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» How to level grout between tiles. Grouting uneven seams. Sealing interpanel seams

How to level grout between tiles. Grouting uneven seams. Sealing interpanel seams

The seams between floor slabs are among the ceiling defects that are difficult to repair. This happens because the slabs move among themselves both during the shrinkage of the building and during seasonal soil movements. Sometimes this displacement, invisible to the eye, causes complete destruction of the mortar filling the joints, and the seam appears again. Sealing with usual solutions helps only temporarily. Many people solve this problem with the help of suspended ceilings, but if the height of the room does not allow this, to complete the finishing it is necessary to seal the seams between the floor slabs on the ceiling.

Necessary materials

In order to properly and reliably putty the seams between the floor slabs, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work for jointing and sealing seams, as well as purchase necessary materials having specific properties and suitable for this purpose:

  • For deep seams, NTs grade cement is required, the peculiarity of which is that it expands during hardening, allowing it to densely fill deep seams and joints;
  • For a wide floor seam, it is necessary to use sealing materials made of foamed polyethylene or polystyrene, or polyurethane foam;
  • Primer deep penetration;
  • Putty with residual elasticity, for example, latex;
  • Serpyanka with a width of at least 20 cm;
  • Ceiling putty, preliminary and finishing;

Tools: narrow and wide spatulas, brush and spray bottle.

Technology of work execution

  1. Floor seams are usually sealed simultaneously with ceiling repairs, so it is more convenient to carry out the preparatory work as a complex. The old coating is removed from the ceiling: whitewash or water-based paint moisten with water from a spray bottle, leave for 10-15 minutes and remove wide spatula before plaster. If the ceiling is covered with a thick layer of putty, it is cleaned only in those places where it has poor adhesion. If there are traces of rust on the ceiling, they are removed with special compounds. The seams between the slabs are opened: the old putty and plaster that are poorly secured in the joints are removed. If necessary, you can use a hammer drill. After processing, the seam should have a U-shaped or slightly expanded inward shape so that the putty holds better. Remove dust from the resulting seam by sweeping it away with a brush and wiping it with a damp sponge.

  2. Inspect the resulting seam. If its width is more than 3 cm and its depth is small, it is sealed polyurethane foam. To do this, lightly moisten the seam clean water and apply foam from a balloon. Wait for it to expand and begin to harden, after which the excess is removed, cutting it off with a knife so that a depression is formed at the seam site triangular shape with a maximum depth of 0.5 cm. If the seam is deep and not wide, it must be sealed with polystyrene foam, polyethylene foam or any other elastic material. The seam is pre-treated with a deep penetration primer and dried well. The seal is secured using a moisture-resistant sealant; the surface of the concrete must be dry. The sealant is placed deep into the slab, with outside the seam is sealed with NTs grade cement mortar so that a small depression remains at the joint. Dry cement mortar.

  3. Putty for rust with residual elasticity, for example, latex, is applied to the prepared recess with hardened mounting foam or cement mortar. Level it flush with the surface of the slab. It is convenient to put putty into the seam using two spatulas: apply a sufficient amount of putty to the wide one, and put it into the seam with the narrow one, compacting and smoothing it inside the seam. After applying the putty to part of the seam, smooth it out with a wide spatula, removing excess.

  4. The solution is dried for 24 hours and the joints are puttyed. Apply a layer of preliminary putty to the seam and adjacent surface of the floor slabs and glue sickle or paint mesh over it, pressing it into the layer of putty. Iron with a spatula along the direction of the seam. The width of the serpyanka or mesh must be at least 20 cm. Dry the putty and, after drying, level it with sandpaper. Apply another layer of preliminary putty with a finer grain to the entire ceiling, leveling it with a wide spatula. Dry and sandpaper. After this, apply a layer of smooth finishing putty, dry, level with fine sandpaper and paint.

  5. If the floor slabs have a height difference of more than 1 cm, the ceiling will have to be plastered after sealing the seams. Plastering is done with a gypsum-based composition over a reinforcing painting mesh. The ceiling is treated with a special “concrete-contact” primer containing solid particles - it creates a rough layer on the surface of the slabs and facilitates the adhesion of the solution. The mesh is attached to a layer of plaster, carefully smoothing it out. After the plaster has completely dried for 2-3 days, you can begin to putty.

The ceiling made in this way looks absolutely smooth, there is no destruction of the seams, and the resulting microcracks, due to the plasticity of the putty, remain invisible. However, this method is unacceptable for apartments in new buildings - the house will settle within three to four years, and the slabs will inevitably move. Therefore, for new houses it is better to use other types of ceiling finishing, for example, suspended ceilings.

The modern market of construction and finishing materials pleases with a variety of choices, however, the undoubted leaders in this area have been identified a long time ago. Ceramic tiles are one of the best facing materials, time-tested. The tiled surface is practical and lasts a long time, and the availability of material is unlimited color palette allows you to realize the most exquisite design projects. In addition, the popularity of tiles is also explained by the fact that, in principle, you can tile walls yourself, and the necessary recommendations can be easily found on the global network. For example, we want to offer you the maximum useful information about how to grout tiles.

Grout for tile joints - offer on the modern market

After laying ceramic tiles, the finishing touch is grouting; without this procedure, finishing the walls and floors with tiles cannot be considered complete. Except practical significance, the seam has and decorative feature– complements the overall pattern on the wall or floor. Moreover, manufacturers produce many color additives.

Two types of grout: cement-based or epoxy resin

Cement based grout It is supplied in the form of a dry mixture, which is brought into working condition by diluting with water or liquid latex. Although you can find ready-made grouts in the retail network, their price is much higher. Cement grout for tile joints in the vast majority of cases is made on the basis of Portland cement, and the distinctive components are the special additives included in the composition. All grouts of this type are divided into three groups:

  • based on industrial Portland cement;
  • based on dry hardener;
  • based on a mixture of latex and Portland cement.

Interesting! Portland cement is special kind cement, which got its name because its color was very similar to the building stone that was mined on the English island of Portland.

Epoxy grout includes epoxy resin and a hardener, and gives the seams increased impact resistance and resistance to various chemical influences. This type of grout is highly expensive and is usually used when arranging industrial or commercial premises.

Besides, epoxy grout It is characterized by excessive viscosity, so only a specialist can work with it successfully. Moreover, there are certain restrictions on its use: the thickness of the tiles is from 12 mm, and minimum width seam – 6 mm. Otherwise, such grout simply will not be able to penetrate properly into narrower seams.

Attention! To avoid serious problems when doing the work yourself, carefully read the manufacturers' instructions. This is the only way you can determine what kind of tile grout would be better suited in your specific situation.

Is it necessary to use sealant?

Grouting tile joints - a video instruction of the process, by the way, is at the end of this article, also involves treating the joints using sealant. It will protect the surface of the tile from excessive absorption of moisture, and will also protect it and the seams from stains. If the surface is finished with unglazed tiles, then it is completely covered with liquid sealant. This specific substance contains acrylic, varnish or silicone. Therefore, you need to choose it based on the type of tile and grout material.

Intertile distance

By and large, the width of the grout joint depends solely on personal preference. Many people prefer narrow seams, which visually suppress the tiles. If the surface is made of elements measuring 10-30 cm, then the most optimal seam will be about 3 mm. Sometimes tiles measuring 60 cm are laid according to this scheme. If the tiles are being used irregular shape, then it is advisable to make a wider seam, but it should not be more than 12 mm.

Attention! The wider the seam, the more likely it is to crack. To seal it, it is necessary to use grout with the addition of sand, but this cannot always prevent the seam from deforming.

On the other hand, you should not make the grout joint too narrow, as this will significantly complicate the grouting process, and as a result, they may become leaky, that is, water will seep under the tiles. According to professional tilers, the seams should be of sufficient width that they could be filled without problems with any of the selected grout.

Only in this case will they become waterproof and will act as a kind of shock absorbers during the process of compression or expansion of the tiles. If the seam has a negligibly small width, then it will not have such parameters.

Tools and auxiliary materials

  • Respirator (performing work using cement-based grout).
  • Protective glasses.
  • Latex gloves.
  • Roller, rubber spatula or scraper with a rubber attachment.
  • Bucket.
  • Sponge.
  • Plywood.
  • A joint, a wooden stick or toothbrush sharpened at one end.
  • A piece of clean cloth.
  • A small paint brush or paint roller.

Brief plan

  1. The grout is mixed.
  2. The solution is kept to the required level of water absorption.
  3. The grout is mixed very thoroughly again.
  4. The solution is distributed.
  5. Excess is cleared.

Preparation of the solution

As a rule, dry grout is mixed with either water or latex liquid additives, which replace water.

Note! Dry polymer grouts can only be mixed with water.

When using any type of liquid, it is necessary to add only such an amount that will be sufficient to prepare a plastic and easily spreadable mixture. This aspect is extremely important, since excess moisture can cause the grout to weaken. To do everything correctly, the solution must be mixed strictly according to the proportions indicated on the grout packaging. The container in which the solution will be mixed must be dry and clean.

When mixing grout, the dry ingredient is added to the liquid. Moreover, initially about ¾ of the liquid specified in the recipe is used. After being added to the solution in small portions Add all the dry ingredients, add the remaining liquid, while not forgetting to control the consistency of the mixture.

Important! The grout preparation process can be influenced by the following: external factors, How temperature regime indoors, relative humidity, and also the component composition, for example, the presence of dye.

It is recommended to use a trowel or electric stirrer to mix the solution. If preference is given to “automation” of this process, then the mixer should be completely immersed in the solution during operation, so that air will not enter it. After all, air bubbles can also weaken the grout solution. It is for this reason that the blade speed should not exceed 300 rpm. At the end of the mixing procedure, the solution must be left alone for 8-10 minutes, and then you can safely use it for its intended purpose.

Grouting ceramic tiles - direct execution

Grouting ceramic tiles begins with laying out the mortar on the surface of the tiles. To distribute it correctly, it is best to use a special grout float. It is held at an angle of 30 0 relative to the surface of the tile and is applied diagonally. It is necessary to pass the float over the area to be treated 2-3 times, not just covering the distance between the tiles, but trying to rub the solution into the seam with force to completely fill it. Naturally, the greater the resistance, the greater the filling density of the seam, and, accordingly, the stronger it will be. The main idea of ​​this work is that all the voids and corners around the tiles remaining after laying them should be filled as much as possible. When applying grout, the liquid will leave it, and the seam will be filled with particles of cement and sand. Thus, after hardening, a solid body will be obtained in the seam.

There is no need to grout the entire surface at once. The most the best option there will be a distribution of the solution over small area, about 1-2 m. During the work, it will be determined how quickly the grout sets and whether there is a need for frequent stops associated with cleaning the surface. In some cases, it is possible to wipe out 9-10 square meters. m, and then start cleaning the working area. If the solution sets quickly, then only a small area is rubbed over.

What is a grout bag?

If the lined surface has such a structure that its cleaning process requires significant effort, for example, imitation of an antique brickwork, then it is recommended to use a special grout bag. This “tool” visually resembles a pastry bag, with which housewives decorate cakes. A tip is attached to the end of the bag, the diameter of which corresponds to the width of the grout joint. The bag is then filled with solution, which is forcefully squeezed directly into the seam.

When using a grout bag, the tip is placed at the top of the joint and then moved along as it is filled. As a rule, all horizontal seams are filled first, and then vertical ones. In the process of applying grout, you need to squeeze it out a little more than it seems at first glance. After some hardening of the solution, it is compacted using jointing or a small piece of a smooth metal tube, the cross-sectional diameter of which larger size seam Then, within 30 minutes, you need to let the grout pressed in the joint set and then remove the excess using a stiff brush.

Wet grout removal

When it is visually determined that the grout has sufficiently hardened, the tiled surface is wet cleaned. To do this, take an ordinary sponge soaked in ordinary clean water. Circular movements Excess grout is removed from the tiles, and do not forget to frequently rinse the sponge in water, which must be changed as it becomes dirty.

Dry grout removal

The seams need to be leveled and smoothed using a jointer, that is, a wooden stick with a sharpened end or the end of a toothbrush handle. Then the edges are trimmed with a sponge. The resulting seam should be smooth and non-convex; in the vast majority of cases it turns out slightly concave. All seams must be the same shape and depth.

We hope ours detailed instructions will help you correctly grout the joints on the tiled surface yourself ceramic tiles surfaces. If some points require clarification, we suggest you watch the training video.

If you plan to lay tiles on a surface with differences in height, then it is necessary to level the tiles. To do this, they use both specialized devices and carry out the process independently. We will consider further the methods of leveling tiles and the technology for their implementation.

Tile leveling system: device, advantages and disadvantages

By using a tile leveling system, it is possible to install the tiles much faster, while the surface is even and has no differences. This system, according to its operating principle, replaces the crosses that were previously installed in the seams, and has the shape of wedges on which there are clamps. The main part of the system is wedges in the form of spacers, with the help of which it is possible to regulate the location of the tiles on the surface. To fix the position of these elements, the second version of wedges is used - clamping ones. Thus, it is possible to install and secure the tiles in a certain position. Thus, the surface, after laying the tiles, becomes perfectly flat.

When laying large tile parts, they should be covered with two layers of adhesive. This system is different big amount benefits and is becoming quite popular among both beginners and professionals. In order to study the feasibility of using a tile leveling system, we suggest studying its advantages:

1. Getting a perfectly flat floor. By using this advantage It is possible to achieve a perfectly even floor covering with tiles. Appearance masonry is improved, and the quality of use of the floor covering also improves. The process of installing tiles is accelerated, and the work involved becomes easier.

2. There are joints of the same size on the floor surface, the tiles look perfect. At the same time, the use of crosses for seams becomes impractical. The distance between the tiles is the same on any part of the floor.

3. The glue is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the floor for leveling uneven surface floor is used adhesive composition, distributed over the surface. With the help of the solution, it is possible to fill all the voids that form on the floor. Without this system, ideal distribution of glue on the surface cannot be achieved.

4. Laying tiles in this way helps prevent tiles from sagging during use. Even heavy loads on the floor surface do not lead to its subsidence.

5. Fixing the tiles in the required position is another advantage of this system, which is difficult to achieve by laying the tiles manually. After the tiles have dried, they have been laid in the usual way, displaced or sagging areas appear on the floor. By using a tile leveling clamp, you can get rid of this disadvantage. The tile is installed in the position we need and remains there until it dries completely.

Despite this, this system has certain disadvantages, namely:

  • time costs for installing and removing clamps;
  • the seams, in this case, are filled with glue and require additional cleaning;
  • To purchase a system, you will need to spend additional money, which is not always profitable, especially if you need to install tiles in a room with a small area.

Varieties of systems for leveling tiles with your own hands

There are two types of systems for leveling tiles. The first one is cheaper and most often used. It is used if the surface has small differences in height. In this case, a wedge is used to clamp the base element, and the tile itself is installed on a flat base.

The cost of the second version of the tile leveling system is much higher. This system has a unique structure; the shape of the inserts is curved. Thus, it is possible to achieve self-leveling without additional manual intervention. Alignment of the plate occurs automatically, while laying tiles on floors with a large number of defects is allowed.

Tile alignment system video:

The use of this system is simple, although it requires additional time to install. However, the result is worth it. To install this system, you should perform the following steps:

  • apply adhesive to the tiles using a notched trowel;
  • install the tile and attach the leveling system to it;
  • lay the second tile;
  • use wedges to fix the inserts;
  • install inserts on both sides of the tile;
  • adjust the clamp until the inserts are tightly fixed;
  • calculate the seams in relation to the visible adhesive.

Please note that the glue must be cleaned from the seams during the laying of the tiles. Otherwise, it will take a lot of time and effort to remove it.

Technology for using a tile laying and leveling system

We invite you to familiarize yourself with step by step instructions for laying tiles with your own hands using a leveling system:

1. Initially, the surface should be prepared; it should be cleaned of dust and dirt, and also degreased.

2. In order to increase the level of adhesion of the glue to the surface, the floor should be treated with a primer.

3. Glue must be prepared using the instructions. Because otherwise, problems may arise with its drying and strength.

4. Apply glue to the floor according to the thickness specified in the instructions. Before installing the tiles, place two clamps on the floor, one centimeter apart from the edge of the tile.

5. Install the second tile in the same way, between them a wedge-shaped element is installed, installed between the upper and lower parts of the clamps. Lock the wedge in the desired position.

6. Please note that the lower part of the wedge must be firmly fixed to the surface. It is with its help that alignment is carried out.

7. Install other wedges under each tile in the same way. The wedges are removed only after the glue has completely dried.

8. In order to get rid of wedges, a tool in the form of a hammer or chisel is used. Remove the clamps in the longitudinal direction relative to the seams. After removing the wedge, the lower elements remain under the tile.

9. Used clips are used only once and are discarded after removal. Wedges can be used many times. Please note that for successful implementation leveling, the room should be created optimal conditions temperature and humidity conditions. Temperatures below 15 degrees and high humidity are not allowed.

Preparation and leveling for floor tiles

Before you start laying tiles, you should prepare the base for this process. First of all, the floor or walls on which the tiles are laid must be perfectly flat. Only in this case will it be possible to avoid swelling or deformation of this finishing material.

If the condition of the floor is critical, then it is necessary to remove the old flooring and install a new screed. Preparing the floor for laying tiles requires the use of tools in the form of:

  • spatula;
  • floor measuring tools;
  • putties;
  • hammer;
  • spatula;
  • chisels;
  • gloves

Before starting leveling, the room must be ventilated. Next, you should remove all the furniture and other items that are on the floor. To remove dirt, dust or grease stains from the floor, use blowtorch. To remove cracks or other defects, use putty. Next, you should wait until the putty is completely dry.

Next, you should close all windows and doors in the room. Optimal temperature for further work - 20 degrees. Most often, tiles are laid on concrete base. However, it must be perfectly smooth. If there are differences in height of more than 3-4 cm, the floor should first be leveled.

Wooden base - very rarely used as a support for tiles. Wood is prone to high moisture and temperature changes. In addition, wood is not tough enough to be used as a base for tiles. Therefore, during the use of tiles on the floor, its deformation is possible.

Laying tiles on old wooden flooring is unacceptable. Before you start laying tiles, you should dismantle the old wooden covering. Next, you should install a new concrete screed.

To check the floor before leveling the floor tiles, use special device- level. There are two options:

  • water device;
  • laser type level.

Using a level allows you to determine the highest part of the floor or wall. This point is the main point for leveling the surface. The entire floor is aligned in relation to this point.

A laser level allows you to quickly determine the level of curvature of the floor. Using a water level requires the use of a pencil and ruler to mark the alignment.

The floor is prepared and leveled as follows:

  • the highest point in the room is initially determined;
  • Next, you should draw lines from it on the walls, based on them the alignment will be carried out.

1. Self-leveling compounds are the first and most popular method. These compositions are in the form of a dry powder, their base is cement. These compositions allow you to prepare the base for laying decorative flooring.

There are two variants of these compositions:

  • the first ones are less fluid, allowing you to get rid of differences in height up to 4 cm;
  • the latter should be applied in a thin layer; they are used to perform final leveling.

Each of the compositions requires thorough cleaning of the floor from dirt and applying a primer to their surface. To prepare the composition, you should study the instructions and combine the dry composition with water in the required proportion.

To improve the smoothness of the composition, you should not violate the proportion. Since these operations will negatively affect the quality of the resulting coating. The composition will thicken very quickly, so it is recommended to prepare it in portions.

The work is carried out in full indoors. A spatula is used to level the mixture. These compounds are easy to work with and quickly level the floor. However, their only drawback is high price. Therefore, in order to save money, another method of leveling the floor is used, which we will discuss later.

2. The second leveling method is to use a cement-based screed. This method is appropriate if the differences in height are more than five centimeters.

Usage this method relevant if the floor is quite uneven. In order to correct the curvature, it will take a lot of work. In addition, using cement mortar will save a lot of money.

After preparing the floor and applying markings, beacons should be installed. Most often, they have the shape of an ordinary smooth wooden beam. The first beacon is installed at a distance of 2-3 cm from the wall. The second beacon is installed at a distance of 60-70 cm.

To check the evenness of installation of each of the beacons, use a level. If there are differences between the beacons, timber is supplied under them. After installing the beacons, you should prepare a cement mortar. To do this, you will need Portland cement and clean dry sand. The proportions for their connection are one to three. Leveling work should begin from the farthest corner in the room.

Please note that the presence of moisture in the sand will negatively affect its quality characteristics. Therefore, the sand for making the screed must be absolutely dry. Next, you should cover the floor with plastic film.

If you plan to level a floor made of wood, then to make a screed you will need to mix glue with sawdust. If the floor has deformed over time, then this composition - perfect solution. After this, you should wait for the self-leveling compounds to dry, this will take from 1 to 5 days. After the floor has dried, proceed to laying the tiles. To further level the floor, leveling tile crosses should be used.

Using the above methods, you can also level the walls in the bathroom under the tiles. However, a simpler and reliable way- use of special floor leveling systems for tiles.

Video tile alignment:

Sometimes cleaning and washing the seams between tiles he simply cannot save the situation. So for example, in separate parts in my bathroom (mostly directly next to the bathtub), the grout in some places has completely disappeared. The water getting into the tile joints (and my child really likes to splash around:) simply washed away the entire grout solution.

It makes sense to re-grout the seams if there is a distance of at least 2 millimeters between the tiles, otherwise the grout will not be able to adhere. If you just want to re-grout the seams, just buy a special seam-rubbing tool at a hardware store. There are even special solutions to soften the seams.

Since it was useless to save the seams, I bought grout for the seams.

The grout dries very quickly. Follow the manufacturer's instructions. Dry grout is diluted with just plain water. In order for the grout to adhere better and not have time to dry out during the process, the solution should turn out to be even slightly liquid.

Rub with special tool. If the grout contains cement, it is recommended to use a respirator. Grout the grout at an angle of 30-45 degrees. Don’t just cover the seams with grout, but try to rub it into the seams so that the seams are completely filled with grout.

After applying the grout, wait the required amount of time (for KIILTO 20-30 minutes), after which the tile itself must be cleaned of the grout. Since I used a small spatula to apply the grout, I did not need to dry remove the grout.

To wash the tile itself from grout residues, walk over its entire surface with a well-wrung out sponge.

Level and smooth the seams using a jointer, a wooden stick with a sharpened end, or the end of a toothbrush. A special stick is included with KIILTO grout. Then smooth the edges of the seam with a sponge. Don't forget to rinse the sponge.

To prevent the tiles on the floor from cracking and to last longer, it is recommended to cover the tiles directly on top with an additional means to protect the seams, for example, like this:

seam protection product Sea, KIILTO

In this article we will look at the method of leveling the ceiling with plaster and gypsum mixtures. It is optimal for old apartments with low and uneven ceilings, since it practically does not “remove” heights in comparison with suspended systems.

Preparing the base

Preparation of the base is perhaps the dirtiest and dustiest part of the job when leveling the ceiling using plaster or gypsum mixtures. Where to start work, you ask, and we will answer you - first of all, you need to completely vacate the premises. If it is impossible to do this, cover all things with plastic wrap and seal them with tape, because dust and debris cannot be avoided in any way.

First we need:

  • Sharp spatula;
  • Bucket;
  • washcloth;
  • Respirator.

So, let's start repairing our ceiling:

Removing old paint

  1. First, no matter how stupid it may sound, you should start with destruction. Namely, to remove traces of the latest repairs that have accumulated over the years (read). Remove all layers of whitewash, water-based and other types of paint from the ceiling with a spatula. To do this, you just need to rip everything off mechanically.

Tip: Alternatively, you can attach a long handle or stick to the spatula, which will give you the opportunity to work with both hands, which will make the task much easier.

  • To make the task easier, you can use the so-called “wet method”. First, wet the ceiling with water using a roller, brush or spray bottle.. Let it soak thoroughly and rip it off without waiting for it to dry.

Tip: When removing layers of whitewash and plaster, the spatula must be sharp, so it is recommended to sharpen it from time to time.

There are several methods that have been proven over the years that can make our task much easier.:

  • To soften old whitewash you can use hot water.
  • It will be much easier to remove water-based paint by using an aqueous solution of iodine. To do this, dissolve one bottle per bucket (about 10 liters) and saturate the ceiling with this mixture using a roller or brush.
  • Paints such as enamels or water-dispersed ones are not washed off with water. They have to be removed only mechanically (read further). You can also make your work easier by using a grinder or a drill with a wire attachment, however, this will increase the amount of dust to the point of impossibility.
    There are many products on the market for removing such paints. They are applied to the surface and after 15-20 minutes are removed with a spatula along with the paint.

Removing plaster

  1. The next step is to check the integrity of the plaster. All places where the plaster layer is loose or falling off must be eliminated with a spatula down to the base. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the seams between the panels and tapping them with a hammer to ensure reliability. After all, over time, all houses shrink, their panel ceiling “walks” a little and shifts, as a result of which the mortar in the joints begins to fall off. Tap the seams between the floor panels and, if necessary, remove the mortar

Sealing interpanel seams

  1. Now you can proceed directly to repairing the ceiling. The first step before leveling the ceiling will be to seal the seams between the panels.

It's done like this:

  • The seam between the panels is filled with polyurethane foam and left until completely hardened.
  • All seams should be treated with a primer to ensure high-quality adhesion of the mortar to concrete surface panels.
  • Seal the seam between the panels with Rotband.
  • A sickle mesh is glued to the Rotband.
  • Level the putty to the level of the panels and smooth it. Sealing method interpanel seams(Rustov)

It should be noted that the use of serpyanka for large and uneven seams does not exclude the appearance of cracks in the future (see). In this case, it would be better to use a plaster fiberglass mesh, gluing it in layers.

Getting ready for leveling

  1. Now we need to measure the horizontal line of the ceiling and set the beacons. But if you are not concerned about how horizontal your ceiling is, and you just want to remove the differences between the panels, you can skip this step. Without installing beacons (when leveling only on a plane), the thickness of the layer is significantly reduced, which means that less materials will be consumed. True, most people, for some reason or because of pedantry, cannot come to terms with the idea that their ceiling will be sloping.

In this case, there are several options:

  • If there is a large deviation from the horizontal, only suspended or suspended ceilings can save you.
  • If the difference is within 5 centimeters, you can use plaster and install beacons.

Before installing beacons, you need to determine the lowest point of the ceiling:

  • Using a tape measure, measure the distance from floor to ceiling in all corners of the room. The shortest distance will be the lowest point of the ceiling.
  • With help laser level or hydraulic level, it is necessary to mark the height of this point along the perimeter of the room. It will be easier to do this if you mark only the corners and use a tapping cord. To do this, stretch the cord between the marks and, slightly pulling it away from the wall, release it - you will get a clear and even line.
  • Every 60-80 centimeters, screw screws into a line on two opposite walls. Stretch a construction line across the room and, pulling it tight, tie it to the heads of the screws. Such a landmark will greatly simplify our task of installing beacons.
  • Next, glue the lighthouse profile to the ceiling using Fugenfüller or Rotband putty. point method in increments of 30 centimeters. This means applying putty dots to the ceiling and gluing the profile by lightly pressing. All beacons must be aligned along a fishing line stretched perpendicularly.
  • The last thing that is required in preparation for applying plaster layers is to remove the putty protruding beyond the beacons and prime the entire ceiling.

Leveling with mixtures

  1. When the base is ready, you can proceed directly to applying leveling layers of putty.

They have their own operating characteristics that need to be mentioned.:

  • When mixing putty, do not make a larger batch than you can use in 20-25 minutes.
  • After the putty is mixed and left for several minutes, do not add water or dry mixture to it. This has a very negative effect on the quality of its structure.
  • Do not dry the ceiling in a draft.
  • The layer applied at a time should not exceed the permissible value (it is indicated on the bag).

After kneading, apply the mixture to the ceiling with a small spatula and lightly level it.

Tip: Before applying each layer, it is very important to let the previous one dry completely. After all, if the technology is violated, all our work may simply fall off over time, despite the price and quality of the putty.

Each layer should be tightened using the rule according to the installed beacons.

  1. After the leveling layer has dried, it must be checked using a rule for the absence of unevenness. To do this, simply run the pressed rule along the surface of the ceiling - it should be completely adjacent. All protrusions can be removed using sandpaper, and the holes should be filled with putty.

Finishing the ceiling

  1. The last stage will be gluing the mesh at the junction of the panels and finishing putty:
  • When the leveling layer is ready, it needs to be treated with a primer.
  • Before finishing the putty on the ceiling, it is worth gluing fiberglass in the places where the panels join (rusts) to avoid the appearance of cracks.
  • Fiberglass is glued over the leveling layer by pressing it into a fresh layer of putty.
  • After the putty has dried, carefully remove all protrusions with a spatula and sand the surface with sandpaper.
  • All that remains is to apply two more layers of finished finishing putty “Acrylic-putz” or “Shitrok”. The process can be seen in more detail in the photo below.
  • The final sanding will finish off all our dusty work on the ceiling.


Before painting, you should remove dust from the room and prime the ceiling. It is not necessary to use special primers for this purpose, just apply the first layer with well-diluted paint. The thinner you need to select is only the one specified by the manufacturer on the packaging.. You should not experiment: if the paint is water-based, then when diluting it you can only use water.

Tip: The painted ceiling should not be dried in a draft, as upper layer becomes crusty, but the bottom one remains wet and the plastic properties of the coating are destroyed.

We hope that after reading this article, you learned how to properly level the ceiling. Now doing ceiling repairs at home with your own hands will not be any problem.