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» Feeding a child at 2 months. Complementary foods for two to three months. Introducing fruit juices

Feeding a child at 2 months. Complementary foods for two to three months. Introducing fruit juices

Despite the fact that pediatricians used to advise trying juice or other liquid complementary foods, starting at almost 3 weeks of a child's life, modern studies have proven the harmfulness of such recommendations.

Early introduction of complementary foods increases the risk of rejection of breastfeeding, gastrointestinal disorders in children and allergic reactions, as well as an increase in complications of colds. Therefore, it is advisable to leave the child exclusively breastfed for up to 6 months and not introduce anything, not even water (after all, breast milk is 87% water).

How to start complementary foods at 2 months

Complementary feeding of a child aged 2 months is better not to start.

If you think that you do not have enough milk or it is of poor quality, first try to determine whether this is actually the case.

Know that at 2 months lactation has already been established and the amount of milk directly depends on the frequency of feeding: the more often you put the baby on the breast, the more milk. It is very difficult to influence the quality of milk in general, but of course, it is desirable for a nursing mother to eat natural and varied foods, including vegetables and fruits, which will favorably affect the composition of milk.

What can be given at 2 months

At 2 months, the baby can be given breast milk. and according to indications - an adapted mixture. Nothing more can be given.

If the baby rarely goes to the toilet and is not gaining weight well, then it would be more correct to try to increase lactation and optimize the attachment of the baby to the breast, following the advice on this site or calling a breastfeeding consultant to your home. Only if this does not work and the baby begins to lose weight, think about dokorme.

First of all, your expressed milk or donor milk acts as a supplement, and only if this option is not possible, you need to choose an infant formula. This question is best agreed with the pediatrician.

What kind of porridge to start complementary foods at 2 months

Any cereals and juices for a child at 2 months are prohibited - this is fraught with problems with the gastrointestinal tract and other systems of his body.

Complementary food table at 2 months

The feeding table at 2 months does not make sense. It is not recommended to introduce complementary foods at this age. If you have to either formula or temporarily switch to expressed milk, it is best to discuss your feeding schedule with your breastfeeding consultant and/or pediatrician. It may depend on the mixture chosen or on your specific situation.

Incorrect complementary foods at 2 months

Any complementary foods for a baby at two months can be considered wrong.
Despite the traditions of early introduction of complementary foods in different countries and widespread myths about the “nutritional deficiency” of breast milk, no cereals and juices “for dating”, even in a single case, the baby does not need at least 6 months, moreover, it is very harmful.

More details about this are also written in the answer about the introduction of complementary foods at 1 month - to my surprise, it turns out that we also have parents who have been trying to cram "adult" food into the baby almost from birth.

Complementary foods at 2 months on artificial feeding

If your baby is formula-fed at 2 months, this does not mean that you need to introduce complementary foods. Do not experiment with this yet - keep your baby healthy!

Having saved on mixtures, you can not only think about super-cosmetics like at the link, but also find many other interesting things and activities for yourself and your baby. After all, you always want to be beautiful, no matter how many months your child is;)

In the second month of life, the child begins to explore the world. A variety of surrounding objects, the voices of mom and dad, the smiles of people begin to attract a two-month-old baby. He will have to gain about 800 g of weight, grow by 3 cm, learn to hold his head upright and move his arms and legs more actively. All this requires a lot of energy. To receive it, the child's nutrition at 2 months is directed.

But how much can your baby now eat in one feeding? Here you need to consider whether he is breastfeeding, mixed or artificial feeding.

Breastfeeding is the easiest option. After all, nature itself took care that the amount of milk from the mother increased with the increase in the needs of the baby.

Pediatricians talk about the need to feed the baby "on demand". In this case, you should not worry about the amount of milk eaten. The volume can change during the day, but the baby will take “his own” and won’t eat more than he needs, because at 2 months there is still a natural instinct to control nutrition.

This is true if the child does not cry between feedings, falls asleep and wakes up at approximately equal intervals of time, and gains weight well. When a mother’s body fails and insufficient milk is produced, it is necessary to seek the advice of a breastfeeding specialist.

Try to empty your chest in a timely manner. The child has not drunk, - express everything to the last drop. The reflex will work, and by the next feeding there will be a little more milk. Just don't panic. Excitement, anxiety, stress are bad allies for mom.

Breastfeeding a 2-month-old is chaotic as the regimen has not yet had time to take hold. To improve the psychological state of the child, they are applied to the chest as often as possible: being next to the mother, the baby will feel the necessary warmth and care.

The regimen for a two-month-old, as a rule, includes from 5 to 7 feedings per day at various intervals. But deviations are possible, and there is nothing to worry about.

mixed feeding

If the specialist has determined that the mother does not have enough milk for a 2-month-old baby, the baby is transferred to mixed feeding. Preliminary, control feeding is carried out during the day, the baby is weighed on an empty stomach and an analysis of the current weight gain is carried out. Only after an objective medical assessment of the collected data can we talk about the need for supplementary feeding (the specialist will have to determine its norm).

It may happen that you have to supplement with expressed mother's milk. This is the safest option for the child, although it adds to the hassle of parents. Doctors recommend creating your own home bank by freezing expressed milk.

Supplementation with donor milk

A worthy alternative to the previous method is supplementary feeding of the child with the milk of a wet nurse. For many reasons, this option is better than using infant formula. There are donor milk banks in Russia, but the network is underdeveloped.

Such milk is stored:

  • 8 hours at room temperature;
  • 5 days in the refrigerator;
  • 3 months in the freezer.

Sometimes moms and dads, posting information on social networks, asking friends, agree without intermediaries. But here we must remember that not only useful, but also harmful is transmitted with milk. Therefore, an independent search for a nurse is extremely dangerous.

Supplementation with infant formula

For supplementary feeding of a 2-month-old baby, highly adapted mixtures are used - hydrolysates. They are specially made less tasty than breast milk, so that the child does not refuse the breast at all. A specialist should help with the choice of such a mixture.

With mixed feeding, the diet of the crumbs "on demand" is maintained. Both breasts are given at the beginning of feeding, and only then - hydrolyzate. Feeding with the mixture is carried out strictly according to the regimen: by the hour, during the daytime, with the obligatory control of urination. Supplementation is given from a syringe, spoon or special system, but not from a bottle.

Mom retains the ability to restore or. A lactation consultant or pro-breastfeeding pediatrician will help set up supplements and remove them when possible.

Benefits of mixed feeding:

  • protecting the child from allergies;
  • together with mother's milk, the baby receives antibodies;
  • Mom has a chance to restore lactation.

The complex science of artificial feeding

Artificial feeding is introduced when the mother cannot feed the child herself due to objective reasons (unwillingness to “spoil” the shape of the breast or “mess around” with the baby does not apply to those). A complete transition to formula feeding should be justified, and the arguments - weighty.

Even a newborn can drink from a bottle. In an emergency, a child is given whole cow's milk, but it is necessary to find an adapted formula on the advice of a specialist as soon as possible. A pediatrician will help you calculate the number of servings and determine the feeding regimen. But parents themselves should collect information on this issue.

Initially, it is better to feed the child when he asks for food. A clear and understandable feeding schedule will gradually form. Even the most expensive and high-quality formula is absorbed worse than breast milk and takes longer to digest. Therefore, when switching to artificial nutrition, the breaks between feedings can increase up to 3-4 hours.

An approximate regimen for a baby at 2 months is as follows:

  • 6 to 7 feedings per day;
  • the norm of a single serving is 120-150 ml.

Don't be too quick to worry if your baby hasn't eaten everything at the time of feeding. Most likely, in 1-2 days he will receive his norm. And don't force yourself to eat. This can lead to profuse regurgitation and abdominal pain. But do not hesitate to consult a doctor if it seems to you that the baby is not eating enough.

Adherents of the principles of free artificial feeding recommend not to reduce the intervals between feedings, but to offer the amount of the mixture at the request of the child. As a rule, this mode provides weight gain and good absorption of food. At each feeding, about 20 ml more than the norm is poured into the bottle, allowing the baby to independently determine his needs.

How to determine the amount of the mixture?

There are many formulas for determining the amount of formula for artificial feeding.

Simplified calculation for a child under the age of 2 months. Divide your baby's current weight by five. This will be approximately 600-800 ml with 7-8 feedings per day with a night break of 5-6 hours. How many milliliters to give at a time? Divide the daily amount of formula by the number of scheduled feedings.

Avoid the temptation to give solid foods and juices for the following reasons:

  • the gastrointestinal tract of the infant is not yet completely formed, so the early introduction of complementary foods may contribute to the development of allergies;
  • the muscles still cannot coordinate the sucking and chewing movements necessary for taking solid food, which the baby is not yet able to swallow;
  • early introduction of complementary foods interferes with obtaining the necessary nutrients from milk or adapted formula.

Here is what Dr. Komarovsky writes about this:

“If a nursing mother can afford good nutrition, or if parents are able to purchase a high-quality adapted milk formula, there is no need to feed the child with anything until the age of 5-6 months.”

Read books about child development, look for answers to your questions on the Internet, discuss your problems with friends and family. Brick by brick, you create the foundation on which the full development and health of your child will be based. But the most useful thing you will learn from communicating with your baby. And let love and care be the main criterion for the correctness of your actions.

So the second month of the baby's life has begun. He has grown noticeably, learned a lot, and very soon he will be able to please his mother with his first smile and sweet babble. So far, for a happy life, he needs a little - parental attention, a feeling of dryness, security and satiety.

The last point allows you to fully provide breast milk, which is the only important food for a 2-month-old baby.

Happy are those mothers who can feed their baby with breast milk. They do not have to spend money on purchasing the mixture, bother with its preparation, calculate the optimal portion size, and also experience other inconveniences that parents of artificial children regularly have to face.

All that a child needs with natural feeding is his mother's breast. It is she who produces the ideal nutrition for his healthy growth and development.

2 months after giving birth, some nursing mothers notice some reduction in lactation. Experts explain this situation from two positions:

  • The hormonal background is changing. At this time, the body is preparing to restore the menstrual cycle, so it is quite possible that periods may soon return to your life, and with them the risk of an unplanned pregnancy will increase;
  • First lactation crisis. This problem is cyclical, and is due to the fact that the baby begins to eat a little more than before.

As a rule, "leaps" of lactation are observed every 1.5-2 months, but, in fact, the child does not notice them, so the mother has no reason to worry.

To ensure a full-fledged diet for a 2-month-old baby, 800-900 ml is enough. milk. At a time, he masters about 140 ml. precious liquid. It is applied to the breast at this age often - every 2 hours, although there are babies who freely wait for intervals of 3-4 hours.

The number of night feedings in 2 months is equal to two or three, if 8-9 hours a day falls on sleep.

Such a diet can cause mom some discomfort, because she almost fails to find time for herself. But, no matter how difficult it is, this difficult period associated with lack of sleep, mood swings, the lack of a banal opportunity to eat deliciously, and a manifestation of postpartum depression must be experienced.

Very soon, all the joys of life will become available, and the baby will be able to let go of his mother for a while, remaining under the supervision of his other closest relatives.

If the nutrition of a 2-month-old baby is "artificial"

Unfortunately, natural feeding is not available to every baby. For certain reasons, a tiny creature is forced to eat a mixture almost from the first days of life, which, of course, is not good, but not so bad either.

Modern mixtures are as close as possible in composition to breast milk. They have everything you need:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals.

Each component of baby food is balanced, optimized and calculated with "jewelry" precision, that is, the finished product is absorbed by the growing body in full.

Important: artificial nutrition avoids an unbearable burden on the baby's kidneys, while the safety of breast milk largely depends on the diet of the nursing mother.

The daily intake of the mixture during the entire second month of a child's life is 700 grams. At a time, he will eat about 120-150 ml, while the intervals between feedings will be 3-4 hours. Simple arithmetic allows you to subtract the number of meals per day. It is equal to 5.

Speaking of the mixture, we cannot help but dwell on the technique of its preparation. Despite the fact that the instruction on the jar is extremely informative, the kids now and then “turn back” their wonderful noses from it. Perhaps this is due to excessively high water temperature. Here are some tips for this:

  • Boiled water of 40-50 degrees is suitable for cooking food;
  • By dissolving the powder in water, the temperature of which is above 50 and below 40 degrees, you will get a stuck together mass, which will be almost impossible to loosen to a homogeneous consistency;
  • You can calculate the “optimal” water temperature without a kitchen thermometer by touch - the bottle in your hand should not burn, it should radiate pleasant warmth.

Is it worth following the feeding technique for 2 month old babies of past years

Not so long ago, about 20-30 years ago, starting from the age of one month, children began to give juices. Are the parents right?

The answer to this question lies on the surface. The digestive organs of babies up to 4-6 months old, in principle, are not ready for complex foods. In nature, before the appearance of teeth, the cubs of the representatives of the fauna do not even approach adult food, but patiently wait for their nurse.

The first 2 months of a baby's life are characterized by a period of rapid growth. If the development of the baby goes well, the weight of the child at two months will be approximately 4500 - 4800 grams. Average height - 53 - 57 cm.

In case of deviation from these norms, seek help from your doctor - pediatrician. Most likely, the main problem of deviation from the norm will be an insufficient amount of milk, a mixture. It is necessary to reconsider the diet of the crumbs.

When breastfeeding, special attention is paid to the nutrition of the mother. After all, the composition of breast milk depends on the proper nutrition of the mother. There can be a lot of milk in the breast, but its nutritional properties remain in question.

Don't stop breastfeeding your baby. Breastfeeding is the key to success in strengthening the immune system of the child. Nothing can replace the benefits of breast milk.

The mother's diet should include:

  • Milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, cheese. Dairy products are rich in calcium, which is very useful for strengthening the skeleton and teeth. Milk contains vitamins such as: A, H, E, C and many others. Cottage cheese is an indispensable product for good muscle growth. Kefir contains many minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus;
  • Vegetables and fruits. There are no questions here. Vitamins of such groups as:
  • BUT. Promotes the growth of teeth, has a beneficial effect on vision;
  • IN 1. Vitamin is useful for good heart function, strengthens the structure of muscles and muscle tissue;

    IN 2. A vitamin that is important for the growth of the body;

    To. Helps blood clotting and many others.

How to feed a baby

Getting all the crumbs of vitamins necessary for the development of the body directly depends on what the nursing mother uses for food. The mode of introduction of complementary foods depends on the psycho-emotional characteristics of the development of the child.

In the period from 2 to 3 months, there is no need to supplement the baby with "new" products. All the necessary elements enter the body with mother's milk.

When artificially feeding, follow the instructions on the packaging of infant formula. The reaction of the baby to the introduction of mixtures at 2 months is varied.

Several adverse reactions of the baby to the introduction of the mixture:

    The child's well-being may worsen;

    The appearance of rashes on the skin;

    Frequent regurgitation;

    Deterioration in the health of the baby.

Such reactions are associated with the problem of adapting to the "new". The digestive system of the baby at 2 months is not yet strong enough. Observe the condition for about 3 days, if there is no deterioration, then the mixture is suitable for complementary feeding of an artificial baby.

In the case when there are obvious violations in development and behavior, it is necessary to abandon the existing mixture. Stop taking this product in your baby's diet. After a while, try a new mixture, after consulting with a pediatrician in advance.

The question of how the first complementary foods are introduced to a child at a certain period is very important for every mother. Information about how the introduction of the first complementary foods of the baby takes place is very different. At the same time, information on the Internet is fundamentally different from what people of the older generation talk about.

But no matter how many recommendations a young mother receives, it is important that the first feeding of the baby is introduced as correctly as possible. That is why you need to familiarize yourself with those recommendations that allow you to get answers to the most important questions. For example, at what age can water be given to a baby, at what age can cottage cheese be given, and the like.

Every mother needs to get acquainted with this information in detail so that she can ensure that the baby is feeding, which will be introduced correctly. This, in turn, will become a guarantee that the child who lives on breastfeeding , and the artificial baby will have a properly functioning digestive system.

The first complementary foods during breastfeeding, general rules

Young mothers always have a lot of questions about how to properly introduce supplementary feeding, whether it is necessary to give water, etc. the child does not need.

Sometimes mothers, believing that the baby is not getting enough breast milk, start supplementary feeding. mixture . However, most pediatricians, including Komarovsky, believe that it is not necessary to supplement well-developing babies. When to give the mixture in addition and whether it should be done, it is better to ask the pediatrician.

How to practice the introduction of a new product, each mother will be helped to understand the table or scheme for the introduction of complementary foods during breastfeeding. In such a table, it is clearly indicated when to introduce complementary foods during breastfeeding by months, and which foods should be given at certain times.

However, the beginning of the process of introducing complementary foods raises many questions about how and when to start giving a certain food to a child. For example, is the “right” food to start complementary foods cauliflower or corn porridge is it possible to give prunes a six-month-old baby, when to give water to a newborn, etc.

Ideally, every mother should not only study literature, but also regularly consult with a pediatrician. It is he who will clearly answer the questions about whether pumpkin is possible with HB, whether broccoli is possible, etc., and will also correct the complementary feeding scheme that you intend to practice.

When to introduce complementary foods to the baby?

There are a lot of recommendations about when to start feeding a baby. And if you believe the experience of grandmothers, the start of complementary foods should be carried out as early as possible.

Nevertheless, all the questions that worry a young mother about how many months a child can be fed, and what exactly it should be started to feed, should first of all be asked to the pediatrician.

Indeed, in recent years, the approach to how much to start feeding a baby, where to start better, has changed significantly. And if modern grandmothers for the most part really hold the opinion that, for example, porridge for a baby at three months or cottage cheese for a child of 4 months, this is normal, then doctors think otherwise.

All scientific studies conducted by modern scientists and physicians confirm that the answer to the question of at what age you can feed a baby is as follows: if exclusively breastfeeding is practiced, then feeding a child should be started no earlier than in 6 months . Similar are the recommendations on how many months you can feed a child who grows on artificial feeding : These children are introduced to complementary foods a month earlier, but it is also quite acceptable to start acquaintance with "adult" food from 6 months.

It is very important to take into account all the nuances: what, when, how much to give the baby. If the baby's age is approaching six months, you should ask the doctor all the relevant questions: when to give the yolk, introduce potatoes. It is equally important to know when to introduce meat to the baby, and what meat to start with. In order to properly conduct the process of introducing complementary foods and learn all about its features, parents are also recommended to study special modern literature.

Why should complementary foods not be introduced earlier?

Parents who seek to take into account all the important rules for the introduction of complementary foods should understand that for infants under 6 months, any food other than breast milk or artificial formula is not only not useful, but also harmful.

The introduction of complementary foods to the baby is not carried out earlier, since the baby does not have the necessary enzymes to digest new foods. Therefore, if the rules are broken and the baby gets a certain food earlier (even if it is pumpkin or other “light” foods), it will not be absorbed and will not bring benefits to the body. And if food is not digested, then inevitable, moreover, even small amounts of any food will create a load. That is why the procedure for introducing complementary foods according to Komarovsky, as well as on the recommendations of other specialists, provides for a certain sequence of introducing vegetables and other products.

When and how to start correctly depends on what the baby eats. First meal at artificial feeding introduced a little earlier due to the fact that the enzyme systems in such children mature a little earlier. There is a special table for the introduction of complementary foods during artificial feeding, which can greatly facilitate the introduction of new food. However, there are certain general recommendations not only about when to start, but also how to properly introduce: the introduction scheme provides that any new food is given to the child in an amount of 5 g daily. Gradually, the volume of food increases, as a rule, every day, throughout the week, and eventually brought to 100 or 150 g.

It is advisable to introduce complementary foods with mixed feeding in the same way as with artificial feeding - approximately from five months . The correct introduction with mixed feeding provides that initially the child is given one of the types of vegetables and within 1-2 weeks every day the number of grams of supplementary feeding is increased.

There is a special feeding table for infants who are on breastfeeding, artificial or mixed feeding . It assumes a special scheme for the introduction of complementary foods, there is information on where to start, etc. Similar schemes for how supplementary feeding occurs are offered by Dr. Komarovsky and other specialists.

Table of supplementary feeding of children who are breastfed and artificially fed

Modern table of introduction of complementary foods according to WHO (according to the age of the baby)

Baby's age 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Fruit puree < 30 мл < 50 мл < 60 мл < 70 мл < 90 мл < 100 мл 100 ml
vegetable puree < 30 г < 50 г < 60 г < 70 г < 90 г < 100 г
Kashi < 100 г < 150 г 150 g < 180 г < 200 г 200 g
Fruit juices < 30 г < 50 г < 60 г < 70 г < 90 г < 100 г
Vegetable oil < 3 г 3 g 3 g 5 g 5 g 6 g
Cottage cheese < 30 г < 40 г < 50 г 50 g < 80 г
wheat bread < 5 г 5 g 5 g < 10 г 10 g
Cookies, croutons < 5 г 5 g 5 g < 10 г 10 g
Butter up to 4 g 4 g 4 g 5 g 5 g
egg yolk 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/2
Meat puree up to 30 g 50 g up to 70 g up to 80 g
Kefir 100 ml up to 150 ml up to 200 ml
Fish puree up to 30 g up to 60 g up to 80 g

How to introduce complementary foods by month

Each modern table of complementary foods for months provides that the child receives additional feeding from 6 months . However, many families still practice earlier introduction of complementary foods, believing that the nutritional norm for a newborn implies more abundant nutrition than exclusive breastfeeding.

In some sources, which describe the introduction of complementary foods by months, it is noted that complementary foods should be included in the menu of a child up to a year old, focusing on the following indicators:

  • compared with the initial weight at birth, the weight of the baby has become twice as much;
  • the child sits independently;
  • the child's feeding regimen is changing: the baby is asking for breasts more and more often;
  • the development of a child under 1 year old is very active: he is already interested in what lies in the plates of adults;
  • the baby does not push pieces of food out of the mouth.

Nutritional standards also take into account the fact that the introduction of complementary foods should be started at a time when the baby will not receive any food in the near future. vaccinations .

When new mothers are just starting to study monthly, they often assume that when breastfeeding, they should start feeding their baby with fruit juice. But both the studies of specialists and the table of complementary foods for children up to a year indicate something else: juice can provoke not only digestive problems, but also a manifestation allergies , as well as the set excess weight due to the high sugar content in fruit juices . Therefore, the menu for the months should be scheduled differently.

Also, the mother should take into account the norm of food for the newborn. Complementary foods should be started with very small portions, and sometimes it takes up to a month until the baby is fully accustomed to a certain type of food.

If the child does not feel well, becomes restless, before introducing complementary foods, it is worth doing blood tests, determining the norm in newborns, etc.

Should we introduce complementary foods at 3 months?

Not every modern table provides for complementary foods at 3 months of breastfeeding, since, according to most pediatricians, it is quite enough for a baby at this age to breastfeed regularly. Normally, in the fourth month, the baby receives approximately 200 g of milk at each feeding, eating 5 times a day.

Those who nevertheless decide to practice complementary foods at 3 months on artificial feeding must strictly consider what a child of this age can do.

It is recommended to start complementary foods with small piece of yolk to be given before breastfeeding. After one week, the child should eat half the yolk a day. What else you can feed such a small child also depends on the recommendations of the pediatrician. But most doctors still recommend waiting at least 2-3 months for complementary foods.

What kind of complementary foods at 4 months to give the baby?

Those mothers for whom the main feeding table is still not a direct recommendation are often interested in how to introduce complementary foods at 4 months correctly.

Generally complementary foods start at 4 months of age. artificial feeding .

First experience" - chicken egg yolk how to give it is described above. To properly feed the baby further, you can gradually introduce the next product.

For example, some experts recommend gradually introducing cottage cheese starting with half a teaspoon. But still, ideally, the complementary feeding scheme at this age should be approved by a specialist. Therefore, you should talk to the district pediatrician about what kind of complementary foods from 4 months while breastfeeding. It is imperative to take into account individual recommendations on how to properly start complementary foods at this age, since the condition of the digestive tract and the health of the baby as a whole depends on this in the coming months, when you expand his diet, leading porridge, potatoes and other products.

What kind of complementary foods to give a child at 5 months?

How to properly introduce complementary foods to a baby at 5 months depends on many factors. First of all, on what kind of feeding, breastfeeding, artificial or mixed, the child is. Children who are breastfed at 5 months may not be supplemented for some time. But many mothers, believing that the child has too little weight for his age, are actively interested in what to feed, what to give the baby to eat.

Every mother who is interested in how to feed a child at this age should take into account that a child at 5 months should receive complementary foods, starting with the smallest amount of new food. The daily scheme suggests that initially the baby should be given half a teaspoon of a new product ( yolk , vegetable puree and etc.). Only after the baby gets used to a certain food, you can begin to give him a different product. Accordingly, if at five months the child begins to try a certain product, then at 5.5 months he can already eat several products every day, which will be introduced into his menu by this time.

At five months, the formula-fed menu for a baby can be the same as for breastfeeding, with the difference that new foods are introduced into the baby's diet a little earlier.

How to introduce complementary foods at 6 months?

If a mother begins to introduce complementary foods at 6 months of age while breastfeeding, as suggested by the modern feeding table and pediatrician advice, it is important to gradually introduce each new product on the menu.

As a rule, the first to be introduced into the diet of children at six months vegetables . However, children who are recorded as very low weight for their age, it is advisable to give porridge . What kind of cereals can be given to such a baby, you can ask the doctor. Mainly rice, buckwheat porridge .

The feeding scheme from 6 months by day is as follows: initially, the baby needs to be introduced into the diet vegetable puree The best time to do this is at lunchtime. What can you eat for a child who is being fed with vegetables? Experts recommend initially giving the baby zucchini, followed by broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, pumpkin. Vegetables are one of the foods that kids are least likely to be allergic to. However, the baby's menu with artificial feeding suggests that a 6-month-old baby eats vegetables such as pumpkin and carrots no more than 2-3 times a week.

At 6 months they start giving such puree from a small dose - initially the baby should eat 1 teaspoon of the dish, then the dose should be gradually increased.

If artificial feeding was initially practiced, and the development of the child, according to the pediatrician, does not deviate from the norm, already during this period you can gradually begin to mix vegetable purees. However, such a vegetable mix can be given to the baby only after he has tried mashed potatoes from one type of vegetable, and he does not show up on him. allergic reaction .

A new type of food is given to the baby only on an empty stomach, so that you can clearly determine how the baby reacts to such food. For example, if the mother is just starting to give the yolk to the child, you need to wait with vegetables.

In many ways, where to start the first complementary foods at this age also depends on the preferences of the parents. So, mom can cook mashed broccoli and other vegetables on her own. Having decided which vegetables to start with, you need to take the vegetables, rinse them well under running water and peel them from the seeds and peel. Then they are cut and put in a double boiler or pan. Cooked vegetables (it is better to cook them on mashed potatoes for a couple) are crushed with a blender, after adding water or vegetable broth. As a result, it is necessary to prepare a puree similar in consistency to kefir. An older baby can be fed with a thicker puree, but during this period, as a rule, he already eats cereals and other foods.

Such food should not be stored - the norm of complementary foods provides that the baby receives only freshly prepared food. By the way, salt, spices, sugar are not added to the puree.

The diet of a child at 6 months provides that it is too early for mom to think about the questions of what kind of fish or what meat to start complementary foods with.

Approximate schedule for the introduction of vegetable complementary foods

days Scheme
The first 5 g zucchini puree, then supplement with breast milk or formula
Second 10 g zucchini puree, then supplement with breast milk or formula
Third 20 g zucchini puree, then supplement with breast milk or formula
Fourth 40 g zucchini puree, then supplement with breast milk or formula
Fifth 80 g zucchini puree, then supplement with breast milk or formula
Sixth 120 g zucchini puree, then supplement with breast milk or formula
Seventh 150 g zucchini puree, then supplement with breast milk or formula
Eighth 5 g of mashed cauliflower can be added with zucchini, if not allergic to it.
Ninth 10 g cauliflower puree, after which the pattern is repeated every day, as with zucchini puree

When to give a child mashed potatoes , depends on what vegetables you have already introduced before this period of his life. As a rule, potatoes are introduced a little later.

If the child does not eat the entire portion, then the amount of supplementary food is too much for him. The kid refuses, which means that you don’t need to force him, since eating habits are formed already in the first year of his life.

How to introduce complementary foods at 7 months?

The age of seven months is the period when cereals should appear on the baby's menu. What cereals can be administered first, mom can ask the pediatrician. But it is important that gluten-free and dairy-free cereals are gradually introduced to a child of 7 months.

Goat's and cow's milk, as well as milk porridge, are administered after the child reaches one year. Doctors, advising that the child should eat, say that the baby should not eat milk porridge because they have a negative effect on gastrointestinal mucosa and increase the risk of gastrointestinal disease.

If it is difficult to introduce porridge into the diet, since the child refuses to eat porridge without milk, you can add breast milk or formula to the porridge. Because gluten harmful to a child under one year old, because it provokes celiac disease (pathology of the large intestine), a 7-month-old child's nutrition table suggests that he can be given gluten-free cereals - rice, buckwheat, corn.

When compiling a menu for breastfeeding or formulating a child’s nutrition at 7 months on artificial feeding, it should be noted that cereals can be prepared independently or you can enter ready-made cereals into the menu, which can be purchased at a specialized store. It is very easy to make this porridge - you just need to add a little water. What can you give a baby to eat at 7 months yet, the doctor will tell you. But no matter what food the mother introduces, it is necessary to clearly monitor how the body of a seven-month-old baby perceives it: whether an allergy manifests itself, whether the growth and development of the baby is normal. If the product is poorly absorbed, the stool may change, an allergy may appear. It should be taken into account that allergic manifestations can appear not only in the first time after the introduction of a new product, but also after its volume has been significantly increased. Therefore, a new product should be introduced gradually, for a week or two, observing how the child behaves.

What to feed a baby at 8 months?

The menu of a child of 8 months can already be very diverse, since the first complementary foods have already been introduced, and growth and development continue very actively.

During this period, the diet appears meat complementary foods , mashed potatoes . Potatoes are introduced during this period, since when it is taken, the risk of allergies is high. Therefore, even at eight months, this product should be introduced gradually and very carefully, starting with 5 g and bringing its amount to 50 g over the course of a week. At the same time, the basis of vegetable puree should not be potatoes, but other vegetables.

If it has not yet been introduced yolk Now is the time to introduce your child to this product. For this purpose it is better to use quail egg . Nutrition at this age provides that the yolk is given to the baby twice a week. It should be noted that you can give the child to eat the yolk in the morning, rubbing it with breast milk or adding it to porridge. Complementary foods at 8 months breastfed and formula-fed menus suggest the gradual introduction of meats that are considered the least allergenic.

It is recommended to drive initially turkey , rabbit meat . These types of meat need to be changed periodically, and later the baby is given veal . It should be noted that the baby should eat meat for lunch, along with vegetable puree. You need to start with 5 g, and the norm for a child at 8-9 months is 50 g of meat per day. Often the child does not want to eat meat in its pure form, in which case it can be given in a mixed puree - with vegetables.

Can cook meatballs made from pure fresh minced meat , freeze them, after boiling them in boiling water. Minced meat balls can be boiled together with vegetables and mashed with a blender. How much meat to give depends on whether the baby is used to it.

What to feed a baby at 9 months?

The list of what a baby can eat at 9 months is wider. First of all, the list of types of meat has been expanded: at this age, the baby is recommended to eat beef , lamb , chicken .

For those who ask at what age liver can be given, it should be borne in mind that pork, including liver, is not recommended for children under one and a half years old.

Meanwhile, the menu of a 9-month-old baby during breastfeeding, as well as the menu for artificial feeding, should gradually expand due to the introduction of fermented milk products. In particular, you can start such complementary foods with cottage cheese , which is administered very slowly, starting with very small portions - no more than a teaspoon. It is best to use special cottage cheese for children for this purpose, and you should not add sugar or fruit to it.

When to give kefir , depends on how quickly the child will like cottage cheese. Initially, a child at 9 months old with HS is enough for 30 g of cottage cheese per day. As a rule, it is better to give cottage cheese and kefir before dinner. Children sometimes refuse to drink kefir. In this case, it is better to postpone the introduction of this product: while the baby has enough other dishes, because his menu is already quite diverse.

The answer to the question of what cereals can be given to a child at 9 months is already known: gluten-free.

What to feed a child at 10 months and later?

You can diversify the children's menu at 10 months desserts . It is advisable to gradually start giving the baby fruit and fruit juice . First of all, you should give those fruits that grow on our territory - pears, apples, prunes and fruit puree from them. Fruits are given to the child as a snack, about 100 g per day. Later, other fruits can be used - banana, kiwi, orange. Previously, there is no need to introduce fruits, since in breast milk, as well as in the composition of the mixture, there is everything the baby needs. vitamins .

Gradually, other desserts appear on the menu - cookies, crackers, etc. Doctors warn that the baby should not drink fruit juices, which are sold in bags in stores, as they are not useful for babies.

At 11 months, you can introduce other desserts, because the menu of an 11-month-old baby with breastfeeding is already quite diverse. At this time, mothers often have questions about this or that food: when can you give pasta, at what age can you give a liver, is it possible to dry, when should you cook soup for a child, etc. You need to be guided, first of all, by tables where an approximate complementary feeding calendar, as well as doctor's recommendations.

From what age nibbler you can give the baby, and whether he needs this device, the mother herself decides.

What to drink to an infant?

After the baby is introduced to complementary foods, he needs additional liquid. How much water a baby should be given per day depends on several factors. First of all, on the temperature: if the day is not hot, the child drinks 100-200 ml of liquid. On hotter days, the baby drinks more. Also, if you have to treat cold if the baby heat , drink the child should be given in large quantities. It is better to give liquid to a baby from a cup in order to teach him to drink correctly.

From the age of seven months, babies can be given children's tea , which includes various herbs, as well as dried fruit compotes .

Practicing breastfeeding, a woman must also adhere to the correct regimen of drinking and eating. There is a special nutrition table for a nursing mother by months, which will help answer the most pressing questions. But there are also general recommendations aimed at ensuring that the baby who is on breastfeeding feels good. For example, instead of coffee while breastfeeding, it is better for a nursing mother to consume chicory.

What problems are possible with the introduction of complementary foods?

During the introduction of complementary foods, the following problems can most often be noted:

  • the baby refuses to eat the offered complementary foods;
  • manifestation of problems with the stool ( diarrhea , problems with the gastrointestinal tract due to the fact that food is not digested);
  • allergic manifestations me (allergic to zucchini, allergic to broccoli, raw carrots, etc.).

Due to the manifestation of such problems, the baby becomes restless, constantly cries, sleeps poorly. It is important to understand which product provoked such a reaction. It must be immediately removed from the diet of the child. So, if an allergy to pumpkin in a baby or an allergy to oatmeal is manifested, it is better to simply replace these dishes with others. It is possible to re-introduce products that provoked an allergy no earlier than after 2 months. This is what the pediatrician advises. Komarovsky and other doctors. Moreover, the introduction of such a product should be carried out as slowly and gradually as for the first time and at the same time monitor the condition of the child.

If the child does not eat meat or other types of complementary foods, you need to temporarily abandon this product.

Food in jars

Those mothers for whom the question of how to properly introduce complementary foods to a child is very important often need an answer to the question of which food is better - canned or homemade products (cereals, cottage cheese, kefir, etc.).

Doctors believe that canned food is one option for introducing supplementary foods. At the same time, it is very important to give the child only high-quality products, and also to make sure that the expiration date of such baby food does not expire. Preferably absent and palm olein in baby food.

When giving canned food to a child, one should follow the same rules as with "home" complementary foods. If the baby receives additional formula while breastfeeding, complementary foods can be started a month earlier.

It is necessary to introduce the second vegetable only after the baby gets used to the first vegetable puree.

Before you introduce porridge, how to introduce meat into complementary foods for a child, fish, etc., you need to make sure that the child’s body perceives well those products that have already been introduced. In parallel with canned food, other products are also introduced into complementary foods. For example, the yolk is introduced into complementary foods after the child already perceives several types of vegetable purees, etc.

What not to give to babies

Moms who often bombard doctors with questions about when to give their baby liver when to give kefir and other products, they must remember what kind of food it is undesirable to introduce girls and boys in the first year of life:

  • juices - they are not recommended to be given even to children after 1 year, as they irritate the mucous membrane and do not benefit the child's body;
  • semolina , as well as other cereals with gluten ;
  • Butter Cookies , sweets ;
  • goat milk and cow ;
  • Exotic fruits .

Basic rules of complementary feeding - conclusions

So, if we sum up all the information, we can derive some very important rules that all parents of young children who want to raise them healthy need to consider.

Education: She graduated from the Rivne State Basic Medical College with a degree in Pharmacy. Graduated from the Vinnitsa State Medical University. M.I. Pirogov and an internship based on it.

Work experience: From 2003 to 2013 she worked as a pharmacist and head of a pharmacy kiosk. Awarded with certificates and distinctions for long-term and conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.