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» How to feed peonies in spring for lush flowering? How to feed peonies during the budding period and in the fall

How to feed peonies in spring for lush flowering? How to feed peonies during the budding period and in the fall

Beautiful peonies bloom only in the second or third year after planting, but when proper care for many years delighting the owners with lush, bright flowers. How to fertilize flowers, and how to do it right, it is useful for flower growers to know.

Feeding peonies in spring for abundant flowering and budding

In the spring, immediately after the snow melts, they spend root dressing peonies. Can be taken finished fertilizer- Kemira Universal. A mixture of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers is also used so that each plant receives 10 grams of nitrogen and 15 grams of potassium. Dry granules are mixed and scattered under the bushes, then watering is carried out.

When leaves appear, foliar top dressing with urea is carried out (50 grams per bucket). The second foliar top dressing is carried out during the budding period, using any complex fertilizer containing potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.

Fertilizer for peonies from bread

To make fertilizer from bread, you need to buy half a rye loaf, and soak it in cold water at 12 o'clock. Mix the resulting bread yushka with a bucket of settled water. room temperature and water the bushes. This fertilizer is applied in the spring, when the first green leaves begin to appear on the plant.

Top dressing for peonies in summer and autumn, in May, July, after flowering in August, for the winter

In May, the formation of buds occurs, and flowering begins. Peonies need potassium and phosphorus supplements, without them there will be no abundant and beautiful flowering.

You can use ready-made complex fertilizers (Kemiru Kombi). If you prepare top dressing yourself, you need to mix 30 grams of ammonium nitrate, 40 grams of superphosphate and 30 grams of potassium, use for one adult bush. For bushes older than five years, mullein infusion can be used as a top dressing along with mineral fertilizers.

In summer, every two weeks, you can spray the bush with boric acid (1 gram per 1 liter of water). In July, nitrogen fertilizing is stopped. From mid-August, peonies begin to prepare for winter. Well-rotted manure or humus with superphosphate and potassium is introduced into the soil.

Feeding peonies with chicken manure, manure, dolomite, bone, rye flour

Infused in water and diluted in water 1 to 10, peonies are fed from the fifth year of life. Try to avoid getting the solution on the rhizome.

Fermented mullein is also brought only under adult plants from 4 or 5 years of age, diluted in water 1 to 10. Peonies are fed with rotted manure in the fall.

top dressing dolomite flour carry out in early spring. As soon as the snow melts, 300 grams of the mixture is scattered around the plants per 1 square meter (dolomite flour 5 kg + boric acid 40 grams). Lightly loosen the soil.

Bone meal is brought into the planting holes for peonies, poured into each. Rye flour is not used for fertilizer, only already baked rye bread soaked in water.

Feeding peonies during planting, transplanting

When planting peonies, a bucket of organic fertilizers (humus, rotted compost or manure) is introduced into the hole, mixing them with the soil. Added to organic mineral supplements- superphosphate (150 g), potassium sulfate (50 g). Peonies prefer slightly acidic soil, so when hyperacidity soil in the landing hole add 200 grams of dolomite and bone meal.

Peonies do not need frequent transplantation, but if they need to be transplanted to a new place, the hole is also filled with organic and mineral fertilizer, as when planting new bushes.

Feeding peonies with potassium sulfate, potassium monophosphate, saltpeter

For the first spring top dressing, it is convenient to use a nitrogen-potassium mixture of potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate (in a ratio of 2 to 1). 60 grams of the mixture per 1 square meter is added to the soil under the flowers.

Potassium monophosphate is used to feed peonies before flowering, when buds have already formed. After flowering, when laid flower buds next year, be sure to water the peonies with Kemira Combi fertilizer with potassium monophosphate.

Feeding peonies with urea, superphosphate, yeast, milk

Urea (carbamide) feed peonies in the spring. It is best to do foliar feeding with a solution of urea (5 grams per 1 liter). 4 weeks after the first spraying, re-feeding is carried out - 1 tablet of microfertilizer is added to the urea solution (50 g per 10 l of water).

Superphosphate (20 grams per bush) is used to feed peonies during the formation of buds, after flowering and in August, when the plant is preparing for winter. It is an excellent source of phosphorus.

Yeast is used as fertilizer for vegetable plants, indoor and garden flowers. To prepare fertilizer take: 10 liters of water, 10 grams of dry yeast, 3 tbsp. l. Sahara. Before use, keep the solution for 3 hours in a warm place, dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 5, and water the peonies.

It is undesirable to feed peonies with milk, it is better to drink it yourself. When souring milk, it will make the soil more acidic, and peonies love a neutral environment.

Luxurious flowering plant The peony is considered the king of flowers. In terms of the beauty of huge single flowers and the abundant flowering of the bush, it stands on the same level with beautiful roses. From ancient times they have been talking about him wonderful legends, painted pictures, miraculous properties were attributed to him.

Flowers can reach a diameter of 15 to 25 cm. Their shape is spherical, double, pink.

The peony is cold-resistant, grows in one place for a long time. And to admire the lush flowering, you need a competent feeding peonies in spring.
"Country hobbies"

Peony fertilizer and care

In spring, good moisture is required. However, an excess of water, its stagnation provokes the decay of the root system and the bases of the stems near the ground itself.

After planting young plants, top dressing is practically not needed, since a fertile mixture was placed in the planting hole along with rotted manure. Therefore, for two years, young peonies take food from the ground, building up the root system, and the buds that have appeared must be plucked out. And all the care for peonies comes down to regular loosening, weeding and watering. From the third year, the plant begins to bloom, and for the development of green mass, foliar top dressing should be carried out for the bushes.

foliar top dressing

Spraying of the aerial part of the peony is carried out in cloudy calm weather and better in the evening. So that the nutrient composition remains longer on the leaves, soap is added to it or washing powder(tablespoon per bucket). The interval between treatments is 12-14 days. There are usually three such top dressings.

For the first time spraying is carried out when the green part appears bush. During this period, the plant needs nitrogen. Top dressing is carried out with a solution of urea (50 g per bucket).

Second foliar treatment spend in budding period. The flower at this time needs nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Therefore, it is better to feed any complex fertilizer containing trace elements. Norm for foliar feeding less than at the root.

Third spraying carry out after flowering in 10-14 days. At this time, the plant lays buds and is in great need of potassium and phosphorus. Prepare the solution strictly according to the instructions.

To grow the root system peony is stimulated with a solution heteroauxin(per bucket 2 tablets). For active growth of shoots use sodium humate(5 g per bush), scattered in the grooves around the bush.

What is the best way to feed peonies?

The following modern drugs have the greatest effective effect:

Kemira- mineral fertilizer applied three times per season. Kemira all nutrients contains in chelated form. It dissolves well in water, which allows the plant to quickly and easily absorb nutrition. In early spring and 7-10 days after flowering, Kemira-Universal is fertilized. After watering, it is scattered around the bush and covered with soil. The third top dressing is carried out by Kemira-Kombi, a handful of which is scattered under a bush and watered abundantly.

biological preparation Baikal EM-1 contains live microorganisms that improve soil structure and increase soil fertility. Baikal EM-1 is added to the compost, and in autumn this humus is applied under the bushes as a mulch with a layer up to 7-10 cm.

Any organic fertilizer contributes to the development of the peony to increase the number of shoots, the formation of many buds. When using mullein, it is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10, and bird droppings 1:15. With this solution, the bushes are carefully watered under the root, trying not to get on the root collar. Therefore, it is better to first make grooves around the plant and pour the nutrient composition into them. Such top dressing is carried out once a season during the budding period.

peonies fertilizer

Top dressing at the root

You can use mineral fertilizers for top dressing under the root. Three feedings are enough.

Nitrogen-potassium top dressing is carried out immediately after snow. A solution is prepared from 10 g of nitrogen and 15 g of potassium, which are simply scattered under the peonies.

Complex top dressing is carried out during the formation of buds in order to get beautiful abundant flowering.

Two weeks after flowering, phosphorus (15-20 g per bush) and potassium (10-15 g) are added under the plants to ensure future flowering and increase winter hardiness. Remember that all top dressing must be combined with loosening and watering. Thank you! I invite you to the group on for summer residents, gardeners: "Country hobbies" Everything about country life: dacha, garden, vegetable garden, flowers, recreation, fishing, hunting, tourism, nature

If you correctly prepared the soil when planting peonies and poured fertilizer into the pits, then for 2 years young bushes grow great without top dressing at the root. It is not recommended to plant peonies in the spring. They are planted in autumn.

Quite demanding on the composition of the earth, they grow on sandy soil more stems, leaves, but the leaves are small, and the stems are very thin. On clay soils, peonies grow slowly, although their stems are quite thick. They do not like peat soils, because peonies sometimes lack moisture on them, sometimes there is too much of it. In addition, such soil has increased acidity, and this contributes to the disease of pions with gray rot. If, nevertheless, you plant peonies in peat bogs, then it is necessary to pour dolomite, bone meal, ash, and manure under digging.

Feeding peonies in spring for flowering

It is recommended to plant peonies on loamy soils that are saturated with nutrients and have excellent drainage. In the hole for planting, you need to pour a mixture of soil, compost, well-rotted peat, then pour 200 g of phosphorus or 400 g of ash or bone meal, and for acidic soil add 400 g of lime. Subsequently, peonies already need constant top dressing at the root.

For the first time, top dressing is advised to do even before the snow melts. In spring, the flower most needs nitrogen and potassium: 15 g of nitrogen and 20 g of potassium salt per peony, instead of potash fertilizer, you can pour a glass of ash. If the peony does not have enough nitrogen, then the leaves and stems will become fragile and frail. Fertilizing with nitrogen is done when the flower begins to grow in spring. It is also possible to pour 50-70 g of the complex into a bucket of water (10 l). mineral fertilizer and water the bush. You must remember that fertilizing under the plants only after a rainstorm or intensive watering. It is not advised to apply fertilizers to dry land, as the flower may die.

Feeding peonies before flowering

The second time peonies are fertilized when they form buds. Take 15 g of ammonium sulfate, 20 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium chloride per peony.

The flowers are fertilized for the third time 14 days after the start of flowering. Take 20 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium chloride. Carefully monitor the application rate of dressings due to the fact that their excess, especially nitrogen, can be the result of sharp decline bud formation, although the leaves will grow well. Even in this situation, the resistance of pions to certain diseases decreases.

Peonies will bloom magnificently after making a solution of manure or chicken manure, but mineral fertilizers must be added to the solution. This solution should be made as follows: 6 buckets of water and 1 bucket of mullein are poured into the barrel, the barrel is exposed to the sun, let the mullein wander for 10-15 days. Then you need to pour in 0.5 kg of ash, 200-300 g of phosphorus and mix everything thoroughly. After this solution must be diluted, add 7 buckets of water.

It is also advised to start feeding peonies on the leaves in the spring as follows: dilute 10-15 g of the Bud growth regulator in a bucket of water (10 l). In total, they are treated 3 times during the summer. 3 cups of ash are scattered around the peony.

Peony - perennial and can grow in one place without a transplant for up to 20 years. For landing, you must immediately select appropriate place and create conditions for abundant flowering. Caring for peonies in the fall, fertilizing with fertilizers in spring and summer will give their result: lush greenery and bright, long flowering.

Top dressing for peonies in the spring is chosen complex, so that it is enough nutrients for greens and buds. Nitrogen fertilizers are responsible for a set of green mass. For flowering - potassium and phosphorus. Irrigation is a prerequisite for the introduction of nutrients.

It is carried out by alternating deep and superficial moistening. At deep Once a month, up to 4 buckets of water are poured under each bush. With a superficial one is enough, but you need to water twice a week in hot weather. The plant does not like stagnant water, as the supply of food is disturbed, the turgor of the shoots weakens and the peonies wilt.

How to choose fertilizer for peonies

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the type of soil on the site. If it is mixed with sand, then choose how to feed the peonies in the spring for lush flowering in the garden, will have to be organic.

It lingers longer in the soil and enriches the top layer with humus - the waste products of soil bacteria and earthworms. Fertilizers for peonies in the fall and top dressing after flowering will be useful. Nutrients on sandy and sandy soils are introduced in fractional parts, since they are washed out into the lower layers, where there is not enough root system plants.

On heavy clay soils peonies are fed less often. Once in spring, summer and autumn is enough. The entire amount of nutrients is introduced at once. On clay heavy soils, it is more important to water the plants on time, since the root system is in top layer and in hot weather suffering from overheating.

Video: Feeding peonies in the fall and pruning them

To do this, peonies are often mulched in the garden with decorative bark to reduce evaporation. To improve the aeration of clay soil, it is necessary to add more organic matter to it or sow green manure, which loosen the soil with their roots.

Fertilization methods

It is advisable to alternate organic and mineral mixtures. For example: in the spring, humus was used to feed the peony, which means that in the summer and autumn you can save money and buy mineral mixtures, or lay organic matter in the fall, and the peonies will be fed in the spring only with nitrogen mineral fertilizers. Substances of long-term decomposition will cost less:

  • bone flour, which is applied under the peony in the fall and works in the ground for 3 years - only nitrogen and potash fertilizers will be needed;
  • phosphate rock- also dissolves with phosphobacteria for 3-4 years, so you don’t have to think all this time how to fertilize peonies, it remains to add nitrogen in the spring and potassium before flowering.

organic matter, what to feed peonies after flowering:

  • Manure or compost. The use of these fertilizers for peonies after flowering favorably affects the chemical and biological state of the soil. Organics serve as food for bacteria. Given that peonies bloom early, there is still time to tidy up the soil.

IN warm time years, soil microorganisms function actively and quickly restore fertile layer. After flowering, organic matter is dug up under peonies in autumn or August and watered. For greater effect, superphosphate is added to the water.

Liquid fertilizers, which feed peonies for abundant flowering, are applied in the spring to facilitate absorption and accelerate the formation of buds. Feeding peonies for the winter can also be dry, the main thing is that it gets to the roots, where microorganisms will dissolve it.

  • siderates- This is a novelty for gardeners. At one time it was well forgotten. Now, when manure prices have skyrocketed, and it is not profitable to keep animals, one has to remember how green manure saved the fields from depletion in the post-war years.

Labor costs are minimal, and in terms of the amount of nutrients they are not inferior to animal organics. You can choose any kind, or even several, sow in a flower bed and cut before winter. Under a layer of mulch and snow, plant residues will rot and get to the roots.

Top dressing of peonies after flowering in July with minerals is carried out after watering. The granules are dissolved and watered under the root. How to feed peonies in July-August:

  • potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate) - 40 g per square meter or one adult plant;
  • superphosphate - 50 g per square;
  • special "autumn" mixtures for ornamental plants with minimal nitrogen.

Fertilizers should be selected based on nutrient needs. If the flowering was short and there were few buds, it means that there was not enough potassium in the spring. Therefore, top dressing of peonies in the fall should be carried out with potassium sulfate and phosphates.

Preparing peonies for winter

Autumn peonies and others ornamental plants multiply. Most often this is done by dividing the rhizome.

The procedure must be completed by mid-September. Better - earlier, because the root must take root in a new place before the onset of frost. Three or four year old plants are suitable for division.

How to feed peonies when transplanting:

  • humus, which is added to the hole;
  • potassium sulfate or potassium salt mixed with soil;
  • phosphate rock.

Top dressing of peony seedlings in autumn with superphosphate - the best choice, since this fertilizer dissolves faster and enters the plant tissues.

On winter period adult plants are completely pruned so that the shoots do not draw nutrients, but the root system accumulates them.

Young seedlings are best mulched and covered with special material for the winter. Suitable wooden box that lets air through.

If the peonies don't bloom

No flowering experienced gardeners explain the following factors:

  • Unsuitable place to land. Water stagnates, a darkened flower bed. Need to be transplanted.
  • Nutrient deficiencies. You need to decide how to feed the peonies in the fall so that there are large flowers in the spring. Better to start organic.
  • After propagation by cuttings, flowering can occur after 2 to 3 years, so there is no need to rush to dig up the bed.

  • Roots damaged by rodents. The problem is solved with poison traps or the roots are dug up and placed in a large metal mesh frame so that the mice cannot reach the rhizomes. Well helps calendula or marigold.
  • used a large number of nitrogen, while all the energy went into the growth of shoots and foliage. There is a lot of greenery, but no buds. Next year nitrogen fertilizer do not use, add potassium and phosphorus according to the instructions. In case of chlorosis, spray with urea in summer.
  • Wrong landing: deep or shallow. In the first case, the roots will sprout later, in the second they may freeze and die. The optimal depth is 6 cm.
  • Frequent transplant. Peonies do not like moving, as they have a powerful branched root system, which is damaged and rots during transplantation.
  • Insufficient watering. This may be evidenced by the appeared, but unopened buds. Plants get their food from water. If it is not enough, then even if there are nutrients in the soil, they will not get into the tissues.

Some causes must be eliminated immediately so that the roots do not die. But most often, the owners of the site are in a hurry to see flowering, which is why they are worried.

Not demanding heightened attention. But certain agricultural techniques for obtaining lush peonies still exist. It is especially important to know how to feed peonies so that they bloom magnificently in the summer and safely overwinter in the open field.

What fertilizers do peonies need when planting

Competent and timely feeding of peonies is the key to their full development and lush flowering for many years. Providing a plant with nutrition should begin with preparing the ideal soil composition for it.

Garden flowers peonies need fertile soil and top dressings.

It is impossible to plant a peony in ordinary garden soil, since for proper development it needs fertile, loose soil. To plant a peony, it is necessary to prepare a hole with a diameter of 70 and a depth of 60 centimeters. Two buckets of humus or peat and 300 grams of bone meal are placed at the bottom of the pit. Instead of bone meal, you can add 200 grams of superphosphate. It is recommended to add a bucket of sand to clay soils for loosening. If the soil is sandy - a bucket of clay.

With proper filling of the soil, the plant can not be fed up to 3 years. The fertilizers applied to the pit will be enough to form a powerful peony root system.

Advice. If in the first 2 years buds have formed on the bush, they need to be cut off so that the plant puts all its strength into root growth.

Scheme of feeding adult plants during the vegetative period

For lush flowering in the garden, peonies need to be provided with all the necessary nutrients.

Before fertilizing under the root, the soil is moistened.

When fertilizing peonies, a number of features must be taken into account:

  • With a lack of organic matter in the soil, the introduction of mineral mixtures instead of good will harm the flower.
  • Fertilizers under the root are applied only to moist soil. It is impossible to fertilize dry soil - this can burn the roots and kill the peony.
  • Fertilizers are applied taking into account the age of the bush. The older the plant, the more magnificent its flowering, which means that the need for fertilizers is greater.

The composition of fertilizers in spring and autumn is different, because the plant requires special nutrients at different periods of development.

Top dressing in early spring

The first feeding of the peony is carried out in the spring, in the first days after the snow melts. The plant is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate at the rate of 1 gram per 5 liters of water. This amount of liquid is used to water one bush.

As soon as the peony sprouts begin to bloom, they are fed ammonium nitrate. For 10 liters of water - 15 grams of fertilizer.

Peony fertilizer during budding

The flowering of peonies begins in the third year after planting. By this time, 10-15 main stems are fully formed on the bushes. During the formation of buds, a second feeding of adult bushes is carried out.

For top dressing use the following mixture:

  • nitrogen - 10 grams;
  • phosphorus - 20 grams;
  • potassium - 15 grams.

This amount of minerals is dissolved in 10 liters of water and used to water one bush.

Summer top dressing during and after flowering

In summer, to improve the quality of flowering, peonies are recommended to be fed with one of the following compositions:

  1. Potassium salt - 5 gr., Superphosphate - 10 gr., Saltpeter - 7.5 gr., per 10 liters. water.
  2. Potassium - 10 gr., Nitrogen - 10 gr., Phosphorus - 15-20 gr., 10 l. water.

During the flowering period, peonies are watered with a mixture of superphosphate and potassium salt.

This amount of fertilizer is spent on 1 adult (from 5 years and older) or on two young bushes.

The third top dressing for the vegetative period is carried out after flowering, after 14-15 days Experienced flower growers recommend using Kemira-combi with the addition of potassium monophosphate.

Autumn top dressing of a peony

The last feeding of peonies during the vegetative period is carried out in the fall, at the end of September or in the first decade of October. Liquid fertilizers are not recommended at this time, as they will provoke the growth of shoots.

The last feeding consists of a glass of wood ash and 100 grams of bone meal. This amount of fertilizer is evenly distributed around each peony bush and embedded in the soil by loosening.

Mineral and organic peonies

In addition to the main nutrients, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, a lush peony bush needs a number of minerals, which are called microelements.

About the lack of any substance, peony leaves signal their color and condition:

Peony bushes respond well to top dressing organic fertilizers V pure form or in combination with mineral mixtures. During budding, you can water the peony with a solution of mullein (1:10) with the addition of 40 grams of phosphorus and 20 grams of potassium.

Beneficial effect on top dressing peonies chicken manure. half a bucket chicken manure diluted in 100 liters of water and fermented for 14 days. At the end of fermentation, the resulting solution is mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 3, 100 grams of superphosphate and 200 grams of wood ash are added to it. For one top dressing, 10 liters of fertilizer are used for each bush. With this composition, peonies can be fed twice a season: in spring and summer.

Peonies can be fertilized with diluted chicken manure.

Foliar top dressing of peonies

Foliar feeding is especially important in the first three years of a plant's life. At this time, the bush builds up the root system.

For the correct development of a young plant, three sprays are necessary:

  1. Carbamide - 5 grams per 5 liters. Spraying is recommended. as soon as the first shoots break out of the ground.
  2. A mixture of carbamide and universal mineral fertilizer. 14-15 days after the first feeding.
  3. Trace elements, 2 tablets per bucket of water. Spraying is carried out in the middle of summer.

Advice. In order for top dressing to better linger on the leaves during spraying, and not drain from them, it is recommended to add to the solution a small amount of laundry soap. This technique will additionally help rid the peony of insect pests.

Abundant and long flowering can only be given by healthy and well-fertilized peonies, so fertilizing should not be neglected. Required condition proper top dressing is a combination of fertilizing with abundant watering and loosening the soil.

Experienced flower growers advise not to get carried away with organic top dressing, since the peony will begin to “fatten” from an excess of nitrogen, that is, increase the green mass and slow down flowering. It is also important to observe the dosage of minerals in top dressing. For young plants, it is recommended to reduce the rate by half, and for adult bushes (over 5 years old) increase by a third.

On video experienced gardener shows and tells how to properly feed peonies in your garden.