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» What other than wallpaper can you use to decorate the walls? Types of wall decoration in an apartment: making the right choice. What materials are not recommended for finishing a wooden house due to their low environmental friendliness?

What other than wallpaper can you use to decorate the walls? Types of wall decoration in an apartment: making the right choice. What materials are not recommended for finishing a wooden house due to their low environmental friendliness?

Natural wood is a very popular building material that will never go out of style. Wooden houses are just as actively being built today as they were 100 years ago. We will talk about the rules for selecting finishes for their walls in this article.

The best wall covering materials – which ones to choose?

In order to qualitatively cover the walls in a modern wooden house, it is necessary to choose facing materials taking into account many factors. The region where the residential property is located should be taken into account, climatic conditions in the region, as well as the proposed rules for operating the structure. In a small country house, used only in summer time, you can simply paint or varnish the walls, saving your money.

For residential buildings in which the owners live all year round, we recommend choosing more expensive, attractive and reliable facing materials. The ease of use of the structure, its functionality and aesthetics depend on the quality of interior design. By investing more effort and money, you can achieve best results registration Among the most suitable finishing materials, it is customary to highlight cladding made from natural wood. Their use allows you to preserve the visual appeal of wood and create a microclimate in the rooms that is favorable for people’s lives.

  • wooden lining;
  • block house;
  • various panels;
  • drywall.

These cladding options are the most in demand, as they allow you to create perfectly smooth walls in rooms, they differ simple installation and do not require preliminary leveling of the surfaces to be coated before installation. To pick up optimal finishing, it is necessary to take into account not only the features of the house, but also individual characteristics interior rooms, for example, in the kitchen and bathroom the walls need to be decorated with materials that are resistant to high humidity, and for the living room and bedroom the most important thing is the visual appeal of the finish.

Walls and facing materials may also experience weight load due to installed decorative elements, furniture, lamps and other things. The load must also be taken into account when choosing a finish, so that during operation the facing layer does not collapse and retains its technical and visual characteristics for a long time.

Wooden lining - the most important advantages of natural finishing

The lining is an ordinary wooden board with special fastening grooves that allow for maximum fit individual elements wall cladding during installation. This finishing material retains all the features, advantages and disadvantages natural wood:

  • wide palette of colors and textures;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • high-quality sound absorption;
  • long service life with correct installation and quality care;
  • fear of high humidity;
  • susceptibility to biological contamination (fungus, mold);
  • fire hazard.

Considering these features of the lining, when choosing it, give preference to models that have good protection from moisture, covered by special means, preventing wood from becoming infected with mold and reducing its flammability. The surface of the lining can be either smooth, well-treated, or untreated. In the second case, after installing the cladding, you will have to independently protect the boards from negative impacts and varnish.

When studying the lining market, special attention should be paid to the type of wood from which it is made. If for dry living rooms any materials are suitable, then for wet rooms it is better to choose a board made of linden, alder and oak, and not from coniferous species. Correctly selected and correctly installed lining is distinguished by its versatility, practicality, environmental friendliness and attractiveness. With its help you can decorate any room in a residential wooden house in full accordance with design ideas and user preferences.

Drywall - a modern and affordable means of decoration

Drywall for finishing wooden houses not used as often as lining, but it also allows you to effectively hide construction defects and elements of engineering communications, is characterized by low cost and makes it possible to place with inside the walls have an additional layer of insulation. Another advantage of drywall is that it is able to absorb and release moisture, and this has an extremely positive effect on the internal microclimate in the premises.

Drywall is usually used to decorate residential buildings in modern designer styles. Sheets of this material can be bent, giving walls and corners any convenient shape. In order for lined walls to retain their visual qualities for a long time, they should be additionally protected from rodents. Many large manufacturers impregnate drywall sheets with special chemicals, repelling mice, rats and insects.

There is a wide range of plasterboard sheets on the market:

  1. 1. Wall plasterboard. Used for covering surfaces in rooms with normal humidity.
  2. 2. Moisture-resistant drywall. Suitable for decorating walls in “wet” areas of the house.
  3. 3. Fireproof drywall. Used to decorate rooms with strong changes temperature and increased risk occurrence of fires.

Any type of drywall can be purchased relatively inexpensively and quickly installed on the walls yourself. Simplicity and high speed of installation are ensured by large . The lined surface can be additionally painted or plastered.

Drywall can only be used to cover surfaces in houses that have gone through the shrinkage process, and still, when installing, you should make an indentation from the floor and ceiling, taking into account the tendency of wood to expand under the influence of temperature. Due to fragility plasterboard sheets they may simply rip or break due to seasonal temperature changes.

Types and characteristics of wall panels

In stores today you can find a large number of wall panels made from different materials. Most often, panels made of MDF, fiberboard, plastic, bamboo and glass are used to decorate private wooden houses. Fiberboard panels are the most popular and diverse. To decorate the house you can use:

  • type-setting rack panels;
  • tiled;
  • leafy.

The main advantage of fiberboard panels is their availability and durability. They are attached to the walls using self-tapping screws, thanks to which the cladding is able to withstand even heavy loads. On a wall lined with fiberboard panels you can easily hang various shelves, lamps and decorative elements. For panels of this type, suitable fittings and moldings for decorating joints are available on the market. You can choose moldings, baseboards, corners, trims, etc. for any panels.

MDF panels are characterized by good moisture resistance, low cost, ease of installation and environmental friendliness. Due to their strength and durability, they are commonly used to decorate walls in bathrooms, kitchens and toilets. Products differ great variety on the market and visual appeal, that is, with their help you can beautifully decorate all the “wet” areas in the house.

Modern glass panels are also widely used in repairs. They allow you to create in separate rooms of the house unique design, corresponding to the tastes and preferences of users. It is best to use glass panels not as wall coverings, but as inserts that decorate the room. Complete walls using glass panels are designed only in functional rooms: bathrooms, kitchens and others.

Glass panels can be made from colored materials and have not only a smooth, but also a corrugated surface covered with patterns and three-dimensional images.

SMP () are well suited for decorating walls in log houses. Such facing materials have good flexibility; during installation, the permissible radius of curvature of the sheets is about 3 m. That is, the risk of damage to this finish during the operation of the house is almost zero. SMPs are lightweight, moisture-resistant and fire-resistant. Thanks to large sizes They are used not only for finishing surfaces, but also for creating thin interior partitions.

Block house - is it worth the money?

A block house in its visual characteristics is practically no different from an ordinary one wooden board, however, has a convex cylindrical shape front side and machined ribs for easy and quick installation. This perfect material for decorating walls in wooden houses, it allows you to maintain a microclimate favorable for living in decorated rooms and can be installed by the owners themselves. For interior decoration It is customary to use slats up to 25 mm thick, which are fixed to the sheathing.

Experts recommend purchasing a block house for finishing wooden walls with a 10% reserve. Buying too much cladding will increase the cost of renovation, but it is necessary for a quality finish. If there is not enough block house, you will have to urgently go to the store for a new batch of materials, which in shade may not match the already installed boards.

The walls decorated with a block house are aesthetically pleasing, but require careful handling during operation and constant maintenance. You will need to regularly clean the lined walls from dust, and also update them every 1-3 years. varnish coating. Wall repairs should include not only the installation of sheathing, but also the laying of an internal thermal insulation layer, on top of which the block house is hung.

The paneling of a block house looks like the surface of a log house with unlined walls, which is why it is so attractive and popular. To decorate the walls, you must use decor that matches rustic style interior - forged products, carved accessories, beams, etc. Proper decoration is just as important for the attractiveness of the rooms as the competent choice of cladding and installation work.

There are various finishing materials on the market for interior walls. The material differs depending on the manufacturer and its properties. Therefore, it is not always easy to decide how best to decorate your walls. Peculiarities modern interior are very diverse, you can often see combinations of several materials in the decoration of a room. Diversity beautiful materials will help turn walls into masterpieces of renovation art.

Plaster and wallpaper for decoration

Wallpaper is one of the most popular materials for interior decoration. Wallpaper is much easier - the variety of colors and textures is simply amazing, and even a beginner can handle the wallpaper.

The material can be divided into several subtypes:

But, if you want to give your house an unusual and unique look, then decorative plaster will become the best solution. Many are accustomed to using different plaster only when the walls need to be leveled and cracks need to be eliminated. But today this coating is used in the final decorative design of walls. It has a wide variety of species, each of which has its own unique properties.

Decorative plaster will create a stylish design and an unusual structure on the surface. Plaster slightly insulates the room and can absorb extraneous sounds.

The material is divided into the following types:

  1. Structural finishing - this refers to the famous “bark beetle” and the no less famous “fur coat”. After application, the wall acquires a beautiful and interesting structure, large or fine-grained;
  2. A textured layer is an option for unusual surface effects;
  3. Mineral plaster - environmentally friendly and economical effective method processing.

Cladding with tiles and panels

Tiles are considered the most versatile and inexpensive material. It is used for finishing different surfaces. Although the technology for laying tiles has its own peculiarities, if you follow all the rules, it is quite feasible.

Wall tiling different sizes- quite a popular option for decorating rooms. Tiles have many advantages, but, above all, they are valued for their resistance to strong moisture and temperature changes. Because of this, it is often used to decorate walls in the kitchen and bathroom. As a rule, this type of decoration is not used in living rooms.

Ceramic tiles are divided into the following types:

  • double fired tiles;
  • white clay material;
  • porcelain tiles;
  • individually processed tiles.

Because the tiles are laid on an overlay of adhesive, they act as good insulation and make the walls thicker.

Panels for interior walls can be in sheets or slabs. One of the main advantages of this type of surface treatment is the ability to place an insulating layer - mineral wool or standard foam - between the wall and the decorative panel.

Domestic Wall panels made from the following materials:

  1. Chipboard - allowed to be used only in a dry room, such a board is poisonous;
  2. Fiberboard - only afraid of direct contact with water;
  3. Plastic - easy to clean, moisture resistant;
  4. Natural wood- the most noble and most attractive, but at the same time expensive material.

Textile dyeing and finishing

Painting walls is considered the most budget option for decorating a room. It should be noted that the paint should only be applied to a flat and clean surface.

Textile decoration is often used recently. True, the price is high, but this design looks quite elegant.

This finish is divided into several types:

  1. Wallpaper in rolls. The structure has a textile that is attached to the bottom of the paper.
  2. Silk, linen and other materials per meter can be used for covering. There are many colors and shades on sale that can decorate almost any room.

Material for interior walls

Decoration Materials When decorating interior walls, it is important to choose according to the principle of their use in a particular room.

Options, which should be considered when choosing finishing materials for interior work are as follows:

Almost all types of wallpaper and particle boards, wood and fabrics do not like moisture, so it is better not to use them in rooms with high humidity. But they will look great in other rooms. For bathrooms, kitchens and hallways, it is better to choose PVC panels, stone or ceramic tiles.

Fire safety is very important when you choose finishing material for the interior walls of your home. The most stable fire-resistant materials are stone, ceramics, and plaster. Other materials, unfortunately, are not as strong.

Selection of finishes taking into account the interior

The decoration for the walls inside the house is divided into classic and modern and is selected according to preferences. Finished goods are selected taking into account the conditions in which they will be used, for example, room humidity, air temperature, and so on.

Product characteristics include color, texture, various patterns and much more. The chosen color must necessarily match the interior of the room. If little light enters the room, then the wall cladding should be as light as possible. It is better if the walls are completely white.

Light shades visually enlarge the space, and the room is filled with warmth and comfort. Experts recommend using finishing material for walls inside the house of blue color. This creates an atmosphere of calm.

If you need to create an emotional and original interior, it is better to use bright red and orange colors. However, do not forget that such colors are contraindicated in rooms intended for family recreation and in children's rooms.

To give the room an office style, it is recommended to use wooden panels. Rooms decorated with such decor look simply magnificent, and visitors feel the strength and firmness of the owner of the room. This is especially true in classrooms.

When choosing several types of materials to cover the walls of one room, make sure that they do not contradict, but complement each other. For example, when decorating a room in a country style, you should not combine delicate wallpaper with futuristic or avant-garde elements.

Wall decoration requires increased responsibility. The preparatory stage is especially important in this matter. Before starting work, it is necessary to determine what finishing material will be, since for each option it is necessary to prepare the walls separately.

Before work you must remove the old coating. Everything is removed mechanically using a spatula, brush or grinder. Old fasteners are eliminated.

Then you can smoothly move on to processing and leveling the surface. Leveling occurs only after cleaning the walls to concrete. The wall is degreased and treated to remove mold. This should be done with special substances. After applying the product, the surface must be primed.

Renovating is not always a pleasant experience. Although for many this is an exciting process in which all the most daring ideas and decisions become embodied in reality. Interior finishing is the last stage in the construction of a house, during which it is important to comply with all the nuances, requirements and rules for working with the material.

Anyone who has at least once encountered such a problem as apartment renovation knows how seriously you need to take this topic. After all, your mood and well-being every day depends on how your home looks!

What kind of interior do we want to see in our apartment? How much do we want to invest? Will we do the repairs ourselves, or will we hire a team of finishers? To avoid problems in the future, it is better to answer these questions before starting repairs.

To give uniqueness and harmony, modern designers In the field of interior design, they offer a lot of methods for decorating walls in an apartment. Depending on the initial state of the wall surfaces, functional purpose rooms, the owner’s preferences, material capabilities, we can highlight the main options for their design.

Before choosing a wall design method and starting decorating work, their surfaces must be leveled and, if necessary, plastering and puttying work must be carried out.

The most common finishing method. Thanks to this finishing, you can create drawings of any complexity and color range. There are paints on water based, alkyd, silicate. For interior spaces Mostly water-based paints are used.

Water based paints

Most often, water-based paints are used to paint walls. They have a quick-drying effect, are odorless, and are easy to apply with any tool. By adding color pigment to the diluted consistency of white acrylic or emulsion paint, you can achieve any shade.

You can paint the walls in your apartment not only in a single color, but also in any creative ideas possible to make it a reality. A store or company that sells colors and paints has a computer tinting service. With its help, a specialist will select the shade you need.

An inexpensive type of water-soluble composition is water-based paint. Excellent adhesion, a small amount of applying layers to form an even paintable wall makes them popular among buyers.

You should know that this type of paint is not used in wet areas and it will not withstand mechanical influences.

Silicone paints based on aqueous polymer dispersions are more expensive than water-based paints due to their strength characteristics. Such coatings are durable and not afraid of moisture.

Acrylic paints based on aqueous polymer dispersions have low hiding power, but are also durable. They can be applied in “damp” rooms.

To give surface relief, use textured paints, with different fillings. The result of the pattern texture depends on the tool used to apply the composition.

Alkyd compositions

This type is not used for living rooms. This is evidenced by their properties: they contain alkyd resins, are not afraid of moisture, high temperature, have a specific smell, and the brightness of the color loses its hue over time.

Silicate paints

Used in rooms with high humidity(kitchens, baths). They are durable, resistant, protect surfaces from fungi and mold.

The disadvantages of the application are the following: the release of evaporation during painting; it is necessary to use a respirator; poor adhesion to surfaces that have previously been painted.

Using wallpaper for decoration

Traditional and simple finishing method. The advantages of using wallpaper as decoration are the following: huge selection, easy to choose based on cost, quality, appearance, there is no need to resort to the help of specialists for pasting, you can do it yourself.

Wallpaper is classified into paper, vinyl, textile, non-woven, washable, photo wallpaper. The most popular are paper and vinyl. These types do not require special effort When gluing, you will need wallpaper glue to apply to the surface.

Wallpaper with liquid composition

This finishing material “liquid wallpaper” has no resemblance to wallpaper. It is a mixture of plaster, which, when diluted with water, forms a liquid composition that can give any texture and relief to surfaces.

If the drawing did not work out the first time, the defects can be eliminated by easy dismantling and the application process can be repeated.

Photo wallpaper

Another way to create a “modern” style for the walls in an apartment is photo wallpaper. This unique style decorations, due to their brightness, will transform the room and visually increase the space.

Decorative plastering

An unusual and expensive finishing method. Creative people will be able to realize fantasies and ideas in this way. By using decorative plaster achieve relief on walls of varying depths. With the help of cutters, reliefs are trimmed and given various shapes.

The beauty of the walls in the apartment is created using a plaster mixture consisting of sand, cement, lime with the addition of fillers. Meet me in the store plaster mixtures you can separate or ready-made. In the first case, you will need to knead all the ingredients in a bucket.

Plaster can be mosaic or textured. With the help of such technologies, various stylish panels are created. A special tool is used to work with decorative plaster.

Decorative rock

Is expensive facing material. Beautifully laid stone will add originality to your home. Stone cladding can be artificial or natural.

Not everyone can afford to buy natural stone. Variety of species artificial stone not inferior natural stone. In stores you can find a large assortment of stones, and choose according to color and preference.

The choice of stone for finishing should be carefully thought out, and the design of the future room or corridor should be created in advance. This finishing in its final form can give the room a visual “heaviness” and “narrowing”.

Cladding walls with clapboard

This type of cladding is a popular method these days.

Simple installation, a pleasant final appearance, additional sound insulation of the walls in the apartment, long service life, the use of environmentally friendly materials, the ability to level the walls without additional work - all these are the advantages of covering walls with wooden lining. This lining is made from different breeds wood, quite expensive in value.

An inexpensive and modern wall finishing material includes PVC panels. Fastening such panels to uneven surfaces carried out with the installation of the frame. Plastic panels can be used in rooms with high humidity.

Another budget option for cladding using MDF panels. The advantages of MDF lining are similar wooden lining. The installation principles of the two types are similar.

Don't decorate the walls MDF panels in moisture-resistant rooms. There are laminated, veneered, and painted wood lining types.

Photo of the walls in the apartment

The walls in the apartment usually cause the greatest number of problems for owners during renovations. How to decorate them in such a way as to hide the imperfections and make the interior unusual, unlike those of the neighbors. In addition, I want it to be practical and not very expensive. Wallpaper is usually the first thing that comes to mind. We won't argue. With the current diversity of their types, it is quite possible to select suitable option for any room. Well, then what about the creativity and uniqueness of the interior? And functionality should not be overlooked either. After all, let’s say, while searching for an answer to the question: “How to decorate the kitchen walls in an apartment?”, you begin to understand that wallpaper is far from the most the best option for this room. We need something different, more practical and durable. However, fortunately, the current owners of apartments and houses will not have to rack their brains for a long time over the problem. Market building materials so diverse that you can find suitable solution it won't be difficult. We, in turn, will try to help with valuable advice.

So, what are the walls in the apartment decorated with, besides wallpaper?

General principles

Choosing suitable material For walls, first of all, you need to take into account the room in which the finishing will take place. This is what we need to build on. If this is, say, a bedroom or a children's room, then here you need to opt for environmentally friendly clean materials, in the manufacture of which a minimum amount of chemical components was used. If we're talking about about the hallway, then you need to understand that a more durable material, after all, this is the room where people most often touch the walls with their hands, so the ability to quickly remove traces of the same hands from the walls without consequences for the finishing is of great importance. As for, say, the kitchen, you will need materials that can withstand temperature changes and high humidity. Talking about what can be used to decorate the walls in an apartment, we will, first of all, touch upon issues of practicality and functionality. As for interior design specifically, this is not the topic of our review, however, based on our advice, you, due to the abundance of all kinds of colors and textures of the materials we describe, will be able to independently choose the appropriate option for yourself.

Decorate with plaster

To put it mildly, do you have less than ideal walls in your apartment? How to finish them quickly, efficiently and inexpensively? Consider the option of decorative plaster. If you accept it, you will deal with two birds with one stone - you will hide defects and improve the interior. And there will be no problems with the design, since decorative plaster is covered with paint after application to the surface. So suitable color It won't be difficult to find. And, besides, when you hear the word “plaster,” there’s no point in imagining a gray surface covered in specks of sand. Not at all. Today, decorative plaster is so diverse that you can use it to create a textured, antique, or marbled surface. The only drawback of this type of finishing, perhaps, is that, without good skills, you can do it yourself high-quality finishing Not sure it's going to happen. However, if you don’t get too fancy and buy a “bark beetle” type solution, then you can get by on our own. Well, if you want the walls to be finished or their surface to imitate stone covering, then, of course, it is advisable to turn to specialists.


This material is quite well-known and, it seems, can no longer surprise anyone. However, everything is not so simple. Today ceramic tile so diverse that it is used not only in bathrooms and toilets, but sometimes also decorates the walls of living rooms and hallways. Well, for the kitchen this is perhaps the most suitable option. Its mirror varieties will serve as excellent bedrooms.

PVC panels

Quite often this coating is found in offices. However, who said that they cannot decorate the walls in the apartment. How to finish the surface if you want the work to be done quickly and painlessly, and the coating itself to be durable, beautiful and easy to clean? Of course, you should pay attention to PVC panels. They are simply ideal for the kitchen, great for bathrooms and hallways. For budget renovation - great option. Especially considering that all the work can be done independently, it is enough to be able to hold a drill and a screwdriver in your hands. Moreover, today plastic panels They are produced not only in plain colors, but also with patterns, which are sometimes so beautiful that you can easily create an amazing interior. Cheap, practical and original.

MDF panels

By appearance they are similar to plastic ones, but are not as moisture resistant as the latter. In addition, they are usually produced only in a single-color version and most often imitate a wooden covering. However, if you are looking for an apartment, and the material is not particularly expensive, then this option is perfect. These panels are quite resistant to stress, wash well, in addition, you can not only install them yourself, but also hide all communications and surface irregularities under them.


Considering relatively budget options wall decoration, you can’t ignore painting. At one time it was extremely fashionable and was considered a very sophisticated finishing option. Today painting is no longer so popular, even though many modern materials. Indeed, at the very beginning, when such finishing options had just begun to appear (we, of course, do not mean panels in old Soviet apartments, covered with a nasty green color), they took an ordinary water-based emulsion and added dye to it to get the desired shade. It was not always possible to achieve the desired result, and such coating was difficult to clean. No, now there are plenty of ready-made paints on the market, some of which also contain varnish, so dirt can be easily washed off from them. This finishing method is rapidly losing popularity for another reason.

The fact is that to obtain a high-quality result, the desired surface must be carefully leveled and made perfectly smooth. What will require big material costs and attracting specialists. Besides, this method considered one of the dirtiest. Tip: to reduce costs and speed up the process, you can first cover the plastered walls with special wallpaper, and then apply paint to them.

All the options presented above are the most common and, by and large, publicly available. What is the best way to decorate the walls of an apartment if the owners are not strapped for cash and can afford to fork out for expensive materials. Let us next consider the most promising options in this regard.


Great option. Natural will create an atmosphere of comfort in the room and will allow you to create any desired interior design, because at the moment it is produced in various colors, and at the same time its inherent nature is preserved. In addition, cork will insulate the walls and contribute to their sound insulation.

Decorative rock

Another expensive finishing option. But it is also durable, in addition, incredibly refined and emphasizing the status of the owners. And if you don’t know what to decorate the walls in the hallway of your apartment with, consider it. Thus, you will make the interior of this room not only original, but also functional, because such a coating is not afraid of any “injuries” or dirt. Advice: I must say that today construction markets You can easily purchase a magnificent fake - not natural, but artificial decorative stone. And, we dare say, it is made so well that not even every specialist can determine its non-natural origin. Such material will cost you an order of magnitude cheaper, which, by the way, will practically not affect its quality characteristics.

3D panels

An excellent option for those who don’t know what to decorate the walls of their apartment with, other than wallpaper. After all, this is a super new product modern market, so it’s ideal for those who want to create a creative, “not like everyone else” interior. As for the coating itself, it is, of course, expensive, but all costs will be covered by its amazing appearance and the stunning visual effect that such panels create. In addition, a huge advantage is that the installation of such panels can be done by hand. And the surface does not require any special preliminary preparation. So, don't lose sight of it while choosing the right wall decor.


We told how it was in the apartment. How to finish them is, of course, up to you. But at the end of the article we want to give one more piece of advice. Don't discount wallpaper. If you don't want to decorate the walls with them, you don't need to. The choice of materials, as you may have noticed, is more than large. But remember: sometimes a combination of wallpaper and, say, the same decorative stone looks much more interesting than just walls covered only with the latter. In general, use your imagination. And you will certainly succeed.

Interior wall decoration- This is the final stage of wall processing. TO internal work wall finishing begins when all the main construction activities have already been completed: work on the exterior of the building has come to its logical end, construction networks and communications have been installed, interior partitions and etc.

  1. All remains of decorative and protective coating, if there are any on the walls, are removed mechanically. To do this, you can use any tool convenient for you: a spatula, a coarse brush, grinder and etc.

2. If there are remnants of old fasteners in the walls, for example self-tapping screws, fragments of dowel nails, etc., they must also be removed. The place where these fasteners were located is sanded. If there are traces of rust on the walls, they should be cleaned by firing.

Basic methods of wall decoration

The main purpose of the initial finishing is to prepare it for final finishing and decoration. Today, there are two main methods for starting interior wall decoration: “dry” and “wet”.

For dry preparation, glass-magnesium sheets are used, or for interior finishing (plastic, made of wood or wood).

The “wet” method involves applying a layer of plaster or plaster to the walls. This is a more labor-intensive method, and also quite “dirty”.

Let's look at each of these methods in detail and in more detail.

Leveling the walls with plasterboard

– a very convenient material, quite often used for interior decoration. It's convenient and inexpensive material, which allows you to level even walls with significant defects or a room with uneven corners.

This is a fairly clean way of treating walls, since in accordance with the technology, a sheet of plasterboard is simply applied to the surface of the wall. There are two options for attaching this material.

In the first case, the drywall is attached directly to the wall using wide-headed dowels or glue (this option is only possible if the wall surface is fairly flat).

In the second option, it is installed on the wall using metal or wooden guides, onto which it is attached. finishing sheets. The frame under the drywall is installed crosswise, and the space between the wall and the sheet is laid mineral wool or polystyrene foam. This option allows you to do additional work, however, with this leveling technology, the area of ​​the room is somewhat reduced, because the walls are built up and increase in thickness.

After the installation of the sheets is completed, the joints of the sheets are glued masking tape and putty. The casts themselves are also covered with a thin layer of putty.

Plastering walls

A fairly popular method of interior decoration is plastering the interior walls of the room. Applying plaster levels the walls and after it dries, the surface is completely ready for final finishing with decorative elements.

A significant disadvantage of this method is the large labor and time costs. In case of significant unevenness, the plaster can be applied in a fairly thick layer or even in several stages.

Today you can find both dry mixtures that are diluted immediately before starting finishing works, or ready-made liquid mixtures diluted in appropriate proportions.

Apply the plaster mixture using a spatula in the direction from the floor to the ceiling of the room; the evenness of the surface is checked using a building level.

Types of plastering solutions

In accordance with the purpose of the room, several types of plaster solutions are used:

  • cement-sand (used in wet rooms for wall cladding decorative tiles or stone);
  • gypsum-sand or lime-sand (used in obviously dry rooms that will later be used as living rooms);
  • complex solution (in addition to leveling walls, it has additional functionality).

Using complex type solution, for example, gypsum is added to the base. Gypsum will ensure the coating dries quickly. You can also add ingredients to the solution that increase its thermal insulation properties or resistance to a humid environment.

Using putty to level walls

putty- a material that can only be used for minor surface unevenness of walls. It will not be able to hide significant imperfections in the wall, since, in accordance with technology, it is applied in one thin layer.

Finishing (decorative) wall finishing

After the initial finishing and wall leveling work is completed, it is time to finishing the walls are clean. Materials for decorating walls are selected, as a rule, depending on the purpose of the room. In addition, much attention today is paid not only to appearance, but also to the safety of the materials used.

For each type of premises: residential (bedroom, children's room, etc.), non-residential (kitchen, hallway, bathroom, etc.) and industrial, materials of a certain marking are used, approved for finishing this type of premises.

Important! Finishing materials marked E1 are suitable for residential premises, those marked E2 can only be used in non-residential areas of the house, and E3 - only for industrial premises.

Ceramic tile

For finishing walls in rooms with high humidity, such as a bathroom, kitchen, toilet, a practical and moisture-resistant material such as ceramic tiles is best suited.

This material has many advantages. High aesthetic characteristics (variety of colors, patterns, textures), durability and ease of care, resistance to dirt and long service life.

However, there are certain disadvantages, the main one being the high price. In addition, it is quite difficult to lay ceramic tiles in a high-quality manner on your own; most likely, you will have to turn to a professional with experience in such work.

When transporting this material, you need to be extremely careful, because uninstalled ceramic tiles are very fragile.

It should also be taken into account that floor tiles differ in rigidity from those used for laying walls and ceilings.

To learn how to choose a tile, watch this video:

PVC and MDF panels

Plastic or MDF panels are suitable for finishing non-residential premises, since this material is far from environmentally friendly due to their composition, however, MDF furniture is already the norm in an apartment, but if you eco-friendly house, we do not recommend.

But this decoration looks good in hallways or corridors.

Quite durable and easy to use, the panels, moreover, do not require additional treatment of the walls. Therefore, they can be used even in rooms whose walls have not been leveled. The panels are attached to wooden planks fixed to the wall.

Plastic panels are cheaper, however, they are inferior to MDF finishes in their environmental characteristics.

Wallpapers and their varieties

The most popular option, used in interior wall decoration for a long time, is wallpapering walls. Wallpaper is ideal for decorating living rooms in a house.

Today there is a huge amount of wallpaper of various textures and colors. There are wallpapers on paper, vinyl or non-woven base, as well as fabric, etc. Paper wallpaper– the most environmentally friendly and cheapest option.

Fabric and cork wallpapers also have good safety indicators.

Wallpaper is quite short-lived. They tend to fade over time and can also become torn or scratched.

Wallpaper should be glued to a flat surface of treated walls. Wallpaper with a complex pattern requires careful adjustment. For different types Wallpaper uses different adhesives.

Decorative plaster

Plaster is very interesting view finishing, allowing you to decorate the room in an original and beautiful way. Allows, depending on the filler, to create different colors, shades and textures.

Types of decorative plaster depending on the filler

A significant disadvantage of this finishing option is its high cost and high labor costs.

Walls to be painted

Sometimes paint is used to decorate a room, including a residential one. This easy-to-execute wall finishing option requires, however, great job to level the base, since when painting even the smallest irregularities and defects become noticeable.

The paint is applied to dry surfaces coated with primer using a roller.

Quite an economical and investor option, very cheap and easy to restore to its original appearance, just go over it with a roller again, and everything is like new.

Interior wood trim

For interior decoration or a summer house, you can use all of the above options, as well as some original solutions.

For wall decoration wooden house Imitation for timber, lining or euro-lining, etc. is well suited. Using natural wood is environmentally friendly, practical and very beautiful.

Options such as finishing with ash boards, wood slices or parquet boards also look surprisingly good when decorating a wooden house.

Wane board is a cut of a trunk with bark, obtained in production during the formation of timber or boards. Thisthe material, before using it for interior decoration, should be calcined in a special oven.

When finishing with wood slices, you should ensure that all slice elements are the same (or approximately the same) thickness. It is better to use a miter saw to shape the cuts, as it makes neat, polished cuts.

Finishing with parquet boards is not such an economical option, but it looks simply chic.

In addition, these are well suited for wall decoration. traditional materials, as an imitation of timber, lining or euro-lining, etc. Wooden panels can also be used.

Using natural wood is environmentally friendly, practical and very beautiful.