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» What fertilizers should be applied when planting cucumbers. The right fertilizer for cucumbers when planting. Complex fertilizer for cucumbers

What fertilizers should be applied when planting cucumbers. The right fertilizer for cucumbers when planting. Complex fertilizer for cucumbers

Autumn preparation to growing cucumbers in open ground

Spring preparation for growing cucumbers in open ground

Planting cucumbers in a greenhouse

  • warming up the seeds;
  • cooling;
  • adding seeds to pots.

Features of recharge of various types of soil

Important to remember

Fertilizers for cucumbers in open ground

cucumbers grow well on fertile soil. On soddy-podzolic soils they should be planted in the second year after abundant application to the soil. organic fertilizers. During the short growing season, the crop needs to form a powerful leaf apparatus and a large number of fruits.

It is not recommended to plant cucumbers in fresh manure due to strong vegetation to the detriment of fruiting. Although fresh manure in a volume of 5-10 kg per 1 m2 can be applied under the predecessor or in the fall when digging the soil. Carbon dioxide, which is released during the decomposition of fresh manure, significantly improves physical properties soil.

The main organic fertilizer for cucumbers can be considered semi-rotted manure, which is applied during spring digging of the soil, in rows when sowing seeds or in holes when planting seedlings. For these purposes, you can also use waste greenhouse soil, compost mixture, humus soil or well-decomposed peat.

Of the entire norm of fertilizers prescribed for cucumbers, two-thirds should be applied for digging, and the remaining part - along with pre-sowing loosening of the soil, in rows when sowing or in holes when planting seedlings, as well as in fertilizing. In all cases, complete mineral fertilizer is added to the organic fertilizer: 90 g of nitrophoska or 50 g of nitroammophoska.

Complete mineral fertilizer can be replaced with a mixture of simple fertilizers, taking 20 g of urea, double superphosphate or ammophos, 20 g of potassium sulfate or 30 g of potassium magnesia per 1 m2. On acidic soils liming should be carried out (preferably under the previous crop) by adding 300-500 g dolomite flour per 1 m2 of plot.

You can apply the following set of fertilizers to the crop: 3 kg of humus and peat, 2 kg of sawdust to loosen the soil, 30-40 g of superphosphate and 10-15 g of potassium salt per 1 m2 of land. Fertilizers must be evenly distributed over the area and embedded in the soil to a depth of 20 cm by digging.

If you add granular superphosphate (5 g per 1 m2) to the rows when sowing, you can quickly get an early harvest of cucumbers. Powdered superphosphate must first be mixed with humus. Potassium fertilizers during spring tillage can be replaced with wood ash at the rate of 150-200 g per 1 m2.

Cucumbers in central Russia are usually grown through seedlings, which are fed twice with mullein (1:8) or chicken droppings(1:10). The first time fertilizing with a liquid solution is carried out 2 weeks after emergence.

The second feeding is given 2 days before planting seedlings, adding 15 g of mullein or bird droppings per 10 liters of solution. ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate and 20 g of superphosphate. The solution consumption is 1 glass per 2 plants.

After planting cucumbers on permanent place The soil needs to be fertilized every 10-15 days, combining it with watering. Before flowering, cucumbers primarily need nitrogen to promote stem growth and leaf formation. For nitrogen fertilizing, 1 liter of mullein or 10 g of urea is dissolved in 10 liters of water.

At the beginning of flowering, when applying liquid fertilizer based on mullein, microfertilizers are added to the solution (1 tablet per 1 liter of solution). You can also prepare an aqueous solution consisting of 10 liters of water, 0.5 g boric acid, 0.4 g of manganese sulfate and 0.1 g of zinc sulfate.

During the period of mass flowering, the need for phosphorus and potassium in cucumbers increases, and sandy loam soils they are often deficient in magnesium. Therefore, from the moment the buds form and throughout the entire flowering period, it is necessary to increase plant nutrition, using complete fertilizer. To do this, add 40 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potassium sulfate or 20 g of potassium magnesium to 10 liters of mullein solution. The solution consumption is 200-250 ml per plant.

For fertilizing, you can also use the following complex fertilizers: 25 g of nitroammophoska, “Stimul-1” or 30 g of garden fertilizer mixture with microelements, but without chlorine, per 10 liters of mullein solution. The solution consumption is 1 liter for 4-5 plants. If it is not possible to prepare a fertilizer solution based on mullein, the dose mineral fertilizers should be increased by 1.5 times.

During the period of active fruiting and when it subsides, cucumbers need nitrogen-potassium fertilizers. Fertilizing with soluble complex fertilizer (20 g per 1 m2) has a good effect, especially useful on light soils where plants may lack magnesium.

If cloudy weather sets in for a long period of time during the cucumber growing season, you need to foliar feeding urea (20 g per 10 liters of water).

To extend the fruiting period, fertilizing with phosphorus will be required. Superphosphate can be applied before watering or rain, but it is best with irrigation water. If there is sufficient phosphorus supply, cucumbers benefit from fertilizing with potassium nitrate, which does not contain chlorine, which is bad for cucumbers. In the absence of complex fertilizer, you can use a mixture of simple fertilizers, diluting 10 g of urea and 10 g of potassium sulfate or 20 g of potassium magnesia in 10 liters of water and using the resulting amount of fertilizer per 1 m2 of soil.

All watering of cucumbers can be combined with the addition of wood ash, a supplier of potassium and calcium (from 40 to 100 g of ash per 10 liters of water). Feeding with ash can also be done after rain.

Fertilizing with a week-old nettle infusion has a beneficial effect on cucumbers. The infusion should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:7 and watered the plants every other day.

How to grow cucumber seedlings

Fertilizers for bell pepper

How does a lack of nutrients manifest itself in plants?

Types of fertilizers

A non-seedling method of growing cucumbers

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Cucumber is delicious and healthy vegetable, widely used for preparing salads and canning. It is considered a rather capricious agricultural crop, so obtaining a rich harvest requires compliance with several rules for choosing a place for planting and fertilizing at various stages of cultivation. Adding fertilizers to the soil before planting cucumbers is the key to their rapid growth and active fruiting, so it is worth paying attention Special attention preliminary preparation of the soil in the bed allocated for them.

Fertilizing cucumbers before planting allows you to get excellent harvests in the future.

Autumn preparation for growing cucumbers in open ground

There are different opinions regarding the method of feeding the soil before planting seeds, and each summer resident independently chooses which technologies to use to fertilize the land before planting vegetables. Most gardeners are of the opinion that it is best to fertilize the soil in an area intended for growing cucumbers in the fall, since for complete dissolution mineral mixture, used to saturate the soil with nutrients, will require several months and a large amount of moisture.

Top dressing for cucumber seedlings grown using the open method is prepared taking into account the square footage of the plot, based on the calculation that for each square meter future beds require 3-4 buckets of rotted manure, 3-4 cups of wood ash and 80-100 g of nitrophoska. In the fall, the mixture is evenly applied to the area, which in the spring needs to be dug up and covered with a 15-centimeter layer of black soil.

Quail manure is applied to the garden bed in the fall

Spring preparation for growing cucumbers in open ground

If it was not possible to fertilize the soil in the fall, in the spring, at least a week before planting the seeds, in the place of the future cucumber bed, you need to dig a ditch about 40 cm deep, fill it with rotted manure, and cover the top with a 16-centimeter layer of fertile soil, after which the soil needs to be leveled, form sides and cover with thick film.

Only old manure can be added to the soil, since fresh mullein contains highly concentrated urea and nitrogen, which can burn young cucumber sprouts.

When fertilizing the soil, it is important to follow the proportions recommended by farmers, since an excessive amount of droppings on the site can cause the formation of voids in cucumber fruits and a decrease in yield.

Rotted hay, fallen leaves or sawdust are excellent fertilizers that can replace manure and fully fertilize the soil when planting cucumbers. Any of these substances is introduced into the prepared groove, compacted and covered with fertile soil, on which beds can already be formed.

In addition to replenishment made by gardeners themselves, ready-made complex fertilizers based on phosphorus and nitrogen, such as ammophos or diammophos, are also used. Due to their high mobility in the soil and easy solubility, phosphorus-nitrogen growth stimulants can be applied immediately before planting cucumbers.

Diammophos is suitable for fertilizing cucumbers before planting

Planting cucumbers in a greenhouse

Most often, cucumber seedlings with 4-5 true leaves are planted in greenhouses. Usually this number of leaves appears in the third week after the seeds hatch. Growing seedlings includes:

  • warming up the seeds;
  • moisturizing and fertilizing cucumber seeds;
  • cooling;
  • adding seeds to pots.

Seeds intended for growing seedlings are kept for a month in a warm room at a temperature not lower than +25 ° C, which will allow in the future to obtain uniform germination, earlier fruiting and a minimum amount of barren flowers. Before germination, heated cucumber seeds must be placed for an hour in a disinfectant solution made from 100 g of cool water and 30 g of garlic pulp.

After the destruction of pathogenic microbes, the seeds are placed for 12 hours in a cloth flap soaked in a nutrient solution, the preparation of which requires 1 tablespoon of water, 1 teaspoon of fine wood ash and the same amount of nitrophoska.

Then the grains are placed on a damp cloth, where they are kept for 2 days at a temperature of about +20 ° C. When the seeds have swollen and slightly hatched, they are transferred to the refrigerator for 24 hours. These manipulations allow you to harden future shoots. Note that the seeds of hybrid varieties of cucumbers do not require pre-sowing preparation.

To grow cucumber seedlings, use small containers 10-12 cm high filled with a nutritious soil mixture. This substance is obtained from 1 part of rotted sawdust, 2 parts of humus and 2 parts of peat. 10 l blanks for soil mixture fertilize with 1.5 tablespoons of nitrophoska and 2 tablespoons of wood ash. Place 1 sprouted seed in 1 pea. Seedlings are watered at least once a week. The presence of intense lighting is prerequisite normal growth of cucumber seedlings.

Before planting cucumber seedlings, the ground must be disinfected with potassium permanganate and sprinkled with phosphate fertilizer

Seedlings can be planted in greenhouse soil 27-30 days after sowing. Immediately before planting, the sprout must be fertilized with a solution obtained by mixing 3 liters of water and 3 teaspoons of nitroammofoska or nitrophoska.

Cucumber shoots are planted in warm earth, previously watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkled with a teaspoon of any phosphate fertilizer. When planting between seedlings, it is necessary to maintain an interval of 30-35 cm. This distance is sufficient for the full growth of the cucumber root system.

Features of recharge of various types of soil

Fertilize depleted or clay soil you can use a mixture made from 5-6 kg of mullein, 30 g of superphosphate, 18 g of potassium magnesia and 50 g of nitroammophosphate, which can be replaced with 18 g of ammonium nitrate. All fertilizer components are thoroughly mixed and evenly applied to a planting area of ​​1 square meter. m. Also, before planting cucumbers, 5 g of granulated superphosphate is poured onto each meter of the bed.

For full development on sandy loam soil, cucumber sprouts require additional fertilizers in the form of magnesium, therefore, when planting seedlings and seeds on such soils, the soil is enriched with appropriate organic-mineral mixtures.

Calimagnesia - fertilizer for clayey and depleted soils

Important to remember

For planting cucumbers, it is better to choose slightly shaded garden plots. The soil allocated for planting this crop should be thoroughly fertilized and heated with film. Seeds must be pre-soaked and subjected to disinfection treatment to avoid the development of various diseases.

Remember, cucumbers “love” phosphate and nitrogen fertilizers, as well as abundant watering.

Entry What fertilizers should be applied when planting cucumbers? SeloMoe appeared for the first time.

As any garden crop grows, it must be fed with nutrients. This is especially true for cucumbers cultivated in an open garden. Regular nutrition will help plants resist diseases and weather vagaries. In the article we will look at how cucumbers are fertilized in open ground, what feeding methods and stages exist.

With appropriate nutrition, cucumbers also do well in open gardens.

Stages of fertilizing cucumbers at a summer cottage

Fertilizers for cucumbers grown in open garden beds are applied in several stages.

Types of fertilizers for cucumbers

Apart from pre-fertilizing the soil, fertilizing cucumbers can be divided into root and foliar.

Root feeding of cucumbers, as the name suggests, is done by introducing nutrient mixtures directly to the root system. This does not mean that you need to pour fertilizer directly onto the roots by digging holes. It is enough to shed the soil around the plant well, being careful not to touch the green mass in order to avoid chemical burns of the vines and leaves.

Foliar feeding, on the contrary, involves applying nutrients directly on the tops, and, if necessary, on the ovary and even on the fruits. This fertilizing is carried out by irrigation or spraying. Nutrient solution for it it should be less concentrated than for root watering.

Fertilizing cucumbers with mineral fertilizers

Periodic inspection of the plants will help determine what fertilizers cucumbers need. If the leaves have faded and the cucumber vines have drooped, then the plants urgently need nutrition. Characteristic signs, indicating the need for feeding:

  • Cessation of growth, a bluish tint of young leaves indicates a lack of phosphorus.
  • Pale color of fruits and leaves, shortened and thickened fruits are symptoms of nitrogen deficiency.
  • Slow growth, pear-shaped cucumbers, and a light border along the edges of the leaves indicate potassium deficiency.
  • Powerful growth of green mass and slow development of ovaries are a sign of an excess of nitrogen.

Tip #1: The fertilizing solution should be warm, because cucumbers are very sensitive to cold. For mixing fertilizers, it is better to take hot water. During the cooking process, the liquid will cool to a temperature comfortable for the plant.

Application of organic fertilizers

The most effective organic fertilizer for an open cucumber bed is cow manure. The nutrients it contains provide complete nutrition, eliminating the need for additional fertilizers. Manure is applied in rotted form at the rate of 3-4 buckets per m² or used for irrigation in the form of a water infusion. To prepare mullein, take 1 part fresh manure to 10 parts water. Cucumbers are fed at the rate of 1 liter of the finished product per plant.

Chicken manure is sold dry in all gardening stores.

Cow manure can be replaced with chicken manure. The concentration of active ingredients in it is much higher, so before watering, chicken manure is diluted with water in proportions of 1:20. The application dose is the same - 1 liter. for 1 plant.

Non-standard ways to feed cucumbers

Old proven methods of feeding cucumbers using natural fertilizers and the use of improvised means are very popular among gardeners.

  1. Irrigation with whey. It's not only effective fertilizer for fruits, but also a completely safe means of combating powdery mildew. Lactic acid bacteria suppress the growth of “competitors” without harming the plant. The whey obtained from preparing cottage cheese is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed on the above-ground part of the plants. With the same success, diluted kefir, sour milk or yogurt (2 liters per bucket of water) are used.
  2. Infusion treatment onion peel. Take a glass of raw material per 8 liters of water, bring to a boil, then leave for 3 hours. Plant leaves are irrigated for foliar feeding and disease prevention.
  3. Fertilizing with an aqueous solution of ash. It is enough to take a glass of ash for a bucket of water. The resulting mixture is watered at the roots of the plants. This treatment can be carried out weekly throughout the entire growing season of cucumbers.
  4. Pre-sowing treatment of seeds with soda. Before planting, cucumber seeds are soaked in a one percent soda solution for a day, washed running water and dry it. This simple procedure increases seed germination by 10% and significantly increases yield.
  5. Spraying the tops with an infusion of rotted hay. This feeding prolongs the growing season of cucumbers and protects the vines from powdery mildew. The hay is soaked in a 1:1 ratio and left for two to three days. The resulting product is sprayed onto the plants 3 times with an interval of 7–8 days.

Ash can be applied to cucumbers either in dry form or as an aqueous solution.

Yeast as a fertilizer for open ground cucumbers has been used by gardeners not so long ago. This method is often perceived as something exotic, however, the results of yeast feeding are impressive. Cucumbers do not get sick, grow faster, the fruiting period begins 2 weeks earlier, the plants tolerate heat and cold precipitation well. Yeast contains B vitamins, proteins, amino acids, organic iron, microelements. Yeast feeding:

  • increases plant resistance to diseases and weather anomalies;
  • activates the rooting of seedlings;
  • stimulates the development of the root system, increasing the number of lateral roots by 10 times;
  • increases soil fertility, enriching it with phosphorus and nitrogen;
  • creates the prerequisite for the active reproduction of microorganisms in the soil, decomposing organic matter and improving the composition of the soil.

Another plus is significant savings on fertilizers.

For feeding, use briquetted or dry (necessarily not expired) yeast. Methods for preparing the infusion are given in the table:

Nettle and yeast make an effective complex fertilizer

Tip #2: Yeast enriches the soil with nitrogen, but the fermentation process depletes potassium and calcium. In this regard, yeast feeding is used no more than three times, accompanied by the addition of ash, mineral fertilizers or eggshell extract.

The main mistakes of gardeners

  1. Excessive feeding of cucumbers with urea.

Urea is a powerful fertilizer for any garden crops, concentration active substances she is very high. Therefore, you should strictly follow the recommended dosage - no more than 50 g per bucket of settled water. If you overfeed cucumbers with urea solution, you can completely lose the harvest. Do not water the cucumber bed with urea. hot weather in bright sunshine. It is better to do this in the evening, preferably before rain. If the weather is dry, the soil should be watered thoroughly before fertilizing.

  1. Horse manure as fertilizer.

Fresh horse dung You can’t put it under cucumbers! It contains a lot of ammonia, which is converted into nitrates in the soil. Cucumbers grown in such a bed become hazardous to health.

  1. Frequently spraying cucumberssoda solution.

For correct use baking soda in the garden, you need to know the dilution proportions, dosage, and observe the intervals for treating plants. Excessive use of soda leads to a concentration of sodium bicarbonate in the soil. This negatively affects the presentation of cucumbers and the intensity of fruiting. A saturated soda solution can completely destroy the plant.

  1. Fertilizing cucumbers with potassium chloride during the growing season.

Potassium fertilizers are necessary for normal development plants. However, cucumbers do not tolerate the chlorine contained in many nutritional mixtures. To minimize the risk of damage to plants, potassium chloride is added during the autumn digging of the bed. By spring, all chlorine is neutralized under the influence of snow and rain, leaving only necessary for plants potassium.

Potassium fertilizers help plants resist cold

The optimal source of potassium for an unprotected cucumber bed is potassium sulfate, otherwise potassium sulfate. It is a highly soluble grayish crystalline powder. The main thing is that it does not contain chlorine, so it can be added regardless of the growing season.

Answers to pressing questions from gardeners

Question No. 1: With sufficient watering, cucumber vines wither, the leaves lose turgor and sag. Additional soil moisture does not help. What is the reason?

There are signs of potassium deficiency. As potassium starvation intensifies, light green spots will appear on the leaves, which will soon become brown tint, similar to a burn mark. It is recommended to feed the cucumbers with potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate, potassium magnesium, and kalimag. It is permissible to use any complex fertilizer that contains potassium - nitrophoska, nitroammofoska, karboammofoska. The method of application and dosage are indicated on the packaging.

Question No. 2: What type of feeding (root or foliar) is more effective for open method growing cucumbers?

Root feeding is good in hot weather. If the summer is warm, root system plants are sufficiently developed to respond to root fertilization. In cold and cloudy weather, plants are fed by spraying the leaves with nutrient solutions.

Question No. 3: What are green manure fertilizers? Can they be used for cucumbers?

Green manures are predecessor plants, the green mass of which is used as organic fertilizer for the subsequent crop. Can be used as green manure fertilizer for cucumbers white mustard, oats, rye, oilseed radish. These crops are sown in beds freed up after harvesting. In autumn or spring they are dug up along with brilliant green.

Question No. 4: Despite observing all feeding periods, cucumbers have stopped developing. What is the reason?

This is how plants react to boron deficiency. Uogurtsov stops the growth point. It is recommended to add 2 g of boric acid to each bucket with a solution during the first feeding.

Question No. 5: Why does applying fertilizers not give the desired effect?

It depends on the composition of the soil. In order for plants to absorb nutrients as much as possible, the soil must be neutral. Before applying fertilizers, acidic soils are treated with lime, ash, dolomite flour, and chalk.

Cucumbers are one of the most popular crops grown in personal plots and farms. Each gardener has his own methods for planting cucumbers in open ground or a greenhouse, thanks to which he can obtain high yields. But the main secret lies in observing general rules agricultural technologies, which will be discussed in this article.

We will look at the varieties that can be planted in the Urals or in the Moscow region, we will tell you at what correct depth to plant the seed, how to fertilize the seedlings and how to fertilize the soil in a polycarbonate greenhouse.

Planting seeds or seedlings begins from the second half of May until June 15. At this time, there is still a danger of night frosts or a drop in temperature below 12 degrees, so the beds need protection.

It is constructed using polyethylene film or agrofibre. During the daytime, plants open to enrich them with oxygen and receive sunlight, which are very important for normal vegetation.

At seedling method When growing greens, the timing of transferring seedlings to an open garden bed is taken into account.

As a rule, from the moment of planting in the spring until transplantation, 3-4 weeks pass. It is not worth keeping young shoots in greenhouse conditions; this disrupts the rhythm of plant development and reduces the formation of ovaries.

The most popular varieties

For planting in the Urals

Hybrid of parthenocarpic type with a growing season of 40-45 days. Fruit length up to 12 cm and weight up to 110 grams have excellent taste and high commercial qualities. The plant is resistant to cladosporiosis, downy mildew, and cucumber mosaic.

A bee-pollinated, early-ripening hybrid that produces fruits weighing up to 118 grams, length up to 15 cm. Its universal use and excellent taste have made the crop popular for use and planting in regions with difficult climatic conditions.

Features of Amur: self-regulating branching, intensive fruit formation, long shelf life.

Cold-resistant plant with long fruits up to 17 cm. The hybrid is resistant to downy mildew and cucumber mosaic. The type of flowering is predominantly female.

The hybrid is characterized good development side shoots even if planted in low light conditions.

To plant in the Moscow region

An early-ripening hybrid that produces fruits weighing up to 200 grams. The length of the greenery reaches 15-25 cm, the flesh is tender without any bitter aftertaste. The peculiarity of the variety is the absence of yellowness on overripe vegetables. Tolerance to fungal diseases and spider mites is noted.

The growing season lasts about 55 days. Zelentsy at the stage of maturity reach length 8-10 cm, weights – 100g. The whip grows up to 1.8 m and is highly branched. The culture is characterized by resistance to bacteriosis and downy mildew.

An ideal cucumber for pickling, the length of the fruit reaches 12-14 cm, weight - 100-120 grams. Harvesting can be planned 35-45 days after sprouts germinate above the soil surface.

Strong immunity is manifested in the plant’s resistance to fungal infections and pests.

Hybrid universal application with a growing season of 46-50 days. On one vine, fruits weighing 120-125 grams. The composition of greens is rich in ascorbic acid and sugar, which gives the taste interesting notes. The vegetable is suitable for consumption fresh and processed.

To plant in Ukraine

The plant can withstand heat, which is why the hybrid is incredibly popular in the southern part of Ukraine. The crop requires pollination; the ripening period allows harvesting to begin 45 days after emergence. Fetal weight within 90-110 grams.

The greens ripen quickly, their sizes are small, but they can be removed from the bush within a season average 1.8 kg. The variety is bee-pollinated, resistant to diseases and pests. Young shoots quickly adapt to a new environment when transplanted.

- a mid-season representative of cucumbers, producing generous harvests. The Nizhyn hybrid is tolerant to various diseases and is resistant to temperature changes.

The fruits retain their taste even when pickled. The greens are collected 47-60 days after the sprouts appear above the ground surface. Removed from one lash up to 1.2 kg of cucumbers.

The spreading lash does not need pinching, but the plant is quite demanding of moisture. Rewards owners for proper care bountiful harvest, and most importantly early. The growing season lasts only 35 days. The weight of the greens reaches 120 g at length 12-13 cm.

The peculiarity of the hybrid is the absence of yellowness even in an overripe state.

Rules for planting cucumbers in open ground and a polycarbonate greenhouse

Cucumbers are planted in open beds after the night temperature has been established. not lower than 10 degrees. If you sow a seed in a greenhouse or greenhouse, the temperature conditions are milder.

Selecting seedlings for sowing in spring

If seedlings are grown independently, then the timing of sowing the variety should be taken into account. Early varieties disembark late March – early April. Mid-season and late greens are sown for seedlings, starting from April 15.

When choosing seedlings on the market, you should take into account the following factors:

  • the age of seedlings should not be older than 30-35 days;
  • stem height reaches 25-30 cm;
  • the length of the subcotyledonous knee does not exceed 5 cm, thickness from 0.6 to 1 cm;
  • white pimples (the rudiments of roots) are visible on the subcotyledon;
  • the number of formed sheets is 5-6, the diameter of the lower ones reaches 16-20 cm.

The root system of cucumbers is poorly developed, so there is a high probability of its damage during transplantation. In order not to injure the plant, many gardeners use it to sow and grow seedlings. peat or paper pots, from which there is no need to remove the shoot when transferring it to the garden bed.

Preparing the bed before growing

Cucumbers love light and fertile soil, so you need to start preparing by choosing a location.

It is preferable to place the beds from north to south, then there will be no problems with lighting. More suitable as soil food cow dung, the plant reacts very positively to it. In the fall, mullein is introduced into the plot in a rotted form (5-6 kg per 1 m2).

You can also enrich the soil immediately before planting by watering it with a tincture of manure (1 part organic matter to 5 parts water).

A good alternative to mullein is chicken droppings. Even less of it is used to prepare the tincture (1 part of droppings to 20 parts of water). Complex mineral fertilizers are also suitable.

Most effective method growing cucumbers in open ground is arrangement of warm beds with a height of at least 25 cm. An organic pillow will create a favorable temperature for the germination of seedlings and the development of young shoots. You can harvest the crop 7-10 days earlier than usual.

Warm beds- the most effective way to grow cucumbers


The disembarkation is carried out in cloudy weather or in the evening, to Sun rays The transplanted shoots did not dry out. A few days before transplanting, the seedlings need to be watered abundantly and fed with fertilizers. This will help her quickly adapt to new conditions.

The holes on the site are planned at such a distance from each other that it is comfortable for the plants to develop and form vines. Each variety has certain stem dimensions, which are taken into account when drawing up the diagram. Bush cucumbers are planted 5-6 plants per 1 m2, tall crops – 3-4 shoots per 1 m2.

Place the seedling into the prepared, moistened hole. along with the land lump. It is not worth deepening the subcotyledonous knee. The surface of the soil is not pressed down too much, so as not to damage the sensitive shoots of the roots.

Necessary care of seedlings after planting

You need to water the garden bed regularly in the evening hours (and preferably at about the same time).

The water temperature should not fall below 18 degrees. You need to direct the stream onto the soil between the rows; you should not spray the leaves. Before flowering begins, irrigation is carried out in moderation (1-2 times a week). The rates of liquid used increase during the fruiting period (from 1 liter to 3 liters).

It is recommended to carry out several times per season hilling. This procedure will allow the root system to better form and grow additional roots, which will make the plant more resistant to fungal diseases.

Loosening and weeding usually combined. At least 3-4 procedures will be required per season. Loosening enriches the soil with oxygen and prevents moisture stagnation. Weeding eliminates the thickening of the planting; weeds attract insects and create shade, which activates spores and harmful microorganisms that attack cucumbers.

Correct formation cucumber lashes are one of the important conditions care

Caring for cucumber beds includes whip formation. This procedure is aimed at the development of side shoots, on which a large number of female flowers are formed. To do this, pinch the central stem above 5-6 leaves.

Bushes need shaping mid-season and late varieties Zelentsov. Early ripening plants do not need to be pinched.

What mineral and organic fertilizers can be used

Fertilized bed with nutrients for preparatory stage does not provide the developing shoot with all the necessary microelements.

After emergence of seedlings, carry out root(once every 3 weeks) and foliar(weekly) feeding. Organic matter and mineral fertilizers are used as food.

For foliar treatments it is used solution based on manure or bird droppings. Root feeding involves the use of the following products:

  • “Agricola 5 for cucumbers” - 1 tbsp. l. per bucket of water (3-4 liters per 1 m2);
  • “Energen” - 2 capsules per bucket of water (3 liters per 1 m2);
  • "Effecton-O" - 2 tbsp. l. per bucket of water (4 liters per 1 m2);
  • "Agricola Vegeta" - 2 tbsp. l. + nitrophoska 1 tbsp. l. per bucket of water (5 liters per 1 m2).

Agricola - for root


Some gardeners make mistakes when growing greens, which leads to lower yields.

Among the main ones:

  • usage low quality seeds(poor germination is observed seed material, absence of ovaries);
  • good filling of the soil before planting with fertilizers, which does not provide for further complementary feeding (this is a misconception, because the root system of cucumbers better accepts nutrition from weakly concentrated solutions, and an excess of microelements negatively affects the growing season);
  • growing seedlings large sizes(you need to focus not on the size, but on the timing, they should not exceed 35 days);
  • oversaturation of the soil nitrogen fertilizers (this leads to rapid growth of tops and reduces the formation of ovaries);
  • use for irrigation cold water (the plant develops slowly, practically does not bloom);
  • lack of techniques for forming a lash (pinching and removing side shoots is aimed at increasing the ovaries and providing sufficient nutrition for the whole plant).

Diseases, pests and good methods of control

Even with proper care, cucumber beds are not protected from the invasion of pests and diseases. Of course, the risk of damage to healthy, well-groomed plants is small, but the danger exists. Therefore it is important instant reaction on the part of gardeners when the first signs of a problem are detected.

The following diseases are considered dangerous to the crop.

  • It primarily affects foliage, spreading further along the stems and petioles. Recognized by its characteristic white spots. Treatment methods: removal from the garden and disposal of affected bushes, treatment of cucumbers with ground sulfur powder (3 g per 1 m2), spraying with a solution of colloidal sulfur (25 g of 0.3% sulfur per bucket of water).
  • (false powdery mildew) appears as yellow-green spots with a light coating on the upper part of the bush. The disease spreads quickly and can destroy an entire garden bed in a short period of time. Treatment methods: spraying with a milk solution (1 liter of milk and 10 drops of iodine per bucket of water), treating the crop with Bordeaux mixture.
  • affects all parts of the plant, forming mucus and a light coating. It is formed as a result of waterlogging, thickening of planting and temperature changes. Transmitted through soil and seeds. Control methods: regulation of the watering regime, disinfection of the beds with a solution of water (10 l), copper sulfate(2 g.) and urea (10 g.). Affected bushes need to be disposed of and replaced.
  • Root rot recognized by the weak development of the plant and its wilting, which occurs as a result of root rotting. The reasons may lie in high humidity, temperature changes, soil or seed contamination. Control methods: regulating watering, pruning affected areas of the plant, dusting the soil with crushed lime (up to 200 g per 1 m2).

No less dangerous to cucumbers are harmful insects:

  • melon aphid(if detected, spray with a solution of ash at the rate of 200 g per 10 liters of water + 50 g of grated laundry soap, use the drug “Inta-Vir”);
  • spider mite(periodic spraying with infusions of onion peels or garlic will help);
  • ants(dust the soil with lime, move the nests outside the garden bed);
  • slugs(installation of traps for collecting pests, treatment with Metaldehyde);
  • whitefly(treatment with the drug "Inta-Vir").

The agricultural technology of cucumbers, although it has some peculiarities, is quite feasible for any owner. If there is a desire to experiment, then the test should be done on several bushes, and not on the entire bed. Then the future harvest will definitely be safe.

Fertilizers for cucumbers in open ground

Cucumbers grow well in fertile soil. On soddy-podzolic soils, they should be planted in the second year after abundant application of organic fertilizers to the soil. During the short growing season, the crop needs to form a powerful leaf apparatus and a large number of fruits.
It is not recommended to plant cucumbers in fresh manure due to strong vegetation to the detriment of fruiting. Although fresh manure in a volume of 5-10 kg per 1 m2 can be applied under the predecessor or in the fall when digging the soil. Carbon dioxide, which is released during the decomposition of fresh manure, significantly improves the physical properties of the soil.

The main organic fertilizer for cucumbers can be considered semi-rotted manure, which is applied during spring digging of the soil, in rows when sowing seeds or in holes when planting seedlings. For these purposes, you can also use waste greenhouse soil, compost mixture, humus soil or well-decomposed peat.
Of the entire norm of fertilizers prescribed for cucumbers, two-thirds should be applied for digging, and the remaining part - along with pre-sowing loosening of the soil, in rows when sowing or in holes when planting seedlings, as well as in fertilizing. In all cases, complete mineral fertilizer is added to the organic fertilizer: 90 g of nitrophoska or 50 g of nitroammophoska.
Complete mineral fertilizer can be replaced with a mixture of simple fertilizers, taking 20 g of urea, double superphosphate or ammophos, 20 g of potassium sulfate or 30 g of potassium magnesia per 1 m2. On acidic soils, liming should be carried out (preferably under the previous crop) by adding 300-500 g of dolomite flour per 1 m2 of plot.
You can apply the following set of fertilizers to the crop: 3 kg of humus and peat, 2 kg of sawdust to loosen the soil, 30-40 g of superphosphate and 10-15 g of potassium salt per 1 m2 of land. Fertilizers must be evenly distributed over the area and embedded in the soil to a depth of 20 cm by digging.
If you add granular superphosphate (5 g per 1 m2) to the rows when sowing, you can quickly get an early harvest of cucumbers. Powdered superphosphate must first be mixed with humus. Potassium fertilizers during spring tillage can be replaced with wood ash at the rate of 150-200 g per 1 m2.
Cucumbers in central Russia are usually grown through seedlings, which are fed twice with mullein (1:8) or chicken manure (1:10). The first time fertilizing with a liquid solution is carried out 2 weeks after emergence.
The second feeding is given 2 days before planting seedlings, adding 15 g of ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate and 20 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of mullein or bird droppings solution. The solution consumption is 1 glass per 2 plants.
After planting cucumbers in a permanent place in the ground, you need to fertilize every 10-15 days, combining them with watering. Before flowering, cucumbers primarily need nitrogen to promote stem growth and leaf formation. For nitrogen fertilizing, 1 liter of mullein or 10 g of urea is dissolved in 10 liters of water.
At the beginning of flowering, when applying liquid fertilizer based on mullein, microfertilizers are added to the solution (1 tablet per 1 liter of solution). You can also prepare an aqueous solution consisting of 10 liters of water, 0.5 g of boric acid, 0.4 g of manganese sulfate and 0.1 g of zinc sulfate.
During the period of mass flowering, cucumbers have an increased need for phosphorus and potassium, and on sandy loam soils they often lack magnesium. Therefore, from the moment the buds form and throughout the entire flowering period, it is necessary to increase plant nutrition, using complete fertilizer. To do this, add 40 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potassium sulfate or 20 g of potassium magnesium to 10 liters of mullein solution. The solution consumption is 200-250 ml per plant.
For fertilizing, you can also use the following complex fertilizers: 25 g of nitroammophoska, “Stimul-1” or 30 g of garden fertilizer mixture with microelements, but without chlorine, per 10 liters of mullein solution. The solution consumption is 1 liter for 4-5 plants. If it is not possible to prepare a fertilizer solution based on mullein, the dose of mineral fertilizers should be increased by 1.5 times.
During the period of active fruiting and when it subsides, cucumbers need nitrogen-potassium fertilizers. Fertilizing with soluble complex fertilizer (20 g per 1 m2) has a good effect, especially useful on light soils where plants may lack magnesium.
If cloudy weather sets in for a long period of time during the cucumber growing season, you need to carry out foliar feeding with urea (20 g per 10 liters of water).
To extend the fruiting period, fertilizing with phosphorus will be required. Superphosphate can be applied before watering or rain, but it is best with irrigation water. If there is sufficient phosphorus supply, cucumbers benefit from fertilizing with potassium nitrate, which does not contain chlorine, which is bad for cucumbers. In the absence of complex fertilizer, you can use a mixture of simple fertilizers, diluting 10 g of urea and 10 g of potassium sulfate or 20 g of potassium magnesia in 10 liters of water and using the resulting amount of fertilizer per 1 m2 of soil.
All watering of cucumbers can be combined with the addition of wood ash, a supplier of potassium and calcium (from 40 to 100 g of ash per 10 liters of water). Feeding with ash can also be done after rain.
Fertilizing with a week-old nettle infusion has a beneficial effect on cucumbers. The infusion should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:7 and watered the plants every other day.

Cucumber is a crop that is demanding on the fertility of the soil mixture. However, the plant does not tolerate high concentrations. nutrients, which means they will have to be fertilized throughout the growing season. Pre-sowing site preparation and the application of fertilizers during planting are important. Let's find out what fertilizers cucumbers need when planting, and in what quantities they should be applied.

Article outline

Nutrients for cucumbers

For good harvest It is necessary to ensure a balance of nutrients in feeding.

When choosing what to add to cucumbers, you should take into account the growing season and the plant’s needs for at this stage development.

In open ground, the average consumption of one plant is:

  • nitrogen – up to 25 g;
  • potassium – up to 58 g;
  • phosphorus – up to 15 g;
  • magnesium – up to 5 g;
  • calcium – up to 20 g.

Nitrogen fertilizing

Cucumbers, unlike tomatoes, need nitrogen at almost all stages of the growing season.

The supply of this element is especially important at the stage of increasing the vegetative mass at the very beginning of the growing season.

Accordingly, it is best to apply nitrogen fertilizing during the initial digging in the spring and during planting.

Or are used as nitrogen fertilizers.

When choosing a mineral additive, keep in mind that urea does not work in cold soil, so adding it to cold soil in early spring ineffective, it is better to use ammonium nitrate.

But for spraying while growing vegetative mass, urea is suitable. In addition, this fertilizer in certain doses plays the role of a fungicide and will prevent certain diseases of cucumbers.

Nitrogen in large quantities is in fresh . Organic matter saturates the soil with humus, which cucumbers love so much. During autumn digging, you can add fresh manure; in spring, it is better to use humus.

Phosphorus supplements

Phosphorus – important element, cucumbers need it in small dosages, but the supply of this element must be regular.

Phosphorus stimulates the development of the root system, which in cucumbers is much smaller compared to the above-ground part.

In addition, phosphorus is involved in photosynthesis processes and is also responsible for the growth of green mass.

Phosphorus is especially needed during the formation of ovaries and at the stage of technical ripeness of fruits. To replenish this element, all types of superphosphates are used:

  • monophosphate,

The first two fertilizers are applied to the soil in the fall. It is better to use ammophos in spring digging, as this agrochemical contains nitrogen.

Note! Phosphorus is converted into a form that can be absorbed by cucumbers only after a year. Partial decomposition begins after six months. Therefore, dry superphosphates are incorporated into the soil in the fall. In the spring and during the growing season, prepare a solution and water the plants with it.

The lack of phosphorus can also be compensated by organic matter, for example, bone meal, which can be used directly during planting, or manure, which is incorporated into the soil in the fall.

Potassium supplements

Potassium is the most necessary element for normal fruiting of cucumbers.

Its supply during the growing season should be uniform, since this element is responsible for the movement of other nutrients from the roots to other parts of the plant in the above-ground part.

At the fruiting stage, the amount of potassium is increased, and nitrogen supplements, on the contrary, are reduced.

If there is not enough potassium during the period of fruit ripening, they become deformed, the taste becomes bitter, and the shelf life of the product decreases.

Cucumbers react negatively to chlorine, so to replenish potassium in the spring, use:

  • potassium sulfate,

You can fertilize the soil for cucumbers with potassium chloride only in the fall.

Chlorine is a mobile element, and by spring it will be completely washed out of the soil by precipitation. From organic fertilizers, ash will compensate for the lack of potassium.

Autumn and spring preparation of a plot for cucumbers

There is a universal recipe for digging up an area reserved for cucumbers in autumn and spring:

  • 5 kg – 10 kg of rotted manure/3 cups of ash/80 g – 100 g of nitrophoska/m².

They will improve the soil structure and saturate it with nutrients.

The first fertilizing when planting seeds is carried out no earlier than 10 days after the appearance of the first seedlings. In the future, fertilizing of cucumbers is also carried out every ten days, alternating application at the root and spraying on the leaf.

Fertilizers when planting cucumber seedlings

Cucumber seedlings do not tolerate transplantation well. Therefore, many farmers use peat pots for seedlings that are simply buried in pre-prepared planting holes.

In this case, there is no damage to the roots, and the seedlings take root better in the new location.

The seedlings are carefully removed from ordinary plastic cups; before transplanting, the soil under the seedlings must be moistened.

The planting holes are also pre-watered; before watering, a teaspoon of ammophos or a tablespoon of bone meal is added. Since cucumbers also need calcium large quantities, you can put a pinch of ground eggshells in the hole.

Fertilizers for cucumbers during the growing season

For the first time, fertilizing is carried out after the seedlings have completely rooted, but only if they look weakened.

Only nitrogen agrochemicals are used: slurry at the root or urea for spraying the above-ground part.

If the seedlings were fed before planting and after rooting they look quite healthy, then the first fertilizer is postponed until flowering and the same nitrogen fertilizers are used.

The second feeding is carried out at the beginning of fruiting and stimulates its duration.

During this period, plants actively consume nutrients, especially potassium. Phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers are applied in smaller quantities.

Carry out the second application in stages. When the first fruits form, cucumbers are watered:

  • 15 g (tbsp)/10 l.

After a week, the plants are fertilized at the root with the addition of potassium salt:

  • mullein 500 ml/potassium salt 5 g (tsp)/10 l.

In the future, all fertilizers are applied at intervals of one week. Can be used folk recipes: yeast solution, nettle infusion. Humates and growth stimulants will be appropriate.

How to Determine Nutrient Deficiency in Cucumbers

Nutrient deficiencies can be determined visually by appearance cucumbers:

Despite the need for regular feeding, cucumbers are very responsive to care. Follow the rules of planting and fertilizing, and the plants will thank you with abundant fruiting.