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» How to cut tiles with a grinder. How to cut tiles and porcelain stoneware with a grinder without dust and chips at home. Important points while working with tiles

How to cut tiles with a grinder. How to cut tiles and porcelain stoneware with a grinder without dust and chips at home. Important points while working with tiles

An angle grinder or "grinder" is one of the few universal tools with which you can do different things. In particular, cutting tiles with a grinder. Except when the tile is already glued, there is a tool with which to cut the tile or make a certain cut, the hole is easier and faster than a grinder. Consideration of the reasons for using the grinder and recommendations for using one or another cutting method are beyond the scope of the article. Here only the methods of cutting with a grinder are considered.

It is more convenient to divide cutting methods into several groups:

  • straight cut;
  • figured cut (circles, as a variant of figured cut);
  • notch (cutting edge is not 90º).

Different types of cuts: straight, figured, burr.

It is preferable to use a small grinder with the ability to adjust the speed. Light weight will allow more accurate operations. High cutting power is not required. For any operations with tiles, power up to 1 kW is enough.

But the rotation speed for some operations, it is desirable to be able to reduce. Reducing the rotation speed will reduce the likelihood of chipping, cracking tiles.

According to the seat, the grinder is optimal for discs with a size of 125 mm. In general, you can cut off a circle with any diameter. Reducing the rotation speed is critical in certain situations, which will be discussed below. The smaller the cutting wheel, the more jewelry operations can be carried out; on the other hand, it is inefficient to use a small cutting wheel for a large amount of work - the wheel will quickly grind off. From a powerful, heavy tool, muscle tension quickly appears and, as a result, accuracy and accuracy decrease.

In summary, a medium-sized tool with adjustable speed is better for tile work.

Disc selection

Generally speaking, you can cut off any circle. The question is different, how to cut with a given level of quality, minimal difficulties and costs. The first disk that comes to hand can leave too many chips, break tiles, or fail quickly. But in case of extreme need and without claims for quality, you can cut it like that.

Smaller thickness diamond discs are used in machine tools. When used with a hand tool, the likelihood of bumps and jerks increases, which leads to damage to the lining, destruction of the disc.

There are several types of diamond-coated discs:

  • Segmented. The disk surface is divided into equal segments. Diamond coating is applied to the cutting edge. In the course of work thanks to cuts there is a partial cooling of a disk. Note! Such cooling only increases the period of continuous operation (up to a maximum of 1.5 minutes). After that, you need to remove the tool and let the disk cool down (20 - 30 seconds at idle). The discs are intended for dry cutting;
  • solid. Full circle with diamond grit applied to the edge. Designed for water cooling. It is convenient to process the edge of a cut tile with such a disk; segmented ones are not suitable for this. The cut after such a disc is more accurate. For cooling, you can periodically moisten the tile, use a spray bottle, or cool more often. The speed of work will be noticeably lower;
  • Combined. Universal discs for dry and wet cutting. Lose in terms of cooling segmented, in terms of cut quality continuous.

Example of diamond cutting wheels: segmented, solid, combined.

To reduce chipping, it is desirable that the height of the diamond coating be greater than the thickness of the material being cut.

When working, it is important to monitor the condition of the disk. At the slightest damage, the disk is replaced. Otherwise, working with a defective disk will lead to chipping, destruction of the tile, or traumatic destruction of the disk itself. (As an option for minor defects, the appearance of sparks during cutting. There should be no sparks, sparks mean that the metal base is touched, which means that either diamond coating has been excavated or a metal burr, chips have formed. You can try to grind off the defect on stone, plaster, concrete. If sparking continues - it is recommended to change the disk).

There are a lot of disks of different quality and different purposes. In addition to the types, thickness and height of deposition, the deposition density and the size of the applied diamond particles are important. For cutting tiles with a grinder, such details may not have much effect, but when cutting thick floor tiles, dense ceramics, especially porcelain stoneware, the choice of disc can become critical. In these cases, it is recommended to try several discs on pieces of material and choose the best option.

Before any operations, careful measurements are taken and lines are applied to the material, along which it is necessary to cut off the excess. It is recommended to use markers of a different color from the tiles, as a simple pencil does not leave marks on the surface well. It is even better to carefully scratch the line (for example, with a glass cutter), since a lot of dust is formed and when shaking off, you can simply erase the drawn line.

Straight cut

This is the easiest cut. It can be produced by a grinder of any kind, regardless of the material: porcelain stoneware, ceramics, tiles. At the same time, making a perfectly straight cut with a hand-held electric tool presents a certain difficulty. So they resort to little tricks.

If the quality of the cut does not really matter (it will close with skirting boards, for example), then you can cut it by stepping on the tile with your foot or laying it on a rough surface (the tile's own weight is quite enough so that it does not move during the operation). In any other case, reliable fixation is required. For this, it is most convenient to use any clamps. With a clamp, a tile or a fragment is attached to the surface (table, piece of plywood, chipboard, etc.). For small cuts, you can use a workbench; for cutting along the entire length, the workbench is not very convenient.

Some methods that improve the quality of the cut:

Advice! It is not necessary to completely cut off a piece. It is enough to make a deep cut (2/3 of the thickness is enough even when cutting off at the very edge), and then break it off in any way (put on two drills and press, grab the edge with pliers and break off, etc.).

If there are no features (something interferes, the line is not visible, etc.), then they always cut from themselves. If you do not have much experience with a grinder, then it is recommended to cut in several passes: the first shallow cut (1 - 5 mm) and subsequent ones with approximately the same immersion.

Shaped cut (round holes)

Usually allocate cutting of round holes. But the technique of cutting round holes with a grinder and any curly cuts is no different. The use of a grinder is justified for cutting large holes (over 50 - 100 mm). Smaller holes are drilled. A medium-sized grinder (discs under 125 mm) is unlikely to be able to cut a hole less than 100 mm.

Shape cutting technology:

For a figured cut, a tool with a decrease in rotational speed is required.


Most often, the seam is done at 45º to join tiles at 90º corners. But there may also be other degrees (bay design, flights of stairs, etc.).

Pay attention! It is very difficult to make a grinder with a grinder. Without proper experience, you are unlikely to be able to do it well. The fact is that these types of compounds are used exclusively in prominent places. If the place is not in sight, then the meaning of such a connection disappears. You can just connect the butt to the tile and that's it. And in a conspicuous place there are stringent quality requirements. Therefore, various recommendations for sawing immediately in size do not stand up to criticism. There is only one method - a rough cut and manual finishing.

  1. Preparation of the desired size element. Normal cutting at a right angle of a tile in any way.
  2. Accurate cutting of the desired angle. Removal of an excess layer of ceramics without touching the front layer. At the same time, they try to leave a small layer of ceramics (up to 1 mm) in order to avoid damage to the surface coating. There are no preferences for fixing tiles. Most craftsmen hold tiles in their hands. It is more convenient to fix it in a workbench.
  3. Manual grinding and bringing the element to the desired look.

Corner cutting followed by grinding.


Angle grinder is a tool of increased injury risk! In combination with the work on the tile, a large amount of dust and fragments are added flying from under the tool disk.

Mandatory use of special equipment:

  • Protective mask (in extreme cases, goggles);
  • Protective suit that completely covers the arms and legs;
  • Protective mittens or gloves.

It is not allowed to work with a faulty tool (backlash, damage to the body, electrical wires, etc.). It is strongly not recommended to use an angle grinder without a protective cover (only in very extreme cases, taking additional protection measures against possible destruction of the cutting wheel).

Carry out operations with cutting wheels only after physically disconnecting the electrical cord from the mains! And vice versa, connect the tool to the electrical network only after you have made sure that the disk is installed, securely fixed, and the key is removed.

Do not use defective discs. Before each use, you must make sure that there are no defects on the disc and only then start working.

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Every owner who has undertaken an independent repair of his home, at least once faced with the question of how to cut a tile with a grinder and, in general, is it possible to cut a tile with a grinder? The answer is obvious, yes and yes again! Any experienced craftsman will say with confidence that even with a tile cutter, not a single tiler can do without a grinder. This is due to the ability to cut any shape with an angle grinder, compactness and versatility.

Not an easy question for a beginner - how to cut tiles with a grinder safely and accurately? The following information will allow you to fully understand and make a beautiful, and most importantly safe cut of tiles.

What tool to cut tiles?

You should start cutting tiles with the choice of an angle grinder and a cutting disc:

  • It is advisable to use grinders from a quality manufacturer with a cutting wheel size of 230mm. This choice will avoid unnecessary vibrations affecting the quality of the cut;
  • To cut tiles, you need to use special diamond wheels, a high-quality cutting disc is the key to success. When choosing a wheel, you should be guided by the price, because the higher the price, the greater the number of diamond inclusions that allow you to avoid chipping and overheating of the disk.

Safety first!

Even an experienced master, even a beginner - anyone should carefully approach the issue of security:

  1. Goggles or protective mask. It is strictly forbidden to start working as a grinder without goggles. The slightest piece of ceramics can deprive you of your sight, and these are far from jokes, but deplorable statistics;
  2. Gloves. Do not neglect hand protection, a fragment stuck into the skin of the hands is not the most pleasant feeling, so you should not take risks;
  3. Respirator. When cutting a tile with a grinder, a lot of dust arises, which can easily enter the respiratory tract;
  4. Convenience. Do not cut the tile with a grinder on weight, in an uncomfortable position or on an uneven surface. This will allow you to avoid pinching the cutting wheel and splitting the tiles;
  5. It is important to carry out the above work in a ventilated area.

We offer you to get acquainted with the tips and nuances of experienced stackers. These recommendations will allow you to cut the tiles neatly, beautifully and without damage to the material. So how should a grinder cut tiles correctly?

  • First and foremost. To begin with, it is worth practicing on an unnecessary piece of tile. To understand how the grinder behaves when working with such material, try to cut the tile, adapt, you should not rush, in this matter, not speed is important, but quality;
  • When you're ready to cut your ceramic tiles, it's a good idea to soak them in a container of water for at least one to two hours. This will avoid high dusting of the room and cut without chips on the tile;
  • In order to cut the tile with a grinder at an angle of 45 degrees, you need to make a regular cut at a right angle. Then you should take the grinder and draw along the tangent of the angle, which must be brought to 45 degrees. It is necessary to bring the tile to the ideal with sandpaper;
  • How to cut a round hole in a tile with a grinder? Just. We mark the diameter of the hole with a pencil, divide the resulting circle in half twice. The result should be four equal segments and a circle divided crosswise. Then you need to make two cuts with a grinder along the lines. Taking the grinder and pointing it vertically down, we make shallow cuts along the entire circumference. In conclusion, it remains to break the resulting four parts with pliers and process the edges with a file and sandpaper. Be careful, ceramic fragments are very sharp - take care of your hands. It is worth noting that before performing such a painstaking operation, it is worth practicing on an unnecessary piece of tile. You may not be able to do this right away, but with practice everything will work out and you will understand that cutting a tile with a grinder is a simple and accessible process for everyone.

Know that any master of laying and cutting tiles began with practice. When working with a grinder and such material as a tile, it is simply necessary to observe safety precautions, in no case be in a hurry, and in case of doubt, test your plan on an unnecessary piece.

When, the question always arises, is it possible to cut a tile with a grinder? So, for starters - yes, you can, but how exactly - now we'll tell you.


For such work as using a grinder for cutting, it is imperative to adhere to a number of rules, and then your actions will not end in injury.

Here is a list of highlights:

  • Before starting work, check how the disk goes, whether it touches any elements;
  • Next - check the sharpness of the disk, because if the tool becomes dull, then there is a possibility that it may simply scatter, which again will lead to injury;
  • Be sure to wear protective goggles that will protect your eyes from flying fragments;
  • When working, you need no one to distract you;
  • You need to start cutting the tile when the disk on the grinder is completely unwound.

Important! The grinder needs to be led away from you, you can’t work the tool at an angle so that sparks fall in your direction. When cutting sideways, the angle grinder is held in such a way that the tool is directed towards you by the protective “cover” of the disk, and the visible cutting part is away from you.

They work with the tool away from themselves so that if the disk is clamped, the latter will fly out in the opposite direction from you, and not at you.

And yet - you need to work with a grinder at a distance of no more than half a meter (ideal for tiles, right?), otherwise the wire is pulled, you can reflexively raise your hand with a working tool and seriously injure yourself and others.

In addition, the principle of cutting with this tool is not to put pressure on the grinder during operation, the tool itself must make a cut.

In principle, there is nothing complicated, and with a proper attitude to work, you will succeed.

Video of competent work by a grinder

Here we attach a video where cutting is carried out as competently as possible, pay attention, the master does not put pressure on the tool, he just leads. Yes, and the cutting base is directed away from the master, and towards him it is turned by a protective case.

Cutting Features

So, for direct cutting you need:

  • Marker
  • Metal ruler for drawing a line
  • Protective glasses
  • Bulgarian

So, double-check your measurements again, they must be correct, as they say, try on seven times, cut off once, and now a direct answer to the question of whether it is possible with a grinder.

Great cutting option

So, here is the algorithm of your actions:

  1. Draw a cut line along the ruler with a marker;
  2. Lay the tile on a stable surface (table, workbench) so that the base does not walk under the tile with a shaker;
  3. Think over, using safety precautions, where you will lead the angle grinder, with which part of it you will turn it relative to yourself;
  4. Turn on the grinder, let the disk spin up;
  5. Lead carefully in a line away from you.

Important! The movement should be smooth, single, you can not move the disk back and forth.

If you cut, then you need to do it on a plane from which one edge of the tile will hang, because the cut should be full width.

But for an ordinary tile, it is enough not to cut through to the end, but just to go half the thickness of the tile. Next, you will do the following:

Lay the tile on the edge of the table so that the notch line coincides with this edge, now hold one edge of the tile with your left hand, and make a slight effort with your right hand, pressing. The tile will break exactly along the cut line.

So, here is the answer to the question of whether it is possible to cut tiles with a grinder.

Videos cutting

And here is a high-quality video that clearly shows everything:

We hope that the answer to the question, is it possible for a grinder, for you now only positive, as well as the result!

Often, not everyone has a special device for cutting ceramic tiles (tile cutter), but there is an alternative - an angle grinder (angle grinder, grinder) can easily handle this task. A wide price range makes them affordable not only for professionals, but also for home craftsmen. In addition, such a tool has wide functionality.

It must be remembered that the angle grinder is dangerous, so when working with it, do not forget about the safety rules. In home use, a tool with a cutting circle diameter of 125 to 150 mm is used, professionals use circles that reach a diameter of more than 280 mm. It is more convenient if the tool is equipped with a speed control.

To minimize the risk of injury, you must adhere to the following rules:

Basic cutting methods

There are three main ways to cut tiles with a grinder:

In order for the wall or floor covering to look neat and without chips after cutting the desired size, you need to responsibly approach the process of cutting and cutting. To ensure the most even edge, be sure to follow these guidelines:

Cutting discs for tiles

For cutting ceramic or granite tiles, stone discs or steel circles with a diamond-coated edge (Dry Cutters) are used. As practice has shown, it was diamond wheels that had the best performance when cutting off the edge of porcelain stoneware or just ceramics. Further, about each of the disks in more detail.

Simple discs for stone

Such circles are the cheapest of those intended for stone, their resource is short, and they are subject to frequent replacement. In addition, they are thicker than their diamond competitors, respectively, and the cut line with these wheels is thicker, and dust generation during operation is also greater. In such circles, there is a high risk of chipping on the cutting edge, and the disc seems to remain intact, but for safety reasons it must be replaced, because further destruction of the edge can cause injury to the worker.

Diamond coated discs

Dry cutters are able to carry high loads without overheating and destruction. The only condition is that direct contact with the cutting surface should not exceed 90 seconds, then the disc must be cooled at idle, after which you can return to work. When buying a cutting tool, craftsmen often prefer solid diamond coating.

If during the cut you notice a luminous strip along the entire edge of the circle, then immediately stop the process, otherwise the tile will be overheated and damaged. But do not be upset, the disk is still working, but it has undergone overheating. It is worth making a couple of cuts on any abrasive surface (rubble stone, granite, sandstone), and the circle will again be like new. Dry cutters are of two types: segmented, solid.

Cutting tiles without chipping

To minimize the number of chips, try to adhere to the following rules when working with the tool:

If desired, a hole of any diameter and shape can be cut in the body of the tile, especially in the modern construction world there are all kinds of attachments and devices for angle grinders. The only thing that should never be forgotten is the observance of the necessary safety measures when working with an angle grinder!

When laying tiles, it is impossible to do without trimming them.

For this, various tools are used, including an angle grinder (grinder).

How to cut tiles with a grinder - read more about this below.

Consider the technology of cutting tiles in more detail.

there is a special tool - a tile cutter. But even its manual version, not to mention the mechanized one, is relatively expensive, so it is not advisable to purchase a tile cutter for one-time work.

Bulgarian, on the contrary, is a universal tool used to solve many problems, because it is available in almost every household.

And if the tiling is done by the homeowner himself, it is more logical to use this particular tool.

In addition, a grinder, unlike a tile cutter, can make round holes if there is no appropriate equipment for a drill - a cylindrical drill (crown) or a ballerina.

Which disc to cut ceramic tiles grinder

Different discs for the grinder are focused on working with one or another material. Several types can also be used for cutting tiles. Let's consider them in detail.

stone discs

This variety has the lowest cost, but it has two drawbacks: the discs wear out quickly and have a significant thickness, as a result of which the cut is wide.

For this reason, the use of stone discs is relatively rare.

Steel discs

Cutting discs made of steel are thinner and more durable. The most expensive varieties are diamond-coated. Such disks cut the most durable type of tile - porcelain stoneware.

Three methods of applying diamond grit are used:

  1. Soldering with silver solder. These diamond discs are the least expensive and are usually used in everyday life. Disadvantage: when heated, silver solder loses its strength and diamond coating wears out quickly. Therefore, the service life is relatively short.
  2. Geometric closure. The edge of the disk is strongly heated by electricity and diamond powder is introduced into it. With this method of spraying, the service life is significantly increased. The price of the disc, in comparison with the previous version, is higher, but for use in everyday life it is quite acceptable.
  3. Soldering with a laser. Expensive heavy-duty wheels that can cut materials of any hardness for a long time. Cost - from 9 to 25 thousand rubles. Used in industry.

  • thickness - no more than 2 mm: then the cut will be even;
  • the width of the cutting edge (diamond coating) - more than the thickness of the tile;
  • The recommended rotational speed indicated on the disk corresponds to the rotational speed of the angle grinder.

Steel discs are divided into three types: dry cutters, solid (for wet cutting) and combined.

Segmented cutters

Segmented discs are commonly called "dry cutters", for the ability to cut the material dry, that is, without cooling with water. The circle is divided into segments by radial cutouts, which provide efficient heat removal and free expansion of the metal when heated. Due to this, the time of continuous operation reaches 1 minute, after which they pause for 20 - 30 seconds. The grinder is not turned off for this time - the disk rotates at idle for the purpose of cooling.

Diamond dry cutter

The disadvantage is the low quality of the cut, a large number of chips. If the cut edge of the tile remains visible, cutting is carried out with a margin of 3 - 5 mm and then the edge is trimmed with a grinding wheel.

Solid cutters

A wet or solid cutting blade has no thermal relief slots and therefore requires water supply to the working area for cooling. Without this, the continuous operation time is only 10 - 15 seconds, after which the disk is left to rotate for 20 - 30 seconds. at idle. Otherwise, the silver solder will weaken and the diamond coating will be erased. Also, overheating leads to deformation of the disk.

When water is supplied, tiles can be cut continuously.

A solid disc cuts tiles better than a segmented one.

Water is supplied to the cutting zone in three ways:

  1. The easiest solution is to ask an assistant to pour it from a plastic bottle.
  2. A special device is attached to the casing of the angle grinder (sold in hardware stores).
  3. Screw the reinforced hose connected to the water supply with clamps to the casing.

It is not allowed to get water on the body of the angle grinder - this is fraught with electric shock.

Combined discs

Combination discs allow both dry and wet cutting.

This is the average:

  • cut quality - lower than that of a continuous cut, but higher than that of a segmented one;
  • the time of continuous operation is less than that of a segmental one, but more than that of a continuous one.

Combined discs are easier to clog with dust than others. And if it is enough to rotate the segmented and solid disks for cleaning by 180 degrees, then this is not allowed with the combined one. For cleaning, they cut concrete or silicate brick.

When cutting dry, the disc cannot be cooled by lowering it into water: this will lead to an uneven distribution of temperatures with the subsequent formation of cracks, the circle will immediately fly apart. This applies to segmented, solid, and combined discs.

How to cut tiles with a grinder without chips and dust

In order to reduce the number of chips, the following rules are followed:

  1. Cutting starts from the front side. Most chips are formed when the cutting disc leaves the material.
  2. At the beginning and at the end of the passage, the disk rotation speed is reduced.
  3. The cutting is done in one pass. With each additional pass, the number of chips increases.

Tile cutter from grinder

The amount of dust is minimized as follows:

  1. Only a shallow groove is cut, then the tile is broken. When cutting the glazed coating, little dust is generated, almost all of it is released when cutting the main body of the tile.
  2. Water is supplied to the cutting zone as described above.
  3. Use a construction vacuum cleaner. You will need an assistant to manage it.

Straight cutting

The easiest way is to cut in a straight line. Operating procedure:

  1. Based on the results of measurements, a line is drawn on the tile with a marker. It is impossible to make a perfectly even cut with a grinder, so they leave an allowance for trimming with a cylindrical grinding nozzle. If the edge is hidden by the plinth, the cut correction is not required.
  2. The tile is fixed face up on the workbench, so that the part to be cut hangs down. A clamp is used; in the absence of such, the module is stepped on with a foot.
  3. Holding the grinder so that the disc cuts away from the user, draw the tool along the line also away from you, trying to complete the cut in one pass. If the rotation speed is adjustable, it is reset at the beginning and end of the passage.

The speed of rotation of the angle grinder should not exceed the value indicated on the disk.

Straight cutting

The tile is cut easier if it is pre-soaked for 40 - 50 minutes. Porcelain stoneware is not subjected to soaking.

Helpful Hints:

  1. It is advisable to fix a steel ruler along the cutting line with a clamp - the edge will be smoother.
  2. To perform a perfectly even cut, the grinder can be turned into a tile cutter. The tool is bolted with metal clamps to a steel sheet with a slot for the disc. The tile is served on the disk with two hands.
  3. If it is required to cut the tiles at an angle to join the cladding on mutually perpendicular walls, it is better for an inexperienced craftsman to first make an even cut, then cut off the excess with a grinding nozzle.

It is necessary to wear safety glasses: fragments of a tile or disk can get into your eyes when it is split.

Curly cutting

When cutting tiles along a curved path, for example, a semicircular one for a pipe, a grinder makes a series of short cuts along the drawn line with an allowance for trimming. Next, remove excess material with wire cutters, a grinding nozzle or sandpaper on a bar.

Cutting rectangular holes in tiles

Rectangular openings are recommended to be cut like this:

  1. Having drawn the boundaries of the opening with a marker, steel plates are laid out along them from the outside. When moving the tool along the plate, it serves as a ruler, and perpendicular to it limits the course of the grinder.
  2. The plates are screwed with clamps or grabbed with tape.
  3. They bypass the drawn contour with a grinder, first cutting grooves, then gradually deepening.

After cutting the opening, trim its edges with a cylindrical grinding nozzle.

Hole cutting

Cutting round and oval openings is carried out as follows:
  1. Draw with a marker the boundaries of the opening and two lines intersecting at a right angle in the center of the figure to be cut out.
  2. Make grinder cuts along the drawn circle or oval, leaving an allowance for alignment.
  3. Having bypassed the boundaries of the opening, cuts are made along intersecting lines.
  4. Knock out the resulting sectors.
  5. A drill with a grinding nozzle or sandpaper wrapped around the bar trims the edge.

The better to cut tiles: tile cutter or grinder

A tile cutter cuts tiles more evenly and better than a grinder, especially a mechanized one. Such a tool is equipped with a wet cutting disc, which was discussed above. After some training with a mechanized tile cutter, you can perform curved cuts. Such an operation is not available to a manual analogue.

The only drawback of the tile cutter is its narrow specialization, which, coupled with the high cost, makes it impractical to purchase this tool for one-time work.

A grinder is the most suitable tool for cutting tiles, from the point of view of a home craftsman. The reason is its versatility: unlike a tile cutter, it can be used to cut and grind many other materials. The main thing is, based on the above recommendations, to choose the right equipment and perform cutting.