have your own land or rent it far from the city

Decent monthly costs for electricity, water, as well as their installation and connection

Fast payback (from 1 to 2 years) distinguishes any greenhouse business

Where to begin?

For a novice entrepreneur, it is extremely important to have a rough picture or plan of action that will contribute to the success of the greenhouse business. It is important to think through many points related to the organization of greenhouse farming, but first of all it is worth paying attention to solving three primary issues:

  1. What to grow? Taking into account weather conditions that are favorable in a small number of regions and price forecasts, it is advisable to grow vegetables and herbs. These plants are very unpretentious and do not require great care, any greenhouse business will benefit from them. Flowers are the choice of many professionals. Exotic plants and flowers are the most profitable direction in the greenhouse business. But it is always associated with risk and high costs. It is recommended for a beginner starting greenhouse farming to practice on greens (onions, lettuce, parsley).
  2. Who should I sell to? This is a question that must be resolved before building or purchasing a greenhouse. Before starting all work, it is important to establish contacts with buyers. The more guaranteed points of sale of your products you have, the better, because if one wholesale buyer refuses to purchase what is grown, then there will be another.
  3. What type of greenhouse should I install: summer or winter? What materials and in what quantity should I purchase? Many people choose quick-assembled greenhouses. They are more suitable for business, but they are not cheap. Some novice entrepreneurs build from scrap materials, and then update and equip the farm as they earn money. Regardless of how much you plan to invest, it is advisable to plan your budget in advance.

Business specifics

There are three sectors in the greenhouse business: growing vegetables, flowers and herbs; Each direction has its own greenhouses. According to experts, the maximum income from them can be obtained in a fairly hot climate; it is desirable that the winter temperature is not lower than -5 degrees. A frosty winter is a serious risk; to avoid it, you will have to invest additionally in the purchase of insulation materials. Losses from cold winter will be many times greater than the cost of transporting products to the northern regions.

A budding entrepreneur will have to choose a direction: seasonal or permanent greenhouse business. Where to start planning? If you are going to engage in seasonal growing of plants, then a regular one will do. A permanent business is based on special industrial premises with protected soil, with year-round heating and lighting.

It is almost impossible to mentally calculate all expenses and expected income, think through financial risks, and other significant issues without a business plan. It helps to identify and solve many problems at the preparation stage. How to properly develop a business plan for a greenhouse complex?

Sections of a business plan

A greenhouse business plan may include several sections. It takes into account natural and climatic conditions, all aspects of a particular business:

  • Activity overview or summary.
  • Description of the business.
  • Description of products and services.
  • Market and industry analysis.
  • Production plan and
  • Sales plan.
  • Financial and investment plan.

What to write about in a business plan?

We present a detailed justification for the project in the table.

Activity overview or summary

The business plan provides for the opening of a greenhouse farm, which will carry out the cultivation, harvesting and subsequent marketing of agricultural products (greens, vegetables or flowers, etc.). Individual entrepreneur was chosen as the legal form. The advantage of this form is simplified accounting, ease of settlements with counterparties and reduced taxes. The project is assessed as successful, since there is a fairly high demand for agricultural products in the area

Business Description

In this section, it is recommended to describe in detail all the objects that will be included in the greenhouse. The business plan must contain a description and diagrams of future building structures and planned engineering and technological communications. It is necessary to calculate the needs for heating, gas, water. For example, it is planned to open a greenhouse farm consisting of five greenhouses, the total area of ​​which is 600 m2, the size of the greenhouse is 20 x 6 m

Description of products and services

A greenhouse business is created to grow agricultural products and sell them to customers wholesale and retail. On preparatory stage It’s worth deciding on the future assortment that will be presented in the greenhouse. Most often these are greens and vegetables. On at this stage you have to choose a growing method, traditional or innovative, such as hydroponics. When selecting an assortment, it is important to take into account the demand and general specifics of this industry in your region; for this we are working on the next section

Market and industry analysis

A greenhouse business plan, as a rule, contains detailed characteristics and features of the regional (regional, district) greenhouse market. In addition, it is extremely important for the success of the entire business to find potential wholesale buyers, assess sales opportunities, and report on work with wholesalers. The business plan indicates not only future buyers, but also their planned purchase volumes

Production plan and organizational plan

  • Acquisition or lease of land.
  • Construction of greenhouses.
  • Carrying out all necessary communications.
  • Recruitment if necessary

Sales plan

Before starting all activities to organize a greenhouse business, it is necessary to draw up a sales plan. It is necessary to think about what the circle of buyers will be, and, if possible, establish connections with agricultural bases, shops, supermarkets, food markets and other contractors

Financial and investment plan

Is the greenhouse business profitable? A financial plan will help answer this question. To calculate the amount of profit and the break-even point, you need to keep records of upcoming income and expenses, understand the features tax accounting and other indicators

Financial plan

Basis financial plan is forecasting upcoming income and expenses; without this, a greenhouse business cannot become successful. In addition, the entrepreneur will have to independently maintain these items, calculate planned and actual profit, net profit, break-even point and other indicators. To create a plan and keep records, it will be convenient to divide all expenses into one-time, constant and variable:

  • One-time costs are expenses that will have to be incurred once, usually for initial stage(purchase of greenhouses, cars, installation of water supply, electricity, etc.).
  • Fixed costs are usually monthly expenses paid by the businessman in equal amounts (land rent, employee salaries, water supply, electricity).
  • Variable costs are expenses that arise periodically in different sizes(repair of greenhouses, purchase of fertilizers, fuel (fuel) for delivery of products).

Based detailed information about costs, we can calculate the total amount of expenses for each month and for the whole year. A table will help simplify your work, in which we will highlight columns for each month and columns for types of expenses.

It is significant that in a number of regions they receive 2-3 harvests per year, and in some, 4 harvests per greenhouse. A business plan allows you to quite simply calculate your planned income. For this it is important to know market prices and harvest volumes per square meter. Income will appear only after the sale of the ripened harvest and depends on the type of product and its price on the market.

As an example, let's take a green greenhouse business. Let's make an approximate calculation for green onions. In the supermarket, a bunch of onions costs up to 30 rubles in the spring; 1 kg has approximately the same cost onions on the base. From 100 to 120 bulbs are planned to be planted in a greenhouse per 1 m2. You can get from 100 to 120 bunches of onions from 1 m2. So, 1 m 2 of greenhouse will bring up to 3,000 rubles. Subtract expenses from income and get profit. Let's say we have already incurred one-time costs. The remaining expenses were for heating and watering the greenhouse and others, which amounted to 2,500 rubles per 1 m2:

3000 - 500 = 2500 rub.

Profit from 1 m2 multiplied by total area 150 m2:

2500 × 150 = 375 thousand rubles.

After deducting the amount of taxes, we get a net profit, which will show how successful the greenhouse business is, whether it is profitable to invest your money, time and effort in it. Thus, the payback of a greenhouse business for growing greens, if calculated correctly, can be several months. A constant search for clients will allow the entrepreneur to make a profit in the first year of operation, so the profitability of the greenhouse business is quite acceptable.

Investment plan

The investment plan contains a scheme of investments or investments for all stages of business development, the amount of initial capital. The first investment will be a greenhouse. Businessman gets project documentation to it and all external networks. It is important to know how much all the pieces of equipment cost. It is necessary to plan funds for the construction of greenhouses, connection to networks (electricity, water supply), purchase of equipment and planting material. These investments are included in the production costs that the businessman bears before receiving the first profit from the greenhouses.

Which greenhouse to choose?

Before purchasing a greenhouse, you need to decide on its type. The type of greenhouse depends on climatic conditions, assortment and specifics of the farm:

  • Greenhouses of the summer-light type are simple and can be installed in a couple of hours. This type of building can be erected in a few hours. Summer option Greenhouses are mostly used as protection from prolonged rains or pests.
  • Winter-type greenhouses with good permeability sunlight, will help create and maintain the necessary microclimate. Therefore, they are more suitable for growing any plants, including flowers.

Greenhouse materials

Making it suitable for plants temperature regime requires large expenses. Cheap greenhouse won't be able to hold desired temperature long time. It is important to consider the choice of material that will be used in its construction. Popular today the following types materials:

  • Glass. For a very long time, the greenhouse business at home was built on one of the main materials in this business - glass. It was used to create insulated greenhouses that could be successfully operated until late autumn. Glass transmits up to 90% of light. But for the cold ones winter months it is not suitable, regardless of whether additional insulation is used. Glass has such a disadvantage as fragility, low temperatures could destroy him. And the cost of glazing will be rather high. Due to this this material Suitable for temporary use.
  • Polyethylene is a material that has been used for a long time in many types of greenhouses. Its plus is low price compared to other materials. But a significant drawback is the small throughput. Many plants will need additional light sources. The greenhouse will have to be opened during reasonable weather to allow sunlight to reach the plants. The material is characterized by weak strength and low heat capacity, therefore it is suitable exclusively for summer greenhouses.
  • It is impossible to imagine a home greenhouse business without polycarbonate. This is a product modern technologies, 250 times stronger and 8 times lighter than glass. Its heat capacity is several times higher than that of glass and polyethylene. Only polycarbonate is ideal material for winter greenhouses. A greenhouse roof made of polycarbonate with a thickness of no more than 9 mm allows for the greatest penetration of light. The walls may be thicker. When choosing a greenhouse made of polycarbonate, it is important to know that it is available in two types: monolithic and cellular. Has more advantages cellular polycarbonate, since it is much more transparent and warmer than monolithic. For greenhouse business, cellular polycarbonate is recommended.


Greenhouse farming is a business that must constantly develop and improve. High competition in industries reduces profit margins. New technologies are emerging, but at the same time the cost of equipment is rising. Therefore, a businessman must be able not only to sell what he has grown, but to navigate the market, use innovations and expand the business.

Growing vegetables, fruits and herbs is not a new activity. Today, many people prefer to buy vegetables rather than grow them, but they want to buy high-quality and environmentally friendly products, so it’s worth taking a closer look at the idea of ​​greenhouse farming, drawing up a business plan, calculating the start-up investment and expected profit. This activity has its own characteristics, disadvantages and advantages.

Business specifics

First you need to decide on the product to be manufactured, because there are many options. For example, it is advisable to grow greens - they grow quickly and are in demand, and do not take up much space in the greenhouse. You can also grow tomatoes or cucumbers, prices for which are in winter period high.

Greenhouse planning

When drawing up a business plan, a greenhouse and a plot of land are the main points that will require careful study. The cost of one hectare of land will average 90,000 rubles. Therefore, it is more advisable to buy a plot of land so as not to pay monthly rent. If starting capital not enough, you can attract investors.

The site must be able to carry out all necessary communications: electricity and water supply. On one hectare of land you can build 6 greenhouses with an area of ​​150 square meters. m.

Workers are needed to maintain greenhouses. Since caring for plants is not that difficult, two people in each greenhouse can do the job.

Calculation of deadlines

This is very important for growing vegetables. When drafting a greenhouse business plan, you need to calculate the time from the start of the project to the time when the business begins to make a profit. After all, regardless of the amount of revenue, you will have to pay wages to employees, pay for electricity and water supply - these costs are also included in the start-up capital.

So, what should time calculations include:

  • construction and equipment of greenhouses;
  • purchase of seeds, soil, additional materials and inventory;
  • planting seeds;
  • ripening period of vegetables;
  • harvesting;
  • sales of products.

The timing of a greenhouse business plan will depend on many factors, including the varieties of vegetables and building materials for greenhouses. By the way, greenhouses can be rented or purchased ready-made - this will help save a lot of time on construction.

Financial plan

It is difficult to imagine a complete business plan for growing vegetables in a greenhouse without calculating investments.

Capital investment in greenhouse farming: 775,000 rubles.
Payback time for greenhouse farming: 1-2 years

Find greenhouse business plan It’s quite difficult on the Internet. This is due to great variety cultivation methods, as well as the choice of crops.

This article contains all key point, which you can use to fully plan your own business.

In Russia, the greenhouse industry is developed quite heterogeneously.

Such businesses in our country began to reach the European level with advanced technologies and highly qualified workers only ten years ago.

This kind entrepreneurial activity Quite profitable, so it is popular. Let's look at a structured plan for starting a greenhouse business.

Greenhouse business plan: collecting documentation

In some cases, you will not have to collect any special documents for the farm.

For example, if a plot of land for growing products is the property of an entrepreneur, and he does not plan to sell goods in particularly large quantities, hire personnel and sell products to legal entities.

When it comes to growing something other than “for yourself and a neighbor,” it becomes necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or peasant farm. How to do it?

How should I register an IP?

It is necessary to register the activities of a farm as an individual entrepreneur if the goods will be sold with the involvement of employees and on a large scale:

  • in small shops;
  • hypermarkets;
  • restaurants;
  • cafe.

Assignment of status individual entrepreneur makes it possible to have certain benefits for running a greenhouse business.

To get them, you will need to register (which is not that difficult even for a beginner).

You will need to collect and submit the following documents to the tax office:

  • registration application in form P21001;
  • a photocopy of the passport of the founder of the farm;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty;
  • photocopy of the document on assignment of TIN (if available).

After five days, you can pick up documents confirming registration.

For current information and detailed information, see the Federal Tax Service website:

How to register a peasant farm?

The process of registering peasant farms contains the same stages of registration as the registration of individual entrepreneurial activity.

To register a peasant farm, you will need to collect a package of papers and take it to the tax service:

  • application for registration of a farm, which must be certified by notary services;
  • photocopy of passport;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty;
  • list of selected codes according to OKVED-2;
  • photocopies of documents confirming family ties other people with the founder (this data may be needed to track down a person if he decides to hide from the law).

Detailed and up-to-date information on the registration of peasant farms is available on the website of the state tax service:

If a greenhouse farm is founded not by one, but by several members, then a contract is drawn up between the partners.

It states the following points:

  • contact phone numbers;
  • the founders must choose one person to head the greenhouse enterprise, the business plan of which is developed by all members;
  • the rights and responsibilities of all founders must be clearly defined;
  • the procedure for admitting and exiting members of the greenhouse business into the society;
  • Photocopies of all passports are also attached.

To clarify the list of documents, you must consult a notary or lawyer.

Unlike registering an individual entrepreneur, this procedure is quite complicated, so it is better not to take risks, but to trust the specialists.

Greenhouses are not subject to licensing. The only “but”: if you decide to sell the goods to wholesale buyers, you will need to undergo mandatory sanitary control.

Also, if you install greenhouse heating for your household, the condition of the systems should be checked by a fire safety inspection.

Only after completing the appropriate documentation can you begin to implement the business plan.

Greenhouse business: two sides of the coin

Before starting each business, you should determine its strengths and weaknesses. This will allow you to assess the feasibility of bringing the idea to life.

Advantages of greenhouse business

  • minimal investment to start your own business;
  • a greenhouse business will quickly pay for itself if implemented correctly;
  • high profitability of the idea;
  • the ability to use your own product for your needs.

Disadvantages of a business idea

  • you will have to pay a large sum for using electricity every month;
  • greenhouse business is a seasonal type of trade;
  • You will have to resolve issues with transportation and storage of products before they hit the shelf.

Every business may encounter certain problems that require a lightning-fast solution. But with experience, the head of a greenhouse enterprise develops skills quick solution questions, and he will be able to significantly expand the farm.

Therefore, you should not be afraid of the above-mentioned shortcomings if you are determined to bring the idea to life.

Having found out all the nuances that are associated with paperwork and the pros and cons of business, you can move on to the practical part.

Types of greenhouses for organizing a greenhouse business

The greenhouse business today offers the use of 3 types of structures:

This greenhouse material requires no effort to install.

But even if many years of experience with it are not needed, this does not mean that polyethylene can be treated without special care.

For example, if the greenhouse material was poorly stretched and secured, the next morning you can find only torn parts from the overall fabric.

This can happen due to a strong gust of wind that was blowing inside the greenhouse structures. But if you do not allow air to enter the greenhouse, the plants will overheat and die!

Therefore, there is only one way out: securely fasten the material and monitor the condition of the farm.

After choosing one of the types of greenhouses, you can begin to develop a business plan for a greenhouse farming, taking into account the crop culture.

Greenhouse business plan: crop choice

There are many crops and plants that can be grown on the farm. The profitability of the greenhouse business really depends on your choice.

We will not analyze absolutely all types of vegetation available for cultivation.

Better yet, we will provide 4 categories that ensure maximum business profitability.

1. Growing vegetables

Such a greenhouse will bring good profits during the cold season.

You can grow:

  • cucumbers;
  • pepper of different types;
  • tomatoes;

Which culture is considered the most popular is clearly shown by the graph:

Of course, in summer time It will not be profitable to engage in such a business. But if trade is carried out during the cold season, then the prices displayed on the shelves for vegetables will compensate for all costs.

In addition, the greenhouse business can be combined with outdoor cultivation.

The main costs of growing vegetables are related to heating the greenhouse, lighting, watering and, in some cases, heating the soil.

2. Berries in a greenhouse

What berry do you think is especially valued in winter?

The greatest profit from the greenhouse business comes from growing.

The demand for this berry remains consistently high throughout the cold season, so there should be no problems with the sale of goods.

3. Greenhouse greens for sale

A greenhouse business plan developed for the cultivation of dill, parsley or similar crops will quickly pay for itself, since this product always remains in demand among consumers.

Greens on the table are not only healthy, but also tasty and beautiful decoration any dish.

4. Growing flowers in a greenhouse

The greenhouse business, the business plan of which is built on breeding and growing flowers, is considered the most profitable area.

The best-selling flowers that will quickly help recoup the investment in the implementation of the business plan:

  • roses;
  • orchids;
  • tulips;
  • lilies.

Of course, growing roses and exotic varieties will cause quite a lot of difficulties. But after selling the goods and receiving the proceeds, the founder will be satisfied - this is guaranteed.

When starting to create a greenhouse business plan, you need to study the market, product sales statistics and set priorities.

The founder must realistically assess his capabilities and determine whether he is capable of growing products that are in demand among consumers.

Methods of growing products in greenhouses

1) Hydroponics

The least expensive and most common method is hydroponics.

The process of plant growth in this way is automated, so vegetables, berries and fruits grow much faster than in natural conditions.

The crop, which will subsequently be sold, grows in a container. Water, saturated with various mineral compounds and fertilizers, flows there with the help of special tubes.

But such quick way contains a fairly significant disadvantage on the sales market - this is the watery and unnatural taste of the product.

The buyer will immediately distinguish a bunch of greenery grown in a garden bed from a bunch that was sprouted using the hydroponic method.

However, numbers are an inexorable thing. Statistics say that 92% of the products on the shelves are grown in this way.

2) Intermediate option

There is also an intermediate method that is between growing crops hydroponically and in the ground.

It lies in the fact that in nutrient solutions add peat and natural soil.

The advantage of this method is that the plants will not have a watery, but already familiar “earthy” taste. The downside is the additional costs of providing growing conditions.

Using this method, the entrepreneur receives a significant competitive advantage - a more “lively” taste, which is appreciated not only by retail customers.

This criterion is important for selling products to cafes and restaurants.

3) Mobile beds

A greenhouse farm, the business plan of which was developed on the basis of growing on mobile beds, makes it possible to obtain products of the highest quality with maximum proximity to the natural taste.

An aspiring entrepreneur must choose a crop and growing method, and then create financial section greenhouse business plan. The estimated estimate below will serve as an example.

You will learn about the advantages and prospects of the greenhouse business from the issue of the Agronomics program:

Greenhouse farming: business plan with financial calculations

The main costs of the farm: rent of land, construction of greenhouses, purchase of inventory, equipment, plants, wage, fertilizers.

Greenhouse expenses

This greenhouse business plan did not include the salary of the manager, only the auxiliary workers. This is due to the fact that at first the founder can handle this work himself.

If a manager wants to grow crops on 1 hectare of land, then he needs to hire about 11 workers to carefully control the farm. But if the greenhouse business is based on advanced technologies And the latest equipment, then the number of service personnel can be reduced.

Greenhouse payback

It is quite difficult to give an accurate estimate and payback period for a farm, since it depends on many factors:

  • With the territorial location of greenhouse farming in some regions, you can get more than four harvests per season. And in others - one or two.
  • The location where the greenhouse business is located is also of great importance.

    When creating a business plan, it is necessary to take into account transportation costs and calculate how much gasoline will need to be poured into the car to deliver goods from greenhouses to points of sale.

According to average statistics, greenhouse farming will be able to pay for itself in 1-2 years.

How to grow in a greenhouse all year round? Receive harvests whole year is possible only during the construction capital winter greenhouses. Structures can be erected on a wooden or galvanized metal frame. for a business, it must have a foundation; its thickness depends on the climatic conditions of the region.

A greenhouse in winter as a business, covered with polyethylene, will cost cheapest. However, film coating has a number of disadvantages: fragility, poor light transmission. The film will have to be replaced every season, which will significantly reduce the profitability of the structure. Film greenhouses are suitable for growing moisture-loving crops: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers. Greens, strawberries and flowers do not need high humidity, which the film creates.

Glazed greenhouses are more durable, but their construction will cost more. For greenhouses you need not household, but hardened industrial glass, it is much more resistant to weather conditions. The downside of glass greenhouses is excess ultraviolet radiation. On hot and sunny days, plants will have to be shaded to avoid burns.

Perfect option– a greenhouse covered with sheets of acrylic or polycarbonate.

They are durable, easy to cut and bend, taking any shape.

Polycarbonate is permeable Sun rays, suitable even for the coldest regions.

For industrial cultivation will fit single-pitch structures.

This shape ensures uniform illumination and prevents snow from lingering on the roof.

It is advisable to make the northern wall of the greenhouse opaque by lining it with timber or cinder blocks. A blank wall will create an effect solar battery allowing you to save on heating costs.

The structure must be equipped with a ventilation system, climate control and automatic drip irrigation. Required double door or vestibule entrance area, this will protect the plants from the cold in winter.

The most important issue for year-round greenhouses is heating during the cold season. To save money, you can combine conventional heating methods with biofuel. Can be used for heating wood stoves, bonfires, electric boilers, infrared cables. Most often, farmers combine several methods.

Industrial greenhouses are of impressive size. The most common area is from 500 sq. m to 1 ha. For strength, load-bearing columns are installed inside the structure. Farmer's greenhouse may have more modest dimensions. For vegetables and flowers, it is worth building structures of 150-200 square meters. m, for greenery greenhouses of 100-120 square meters are suitable. m.

Choosing crops

Experts are unanimous: it is most profitable to grow flowers in a greenhouse. In second place are greens, in third are vegetables. Those who decide to bet on berry crops, first of all, for strawberries.

The choice of a particular crop for cultivation depends on many factors:

  1. Level of competition in the region. Before you get started, you need to find out what other entrepreneurs are growing. It is worth considering that in summer and early autumn the profitability of the greenhouse business decreases due to an increase in the supply of soil crops.
  2. Consumer preferences. Bet on what is in high demand. Beginning farmers should grow the most popular crops that are easier to sell.
  3. Level of initial investment. The cheapest option is to build a small greenhouse for greenery. Growing flowers is much more expensive; they are demanding in terms of heating, lighting, and the size of greenhouses.
  4. Climate. How colder region, the less profitable greenhouse farming is due to high heating costs.

Characteristics of popular crops

What is profitable to grow in a greenhouse all year round? In a greenhouse, they are most often grown, and, or. Let's look at this in more detail.

IMPORTANT! You need to choose varieties cultivated for indoor soil, characterized by rich taste and correct form berries, as well as their density and moderate juiciness.

Basic costs

Winter greenhouse As a business, it requires a significant initial investment. These include:

  1. Purchase or lease of land. The price depends on the distance. It is worth considering that a farm located far away increases transportation costs.
  2. Construction and equipment of a greenhouse. The most expensive option is a fully automated structure with a climate control system, drip irrigation, self-ventilation, fogging and shading.
  3. Purchase of planting material. Most inexpensive option– purchase of seeds. Grown seedlings and cuttings for flower rootstocks are more expensive. In the future, you can allocate an area in the greenhouse for the constant cultivation of seedlings for yourself and for sale.
  4. Registration farm or IP. Essential for entrepreneurs planning active work with retail and attracting hired workers. Small greenhouse on own plot does not require registration, but limits the farmer’s ability to find buyers for his products.

In addition to one-time expenses, the farmer is also expected to monthly expenses. These include:

  • expenses for heating, lighting and plumbing;
  • purchase of fertilizers;
  • fare;
  • employee salaries.


Experts estimate the average profitability of a winter greenhouse at 20%.

When breeding flowers and greenery it reaches 30% and higher, profitability vegetable greenhouses – no more than 15%.

Payback periods depend on the size of greenhouses and the level of demand.

To obtain maximum benefit from the greenhouse business, you must:

  1. Choose the right crop to grow. Undemanding greens are suitable for novice farmers; flowers or strawberries are suitable for more experienced farmers. Vegetables should only be grown in regions with a temperate climate and low competition.
  2. Build a quality greenhouse, which will not require annual repairs. Structures from decommissioned double glazed windows not suitable for business.
    Consider the issue of lighting and heating.
  3. Choose a growing technology. Soil technologies are too expensive, and consumers do not like crops grown hydroponically. A compromise option is hanging growing or shelving technologies. The soil layers are placed in tiers, each equipped with lighting and an irrigation system. Strawberries can be grown in special mats placed in vertical or horizontal plastic sleeves.
  4. Control the composition of the soil. The greenhouse business requires frequent replacement of the soil; with continuous cultivation and dense planting, it is quickly depleted. It is necessary to apply fertilizer every 2 weeks.
  5. Use varieties cultivated for growing in greenhouses. They are disease resistant, have a short growing season and excellent yield. It is recommended to bet on the 2-3 most popular varieties, eliminating constant experiments with new products.

A greenhouse business can become successful and provide the owner with a constant profit. In order not to be disappointed, it is important to analyze your capabilities long before the start, draw up detailed business plan and think through issues of product sales.