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» Cladding in the house decor ideas. Cheerful, cheap and stylish - wooden lining in the interior. What colors of painted lining are most relevant in a modern interior?

Cladding in the house decor ideas. Cheerful, cheap and stylish - wooden lining in the interior. What colors of painted lining are most relevant in a modern interior?

Currently, many owners of private houses can afford to decorate the walls of a building with clapboard. As examples, numerous photos of wall coverings with clapboards are posted on the Internet. This material has all the thermal insulation properties of natural wood, and also has excellent frost-resistant properties and is not susceptible to various weather influences and sudden temperature changes.

Such high quality finish at home allows you to create a favorable and healthy environment inside the building. It should also be noted that, unlike metal and plastic panels, buildings are sheathed not only on the outside, but also on the inside with wood clapboards.

Work order

Wooden lining can be used to decorate residential premises made in virtually any style.

Wall finishing with clapboard is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Preparing the structure, starting with insulation and waterproofing works from outside the building.
  • Selection finishing material and profiles or wooden beams for lathing.
  • Installation of electrical wiring in the room.
  • Leveling the surface, installing lathing and insulating material on it.
  • Finishing the premises with this material, according to the scheme initially determined by the owner of the house.
  • Installation of sockets and electric lamps.
  • Installation of corner profiles, skirting boards and door frames.


Lining is boards of different thicknesses, made from various types of wood. These products received this name due to their original use in railway. Initially, railway cars were finished inside wooden slats small sizes.

The modern market has made significant changes, and plastic and MDF panels have appeared on sale, but despite these innovations, cladding walls with clapboards in an apartment or private housing construction still remains in great demand.

Today on the finishing materials market there is a huge amount various types linings, which are sold by numerous companies. For this reason, you must carefully select the product before paying for it.

When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  • The packaged material must be stored horizontally on a special substrate.
  • The air humidity in the room intended for storing goods must correspond to the standard.
  • Products exposed to the sun's rays lose their quality and properties.

Information about the shelf life and shelf life of the product must be indicated on the label; you must also pay attention to this when purchasing the material. Compliance with all these rules and precautions significantly reduces the risk.

It is also better to purchase these products with a small supply to avoid the need to re-purchase them.

Installation of facing products

Currently, finishing teams use two methods for covering the surface of walls. These options are also used by homeowners who decide to carry out landscaping on their own. We will consider further how and how to finish the clapboard with your own hands.

The first option is as follows, you need to prepare perfectly flat surface, after which the finishing materials are attached to the surface using an adhesive mass.

Another option is to cover the surface using a lathing frame, to which the finishing product is attached. This method also involves additional insulation of the walls with special insulation. That is why this option is considered more preferable.

In addition, it is necessary to determine in advance what type of clapboard surface finishing, horizontal or vertical, is most suitable for the home owner.

You can also use combined cladding options in the interior of your room. This is when part of the areas are finished horizontally, and part of the materials are attached using vertical installation, thus combining wall decoration.

Once the owner has decided on the options, you can begin installing the finishing panels. To begin, prepare necessary tool and the material for the frame is an electric drill, a screwdriver, levels, a hammer, pliers and electric jigsaw or an ordinary hacksaw for metal, as well as metal profiles for lathing and all kinds of dowels, screws, nails, self-tapping screws and so on.

The frame of the sheathing is attached to the surface in the most careful manner. Profiles are placed vertically or horizontally, depending on the chosen method of fastening the panels.

  • The profiles must be assembled and fastened perpendicular to the panels.
  • Between the metal slats it is necessary to maintain approximately half a meter distance.
  • It is mandatory to leave gaps from the floor and ceiling.
  • The installation of profiles is constantly checked using a level.

After completing the assembly of the sheathing, it is filled with insulation specially prepared for this purpose.

Now you need to start installing the lining itself. At this point, the owner has already chosen the option of installing the material, and they themselves finishing panels Usually they begin to be mounted on the surface of one of the solid walls.

Photo of wall covering with clapboard

Clapboards are rarely used as a finishing material in apartments - except perhaps for covering balconies and loggias. Even if the design of the rooms involves finishing one wall with wood, they often use plank, which can be mounted with a gap, or floor board, since it does not have a chamfer. But in the interior of private houses: urban, and especially country houses, painted lining looks quite harmonious, and it is this option for decorating the premises that we will discuss in this article.

Our instructions will help those who want to decorate the interior with painted lining with their own hands, but do not know how to do it correctly.

On sale you can see at least five types of board profiles with tongue-and-groove joints, which we all used to call lining, and you can see some of them in the photo below. In addition to the types of profiles presented, there is also a “landhouse”, which has a figured surface, and an “American”, the profile of which is an elongated triangle. These are purely façade options (see Lining for exterior finishing: choosing the best), so there is no point in talking about them now.

In addition, the board differs in standard sizes, and, of course, in grades. The type of profile and size of the material are selected depending on where exactly it will be installed. As for quality, for finishing the premises you only need to take premium, which is called "Extra".

The type of wood also matters. For finishing residential premises do not use material from coniferous species, as it releases resin which will ruin your finish. Pine or spruce is only suitable for internal lining baths

How to choose the right board

Let's return to the options for board sections. Most often, ceilings are finished with clapboard, but not every profile is suitable for this purpose.

Imitations of logs and beams immediately disappear - these are options for walls, and even then, it depends on what design is intended to be implemented. If you want a house built from foam blocks to look like a wooden one, using a block house or imitation timber solves this problem without any problems.


  • A board with a flat surface looks better on the ceiling, especially when the room is the same great height. On a regular horizontal ceiling, a wide lining looks better. If the ceiling has several planes, as happens in attics, then a narrow board is much better suited for cladding - especially if it is painted in different colors, as is done in the example below.

  • In general, painted lining in the interior of a living space looks more than harmonious. The natural color scheme of wood, of course, is very pleasing to the eye, but if it is a flat plane and the same tone, the finish loses its charm and becomes monotonous. Dosed accents, contrasting shades, as well as changing the direction of installation of the board help to avoid this effect.
  • When it comes to ceilings, it is very helpful to be able to break up this monotony with transversely mounted bars. Although, in many private houses with beamed floors, it is possible to use the ceiling in the design load-bearing beams. To implement this design, it is also better to use a narrow board.

  • But on the walls, it should be wider, at least 20 cm. Cladding elements of this width look most harmonious - and therefore many others wall materials (plastic panels, MDF) are produced in the same size.

The lining, simulating timber or logs, is usually placed horizontally so that the imitation of a log house is complete. Boards with other types of sections: softline, calm, eurolining - can be positioned as you like.

The difference between these profiles is only in the configuration and number of grooves and chamfers, and the structure of the tongue-and-groove connection. Their front surface will not be too different - at least if we compare materials of the same class.

Secrets of plank cladding

The quality of the material, of course, affects the final result, but it still needs to be installed correctly. First of all, the board must be allowed to lie for at least two days in the room where the finishing will be done, after which it must be immediately treated with a fire-retardant compound.

  • In addition, it makes the wood grain more expressive, which will be very useful if you decide not to paint over the trim with opaque paint, but use, for example, transparent azure. Apply protective composition you need to carefully, not forgetting about the ends and grooves.
  • While the impregnation dries, you can begin preparing the surfaces for cladding. Of course, it is not necessary to strip them to the ground - unless old plaster does not crumble. But if there are cracks, crevices, drips, or other troubles somewhere, they need to be eliminated.

  • In general, wood does not like drafts, so it is better to add insulation to the sheathing. In any case, this must be done on external walls, ceilings located under attic space, in the attics. You can install the lining either on aluminum profile, and on wooden sheathing.

An insulated design may include both a profile and a batten. We will not go into these details now in order to pay more attention to the installation of the board itself and its finishing. If you decide to do self-cladding and its decor, be sure to watch the video in this article.

Installation of sheathing and fastening of boards

We will tell you briefly about the installation of lining, taking as a basis the option on wooden frame. For the sheathing you will need a lath with a cross section of 30*40 mm, which must also be treated in advance with protective impregnation.


  • Install the frame elements in a direction perpendicular to the position of the board. This means that if the sheathing elements are located vertically, then the sheathing belts must be installed horizontally.

  • The most difficult thing is to bring the frame into a single plane, since in principle there are no absolutely even walls. To determine the degree of surface unevenness, they are weighed and measured with a level. If the deviations do not exceed 5-7 mm, consider yourself lucky - such minor depressions can be compensated for by backing bars.
  • You need to start by identifying the most prominent point, install a rail on it, which will act as a guide, and from there, stretch and fasten a fishing line to a nail, which can be used to guide you in the future.
  • The distance between the slats usually does not exceed 60 cm. If you lay insulation between them, then the step between the sheathing belts is determined based on its width - perhaps it will not be 60, but 50 cm. But in this case, the frame is not made from slats , but from timber, the cross-section of which must take into account the thickness of the material.

  • If the walls are very uneven, then there are only two options: first level the wall with plaster, or install the sheathing on direct hangers. With their help, you can level the plane of the sheathing without any problems. Since the price of plaster is higher, owners usually prefer the option with hangers.
  • The lining is fastened to the sheathing using a hidden method - using clamps. Self-tapping screws or nails are used only to secure the first and last boards. In order, it looks like this. The sheathing begins from the wall, placing the first board so that its tongue faces the corner - this is what is screwed to the beam with a self-tapping screw.

On the opposite side, clamps are installed, which, going into the groove on the edge of the lining, firmly hold it. After all the clamps are screwed in, the second board is installed. Its tongue is inserted into the groove of the previous one, and on the other side it is done in the same way hidden mount. As you can see, everything is quite prosaic.

Painting the sheathed surface

Almost any paint is suitable for painting wood, including water-dispersion paints used to paint plaster surfaces. But they have high hiding power, and under such a layer the wood pattern is no longer visible.

  • If you want to admire the natural texture of wood, use transparent paints specifically designed for it. These are all kinds of stains, impregnations, glazing compounds, varnishes, which can be either absolutely transparent or slightly tinted.

  • Let's say that acrylic decorative glaze, which is also called colored protection for wood, can be used not only as an intermediate coating applied before starting to varnish the surface. She is also a full-fledged finishing coat, as it decorates the skin and protects it from unwanted influences.

Advice! It is always better to paint wood by hand - this way there are fewer drips and less paint consumption. Before application, the composition must be mixed well, otherwise the shade may turn out uneven. There should be no greasy layers - it is better, if necessary, to paint the wall not in two, but in three layers, but thinly.

  • Get started painting work from an inconspicuous place, with a small stroke - suddenly the shade of paint turns out to be not the same as you imagined it. As already mentioned, primers can have a tint, but if you use a transparent option, it can also be tinted.
  • In general, not all compositions can be tinted - this possibility is usually specified in the manufacturer’s instructions. By the way, to paint the lining you can use two shades of paint and alternate them through one or two boards. In the interior, this finishing option looks great, eliminating the same monotony that was mentioned at the beginning of the article.

The ideal solution for painting lining is semi-matte paints - they allow you to hide the wood texture, but leave a relief on the surface. Well, if you want to focus on one wall and decorate the wood, for example, in an antique style, you need to use patination compounds. You can see an example of such finishing in the photo above.

A thin finishing board for surfaces for a long period of time evoked associations only with a sauna, country house or a balcony. But now the situation has changed dramatically - lining occupies a leading position in room design, and not only country houses, but also apartments. It took time to discern functional and aesthetic superiority in external simplicity. But the diversity of species causes the opposite effect and poses current issues: what color, style, execution technique to prefer to extract maximum benefit from use of this material. It won’t be superfluous to understand the nuances of finishing in advance, so that lining in the interior becomes not only budget option, but also the most fashionable.

Types and advantages

The lining is represented by the following materials:

  • Wooden from natural breeds wood (larch, ash, beech). Moreover, the cost directly depends on the classes (from “0” to “C”). Hidden advantage- a unique opportunity to use the cheapest possible variety if the design does not provide for an ideal surface (rustic, chalet), and stains and other color defects are easy to paint over.
  • MDF. Made by gluing, it is still a “wooden” material that retains its presentability, but slightly loses its quality characteristics: First of all, you need to protect it from moisture.
  • Plastic. The cheapest, just an imitation of appearance, not carrying the semantic load of natural materials.

Externally facial appearance it differs even more: from the “American”, imitating lapped boards, to the block house with its log texture. For those who want to achieve not only external harmony and elegance in their home design, but also to comply with the conditions of Feng Shui, as if a “soft line” variety with rounded chamfers was specially created.

There are a number of advantages for the design of premises, and the most important ones are those that improve the comfort of human existence:

  • long service life;
  • environmental qualities;
  • healing effect of natural wood species;
  • low susceptibility to dirt and dust;
  • heat and sound insulation;
  • resistance to humidity, high temperatures;
  • no significant installation costs.

Aesthetic components that provide leading design positions:

  • The ability to change color by painting: this can be done more than once during use.
  • Adjustment of the visual geometry of space. Vertical arrangement - stretching, adding height, horizontal - adding volume, stretching the perimeter of the room.
  • Combination with most modern materials: tiles, stone, porcelain stoneware, tiles, textiles, glass, leather.

For renovation of any premises, technical simplicity of execution is a plus not only in optimizing time costs, but also financial ones. There is no need to pre-prepare the walls for the lining - it will do an excellent job of masking unevenness on its own.

Execution options

In addition to the standard location methods: horizontal and vertical, over the entire surface, there are several more design techniques lining location:

  • Diagonal. It will provide dynamics in the interior, like the ceiling, but will require more painstaking work.
  • Alternating multidirectional stripes. Giving a special, exclusive charm using various patterns: herringbone, steps, bricks and all sorts of combinations of these methods. The high cost of the method is more than compensated by the individuality of the final result.
  • Decorating only the lower third of the wall surface, top part– wallpaper, paint, a. In addition to financial benefits, you can get a unique interior.
  • An excellent option would be another fragment of the original shape on one of the walls, which can become a significant interior accent.


Wooden lining can be processed in ways that allow the design to acquire its own individual character:

  • Environmentally friendly - preservation of the natural pattern of wood.
  • Treated - by impregnation, special means: smoothness, glossiness or matte is added.
  • Painted - original color.
  • Brushed - relief and texture come to the fore. Special view: Only coniferous wood is taken.

All this diversity is necessary to create unique interiors in the most diverse styles, embodied for apartments and country houses. At the peak of popularity, the following style solutions directly involve this type of finishing:

  • Eco. It will support the natural microclimate and combines perfectly with other materials, such as stone; with living phytowall – one of the best.
  • Retro, vintage. Antique styles acquire even greater charm due to the lining, and brushing will enhance the effect of a spiritual retro atmosphere.
  • Scandinavian. White matte boards are the hallmark of the style.
  • Provence. The interiors convey the warmth of the sunny French coast through varnished paneling.
  • Country. The “landhouse” profile with its decorative grooves will help to emphasize some of the natural elegance of the style.
  • Rustic, natural, other ethnic styles. The surface is subject to aging due to fire and bleaching. Latest design preferences: bleached ash, oak, pine.
  • Shabby chic. An excellent background for shabby, aged pieces of furniture, like “sugar” decorative items.
  • Modern. Current option: gray, silver lining, especially locally used. The design does not contradict a certain urban orientation; gloss is only beneficial here.
  • Loft. The rough, unpolished surface of such options as “American” and “quarter” will emphasize the industrial style.


Some of the presented style solutions involve painting the lining, which can transform boring walls into a truly designer creation. Some are based, on the contrary, on maximum preservation of not only the texture, but also the color of the wood.

Everywhere has its own nuances:

  • Golden honey is a natural color that gives a particularly warm atmosphere and indescribable energy. The main aspect is the dosed amount to avoid the “sauna” effect. Combination with any contrasting colors - blue, red, green, of varying intensities from catchy to pastel. Matte finish wooden lining is an indicator of fashionable, modern design.
  • Brown shades can be used with sufficient lighting. It is not recommended to get carried away with ceiling designs in dark colors; if desired, choose the lightest possible shade. For an apartment, you can play on one of the favorite techniques of designers - contrast. Options: one accent wall, the rest are made in an extremely light color with support in decorative elements or alternating brown parallels around the entire perimeter with light wallpaper.
  • Whitewashed lining is a stable association with expensive interiors, airy and sophisticated. The choice of companion colors may be limited by stylistic design, which implies calm, natural colors: burgundy, terracotta, blue, pistachio, olive, gray. A completely whitewashed interior has the right to life only with the support of bright accents of furniture and decor.
  • Painted lining preserves the texture of wood and does not limit imagination at all.
  • Alternating colored rhythmic parallels, executed in 4-5 tones of paint, will add volume. Option - a ceiling in white and blue, complemented by two shades of wood, will look contrasting and cheerful, but calm and natural in a bedroom or nursery.

Among the popular design techniques based on the play of color, one can highlight contrasting painting in rich shade walls against a white floor or ceiling, a combination of two bright colors. Those who like calm solutions will be pleased to use the same color, but on surfaces with different textures, or the design option in two adjacent shades. If you don’t like it or get tired of it, you can always change the interior by simply repainting it. Against the background of neutral light gray or light beige lining, bright accents look good, which is important for kitchen and dining areas.

Noble interior of a country house

For country house, if the financial component allows, it makes sense to use mainly eurolining, which is not only distinguished by quality, but also has a breathtaking smell natural wood. More budget lining, not marked with the “extra” class, will still make the interior of a country house look expensive and attractive, even if only visually.


  • Ideal for. One of the most best methods finishing, according to the designers - the ceiling is decorated with lining, and the walls are decorated with wallpaper.
  • Excellent for the camouflage function of any nuances that stand out from the general background (pipes, communications, technical rooms).
  • The question of how to decorate beams on the ceiling is no longer relevant. against the backdrop of lining - one of the latest trends. If a special rustic or other style provides for them, the absence of real ones will be replaced by false beams. Painted in the same color as the panels, they will fit perfectly into lighter styles (country).
  • Sufficient area allows the use of various combined decoration techniques that are prohibitive for a small apartment - airy tiles, laying with majolica.
  • White color is one of the design favorites. Light furniture, white textiles combine well with many shades of walls.
  • The technique of decorating furniture with clapboard will help to give maximum authenticity to the interior of a country house.
  • The layout of country houses is usually characterized by a common large room, no matter what the cubic capacity, combining the functions of a living room, dining room, and kitchen. Ideally, zoning can be done using lining, and you can use both texture and color, giving the room a proportional and comfortable look.

Covering a room entirely with wooden clapboard is undoubtedly practical, but it will evoke associations with a budget standard renovation, only in combination with alternative ways finishing, plastering, painting surfaces, creates a stylish interior.

Specific executions

Interior solutions with this at first glance simple material applicable for premises of any purpose. For example, using wooden lining rather than plastic is appropriate even for bathroom design. Surface treatments with protective properties allow you to turn your bath into a real spa and relaxation area.

One is enough accent wall, for example, from light rocks, to change the perspective of perception and get away from the banality of tiles and plastic in the interior. , minimalism take on a special resonance in the bathroom, which is only ennobled by painted lining. For small rooms, such a textured material is simply a salvation: it will add the necessary relief to a very bright space, preventing the interior from becoming monotonous.

Bedroom design projects made from lining are put forward in the first place sleeping area. Non-standard and different design options for the headboard: a decorative stylized mini-fence, in the form of a strip going to the ceiling. Almost any standard bed It will go well with a ceiling or walls made in the same tone, and a smooth contrasting matte paint covering the free surfaces will help to add more style. An option to complement the bedroom interior with lining: special, but unusual, but soft, made not only of textiles, but also of leather, or panels with a 3D effect.

To decorate the kitchen interior with clapboards, designers give certain recommendations:

  • For a combined kitchen-dining room option: the wall cladding in the dining area should be combined with the kitchen furniture and then style unity will be ensured.
  • Any finish is selected for the ceiling, but not wooden lining to avoid problems with maintenance in case of natural pollution characteristic of this area.
  • Produced modern materials perfectly reflect fashion trends. Paradoxically, porcelain stoneware slabs are produced that successfully imitate wooden lining. This option is just for perfectionists who try to even kitchen apron designed within a certain style concept.

5 ways to make your interior unusual

Modern solutions:

  • Backlight. All kinds diode strips help achieve impressive results.
  • Mirrors. An ideal duet, and a composition of several, various sizes, but rounded in shape against the background of a brightly painted clapboard wall - one of the latest trends.
  • Furnishings. Pass-through cabinets installed against a blank canvas wall are relevant for many “rustic” interiors.
  • If the space in the apartment does not allow, but you really want a “country” style, use small areas decoration of the wall against which portraits are placed. This way you can combine the concept without giving up expensive decorative elements.
  • Such a variety of various solutions, general and for individual rooms, local and volumetric, allows us to conclude that lining has taken a strong position in the interior, and a creative approach makes it as relevant as possible.

Currently, lining for interior decoration is especially popular among finishing materials. It is also used for cladding the external walls of houses. It is a specially treated board made of selected wood.

This material can compete with all analogues available on the market. Wood has mass positive properties. It can absorb excess moisture and release it into a too dry room. Interior decoration wooden house clapboard creates a balanced microclimate in the surrounding space. In addition, the aroma of wood is incomparable to the chemical odors of plastic materials.

Interior decoration of the house with clapboard: photos of beautiful interiors of the living room and kitchen

Cladding boards can decorate the interior of any room. It is especially often used in country houses, dachas, for finishing the interior and exterior walls of residential buildings and offices. Cladding trim (the video demonstrates the whole process) is found on balconies and loggias. It is indispensable when constructing gazebos, saunas, baths and much more.

The clapboard finish perfectly levels the walls and provides the required sound insulation. Such cladding will not lose its relevance and attractiveness for many years. Repair wood trim quite simple, just use decorative wax for this.

In city apartments, the interior is finished with clapboard (photo various interiors are present in this article). Such premises need natural materials. The appearance of wood finishes is calming and creates comfort and coziness.

It is not necessary to cover the entire apartment with wood; it is enough to use lining in the kitchen (the photo shows various options).

Such a room will become a favorite place for all residents. It will be filled with warmth and pleasant forest aroma. It is recommended to finish with cladding boards only in the dining area, and for the kitchen apron to select ceramic tiles that match the texture. Interesting solution The room will also be decorated with clapboard or hallway.

Do-it-yourself wall paneling with clapboard: design options and mounting methods

You can think over the design of a room made of lining, as well as cover the walls and ceiling yourself. At the first stage, the tree must be treated with an antiseptic. This will help avoid the future occurrence of mold and mildew. After the material has dried, you should begin work on installing the sheathing board.

To begin with, a sheathing is attached to the surface of the wall or ceiling. It may consist of wooden beams or metal guides. Depending on how the wooden lining will be located in the interior (the photo shows this point in detail), the location of the sheathing will depend. It must be remembered that the guides must be mounted strictly perpendicular to the main direction of the lining with a certain pitch.

When finishing a wall, the lining can be positioned both vertically and horizontally. In the first case, the boards begin to be laid from the corner of the room. In the second - from floor to ceiling. They are carefully inserted into each other using grooves and attached to the bars with staples using a stapler or self-tapping screws.

After the finishing is completed, the next stage of work begins - painting, which will give the wooden lining not only an aesthetic appearance, but also preserve it for many years. Most often, various varnishes are used for such work. But it is also possible to paint the cladding boards with oil or acrylate paints. The latter are able to retain their shine and color for a long time, they can “breathe”, are elastic and therefore do not crack. Another type of coating is acrylic scuba diving. This is an environmentally friendly water-soluble mixture of milky white color, which after drying turns into a transparent waterproof film. Such varnishes can be used for interior work, they are environmentally friendly and do not cause allergies.

Popular questions about lining

What types of wood are best to choose from for lining for interior decoration of a house?

For finishing interior walls and ceilings in residential premises, in particular in country houses and dachas, lining made of coniferous species is used: spruce and pine. This wood is designed for use in rooms with stable temperature conditions. If we were talking about the interior decoration of a bathhouse or sauna, linden or alder would be better. And for cladding the external walls of buildings, larch is ideal, as it perfectly withstands low temperatures and precipitation.

What rooms are usually lined with clapboard?

Lining is traditionally used for finishing the walls of verandas, balconies, loggias and attic premises, that is, such rooms that are located close to the street. However, no one forbids you to use natural wood paneling in the interior of the kitchen, dining room, living room, bedroom and even bathroom. Properly processed natural wood will serve perfectly even in a room with high humidity.

What colors of painted lining are most relevant in a modern interior?

Natural wooden lining is most often either painted White color, or using paint or varnish to enhance the color of natural wood, or give it a new, original shade. Using paint or varnish, you can give pine the appearance of bleached oak or dark walnut, for example. There are also ways decorative processing painted lining, for example, artificial aging, or brushing.

How to develop a beautiful room design with clapboard paneling?

If you choose lining made of natural wood as interior decoration, then it is assumed that the design and style of the room should emphasize this naturalness, naturalness and unique color of wood. For such a room, a design in country style, Provence or, for example, nautical style, if you want to play up the similarity of the lining with ship plating.

How can you use wooden lining in the kitchen interior?

The lining can be used to decorate the walls in the kitchen in the dining area, and repeat the same color of wood in kitchen furniture. This type of finish is not suitable for kitchen ceilings, since it will be very difficult to clean such a ceiling from greasy fumes. The use of lining in the food preparation area is also unacceptable; it is better to finish it with an “apron” ceramic tiles, mosaic or special easy-to-clean polymer plastic.

Is it appropriate to decorate the walls with clapboard in an apartment in an apartment building?

Why not? Not only a balcony or loggia can be covered with lining modern apartment, but also use this type of decoration for walls in the kitchen, hallway, or even in the bedroom. However, it should be remembered that the process of installing wooden lining itself implies the presence of sheathing, that is, a frame. Thus, finishing the apartment with clapboard will take up some of the usable area. Therefore, if your apartment is very small, you need to use lining for wall decoration with caution.

What kind of furniture to furnish a room decorated with clapboard?

Furniture in a room decorated with clapboard should harmonize well with it in style. Therefore, interior items should also be wooden, because metal, plastic or glass are unlikely to fit well into similar interior. It’s great if the furniture is made of the same type of wood as the lining on the walls, but this is not at all necessary. You can, on the contrary, play on the contrast and choose furniture of a completely different tone. Interesting idea– use of rattan or bamboo furniture in a room decorated with clapboard.

How practical is it to use natural lining in the hallway?

The hallway and corridor are rooms in which it is important to maintain cleanliness, since dust and dirt are brought there from the street. Accordingly, the decoration of the hallway, including the walls, should allow wet cleaning, or at least wiping with a damp cloth. The lining treated with special compounds is perfect for these purposes, so there is no reason to refuse wooden paneling in the hallway.

How to decorate a room lined with clapboard?

Enhance the beauty of natural wood decorative items semi-antique, or souvenirs with a touch of provincial romance: figurines, vases, carved wooden crafts. Paintings depicting still lifes or calm forest landscapes harmonize well with the lining. Please pay attention Special attention carpets and curtains. Bamboo or thread curtains made of wooden beads are perfect for decorating windows. And on the floor you can lay something like a mat or animal skin.

How to update walls covered with clapboard?

Over time, any cladding, even one as high-quality and durable as wooden lining, loses its presentable appearance. In addition, you may want to give the interior a completely different look, change the style and design. And I don’t want to dismantle good-quality wall cladding at all. In this case, remove a couple of millimeters of the top layer of wood from the clapboard walls. This is done using special carpentry grinder. Then treat the lining against fungus and apply a new decorative layer. It can be clear or colored varnish, or special paint for natural wood.

Interior decoration of the house with painted clapboard

Wood, as you know, is a universal material and remains so, regardless of its scope of use and processing options. Particularly relevant is the use of wood in construction, in particular in cladding walls inside the house. Thanks to this material you can create in your home favorable microclimate, comfort and beautiful interior.


More and more residents of private houses are choosing the interior of walls made of lining inside the house. This is explained not only by the comfort and magnificent beauty of the interior, which are achieved through the use of wood, but also due to the presence of certain properties that the lining has.

Among them:

  • Excellent sound insulation;
  • The surface does not require further leveling;
  • A wonderful aroma of wood that will appeal to all residents;
  • Biological features and high environmental friendliness of the tree;
  • Different methods of laying lining, as well as its different widths and others, allow you to visually change the proportions of the space.

Let's say a few words about the properties of lining to change space:

  • To begin with, it is worth noting that any decorative lining for interior decoration is made of wooden panels, the width of which is usually 8.8 cm, this in turn is the standard working size. The length of the slats will vary (from 1 to 6 meters), their variation depends on the dimensions of the room and installation methods. Before purchasing sheathing material, it is necessary to make accurate preliminary measurements;
  • Another important point is the method of laying the slats on the walls. They can be located vertically or horizontally. The horizontal position expands the space of the room, while the vertical laying increases the height of the room.

Classification by variety

The classification of lining directly depends on quality indicators, according to which the material is usually divided into 4 grades, which, in turn, determines the price of the product.

Save in in this case It’s not worth it, but buying too expensive lining may turn out to be a pointless waste of money. The most common type on sale is 4: “Extra”, followed by grades “A”, “B” and “C”.

It is difficult to imagine a type of wood from which it would be impossible to make lining, and the quality of the finishing material will directly depend on the type used.

In Russian construction market The following types of wood are commonly used:

  • Pine;
  • Birch;
  • Larch;
  • Ash and other options.

However, when approaching the choice of the type of wood from which the lining is made, one point should be taken into account - all of the above types of wood are suitable for interior finishing with lining of a house.

Important! It is worth considering some physical characteristics of the breeds, for example coniferous varieties are not suitable for decorating a bathhouse, since at elevated temperatures, resin will begin to release from this material.

Step-by-step finishing with clapboard

If you want to learn in detail how to sheathe the inside of a house with clapboards, you should study the step-by-step algorithm of the work process. It is not difficult to carry out this procedure with your own hands; a special video and instructions will help you, which will tell you step by step how to carry out wall cladding.

The initial stage is the choice of the method of lining arrangement, horizontal or vertical. The choice in this case should be dictated by the size of the room and the taste of the owner. For vertical arrangement the slatted frame is located horizontally, the opposite arrangement is for horizontal laying linings.

You must first prepare the slats (or buy them); you can cut boards for them, the width of which is from 25 to 30 mm. Required condition– the material must be dry.

Frame installation

The main condition for installing the frame is to align it in one plane. The first rail for horizontal installation should be installed strictly vertically, using a plumb line. The rail can be secured using self-tapping screws or regular nails.

We move to the opposite corner, where the installation of a similar rail is required; several nylon threads are pulled between them to create a single plane. Then, along these threads, all frame elements are installed.

Tip: The distance between the slats is strictly maintained in the range of 50 to 60 centimeters; the lathing after installation requires treatment with an antiseptic.

Fastening the lining

The main rule for placing horizontal type lining is that the groove should be down and the tenon up. This will prevent moisture from entering the groove if it forms on the walls. After all, the accumulation of moisture in the grooves will lead to loss of appearance of the cladding, as well as to the formation of mold, which is hazardous to health.

The lining can be assembled both from the ceiling and from below, from the floor; this moment is dictated solely by the desire of the owner. However, it is advisable to leave the lining in the room where it will be installed for a day so that the wood can adapt to future conditions.

You can attach the slats to the frame using nails driven into the groove part; here you should definitely use a tool such as a hammer (photo), or use a large nail.

Back wall The groove requires special attention; it is important that it does not crack during installation. Moreover, a small gap (1-2 mm) is allowed between the elements; this will allow you to adjust the shape of the lining in case of deformation of the wood due to high humidity premises. On the picture - ceiling plinth, hiding all the irregularities The assortment of stores is very voluminous

Sometimes the lining is simply varnished if this room does not differ in any conditions. In case if we're talking about about the walls of a bathhouse or sauna, the use of protective equipment, which can not only prevent the negative effects of moisture, but also protect against temperature changes.


When wondering how to clapboard the inside of a house, it is not at all necessary to resort to the services of specialists. You can do this work yourself using our guide.