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» Great ancient Turks. Turkic and Mongolian peoples of Russia

Great ancient Turks. Turkic and Mongolian peoples of Russia

Nurer Ugurlu’s work “Turkic Peoples” is dedicated to the Turkic ethno-linguistic community, living today in various regions of the world, whose migration flows in the past were directed to Central Europe, the Far East, and India. The influence of the Turkic peoples was spread from the Danube to the Ganges, from the Adriatic to the East China Sea, and reached Beijing, Delhi, Kabul, Isfahan, Baghdad, Cairo, Damascus, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, and the Balkan Peninsula. We discussed the most interesting fragments of the book with its author, Nurer Ugurlu.

Khalil Bingel: How can you assess the historical past of the Turkic peoples?

Nurer Ugurlu: The book describes the history of numerous Turkic peoples living in Asia, Europe, Africa, which today are represented in various regions of the world. The concept of “people” can be defined as a human community, a tribal union (“budun”), or ulus (“ulus”), the members of which are related to each other from the point of view of tribe and clan by common customs, language and culture. Tribal union - close cooperation and unification of the ancient Turks, formed from various tribes, which were characterized by political dependence. In various sources this term used in different meanings. The category “bodun”, which first appeared in the Orkhon writings (8th century), was used to designate all communities: local and foreign, nomadic and sedentary. In this regard, if we talk about the concept of “people”, it was used to name Turkic communities formed from tribes of various sizes - both in relation to the Gekturks and Tobgachs (they invaded China), and for the Oguzes, Karluks, Uighurs, Kyrgyz, Tatars Initially, to define the national community in the Orkhon writings, terms such as “black-bone people” (“kara kamag” or “kara bodun”) or simply “bodun” were also mentioned. Muhammad al-Kashgari (11th century) in his “Collection of Turkic Dialects” noted that the term “budun” came from the Chikil dialect, and interpreted it as “people” and “nationality”. Western scientists replaced the term “bodun” with the concepts of “people” and “volk”. In the 14th century, in some works written during the period of the Golden Horde and Khorezm, this term appears quite rarely, and, referred to as "buzun", it is used to denote the concept of "people". In later literature this term does not appear at all. Tribal unions were communities separated from each other, each of which had separate lands and leaders. At the head of the associations were the kagans, who, depending on the size of the territories and population, bore such titles as “yabgu”, “shad” (“şad”), “ilteber”. Tribal unions, most of which were part of the Turkic Kaganate and were mentioned in the Göktürk Letters, sent various gifts to the Kagan once a year and confirmed their dependence on him during the war, for example, by supplying the fighting army with reinforcements. Thanks to governors directed from the center, the Khagans in many ways carefully controlled the tribal unions subordinate to them.

- Where were the first settlements of the Turks?

The Turks are one of the most ancient and permanent peoples in world history. This is a large folk community whose history goes back over four thousand years. Its settlement territories cover Asia, Europe, and Africa. The first settlements of the Turkic peoples were primarily plateaus Central Asia. These are vast territories stretching from the Khingan Mountains in the east to the Caspian Sea and the Volga River in the west, from the Aral-Irtysh watershed in the north to the Hindu Kush mountain system in the south. The plateaus of Central Asia were predominantly spacious steppes. Fertile territories were located from the northern sections of the Caspian and Aral Seas and Lake Balkhash to the Khingan Mountains. The sandy steppes in the south of these territories sometimes ended in deserts. The sandy steppe region connected fertile lands, stretching from the Altai Mountains from east to west. Historians, considering the territories of Central Asia as the oldest region of settlement of the Turks, explore them, highlighting two areas - north and south of the Tien Shan. The region south of the Tien Shan is Eastern Turkestan. The north of this territory covers the Altai Mountains, the Dzungarian Plain and the Irtysh River. These territories were inhabited by dynamic, nomadic Turkic communities. Initially, depending on the territory, the Turks were engaged in agriculture, and with significant climatic changes they switched to cattle breeding. To find pastures for animals, they were forced to roam. This circumstance predetermined the semi-nomadic life of the Turkic peoples.

- What ideas about the “homeland of the Turkic peoples” exist in historical science?

Scientists involved in the study and research of the Turkic history of Klaproth and Vambery, relying on Chinese sources, attributed the foot of the Altai Mountains to the “homeland of the Turkic peoples”. According to the famous Turkologist Radlov, this territory covered the region of modern Mongolia east of Altai. Based on the similarities between the Turkic and Mongolian languages, Ramstedt assumed that the Turks originated from Mongolia. A well-known expert on Turkic history in Central Asia, Bartold also considered the region in Mongolia to be the homeland of the Turkic peoples. Today, these views are outdated, and the territory in question needs to be expanded. Linguistic and archaeological studies show that the homeland of the Turkic peoples stretched west of the Altai Mountains. According to the famous Turkologist Nemeth, the homeland of the Turkic peoples should be sought on the territory of modern Kazakhstan, namely between the Altai and Ural mountains. In the course of archaeological and ethnographic research carried out in the southern regions of Siberia and the Altai Mountains region, some results were obtained related to the ancient settlement areas of the Turkic peoples. As noted in Kiselev’s work “ Ancient history Siberia" (1951), "cave painting" and archaeological finds discovered north of Lake Baikal, at the source of the Lena River and the Semirechye region, reflect the ethnic characteristics of these places, preserved from ancient times. According to historical sources, the first settlements of Turkic communities are in the Altai Mountains region. The Turks living between the Tien Shan and the Altai Mountains were classified as Altai peoples.

- Why were the Turks living in Central Asia forced to migrate?

The Turkic peoples who inhabited the territories of Central Asia were forced to leave these lands due to changes in geographical and social living conditions. The Turks founded many independent states in new territories. It is not known for certain to what period the first migration flows of the Turks date back, but it is believed that it covers the beginning of the first millennium BC. As a result of a large resettlement, the Turks, passing through the south of the Caspian Sea and the Iranian Plateau (some of them remained in Iran), descended into Mesopotamia, and from here invaded Syria, Egypt, Anatolia and the islands Aegean Sea. Here, at various periods of history, independent Turkic states were founded: the Seljuk State, the Seljuk Sultanate, the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic. By the end of the 4th century, the Turks, having passed through the north of the Caspian Sea, migrated from Northeast Asia to Eastern Europe. Over time, they settled in Central Europe, the Balkan Peninsula and the Danube River Valley. Turkic states were also subsequently created in these territories. The movement of the Turkic peoples to the east, which began in the 2500s BC, continued for a long time with certain interruptions. The Turks, who settled in the modern regions of China - Shaanxi and Gansu - brought their culture and civilization to these lands and held power in China in their hands for a long time. The Shang Dynasty, which founded the Shang State, was destroyed by the Chow Dynasty, descended from a Turkic family (1050-247 BC). Over time, gaining strength, the Zhou dynasty founded a political union, which is considered the beginning Chinese history. The Turks, who migrated north, settled in the fertile pastures of Siberia. However, there is no exact information about when the Yakut and Chuvash Turks came to these territories. The movement of Turkic tribes from Central Asia began in the first centuries of history and continued until the end of the Middle Ages. Some Turks did not leave their homeland at all and lived in the valleys of the Syr Darya, Amu Darya, Ili, Irtysh, Tarim and Shu rivers. Over time, large states were formed on these lands, which demonstrated significant development in a cultural and civilizational sense.

What tribes can Turkic communities be divided into from a geographical point of view? historical development, features of dialects and adverbs?

In this regard, several Turkic tribes can be distinguished. Muhammad al-Kashgari in the “Collection of Turkic Dialects”, in the 11th century, speaking about the Turkic peoples, provides information about such tribes as Oguzes, Kipchaks, Uighurs, Karluks, Kirghiz, Yagma, Bulgars, Bashkirs, etc. The most numerous of them were tribes Oghuz and Kipchak. After the second half of the 11th century, the Oguzes from the tribes inhabiting the Syr Darya valleys migrated to Western Asia and Anatolia, and the Kipchaks from the Irtysh River basin migrated en masse to the lowlands in the north of the Caspian and Black Sea. Part of the Bulgars in the 6th century descended to the territory of modern Bulgaria. Despite multidirectional migration flows, a significant part of the Turkic tribal unions remained in Central Asia. This historical fact is important from the point of view of the formation and current structure of Turkic communities. The Oghuz tribe became the basis for a large group known as the Western Turks. The Kipchaks also formed a large community, joining other Turkic peoples who inhabited territories stretching from the north of the Black Sea to the confluence of the Danube. Consequently, the Kipchaks became the basis for the group known today as the "East European Turks". The third group is formed by the “Eastern Turks” or “Turkistan Turks”, formed as a result of the merger of the Chagatai and Uzbek uluses. This community was formed by other Turkic tribes that remained in Central Asia. It also included groups of Kipchaks who subsequently returned to Turkestan. The fourth group includes the Turks of Siberia and Altai. Various tribes Western Siberia and Altai - predominantly Turks of Kipchak or Kyrgyz origin.

- What is it like? social organization Turkic peoples?

With the unification of families and clans, tribes of Turkic peoples were formed. To denote the unification of tribes, the concept of “tribal union” (“bodun”) was used. The state created on the basis of the unification of tribal unions was called “il” (“il”). At the head of the ilei was the “khan”. With their unification, “khanates” and “khaganates” were created. The equivalent of the term “people” in the ancient Turkic language was the category “kün”. At the head of the state was the Kagan, who commanded the troops and headed the “kurultai”, which met to discuss state affairs. Historical documents indicate that the right to govern and power was granted to the Turkic kagan by the god Tengri. On the monument erected in honor of Bilge Khan Bogyu, the inscription remains: “I became a kagan, Tengri ordered so.” The rights and powers of the kagan among the Turkic peoples were not unlimited. Kagan was considered the head of state. At the same time, tribal rulers and khans acted at their own discretion in their own territories. There were a kind of freedom. The most influential representatives of the nobility participated in the meetings of the “kurultai” when discussing state affairs. The Kurultai met twice a year. At meetings of this body, such important issues as war, peace and trade were discussed, and laws were adopted for the orderly and fair administration of the state. The process of government among the Turkic peoples was carried out in accordance with the laws adopted in this way, as well as customs and traditions. The kagan's wife, who was given the title "khatun", assisted the kagan in discussing state affairs. In addition, a council of great servants was created to help the kagan. They usually bore the title "Bey". There were other positions and employees who were given the title “yabgu”, “shad”, “tarkhan”, “tudun” and “tamgadzhi”. When the kagan died, a kurultai was assembled, at which a new ruler was elected - one of the sons of the kagan. As a rule, the powers to govern the kaganate were transferred to the eldest son.

- Which Turkic peoples are you talking about in your work?

In the book we're talking about about the Turkic peoples who inhabit various regions of the world. They made a constant and lasting contribution to the history of mankind, therefore, when describing human history, significant attention is paid to the Turkic peoples. After all, their migration flows flooded the territories Central Europe, Far East, India. One cannot but agree with the statement: “The only correct definition of the Turkic peoples can only be given by linguistics. A Turk is someone who speaks the Turkic language. Other definitions are not comprehensive enough.”

- How do you define modern Turkic communities?

They can be classified as follows. Volga-Ural region: Tatars, Crimean Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvashs, Krymchaks. Region of Central Asia: Karakalpaks, Uyghurs. Region of Siberia: Yakuts, Dolgans, Tuvans, Khakassians, Altaians, Shors, Tofalars. Caucasus region: Balkars, Kumyks, Karachais, Nogais, Avars, Lezgins, Dargins, Laks, Tabasarans, Rutuls, Aguls, individual teips of Chechens, Ingush, Adygs, Abkhazians, Circassians, Abazas, Ossetians, Meskhetian Turks, Kabardians. Western region: Gagauz, Karaites.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

Altai language family. As a result, linguistics. classification introduced in the 19th century into the category of T.n. many peoples were included that had not previously been included in their composition. T.N. settled in Russia, the CIS, Turkey, China, Iran and other countries. The Turks are Azerbaijanis, Altaians, Balkars, Bashkirs, Gagauz, Dolgans, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Karachais, Kyrgyz, Kumyks, Nogais, Tatars, Teleuts, Tuvans, Turks, Turkmen, Uzbeks, Uighurs, Khakass, Chuvash, Shors, Yakuts, etc. In 1990, the number of Turks was 132.8 million people. According to World. Assembly of the T.N., in the world there are approx. 200 million people belonging to the Turks (2007). Russia is home to approx. 30 T.n. numbering 12 million 750 thousand people. (2002).

They are considered proto-Turkic-speaking (Huns), whose movement to the west is noted in the end. 3 – beginning 2nd century BC. At the beginning of A.D. cucumber tribes (see ) - ancestors - migrated to the west. direction. Proto-Bulgarian groups as ethnic. community formed long before the formation of the Turkic peoples themselves. tribes (Turkuts). In the 2nd–4th centuries. in the Urals, a union of nomadic tribes of the Huns took shape, moving into the middle. 4th century to the west and laid the foundation , which marked the end of the centuries-long dominance of the Iranian language. nomadic tribes of the Scythians, and opened the way to the movement to the West Turkic language. nomads (in the 9th–10th centuries. Pechenegs and , in the 11th century. ). Turk. tribes, primarily the Onogur-Bulgarians and Savirs (see. ), were part of the Hunnic Federation. In the 5th century The Turks were the name given to the horde that rallied around Prince Amen (a Mongolian name meaning wolf). According to legend, the Altai Turks - Tukyu (Turkyut) - come from the West. Huns. In the 6th century. The Turks developed into a small people living to the east. slopes of Altai and Khangai. As a result of several successful wars (since 545), the Turks managed to subjugate all the steppes from Khingan (Northeast China) to Azov. seas. The state of the Turks was called Turk. Khaganate, which in 604 broke up to the West. and Vostoch. Turkic Khaganates. From ser. 6th century to the 30s 7th century Bulgarians and Suvars were part of the Turkic peoples, then the West. Turk. Khaganate Bulgarian. the component is present in a number of T.n. Caucasus: Azerbaijanis, Balkars, Karachais, Kumyks. On the ruins of the first Turks. and other associations, the Kimak and Uyghur Khaganates appeared. Noble Turk. the Ashina clan was led by the Khazars. unification of hordes (see ), living in the Caspian steppes. In the 11th century in Turkic dialects spoken by many peoples from Mramor. sea ​​and slopes of the Carpathians to the Great Chinese wall. Ancient T.n. were nomads, they subjugated many farmers. peoples who became their farmers. base. The Orkhon-Yenisei runic inscriptions represent the most important historical. and cultures. monuments (see , ). Turk. communities had a common cult of Tengrikhan - the god of the sky, the sun, a common cult of ancestors, as well as similarities in everyday life, clothing, methods of warfare; a set of information about the ancient Turkic people. tribes compiled in the 11th century. .

Mongol-Tatars. invasion of Eastern Europe in the 1220s–40s. set in motion the masses of nomads. The Kipchaks were defeated in the Eurasian steppes (the Kipchak steppe of the pre-Mongol period is known as , it extended from Altai to the Carpathians); conquered in 1236 . In the beginning. 1240s founded , it included Khorezm and the North. Caucasus, Crimea, Volzh. Bulgaria, Urals, West. Siberia. The bulk of the population were Kypchaks, whose language was the state language. In the 1st half. 15th century formed by the late Golden Horde. ethnopolitical associations - Astrakhan, Kazan, Crimea, Siberia. khanates, Nogai Horde; in the end 15 – beginning 16th centuries Kazakh was formed. (the Kazakhs historically included the Senior, Middle, Junior Zhuzes) and Uzbeks. khanates. Their population consisted of various. Turkic speaking. tribes (Nogai, Kipchaks, Bashkirs, Kazakhs) and peoples (Kazan, Tatars, Chuvash), as well as Finno-Ugrians (Mordovians, Mari, Udmurts, Khanty, Mansi). During the existence of the khanates, the so-called movement took place. In particular, significant Chuvash masses. population migrated to the territory of Bashkiria and to the West. Siberia, where places were assimilated. Turks (Bashkirs, Siberian Tatars) and Kazan Tatars. migrants. All R. 16th century T.N. The Volga and Urals regions (Chuvash, Tatars, Bashkirs) became part of the Rus. states, so-called Siberia - in the 17th century, the Caucasus, Kazakhstan and Middle. Asia - in the 18th–19th centuries. After construction in the 17th–18th centuries. There was a resettlement of the Chuvash, Mishar Tatars, and Kazan. Tatars and other peoples in the so-called areas. .

Unlike language material. and spiritual culture of ancient times. Chuvash (religion, including pantheon, applied arts, music, choreographic creativity, monumental and small form sculptures), with the exception of certain elements (for example, similarity. As a result, the long interaction with a number of T.N., with their ethnicity. groups (primarily of the Tatar ethnic group), the Chuvash formed similar features that can be traced both in material and spiritual culture.

Lit.: Bichurin N. Ya. Collection of information about the peoples who lived in Central Asia in ancient times. T. 1–2. M.–L., 1950; T. 3. M.–L., 1953; Klyashtorny S.G. Ancient Turkic runic monuments as a source on the history of Central Asia. M., 1964; Pletneva S. A. Nomads of the Middle Ages. M., 1982; Gumilyov L.N. Ancient Turks. M., 1993; Kakhovsky V.F. Origin of the Chuvash people. Ch., 2003; Ivanov V.P. Ethnic geography of the Chuvash people. Ch., 2005.

Vocabulary: Trump - Calcium carbon. Source: vol. XXXIV (1901): Trump - Calcium Carbonate, p. 344-347 ()

Turks (exact value word unknown) - a group of peoples who speak various dialects of the Turkic language (see Turkish languages) and, according to their physical characteristics, to one degree or another belong to the Turkic race (see below). Geographical distribution, classification, number. T. are scattered over a vast territory, occupying more than half of Asia, a significant part of the Southeast. Europe and north-east. part of Africa - starting from the Arctic approx. (Yakuts) to Kuen-Lun (semi) and Ispagan (Turkmens of Persia) and from the banks of the Kolya and Yellow Rivers (Yegurs, Salars) to Central Russia(Kasimov Tatars) and Macedonia (Ottomans). Individual oases of the T. tribe are also found beyond these borders: colonies of the Yakuts on the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, on Sakhalin, Tatars in Lithuania, etc., and tribes that have absorbed a significant admixture of T. blood are found not only among the population of Eastern Europe, but even in India (Jats). Due to mixed ethnic composition T. tribe, its most correct classification is linguistic (see Turkish languages); The system of Academician V. Radlov is considered the best, which significantly coincides with ethnic data. No linguistic classification, however, covers all T. nationalities, since not all dialects have yet been studied. IN Lately N. Aristov made an attempt to classify T. on the basis of historical and ethnic data, according to the main tribes from which all modern T. nationalities were formed, namely: 1) the Kangly tribe and the related Kipchak tribe, which served as the main element for the formation of southwestern T. . nationalities (Ottomans, Aderbeijans, Turkmens, Nogais, Volga Tatars, Bashkirs, etc.), the total number of which exceeds 17 million souls, and largely participated in the formation of the Uzbeks, Sarts and Kyrgyz Cossacks, so that 2/3 of all T. comes from these two main tribes; 2) tribes: Dulat (the predominant element of the large horde), Alchin (the main element of the small horde), Argyn, Naiman, Kirey (composing the middle horde with the Kipchaks) - together with the first two, participated in the formation of the Kyrgyz Cossacks; 3) the Kyrgyz tribe, which gave part of its clans to the middle horde, but continues to exist independently in the mountainous part of the West. Tien Shan, numbering about 225 thousand souls; 4) the Yakut tribe (230 thousand souls), a remnant of the ancient T. tribe that once lived under the name Sakha in the West. Tien Shan, which ended its existence in India and left traces in the West. Tien Shan in the form of the Kara-Kyrgyz generation of Sayaks and on the Yenisei in the form of the Sagai clan; o) the ancient tribes of Tele (aka Gaogyu) and Turks-Tukyu, who, after the fall of their rule in Mongolia - first the Turks, and then the branch of Tele, the Uyghurs - became part of the Kirey, Naiman and Argyn tribes, as well as the forest tribes between Lake Baikal and the Black Irtysh; they also became part of the Chinese-Turkic cross between the Dungans, originally formed by the Huns. The remnants of the Tukyu Turks are now the Teles in Altai, and the remnants of the Teles are the Teleuts; 6) the Karlyk tribe, which merged with the Kangls and the Iranian population of the East. and Zap. Turkestan; the memory of him was preserved only in the names of Uzbek clans along with the names of the Uyghurs and Turks. The remaining Turkic tribes or clan unions (Onguts, Tatars, Merkits), almost entirely Omongolized or exterminated during the time of Genghis Khan, as well as the Huns, Bulgarians, Khazars, Pechenegs, Guzes (aka Komans, Polovtsians) who left for the Urals, partly merged with other non-Turkic peoples , partly became part of T. Eastern Russia. The small tribes of Altai and Sayan played a very insignificant role in the formation of the most important T. peoples. Geographically and ethnographically, T. is divided into the following 3 groups. I. Eastern, which includes the Yakuts, Siberian Tatars and Altaians (see T.-Tatars); Soyots or Tuba (self-name) in the North-West. Mongolia; T. East Turkestan: pure T. - Taranchi of Kashgar, Gami and Kuldzha, Dungans, Kara-Kurchins; the Machin and Pol from Kuen Lun mixed with the Aryans and Mongols; T. China - Yegurs, Salars, Dalds, living in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, between Kuku-Nor and Lan-cheu, also to the north of Nanshan. This can also include the Dards and Jats of India, who have lost native language, but according to physical characteristics they retained connections with the Turkic tribe. II. Central, which includes: Tatars of the South-East. Russia (see T.-Tatars); Kirghiz (pure - Kara-Kirghiz, or Buruts, and mixed - Kirghiz-Cossacks and Kara-Kalpaks); Uzbeks (pure - Uzbeks proper, Kipchaks, Turuks, etc.; mixed with Iranian elements - Sarts); Bashkirs (pure - Bashkirs proper, mixed [Finno-Ugric] - Meshcheryaks, Chuvash; the first were almost completely Russified). III. Western, which includes: Turkomans or Turkmens (see); Caucasian Tatars (see T.-Tatars); T. Iranian type - Persian and Caucasian Aderbeijans; T. Mediterranean type - Ottomans (see Turks) and Crimean Tatars (see T. Tatars). The number of T. is summarized by Aristov in the following figures. T. Siberia and Mongolia - 391,192 souls about. gender; Kyrgyz-Cossacks (in Russian rule, Khiva and Bukhara and Chinese rule) - 3236394; Kara-Kirghiz - 318388; T. East of Europe. Russia - 3550543; southwest T. (Ottomans of Turkey, Transcaucasia and Persia and Aderbaijans) - 13238251; Turkmens (in Russian dominion, Khiva and Bukhara, Afghanistan and Persia) - 545,347; Uzbeks (in Russian vlad., Khiva, Bukhara and Afghans) - 2037240; sarts (in Russian vlad., Bukhar, Afghan vlad.) - 1,428,000; T. of Eastern Turkestan (Taranchi of Russian Vlad., T. of Chinese Gulja and East Turkestan) - 1097911. Total 25843266 souls about. gender - the figure is lower than the actual one due to the outdatedness of some data and the lack of others. Based on these results, we must accept that T. make up 2% of the total population of the globe. In Russia, they make up over 9% of the total population, being concentrated mainly in Turkestan, in the steppe and Transcaspian regions, in the Transcaucasian region and in the east. provinces of Europe. Russia; in the steppe regions, Turkestan, Amudarya department and Transcaspian region. they constitute a solid mass of the population - 4,913,030 out of 5,427,098 (according to the 1885 census).

Anthropological signs. T. entered the arena of history more than 2000 years ago. BC and during the period of their historical existence underwent a continuous series of clashes and mergers with the main races of Asia and south-east Europe: Tungus, Mongolian, Yenisei - in the east, and Iranian, Semitic, Mediterranean - in the west. It is highly mixed race. The earliest crosses, judging by historical data, consistent with anthropological ones, were with the North Asian long-headed race (Dinlins), Samoyed and Finno-Ugric tribes. Later events occurred with the Central Asian Aryans, then the Iranians and various peoples of Western Asia and Eastern Europe, affecting mainly the Kangli and Kipchak tribes, who participated in the formation of 2/3 of the T. peoples (Aristov). A more or less pure Turkic type is found in the central group of Turkic peoples, especially among the Kirghiz, Kara-Kirghiz, Uzbeks, and some Tatars of Europe. Russia. This type is characterized by the following characteristics: height above average (1.67-1.68), the head is very round, hyperbrachycephalic (head indication for living: 85-87), elongated, oval face; the eyes are located horizontally, without a Mongolian fold, but with a characteristic folding of the upper eyelid towards inner corner eyes, why the gap seems very small and resembles a Mongolian eye. Hair, without exception, is black and straight. The hairline is more developed than that of the Mongols, without reaching the pomp of the Iranian; on the face, hair is especially abundant on the lips and chin (wedge-shaped beard), almost absent on the cheeks; the cheekbones are wide, but less prominent than those of the Mongols; the lips are thick, the nose is straight and quite high. Unlike the Mongols, there is a noticeable tendency towards obesity. By the degree of deviation from this type one can judge the degree and quality of mixedness of one or another T. nationality. While, for example, the Kara-Kyrgyz have an average height 1.67 m and heads. index 87, Uzbeks - on average. height 1.68 and index 85, Kyrgyz-Cossacks already have an average. growth of 1.64 and, despite the high head. index (87), reveal a Mongolian eye, prominent cheekbones and other signs of Mongolian admixture. Russian Tatars have an even shorter stature (1.63) and a cephalic index of 83 (influence of the Finns, characterized by short stature and mesocephaly). Bashkirs, with a fairly high height (1.66), are subrachycephalic, like the Tatars. Meshcheryaks, more mixed with Finns, are even shorter (1.65) and even less brachycephalic (head index 81.1); finally, the Chuvash are true Finns due to their small stature (1.61) and almost mesocephalic cephalic index (80.5). From the eastern group, the Siberian Tatars and Soyots show a mixture with the Yeniseis, the Yakuts with the Tungus. The Taranchis have well preserved their original type in Ghulja and the northern part of Turkestan (height - 1.66, cephalic index - 85.6), but in the south they mixed with the Iranians. Chinese T. - Yegurs-Kansu - who, together with the northern Taranches, are direct descendants of the ancient Uyghurs (see), according to reviews by Potanin and Pyasetsky, are very reminiscent of the Volga Tatars. The Dungans represent features of mixing with the Chinese, the Sarts with the Iranians. The Western group is the most mixed. Turkmens, for example, especially the Tekke tribe, have a height of 1.70 heads. index 75.64 (subdolichocephalic) and lush facial hair (the result of mixing with Iranians and Indo-Iranians); the Ottomans - urban residents of Asia Minor - are small in stature and dolichocephalic (see Turks); European Turks have very little in common with the Turkic type, in the vast majority of cases representing either subrachycephaly or dolichocephaly according to the cephalic index. Brachycephaly and above-average height were preserved among isolated Turkmens of Anatolia, among T. ahaltsikhe and akalkalaki in the Caucasus, with a height of 1.66 heads. the index is 84.7, while the neighboring Aderbaidzhans, with the same high growth, are mesocephalic (Gol. decree. 80.4) and by all other features, abundant facial hair, very elongated face, curved nose, merging eyebrows, etc., are clearly close to Iranians. Having absorbed many foreign impurities, T., in turn, gave their blood and their typical features to many peoples and tribes in Asia (the Persians - a once fair-haired and brachycephalic race, some Mongolian and Tungusic peoples, Tibetans, and in Europe the Finno-Ugric peoples, a significant part of the population of the Volga region and southern Russia, the Balkan Peninsula, etc.).

Ethnographic features and religion. The different nationalities of the T. tribe live under such different conditions and are so different in the degree of culture (sedentary, nomadic, semi-nomadic, hunting-wandering way of life) that one can only point out some features that were once common to all T., to the extent that they have been preserved in more primitive ones tribes (Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Turkmen) and are depicted in literary monuments, Orkhon inscriptions, etc. The original trait of T. is nomadism, a pastoral way of life, which they part with extremely reluctantly. Even when switching to a sedentary life, for a long time they retained the custom of nomads to have two dwellings: a summer one (yaylak) and a winter one (kishlak). Forced in some places to switch to agriculture, they are still, at any opportunity, ready to exchange it for nomadism (Turkmens) or engage in trade and crafts (Tatars, Yakuts). True agricultural peoples, such as the Sarts, Taranchis, and Dungans, represent a highly mixed population. A typical dwelling of T.-nomads is considered to be a wagon, which differs from a Mongolian-type wagon in that the poles that make up the roof are curved and therefore the top is domed, and not cone-shaped, like the Mongols. Based on the type of summer tents, some T. peoples also build winter dwellings for themselves - round yurts made of turf, covered with poles, a type of above-ground dwellings that led to the art of building stone buildings. There is also a known type of T. cave dwelling, in which three walls are formed by a rock, and the fourth is attached, with a window for light and smoke escape (among the Tatars in the Caucasus, among the Altai T., among the Teleuts in the 18th century). A special feature of the winter home is the chuval fireplace (a fireplace with a chimney made of twigs or boards coated with clay). Food is cooked over a fire, and therefore the cauldron is pressed into the hearth. The basis of T.-nomad's food is meat, which is consumed exclusively in boiled form, but typical food products are dairy products. Whey is a favorite food even for sedentary Osmanli people. The national drink is kumiss. From cultivated plants, known to T. since ancient times, only millet bears a purely Turkic name, the rest are borrowed. Tillage was known to T. back in the 8th century, as indicated on the Orkhon inscriptions by the purely Turkic word ekinlig - arable land, from ekin - sowing, field. In the national costume of T., with all its diversity, there are some common features that have been preserved from the time of the Tukyu statues to the present day among many Turkic peoples: a pointed hat for men, a cylindrical headdress for women with a veil falling over the face, a long robe with fluttering skirts, etc. T. adopted the art of working metals from the Finno-Samoyed and Yenisei tribes, but from ancient times they were famous in Chinese chronicles as blacksmiths. The Yenisei Tatars are still called “blacksmiths”; Many Turkic tribes are distinguished by their skillful craftsmanship of weapons. Socially, it is typical generic an organization whose foundations were created nomadic state. The most important element the last one after the birth served as such. el - a union of clans and tribes, which was later headed by “khagans”, or khans, who ruled the els on the basis of customary law. Their power developed to the detriment of people's rights as a result of wars, first for independence (from the Chinese and other peoples), and then for conquest. The custom of raids (alamans) for the purpose of robbery, the removal of livestock and women is explained by clashes over pastures and oppression from neighboring settled tribes, and sometimes by the accidental scarcity of territories, as among the Turkmens. Primitive religion T. was imbued with totemism (see) and shamanism. Each clan had its own totem (ongon), usually an animal, to which it worshiped and abstained from eating it. Orkhon inscriptions preserved the names of some deities: “tengri” (the sky and its owner), “yer-sub” (earth), the female deity “umai” (still preserved among the Shors); There are also tribal gods, names of idols (“bel”), sacred places (forests, mountains), in a word, a typical cult of anthropomorphized nature. The soul, according to these inscriptions, was represented in the form of a bird or a fly, as among many modern wild peoples. The body was usually buried several months after death. The funeral was accompanied by threefold celebrations, hair pulling, face cutting, etc. Fortune telling on the shoulder blades is a typical shamanic technique of T., which passed from them to many other peoples, even nationalities Southern Europe. - Buddhism was widespread in ancient times among

On September 7, a live broadcast of the Alpari Club Day project took place. Director of the Gumilyov Center Pavel Zarifullin answered Alexander Razuvaev’s questions.
At Club Day we looked at the current geopolitical situation in the Middle East and Central Asia. Special attention was devoted to resolving the Russian-Turkish crisis and the mediating role of Baku and Astana in this. And also ethno-trainings from the Lev Gumilyov Center to overcome the Russian-Turkish crisis. Pavel Zarifullin also answered in detail the question: who are the Turks? About their role in world history and the formation of Russia.

Who are the Turkic peoples? What do they have in common? Where do they live?

Turkic peoples are a group of peoples who speak similar Turkic languages. Distributed very widely. From the Balkan Peninsula, where the Turks and Gagauz live, to our harsh taiga, to Yakutia, because the Yakuts are also Turks. Well, the word “taiga” is of Turkic origin.
Those. this is a huge number of people, millions, hundreds of millions, scattered throughout the Eurasian continent from the Arctic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. And, of course, all these peoples have a common root - one of the largest states of antiquity or the Middle Ages or the era that was just between the era of antiquity and the Middle Ages - this is the Turkic Khaganate. A giant state the size of Soviet Union, which was already in the 6th century, we know very little about it.
But there is a Eurasian idea, the idea of ​​Lev Nikolayevich Gumilyov, that our father Genghis Khan, our mother the Golden Horde, that modern Great Russia or the Muscovite Kingdom arose within the Golden Horde, adopting the main successes and skills of this country.
But if you dig further, who is the grandfather in this case of our country, the Russian Federation? And the grandfather of our country is the Great Turkic Khaganate, from which grew not only the Turkic peoples, but also many others. And Iranian, and Finnish, and Slavic.

The Turkic Kaganate is the era of conquests and campaigns, the era of the emergence of the Great Silk Road, as an already economic phenomenon, a phenomenon of economic integration. Turkic El in the 6th century simultaneously bordered Byzantium, Iran, China, and controlled the Great Silk. And, thanks to the Turkic Khaganate, the Byzantines and Europeans could meet with the Chinese even then. Those. The Turks have a huge, glorious past.

There were many other Turkic states, for example, the Seljuk Sultanates, the Ottoman Empire, and Desht-i-Kipchak. The Turks gave Russia an aristocracy. Lev Nikolaevich Gumilev perfectly described that from half to three quarters of Russian noble families were of Turkic or Mongolian origin. Actually, this can be seen in the surnames of the great glorious families: Suvorov, Kutuzov, Apraksin, Alyabyev, Davydov, Chaadaev, Turgenev - these are Turkic surnames. Those. proverb of Turgenev, himself a descendant of a Turkic aristocrat: “scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar,” i.e. Turkic - it has the most direct relation to our country. So, our grandfather is the Turkic Kaganate and, if you scratch us for a long time, then, of course, the Russians will find a lot of Turkic.

What is the percentage of originally Persian and Turkic words in the Russian language?

Theodor Shumovsky, an accomplice of Lev Nikolaevich Gumilyov (they were imprisoned on the same case in Kresty), an outstanding Russian linguist, philologist, translator of the Koran, said that from a third to a half of Russian words are of Turkic and Persian origin. Why Turkic and Persian, because the Turkic and Persian peoples lived side by side for millennia, just as the Russians actually once lived together. And a lot of words have a mixed origin, for example the Russian word “hearth”, it has a Turkic-Persian origin. The first part of the word is Turkic, and the second is Persian. "Otjah" or "otgyah". The very original word “Ateshgah” means “temple of fire worshipers.” This is the name of the sanctuaries in Iran and Azerbaijan, the temples of the Zoroastrians. The Russian word “hearth” seemed to branch off and form from it. According to one version, the word “book” itself is of Turkic-Persian origin. From the word “kan” - knowledge, “gyah” - place, i.e. "place of knowledge" Then, among both the Turks and Persians, this word replaced the Arabic word “kitab”. But we still use our Turkic-Persian past.
And, of course, the heroes of our fairy tales, such as Kashchei the Immortal or Baba Yaga, are of Turkic origin. Because the word “kashchei” comes from the Old Turkic “kus” - bird. Kashchei is a “shaman-bird worshiper”, a fortuneteller based on the flights of birds. The Turks worshiped birds, like the people who came from Siberia, from Altai. Altaians still worship birds and messengers. And many Turkic clans had bird patrons. Actually, the Russians adopted a lot from them and the names of our cities Kursk, Galich, Voronezh, Uglich, Orel, they have a similar function in name and etymology. They record the bird patrons of regions and cities. So, “kashchei” is from the Turkic word “kus” - “bird”. And the word “art” comes from the same root. As if to soar. Or the word “bush” - the place where the bird lives. “Kashchei the Immortal” is a shaman - a bird worshiper, he looks like that in a skeleton costume, our wonderful character. Let us also add that Kashchei is the king. In the same Rome, the Augustan kings descended from bird fortunetellers - from augurs. The figure of Kashchei in Russian fairy tales captures very ancient legends and archetypes. And, as we see, they are of Turkic origin.
Or Baba Yaga, translated from Turkic simply as “white old man,” white sorcerer. In Russian conditions, where matriarchy was strong in ancient times, the elder “changed” his gender. But although the white elder, I think, the creature is already asexual, because... This is a sacred creature that performs magical and healing functions.

It turns out that the Turkic is deeply embedded within us. For example, we watch Channel One, but we don’t think about why it is “first”? After all, there is a Russian word “one”, “one”. Why isn’t it a “single” channel? The word “first” is from the Turkic “ber”, “bir” - one. Those. "first" from "first". The account was instilled from the Horde, and maybe even earlier - during the time of the Turkic Kaganate. The word “altyn” came to us that way, i.e. "gold". Actually, the “first” one came from there. The Russian word “fatherland”, naturally, comes from “ati” - “father”. Because the Slavs were once part of a variety of state formations that were created by the Turks, in Golden Horde, in the Turkic Khaganate.
Well, if you remember earlier, the ancestors of the Turks were the Huns. Their language is called Proto-Turkic. This is Attila's empire. “Attila” is not a name either. This is an initiatory title, like “father of nations” - from “ati”. We are all familiar with the words “fatherland”, father, but our father turns out to be Turkic, according to this logic. What is reflected in the Russian language.

Not everyone remembers our previous club days. In one of them you said that in fact the Great Russians, as an ethnic group, appeared somewhere during the time of Ivan the Terrible, i.e. the ethnic group originated in the Horde. And we have maintained contact with the more ancient, ancient Russian ethnos, which in fact already in the period Kievan Rus was in decline. This question is, how Russian, as an ethnos, is a young ethnos, how strong was the Turkic component in it, and at the same time the connection with what historians call Kievan Rus?

Well, the ethnogenesis of the Great Russians, of modern Russians, is very complex. After all, there was an arrival of the Slavs in Zalesye, but these territories were originally Finnish. We talked about the place of the Turks in our language and ethnic group. But all the old names of cities, rivers, lakes are still Finnish. “Oka” is translated from Turkic as “white” and “Volga” as “white”, but only from Finnish dialects. Sudogda, Vologda, Murom are Finnish names. And the ethnogenesis of the Great Russians took place in a unique way. These are people from the Horde, the Turkic and Mongolian aristocracy, and Finnish tribes. It is known that among northern Russians there is still a significant amount of even genetically Finnish blood. And when they tell us that where is this trace of the Mongols, as such, in the Russian ethnos, in modern research, geneticists are constantly conducting them, where is our Mongolian? They argue that there was no Mongolian Rus', because this was not particularly reflected in genetics. This suggests that there were no predatory, aggressive campaigns of the Mongols, as such. And there was no yoke.
But we have a huge amount of Turkic component for one simple reason. The main haplogroup of Russians is R1a, but the Tatars have the same haplogroup. And it’s very difficult to figure out who is Russian and who, relatively speaking, is not Russian, because the haplogroup is approximately the same in Eastern Slavs and among the Turks in our country (Tatars, Kazakhs, Altaians, Balkars, Nogais).
And we really had an aristocracy, most likely less Mongolian, but more Turkic, because the Turks went to serve Mongol Empire, and they made up the majority in it.
Great Russian ethnogenesis followed the formation of the Moscow state, which largely copied its “alma mater,” the Golden Horde. The Moscow princes copied the army (Turkic words: “esaul”, “target”, “drum”, “guard”, “cornet”, “hurray”, “dagger”, “ataman”, “saber”, “koshevoy”, “Cossack” ", "to roam", "holster", "quiver", "horse", "damask steel", "hero"). Copied finances. Hence we have the words “money”, “profit”, “customs”, “treasury”, “label”, “brand” (and “comrade”), “artel”. They copied the transport system. This is how “coachman” arose - this is a Mongolian word in our language. From the Mongolian “yamzhi” - a system of transport corridors. And they dressed “in the Tatar way”: “shoe”, “kaftan”, “harem pants”, “sheep coat”, “bashlyk”, “sarafan”, “cap”, “veil”, “stocking”, “hat”.
This is such a new horde, you can call it that, there is no need to be shy about this word, “horde” is a wonderful word, it largely coincides with the word “order” in semantic meaning. A “New Horde” arose, but with a Slavic language, with Christian faith. That is why the Russians were later able to annex the lands that once belonged to the Horde. Because the local population perceived them as their own. There was another round of ethnogenesis. We are constantly pointed at Ukraine, but the situation there was somewhat different. On the territory of Ukraine, as a rule, people who did not like this Horde system, the “Yasa” of Genghis Khan, escaped.
The late Oles Buzina wrote about this that a lot of people fled to the Zaporozhye Sich, to whom this discipline, empire, and organization were disgusting. Such an anarchic, free type of people, but they were praised there, in fact, the rabble fled there, which Genghis Khan’s “Yasu” refused to recognize. "Trash" in a good way, of course. They "cut off" from everyone.
And there they somehow grouped, nested, and so the Ukrainian dialect gradually arose, the Ukrainian ethnic group with its own laws, with its own ideas, completely in many ways opposed to the Muscovite kingdom. Such an anti-horde, if you can call it that. It’s also a very interesting, original education, an original ethnogenesis. We are still disentangling the result of this ethnogenesis.

Next question. Here on the financial market they were discussing that Gazprom could buy Bashneft, official news. I even joked that new company will be called, if this happens, “Tengrioil”. Tengri, Tengrism, which, by the way, is now gaining strength in the same White Horde, in Kazakhstan, what is it? Monotheism? In more detail, because again there are many questions on this topic.

But in the case of Gazprom in Tengri, I, of course, do not believe in their special religiosity. Tengri, in their case, is money. Because the Russian word “money” comes from the Turkic “tengri” naturally. "Tenge" is the currency of the Golden Horde. Now it is the currency of Kazakhstan. Russians began to call any financial means this way.
But the monotheism of the Turks is known. Those. before coming to the Great Steppe, which is their cradle, before the arrival of Jews, Muslims, Christians, the Turks worshiped one god thousands of years ago, even before the birth of Christ, if we talk about the ancestors of the Turks, the Huns. And Tengri - god - a single sky. And the great ruler, relatively speaking, Genghis Khan, is the will of the great sky. The Turkic religion has a rich history and rich cultural heritage. And, it is worth noting that very few peoples had their own written language for thousands of years. Basically, the ethnic groups of Eurasia exported writing from the Phoenicians or Greeks, or from the Arameans. And most types of writing, they have a very specific connotation to these peoples, the peoples of the Middle East and the Mediterranean.
In addition to two groups of peoples - the Germans and the Turks, who had independent runic writing for several thousand years. These runes are similar, but have different sound and semantic meanings. The Turks had their own runic alphabet, which, naturally, went back to the will of the sky, to the will of Tengri, came from the sacred runic calendar, from observations of the sun, moon, stars, space, the phenomenon of Tengri. According to legend, it was the heavens who once handed this runic writing to the first Turkic kagans. Therefore, to claim that the Turks are some kind of savage peoples (a constant idea of ​​Western scientists and Russian nationalists) is very stupid. They will be more culturally advanced than many ethnic groups that still exist on planet Earth.

Expressed from a theological point of view, is Tengri God the father? From the point of view of Christian perception?

Yes. God is the Father. Lord of Hosts. From the point of view of Orthodoxy, “Lord of hosts” is translated as “Lord of the stars”, “Lord of the sky”. “Lord of the seven heavens” would be more correct, because our numeral “seven” comes from the Arabic “sebu” - seven. Here is Tengri - the Lord of all heavens. Supreme Commander of Space.

I have friends from Kazakhstan, and the meaning of Tengrism, as they say, is that there is one God, it’s just that each ethnic group has a traditional way of communicating with him. Such a question is the Turks as an ethnic group, modern Türkiye, the last conflict. In history, the Russian Empire fought with Turkey many times. Who are they to us? Enemies, partners or maybe allies against the West? This story.

But genetically, the Turkish Turks are, of course, very far from the Turks we know, from the Tatars, from the Altaians, from the Kazakhs. In general, they are much closer to the Persians, Arabs, and Greeks. Genetic data confirm this. Just Turks who once walked to the “last sea”, to the west, to White Sea, as they called the Mediterranean, there were not very many of them. Small tribes of nomads came, the most active part, because the main part remained at home, in the Steppe.
But those “who reached it,” the passionaries, became the aristocracy of the local peoples. They found descendants of the Persians, descendants of the Greeks there. They sculpted something out of this, some states. This is how they blinded Turkey. But the spirit, such a spiritualist, of the Turkic nomads, warriors, soldiers, of course, flourished in Turkey. And even the glorious wars, known as the Janissaries, are the Slavs who converted to Islam. Slavic boys, who were taken into good Turkic families, were raised in the Islamic and Turkic spirit, they then went and slaughtered for Islam, for the great Ottoman Empire, for their Turkic padishah, as we see in the super popular series “ Magnificent century"(all our housewives watch it with pleasure).
Here it is - the Turkic spirit, a spiritualist, of course, in Ottoman Empire he flourished. But it cannot be said that it was definitely a Turkic state. They began to build a Turkic state when the Ottoman Empire collapsed. Because they spoke the Ottoman language, which is some kind of mixture of Persian, Arabic, Slavic words with a small number of Turkic words.
Kemal Atatürk almost banned the Ottoman language. The Ottoman Empire was such an imperial project, a globalist project. He learned a lot from Byzantium, not from the point of view of religion, but from the point of view of geography, strategy, personnel policy. Their best sailors were the descendants of the Greeks, the “pirates” were the descendants of the French and Italians who converted to Islam. Those. they took everyone from everyone. They took Turkic cavalry, because Turkic cavalry is always the best, everyone knows this.
Those. the Ottoman project, I cannot say that it was definitely some kind of Turkic, just as in the Russian Empire it cannot be said that the Russian project was Slavic. Well, how Slavic is it, when the dynasty is German, the population is mixed, the nobility is half-Turkic, half of the Cossacks spoke Turkic dialects until the 20th century. It turns out that perhaps the Turks from the Russian Empire fought against the Slavs from the Ottoman Empire. It was such a mess.
The emergence of Turkic nationalism itself is associated with the figure of Kemal Ataturk, with the 20th century. When the Ottoman Empire collapsed, they began to think about how to live, what they could cling to in order to simply survive in a hostile world. And they began the emergency Turkification of their country. In fact, they began to create the language anew, and in order to somehow restore it (because it was thoroughly Persian or Slavic - the Ottoman language), they sent ethnographic expeditions, Kemal Ataturk sent, to the Oghuz Turks, who lived exactly on the territory of the Soviet Union . These are Azerbaijanis, Turkmen and Gagauz. And they began to take words from them, instead of Arabic, instead of Persian. Those. The Turkic state of Turkey is in many ways an artificial construct, when the population, which is largely descendants of the Greeks and other tribes of Asia Minor, was artificially driven into Turkic nationalism and the new Turkic language.
Now, if Kazakhstan, of course, is a Turkic country, or Russia is even a more Turkic country, I think, than Turkey. But the Turks made pan-Turkism their sign. The United States actively used this in the “Great Game” against the Soviet Union. The complex of these ideas was aimed at destroying our big country.
So that all Turkic peoples: Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Altaians, Yakuts, Bashkirs, Tatars, would, one way or another, perceive the Turks as their older brother. Although I’ll say it again, from a genetic point of view this is a little funny, because genetically Turks are no different from southern Italians, for example, from the inhabitants of Naples or Sicily. Just twin brothers. Well, since they had powerful story, they had an Empire, then they claimed to lead the Turkic world. Of course, neither the Russian Empire nor the Soviet Union liked this. The Russian Federation did not like this and does not like this kind of idea. Eurasian ideology could reconcile this complex of contradictions, very complex and discord between our countries.
Eurasianism arose as the idea of ​​uniting Slavic and Turkic vectors. The Slavs and Turks, when they are separated, try to say that the Russian Empire is a Slavic kingdom, and the Ottoman Empire is a Turkish kingdom and they must fight among themselves. Then you start to look into it, it turns out that the Russian Empire is half a Turkic kingdom. And the Ottoman Empire is half a Slavic kingdom. Those. everything was crushed.
We, Eurasians, argue that when Turks and Slavs meet, it turns out well, it turns out a symphony. As Lev Nikolaevich Gumilyov said - complementarity. There are peoples who complement each other. And on the contrary, such a Turkic-Slavic symbiosis has always given birth to tenacious and creative peoples and individuals.
From this point of view, we can not only reconcile our country, Russia, which, of course, is the fruit of the Slavic-Turkic symbiosis. And more broadly, not just to restore the Soviet Union, but to make it more powerful, like the Eurasian Union, which is also based on the Slavic-Turkic brotherhood.

The main drivers of the Eurasian Union are the Slavs and Turks, Belarusians, Russians, Kazakhs, Tatars, and Kyrgyz.
But we can come to an agreement with the Turks. Because, I repeat once again, the ethnogenesis of the Turks is significantly connected with ethnogenesis and with the combination of Slavic and Turkic elements. I already spoke about the Janissaries. Most of the viziers during the heyday of the Ottoman Empire, they were traditionally also Slavic Serbs, Sokolovici. Well, as a matter of fact, we know very well about the red-haired wife of Suleiman the Magnificent. Everyone knows about Alexandra of Russia, who became the great queen of the Ottoman Empire. Therefore, when we say - Eurasianism, Eurasian integration - then here we can find with the Turks mutual language, establish joint affairs, economic and geopolitical. Because no one here says who is higher there? The Turks are the first people, and the rest are under them - this is the main idea of ​​pan-Turkism.
If we say Eurasianism, then everyone is equal from this point of view. Together we create, as it were, a large tree of nations, Big world peoples, in the center of which stands the axis of the Slavs and Turks. Thanks to this axis, complementarity, and all other friendly peoples, Finnish, Ugric, and Caucasian, we all together form a large-scale community in our space. From the point of view of Eurasian ideology, by removing pan-Turkism or pan-Slavism or nationalisms of any kind, Russian nationalism or Turkish nationalism, we can (and now this will happen) improve relations with the fraternal Turkish Republic. Then it becomes fraternal, in the space of Eurasian brotherhood, camaraderie, friendship of peoples, and Turkey and I, I think, can do a lot together for peace and cooperation in Eurasia.

The role of Baku and Astana in the recent reconciliation and in this entire project?

Well, I think everyone tried, because everyone did not benefit from the confrontation between Turkey and Russia. This is not a new confrontation. Indeed, at one time, the war between the Russian Empire and Turkey was actively supported on both sides by our opponents, the Poles, Swedes, British, French, and Germans. They literally pitted, for example, the Pope against Turkey and Russia in order to draw back forces so that Russia would not interfere with Europe and Turkey would not interfere with Europe. So that we torture each other, beat each other, get tired and then the Europeans would come and make peace with us.
This is how everything happened Russian-Turkish wars. In this sense, the latest conflict between Russia and Turkey benefited only our Western competitors. And, of course, Astana tried, the role of Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev in this reconciliation is very great. And the Azerbaijani side, thanks to them.
But I think this conflict was not beneficial to anyone. And the people did not understand him. Because we constantly conduct sociological research and ethnic research. The conflict with America is understandable, and the Russian people seem to take part in this conflict and support their president. The conflict with radical Islamism is clear. Nobody welcomes radical Islamism. In Russia, no one, even normal Muslims, will support them.
But the conflict with Turkey was not clear to the people. And despite the fact that thousands of our state-paid propagandists howled like wolves in the Turkish direction, the people still perceived the Turks as a fraternal people. And they understood that the king and the sultan had a fight, and tomorrow they would make peace. In turn, we at the Lev Gumilyov Center conducted a special ethno-training, at which we organized energy peace between our countries, where one representative of Turkey solemnly asked for forgiveness from Russia, at this training.

I’ll explain the meaning of ethno-trainings. Lev Nikolaevich Gumilyov said that an ethnic group, a people, forms an energy field. Such energy fields are created by any natural community of people, families, and organizations. But an ethnos is a collection of energy fields. We address this field directly, we have technology, and we create a certain event. And then that's how it happens. First, at our Lev Gumilyov Center, a person representing Turkey asked for forgiveness; he was played by a Gagauz; in Russia, she was played by an Ossetian (for some reason it happened that way). I asked forgiveness. And after some time, a month later, the Turkish president asked Russia for forgiveness, asked to accept his apology. I think everyone tried, and energy level, both at the technological level and at the diplomatic level. And this conflict, I hope, will not happen again. And secondly, we will have to restore the results of this conflict for a very long time because economic relations were severed between our countries, and this is not beneficial to anyone.

Now everyone is talking about Uzbekistan. Tamerlane's role in this whole story?
Well, in the same Uzbekistan, Tamerlane was appointed such a sacred ancestor of the entire local population, although this is a little strange.
Firstly, he was not a chigizid. Some believe that it was. But this is not true.

There are also a lot of disputes. The fact remains that this is a very serious piece on the chessboard of humanity. The man who managed to create an Empire, if not the size of Genghis Khan, but comparable to him, not the size of the Turkic Khaganate, but actually comparable. He united all of Central Asia, Iran, part of India, and Asia Minor.

I write columnism, and have written several times that if Tamerlane had taken Moscow, then probably the capital of the future Empire would have been another city. And Islam, not Orthodoxy, would become the state religion. How fair is this?

The fact is that, no matter how much you take Moscow, it is only better for it. Everything in Moscow is like water off a duck's back. No matter how much you burn her, she will always get up and feel good again.
From the point of view of the collision with our civilization, Russian-Eurasian or the Union of Forest and Steppe, as we call it, of course, Tamerlane was an enemy, because he represented a slightly different culture. A renewed caliphate, in fact. He nurtured it and created it only with a center not in Baghdad, not in Damascus, but with a center in Samarkand. Islam was harshly imposed. Under him, Nestorian Christianity was destroyed in Central Asia, completely and irrevocably. He just went and killed everyone.
And before that, millions of Christians lived there, in Central Asia, the same Turks. And on various expeditions in Kyrgyzstan I come across rock carvings of crosses. Crosses, Nestorian creeds. It was the last Christians who hid from Tamerlane in the Kyrgyz canyons. And then he found them there and cut them and burned them. Those. the man was of incredible aggression, incredible strength.
And he brought ruin and death to the steppe, to our territory, to the territory of the modern Eurasian Union. He burned the steppes and captured everyone. And if he had captured Rus' then, he would not have spared anyone. Because the Mongols came, relatively speaking, they negotiated with the local population, the princes, passed through the country, took resources and moved on. But Tamerlane drove the population of entire regions, entire districts into his territory. And in this way it was more reminiscent of fascist Germany, when they took the population of several regions and sent them to work.
Those. such slave-owning Asia came to us. This is one of the novels from Asia, about Asian despots, about some terrible pharaohs who drive entire tribes back and forth. Here he was a classic Asian despot, incompatible with the code of behavior on our territory, among, relatively speaking, kings or khans. Here in Russia and Great Steppe people have never been killed for their religion.
Kings or khans did not act this way and did not turn everything into an endless slave trade. Tamerlane carried the slave trade and brought his cultural code to us, but did not reach it. God or Tengri, they saved this territory from destruction.

The question is this. Azerbaijan, they are also Turks, part of the Turkic world. Their prospects. But it cannot be bypassed within the framework of Eurasian integration - there is also Armenia. How is this?

We, in my opinion, had a good broadcast, related to the issues of Karabakh, it was quite well attended. This is a video you can watch. And soon we will post the text of the ethno-training that we carried out on Karabakh.
I looked now, it’s quite safe, the passions have already subsided. The problem must be solved, it must be solved, because the land lies abandoned. Karabakh is a land that used to prosper. It was multinational, multinational, multireligious. There lived Armenians and Azerbaijanis, Kurds and Russians in this territory. Now it lies largely abandoned. Karabakh needs to be developed. The fact that the “Black Hills” is a closed area has been turned into a dead end, a transport dead end, this hinders the development of our trade, the development of our economies. And the Karabakh issue must be resolved.
Karabakh should probably be given a special status in the Eurasian Union, maybe it could be guarded by special troops of the Eurasian Union, have a rather complex status, different options can be discussed for a condominium.

But, nevertheless, the problem must be solved. I believe that our generation is obliged to solve this problem.
But most importantly, I think, from the point of view economic development Eurasian Union, the biggest progress was made recently when the North-South route, discussed for decades, was approved by the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran. Now transport corridor will actively develop, roads will be built, the fleet of ships in the Caspian Sea will increase. This will be real Eurasian integration if this happens. Then Azerbaijan will organically become part of the Eurasian Union, and there will be no need to invent anything.

Last question. September 12 is coming soon. Orthodox Church honors Alexander Nevsky. I can’t finish without mentioning this figure, because on the one hand, a wide circle knows the famous Soviet film, that he defeated the Germans. On the other hand, the “frostbitten” Russian Nazis really don’t like him, because he crushed the anti-Horde uprisings. Moreover, he is with Batu and his son, from their point of view, he is a pagan. Here, accordingly, is this figure.

Well, first of all, Alexander Nevsky is a symbol of Russia. This was the only, in my opinion, fair vote that could have taken place. People chose between Stalin and Stolypin, everyone quarreled, and then somehow calmed down and chose Alexander Nevsky. I remember there was such a competition on television - not a competition, a kind of voting. They really chose him as a symbol of Russia, because he created Russia. When it was necessary to choose between west and east, Alexander chose the east.

And as we find out, with historical point did not lose sight, i.e. not only didn’t lose, but won. Because the entire east gradually went to Russia. Those who chose the west, like the inhabitants of Galicia and their prince Galician, well, we see in what idiotic state they are now on the outskirts of Europe. They are not even taken to this Europe. The Poles are sitting in the outskirts of Europe, but these are howling like dogs outside the outskirts. It’s not even the dogs that guard the garden, these are the Balts, so classic.
And the dogs that were kicked out. A classic dog from a Ukrainian cartoon who was kicked out. And the abandoned dog walks between the wolves, then goes to the Turkic wolves, then tries to penetrate back to the place from which he was kicked out. This, unfortunately, is the fate of Western Ukraine. Then they handed this devilish fate to all the other Little Russians.
Alexander Nevsky made a different choice. Yes, he went to the pagans, but to which pagans? The son of Batu Khan, his brother Khan Sartak was a Christian of the Nestorian faith.
He simply headed East. “Meeting” the sun galloped and his people “meeting” the sun followed him and reached Alaska.
And Alexander Nevsky walked first. We have been thinking for a long time about how the Russians even went to explore Lake Baikal. And the first to visit Lake Baikal was Alexander Nevsky, on the way to Karakorum. And now our theater master Andrei Borisov staged a wonderful performance at the Irkutsk Drama Theater based on Alexander Nevsky. And this is very symbolic. In Irkutsk, the understanding comes that Alexander Nevsky was the first to arrive at Baikal, and then his people came after him centuries later. And Alexander Nevsky was the first to go to the Horde in Sarai-Batu, in modern Astrakhan, in Sarai-Berke to Khan Berke, at his headquarters, which was located not far from Volgograd. And today the townspeople recognized Alexander Nevsky as the heavenly patron of Volgograd. He showed us the way.

This is our father. If the Turks are still figuring out who their father is, either Suleiman the Magnificent, or Kemal Ataturk, then we know who our father is, our “ati”. This is Alexander Nevsky, who showed us the way to the East, the “sunny path”. In this sense, he is the person who leads us. The first was Andrei Bogolyubsky, who led the capital from Kyiv, from the endless “pre-Maidan moods,” to Vladimir Rus. And Alexander Nevsky continued his path further; he led Russia to the East. Since then, Russia is an eastern country and Russians, of course, are an eastern people, in the vanguard of all other peoples of the East.

An ethno-linguistic group speaking Turkic languages. This population group is considered one of the ancients, and its classification is the most complex and still causes controversy among historians. 164 million people today speak the Turkic language. Most ancient people Turkic group- These are the Kirghiz, their language has been preserved almost unchanged. And the first information about the appearance of Turkic-speaking tribes dates back to the first millennium BC.

Current number

The largest number of modern Turks is. According to statistics, this is 43% of all Turkic-speaking peoples or 70 million people. Next come 15% or 25 million people. Slightly fewer Uzbeks - 23.5 million (14%), after - - 12 million (7%), Uyghurs - 10 million (6%), Turkmens - 6 million (4%), - 5.5 million (3%) , - 3.5 million (2%). The following nationalities make up 1%: , Qashqais and - on average 1.5 million. Others are less than 1%: Karakalpaks (700 thousand), Afshars (600 thousand), Yakuts (480 thousand), Kumyks (400 thousand), Karachais (350 thousand ), (300 thousand), Gagauz (180 thousand), Balkars (115 thousand), Nogais (110 thousand), Khakass (75 thousand), Altaians (70 thousand). Most Turks are Muslims.

The ratio of Turkic peoples

Origin of peoples

The first settlement of the Turks was in Northern China, in the steppe zones. They were engaged in land science and cattle breeding. Over time, the tribes settled and reached Eurasia. The ancient Turkic peoples were:

  • Huns;
  • Turkuts;
  • Karluks;
  • Khazars;
  • Pechenegs;
  • Bulgars;
  • Cumans;
  • Oghuz Turks.

Very often in historical chronicles the Turks are called Scythians. There are many legends about the origin of the first tribes, which also exist in several versions.

Language group

There are 2 main groups: eastern and western. Each of them has a branch:

  • Eastern:
    • Kyrgyz-Kypchak (Kyrgyz, Altaians);
    • Uyghur (Saryg-Uighurs, Todzhins, Altaians, Khakassians, Dolgans, Tofalars, Shors, Tuvinians, Yakuts).
  • Western:
    • Bulgarian (Chuvash);
    • Kipchak (Kypchak-Bulgar: Tatars, Bashkirs; Kipchak-Polovtsian: Crimeans, Krymchaks, Balkars, Kumyks, Karaites, Karachais; Kipchak-Nogais: Kazakhs, Nogais, Karakalpaks);
    • Karlukskaya (Ili Uyghurs, Uzbeks, Uyghurs);
    • Oguz (Oguz-Bulgar: Balkan Turks, Gagauz; Oguz-Seljuk: Turks, Azerbaijanis, Capriot Turks, Turkomans, Qashqais, Urums, Syrian Turks, Crimeans; Oguz-Turkmen peoples: Trukhmens, Qajars, Gudars, Teymurtashs, Turkmens, Afshars , salars, karapapakhi).

The Chuvash speak the Chuvash language. Dialectics among the Yakuts in Yakut and Dolgan. The Kipchak peoples are located in Russia and Siberia, so Russian becomes the native language here, although some peoples retain their culture and language. Representatives of the Karluk group speak Uzbek and Uyghur languages. The Tatars, Kyrgyz and Kazakhs achieved independence for their territory and also preserved their traditions. But Oguzes tend to speak Turkmen, Turkish, and Salar.

Characteristics of peoples

Many nationalities, although they live on the territory of Russia, retain their language, culture and customs. Vivid examples of the Turkic people who are partially or completely dependent on other countries:

  • Yakuts. Often the indigenous people call themselves Sakhas, and their Republic is called Sakha. This is the easternmost Turkic population. The language was acquired a little from the Asians.
  • Tuvans. This nationality is found in the east, closer to the border with China. Home Republic – Tuva.
  • Altaians. They preserve their history and culture the most. They inhabit the Altai Republic.
  • Khakassians. Approximately 52 thousand people live in the Republic of Khakassia. Partially someone moved to Krasnoyarsk region or Tulu.
  • Tofalars. According to statistics, this nationality is on the verge of extinction. Found only in the Irkutsk region.
  • Shors. Today there are 10 thousand people who have taken refuge in the southern part of the Kemerovo region.
  • Siberian Tatars. They speak Tatar, but live in Russia: Omsk, Tyumen and Novosibirsk regions.
  • Dolgans. These are bright representatives living in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Today the nationality consists of 7.5 thousand people.

Other peoples, and there are six such countries, have achieved their own nationality and now these are prosperous countries with a history of Turkic settlement:

  • Kyrgyz. Exactly this ancient settlement of Turkic origin. Even though the territory was vulnerable for a long time, they managed to preserve their way of life and culture. They lived mainly in the steppe zone, where few people settled. But they are very hospitable and generously greet and see off guests who come to their home.
  • Kazakhs. This is the most common group of Turkic representatives. They are a very proud, but at the same time strong-willed people. Children are raised strictly, but they are ready to protect their neighbors from bad things.
  • Turks. A peculiar people, they are patient and unpretentious, but very insidious and vindictive. Non-Muslims do not exist for them.

All representatives of Turkic origin have one thing in common - history and common origin. Many managed to carry their traditions through the years and even despite other problems. Other representatives are on the verge of extinction. But even this does not prevent you from getting to know their culture.