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» Everything for finishing a bathroom. Bathroom decoration: stylish and unusual design ideas. Advantages and disadvantages

Everything for finishing a bathroom. Bathroom decoration: stylish and unusual design ideas. Advantages and disadvantages

The bathroom space requires an individual approach. The question - how to decorate the bathroom walls - has always been the number one question. After all, when choosing a material, you need to take into account the specifics of the room where it will be used. The bathroom needs a special approach; you need to try to combine aesthetics, moisture resistance, durability, price and installation complexity.


Perhaps we can start the review with the traditional classics - tiles, which at all times do not lose their relevance. And, despite all the criticism from skeptics, with a huge variety of assortments, you can choose the most original combinations.

In terms of durability, tiles can be considered leaders among finishing materials. Even specific room conditions will allow you to preserve completely aesthetic appearance and functional qualities for quite a long time. If everything is done correctly, then you won’t have to think about a new renovation for a long time.

Externally, tiled looks beautiful, and most importantly, it allows you to add individuality and originality to the design. Diversity color range and shades, glossy and matte coatings tile surfaces - all this can be folded into one whole. This material is easy to care for and will not lose its qualities, even if it is not properly cared for.

Laying tiles is quite difficult, and if you do not have skills in such work, then it is better to invite professionals. To prevent distortion, be sure to use a level when installing tiles. The adhesive composition must correspond to the special conditions of the room.

Despite its availability, finishing ceramic tiles considered expensive. After all, the cost of tiler services is equal to the cost of laying tiles.

Tile for finishing bathroom walls

Nowadays we have begun to forget about this option of wall decoration, such as painting. At one time, paint was considered the primary finish for a bathroom. This is the most cheap option from all finishing materials, although the cost will depend on the choice of paint.

The method of applying paint to the walls does not matter, whether it is a roller, a brush or a sprayer. The final result will depend on the skill of the painter and his artistic taste. When we're talking about about painting, this does not mean simply applying paint to the walls. Although, if you wish, you can make beauty out of this option by choosing the right color scheme.

You can create real works of art with paint if you have some talent or use stencils. To obtain desired result, it is advisable to use latex paints; they tolerate moisture well, and compared to conventional oil paints have a richer appearance.

Before you start painting, you need to level the walls with plaster, because paint will not be able to hide even the smallest flaw on the surface, and this can ruin even the most beautiful picture.

The method of decorating walls with plastic PVC panels is considered a budget option. Ease of installation, good moisture resistance, a huge selection of colors and textures, as well as their low cost, allow you to decorate your bathroom very quickly. With this material you can hide even large construction deficiencies, close communications, with subsequent access to them.

If one panel is damaged, it can be easily replaced. Even an inexperienced person in repair can install such panels. It is enough to install a metal or wooden frame and attach them to them with self-tapping screws or special panel brackets. If the walls are perfectly smooth, then you can attach them directly to the wall without lathing.

But such material has significant drawbacks. After installing the panels, condensation may occur between the wall and the finish. Such panels are not particularly durable and may turn yellow over time. Also, due to their simplicity and accessibility, they are very often used in in public places, so the room will not look individual.

Finishing bathroom walls in 1 day with plastic panels

Decorative plaster for bathroom walls

Nowadays finishing with decorative plaster is gaining popularity. It is more modern than tiles and has more options. The composition of plaster consists of gypsum, resins, lime, minerals and dyes. A wide variety of reliefs and designs can be created from acrylic-based material. Using colors and application techniques, walls can be finished to look like stone, marble or textiles.

In order for such material to please the eye for a long time, the surfaces on which the plaster will be applied must be properly prepared. Walls before application decorative finishing It is recommended to cover it with sanitizing plaster. Such a solution will create a waterproofing layer and will absorb excess moisture well, thereby regulating the microclimate of the room. Sanitizing plaster is easy to apply, does not crack when dry and is non-toxic.

Venetian plaster for bathroom walls

The most common type of decorative finishing in is - Venetian plaster. This finish imitates marble and looks expensive and stylish. When finishing with plaster, you can use special stencils with which you can make original patterns.

Using textured plasters, a variety of surface types can be achieved. The walls can be made rough with grooves, uniformly rough, and also modeling, on which any ornament can be applied.

The desire to change the interior and diversify the usual canons leads to the decision to decorate the bathroom with wallpaper. But not all wallpapers are suitable for decorating a bathroom. For example, paper, non-woven and fabric wallpaper They are too hygroscopic and permeable to water, so they will quickly become unusable. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose them correctly.

Vinyl wallpaper comes in several types. For the bathroom, wallpaper made from smooth vinyl is suitable, which, although called smooth, has a relief pattern and can be an alternative replacement tiles. Wallpaper made from hard vinyl differs from its counterparts in that, thanks to its structure, it is possible to create a covering in the form of leather, stone, or imitate wooden or fabric surfaces.

Hanging such wallpaper will not be difficult. You need to first prepare the walls, cut out the wallpaper so that the pattern matches. The glue is selected in accordance with the characteristics of the wallpaper, and is applied both to the strips themselves and to the walls. The strips are laid end to end and glued from top to bottom, while running with a roller to remove air. It is more convenient to glue wallpaper together, in a warm room, without drafts.

Liquid wallpaper is similar in texture and installation features to decorative plaster. They tolerate moisture and steam well, with their help you can create unique design, after all color palette allows you to combine materials. After liquid wallpaper is applied to the surface, it should be covered with a protective layer of varnish to enhance its moisture resistance.

But fiberglass wallpaper is ideal for such a room. This durable and durable coating can last a long time. Such wallpapers are environmentally friendly, they do not burn, they do not require an ideal surface, and are not susceptible to damage by dampness and fungi. In addition, such wallpaper is very strong, which can protect the walls from any damage.

This material is expensive, but it's worth it. After application, such wallpaper can be left in its original form, painted or, if desired, additional decoration can be made.

Self-adhesive film

Self-adhesive PVC film is similar to wallpaper, only with glue applied, it is cheap, but before finishing you need to carefully prepare the surfaces. It must be applied very carefully. Despite all efforts, it can still swell and peel off.


As for drywall, we are talking only about its moisture-resistant version. It has a low price and enhances sound insulation. Its appearance is not very attractive, so in the future it requires additional decor. It can be painted, wallpapered, tiles laid on it and decorated with any other material.

To make mosaic decoration you need to put in a lot of effort and show artistic taste. But the end result will be beyond praise. Mosaic has many colors, textures, and has a variety of shapes.

It is made from glass, smalt, natural and artificial stone and much more. This material is very resistant to the environment that prevails in the bathroom. Mosaic is practically waterproof. You can lay out entire panels from it.

Natural or artificial stone

You can decorate the walls with artificial or natural stone. Price natural stone quite high and this can be its disadvantage. Installing such material is very difficult, so you can’t do it without the help of specialists.

Natural stone needs very careful care, especially marble. You shouldn’t use stone as a complete finish, otherwise you might end up with a dark cave instead of a chic room.

Wood finishing

A good choice would be to decorate the walls with wood. This material looks expensive, but in order for it to last for a long time it must be pre-impregnated by special means. You can burn the panels, soak them in stain and varnish them, in this case the texture will appear and all the beauty will be revealed. wooden surface. This type of finish is very picky in design, so all elements in the bathroom must match each other.

Glass tiles

Glass tiles have a pleasant aesthetic appearance and are practically eternal, as they are made of tempered glass. It does not react to the influence of an aggressive environment and is not subject to the formation of fungi. By using glass tiles can be visually expanded small space. A huge selection of this material will help bring any design fantasy to life.

Glass tiles can imitate ice, look like a silver coating or have holographic images. This material is expensive, so not everyone can afford to decorate the entire room with it. It can complement the interior and make some fancy inserts.

There are different ideas for decorating walls. For example, if there is material left after a renovation, you can cut pieces with a glass cutter and use them instead of tiles. You can also use mirrors and glass.

Mirror tiles will make the room larger and brighter, but care must be taken carefully, as mirror surfaces reflect the slightest imperfections. You can decorate the walls with hardboard, which is made from eucalyptus fiber. It has the shape of a square slab covered with melamine laminate on top.

You can experiment with many more materials. But we must remember that each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. To get the desired result, you need to find an individual approach to each material and apply all your skill and imagination.

Repairs take a lot of effort and time, especially if you do it yourself, without involving professional craftsmen in finishing the work. But the biggest impact on homeowners’ budgets is bathroom renovation, since high-quality materials suitable for use in conditions of high humidity are not cheap.

When purchasing a new home, a significant financial burden falls on the family, so it would be rational to find a compromise finishing option that will ensure long-term use and neatness. appearance at minimum costs. In this article we will tell you how to perform budget renovation in the bathroom on your own.

Material requirements

Even budget finishing The bathroom must comply with strict building standards, since the microclimate in this room has a number of features that lead to accelerated wear of materials. When considering the option of doing the renovation yourself, keep in mind that the bathroom is characterized by high humidity, insufficient ventilation and temperature changes. Therefore, the materials used to finish surfaces must have the following qualities:

Note! When choosing an inexpensive finishing option, be sure to pay attention to the possibility self-installation material, since hiring professional craftsmen can double the cost of renovating a bathroom.

Wall decoration

Bathroom walls have the largest area among the surfaces to be finished, so their cladding accounts for most of the costs. When carrying out repairs yourself in order to reduce costs, you need to take into account that not all materials are suitable for use in rooms with high humidity. There are the following inexpensive ways wall finishing to protect against moisture:

Important! If you want to save time in addition to money when renovating your bathroom, then the best option– . They can be easily installed even by an inexperienced craftsman without prior preparation of the wall surface or removal of old finishes.

Floor finishing

Finishing the bathroom floor is a fundamental task, the quality of which determines the safety and ease of use of the bathroom. Experienced craftsmen It is not recommended to skimp on surface waterproofing, as it helps to avoid problems with leaks and breakdowns of household appliances. If an apartment from a secondary housing stock is being renovated, and the age of the house exceeds 20-25 years, when renovating the bathroom, you should open the old floor and update the waterproofing trough using rolled, coating or painting materials. As an inexpensive finishing coating used:

Experienced craftsmen note that even with a tight budget, it is necessary to remove the old floor before concrete base, organize a high-quality waterproofing trough, and then carefully level the surface using a screed.

Bathroom renovation

Traditionally, in Russian apartments there are more often bathtubs than showers. The cost of replacing a wash basin can be between a quarter and half of the cost of a budget bathroom renovation. Experienced craftsmen note that if there is a lack of financial resources, it is more rational not to purchase new expensive products, but to discard old cast iron models using one of the following methods:

Note! An inexpensive but effective procedure for re-enamelling a bowl significantly improves the appearance of the product. The most repairable are considered cast iron baths with thick walls.

Video instruction

Even the ancient Romans were sure that the place where a person washes must be special. They decorated their baths, as baths were called at that time, as luxurious palaces. Centuries have passed, but the attitude towards rooms for hygiene procedures has changed little. Every owner of a house or apartment wants to make his bathroom not only as functional as possible, but also beautiful.

In the process of developing a design project, it is important not only to choose the design and decor, but also to wisely select materials for finishing the walls in the bathroom. A properly selected wall covering will last a very long time and will be able to maintain an attractive appearance.

There is an opinion that it is simply impossible to create an unusual and interesting interior. Especially if the room is small. Therefore, most often, owners listen to the recommendations of designers and decorate the bathroom in the same style as the rest of the apartment or house. The result is often not the best.

The place where a person performs hygiene procedures should be not only functional, but also beautiful

And this is not at all because some stylistic miscalculations are being made. The bathroom requires a special approach. Here you can implement original ideas and experiments. Fenced off from living space interior door, the room can be bright, original and stylish.

And first of all, you need to think about finishing materials. It's not true that the best choice- ceramic tile. There can be a lot of options. However, before you start choosing them, you need to understand that the bathroom is a room with special conditions, therefore all coatings used for finishing must be:

  • resistant to significant temperature changes and high humidity;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • easy to clean and hygienic;
  • durable.

The last requirement, at first glance, is not directly related to the special conditions of the bathroom. However, you need to understand that renovations in the bathroom are more complex and time-consuming than in any other room. Therefore, you need to strive to do it as rarely as possible.

In addition, modern plumbing fixtures have a long service life and therefore require an equally durable frame.

How can you decorate the bathroom walls?

There are a lot of finishing options, for every taste and, of course, for every budget. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of several of them.

Option #1 – ceramic tiles

This is the name given to plates of various shapes and sizes made of baked clay. The tiles are made by pressing a homogeneous crushed mixture and subsequent firing in ovens at a temperature of about 1200C. There are different types of ceramics:

  • Glazed tiles. Additionally, it is coated with a special transparent layer, which not only protects the ceramic plate, but also gives it a more attractive appearance.
  • Unglazed cladding. There is no protective layer. The tiles are distinguished by the natural structure of the material and attractive natural texture. It can be considered conditionally suitable for decorating wet rooms.

The design of ceramic tiles can be very different. In addition to traditional square and rectangular cladding various sizes, produced over interesting shapes plates: hexagons, triangles and even circles and ovals. The colors and textures of the tiles are also varied.

Interesting models with all kinds of inserts made of metal, mirror or stone. Manufacturers offer tile collections that include basic cladding and decor: borders and plates decorated with various patterns and motifs.

The obvious advantages of ceramics include:

  • high wear resistance;
  • resistance to aggressive compounds, including detergents;
  • environmental safety;
  • high resistance to the damaging effects of moisture;
  • hygiene and ease of care;
  • maintainability, damaged tiles can be easily replaced;
  • resistance to toxic substances and fire.

The main disadvantage of any ceramics can be considered the complexity of installation, before which it will be necessary to carry out labor-intensive work to prepare the surface of the walls for cladding.

The manufacturer offers collections of ceramic tiles, in which the main cladding and decor have already been selected. Using such a collection, even a non-professional can create an attractive design

The features of the finishing material are such that it can only be laid on a completely leveled, dry base primed with a special compound. The cladding process is also complex and requires the involvement of specialists. It is almost impossible for a person without experience to lay tiles on walls efficiently.

In addition, the surface of ceramics is always cool to the touch, so leaning against such a wall is not very pleasant. The material is classified as brittle and fragile, which complicates transportation and laying of tiles. The cost of cladding depends on the quality and the manufacturing company.

On sale you can find both elite models belonging to the high price category, and quite budget material. Thus, if desired, cladding that is acceptable in cost and quality can be found without much difficulty.

Option #2 – self-adhesive film

The basis of self-adhesive film is polyvinyl chloride. On front side The coating has a decorative pattern; on the opposite side there is a layer of glue that holds the material to the surface. It is covered with a protective layer of paper.

To apply the film to the wall, you need to very carefully and gradually remove the protective layer, while straightening and pressing the vinyl to the base. This film adheres perfectly to plastic, wood, glass, plasterboard and metal surfaces.

There are many varieties of self-adhesive film available. On sale you can find a single-color coating, glossy or matte, mirrored, with a 3D effect or metallized.

Interesting films that imitate various materials: fabric, mosaic, tile, wood, cork and the like. The advantages of vinyl film include:

  • high tensile and fracture strength;
  • speed and ease of installation;
  • sufficiently high wear resistance, which allows the material to serve for at least 5 years;
  • large selection of colors and textures;
  • resistance to high humidity;
  • easy to clean, stains can be removed with soapy water;
  • The pattern applied to the film does not fade for a long time and does not deteriorate from direct sunlight.

Self-adhesive film is available in the most different designs. Using this material you can quickly and inexpensively create an exclusive design for your bathroom

Installation of the coating is extremely simple, however, before starting it, it is necessary to prepare the base very well, since all, even the smallest cracks and irregularities will be clearly visible.

Option #3 – paint

Painted bathroom walls are becoming popular again thanks to the variety of modern paint compositions. For painting, experts recommend using special paints:

  • Acrylic. It is made on the basis of acrylic polymer, to which titanium dioxide and marble chips. The composition forms a durable film on the painted surface with microscopic pores, giving the walls the opportunity to “breathe”.
  • Latex. Its base is latex acrylate, which preserves for a long time original appearance. The composition can withstand numerous wet cleanings using chemicals.
  • Silicone. Combines the advantages of previous options. Prevents the proliferation of microorganisms, applied to any surface, including brick, concrete slab and plaster. Not sensitive to temperature changes and high humidity.
  • Silicate. Its basis is liquid glass mixed with silicon and resin. To give the composition the desired color, oxides of various metals are added to it. Resistant to high humidity and temperature. Before applying to the wall, the base must be primed with a special solution.

The advantage of painting walls is the ability to do the work yourself, while their quality directly depends on the artist. If desired, you can use different combinations of paints, which allows you to create original design interior

The disadvantages include the need to carefully prepare the base before painting.

Painted walls in the bathroom are a practical solution. For painting, we select special compositions intended for rooms with high humidity.

Option #4 - plastic panels

Modern plastic panels are made of polyvinyl chloride, which is completely safe for human health. When choosing a material for finishing a bathroom, you need to take into account that there are two types of such panels. One of them is intended for ceiling decoration, and the second for walls.

It is important to choose the right lamellas, since wall lamellas differ from ceiling lamellas in greater strength, resistance to mechanical damage, and less flexibility. For the manufacture of wall panels, a composition with a high content of PVC is used. In addition, their internal stiffeners are made of plastic with a thickness of at least 1 mm. It will no longer be possible to cut such material with a knife.

Laminated panels are best suited for wall decoration. Their main difference from the others is their increased resistance to any mechanical damage. This effect is achieved through the use of special protective film, which protects the design from fading and the surface of the product from scratches and chips. The advantages of polyvinyl chloride panels include:

  • Low demands on the quality of the base. For installation of lamellas it is used prefabricated frame made of wood or metal. It can be assembled over any walls; leveling, primer and putty are not required.
  • Relatively easy to install. If desired, a craftsman can install the panels without much experience in construction work.
  • Possibility to hide any engineering communications behind the slats.
  • Maintainability. A panel that has become unusable can be easily removed and replaced with a new one.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Large selection of all kinds of textures and colors.

Among the disadvantages of plastic panels, it is worth noting that they are less resistant to mechanical damage and vapor permeable than tiles, which leads to the formation of condensation on the surface of the coating. In addition, the frame required to install the lamellas “eats” part of the usable area of ​​the room.

For finishing a bathroom, it is best to choose laminated pvc panels who have additional protection from mechanical damage

Option #5 – decorative plaster

A special mixture consisting of a binder, filler and auxiliary components. The basis of plaster can be either natural or various synthetic substances.

The special relief of the treated surface appears due to the use of various fillers: natural stone chips, polymer granules, glass, cellulose fibers and others. When choosing plaster for bathroom decor, it is important to choose a moisture-resistant solution.

Experts recommend paying attention to compositions intended for facade finishing, which are created using polymer, acrylic and epoxy resins. Decorative plaster has many advantages:

  • Covering the entire surface to be decorated without seams or joints, which allows you to flawlessly decorate any complex areas of the room. For example, columns, arches, niches and shelves.
  • Durability of the coating. It does not fade, does not wear out and does not fade.
  • Easy to care for.
  • A wide selection of various textures and the possibility of coloring the mixture, which allows you to choose perfect material for decorating a bathroom of any style.
  • There is no need for complex preparation of the base for applying decorative plaster. In some cases, you can only get by with priming.
  • Good compatibility with any finishing materials.

TO significant shortcomings Decorative plaster may be at risk of cracking if the house has not yet undergone shrinkage after construction.

In addition, it is very important to choose the right composition, since there are fragile and moisture-sensitive varieties of material that will very quickly become unusable in the bathroom. For insurance, you can apply a layer of protective varnish over the coating.

Decorative plaster is distinguished by a relief surface, which is created by the filler present in the solution - natural stone chips, cellulose fibers, plastic granules

Option #6 – mosaic

Very beautiful coating, which is made up of small pieces of stone, ceramics, glass, metal or smalt. The shape, color and size of the elements can be very different. There are mosaics made by hand and coatings pre-applied to a plastic mesh.

In the first case, the installation process will be very labor-intensive and take a lot of time. But as a result, the bathroom will acquire an exclusive design. In the second case, installing the mosaic will not be too labor-intensive and time-consuming.

On sale you can find mosaics on a plastic base, which are very easily attached to the wall. Its installation does not require special skills, and the result is a beautiful and practical coating.

Mosaics are usually not divided into wall and floor, so the same fragments can be laid on any surface. The design of a bathroom is very interesting, when the mosaic seems to “flow” from the wall to the floor. The advantages of mosaic coating include:

  • Spectacular appearance. You can choose between multi-colored and single-color patterns, simple and elaborate motifs.
  • Hygiene. Fungi and mold rarely grow on glass, metal or ceramics. Dirt from such a coating can be easily removed by wet cleaning.
  • Resistant to high humidity and temperature changes.
  • High strength and durability.
  • No visible joints, the ability to decorate the most complex surface configurations.

The disadvantages of mosaic mainly depend on the material from which it is made. For example, glass parts are quite easy to scratch, and if hit with a heavy object, cracks may appear on them. Metal fragments deteriorate from exposure to aggressive chemical substances, so you should carefully select cleaning products.

In addition, any mosaic coating has a high cost, which includes not only the price of the material, but also the installation services. Only experienced craftsmen can install mosaics themselves.

A bathroom decorated with mosaics emphasizes the impeccable taste of its owner

What to give preference to?

The variety of materials for decorating bathroom walls serves as a kind of guarantee that everyone can choose for themselves best coverage. When choosing, you must take into account individual characteristics bathroom, since the same material in different conditions will manifest itself in different ways.

The deciding factor should not be the attractive appearance, but the durability and practicality of the coating. Then the bathroom will delight its owner for many years not only with beauty, but also with functionality.

The bathroom is important room, because thanks to it you can maintain physical cleanliness. Considering that you visit the bathroom at least twice every day, it should be comfortable and cozy. With modern finishing materials this is quite possible to achieve. The market offers a variety of finishing materials for the bathroom. In this article we will tell you about all the possible materials that are commonly used today when decorating bathroom walls. First, let’s find out what requirements apply to it.

What should the finishing material be?

Many people believe that it is impossible to create a beautiful interior for the walls in the bathroom. This is true if you use outdated technologies. Modern finishing materials for bathroom walls allow you to create unique and beautiful interiors.

Taking into account the characteristics and conditions in the bathroom, the choice of finishing material for the walls should be appropriate. First of all, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Moisture resistant.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Be easy to care for.
  • Hygiene.

In general, finishing the walls in the bathroom is a responsible undertaking. And given the specifics of the bathroom room and the walls inside it, you should seriously think about the right choice of material for wall decoration. Next, we invite you to consider and compare several materials at once.

Finishing materials for bathroom walls

If you look at the market, your eyes may run wide from the abundance of materials for finishing walls in the bathroom. We suggest focusing your attention on the following options:

  1. Ceramic tile.
  2. Mosaic.
  3. Dye.
  4. Decorative plaster.
  5. Wallpaper.
  6. Drywall.
  7. PVC panels.
  8. A natural stone.
  9. Self-adhesive film.
  10. Fake diamond.

Ceramic tile

This is perhaps the most common material that can be used to decorate bathroom walls. A large number of people choose this material. And this is not surprising, because ceramic tiles have a lot of positive aspects. Let's list some of them:

  • Huge range of product sizes and designs. Exists a large number of standard sizes. Ceramic tiles are also produced different shapes: square, rectangular and others. As for color, there is also a huge selection. A large number of manufacturers produce entire collections of this material, thanks to which the walls in the bathroom can be decorated in one beautiful style.
  • This material does not allow moisture to pass through at all. Thanks to this, the main wall will be protected from water penetration. The weak point of the masonry is the seams. But they can also be protected by purchasing moisture-proof grout for joints. You can also purchase moisture-resistant adhesive if you are concerned about the effects of moisture on the walls.
  • Even after time, ceramic tiles can be replaced. For example, during operation one of the tiles was damaged or the pattern on the surface turned out to be of poor quality. Replacement will not be difficult.
  • Ease of use. Hygiene is also noted. It is enough to wipe the surface of the tile damp cloth with a special solution. The surface of the lined walls will shine throughout its entire service life.
  • Long service life. This is one of the most significant advantages of this option for wall decoration in the bathroom.

With all the advantages, this bathroom wall covering also has disadvantages. Ceramic tiles do not have high mechanical strength. It can be damaged if hit with a heavy object. As practice shows, this happens extremely rarely, and if it does happen, the tiles can be easily replaced.

It is also worth noting the need to have skills in laying this facing material not walls. If you do not have experience, it is better not to undertake it, but to call a professional in this field. The masonry process is accompanied big amount nuances.


Mosaic is one of the representatives of ceramic tiles. This bathroom wall decoration is made from glass, ceramics, metal, mirrors, smalt, etc. One of the advantages is the wide variety of shapes. There are two types of mosaics:

  1. Laid out on a special basis in separate fragments.
  2. Individual elements that are laid out by hand.

Of course, in practice, using the first option is much simpler. Laid mosaic on plastic mesh It is much faster to lay out on the walls in the bathroom. So, among the positive aspects of this bathroom wall decoration are the following:

  • Unusual and beautiful appearance. Thanks to mosaics, you can depict all kinds of paintings, patterns and decorations on the walls.
  • Hygiene. Mold does not grow on ceramics, glass and similar materials. Therefore, the operation process will be safe for health. Any resulting dirt will be very easy to remove with a damp cloth.
  • Long service life.
  • The surface has high strength.
  • Due to the special design, the surface has no visible joints. But to do this, you must strictly follow the technology of laying tiles on the walls.

There are also disadvantages to this material. These disadvantages come down to the material used. For example, glass will be scratched very quickly, and upon impact it may even crack. If metal fragments are used in mosaics, they may be damaged due to the aggressive environment of the cleaning agent.

Important! The most significant disadvantage of mosaics is the cost. Unlike ceramic tiles, mosaic tiles will cost you much more. And if you still have to hire a tiler to lay it, then you need to prepare for the costs.


Decorating the walls in the bathroom with paints and varnishes also has its place. However, let’s return to the specifics of the bathroom and the decoration of its walls. In conditions of constant humidity and direct contact of walls with water, not every paint will be suitable. Wall paint must be moisture resistant - this is the most important requirement.

If you go to the market, you can find a lot of paints and varnishes. We list those that are suitable for the bathroom below:

  • Water-based acrylic paint. Its advantage is its low price. Despite this, it can be used in the bathroom where there is high humidity.
  • Water-based latex paint. Easy to apply to the surface. After complete drying, a characteristic film forms on the surface. This will prevent water droplets from leaking through.
  • Silicone paint. This kind paint and varnish material They are also used for painting facades. And this is not surprising, because silicone paint does not allow water to pass through at all. But there is one nuance here: the paint is vapor-permeable. Therefore, it is not recommended for her to completely paint over all the walls in the bathroom.
  • Chlorinated rubber. This is one of the most expensive paints. It is used when painting swimming pools.

Compared to decorating walls with mosaics or ceramic tiles, painting walls will certainly cost less. However, there are some nuances here. First of all, you need to carefully prepare the wall. It should be smooth. The wall is puttied before painting. It is also necessary to carefully polish it with a special grout. This is the only way to achieve the desired result. Otherwise, any shortcomings will be very noticeable. All this requires serious labor.

Expert advice! Although I also practice using paint in the bathroom, I do not recommend painting walls in areas close to water. For example, near the washbasin, faucet, etc. That's why I practice combining paint, for example, with tiles or other finishing materials.

Decorative plaster

If you are looking for a unique finishing material for bathroom walls, then decorative plaster perfect solution. There are varieties of decorative plaster that are absolutely moisture resistant. Among the advantages of this material is the ability to create unique design decorations walls You can choose absolutely any pattern that will decorate your interior of the bathroom. In most cases, applying decorative plaster is not difficult, so every home craftsman can handle this task.

But this matter also has its own nuances. Some types of wall finishing materials have extremely high cost. Therefore, not everyone can afford to buy it. And given that the cost is high, it is better to hire a specialist who has experience in applying it.

Among other things, it is worth highlighting only a few varieties of decorative plaster that can be used when decorating walls in the bathroom. The best option there will be sanitizing plaster. This material has excellent waterproofing and strength characteristics. You will not experience any serious problems when applying it. During operation, the paint surface does not form cracks. Its important feature is its ability to normalize the microclimate by absorbing excess moisture.

Another option is moisture-resistant decorative plaster. Its main feature is that all kinds of texture, relief, pattern, etc. can form on the surface. One of the varieties is Venetian plaster. In great demand.

For bathrooms they are also often used. facade plasters. This is explained by the fact that they contain synthetic substances. Due to this, the plaster is able to cope with negative impact environment. Considering this, water splashes in the shower will not be a serious problem.


This is another one original solution. Although for many, wallpapering the bathroom is not the best option. But today there are materials that can cope with the effects of moisture. There are a number of positive aspects:

  • Large assortment of colors. Wallpaper manufacturers are trying to develop unique and beautiful drawings, wallpaper designs. There is a technology where a pattern is applied to the wallpaper to order. A very successful solution.
  • Wallpapering will save you a lot of money, especially when you compare this method with decorative plaster or ceramic tiles.
  • Even if some of the wallpaper is damaged, it can be easily repaired.
  • And if you are a fan of constantly changing something in your interior, then with wallpaper it will be much easier for you to realize your ideas.

There are also back side medals. Not every wallpaper can be hung in the bathroom. If you are interested in moisture-resistant ones, then the packaging will have a corresponding sign in the form of three waves. As for durability, this finish is not the strongest. With minor mechanical impact, they are easy to break through.

If we talk about the types of wallpaper, it is recommended to use the following:

  1. Glass wallpaper.
  2. Liquid wallpaper.
  3. Vinyl.


If you initially have uneven base walls, and there is no time to plaster the walls in the bathroom, then you can level the surface using drywall. It is important to understand that this is not finishing walls in the bathroom, but only the intermediate one. For the bathroom, you should choose moisture-resistant sheets, usually green. Fastening drywall is carried out using different technologies:

  1. On a metal frame.
  2. On a wooden frame.
  3. On glue.

For the bathroom, where high humidity is better to give preference metal frame. The wood will gradually swell under the influence of moisture, and the screws will loosen their grip. As a result, the entire finish will gradually deteriorate. As for glue, it is better not to use it in the bathroom, where there is constantly high humidity.

If we talk about the positive aspects, they are like this:

  • Affordable price.
  • A sheet of drywall is light in weight. Due to this, installation of drywall on the walls can be carried out by one person.
  • In addition to leveling walls, plasterboard increases sound insulation and heat insulation properties.
  • Formation of a perfectly flat surface.
  • The ability to apply absolutely any of the finishing materials listed in this article to the surface.

If we talk about the disadvantages, then they are conditional. For example, the surface must be decorated. The process of installing drywall becomes more expensive due to the purchase of components for the frame. However, the end result will pleasantly surprise you. If the bathroom is small, then installing the frame will not work, as it eats up usable area from all sides.

PVC panels

This is one of the most budget options. PVC panels can be an alternative to absolutely any material. This material has a lot of positive advantages, as well as disadvantages. Let's look at everything separately:

  • Low cost makes plastic panels accessible to all segments of society.
  • Relatively simple installation. For mounting on the walls in the bathroom, a frame or lathing is constructed.
  • It is possible to hide all passing communications in this room, for example, pipes, ventilation, sewerage, etc.
  • With careful use, long service life.
  • PVC panels cope with sudden temperature changes, which is typical in the bathroom.
  • Very easy to use. Any contamination is simply removed from the wall with a damp cloth.
  • Does not allow moisture to pass through. The special design of the connection lock allows you to create a solid wall in the bathroom.
  • There are a huge number of imitations of different building materials, for example, wood, tiles, etc.
  • Installation can be carried out by every home craftsman.

Concerning negative aspects, then it is worth noting the low mechanical strength material. It is easy to make holes in plastic with any object. If you lean too much on your elbow, a dent may form. The material supports combustion. Moreover, as practice shows, condensation constantly collects on the surface of PVC panels. If it is not cleaned in time, the floors will be constantly wet.

A natural stone

A very effective solution, but at the same time expensive. Marble is often used as a material. Among all natural stones, it is the safest for humans, since there is no accumulation of radiation in it.

Plus, a number of natural stones do not absorb moisture, which is an important requirement for a bathroom. For example, marble has a porous structure. Due to this, the material has the ability to breathe, which is an important factor, because the microclimate in the bathroom can be controlled.

With all its advantages, natural stone has a high cost. But this disadvantage is relative, since specifications materials for wall decoration completely pay for this. In addition, natural stone requires special care. However, regular care is required. If you are often away from home or have a busy day, then this wall decoration option is not for you. And if there is direct contact with chemicals that contain acids, the surface of the natural stone will be damaged. It is also worth considering that this wall material has considerable weight.

Among other things, the following can also be used as natural stone:

  • Cobblestone.
  • Granite.
  • Slate.
  • Sandstone.
  • Limestone and more.

Fake diamond

If you like the structure of natural stone, but can’t afford it, then great alternative fake diamond. You could even say that artificial stone is an excellent replacement for expensive ceramic tiles.

Here's the evidence, let's look at the positive aspects of this material for finishing walls in the bathroom:

Due to its positive technical characteristics, artificial stone can be laid directly in the shower or in places where direct contact with moisture on the wall is expected. The combination with other finishing materials looks impressive.

Self-adhesive film

This finishing option looks original. The film itself does not allow moisture to pass through. To achieve complete sealing, each joint is processed silicone sealant. It is worth noting that self-adhesive film Very a budget option. However, before gluing it, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare the base of the wall. So, among the positive aspects we note:

  • Low cost material for finishing walls in the bathroom.
  • Huge range of colors. The surface of the film can imitate a large number of building materials. There are varieties of films that have a textured surface. Of course, they will cost more.
  • The process of gluing to walls is relatively simple.
  • The film is easy to clean. Just wipe with a damp cloth and everything will be clean.

But there are also disadvantages of this solution - low strength. It is very easy to damage the film, as a result the sealing of the walls in the bathroom is broken. If there is a source of water nearby, it is not recommended to glue the film there. Moreover, the existing adhesive is exposed to high temperature becomes elastic and soft. Because of this, the film will simply peel off.


So, here we have looked at all the features and types of finishing materials that can be used when decorating the walls in the bathroom. In the photo in this article you can see various combinations of these materials. We hope this material helped you get general idea and you are one step closer to the right choice wall decorations. In conclusion, we suggest watching the prepared video material.

IN modern world There is such a huge amount of building materials that we need to renovate premises that when you come to a store or market, you involuntarily find yourself in a dead end. How to understand them, and how to choose those that will satisfy our needs both in quality and price? Bathroom renovations are no exception. A huge number of product offers for finishing walls, floors, and ceilings make our eyes run wild and our thoughts work hard.

It is natural that, due to its functional responsibilities, the bathroom requires moisture-resistant building materials. It is this condition that must be used when choosing materials for repair or construction of this room.

Bathroom finishing options can be found online. But if you want an exclusive design, you can use the services of professional designers and they will help you develop a special project.

Based on the chosen option for finishing the room, select building materials for the bathroom. Do not forget that due to the specific functions of the bathroom, they must meet many requirements.

Basic requirements for building materials for the bathroom:

  • Strength;
  • Ease of maintenance;
  • Aesthetic appearance;
  • Environmental Safety;
  • Durability;
  • Harmonious combination with other items in the bathroom.

Also, make sure that the building material you choose allows you to maintain sanitary and hygienic conditions in the bathroom.

Wall decoration in the bathroom: which color is better to choose

In addition to technical characteristics, the bathroom also plays an important role. color scheme and design. The color in which your bathroom is decorated will create a certain atmosphere not only in the bathroom area, but will also be reflected in the entire room as a whole.

Decorating the walls in the bathroom should begin with the development of a complete project of the entire room, taking into account both related building materials and the main ones. This is the only way you can correctly and without negative consequences carry out renovation or construction work in the bathroom.

On the market for all building materials there is currently a huge range of products of any color and quality. This allows you to easily develop the design of the room and select materials of the desired colors for it.

What colors can you use to decorate your bathroom?

  • White;
  • Light pink;
  • Cream;
  • Blue;
  • Salad;
  • Red;
  • White black;
  • Lilac;
  • Peach.

In addition, you can always provide a combination of two or more colors that are in harmony with each other.

What finishing materials are needed for the bathroom?

If you are planning to do a major renovation in the bathroom, that is, change the design of the entire room, or are building a bathroom from scratch, you will need to choose finishing materials to decorate the entire room.

Finishing materials for the bathroom must be selected carefully, paying attention to their technical characteristics and parameters. Pay attention to whether they are combined with each other.

In the store and in the markets there are goods, both domestic companies and imported from other countries. Domestic materials are cheaper, while goods imported from outside are more expensive.

What materials are needed for overhaul In bathroom:

  • Drywall;
  • Starting putty;
  • Finishing putty;
  • Assembly adhesive;
  • Polyurethane foam;
  • Aluminum profile;
  • Floor tiles;
  • Tiles or wall paint;
  • Material for sealing seams.

When planning a renovation, it is advisable to first buy all the necessary materials, and then begin to carry out the work.

Material for finishing the wall in the bathroom: which one is better to choose

Due to the fact that the walls and floors in the bathroom are often exposed to water and steam, the best material tiles are considered for their cladding. It varies in texture, composition, quality and price.

What is the best material to make bathroom walls from? “Made of tiles, of course!” - you say. Yes and no. From the point of view of practicality and wear resistance - yes. But this option is not suitable for those who like frequent or constant changes.

Once you lay tiles on the walls in your bathroom, you will see them like this for several years. Whereas walls finished with other materials can be painted or re-glued.

What types of tiles exist for finishing walls in a bathroom:

  • Marble tiles;
  • Granite tiles;
  • Ceramic tiles or tiles;
  • Vinyl tiles;
  • Porcelain tiles.

Marble and granite tiles are distinguished by their aesthetic properties. Tile and porcelain tiles will serve you for a long time, and with the help of vinyl tiles you can install a heated floor in the bathroom.

Walls in the bathroom: materials for finishing the room except tiles

You can decorate the walls in the bathroom not only with ceramic or granite tiles. There are options with which you can do this work more cheaply, or quite inexpensively.

There are other materials for decorating a bathroom besides tiles. There are a sufficient number of types, and if you decide that tiles on the walls of the bathroom are not for you, then choose from another assortment of products.

If your wall is not level, then you can level it with drywall and then paste it over moisture-resistant wallpaper, or cover with paint.

You can decorate the walls in the bathroom using the following materials:

  • Mosaic;
  • Porcelain tiles;
  • Glass - tiles;
  • Natural stone;
  • Sinter stone;
  • Painting;
  • Solid plastic, or in the form of plastic panels;
  • Waterproof wallpaper;
  • Combined tiles.

There are other ways to improve the space of a bathroom, but they are usually used individually.

What to do before finishing the walls in the bathroom

Performance repair work– the stage is long and labor-intensive. From the start of work to the moment when we can see the results, we need to go a long way. The most uninteresting and time-consuming process is the process of dismantling and eliminating defects.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom if we didn’t consider a lot of resources. But if you don’t take preliminary, preparatory measures for repairs, then this not a lot of money can, as they say, go down the drain.

Before the walls are finally sheathed with building material, it is necessary to analyze the dismantled surfaces for gross, significant defects.

What you need to do before applying coating to the walls:

  1. Inspect the wall for cracks or other damage. If they exist, then they need to be sealed.
  2. Analyze the wear of the wall; perhaps it needs to be strengthened.
  3. Look for rust or yellow stains. If water leakage occurs, this problem must be eliminated before finishing work begins.
  4. Think about how you will hide the pipes. Analyze their condition; the water pipes may need to be replaced.
  5. Your renovation may involve moving faucets or drains to another location. These works must also be completed before covering the walls.

New modern technologies They allow you to bring a lot of new things into the decor of your room. It is necessary to provide all wall details before the start of finishing work.

Methods for wall cladding in the bathroom

With the advent of drywall on the market, the technology for carrying out repair work has changed dramatically. Nowadays, many building materials are laid on plasterboard sheets, which facilitates and reduces the type of repair work.

Methods for treating walls in a bathroom can be framed or conventional. Frame method, this is a method when a frame made of metal profile, and drywall is already attached to it.

The next step is to attach the building material for cladding to the plasterboard sheet. Already on flat drywall you can easily stick various ceramic products, wallpaper or paint. A combination of methods can be used when internal lining half is made of one material, for example, plastic panels, and the rest of the skin is made of another.

What gives wireframe method wall cladding:

  • Helps hide defects in walls and make them 100% level;
  • Helps hide pipes and other communications;
  • Great for adding recessed lighting to a room;
  • Helps warm the room and reduce heating costs;
  • It will eliminate unnecessary work on leveling crooked old walls.

The frame method is used by many specialists doing repairs these days. The frameless method is less popular and is used mainly by those who have space in their bathroom at a premium. After all, a frame made of a metal profile will increase the thickness of the wall of your bathroom, and therefore reduce its usable area.

The process of finishing walls in the bathroom and materials (video)

There are a huge number of methods and methods for renovating your bathroom. Just like the types and shades of building materials. Your task is to understand them wisely and make the right choice.