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» How to grow a beautiful thick lawn. Lawn mower secrets or DIY lawn How to plant a sports lawn correctly

How to grow a beautiful thick lawn. Lawn mower secrets or DIY lawn How to plant a sports lawn correctly

For beginning gardeners, the lawn often grows unevenly or weeds break through its layer. The reason for this is unsuccessful sowing - incorrectly chosen planting date, unprepared soil, uneven layer. Artificial grass reduces natural biodiversity, which is a definite disadvantage. Knowing in advance about all the intricacies of sowing a lawn, you can avoid large quantity mistakes in growing a green carpet on a summer cottage or local area.

Lawn grass - favorable sowing period, soil preparation

In Russia, lawn grass can be sown in early spring immediately after the snow melts, and throughout summer season until the end of September. It is not recommended to sow the lawn later because the grass will not have time to get stronger before frost. Gardeners with experience in landscaping advise sowing lawn grass in the fall, since at this time nature itself provides the soil, and with it the plants, with sufficient moisture. The heat subsides during this period, which also has a beneficial effect on young shoots. For those who still decided to sow their area summer cottage or local area in summer period, it is better to wait for stable cloudy weather.

Before you start sowing seeds, you need to properly create drainage system on site and, if provided, an electrical supply system and an underground irrigation system. The entire surface of the area designated for the lawn must be leveled - there should be no depressions or bumps. This is important because existing pits will further accumulate excess water, and eventually this will sooner or later lead to rotting of the lawn. The tubercles will significantly complicate the process of cutting grass with a lawn mower in the future.

The next stage of preparation is the destruction of weeds. This will make it easier to care for lawn grass in the future and ensure simultaneous germination throughout the sown area. There are several methods for eliminating weeds before planting a lawn:

  1. 1. Freezing - deep digging of the earth before winter in order to freeze out the roots of the weeds;
  2. 2. Smothering - repeated cutting of weeds over a couple of years, leading to depletion of their root system;
  3. 3. Provocation - fertilizing the soil and its subsequent surface loosening, immediately after the appearance of the first shoots of weeds;
  4. 4. Mulching with bark - limiting access of light to weeds;
  5. 5. Replacement of soil - the old soil is removed to a depth of 25-40 cm and a new one is laid out in its place;
  6. 6. Use of herbicides - treatment of weeds during their active growth, after which they should die in approximately a month.

It is best to use the method using chemicals in the fall, and in this case, plant the lawn the following spring. After the area on which the lawn is planned has been carefully prepared, you can proceed directly to sowing.

Methods for self-seeding a site

In order to plant a lawn, it is important to determine the seed rate for square meter territory of the dacha or land area near the house that needs to be sown. Depending on the type of herbs, the amount of seeds varies from 30 to 45 grams per m2; more precise numbers are indicated on the seed packaging.

The sowing rate should not be exceeded, since due to limited income nutrients this will weaken the seedlings. It will be difficult for them to winter and wait out the hot, dry summer days.

After the seeds have been purchased, all that remains is to sow them evenly over the required area. The easiest way to do this is with a seeder, which you need to walk through the area twice. If there is no such tool, you can resort to creating homemade seeder from a jar. Its bottom is pierced with a nail heated over a fire, creating many holes. Seeds, when used this method, as a rule, mixed with fine sand in a 1:1 ratio, and the resulting mixture is first sown along the prepared area, and then across. If the sowing area is large, then the sowing rate is divided into several parts and the area is sown in several approaches to maintain uniformity.

When all the seeds are already in place, the soil is carefully loosened fan rake, and then roll it with a roller. When sowing grass on small area For compaction, you can use a wide board: lay it on the soil and trample it, then move it to the next area.

Seasonal lawn care

After planting and before the first shoots appear lawn grass It is necessary to provide the seeds with daily watering. The first mowing of the lawn is done when it reaches a height of 15 cm. Before this, it is extremely undesirable to walk on the grass, so as not to injure young, fragile shoots. IN further care Lawn care is carried out in accordance with the season.

- collection of last year's dry leaves and debris- combing the grass- collecting fallen leaves
- application of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers- aeration procedure
- weekly watering- watering twice a week- application of phosphorus fertilizers
- aeration procedure- regular mowing as the lawn grows- weekly watering
- haircut to a height of 5 to 10 cm, depending on wishes- weed removal- haircut for winter 10 cm
- removal of weeds if necessary
- reseeding lawn grass, if necessary

Soil aeration is very important for the development of lawn grass. With its help, oxygen is transported, moisture and fertilizers are provided with access to the root system. The simplest aeration tool is sandals equipped with spikes, which are used to pierce the lawn. To do this, you just need to put them on your feet and walk across the lawn. Other convenient device- rake-aerators. They are thin steel plates that cut the soil without harming the lawn. Their less energy-consuming analogue, the roller aerator, is represented by the same rake, but with a built-in studded roller.

A neatly trimmed lawn of any size creates cozy atmosphere, inducing a state of tranquility. Trees and flower beds against the background of a green carpet look more attractive, a recreation area with a lawn is conducive to relaxation, and the area as a whole looks well-groomed and neat. But how to sow lawn grass Right? This is exactly the question, dear summer residents and owners. country houses, we have on the agenda.

Lawn - what is it and why?

A lawn is a grass carpet made from specially selected grasses. It can be used as an element of landscape decor or serve as a backdrop for other plants and structures.

There are several reasons to sow lawn grass in your garden or dacha:

Soothes the look
cools the earth;
suppresses weeds;
serves as a background for ornamental plants.

What type of lawn do you need?

Seeding a piece of land can be dictated by different needs. Depending on this, lawns are divided into several types:

Parterre. It plays an exclusively decorative role, due to the choice of especially delicate and richly colored vegetation, as well as constant careful care.
Sports. A striking example is a football field. Designed for movement along it, which is why it requires the selection of hardy types of grass that are prone to rapid recovery. Creating a sports lawn is the most expensive.
Garden. Usually has big sizes and is used for picnics. Plants should also be selected that are hardy.
Universal. As the name implies, this type of lawn is suitable for any purpose, since the plants selected for it are both highly decorative and durable at the same time.

Parterre lawn at the dacha

Where to sow lawn grass?

Having decided that there will be a lawn at your dacha, plan in advance where it will be, taking into account some recommendations:

It is best to place your lawn in sun or partial shade, as most grass varieties thrive only in such conditions. There are also shady lawns, but the list of suitable vegetation for them is strictly limited.
It is best to create a grass carpet on a flat surface. In case of sowing grass on steep slope it is necessary to lay a special mesh so that the layer of fertile soil that will be placed on top of it does not slide down.
Places where water stagnates are not suitable for sowing lawn grass.

How to prepare for sowing?

Preparing to create a lawn includes the following steps:

1. Manually or using herbicides, first of all, remove all weeds. The area also needs to be cleared of stumps, snags and stones.
2. The cleaned area should be dug deeply, selecting all the roots.
3. You need to make every effort to level the area, otherwise caring for the lawn will be problematic.
4. For the beauty of the lawn, the ground under it must be fertilized in advance with special substances. In clayey and sandy soil It is advisable to add peat and black soil.

Sowing lawn grass - all the subtleties

When to sow? It is best to do this in autumn or spring. Winter is absolutely not suitable. The ideal time to sow a lawn is autumn, because at this time there is a lot of rainfall and little weeds. If you go with fall planting, stop at September or around the first frost.

How to sow seeds? Small grass seeds should be distributed evenly over the area. This can be achieved by mixing them with sand or using a special seeder. However, you can do it with just your hands. First sow the seeds lengthwise and then crosswise. Approximate consumption - 30 g/m².

After sowing, you need to carefully walk around the area with a rake so that the seeds go deeper. You can create a peat shelter on top. Now it is advisable to treat the area with a roller and water it through a sprayer. For the first week, the future lawn should be watered daily and only through a sprayer.

How to properly care for your lawn?

In order for the grass carpet to be thick and lush, it is necessary to properly care for it. Mandatory activities include:

Regular mowing of the lawn to ensure aesthetics.
Watering should be especially thorough after planting and mowing the grass. The rest of the time as needed (no excess).

Starting from the second year after sowing, it is necessary to feed the lawn grass with special mineral mixtures. For the first year, the plants will have enough of the substances that are in the soil after the preparatory fertilizer.
In the fall, you need to carefully rid the lawn of organic residues.

How to choose grass seeds for your lawn?

The choice of seeds depends entirely on the location of the grass mat and its purpose. The limiting factor is climatic conditions our region. What do designers advise? Choose a seed mixture for sowing, the main part of which is:

Meadow bluegrass;
thin bentgrass;
red fescue.

Bluegrass lawn

These grasses tolerate temperature changes well, multiply quickly and create such dense turf that other plants have no chance of breaking through it. If you want quick results after sowing, use a seed mixture that includes meadow fescue.

Poa grove is suitable for a shady lawn. If you need to sow a flooded area, choose swamp bluegrass. The most delicate dog bentgrass is ideal for a parterre lawn. True, such a lawn will please you for only 5 years.

To create a beautiful and neat green carpet in your suburban area, it is important to know how to properly sow lawn grass. No less seriously should you take the choice of plants suitable for the climate and specific growing conditions. With the right choice and sowing, it will only be enough to water, fertilize and mow the lawn on time so that it pleases with its aesthetics.

A beautiful, well-kept lawn can be a real highlight. suburban area. Breaking it yourself is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Of course, the final result will depend primarily on the correct choice of grass variety, as well as on compliance with all the necessary planting technologies. Among other things, the lawn will subsequently require some care.


The decision about what kind of lawn grass to plant is made taking into account the type of lawn. On a suburban area you can lay out a sports or decorative lawn. In addition, special lawns are installed along roadsides, at airfields, railways, quarries, etc.

Basic distinctive feature sports options are very high resistance to loads - various kinds of ruptures and mechanical damage. The decorative lawn is divided into three main varieties - parterre, family lawn and "Moorish" lawn. The first type is sown with the most beautiful herbs that require complex care. You can't walk on it. Less demanding vegetation that can withstand fairly heavy loads is planted on the family lawn. It is quite possible to spend Sunday family picnics here. The “Moorish” lawn is not a grass lawn, but a flower lawn. Seeds of wildflowers mixed with cereals are planted on it.

Nowadays, you can also purchase a ready-made roll version. Of course, in this case the question of how to plant lawn grass on the site will not arise at all. The rolled green “carpet” will simply need to be rolled out in the place chosen for it. However, such a lawn is very expensive, and not everyone can afford it. Therefore, most owners of suburban areas still prefer to plant grass themselves.

How to choose the shape of the lawn and its location

We will find out how to plant lawn grass a little later. First, let's figure out where it is best to place the lawn and what shape it should be. Take a piece of paper and draw a diagram of the area on it. This will make it much easier to determine the location of the lawn. It is best to arrange a lawn where it will not be shaded by buildings, trees or shrubs. Although for a fairly unpretentious grass this is not a fundamental question. It will not grow particularly well only if you lay out a lawn right next to the wall of the house on the north side.

Grass lawns can have different shapes. The simplest ones are square, rectangle, circle and oval. However, lawns with a complex, curved configuration look most impressive. You can, of course, choose this option. However, you should avoid too sharp bends and broken lines. Otherwise it will be very difficult to mow.

How to choose lawn grass

Before we start figuring out how to plant lawn grass, let's discuss how to choose the right grass. There are several different varieties such vegetation. Each of them has its own merits. All varieties of lawn grasses (of which there are about 15) are usually evaluated using a 100-point system. This makes it possible to immediately determine the economic and decorative qualities of a particular type. So, when using grass with 80-100 points, you can get an unusually beautiful lawn of your own. High Quality. This category includes varieties such as meadow bluegrass, some types of fescue, perennial ryegrass, and thin bentgrass. These grasses are used to create prestigious parterre lawns, as well as sports fields. At 70-80 points, the grass stand can be considered satisfactory. Those grasses that are rated below 70 points are used extremely rarely for lawns. If they are unpretentious, they are planted in the far corners of the garden in order to occupy areas free from flower beds and shrubs with small green pieces.

Most often, in suburban areas, lawns are laid out with grasses such as clover or meadow bluegrass. Last option- an excellent answer to the question of what kind of lawn grass to plant for a parterre lawn. For a family lawn, you can choose coarser fescue, bentgrass, or a mixture of both. Ryegrass is recommended for use in sports turf.

Site preparation

So, how to plant lawn grass correctly? Of course, you need to start by preparing the soil in the selected area. Dig up the soil with a shovel or plowman. Loosen it thoroughly. Remove the roots of all weeds. The last step is extremely important. Weeds in the spring will germinate much faster than weak young grass. It will be impossible to remove them later without damaging the “carpet.” As a result, the lawn will turn out sloppy and ugly. So try to remove every last root. You can use special preparations to remove weeds. For example, Reglon or Roundup products are suitable. The soil should be treated with them two weeks before planting the grass.

Be sure to fertilize the selected area with humus or manure and level it thoroughly. To get the perfect lawn, you can even use a water level or level. Sometimes a drainage layer of broken crushed stone is installed under the lawn. However, this step is not mandatory. At the last stage, the earth is rolled with a hand roller. If you leave the soil loose, small but detrimental bumps and holes may subsequently form on the surface of the lawn. The compacted soil should be lightly loosened on top with a rake.

Where can I get the seeds?

After you decide which lawn grass is best to plant, and also prepare the area, proceed to the actual sowing. You can buy seeds either in a specialized store or in the market, by weight. In the latter case, they will cost less, but there is no guarantee that weeds will not sprout on the lawn at the same time as the grass.

How to plant grass

Let's see how to plant lawn grass correctly. This procedure can be performed in two ways - manually and using a seeder. The second option is used if the lawn area exceeds 10 m2. Small lawns are seeded by hand. In this case, the seeds are carefully scattered in four directions (away from you/toward you and to the right/left). Planting material lightly sprinkle with earth. Its layer should not be too thick (about 0.7 cm). You can also simply work the seeds into the soil with a rake. Next, the lawn is rolled again with a roller.

Seed consumption is about 40 g per 1 m2. It is best to start sowing in the spring, after the soil has dried and warmed up a little. However, you can plant grass throughout the summer, right up to the autumn frosts.

Care in the first days

Now you know how to plant lawn grass. To obtain the desired result, in the first days after sowing, the lawn must be given maximum attention. After the seeds are sprinkled with soil, the entire surface of the lawn should be covered with burlap. Next, the lawn is thoroughly watered. The pressure from the hose should not be very strong, otherwise the seeds can simply be washed out. During the week, you should ensure that the burlap does not dry out. After seven days it is removed. The grass of most varieties should have hatched by this time. If this does not happen in some places, reseeding is carried out. Some varieties take a very long time to germinate - up to 20 days. The germination period is usually indicated on the packaging. If you buy seeds at the market, ask the seller when the grass will sprout. You need to water the lawn daily until the vegetation covers the area with a continuous carpet.

Caring for grown grass

According to the rules, the grass on the ground lawn should be mowed approximately once every five days. However, most owners of suburban areas do this once a week. The family lawn is mowed every 1-2 weeks. In most cases this is quite enough. The frequency of watering depends on the type of grass. For example, tender bluegrass is best watered daily in the morning. Of course, any weeds that sprout should be removed immediately. This is especially true for dandelions, which give lawn owners the most trouble.

How to plant lawn grass at home

Lawn grass, which does not require special care, can decorate not only a suburban area, but also a city apartment. If desired, it can be planted in a pot. Place some on the bottom fine crushed stone. Place a piece of moisture-permeable Dornit on top. Cover everything with garden soil mixed with a small amount of humus. Compact the soil. Sprinkle the seeds. Cover them with a layer of loose soil. Lightly compact it. Water everything carefully. You can cover the soil with a wet cloth. Water the grass daily until it is fully established.

As you can see, the question of how to plant lawn grass in a pot is not at all complicated. The procedure will take no more than half an hour. At home you can plant bluegrass, bent grass, and oats. Just remember that cats love to chew on green grass. So protect your “lawn” from your pet. Of course, if you did not plant the grass specifically for it. If desired, the home “lawn” can be trimmed sharp scissors. Try to do this carefully so that the mat is even.

Technologically, planting a grass lawn is very simple. Any gardener can cope with this task. Take a little time to arrange a lawn or home “lawn”, and you will get a wonderful decoration for your site or apartment.

For those who want to have a beautiful and well-groomed area near country house, information on how to sow lawn grass with your own hands will be useful. A well-planted and beautiful lawn will be a wonderful place for the whole family to relax and an integral part of the landscape.

  • 1 Seed selection
  • 2 Landing
  • 3 Lawn care
  • 4 Useful tips
  • 5 Photo gallery

Seed selection

How to grow a beautiful green lawn? First you need to select the appropriate seed material. Manufacturers offer a wide range of ready-made compositions for sowing lawns. For example, it could be a sports lawn or a lawn for family recreation.

When deciding how to plant a lawn with your own hands, it is important to pay attention to the composition of the lawn mixture. The seeds must be adapted to the local climate, otherwise you may be in for an unpleasant surprise in the form of a frozen lawn after winter. It is wiser to select frost-resistant varieties of grass, which are distinguished not only by their durability, but also by the thickness of their cover. These grasses include red fescue and meadow grass. The best option lawn mixture - combining these 2 types of grass in equal proportions.

An important criterion for obtaining a dense planting is the exact amount of seeds to be sown. Once the choice is made, you should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for material consumption.

Another criterion is choosing the right time for planting. In any season, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations for the number of seeds for planting lawn grass. If sowing is carried out in summer or spring, it is worth adding another half of the norm to the specified parameter. This is due to the fact that spring floods and autumn rains carry away some of the seeds with the flow of water.

IN summer time for planting grass, they also take slightly more seeds than indicated by the manufacturer. The hot sun is destructive for young shoots, so it is advisable to increase the number of seedlings so that some of them are guaranteed to remain growing further.

The most dense lawn at your dacha will grow on flat ground. Lawns that slope or have uneven surfaces should be seeded more densely than required by the grower.


After the landing time has been determined, the ideal variety seeds, you can start sowing lawn grass. The lawn planting technology is as follows:

  1. Weed removal is carried out personal plot. Those who want to know how to plant lawn grass correctly should remember that the area must be thoroughly cleared of weeds. To achieve this goal, you can use all known methods: cultivation, mulching, watering the area with herbicides, hand weeding. Watering with herbicides can be considered the most effective. These solutions remove even the smallest weeds of any kind. Already two weeks after treatment, all weeds are completely destroyed.
  2. It is imperative to cultivate the soil so that lawn planting is more successful. Before sowing the lawn, the land must be dug up, stones and dried roots must be removed. Large clods of earth need to be broken up with a shovel. The prepared soil should be homogeneous, sufficiently loose and saturated with oxygen. Simultaneously with digging, the land plot is also leveled. The holes are filled with earth, and the soil is raked from the hillocks.
  3. Without fertilizers, a thick lawn will not grow. If the soil type is alkaline, then it is fertilized with peat, and if it is acidic, with lime. Before planting lawn grass on the site, the soil must be fertilized with mineral or organic additives. The best option would be compost or vermicompost. If the soil is very poor, replacing the topsoil will help improve its composition. To do this, the area where it is planned to plant lawn grass is dug up and removed. upper layer soil up to 40 cm deep. The depleted soil is removed, and fertile soil is laid in its place.
  4. Leveling and compacting the site is an important stage of work. Before sowing lawn grass with your own hands, the soil must be leveled with a rake and compacted. High-quality compaction is carried out using a garden roller or a small barrel of water. The area prepared for planting must be compacted to such an extent that a person passing through it does not sink his feet into the ground.
  5. How to properly sow lawn grass on a plot? To begin with, you will have to make shallow grooves on the compacted surface of the earth. The depth of the sowing site should not exceed 1 cm, otherwise the small seeds will not sprout. Lawn planting lines are first made horizontally and then vertically across the area. You need to remember the seed consumption rates recommended by the manufacturer. After the seeds are planted, all grooves must be carefully covered with earth and rolled with a roller or barrel.

Lawn care

It is not enough to know how to sow a lawn with your own hands; you need to understand how to care for it after planting. To obtain healthy shoots, it is important to organize the first watering correctly. The best option is to use special sprayers with a fine irrigation function, then puddles will not form on the surface and seeds will not float to the surface. If the seeds are planted on rainy days, the first watering may not be necessary.

How to properly care for crops? If everything is done correctly, the first shoots can be seen within two weeks after planting. Grass emerges and develops unevenly, so don't panic if your lawn looks a little bald at first. The real picture of the future lawn can only be seen four weeks after planting the lawn grass.

During the hot season, the lawn should be watered every day.

It is necessary to mow overgrown blades of grass if their length has reached 10 cm. Mowing is necessary both for aesthetics and to stimulate the growth of new grass.

  1. The soil must remain prepared for at least 10-14 days before the seeds fall into the ground. During this time, the soil will be able to settle.
  2. In spring, grass sprouts within 20 days, and in summer this period is reduced to 7 days.
  3. To minimize the number of weeds that sprout along with the grass, it is better to sow in the fall.
  4. Fertile soil should not be dug deep, this way you can avoid excessive shrinkage of the site.
  5. To ensure that the area is sown evenly, it is distributed into squares in advance.
  6. For the first 7 days after sowing, water the lawn with a watering can or self-contained sprayer. This way you can maintain air access to the sprouts that have not yet broken through the thickness of the earth.
  7. They purchase seed material with a reserve, because if germination is poor, they will have to fill in the empty spaces later.
  8. If the street is very hot weather(above +30°C), it is not recommended to fertilize the seedlings, otherwise their root system will burn.

Only if you follow all the rules will you be able to grow beautiful lawn no weeds or bald spots.

Photo gallery

Here you can see in the photo how you can decorate landscape design any area using a lawn.

A beautiful, well-groomed lawn near the house - this picture pleases not only the eye. Emerald grass highlights architectural solutions, highlights flower beds, ridges, alpine coaster. It doesn’t take much time to make a lawn with your own hands, but it is necessary to know how to do it correctly.

The basis of almost all lawns is grass. There are different types, with different characteristics, different colors. In climate middle zone Not all of them are doing well in Russia. Therefore, if you are going to buy a ready-made mixture, pay attention to zoning: in the first winter you risk losing your entire lawn.

You need to be especially careful with ryegrass. It grows quickly, creates a thick, beautiful carpet, but does not tolerate frost well and freezes in our climate. When buying a ready-made grass mixture, look at its composition: there should be a little ryegrass. If it freezes, great harm this won't do it.

When to sow grass

You can sow grass from May 1 to August 15. When sowing in spring, increase the seed consumption per square area slightly (by 10-15%). This way you will get a beautiful lawn faster and the lawn will leave stronger in winter. Due to the high density, plants will begin to compete with each other and the weak ones will be crowded out. Only the strong will survive until autumn.

When sowing in summer, adhere to the application rate. Due to lack of time, weak plants will not have time to force out, but all will be weakened by this struggle. Therefore, good care is important for summer lawns.

What is the best lawn grass?

Most beautiful colour and dense grass stand near fescue and bluegrass. Their greenery is tender and emerald. When creating a parthenium lawn, they are used. But they cannot be used for other types of lawns that will be walked on: they will quickly be trampled. On such lawns, bentgrass of different varieties is often sown. Not so tender, it tolerates some degree of stress well.

Fescue is also more suitable for shady lawns. But even this will not grow in deep and constant shade. Salt light is the basis of photosynthesis. And at least for some time the lawn should be illuminated.

Types of lawns

We are accustomed to the fact that a lawn is necessarily grass covering the soil. It can accommodate discounts, etc. decorative elements. This is not entirely true. There are at least three more varieties of flowering lawns. They are undoubtedly more decorative, but it is unlikely that you will be able to walk on them.

Blooming lawns

Their basis is cereals, but significantly “diluted” with perennial or annual flowering plants. They are selected so that flowering occurs throughout the entire growing season - from mid-spring to late autumn. Depending on which plants are included, there are three types of flowering lawns.


Already from the name it is clear that it contains plants that can be seen in a real meadow. Only rarely in full and in strictly measured proportions. The cereals are supplemented with traditional meadow inhabitants such as clover, chamomile, daisy, loosestrife, yarrow and other flowering or decorative foliage plants. Despite the abundance of flowers, the main ones are herbs.

Meadow lawn is highly decorative. IN different time bloom different plants and the view is constantly changing, the palette is changing

It’s clear that you won’t mow such beauty often, but you have to cut it once or twice a season for renewal and rejuvenation. The plants are perennial, so with proper watering they quickly restore their decorative properties. It is not always appropriate to sow the entire territory with such a mixture, but some areas are very pleasing to the eye.


It differs in that the flowers used are annual. That's why such a lawn is not mowed at all. Grains are selected that are low-growing, there are fewer of them than flowers. The Moorish lawn is dominated by flowers. Both in height and quantity (look at the photo).

This is what a Moorish lawn looks like - a riot of colors all season long

They are selected so that flowering is as long as possible. Usually it contains poppy, cornflower, calendula, matiola, large-flowered flax, eschscholzia and other bright annuals.


This is a completely unusual lawn consisting of ground cover plants. Sow them in open ground- it’s a hopeless business, growing seedlings takes a long time, and buying ready-made ones is expensive. Therefore, a non-grass lawn is grown for more than one or two years: the plants are planted in small quantity, waiting for them to grow. This type of lawn is the most difficult to grow with your own hands: the results of your labor are visible only after a few years, but the effort is worth it.

Non-traditional lawn - non-grass is made from ground cover arsenia

Grass lawns

In a layman's opinion different types The grass lawns are almost the same: the color may be slightly different. But besides different shades greenery they have different characteristics: some can be walked on, others are contraindicated, the seeding rate is different, and the care required is different. Naturally, different herbs with different characteristics are used.


The most resistant to trampling, you can walk on it. The herbs are selected to be tough and rough in appearance. But it is easier to care for, weed less often, and some mistakes that are often made when sowing on your own are not visible. An ordinary lawn is an excellent choice for a summer residence.


This is one of the most decorative and ceremonial lawns. It is highly decorative, the herbs are selected delicate, beautiful flowers. The grass stand is low and dense, with proper care looks simply gorgeous. Such lawns are arranged in open places, but where no one will walk: too soft cereals will not withstand such a load. That’s why a ground lawn (see photo) is sown where people only walk along paths.

The ground lawn is one of the most decorative and “elegant”


Planted on slopes. It contains herbs that have extensive root system, capable of keeping soil from washing away. The decorative effect of this coating is average, but it serves its main purpose well. A special lawn can be planted on a slope leading to a river or lake, if there is one on your site.


The mixture is more complex - in addition to traditional varieties of cereals, there are special ones that are more resistant to abrasion. The decorative nature of a sports lawn is not its main characteristic, therefore even a very well-groomed one looks much worse than an ordinary one, and especially a ground floor one. But it has very high abrasion resistance.

Due to the use of special herbs, its cost is higher and care is more difficult. Therefore, it is worth sowing with such a mixture those areas that will be actively used: a playground, an area where they will actively walk - near the gazebo, sports ground, etc. The remaining area is most often allocated to an ordinary lawn.

It's better to sow a sports lawn


For this type of coating, no mixtures are purchased or any work is carried out. They just cut the grass that is there. Most often, natural lawn is left in the garden: it protects the soil well from drying out, and the requirements for decorativeness are not very high. Too much large plants, which do not fit into the desired picture, are removed manually. The rest become smaller and smaller during the cutting process, forming turf of different colors.

How to make a beautiful lawn

Growing a lawn consists of several stages:

  • Soil preparation - removing weeds, if necessary - adjusting acidity and increasing fertility.
  • Sowing grass, regular watering.
  • First haircut. It is carried out after the grass reaches a certain size.
  • Regular care and periodic haircuts.

In the process, you will have to monitor the soil moisture and remove weeds in a timely manner, fertilize from time to time, and replant bald spots that may appear after a too dry summer or too harsh winter. This, in brief, is the entire technology of growing a lawn, and then in detail, point by point.

Soil preparation

The first thing to do is assess the fertility of the soil. If the soil is clay or loam, grass will not grow normally on it. You will have to do some serious soil preparation. There are two options: fill the area from above fertile soil or remove the soil and fill the resulting pit with soil.

It’s easier, of course, to just fill it up, but this can’t always be done: the layer of soil in this case should be about 20 cm. Raising the lawn to such a height is not the most reasonable solution: there will be problems with water drainage, high, well-reinforced borders are required, and appearance it turns out strange. That's why they are deleted more often clay soils to a depth of 15-20 cm, and then earth is brought into the resulting pit.

If you choose the second option, you can lay it on the bottom of the pit. It will not allow weeds to grow through it, and you will not have problems with weeding.

If the soil is normal, preparing the soil for lawn grass is not that difficult. First, all weeds are removed. This can be done mechanically - with a hoe and/or by hand, or herbicides can be used. They are bred according to the instructions, and the area of ​​the future lawn is watered. After a few days, the vegetation turns yellow and dries out and is removed. Simultaneously with the removal of weeds, stones, roots, and other fragments that may interfere with the growth of the horse system are removed.

The next step is to check the acidity of the soil. Almost all grasses included in lawn mixtures grow well in neutral soils. If you want to have a beautiful lawn, you will have to adjust its acidity. Therefore, in a store for gardeners and gardeners, find a kit for determining soil acidity and check what kind of soil is in your area. This is just a litmus test that you need to lay on the soil, wait until it turns color and use the color chart on the package to determine the acidity of your soil. If the soil is acidic, add lime; if the reaction is alkaline, sprinkle crushed peat. Next comes digging. At the same time as loosening, remove any stones and roots that come across.

In order to grow a beautiful lawn on marshy soils, it is necessary to create normal conditions for water drainage

The next step is to add a fertile layer. Fertile, loose and light soil and is distributed over the entire area in an even layer 6-10 cm thick. The layer is leveled first with shovels, then with rakes. In this case, it is advisable to form a slight slope towards the fence: this way you will not have problems with the lawn becoming waterlogged during rainstorms: the water will drain from the area. The slope is kept minimal - 1 cm per meter or one and a half. This is quite enough to ensure the outflow of water, but it will not be noticeable from the outside.

Preparing the soil for the lawn - level it with a rake

One tip: imported soil contains roots, stones, branches, etc. To remove them, it is sifted through a large mesh (as is done during construction when sand is sifted). And the sifted ones are already transported around the site.

The next step in arranging your lawn with your own hands is tamping or rolling. It allows you to compact the soil, and when a person steps on the lawn, the soil under your foot does not collapse, but remains level. This process also makes it possible to identify irregularities that will certainly appear as a result of all earthworks.

If there is no special skating rink, it can be made from a piece of asbestos or iron pipe. You thread a rod inside the pipe and attach handles to it (even if you just tie a rope). You made the entire lawn roller with your own hands. Now he is dragged around the site, compacting the soil until he can stand on it without falling through.

Lawn rolling - important stage, allowing you to identify irregularities. To do this, use a lawn roller (or make it from a pipe or barrel)

When rolling the lawn, humps and holes will certainly appear. We remove the excess from the humps and fill the holes. Having leveled the surface in this way, we take a lawn roller and go through the area again. To get perfect flat surface, you can take a long board and stretch it together along the area, cutting off the uneven edges. Or make a device from two boards - as in the photo below. They can work alone.

Preparing an area for a lawn includes carefully leveling the soil

Fertilizer application

Fertilizers can be applied at several stages (one of them). In principle, if you pour 6-10 cm of imported soil on top of normal soil, you don’t have to use fertilizers. But for more active growth, you can add:

  • after the imported soil has been scattered around the site and before leveling with a rake;
  • if dry fertilizers are used, they can be mixed with seeds;
  • dilute and water the soil.

Most the best way- watering. It guarantees a more even distribution of nutrients. But with this method, rarely does anyone want to bother themselves, unless they have one. The remaining two are equivalent. It is more convenient to apply along with seeds: it takes less time.

Planting grass

First you need to use a rake to slightly loosen the compacted soil. Just go over it with a light rake, slightly loosening the top layer. Now you can sow the grass.

It’s hardly reasonable to buy a seeder, which costs about $200-300 for a single use, so you pour the lawn seeds into a bucket and scatter them over the surface using the old-fashioned method: take a handful and pass a little through your fingers, scattering them more or less evenly. For those who want at least some mechanization, we can offer two options for simple seeders for lawn grass, which are easy to make with your own hands. Is it a tin or plastic bottle, in which holes were made (see photo).

To avoid the situation that one corner is dense and the other is empty, it is advisable to divide the plot and seeds into parts. Seed consumption is indicated for each mixture. You can estimate the area of ​​the sown area on the spot and measure the amount that needs to be scattered. For those who are making a lawn at their dacha with their own hands for the first time, it is better to divide the measured amount into two equal parts and walk the area first along and then across. This will distribute the seeds more evenly.

After sowing, the seeds must be covered with soil. There are two ways to do this:

  • Walk around the site with a rake, trying to cover the seeds with soil. This method is less reliable - many remain outside, are pecked by birds, and germination deteriorates.
  • Sprinkle the rest of the imported soil on top. Layer - 3-5 mm. All seeds are covered with soil and are in better conditions, seedlings are better.

Watering and waiting

You need to water the lawn depending on the conditions: the soil should not dry out, but it should not be very wet. The water should not flow in a large stream, there should be no streams or puddles. Break the flow into small streams: install a sprinkler or sprinkler, if you water manually, put a nozzle on the hose. In the photo above you will see several options that will help solve the watering problem. They are sold in stores.

There are also several homemade options sprinklers for watering the lawn. In most of them, it is a plastic bottle with holes made in it, connected to a watering hose. It can lie and irrigate the adjacent area. If there is enough pressure in the system, you can tie it to a post. In this case, the watering area will be larger. Making your own lawn sprinklers is very easy. Look at the photo.

Another way to get small splashes: in a segment plastic pipe make holes or make a thin cut. The result is either thin jets or a fan (in the photo below right).

Why does water need to be sprayed? Because for normal development For the root system, the soil should be moist (but not wet) to a depth of about 6-10 cm. If it is simply flooded from above, this will only make things worse: water displaces oxygen and the roots cannot breathe. So splashing or - The best way watering the lawn.

After seven to ten days, the first shoots appear. They are still rare, but don't worry. It’s just that only the seeds of some varieties that sprout quickly have hatched. The rest germinate later. With proper care, after 20-30 days the grass height reaches 10-15 cm. At this time, the first mowing should be carried out. Leave about 5 cm in height for the first time. At this height, the grass will grow actively. After another 10-12 days it will again be about 12 cm high. Now you can cut the grass shorter - leaving 3-3.5 cm.

How to care for lawn grass

Basic care is timely watering, removing weeds and periodic trimming. If you water by sprinkling, the soil will contain a sufficient amount of oxygen and the plants should develop normally.

Problems with a lack of oxygen can arise after prolonged heavy rainfalls, when water stands in puddles in the area or when improper watering with the same result. Then aeration of the lawn is necessary. To do this, they use a roller, similar to the one used to compact the soil, but this one has points that pierce the turf. Through these punctures, oxygen enters the soil, and plants begin to grow better.