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» Installation of a suspended ventilated facade and typical mistakes. What do you need to know about the design of a ventilated facade? Fastenings for ventilated facades

Installation of a suspended ventilated facade and typical mistakes. What do you need to know about the design of a ventilated facade? Fastenings for ventilated facades

Exposed brickwork and plastered facades are a thing of the past. Now many people prefer to choose ventilated facade technology.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a ventilated facade scheme, we will consider in detail in the article.

Components of a ventilated facade

Structurally, a ventilated facade resembles a sandwich consisting of different layers.

The point is this:

  • the sheathing is mounted on the base;
  • insulation is installed;
  • a windproof membrane layer is laid, which will also serve as waterproofing;
  • then another sheathing is installed, on which the finishing cladding is installed.

Between the insulation and inside there are claddings air gap, due to this, the insulation is not saturated with moisture and retains its thermal insulation properties longer. Air circulates freely, so that condensation is removed from all parts of the structure, which prevents corrosion and rotting.

A similar system is most often used for cladding high-rise office buildings. In this article we will look at how to cladding the facade of a multi-storey building.

Advantages of facades with an equipped air gap

The advantages of ventilated facades, provided correct installation should include:

  • Reduced heat loss;
  • The ability to level the walls and mask all base defects;
  • Excellent noise insulation parameters;
  • Protection of the building facade from atmospheric phenomena;
  • Since the ventilated façade system improves thermal insulation and sound insulation, the walls can be made thinner. This reduces the load on the foundation of the building.


A ventilated facade allows you to transfer the dew point from the building itself to outside cladding. This extends the operational life of the building.

  • Beautiful appearance of the building: it is possible to use cladding of any color and texture. This will allow you to create a match to any architectural style.

Disadvantages of the system:
High cost and additional expenses. The installation of sheathing requires numerous fastenings, which affects costs.

At the same time, you know what you are paying for, because a ventilated facade extends the service life of the building, reduces heat loss and ensures beautiful cladding facade.

What to use as insulation

The simplest and most common options are mineral wool and polystyrene foam.

Mineral wool has good thermal insulation, it is easy to work with, and installation of such insulation will not take much time.

Among the disadvantages:

  • Mineral wool absorbs moisture and is saturated with it. So the insulation loses its properties, and the effectiveness of thermal insulation deteriorates.
  • You only need to work with mineral wool wearing gloves and a respirator, otherwise fine particles insulation will irritate the skin and respiratory tract.
  • If the insulation is saturated with moisture, it takes a long time to dry out, and its weight increases. In some cases, replacing the insulation is the only possible solution.

Polystyrene foam is very popular among builders. It is lightweight, easy to cut and easy to install. Along with good thermal insulation and moisture resistance, the material is a popular insulation material.

The disadvantages of polystyrene foam include its flammability and the fact that when burned, the material releases substances that are toxic and dangerous to humans.

Expanded polystyrene is used to insulate the base; the choice is determined by the density and strength of the material.

Stages of work

The technology for installing ventilated facades includes:

  • Arrangement working area, preparation of documentation.
  • Preparing the base, marking, purchasing materials.
  • Installation of sheathing.
  • Laying insulation.
  • Installation facade panels or other finishing cladding.

Documentation and more

If you plan to hire a contractor to perform such work, you will need to prepare the following documentation:

  1. Treatment terms of reference by customer.
  2. A sketch of the project, which shows all the fasteners and the locations of the guide profiles.
  3. Calculation of the load on the foundation, diagrams of components, fasteners, etc.
  4. Estimate and final cost of work.

Before the border of the work area, being in which may be dangerous for passers-by. Fences are installed and appropriate warning signs are installed.

All façade lifts are inspected and faulty devices are not allowed to operate.

Work may only be carried out with suitable weather conditions. The façade cannot be covered with strong wind, rain or snow, as well as at temperatures below -20C.

Preparatory work

It is necessary to prepare the foundation, this includes:

  • Remove all parts of the base that do not adhere well. The load of the future cladding on the foundation and base is assessed.
  • Seal large cracks.
  • If there are problems with mold or mildew, the base must be treated with special primers that prevent their appearance and development.

Since the ventilated facade is designed to hide defects in the base, there is no need to level it. It is enough to identify the main defects: cover up the cracks, and remove fragments that did not adhere well.

The primer is designed to improve adhesive properties, in this case its use is not necessary.


Used for marking laser level, tape measure, measuring rods, etc.

On the wall, indicate the points where the brackets will be attached, as well as the pitch of the guide profiles.

  • First, the position of the beacon profiles is determined. This is the bottom horizontal line and vertical lines on the sides of the facade. The extreme points are marked using a level.
  • Vertical profile guides are installed in each vertical axis.
  • To determine the distance between the brackets, static calculations are made. The distance will be individual for each project.
  • Depending on the results of the calculations, points for drilling holes for the brackets are marked. You need to push off from the horizontal axis of the beginning of the cladding.

Lesson one - installing brackets for a suspended ventilated facade

Installation of sheathing

The fastenings must be reliable, because they will support the frame of the ventilated facade and the facade panels themselves.

All anchors, bolts and brackets must be galvanized steel. This will protect them from corrosion and extend the service life of the lathing and façade cladding.

Installation of facade cassettes and panels - video instructions

Using a hammer drill, drill holes at the base for the anchor. The brackets are mounted on anchor dowels. The dowels are tightened with a screwdriver. If you feel that when drilling you hit a loose base, and the drill quickly entered the surface of the wall, make another hole nearby and attach the bracket to it. It is important to ensure secure fastening.

Use a drill of the same diameter as the fastener. A hole is made 1-2 cm larger than the length of the dowel.

The bracket consists of a load-bearing part and a counter part, which can be adjusted.

Laying insulation

Most often, sheet insulation is used, be it mineral wool or polystyrene foam.

Please note the following when installing:

  • Start from the base of the building and move from bottom to top. The first row is installed either on a plinth or on a guide profile.
  • The insulation sheets are attached to the base; you need to thread them through the slots in the places of the brackets.
  • The sheets are fastened in a checkerboard pattern so that the seams of the insulation do not match.


    Working with mineral wool, do not forget about your own safety and health. Wear a respirator and gloves.

  • The windproof membrane plays the role of waterproofing. It is attached on top of the insulation. The membrane is laid with an overlap of 5-10 cm. The joints of the canvases are taped with tape to prevent moisture and water from getting into the joints.
  • Holes for disc dowels are drilled through the insulation and membrane. With their help, all this will be secured to the base.

Two-layer insulation is used: sheet insulation comes in two layers. In this case:

  • The first layer is attached to the base with disc-shaped dowels.
  • The second layer of mineral wool goes on top of the first with an offset; the joints should not coincide.
  • The top layer is mounted according to the same principle as the bottom one.

The photo below shows what the “sandwich” of a ventilated facade consists of.

Facade cladding

Only after installing the insulation are the frame and facade panels installed.

  • The guide profile must be located in the adjusting part of the bracket. The position is free to compensate for possible deformations of the cladding due to temperature changes.
  • Facade slabs have different shapes and type of fastening. If these are metal cassettes without a lock, then they are fastened with self-tapping screws. You need to lay it from left to right and from bottom to top.
  • If large-format porcelain tiles are used, stainless steel clamps are installed on the sheathing. The slab is placed from top to bottom and from left to right so as to fit into the clamps.

Tiles for ventilated facades can be different: clinker, porcelain stoneware. Siding is also used. The weight of the structure, installation conditions and method of fastening depend on the type of facing material.

Bottom line
The technology of a ventilated facade is not simple, such installation is not an easy task. The durability of the cladding depends on the quality of the work, so it is better to entrust the job to professionals. An experienced contractor will avoid common beginner mistakes and get the job done faster.

Installation of ventilated facades is necessary to increase the durability of the house and give it a more aesthetic appearance.

Thanks to this design, the walls are leveled and acquire beautiful view, and the house becomes warmer and more reliable.

The design of a ventilated facade is a sandwich made of a frame, a layer of insulation and facing material, such as porcelain stoneware, fiber cement, metal siding and others.

A hollow niche must be left for ventilation.

A ventilated facade is a complex system; if even the slightest mistakes are made during its installation, the service life of the system will be significantly reduced.

Therefore, when carrying out work, it is necessary to strictly follow the technology for installing ventilated facades.

Carrying out preparatory work as follows:

  • Preparation of technical documentation;
  • Designation of the boundaries of the danger zone at the facility;
  • Preparation and inspection of façade lifts;
  • Marking points for installation of brackets on the wall of the building;
  • Carrying out installation.

Installation of suspended ventilated facades is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Holes are drilled in the wall using a hammer drill;
  2. A paronite gasket is installed under each bracket through an anchor dowel;
  3. Install the supporting brackets by tightening the anchor dowels with a screwdriver;
  4. Next, thermal insulation is installed, which helps protect the building from noise, wind and precipitation.
  5. The insulation board is hung through the slots for the brackets.

The wind and waterproof membrane panels are hung from above and temporarily secured.

According to the technology for installing ventilated curtain facades, the panels should be hung overlapping.

Holes are drilled in the wall through the slabs and film into which disc-shaped dowels are installed.

Install the insulation boards starting from the first row from the base on which the first row is installed.

Hang them horizontally, making sure that there are no through gaps between the plates. The installation of ventilated facades is not yet completed.

The profiles are installed in the grooves of the support brackets. They are fixed to the supporting brackets using rivets.

The profile must lie freely so that it can move vertically and compensate for temperature deformations. Then fire shutoffs are installed.

The next stage is the installation of the air conditioner on the ventilated façade. It will remove condensate and heated air.

Split system in Lately has become very popular, it helps to achieve ideal indoor conditions, but installing an air conditioner on a ventilated facade is a very labor-intensive job.

We do the installation ourselves

Many owners of private houses decide to install ventilated facades with their own hands. To do this, you need to choose the right materials.

An important element of the system are brackets and guide profiles. They must be made of galvanized or stainless steel and withstand certain loads.

To do this, when choosing them, pay attention to the properties of the material, its thickness and the size of the stiffeners.

They must match the design requirements in all respects. You can't save money on them. You can use aluminum products, they are much lighter than metal ones.

The instructions for installing ventilated facades with your own hands are the same as for professional installation. It is given above.

When attaching the wind barrier film, consider the following rules:

  • Attach the film with outside thermal insulation using disc dowels;
  • The overlap must be at least ten centimeters;
  • The inner side of the film is tightly attached to the insulation;
  • In areas of overlap, the film is secured with connecting and sealing tapes to avoid unwanted moisture condensation.

Install the cladding strictly according to the installation diagram for the ventilated facade.

Porcelain stoneware slabs or other facing materials are installed after the end clasps are installed and secured to the profile, after which rubber seals are inserted into the profile.

Porcelain tiles are installed from bottom to top, from left to right. Porcelain tiles are fixed observing the gap.

If the design and installation of ventilated facades is carried out incorrectly, problems will inevitably arise.

The most common is blockage air gap due to fallen insulation or membrane detachment.

They become bent, get wet, and the owner subsequently has to redo everything and spend money on repairs.

Therefore, it is better to entrust the installation of the ventilated facade subsystem to specialists, since if the installation technology of ventilated facades is followed and carried out according to all the rules, then they will protect the walls of the house for at least twenty years.

Prices for services

The price of installation of ventilated facades is determined from the total cost of frame materials, thermal insulation used, type of cladding and arrangement of additional elements.

If specialists are involved in the arrangement, installation work is also included here.

When installing an outdoor air conditioner, the cost of installing a ventilated facade should increase significantly, since work of this level of complexity is quite expensive.

To find out how much it costs to install a ventilated facade, you need to know the number of windows in the house, the presence of bay windows and the number of external corners.

The more there are, the more complex the arrangement work will be and, therefore, the prices for installing ventilated facades in this case will be higher.

If you decide to do the installation yourself, but at the same time purchase insulation well-known company and other high-quality certified materials, then the budget amount will not cost you.

The cheapest finishing materials are siding and corrugated sheets, and the most expensive are stone.

If you carry out all the installation work correctly, the ventilated façade will serve you flawlessly for about fifty years.

Do not skimp on materials and work on installing facades, or searching for teams willing to carry out insulation at the lowest cost; because of this, additional costs may soon be required.

A ventilated façade is special kind hinged ventilated structure, which consists of special facing materials. Such a facade is attached to a stainless, steel or aluminum frame to a wall or to a load-bearing ceiling. Air passes and circulates freely between the layer of cladding material and the wall, which ensures the absence of moisture and condensation on the surface of the building.

This façade system helps to retain heat in the house and eliminates dampness in the room. Thanks to the air gap, the heat transfer of the object is reduced.

Installing a ventilated façade significantly reduces the amount of building material required for the building. This significantly saves money on wall construction. Also, installing a ventilated façade significantly simplifies the entire structure, making it possible to build large quantity floors. And the possibility of installing various façade cladding panels helps create classic and modern architectural designs.

Types of ventilated facades

Today on construction market There is a huge variety of types of hinged ventilated facades.

The most popular options are:

  • . It is one of the most durable and durable materials, used in this area. Porcelain tiles are highly resistant to atmospheric precipitation and sun rays. The service life of the building is significantly increased.
  • Ventilated facades made of HPL panels. An extremely popular type of finishing. HPL panels are made from compressed paper-laminated plastic. Each layer is pressed under very high pressure. Thanks to this, the panel becomes very durable, which is also used as an anti-vandal material.
  • Ventilated facades made of terracotta panels. They are made from specially treated pure terracotta. This material is mainly used for finishing premium buildings.
  • . Their production uses typical Russian raw materials - cement, mineral fillers, cellulose. This material gives the facade an ultra-modern look. Provides good heat and sound insulation.
  • . One of best options for cladding. Metal cassettes are absolutely non-flammable.
  • . Granite is most often used for these purposes. Quite a complex and expensive type of finishing. When processing stone, chips often occur on the panels, which is unacceptable when installing ventilated curtain façade. Since chips are reduced to zero bearing capacity fastening areas. The stone is attached in a hidden way. Special cuts are made at the ends of the slabs, into which clamps (clamps) or fastening strips are inserted. Fastening elements must be made of aluminum or steel (stainless).
  • . Such glazing allows you to achieve high heat and sound insulation properties, as well as aesthetic beauty. Translucent systems are extremely popular all over the world.
  • Ventilated facades made of glass panels. Durable materials are used in production strained glass, which has high performance characteristics.
  • . The panels have a multilayer structure: a homogeneous filler between two sheets of aluminum. To attach the filler, a heavy-duty adhesive composition is used.
  • Ventilated planken facades. Planken is a facade board. This facade looks very beautiful. In addition, wood is environmentally friendly pure material. When creating boards, wood of various species is used: larch, merbau, ash, meranti, sucupira, American thermal oak. Planken is often used to decorate country cottages.
  • Ventilated facades made of copper panels. Such panels are very strong, flexible and durable. They are resistant to various types damage. In Russia, such ventilated facades are quite popular.

Advantages of this design

Ventilated curtain facades have the following advantages:

  • This design can be quickly and easily installed at any time of the year.
  • Ventilated facade systems are resistant to any atmospheric influences: sun, snow, rain, hail.
  • Ventilated facades have high soundproofing and thermal insulation characteristics.
  • During construction, you can bring to life any architectural and design ideas and use wide range materials for cladding: composite, brick, porcelain stoneware, planken (wooden facade board), aluminum sheet, a natural stone, lath profile, fiber cement and asbestos cement sheets.
  • Reducing financial costs for heating the facility.
  • Possibility of use wide range color combinations.
  • When using insulation, the “dew point” is moved beyond the load-bearing wall of the object.
  • This design is durable. For 50 years, the ventilated facade does not need to be repaired (if everything was installed correctly during construction).

Construction of a ventilated curtain façade (structure)

The ventilated facade consists of several layers, like a pie. In this case, the system can be installed either with or without insulation. If it is necessary to additionally insulate the walls, then mineral wool insulation is attached to the surface of the house.

For the base, insulation based on polystyrene foam (extruded) is most often used; it does not absorb moisture and does not allow it to pass through. The gap between the surface of the insulation and the facade must be at least 40 mm. In some
In cases, it is possible to set a gap of 20 or 50 mm, but this depends on the region and type of facade. Thanks to this gap, the air, with its ascending currents, dries out the moisture that has fallen on the surface of the mineral wool or expanded polystyrene.

To prevent blowing out warm air from a layer of insulation, it can be covered special film– vapor-tight, windproof membrane.

Regardless of the presence of insulation, the system that holds the entire structure is first attached to the wall. Next, the insulation is attached (if necessary). Then it is important to properly maintain the ventilation gap and install the outer layer of cladding made of porcelain stoneware, panels, glass, etc.

Installation of a system of suspended ventilated facades

  • The brackets are installed first. They are attached to the wall using dowels or anchors. They are selected based on the size and weight of the structure. To eliminate the possibility of “cold bridges” occurring between the metal and the wall, special gaskets (most often made of paronite or plastic) are installed.
  • Next, the insulation is attached to the wall using flexible connections or disc-shaped dowels. A windproof film is installed on top. Some types of insulation are produced directly with such a membrane. Which makes the work much easier.
  • Now, after maintaining the air gap, the guides are attached. The frame consists of horizontal lintels and vertical posts. The guides must be level. The frame is connected using special rivets. The pitch between the guides depends on the size of the cladding panel.
  • Next, the facing panel is installed. The gap between them may vary depending on the design and design of the building. Installation of facing material depends on the type of structure. The panels can be installed on special corners, clamps, and slides.

Video instructions for ventilation façade installation technology.

Finishing using ventilated facade systems begins with the installation of a frame subsystem. Mistakes at this stage can result in the cladding not performing its functions correctly and even completely destroying the finish. Let's talk about frames for independent ventilation facades and the features of their installation and assembly.

Functions of the façade frame

The curtained ventilated façade is conceptually derived from the external glazing systems of high-rise buildings, from which it inherits its technological complexity. The high versatility of this finish is achieved due to a very specific fastening subsystem, which performs a number of target functions.

The main one is to distance the facing panels from the load-bearing wall and the insulating layer to obtain a space in which street air circulates freely. This is one of the most effective ways protection of insulation materials with high hygroscopicity. Over half a century of active implementation, this method has proven itself only with the best side. Due to the external cladding, the temperature exchange of the building is normalized: in summer the sun heats the walls less, and in winter the air layer prevents the diffusion outflow of heat.

1 - protection of the building from heating; 2 - protection of insulation and structure from precipitation; 3 - ventilated facade subsystem; 4 - vapor-permeable membrane; 5 - insulation; 6 - removing moisture from the room

At first acquaintance, the system demonstrates obvious complexity and creates the illusion of unreliability. This leads to the second key function of the frame - to protect the insulation and supporting structure without compromising the integrity of the cladding and its appearance. This is made possible due to high stability individual elements frame to mechanical stress and proper load distribution.

We can conclude that such high technology is very expensive, both in terms of economic accessibility and in terms of installation complexity. Therefore, the third task that is set for the frames of independent ventilation facades is a high degree of unification of components. This not only makes it possible to carry out work as quickly as possible with a high degree of participation in expensive industrial mountaineering. The frame for ventilated facades can be adapted even to very complex architecture, including surfaces with deviations from the vertical.

Types of subsystems for ventilated facades

Today there is a very wide range of frame systems for ventilated facades, each of which is designed to work in specific conditions of an object with a specific type finishing material. To classify them, you need to pay attention to two key features.

The first is the frame material:

  1. Cink Steel. Optimal for facade systems without claims to durability in favor of cost savings. Most often used in the construction of inexpensive aluminum and polyurethane facade cladding with the prospect of replacing them.
  2. Stainless steel. Frames made from it are the most durable and are used for cladding. high-rise buildings using heavy panels (once and for a long time).
  3. Aluminum substructure. It is used in restoration and insulation projects of old buildings, where the permissible load on the load-bearing walls. The disadvantage is low fire safety; aluminum subsystems are not used in high-rise construction.
  4. Hydrophobized wood. Used as rack elements in low-rise construction and regions with mild climates.

The second distinguishing feature is the manufacturer frame system. Elements of different brands are not comparable with each other (with very rare exceptions), therefore they are always supplied as a set. The choice in favor of a specific manufacturer is determined mainly by the convenience and manufacturability of installation. This is almost unimportant for a private developer, but with the involvement of industrial climbers large-scale objects the need to drill or trim something additional results in dozens of extra man-hours.

Frame configuration for curtain façade

The third key difference is the form factor of the finished frame system. It depends entirely on the format of the cladding used, and every self-respecting manufacturer considers it their duty to support all three types in its assortment. In addition, if the manufacturer of the cladding materials provides a warranty on them, installation should only be carried out on a subsystem of the recommended type. Based on form factor, frame systems are divided into:

  • vertical orientation: for horizontal siding and continuous preparatory sheathing slab materials;
  • horizontal direction: for vertical siding, magnesite and polyurethane panels;
  • cross type: for marble, brick, porcelain stoneware and other heavy panels.

Before proceeding with installation, study routing and album technical solutions for a specific product. The goal is to establish the assembly order and operation connecting nodes. Fortunately, almost all manufacturers have the same mapping scheme and package contents. They have stationary brackets that are directly attached to the wall, and a movable profile that, together with the first element, forms a base console. The movable bar has a standard method of connection with the rack elements of the frame, plus the kit may include connectors for extending racks, corner and cross connectors.

Beginning of installation: preparing the wall and attaching the consoles

Installation begins with preparing the walls: removing the remains of the destroyed finish and antiseptic treatment if there are signs of mold damage. The installation of consoles begins from the top row, installing them in increments normalized by the type and weight of the cladding. The installation is carried out on a plastic lining, which prevents heat migration between the wall and the frame, fastening is carried out with anchor bolts, and in the case of loose and hollow bases - with chemical anchors or special types of dowels (KAT, KVT). Then, from each bracket, a plumb line is thrown along the wall, along which holes are drilled and the remaining elements of the vertical row are installed.

Many manufacturers distribute the mounting holes in the consoles so that they can be mounted as an assembly, which significantly speeds up the work. After fastening, the movable planks of the upper row consoles are lined up in a common line according to the curvature of the wall plane. Then the plumb line is hung on the edge of the upper console and the remaining sliding parts are adjusted and secured in this way. To secure the retractable bar it can be used as bolted connections, and blind rivets.

If the subsystem is assembled with horizontal orientation of the rack elements, the method of adjusting the consoles remains the same, but the brackets are turned in a different direction. Thus, the extreme ones are installed first vertical rows, along the elements of which a fishing line is then stretched to align the intermediate brackets of the horizontal row.

Assembling the system of fastening profiles

Sometimes it is recommended to fix the consoles after fixing the racks of the frame system. If this is the manufacturer's recommendation, this is quite acceptable. However, plumb alignment is considered the preferred method if there are no additional installation requirements.

The profile usually has standard means of preliminary fastening, represented by grooves and latches. After fixing at the installation site, the rack elements are secured along the internal shelf to the retractable console bar using bolts, rivets or non-hardened screws.

Most “branded” systems require installation fastening profiles after installation of insulation and windproof membrane/film. It is, however, possible to lay thermal insulation mats not only under the sheathing, but also between the racks. In this case, a windproof film is rolled out over the profiles and a system of spacer slats with vertical or two-layer cross orientation is assembled.

To conclude our review, we note that the basement and façade parts of the wall are separated by a horizontal ebb strip. This addition is designed to limit the flow of moisture-saturated air from the foundation into the space of the main vent and prevent the entry of water - condensation and slanting rain - into the basement part. Thus, air convection in the two zones occurs separately.

Curtain ventilated facade - complex engineering system, proper quality which can be implemented only with strict implementation of construction technology installation work. As practice shows, about 80% of all initial damage to new buildings occurs during the first five years of operation, and one of the reasons for this is errors made during the installation of a ventilated facade. In addition, errors by installers can lead to incorrect operation and, as a result, a significant reduction in the service life of the system. Therefore, when installing a ventilation façade, it is necessary to carefully follow the installation technology and carry out operational quality control.

How to make a ventilated facade?

Let us examine step by step the technology for installing a suspended ventilated façade structure. Before installation, it is necessary to complete a design or at least a working layout of the cladding and subsystems on the facades, calculate the ventilated façade based on loads and prepare a PPR. This will minimize material consumption and solve many problems before they arise.

We discussed how to use the program for calculating facade systems in the blog.

1) Preparatory work

Before proceeding directly to the installation of a ventilated facade at the site, it is necessary to carry out organizational and preparatory measures in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85 “Organization construction production" Including marking the boundary of an area dangerous for people, preparing and inspecting façade lifts, installing construction site inventory buildings: for storing materials and a workshop for preparing structures for installation. The width of the danger zone must be at least 3 m from the building wall. Installation should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.03.01-87 “Load-bearing and enclosing structures”, in compliance with safety regulations in accordance with SNiP III-4-80. Carrying out work on installing a ventilated facade in conditions of ice, fog, which excludes visibility within the work front, thunderstorms and wind with a speed of 15 m/s and temperatures below -20ºС is not allowed.

2) Marking the mounting points for the brackets

Before starting the main installation work, mark the installation points of load-bearing and support brackets on the wall of the building. Marking is carried out in accordance with technical documentation to the project for the installation of a suspended facade with an air gap.

On initial stage determine the beacon lines for marking the facade - the lower horizontal line of the mounting points for the brackets and the two outermost vertical lines along the facade of the building.

The extreme points of the horizontal line are determined using a level and marked with indelible paint. At the two extreme points, using a laser level and tape measure, determine and mark with paint all intermediate points for installing the brackets.

Using plumb lines lowered from the parapet of the building, vertical lines are determined at the extreme points of the horizontal line.

Using façade lifts, mark the installation points of load-bearing and support brackets on the outermost vertical lines with indelible paint.

3) Installation of brackets

Installation of the load-bearing brackets of the ventilation facade subsystem is carried out in the following sequence:

1) Holes are drilled in the wall using a mechanized tool (hammer) with a drillwith a diameter equal to the diameter of the anchor fastener and a depth of 5 mm greater than the length of the dowel. Clear the hole of sludge. It is not allowed to install anchors in seams brickwork and at a distance of less than 100 mm from the edge of the brickwork (external corners, window slopes).

2) Before installation, a paronite gasket is installed under each bracket through an anchor dowel.

3) Using anchor dowels, the load-bearing brackets of the ventilated facade are installed using a rotary tool (screwdriver).

4) Installation of thermal insulation and wind protection

The design of the heat-insulating layer and hydro-windproof film includes:

1) Hanging on the wall through the slots for the brackets of the insulation boards;

2) Hanging panels of wind-hydroprotective membrane with an overlap of 100 mm and temporarily securing them;

3) Drilling holes in the wall for disc dowels in full according to the design through the insulation boards and wind and waterproof film and installing the dowels.

The thickness and type of slabs are determined based on thermal engineering calculations, which can be read about in the corresponding blog article.

The distance from the dowels to the edges of the insulation board must be at least 50 mm.

Installation of insulation boards begins with the bottom row, which are installed on starting profile or base, then installation is carried out from the bottom up.

The slabs are hung in a checkerboard pattern horizontally next to each other so that there are no through gaps between the slabs. The permissible size of an unfilled seam is 2 mm. Additional thermal insulation boards must be securely fastened to the wall surface. Before installing additional thermal insulation boards, they must be trimmed using hand tools. Breaking insulation boards is not allowed.

With two-layer insulation, the slabs of the inner layer are fixed to the wall with disc-shaped dowels in the amount of at least 2 pieces per slab. Thermal insulation boards of the outer layer are installed with the joints offset vertically and horizontally. The outer layer is attached in the same way as the single-layer insulation option.

5) Installation of guides

Attachment to the adjusting brackets of vertical guide profiles includes:

Installation of profiles into the grooves of the regulating load-bearing and support brackets.

Fixing profiles with rivets to load-bearing brackets. The profile is installed freely in the support control brackets, which ensures its free vertical movement to compensate for temperature deformations . Using a level, align the profile to be mounted in a vertical position and secure it to the brackets. Installation of rivets is carried out in the standard holes of the brackets, if available. Drill holes for rivets in the vertical profile through the standard holes in the brackets. The edge of the hole must be at least 10 mm from the edge of the profile. Place the rivet in the hole and rivet it special tool for installation of blind rivets. The longitudinal axis of the rivet must be perpendicular to the surfaces being fastened. Skewed rivets are not allowed.

In places where two successive profiles join vertically, to compensate for temperature deformations, it is recommended to maintain a gap in the range from 8 to 10 mm.

7) Installation of cladding

Installation technology for a ventilated facade made of porcelain stoneware

Work on installing porcelain tiles should be carried out in the following sequence:

1) Marking the holes on the guides for fastening the clamps according to the drawings of the working documentation.

2) Drilling holes in the guides of the ventilated facade using a power tool - an electric drill. The hole should be 0.2 mm larger than the diameter of the rivet.

3) Installation of clamps in the design position and fastening to the frame through drilled hole rivets specified in the project. At the same time, porcelain tiles are installed. Self-tapping screws are used only as a mounting element.

Technology for installing ventilated facades from metal cassettes

The installation of metal cassettes depends on the mounting of the cassettes - these are cassettes with a lock and cassettes without a lock. Installation begins from starting bars, secured with self-tapping screws or rivets at a horizontal level. Installation is carried out from bottom to top, from left to right. Before installing the cassette at the mounting location, apply self-adhesive double-sided tape to the lock - this is necessary for a tighter connection. The cassettes are attached with self-tapping screws or rivets to the vertical guides. Each subsequent cassette is installed on the previous one in the lock.

The cassettes must be tightly attached to the supporting substructure without distortions, with the required gaps, and there should be no damage, dents or scratches on their surface. Cassettes without a lock are secured with self-tapping screws or rivets.