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» What can you use to make a path in your yard? DIY garden paths: drawings and design options. Wooden garden path

What can you use to make a path in your yard? DIY garden paths: drawings and design options. Wooden garden path

The design of paths in a dacha can greatly influence the design of the site. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to creating beautiful paths.

Moreover, you can make an interesting path from various materials, for example, a brick path will look elegant, but mysterious country house design a path made of round timber will give natural wood, a path made of natural wood will look stylish river pebbles, will emphasize original design and a path made of plastic corks will make it brighter.

In addition, there are ready-made removable panels that can be laid out each year to your liking.

Country path project

Before you start laying a path, you need to create a plan for the area, in which you identify all the buildings, garden plantings, flower beds and schematically mark the path. The drawing must also include auxiliary objects, such as an irrigation system.

When creating a plan, you need to take into account all the nuances, so you should be as comfortable as possible when getting to any place in the garden. In addition, you need to take into account the fact that you need to walk around your territory at any time. weather, and at any time of the year.

Now the completed project must be applied directly to the site.

It will be easier to determine the width of the path and its direction if you apply markings directly on the site, which is especially important for a path made of paving slabs or brick.

It is best to make markings with pegs, which you must first drive in and then pull the rope along them. Also, for convenience, the side border of the path can be marked by sprinkling it with lime.

It is important to take into account that the removal of the top layer of soil to lay the path should be wider than the path, because for reliability and durability it will require curbs made of durable materials such as concrete or stone.

Preparatory work

In order for your garden path to serve you faithfully for many years, you will need thorough preparation.

So, you need to take into account that the path should have a slight slope, and in the area of ​​the slope you need to make a drainage trench. This is necessary so that rainwater drains from the path and excess moisture does not damage the coating.

The thickness of the removed soil should be 15 ÷ 200 mm. After this, in order for the edges to remain even, it is necessary to install boards along the entire perimeter of the dug hole from the sides.

Then a “pillow” is made; gravel is poured into the hole along with cement and everything is compacted and moistened. The “pillow” should have a thickness of 50-100 mm.

Types of garden paths

There are a lot of materials that can be used to make an excellent country path.

Brick path. This path is reliable, durable and looks very elegant in appearance.

Wooden path. This path looks beautiful and even mysterious; the round timber laid out in the form of an ornate path resembles a fairy tale path.

Stone path. Those who want to see a stylish and elegant garden path on their property can try a mosaic version made from river pebbles.

Cement path. This path is durable and reliable. To make it attractive, you can use special shaped molds, thereby getting the effect of a paved path.

Garden path made of plastic covers. Quite unusual, but at the same time bright option paths in the form of a mosaic of multi-colored lids from plastic bottles.

Availability large quantity colors and availability of material, allow you to create a path with a variety of patterns that will make the landscape of your site a real work of art.

Plastic prefabricated path. This type of track can be quickly and easily installed and, if necessary, changed and even removed.

Thanks to the textured surface plastic panels It is convenient to walk along the path, because it does not slip, even if it gets wet. A large assortment plastic products will allow you to choose a garden path of any color and shape.

In addition, using slabs you can make a path of any shape and width. Plastic construction allows you to organize a path in any part of the site.

Another advantage of such a path is that, thanks to its structure, moisture will not accumulate on it, water will flow out through special holes.

Garden parquet path. This material is one of the most expensive, but its advantages outweigh the desire to save money.

Thus, “garden parquet” can be easily assembled and disassembled; wood treated with a special solution is not susceptible to moisture, fading, or temperature changes, has strength and durability, and besides, such a path will look luxurious.

Photo of garden paths on the site

Garden paths, elegantly meandering among the trees, add to the area well-groomed and complete. And it is not at all necessary to buy paving slabs or hire a designer and builders for their arrangement. You can improve the paths in the garden yourself, putting your soul into their creation, and in return you will receive a durable, well-maintained coating that can delight you for many years. We’ll tell you in more detail how to make a garden path from a variety of materials with your own hands.

Types of garden paths

Garden paths can be classified according to many criteria, ranging from the material of manufacture, size and method of arrangement, to design and compliance with a certain style. Let's consider which garden paths can be arranged on your site with low costs for their production.

Garden path made using a plastic mold

Improving garden paths with plastic molds- relatively new way, which, thanks to its simplicity, has found many fans among owners of summer cottages.

Proof of this are numerous photos from specialized forums where you can see just such garden paths.

Advantages this method are not only simplicity, but also low cost and speed of production, because making garden paths using molds is essentially ordinary concreting.

The cheapness of this method is due to the use of one form, which is sufficient for uninterrupted operation. Of course, the strength of tiles made in this way is inferior to products made by vibration casting in a factory, but for a path in the country they are one of the best options.

Garden path made of paving slabs

The same applies for garden paths. tile, which is laid on sidewalks. An undeniable advantage this material is strength. Tiles laid in the form of a path in the country will serve you for many years without loss of appearance, and if some elements of the path are damaged under the influence external factors, they can be easily replaced. IN flaws tile covering we write down labor intensity And high cost. And what do you want? Durability doesn't come for free.

Stone garden path

Very often, the stone left over from the construction of a house is used to improve the paths. In this case, we can assume that the price of such a garden path is equal to the cost of your own labor. We won’t talk about the durability of the stone; paths of this type have been known since ancient times. The disadvantages, as in the case of tiles, are labor intensity.

Laying a stone correctly is not a task for the weak, but it will more than pay off in the result. Do-it-yourself stone paths will give the appearance of your garden real nobility and the appearance of unshakable durability, and they will remain in their original form for your descendants.

Garden path made of chocks and wood

If country house built of logs, then your choice is a path made by yourself from wood. This is one of the cheapest options, very easy to repeat, but, nevertheless, one of the most impressive against the backdrop of trees in the garden. Unfortunately, the service life of such paths is limited due to the fragility of the material, so only the hardest types of wood will have to be used.

Garden path made of bulk materials

If you want to build garden paths with your own hands at low cost, then this method is what you need. It is enough to dig a trench of the required width and fill it up suitable material, ranging from pebbles and screenings to crushed stone or marble chips. You can even arrange pieces of marble or concrete slabs, the main thing is to set their upper surface level and fill the gaps between them. Such garden paths are not suitable for heavy loads, but they can provide the necessary cleanliness and excellent appearance your garden.

Instructions for creating garden paths in photographs

Garden path using a DIY mold. Step-by-step instruction

To start arranging garden paths using plastic mold do it yourself, look at photos of such stencils and buy the one you like the most.

Pay attention to the height of the forms and “stones” - they can vary widely.

A lot has been written about how to make paths in your dacha with your own hands. We suggest using the following instructions.

Choosing a place for a garden path and mark it out with our own hands. To do this, we hammer in pegs at all the bends of the path, and then tie them with cord around the entire perimeter. The cord is immediately leveled, taking into account the required height of the path above the ground. A water level can make this task a lot easier.

If the soil on your site is soft, then you need to dig a trench 10-12 cm deep, fill it halfway with sand, after which you need to spill everything with water and compact it. If the soil is sufficiently strong, you can do without a trench, but it is necessary to make a sand backfill followed by compaction.

If you plan to use the paths at your dacha for car passage, you should dig a trench with your own hands, fill it with a sand-gravel mixture, and then lay a reinforcing mesh of steel rod on top of it.

Preparing the solution . To do this, mix grade 400 cement, sand and crushed stone in a ratio of 1:3:4. If you plan to use coloring and plasticizing additives, then add them at the rate of 1-3% dye and plasticizer. You can take 4 parts of sand, but make sure that the cement is as fresh as possible and its grade is not lower than 400 .

We begin the production of garden paths by mixing all the components in dry form, after which we add water (if a concrete mixer is used, then half the volume of water is first poured in, and the rest is added during the mixing process).

We begin to prepare the solution Add concrete dye and liquid plasticizer Mix dry Add water with plasticizer and mix again

Let us immediately note that excess water negatively affects the strength of concrete after setting, so the amount of liquid should be no more than that required for high-quality filling of the form. Application plasticizer will significantly facilitate this process, add strength to concrete and reduce cement consumption by up to 15-20%. Fiber fiber can also be added to the solution, which will prevent shrinkage cracks on the surface and increase the abrasion strength of concrete by 100%.

For ease of use of the stencil, we attach handles to it , using special technological holes in the housing. For those who plan to make garden paths at low cost, let us tell you that the mold can be lubricated with automotive “ working out».

Of course, this is not the most perfect option, because greasy surface The tiles will only be painted after some time. No less budgetary is the use of a soap solution, but even this in an environmentally friendly way The disadvantage described above is also inherent.

We lubricate the molds for the garden path with a special lubricant. Lubricating the mold will allow you to easily remove it from the finished product.

Here's the application special lubricant for molds, although it will entail additional costs, it will save you from the need to constantly lubricate the mold for making a garden path with your own hands. A form greased immediately before work will not leave greasy marks, so you can paint such a path immediately after setting.

If the soil you compacted has dried out , then you must definitely spill it with water. Next, guided by the previously stretched cord, and also controlling the level, we install a form for pouring garden paths, which must be slightly pressed into the sand.

Fill the stencil with the prepared solution , avoiding voids in its corners. Using a small tamper, which we use as a vibrating plate, we try to compact the concrete as much as possible, and then level its surface with a spatula. After the 30-50 minutes required for the concrete to pre-set, the form is carefully removed and placed side by side, repeating the process until the finish line.

We begin to gradually fill the form, do not forget that the concrete should not be very liquid. Pay special attention to the corners, you need to fill them as much as possible concrete mortar. Since we used a plasticizer and made the solution thick, after 15-20 minutes you can remove the mold. Here the first slab is ready! Let it harden for a day, after which we begin to actively use it.

To avoid animal prints , self-made garden paths are covered with plastic film and waited at least 3-4 days before taking a new path and taking a photo as a souvenir. The full load on the concrete product can be given no earlier than after 20 days.

The last stage in the construction of garden paths Do it yourself at low cost by painting and filling the tile joints with river sand.

There are several ways to paint a new path.

  • The first is to add dye at the final stage of concrete preparation. . After this, you can lightly mix the concrete, achieving an uneven color, or thoroughly mix the components to obtain a uniform color.
  • The second method requires dusting the wet concrete surface with dry dye each time the mold is removed. , however, in this case, only the very top layer will be painted, which will be erased over time. Garden paths with stains wiped off precisely after this type of painting can often be seen in photos on the Internet.

DIY paths video tutorial

Garden paths painted with your own hands look very interesting. dye dissolved in soil deep penetration , which allows you to achieve similarity with natural stone at low cost. Stone-effect tiles, painted in a variety of colors, will look especially impressive in your garden. AND last tip: after painting, do not forget to treat the surface of the path with a water repellent - it will not allow moisture to penetrate the pores of the concrete, destroying it from the inside.

Pouring a concrete path with your own hands

Monolithic concrete paths laid along a summer cottage are easy to manufacture, durable and visually attractive. Read on to learn how to make concrete garden paths.

Marking the future path , driving pegs along its edges and pulling a cord between them at the required height. We take into account that optimal thickness filling is from 7 to 10 cm.

Preparing the sand bed . To do this, we dig a trench up to 20 cm deep, level its bottom, install beacons and lay geotextiles, also covering the slopes of the trench with this material. After this, we fill the hole with 2-3 layers of sand with intermediate pouring and compaction of each layer. You can add a layer of fine crushed stone between two adjacent layers of sand. This will enhance the drainage properties of the pillow.

Laying agrofibre Installation of a sand cushion Leveling the sand cushion

Preparing concrete . You can use the recipe from the instructions for filling the molds. If you need a pavement path of increased strength, for example, for driving or parking a car in a country house, then take 1 part of cement (not lower than grade 400), 1.5 parts of sand and 2.5-3 parts of crushed stone or gravel. The ideal volume ratio is 1 part water to 3 parts cement, but to increase the plasticity of the liquid, add a little more. Don't forget what less water will be in the solution, the stronger the concrete coating will be.

Formwork is used for garden paths from wooden planks thickness of at least 20 mm. It is better if the width of the boards is equal to the thickness of the fill, otherwise you will have to dig them into the ground. The boards need to be nailed to inside pegs.

Install dividers at even intervals in order to create expansion joints. When making paths at the dacha, dividers can be used from available material. Smooth, narrow strips of drywall, glass, thin boards, scraps of laminate, siding, etc. are suitable for these purposes. In order to remove the spacers after the concrete has set, they must be lubricated with any suitable lubricant.

We carry out reinforcement of the structure to increase its strength. Chain-link mesh, scraps of reinforcement, pipes, etc. are used as reinforcing mesh. Of course, it is best to use a welded reinforcing belt made of rods with a diameter of up to 8 mm, with a cell of 100x100 mm. The reinforcement is placed at half the height of the path, using fragments of bricks or clamps made from the same rods.

Garden paths are poured up to the top edge of the formwork. . Next, using a tamper, we compact the surface until cement milk appears on the surface of the path, and then level it using the rule. Next, cover the path with plastic film and wait at least 5 days before removing the formwork. Full load on concrete can be given no earlier than after 3 weeks.

Decorate the path possible in several ways.

  • Firstly, the surface can be painted or tiled with marble or ceramic tiles.
  • Secondly, you can apply a design to it using a shaped spatula, screwdriver or coarse brush.
  • Thirdly, you can paint the concrete itself at the preparation stage.
  • Fourthly, gravel or pebbles can be pressed into the wet layer, laying out intricate patterns.

In a word, a garden path made of concrete can be original and attractive, as in numerous videos of popular Internet resources.

DIY garden path made of paving slabs

If you are planning to arrange garden paths with your own hands at low cost, then this method will not suit you. Paving slabs cannot be called a cheap material. On the other hand, such paths have a lot of advantages and are practically free of disadvantages. Watch a video in which you can lay such a garden path yourself. Not so difficult, right? At first glance, this is true. In fact, in order for the sidewalk path laid at the dacha to please the eye for a long time, careful preparation of the base and maximum care and precision in the work are necessary. So, how to make a path from paving slabs with your own hands:

  1. Choosing a tile . At the same time, we focus not only on design, but also on its operational features. For example, for tiles on which you plan to drive a car, the ability to withstand increased loads is important.
  2. Stocking up on tools . For work we will need: a trowel, a rubber hammer, a tamper, a level, a cord, pegs, a pipe or I-beam, sand and cement.

  1. Marking future paths . To do this, we hammer in the pegs and pull the cord to the required height.

  1. Preparing the base . The successful operation of the track throughout its entire service life will depend on this work, so we approach this stage with the most responsibility. To do this, we level the base as accurately as possible, removing part of the soil on the hills and adding it in the lowlands. As we work, we constantly compact the soil, wetting its surface with water.

We calculate the depth of the base by calculating the height of the tiles plus the height of the sand layer. To the resulting value add a couple of centimeters for shrinkage. As a rule, the depth is 20-30cm. Do not forget to create the necessary slopes for water drainage from the surface.

  1. After leveling the base, we lay geotextiles . It will prevent weeds from growing into the tile joints.
  1. Pour a sand cushion , spill it with water and tamp it down. After this, we level its surface with a profile, relying on pipes or beams installed at the required distance from each other.

  1. Preparing the mixture from 1 part cement and 3 parts sand, which we lay on the base and screed using an I-beam or channel.
  2. We start laying the tiles from the curb in the direction “away from us” . We lay out the initial row clearly along the cord installed along the chamfer. In this case, you can use 1-2mm crosses to form seams of the same thickness. To ensure the required height, sand is added or removed with a trowel, compacting it as you work. At the same time, do not forget to constantly monitor the quality of installation using a level and a mallet. If you need to join the tiles to other buildings, then, if necessary, they can be trimmed with a grinder with a circle installed for working on stone.
  1. After the last row has been laid, fill the seams with a sand-cement mixture and fill them with water.

Border installed along the edges sidewalk path, will prevent the tiles from moving and maintain the integrity of the structure. During operation, sand can be washed out of the seams with water, so it will be necessary to add it periodically.

Wooden garden path

Many summer residents think about how to make garden paths from wood, because this is inexpensive and available material always at hand. In addition, you can use not only classic version in the form of installed cuts, but also to install beautiful and functional paths in the country, for example, from such improvised material as Euro pallets.

The material for the cuts can be either a purchased log house or fallen trees from the grove located next to the site. A chainsaw will help you make wooden garden paths at low cost; you don’t have to buy it if you can ask a friend for help.

To arrange the path, follow the following instructions:

  1. We mark the place for the path and dig a trench 10-20 cm deep.
  2. We lay waterproofing taking into account covering not only the bottom, but also the slopes.
  3. For drainage, fill the bottom of the trench with crushed stone.
  4. Pour a 10 cm layer of sand as a cushion under the cuts.
  5. We install the cuts, alternating thick logs with thin branches to fill the space as much as possible.
  6. We fill the gaps between the cuts with sand.

You can install the cuts in such a way that their upper part will rise 3-5 cm above the surface. A path of this type will be much less dirty in slush and rain.

In the video you can often see how great a garden path made of wooden boards looks. But material such as Euro pallets is excellent for our purposes, and the cost of such material only includes its delivery to the site. At the same time, pallets are made from durable wood, which, when treated with antiseptics, can last a long time.

To prepare the boards, they are cut into 50 cm pieces, sanded, processed protective agent and painted or varnished. The flooring itself is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Logs are made from wooden blocks, which are fastened together with the same bars, using “half-wood” knitting.
  2. Cover the structure with bitumen mastic, which will protect the frame from rotting. The same mastic is used to cover the bottom of the boards.
  3. Lay the boards, leaving a gap of 10-20 mm between them for water drainage.
  4. Additionally, the path is coated with varnish or paint.

When driving nails, try to bury their heads into the wood as deeply as possible. This will allow you to walk along the path barefoot without fear of getting hurt.

Prices for forms and materials

Everything you need for arranging garden paths can be found in the appropriate sections of the store. Leroy Merlin. “Garden paths” and other sections of the catalog contain hundreds of items necessary tools and materials. At the same time, it should be noted that the prices are quite affordable.

Thus, the cost of a mold for a garden path in Leroy is 507 rubles, which, you see, is quite inexpensive, given its reusable use. A concrete mixer, of course, will cost you more - a 120 liter unit costs 5,690 rubles, but it will greatly facilitate concrete work.

Concrete dyes

Dyes for concrete start at 603 rubles. for a 700 g jar, while plasticizers can be bought for minimum price- 149 rub. for a container weighing 600 g. The store’s consultants will be able to answer questions about how to make paths at the dacha with your own hands or tell you about the features of using certain materials. A form for a garden path, purchased from Leroy Merlin, will allow you to save quite a significant amount when arranging paths in your garden.

If you have not yet decided how to make a path in your dacha, look at the gallery of photos located on our website. Interesting solutions using in various ways arrangement of garden paths will help you choose the most best option, make the necessary changes to it and create your own unique design. And maybe soon a photo of your particular site will appear in the first lines of search results.

Summer residents with great enthusiasm began to improve their treasured six hundred square meters with comfortable houses, beautiful gazebos, barbecues. Well-trodden paths are increasingly giving way to specially made garden paths. In the article we will tell you how to make such paths from various materials (concrete, wood, brick, tile), consider inexpensive and high budget options, we will demonstrate video and photo instructions.


For small areas, you should not plan straight paths or paths intersecting at an angle of 90°. This arrangement will visually reduce the already small area. If necessary, change the location of the beds for this. Connect all country houses and the most visited places.

Note! When planning, draw a network of future paths and exclude their intersection in the center of the site. Select the material for them in accordance with the overall landscape.

Surface preparation

Please pay attention Special attention marking and preparing the soil for laying the selected material. List of required works:

  1. Using pegs and strong twine, we mark the contours of the passages according to the plan.
  2. Using a well-sharpened shovel, carefully remove the turf so that the edges are not torn. The resulting strip 10 cm deep is filled with sand.
  3. The material selected for construction is laid on a carefully compacted sand bed.


Stone paths fit into any garden landscape. The stone is selected so that one of its sides is as flat as possible.

  1. The depth of the strip is 20 cm.
  2. A sand cushion is placed in the prepared strip, on which a stone is placed.
  3. The seams are filled with ordinary sand and watered with water. If necessary (the sand sags), the backfilling procedure is repeated until the filler is flush with the surface of the stone.

Log cuts

  1. Wooden cuts with a thickness of at least 10 cm are pre-prepared.
  2. To protect against moisture, double impregnation with boiling drying oil is done.
  3. A polyethylene film is laid on the sand cushion. She will protect wooden parts from rotting upon contact with the ground.
  4. Prepared wooden elements laid on a cushion, and the spaces between them are filled with sand, small crushed stone or gravel.

Paving stones

Paving stones - excellent durable material for creating garden paths. It is not afraid of temperature changes, moisture, and can withstand heavy loads. The sequence of laying paving stones is as follows:

  1. dig a strip 20 cm deep;
  2. Place the paving stones tightly on the sand bed. Install curbs along the edges of the path;
  3. paving stones can be laid different ways- obliquely, with bandaging, squares shifted relative to each other, etc.


Concrete paths are reliable and durable. They are made like this:

  1. Small stones are placed in the prepared trench as the first layer and filled with cement mortar. If you want to have a path rising above the soil, mount the formwork and pour the solution into it.
  2. Concrete can be decorated with mosaics, pieces of colored glass, and natural beautiful stones. To do this, they must be pressed into the solution that has not yet hardened.
Note! The strength of concrete depends on the brand of cement.


Paths made of clinker bricks look great on summer cottages. It is more expensive than red, but is more reliable and durable. You can lay out various regular patterns with bricks, this will make the path more expressive. You can lay it on mortar and a sand cushion. If brick is used as a border, then the use of mortar is mandatory.


If you need to make a long and winding path and are on a budget, make it out of gravel. This is the most affordable option for the price. Such a path will not be durable or able to withstand heavy loads, but is perfect for walking.

Note! To limit the spread of gravel to the sides, curbs are installed. Gravel paths will require additional care - removing weeds and periodically adding gravel.

Regardless of the track option selected, garden plot It will undoubtedly change and become much more comfortable.


When deciding on the construction of garden paths with your own hands at low cost, you must first decide on the following points, which will have a direct impact on the organization, cost and progress of work:

  • planning and marking;
  • selection of material for paving the path on the site;
  • choice of base and material laying technology;
  • determining the need for additional measures to increase the service life of the coating.

All four points are largely technologically interconnected. For example, the use of durable natural stone allows you to avoid a number of works to ensure additional protection, and the installation of a concrete base increases the stability of the coating and makes it possible to lay softer and thinner slabs.

Drawing up a location plan

Work on paving paths and platforms on a summer cottage should begin with drawing up a plan. This will help you make your choice necessary materials, calculate their number and volume of work. With a plan in hand, you can estimate future financial costs and compare them with your ability to pay.

Take a plan of your site with buildings, trees, bushes, fencing and gates marked on it. Draw how you are going to make your own garden paths.

It should be borne in mind that the paths should be no closer than 1.5 meters from the trees, and their minimum width should be 0.7 meters. Surface slopes should not direct rainwater to buildings.

Paving materials


What can you use to make paths at your dacha for cheap? Most of us want the coating to be beautiful, durable and affordable at the same time. We advise you not to limit yourself to one option, but to choose material according to the situation.

So, it makes sense to pave the area near a private house with paving slabs from natural stone or colored concrete, and make the paths in the garden from parquet or plastic. At your summer cottage, you can also quite successfully use a backfill made of small crushed stone or. The most important thing is that you are satisfied with the combination of price, practicality and appearance.

A natural stone

A natural stone.

Device country paths using materials from - the most durable and beautiful option. However, it is very difficult to call their use economical. The main types of natural stone slabs are made from basalt, limestone, sandstone, slate or labradorite. Shungite, granite and marble are used less often, due to their high cost. The configuration of piece products can have strict geometric or irregular shapes of various sizes.

The choice of colors and shades of natural stone varies from white and yellow to dark blue and black. Some types of stone have patterns in their structure, the presence and color of which depend on the impurities in source material. The surface of natural paving slabs can be polished, rough or unevenly rough.

The main advantages of paths paved with natural stone include:

  • high mechanical strength;
  • durability and frost resistance;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • wide selection of textures and shapes.

The main disadvantage of such a path on a summer cottage is high price. In addition, granite, shungite, marble, labradorite and some other hard materials are difficult to process, which can complicate the process of laying them.

Clinker brick

This is a special type of brick, which, due to its increased density, does not absorb moisture and is excellent for making paths in the countryside with your own hands. Ordinary wall bricks are usually not used for coatings of this kind. Available colors can be yellow, white, brown and red, which allows you to create original color patterns.

The use of clinker bricks for laying requires the presence of borders. They can be made from the same bricks, placing them at an angle “on edge”, or use ready-made ones concrete products. In this case, the installation of the curb should be flush with the surface of the path, which will ensure better drainage of rainwater.

The main advantages of brick coating are affordable price and durability. The disadvantages include the mandatory presence of a cement base for laying and the need to carefully seal the seams between the bricks.

Paving slabs and paving stones made of colored concrete

Paving slabs.

Colored concrete tiles for sidewalks are made from a high-quality mixture using the method. In the first case, piece products have higher strength and frost resistance, but poorer color palette. Vibro-cast tiles are more colorful and cost less, but are not as durable.

This material can rightfully be considered the most popular solution to the question of how to lay out paths in the country. You can not only purchase it in a store, but also make it yourself, in quantities sufficient for paving any area in your personal plot.

The advantages of colored concrete paving stones are: affordable price, appearance, strength and durability. The disadvantage of such a path in the garden is the need for additional treatment of the road surface in order to protect it from moisture.

Pouring into concrete molds at the installation site

Pouring concrete into forms.

Due to the simplicity of the technology in form and the low costs of its implementation, garden paths from concrete mixture very popular among private developers. This solution can easily be called an economical option. Moreover, the surface of such paths in the garden resembles tiled masonry. It is beautiful and durable. In the case of high-quality sealing of seams and a technologically competent foundation, it is possible to neutralize the main risk for surfaces made of this material - germination weeds and plants.

You can buy forms for making garden paths with your own hands in any stores. building materials. Manufacturers claim that only one modular form is enough for work, maximum two (for large volumes of work). The service life of such paving is 10-15 years. To give the concrete surface a more aesthetically pleasing it can be covered liquid glass, paint or special varnish solutions.

Modular rubber plates

Modular rubber plates.

To be fair, these modular slabs cannot be called purely rubber. They are made from polymers and crumb rubber which is obtained by grinding car tires, ensuring homogeneity of the mass during temperature sintering. The result is a durable, moisture-resistant and durable material.

Fixation in place is ensured by sleeve connections. The covering assembled from this material is a single rubber carpet of the required length and width. A special feature of such tracks is their exceptional ease of assembly. The slabs can be laid on a small sand cushion, after first removing a small top layer of soil.

Base under rubber tiles.

The service life of the material at temperatures -45° +65°C is at least 10 years. This is a completely waterproof material. It is not susceptible to mold, mildew, insects or rodents. It is allowed to reuse such garden paths by moving them to a new location.

Polymer sand paving slabs

This type of paving is obtained by molding a mixture of polymer materials heated to the melting point and fine sifted sand. The amount of sand varies between 60-70%. This technology makes it possible to obtain polymer paving slabs with a low coefficient of thermal expansion.

This material is comparable to rubber slabs, but the polymer-sand coating is much harder and more durable. To improve the appearance of the tiles, dyes are often added to the mixture, and white is also used. river sand. Due to its exceptional strength, this material can be used anywhere.

Photo of a road made from saw cuts.

TO positive qualities include beautiful appearance, durability, frost resistance, affordable cost and ease of installation. The disadvantage is the novelty of the material and its low prevalence.


How to make paths in a dacha in such a way as to create an eco-style atmosphere? Use . It is affordable and looks beautiful, especially after special processing. For arrangement wooden paths Most often, terrace boards laid on timber are used, as well as saw cuts - transverse sections of trunks and large branches.

The material is not durable unless it is subjected to special pre-treatment to protect it from moisture. It is better to use hard wood as saw cuts (for example, oak, larch or aspen).

Terrace board.

Typically, the length of the cuts is at least 35-40 cm, so that part can be buried in the ground to increase stability. Optimal diameter- within 10-15 cm, but in general the size ranges are not limited by anything and depend only on the type of wood and your capabilities.

The decking board is laid across the path on wooden beam, which must be treated with a bitumen composition. The timber is fastened to metal stakes made of reinforcement. The board is nailed down.

Path construction works

So, we have come to how to properly make a road in a country house. The full scope of sidewalk construction work may include:

  1. marking;
  2. excavation;
  3. installation of a drainage layer;
  4. foundation device;
  5. laying tiles;
  6. finishing works.

Here is a complete list of works, but for some types of materials this list may be shorter.

Track markings

Excavation work and marking with pegs.

To carry out the work of marking a path in a dacha with your own hands, you will need wooden or metal pegs, which need to be driven along the edge of the paths in accordance with a previously drawn up plan and planned design. When installing a curb, the width of the markings increases accordingly by their thickness. A clearly visible cord is pulled over the hammered pegs. After this, check again that the layout is correct.


Excavation work when constructing paths in a dacha includes removing the top layer of soil and digging a trench. Its depth should accommodate all subsequent bulk layers so that the surface of the coating is at a height of 3-4 cm above the level of the adjacent soil. If the work site plans to import in the future fertile land, then the volume of excavation work is significantly reduced.

Backfilling the drainage layer

For efficient drainage of infiltrating surface water and groundwater During the spring rise, drainage is arranged. It is a layer of crushed stone or gravel poured onto a non-woven bedding laid out along the bottom of the trench. Recommended layer thickness is 10-15 cm.

To ensure that the non-woven fabric is not damaged by the sharp edges of the stones, it is initially necessary to pour a layer of sand 3-4 cm thick onto the textile. After filling the trench, gravel or crushed stone must be well compacted so that there is no subsidence in the future. Sprinkle the top layer of stone with sand as well.

Installation of border

Installing a curb.

Curbs are used to more clearly define the boundaries of the path in the yard. They are usually installed after filling the drainage layer. Concrete and brick on cement mortar. Plastic materials are fixed standard fastenings or metal pins.

Paving stones can be used as a border. In this case, it is necessary to add additional sand under it. The best option installing such a fence will exceed it above the level of the path by 3-4 cm. To prevent water from retaining on the surface of the coating after rain, small gaps must be left in the curb fence at regular intervals.

After laying tiles or paving stones, the curbs must be covered with earth from the adjacent soil.

Base structure

To lay paving slabs you need, which can be done:

  • made of concrete, for all types of paving slabs of regular geometric shape and wooden coverings from terrace boards;
  • from a dry cement-sand mixture, for all tiles and slabs of regular geometric shape, including polymer-sand and concrete molded;
  • in the form of a compacted sand cushion, for slabs irregular shape or thick ones made of natural stone, paving stones and wood cuts.

The concrete base for the decking board covering can be made not as a continuous layer, but in the form of transverse stripes every 0.8-1.2 meters. It is enough just to provide support for the longitudinal beam.

Scheme of a tile path.

Concrete foundation is the strongest, but also the most expensive. To install it, after installing the curbs, the drainage layer is covered with geotextile over the entire width of the trench with a slight overlap on the walls. After this, a layer of concrete mixture is poured, not reaching the top of the curb by a tile thickness of +5 cm. A five-centimeter reserve is needed for the layer of glue under the tile and the excess of the edge of the curb above the surface of the path.

The concrete surface must be well leveled using a plaster rule or wide spatula. To check slopes you should use building level. The hardening time of the concrete mixture is 72 hours. Laying tiles on the path can only be done after this time has passed.

The components of the concrete mixture for pouring include cement, gravel and sand in a ratio of 1:4:3. To obtain better plasticity of the mixture, it is recommended to add or liquid detergent, which will be spent 2-4 times more.

Scheme of the concrete foundation.

Dry cement-sand mixture- this is also a solid and reliable foundation. The fact is that over time, the cement will harden instead of the coating laid on it, becoming one with it. Using a dry mixture is cheaper, since in the end you will not need to install the tiles with special glue.

To construct it, the drainage layer is covered with geotextile, on top of which a layer of sand 5-7 cm thick is poured. The sand is compacted. After this, a mixture of dry cement and sand is prepared in a concrete mixer in a ratio of 1:4. Next, I pour the mixture into the trench, compact it, level it, and lay the paving material directly on this surface.

A simple sand cushion is used to install wooden saw cuts, paving stones and large slabs of irregular geometric shape. These materials are securely fixed in the sand, ensuring the stability of the path's shape. Non-woven textiles should also be laid between the sand cushion and the drainage layer. This will prevent the germination of weeds and ensure water drainage without washing away the base.

Laying tiles

Paving slabs concrete base needed for special glue mixture. Before that concrete surface The base is primed and completely dried.

It is recommended to lay the first row of tiles along the curb for a length of 1 meter. After this - one row across the path and, focusing on the result obtained, fill 1 square meter. surfaces. Then you should continue in the same way, moving forward and filling the path one square at a time.

Laying options.

Alignment in height is carried out using an adhesive layer, which should not be thicker than 3 cm. If it turns out more, then the glue is applied in 2 layers, with a gap in time. Trimming tiles can be done using a grinder and a diamond wheel.

With a cement-sand base, the tiles are laid directly on it, with the obligatory tapping (setting) of them using a rubber hammer. If during the inspection it was revealed that the tile sits low, then it is removed and the dry mixture is poured in its place.

It is better to start laying with such a foundation from the middle of the path. This will allow you to withstand side slopes, and you will end up with cut stone only at the edges.

The use of a sand cushion is effective when laying large slabs of irregular shape and wooden cuts, i.e. materials with large seams-gaps between separate elements. The saw cuts are simply buried in the sand, and the slabs are laid out on the sandy surface.

Laying stone on sand.

Laying paving stones on a sandy surface is allowed only if there are curbs. In this case, the correct track geometry will be maintained for a long time.

Final work

At this stage, the seams are sealed to protect against moisture penetration under the coating. Apply protective coatings, wash or clean the surface, clean the area. The simplest is the use of cement-sand mortar. It is a little more difficult to fill them with liquid cement. It is used to cover concrete and other tiles. They do not allow moisture to penetrate into the material. At this point, we consider the question of how to make a garden path at the dacha with your own hands closed. Good luck!

IN Lately summer cottages, from ordinary vegetable gardens with beds, turn into places of rest after working days. Therefore, many owners try to make their stay at the dacha as comfortable as possible. One of these amenities includes the presence of beautiful, comfortable paths. Typically, their arrangement requires considerable investment, and reducing the cost item is an important point for many. You can make paths along it yourself, which will help reduce their cost. What to make paths from Is it cheap at the dacha? We invite you to consider several interesting options.

Cheap paths in the country

Paths at the dacha are cheap - what to use?

There are several inexpensive materials, some of which can be found on their territory:

To do this, you can use old cut trees from your own dacha. The saw cuts must be at least 12-15 centimeters thick and removed from the bark. They should then be coated with drying oil for durability. At the site of the future path, about 40 centimeters of soil is removed. This place is covered with geotextiles and sand is poured onto it, which must be moistened. You need to drive the saw cuts into the wet sand, as close to each other as possible.

Tree cutting

The largest ones should be placed at the edges to give strength. If spilov a small amount of, then they can be placed at some distance, and the gaps can be filled with gravel or crushed stone. Such paths will look especially harmonious if all buildings are made of wood. Plus, it is also the most environmentally friendly material.

Paths made from ordinary cement mixture . This coating is durable, protects against weeds and is not very expensive. Recently, they have gone on sale special forms for filling, using which you can add originality to your site. To make a concrete path you will need one part sand, three parts cement and water. Before pouring, it is necessary to level the area under the path and spill it with water. A mold is placed in this place, pre-lubricated from the inside with waste oil. The form is filled with concrete mortar, the excess mixture is carefully removed.

Inexpensive option - bulk paths made of gravel, pebbles, crushed stone . If possible, the material can be selected in different colors, which will make the paths brighter. Laying such paths is the least labor-intensive. It is necessary to remove the top layer of soil, install curbs and fill the material. Curbs can be made of brick or filled with concrete mixture.

Some thrifty summer residents install fences from old plastic bottles, bottoms up, which can be painted with any paint. It is recommended to treat the backfill material with herbicides before laying to prevent the appearance of weeds. Such paths are well suited for areas with a slight slope. If necessary, they can be easily added and strengthened on the rises by laying a cross board.

As alternative and cheap materials, someone uses glass bottles , placing them upside down and driving large fragments of old ceramic tiles into the ground. Those who are not afraid of the length of the process even make tracks from multi-colored plastic bottle caps. It looks very unusual and bright, as it allows you to create any pattern.

So, now you know what to make tracks from cheap at the dacha. To give a more well-groomed appearance to the area, various flowers or border shrubs can be planted along the paths.

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