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» What are the dimensions of the timber? Wooden beam. Types, sizes, applications and prices of wooden beams. Types and forms

What are the dimensions of the timber? Wooden beam. Types, sizes, applications and prices of wooden beams. Types and forms

Building a house from timber is a great opportunity to live in an environmentally friendly building, enjoying the silence. This aspect is especially important for a city dweller who is tired of street noise and polluted air. It’s good that choosing the right timber option for yourself among the variety of products is quite possible. You just need to know the characteristics of each type of beams and compare your desires with your financial capabilities. This is where we have to look at these issues in more detail and determine which timber is right for you.

What types are there?

Since choosing timber for building a house requires a competent approach, we will try to simplify the task, while understanding the essence of the issue thoroughly. Let's start with the fact that in local markets and hypermarkets you can find three main types of timber - planed, profiled and glued.

Each type must be considered separately, highlighting its main characteristics.

Planed timber

Such a beam is obtained by cutting a log - the result is a beam with a cross-section in the form of a rectangle or square. He has undeniable advantage - low price, which will certainly appeal to people with low incomes and those who are looking for ways to save money during construction. It is much easier to assemble a frame from such beams than from logs. And it’s much easier to make a foundation from it than from brick.

You have to pay for the low price - planed timber is made from wood with natural moisture. This means that its level will gradually decrease over time, that is, the tree will simply begin to dry out, and there will be some problems:

  • Deformation - the wooden beam will begin to warp and may bend in the most incredible way.
  • Cracks - if they affected only the appearance of the material, then it’s not so bad. In addition, performance will suffer.
  • Rot, blue stains and mold will undoubtedly appear where there is high humidity and problems with ventilation. Moreover, this also applies to material lying in storage in stacks.
  • Shrinkage is one of the most important factors, which must be taken into account when building a house. After all, the tree will lose moisture, which means the beams will lose size. The degree of shrinkage depends on the level of initial moisture content of the material and the conditions prevailing around it.

To avoid significant problems during shrinkage of the material, a fresh log house made of planed timber after construction must be left alone for several months, preferably under a roof. During this time it will settle and take on a more or less final form. If this is not done, serious problems may arise, because we are not talking about a few centimeters of shrinkage, but about more serious values. It happens that home owners begin to think about the lost opportunity only when the door and window openings and in case of damage to the finishing of the walls outside and inside.

  • Gaps are also quite common when using planed timber, which is not an example of absolute dimensional accuracy. The gaps between the crowns can only get worse when the wood dries, so sealing materials are usually laid between the crowns, and the walls themselves are caulked to avoid negative impact humidity and cold.

Planed timber is more affordable than all others and is the most simple option timber for construction

Planed timber has cross-sectional dimensions of 100x100mm, 100x150mm, 150x200mm and 200x200mm and from 2 to 6 meters in length, so choose right size won't be difficult. It is important to know that humidity finished timber should be between 20 and 22%. If this indicator is higher, the material is considered low quality. Also, modern planed timber goes on sale having been treated with various compounds that significantly extend the life of the tree and increase its moisture-resistant characteristics. But often unprocessed material is also found.


Profiled timber does not have some of the disadvantages of planed timber, so purchasing it is more profitable. It also differs in appearance - smooth front sides and comb/tongue and groove on workers. When choosing which timber is better, you should focus on the moisture content of the material, and not on personal preferences.

When using a tongue-and-groove connection, insulation is used, which is laid between the crowns in the grooves. Even if the material dries out, the insulation will not allow the wind to blow through the walls.

Differences in “Comb” and “Tongue and Groove” joints

The comb, unlike the tongue and groove, does not require a seal, since the entire protrusions fit as closely as possible to each other. However, this quality will remain unchanged only in dry timber. When humidity changes, the parameters of the protrusions may change.

The advantage of profiled timber lies in the process of its manufacture - first it is dried to a moisture content of 22% or less, and only then milled on a tetrahedral machine. If the humidity during processing is higher, the quality of the material will suffer. High-quality profiled timber does not shrink as strongly as planed timber.

Often products are made with already cut “cups” for joints and corner connections. With this approach, all you have to do is assemble the house like a children's construction set.

And yet, profiled timber cannot do without cracks and shrinkage, so after assembling the log house, here too you will need to leave it alone for a while.

The profiled beam has protrusions that allow the beams to be adjusted to each other with maximum density

The dimensions of profiled timber are the same as that of planed timber. Its thermal conductivity is 0.1-0.36 W/m*deg, and the thicker the timber, the lower this value. As the moisture content of the material increases, the indicator increases. Profiled timber requires additional processing, just like planed timber.


This type of timber has the most best characteristics and at the same time a high price. Low humidity is the main advantage of laminated timber, which means there are no problems associated with shrinkage of the material. It turns out that you can build a house from it in just a season, without making technological breaks.

Glued laminated timber has low humidity and does not require time to shrink

The manufacturing technology of laminated veneer lumber allows you to obtain the product itself High Quality, which is devoid of all the disadvantages of raw wood and takes all the best from wood. This timber is already impregnated to prevent rotting and burning, so it does not require additional processing.

Glued laminated timber can also be made to order, just like profiled timber. Some manufacturers have gone even further and offer ready-made kits with assembly instructions.

A new product on the construction market is a D-shaped laminated veneer lumber that looks like a rounded log.

Externally, the D-shaped beam looks like a rounded log, which makes it even more attractive

The thermal conductivity of laminated veneer lumber is 0.1 W/m*deg. This is simply an amazing indicator - a 20cm thick wall made of laminated veneer lumber is equivalent to brick wall 1.6 m thick. With such characteristics, they are ensured comfortable conditions at any time of the year: the house is kept warm in winter, and cool in summer. In addition, laminated veneer lumber is good for both facade works, and for the construction of internal partitions.

What to choose for building a house?

Of course, laminated veneer lumber is superior to all other options in terms of its characteristics. But not everyone has the opportunity to purchase it. In addition, lovers of an environmentally friendly approach may resist the presence in the composition laminated veneer lumber polymer substances. In this case, it is better to use planed or profiled. However, this choice involves a rather long wait for the housewarming party, since a lot of time will be spent waiting for the shrinkage. And this is where laminated timber comes in handy.

Comparative table of three types of timber

Environmental friendlinessIt is environmentally friendly, as it retains all the properties of natural wood.Eco-friendly.When gluing, resins are used that release toxic substances.
StrengthThe tree may dry out, as a result of which the timber will begin to deform, and cracks and cracks may appear.Cracks and crevices may appear, as in the case of using planed timber.The material practically does not deform over time.
Thermal insulationAdditional thermal insulation of walls is required.When using a tongue-and-groove connection, insulation is used. The “comb” does not require insulation, however, if the wood begins to dry out and cracks appear, additional measures will need to be taken.No thermal insulation required.
Fire hazardHigh fire hazard.High fire hazard.The fire hazard is lower, however, if the material is not processed, then the probability of fire will be the same as with profiled or planed timber.
EconomicalLow price.The price is slightly higher than planed.Enough high price.

How to choose quality material?

To avoid getting into trouble, it is important to visually check the product for quality during the purchasing process. To do this, the timber is placed with all its edges in turn on flat surface, checking it for bending and inversion. The growth rings visible on the end section are also important. There should be an equal distance between them - this is a guarantee that over time the timber will not begin to bend.

Wooden beam refers to lumber. The length of the beam must be many times greater than the width. A square or rectangular cross-section is also required. The first is considered classic. The beam configuration ensures ease of laying “logs”.

Glued laminated timber

Ordinary logs, as you know, are round. There are rounded ones. They are passed through a machine, aligning the diameter along the entire length of the barrel. It's more difficult with wild logs. They are only cut down without leveling. Timber is never wild. This is always a product of standard sizes, even.

Types of wooden beams

Log construction is popular because wood is lighter. You can save on. In addition, the tree breathes, allowing oxygen to pass through and releasing healthy, aromatic resins into the air.

In cold areas, the heat-saving properties of the material are appreciated. Ease of wood processing is important for builders and industrialists. Depending on this processing, by the way, the timber is divided into:

  1. Whole. The first one created by mankind. Enough to take round log and pass through the machine, cutting off the sides. What remains is a square or rectangular section. Wood retains natural moisture. During the first 2 years, moisture actively escapes, leading to significant shrinkage. Even wood without drying can be infected with fungus.

The geometry of the solid timber also leaves much to be desired. It does not comply with GOST in terms of evenness of the cut and uniformity cross section. The gaps between the bars in some places can be 4-5 millimeters. In addition, the “seams” themselves often “jump”. Accordingly, the thermal conductivity of the masonry increases. Having saved on timber, you have to pay extra for insulation and finishing.

  1. Profiled wooden beam. Also solid, but made from dried logs. These do not change the geometry after the construction of the structure and are not affected by fungi. The cost of equipment and space for drying wood is included in the cost of the timber. He is considered elite. Therefore, profiled goods have strict, precise down to the millimeter along the entire length sizes.

Wooden beam category is enough for the perfect “fit” of a house or bathhouse, also thanks to the very profile after which the product is named. Its cross-section geometry is more complex than a regular square.

There are recesses and projections along the lower and upper edges of the beam. They connect like a zipper. The groove fits into the ridge. This fastening wooden beams blocks water penetration into interventional insulation.

This means that profiled masonry does not mind rotting. The most dense masonry also enhances the heat-saving properties of the building. The factory finish adds to its attractiveness. front surface timber.

For example, it is often made round. This aesthetically brings the structure closer to a log structure. Being made from solid wood, profiled timber, like regular timber, can crack over time. This is a minus of the material.

  1. Glued laminated timber. Consists of lamellas. Their number ranges from 2 to 5. This is how beams of one or another width are obtained. The composition of the “logs” is also regulated. The central slats are often pine. The material is porous, does not “shine” with durability, but is budget-friendly. The front faces are usually made of larch. It is famous for its density. A minimum of pores makes the wood resistant to moisture penetration, mechanical influences, ultraviolet. Larch literally covers the pine, preventing the latter from influencing the quality of the product, but “allowing” it to reduce its cost. Perpendicular alternation of fibers in the lamellas ensures high-quality gluing. It is carried out under pressure. The complexities of the production technology of laminated veneer lumber make it more expensive than profiled and solid timber.

Gluing the lamellas along perpendicular alternation of fibers compensates for the stress in the wood when changing weather conditions. Structures made from glued material are also resistant to shrinkage and cracking. The lamellas, like logs for profiled timber, are dried.

However, due to the thinness of the strips, they release moisture more evenly. As a result, the shrinkage of laminated timber does not exceed 1%. However, the vapor permeability of buildings also decreases. The space between the layers of wood prevents them from breathing. There are no additives in solid and profiled timber.

There is also a division of timber according to the nature of its surface treatment. There are two-, three- and four-edged ones. All the log edges of the latter have been cut off. For a three-edged product, one side is left rounded. A two-canton beam has two of these.

Double-sided wooden beam

The degree of processing of the timber is also important. It can be edged, that is, obtained in the process of cutting trunks, which makes the surface of the product rough. The second type is planed and polished, which is not only sawn, but also devoid of roughness.

Don't forget about the class of the timber. Occurs:

  • excellent, without flaws
  • first-class, which contains tiny knots, cracks, chips
  • second-rate, the damage of which does not fit into the norms
  • third grade, easy to recognize in the photo - wooden beam riddled with multiple defects

Finally, a review of what's new on the market. We are talking about composite timber. It is hollow from the inside. IN wood block driven type insulation mineral wool or . This modification of timber is also called package modification.

There is also a sandwich option - a layer of polyurethane foam is glued between two boards. Composite options are warmer than conventional ones. So the thermal conductivity of a sandwich 16 centimeters thick is equal to that of a 39-centimeter solid one. timber.

Wooden houses from Composite timber, like glued timber, has not yet passed the test of time. There are no buildings standing for at least half a century. Adhesive timber appeared earlier than composite timber, but is also new. Perhaps the yet unknown disadvantages of materials will be revealed.

You should also forget about the false beam. Otherwise it is called eurolining or house panel. With its help it is created imitation wood beam. Essentially, the product is a board. They make a façade out of it.

As a result, the house looks like timber. For interior decoration You can use regular lining. It is thinner and can be mounted at any degree. The Euro version is installed exclusively in the horizontal plane.

Dimensions of wooden beams

The determining dimensions of a beam are its length and width. The latter is at least 10 centimeters, and in millimeters - 100. Wooden beam a smaller cross-section is not provided for by GOST. What then are smaller copies? These are bars. That is, the request " wooden beam 50 50"according to construction terminology is incorrect.

To standard bars square section also include “logs” with dimensions of 15 by 15 and 20 by 20 centimeters. Rectangular timber is produced in variations of 15 by 20 centimeters.

Typical timber lengths include three-, four- and six-meter. From the sum of the cross section and length of wooden beam weight depends building material. The parameter is calculated per cubic meter. Wherein:

  1. A beam with a cross section of 20 by 20 centimeters and a length of 3 meters weighs 103 kilograms. There are 8.3 “logs” per cubic meter.
  2. With a similar cross-section, but 4 meters long, a cube of material weighs 138 kilos, containing 6.25 beams.
  3. If a beam with a 20-centimeter cross-section has a length of 6 meters, a cubic meter weighs 210 kilograms, containing 4.1 “logs”.
  4. A beam with a cross section of 20 by 15 centimeters and a 6-meter length weighs 156 kilograms. There are 5.5 pieces in a cubic meter.
  5. With a 6-meter length, but a cross-section of 20 by 10 centimeters, the mass of the building material is 104 kilograms. A cubic meter holds 8.3 beams.
  6. A beam with a cross section of 15 by 15 centimeters and a length of 6 meters weighs 116 kilos. A cubic meter holds 7.4 pieces.
  7. Six-meter “logs” with a cross-section of 15 by 10 centimeters weigh 78 kilograms. There are 11.1 beams per cubic meter of product.
  8. The mass of a six-meter beam with a cross-section of 10 by 10 centimeters is 52 kilograms per cube, which contains 16.6 “logs.”

Atypical product sizes are possible. The minimum length for which some machines are “sharpened” is 2 meters, and the maximum is 9. The width is 125, 175 and 250 millimeters. Such products are often made to order.

Application of wooden beams

The material is used in the construction of private houses, baths, in the production of furniture, and railway sleepers. Areas of application depend on the type and variety timber. Wooden baths from first-class and second-class are being built. For houses, if possible, choose the best one. Third grade timber is used only as an auxiliary raw material.

Walls made of wooden beams sanded ones are often left untouched. Rough “logs” are covered with additional finishing. Long beams are good for floors. Dried options are taken home, and with natural humidity they are often used for garden buildings, for example, gazebos.

House made of wooden beams

The timber parts are connected, depending on their type and purpose, by cutting and cutting into each other, overlapping and securing with nails, screws, bolts. There is an option to install the timber with glue. Another method of fastening is to fix it with screws with metal plates. The latter come in various forms.

The notch is ideal for massive elements. These include rafters, beams, and walls. It is easier to use glue in frames, windows, doors and other joinery.

The use of timber is not limited to the construction of it or the manufacture of some object. It is important to complete the process by processing the wood. Its main disadvantages are its susceptibility to burning and rotting.

Stains and varnishes help out. Available with anti-flammable additives. The antibacterial complex includes any compositions for wood processing. It also saves most from moisture. Varnishes fill the pores in the beams. There is simply nowhere for water to penetrate.

In addition to improving the performance qualities of the timber, its processing protective compounds adds aesthetics. You can, for example, change the color of the wood and emphasize its texture. It is customary to use coniferous wood for beams.

They have more resin. It is both an antiseptic and a pore filler. Deciduous wood wears out faster. However, the color and pattern of pine or spruce may not suit the consumer. With the help of stain, he turns the products into wenge, oak, and maple.

Timber price

Wooden beam price depends on its type and size. Thus, a cube of laminated larch building material with a cross-section of 20 by 20 centimeters and a length of 6 meters costs approximately 27 thousand rubles per cubic meter. For a beam of the same size, but edged from solid pine, they ask about 7 thousand rubles. This is the price of a first-class product. You can buy a second-class one for 5 thousand rubles per cubic meter.

The price of timber partly depends on the season. TO construction cost takes off. There is also a relationship between the cost of the product and the region of sale. Cheaper is wood that grows and is harvested within the boundaries of the region, republic or region.

Having no time budget materials, wood moves into the elite category. Deforestation leads to material shortages. If we take into account the costs of insulation, a house made of average quality timber is more expensive than a similar building made of aerated concrete or other types of foam blocks.

Before you start construction wooden house, you need to decide on the type of building material, understand what is required for good result. In this article we will look at dimensional characteristics several types of timber, or rather, the dimensions of the timber for building a house.

The information will help you solve any problems associated with designing and building a house on your own.

Timber - the choice of private developers

From the family of lumber, the most popular in construction and furniture production is timber. This material is used in several areas of construction and repair, manufacturing of cabinet and upholstered furniture.

However, it is precisely as a material used by private developers that it has become so popular. This is due to its performance characteristics and advantages over other building materials.

The most important advantage wooden products– environmental safety, which gives your home a noble aroma of wood and allows the walls to “breathe” freely.

The timber is produced in a wide range:

  • In terms of raw materials:
    • Pines.
    • Larches.
    • Linden trees.
  • By degree of humidity:
    • Dry forest.
    • With natural humidity.
  • In relation to linear dimensions.
  • According to manufacturing technology:
    • Solid (array).
    • Glued.

According to these characteristics, the use of timber in a given case varies. Naturally, a certain size of timber is used for each individual process.

Size range

What do we mean by timber dimensions?

Of course, these are the familiar three components:

  • Width.
  • Height.
  • Length.

The cross-section of the timber, depending on the manufacturing method, may have the following configuration:

  • Rectangular.
  • Square.
  • Multifaceted (profiled timber).

For square lumber, the first two linear dimensions are often called thickness for simplicity, since its width is equal to its height.

For each specific case, an individual approach with calculation is required optimal sizes timber, depending on the intended purpose of the material.

  • Optimal sizes of lumber for the home, for permanent residence people are equal to 200x200 mm. The option is optimal for many reasons: firstly, the material is durable, secondly, it has sufficient thermal insulation, and thirdly, furniture (wall cabinets) can be easily mounted on such timber.
  • For building walls wooden dacha, outbuildings not designed for long-term human stay, 100x100 or 150x150 mm is sufficient. The same dimensions are valid for interior walls, interior partitions.

The sizes of the bars 40x40, 50x50 make this lumber an invincible leader for a wide variety of purposes.

Instructions for using the most popular bar:

  • Houses made of timber - designs:
    • Roofs (sheathing purlins under the covering).
    • Floors (logs).
    • Ceilings (frame for filing with a variety of materials).
    • Frame-sheathing partitions (frame, sometimes as cladding -)
  • Repair and finishing work.
    • Frames for insulation and subsequent cladding.
    • Installation of grooves and niches for utilities.
    • Manufacturing of stairs and scaffolding.
  • Furniture manufacture.
    • Frames of soft and cabinet units and kits.
    • The main material for creating kitchen and garden furniture.
  • Architectural small forms for local children's playgrounds, parks and squares.
  • Production of containers.

Length - the size of the timber for building a house or other purposes is not as critical compared to the cross section. One of the length requirements is the integrity (without joints) of the timber for lining the walls before installing the roof or covering the next floor, the attic.

It is also desirable that the walls of the log house have at least several solid bars along the entire length of one wall. Lumber manufacturers, for the most part, have a fairly flexible policy regarding individual orders regarding the length of the product.

The standard length is considered to be 6, 2 and 3 meters, when, as with individual order you can easily purchase (paying extra for the work) 8-10 meter beams.

Now more about characteristic features various timber products.

Solid wood beam

The most popular ordinary timber is made from logs from trees of different species.

According to the processing method, it is divided into:

  • Planed.
  • Unplaned.

Unplaned timber is used in places where its surface treatment is not important.

Depending on the size of the section, it is called a bar with a thickness of up to 100 mm, and a bar with dimensions of 100 and above. The range of parameters of sections and lengths is the widest for this type of lumber and is limited only by the dimensions of the raw material.

For your information! Sections up to 250 mm are more common; manufacturers try to produce more bulky products for specific purposes or for individual orders.

Glued laminated timber

Glued laminated timber has a kind of reinforcement, as it is glued together with alternating fiber directions on the next board, which gives the material special strength. The next advantage of this lumber is the fact that laminated veneer lumber is practically not subject to shrinkage, due to its manufacture from well-dried wood.

Therefore, when choosing the dimensions of laminated veneer lumber for your construction project, you can firmly rely on the specified parameters. They will remain unchanged.

For your information!
If someone hears that laminated veneer lumber is somewhat worse than solid wood, then we will try to dispel these doubts.
The glued analogue is made by gluing together several boards (up to five pieces) exclusively from dry raw materials, using non-toxic adhesives.
This allows you to achieve excellent performance characteristics products, without loss of ability wooden materials"breathe"

Various manufacturers of laminated veneer lumber will present your choice of lumber with different sections, such as 150 mm, 210 mm, 270 mm and many others. The decision on the thickness of the timber purchased is up to you, do not forget - an unjustified increase in the thickness of the timber will negatively affect the cost of construction, because the price this type production is the highest.

Try to find a balance of properties depending on the thickness of the lumber: thermal (for the construction of buildings of various types) and aesthetics general view buildings outside.

Glued laminated timber for a rectangular house is produced, depending on the purpose, in the following range:

  • Wall - 140×160, 170×160, 140×200, 170×200, 140×240, 170×240, 140×280, 170×280 mm.
  • Floor beams - height from 85 to 1120 mm, width from 95 to 260 mm.
  • Window – 82x86, 82x115 mm.

Profiled timber

Know-how in the production of lumber - profiled timber is produced from solid wood or a prefabricated section (glued) with different geometries profile:

  • Comb.
  • Finnish.
  • Double, triple and others.

It is precisely giving the timber this configuration that makes it more interesting to construct. wooden houses. A log house made of profiled timber does not require subsequent finishing works ah outside, since other than good aesthetically pleasing, protected from penetration of cold and moisture.

The sizes of profiled timber are presented in the standard range 100x100, 100x150, 150x150, 150x200, 200x200 mm. But the manufacturer will always accommodate an order with individual parameters; again, the cost of the product will increase significantly with this service.

According to the thickness, profiled timber is used in this way:

  • 100 mm – lightweight wooden structures(verandas, gazebos, baths, outbuildings, etc.). This profile is also suitable for the construction of a summer house, which is used exclusively in summer time of the year. The profile of this thickness is two grooves, two tenons. In a cubic meter of lumber with a cross section of 100x150 - 11 pcs., 100x200 - 8 pcs.
  • 150 mm - construction of a house in regions with a mild climate. The profile of this lumber is a comb, which will protect the enclosing structures from freezing. A cubic meter of profiled timber 150x150 holds 7.4 pieces, 150x200 - 5.5 pieces.
  • 200 mm is the classic thickness of timber for housing construction. Such timber is more expensive, but its thermal characteristics allow the construction of reliable log houses without additional insulation. For these purposes, profiled timber with a section of 200x150, 200x200 mm is used. Number of units per cubic meter 200x150-5.5 pcs., 200x200-4 pcs.

To achieve better performance in terms of thermal insulation, you need to use a sealant, for example, jute felt.
It must be laid between the grooves to avoid the appearance of possible gaps.
The advantage of such a seal is that it will take the shape that is needed.

Standardly produced profiled timber is 6 meters long. But just as in the case of the configuration and parameters of the profile section, the manufacturer will take into account your wishes regarding the length.

Features related to construction

Finally, we will point out a few important points, which the average builder may not know about:

  • Secondly, all lumber should be treated with antiseptics and other protective equipment to increase their protection against insects and reduce the risk of accidental fire.

  • Thirdly, the process of laying timber is quite simple, but still requires certain knowledge in this matter; if you have never encountered such an action, it is better to entrust the work to specialists.

Wood is one of the the best materials for the construction of houses, baths, saunas. However, in order for lumber to fully reveal its advantages, you should carefully study its characteristics and make right choice. The source material is an ordinary round log. What kind of timber is there? This lumber most often has rectangular shape(less often - arbitrary) with a section thickness of 50-400 mm. IN modern construction it exists in several forms.

All types of timber on the building materials market

  • Solid (non-profiled) timber

Externally, it is a log, sawn on 4 sides, more than 50 mm wide. This material is the most popular in construction and has a multifunctional value. Wall structures are erected from ordinary timber, rafter system roofs, partitions between floors of the house. It may well be replaced wooden block. Considering what types of timber there are, it should be noted that the low cost of logs is explained by the ease of their processing. This means that the material requires additional protection.

The cross-section of the material can be from 150 to 220 mm, the humidity is natural. The diameter of the material is selected depending on the type of object being built: in the construction of houses for permanent residence, lumber with a diameter of 200-220 mm is used, for a sauna, bathhouse or cottage - 150-220 mm.

The ease of installation and low cost of non-profiled timber makes it one of the most popular in the construction industry.

Advantages of houses built from solid (non-profiled) timber

  1. Availability. Today this is one of the most popular offers. Unprofiled lumber can be purchased at any construction market. At the same time, after placing an order, you do not have to wait for a long time for delivery. The ease of preparing the material explains its ubiquity.
  2. Low cost. Considering the fact that the natural importance of the material is preserved, the process of its preparation is simplified as much as possible, which has a positive effect on the cost of the timber.
  3. Convenience and high speed of house assembly. No specialized equipment is needed to lay non-profiled timber. Installation work Carpenters can carry out 3-4 grades. Moreover, the assembly of a 6*6 m house is carried out in less than one week.

Disadvantages of houses built from solid timber

  1. The need for finishing work or planing. The best option is cladding with a block house or forcing. In addition, you will need to trim the excess jute after natural drying and shrinkage of the house.
  2. Non-compliance of non-profiled timber with GOST requirements (relates to the evenness of the cut and the size of the cross section). As a result, differences in the placement of crowns can reach 5 mm, and the seams can be different heights. The only way to minimize such problems is to purchase high-quality solid timber. In this case, the cost of solid material is as close as possible to the price of profiled timber.
  3. Fungal infection. During the harvesting process, the material is not subjected to special drying, which significantly increases the risk of wood being damaged by fungus. Today, more than 15% of non-profiled (solid) timber has this drawback. In this case, it is necessary to carry out antiseptic treatment, as a result of which the fungus is destroyed and its reappearance is prevented. However, this event significantly increases the cost of production.
  4. Imperfect appearance. Compared to its profiled counterpart, solid timber has a less attractive appearance. After planing the walls, the seams and insulation between the crowns may become noticeable.
  5. Corner connections are made without overhangs.
  6. Cracking of the material. As a result of shrinkage and shrinkage of the walls, noticeable cracks appear that spoil the aesthetics of the house. The solution to the problem is the exterior decoration of the building.
  7. Blowability of inter-crown seams. If there are no tongues and grooves when assembling the walls, the house will retain heat less well.

This type of material has a clear given parameters. It is presented in the form of a planting bowl with tongues and grooves; there are also vertical cuts, which greatly simplifies installation. In production, the log is cut with an accuracy of 1 mm.

The use of profiled timber in the construction of houses makes it possible to obtain a structure without cracks, which means that the risk of moisture getting inside the structure and wood rotting is reduced.

In addition, a house made from profiled lumber is very warm, which minimizes the use of insulation. It is worth noting the unsurpassed appearance. Such timber has smooth and even walls and does not require finishing. But profiled timber also has weak points. It must be properly dried, otherwise there is a risk that the house will “lead” over time. Its humidity is about 10%. Drying lumber requires significant areas, and the maintenance of such areas affects the cost of the final product.

Advantages of profiled timber

  1. Unsurpassed appearance. The use of this material allows you to build houses with ideal smooth walls. This eliminates the need for additional exterior finishing buildings.
  2. Connections are made with projections (into the bowl). Since the connections are created in the factory, they are smooth and high-strength, which ensures high reliability of the structure and uniform shrinkage during operation.
  3. There are tighter connections between the crowns and in the corners, which significantly increases the thermal characteristics of the structure and ensures minimal ventilation.
  4. There is no need to trim the jute and there is no need to caulk the house. The only exceptions may be end and corner connections.
  1. The need for a technological break during the construction of a house. It is caused by the fact that the material must dry. After assembling the structure, the house should “stand” for 10-12 months, after which you can proceed to finishing work.

Cracking of the material. Profiled lumber, like other types of timber, is made from solid wood, which inevitably entails the appearance of cracks.​

  • Glued laminated timber

Today they are most popular. In production this material from pine, larch, spruce or cedar. The log is sawn into boards, after which they are dried. Next, the lamellas are treated with protective compounds and glued together. One beam can have from 2 to 5 lamellas. The shape of the elements is cut out with maximum accuracy. The result is a high-quality, durable material with less than 1% shrinkage.


  1. The material is not subject to cracking.
  2. There is no need for finishing or additional processing.
  3. Minimal shrinkage and the risk that the structure will “lead.”
  4. The optimal moisture content of laminated timber will eliminate the risk of rotting and damage to the wood by microorganisms.
  5. Due to its high strength, this lumber can be used in highly complex projects.


  1. Relatively high cost (2-3 times more expensive than non-profiled lumber).
  2. The use of glue in production reduces the degree of its environmental friendliness in comparison with logs or profiled timber.
  3. The presence of glue impairs air exchange and moisture circulation.

Glued laminated timber – the best choice for “fast” construction. On a ready-made foundation, you can build a house in just 5-6 weeks.

If you decide to build a house from timber or are planning such a construction in the future, then first of all you need to calculate the amount of material that will need to be purchased. In order for your calculations to be correct, you need to know standard dimensions of timber and edged boards , since these materials are the most commonly used lumber in the construction of wooden houses and houses made of timber.

To calculate the number of cubes of profiled timber for building a house, you can use the timber calculator.

Usually, construction timber has the following dimensions:

  • 150*150 millimeters;
  • 100*150 millimeters;
  • 100*100 millimeters;
  • The small timber has dimensions of 40*40 mm and 50*50 mm.

The standard length of the timber is 6 meters; longer timber is made to order. When ordering such timber, you must take into account possible difficulties when transporting it, since not all types of transport are suitable for transporting material of this length. Standard sizes edged boards are 100 and 150 mm wide and 50, 40 and 25 mm thick. Like timber, the standard board length is 6 meters.

Dimensions of edged boards and timber according to GOST.

The dimensions of the timber are regulated by GOST and the products of any sawmill are focused on standardized dimensions. Sawmills are produced completely various products, such as: edged, unedged boards, bars and beams and so on.

By quality, deciduous wood is divided into 3 grades, coniferous - into 5. The highest grade lumber is called selected (marked with a horizontal stripe or the letter “O”), the remaining grades are marked with numbers 1-4 (marked with the corresponding number of dots, vertical stripes or just a number).

Table for all standard board sections GOST 8486.

Sections of boards, length in mm.

Mathematical operation

number of pieces in 1 m 3

1: 0.2m (width): 0.05m (thickness):6 (length)

1: 0.15m(width): 0.05m(thickness): 6(length)

1: 0.1m (width): 0.05m (thickness):6 (length)

1: 0.2m (width): 0.04m (thickness):6 (length)

1: 0.15m(width): 0.04m(thickness): 6(length)

1: 0.1m (width): 0.04m (thickness):6 (length)

1: 0.2m(width): 0.025m(thickness): 6(length)

1: 0.15m(width): 0.025m(thickness): 6(length)

1: 0.1m(width): 0.025m(thickness): 6(length)

Table for all standard sections of timber GOST 8486.

The quality of lumber is assessed based on the worst side or edge.

Types and symbols of wood.

First grade wood used to create elements building structures, windows, doors, stairs, finishing of floors and walls. The humidity of the variety should not exceed 22%.

Second grade of wood used for decking, load-bearing building structures (category II), formwork, lathing and planed parts. The humidity of the variety should not exceed 22%.

Third grade wood used for the production of load-bearing structures (category III). The humidity of the variety should not exceed 22%.

Fourth grade of wood Suitable for the manufacture of containers and small workpieces. The permissible humidity of the 4th grade is not standardized.

The designation of the timber indicates the material (board, block, timber), then a number is indicated that determines the type, type of wood (coniferous or other types of wood - pine, spruce, larch, cedar, fir). Then indicate the cross-sectional size in millimeters and the designations of a certain standard.

What does it look like: Board - 2 - spruce - 40 x 150 - GOST 8486-86

Some manufacturers also indicate the length and cubic capacity of the product: Board - 2 - larch - 40 x 150 x 6000 - GOST 8486-86 Quantity per cube: 27 pieces.

Measuring lumber.

To measure the length of lumber and blanks, you need to fix the shortest distance between the ends, and the width is measured anywhere, but at a distance of 150 millimeters.

The thickness of lumber is measured similarly at an arbitrary point with an indentation of 150 millimeters. The width of unedged lumber is determined at the middle of the length (excluding bark).

The volume of lumber is determined in cubic meters based on the dimensions determined by GOST 5306 - 83.

The cross-sectional dimensions (a x b) and length (L) of edged boards are determined by GOST 8486-86

  • 1 is the length - 6.5 meters, with gradation every 0.25 m.
  • a is the width of the edged board: 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275 mm.
  • b is the thickness of the edged board: 16, 19, 22, 25, 32, 40, 44, 50, 60, 75 mm.

How many pieces of edged board in 1 cubic meter lumber.

Board dimensions

Volume of 1st board

Boards in one cube (pieces)

The weight of 1 m 3 is calculated using the formula: M= V*P

  • M - weight.
  • V - volume
  • P is the density of wood, which depends on the type of wood, its humidity, place of growth, and the specific part of the trunk from which the board is made.

Table of densities of various woods.


Density, kg/m 3


Siberian fir

Poplar gray

Average density

horse chestnut

Common yew


White maple (sycamore)

Virginia maple (bird-eyed)



Switenia (mahogany)

Sycamore (plane tree)

Dense rocks

Pecan (cariah)

Olive Tree(olive)

Ceylon ebony (ebony)

Calculation example: let’s say you need to find out the weight of 1 m 3 of pine board: M = 1 cubic meter. m. *520 kg/cu.m. m. = 520 kg at a humidity of 12% (physical and mechanical properties of wood are calculated using this indicator)

For absolutely dry wood, the density will be lower (the equilibrium moisture content of wood for indoor use is 6-8%), and for natural moisture it will be higher. Natural humidity is not standardized and can vary from 30% - 80%.

timber is a board whose dimensions correspond to the following inequality: a/b< 2. Длина бруса будет равна длине обрезной доски. Custom sizes can always be made to order.

  • Size a (width) of the timber: 50, 60, 75, 100, 130, 150, 180, 200, 20, 250 millimeters.
  • b (thickness) 130, 150, 180, 200, 220, 250 millimeters.

The table shows the volume of timber 10 meters long, coniferous species. (m 3)


Thickness mm.

Width(s) and thickness(b) softwood: 16; 19; 22; 25; 32; 40; 44; 50; 60; 75 millimeters.

Width(s) thickness(b) hardwood: 19; 22; 25; 32; 40; 45; 50; 60; 70; 80; 90; 100 millimeters.

The length of the bars is equal to the length of the edged board.