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» How to grow pelargonium at home? How best to plant a geranium with a shoot without roots Climatic conditions for geraniums

How to grow pelargonium at home? How best to plant a geranium with a shoot without roots Climatic conditions for geraniums

Geranium is a popular indoor plant that grows well both indoors and outdoors. Consider all the intricacies of growing geraniums at home, the features of care and measures to combat diseases and pests that can affect the plant.

Optimal conditions for planting and growing plants

Geranium is thermophilic and light-loving plant, which prefers to grow on the southern windowsill. The plant will feel fine on the western and eastern windowsills, but the northern part of the house will not be suitable for placing the plant.

The flower does not tolerate shortage sunlight, the shoots are stretched, discolored, there is no flowering. When choosing a place for growing on the street, they are guided by the same rules: they choose a well-lit area, protected from drafts and strong winds.

The flower develops well at a room air temperature of + 20 ... + 25 ° С, in winter the temperature should not fall below + 13 ° С, otherwise the flower will often get sick and may die. Too humid or dry air has a bad effect on the flower and provokes the appearance of pests or frequent illnesses, so it is better to keep the humidity at 50-60%.

Soil moisture should be moderate, too frequent watering can provoke rotting of the root system, rare - drying of geraniums, so watering should be done after the topsoil has dried.

Did you know? "Geranium" is translated from Greek as "stork", it is believed that the flower got its name due to the fruits that look like a bird's beak.

How to plant a geranium

In order for the flower to develop well and please with abundant flowering, it is necessary to follow the recommendations for planting a flower, so we will consider this information in more detail.

Landing dates

The timing of planting geraniums depends on the method of cultivation. If the seeds of the plant are sown, then the optimal time for this is the end of May. You can plant shoots or rhizomes later - in early or mid-June. Planting can also be done in a pot, in which case optimal timing- January February.

Preparatory work

The flower prefers to grow in loose, fertile and well-drained soil, the pH level can vary from acidic to neutral. Also good ready-made soil mix specially for geraniums, purchased in a specialized store. If a special mixture was not found, you can prepare it yourself, for this you should mix any substrate for flowering plants (2 parts) with vermiculite (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of substrate), washed river sand(0.5 parts), peat (0.5 parts), perlite (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of substrate).
It is recommended to decontaminate the soil first to get rid of harmful bacteria and fungi. To do this, you can use a double boiler by placing soil there for 30 minutes. Without a double boiler, you can steam the soil as follows: pour the substrate into a fabric bag, place it over a container with hot water, as the liquid cools, add boiling water, cover the structure from above with a lid or a thick cloth.

It is very important to choose the right container for growing geraniums, so let's take a closer look at which pots you can plant a flower in. When choosing a pot, it is necessary to be guided not only by personal preferences, cheapness or ease of care for the container, but also by the well-being of plants growing in pots made from different materials. plastic containers very convenient to use, they are easy to clean, do not break, are cheap and practical, have a minimum weight.

Did you know? Geranium leaves exude a specific smell and are very popular in cooking in some Asian countries, they are used as a seasoning for first and main courses.

Geraniums also do well in plastic pots, but sometimes they suffer from root rot, especially if there are not enough holes to drain water or a minimal drainage layer is organized. The best option for growing a flower, a clay container is considered, since after watering, excess moisture can evaporate through the walls of the pot. In addition, clay is able to draw salts harmful to the plant from the soil. Clay containers provide good aeration to the roots, as they have a porous structure.

The size of the pot also matters if you choose a container. large diameter for a small sprout or a young plant, a lack of flowering can be provoked. In large pots, geraniums will grow intensively. root system, along with which the ground part of the flower will develop faster. Optimal size for geraniums, a pot is considered 12–15 cm in diameter and 15 cm in height.

Landing methods

Often geraniums are confused with pelargonium, these plants have some external resemblance and belong to the same genus, but are completely different colors. Pelargonium is grown only in an apartment, and geranium is universal flower, so it grows well both in flower beds and in pots. You can plant geraniums in open ground in the same ways as in a pot, but subject to certain rules, so we will consider all the nuances of planting each method in more detail.


The seed method of planting geraniums in a flower bed is quite common, the seeds have good germination and quickly germinate, which contributes to the good development of the ground part and the rapid flowering of young plants. The soil for planting geraniums should already be well warmed up, the soil temperature should be at least + 15 ° C. Before sowing, the site is well dug up, weeds are removed. For sowing in the soil, shallow (up to 3 cm), long grooves are made.

Important! To save seed be sure to follow the sequence of processing with auxiliary means, otherwise the seeds may lose their viability.

Seeds are recommended to be rejected and processed before sowing, for this they are initially placed in a saline solution (2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water). Seeds that have surfaced - discarded, that have sunk to the bottom - can be used for sowing. The rejected seed material is washed under running water To get rid of salt residue, wipe with a paper towel.

Next, they proceed to disinfection with a solution of potassium permanganate: potassium permanganate is dissolved at the tip of a knife in 1 liter of water to obtain a slightly pink liquid. Immerse the seeds in the resulting solution for 20 minutes, then rinse under running water and dry with a paper towel. The final stage is the treatment of seeds with a growth stimulator.

For such processing, "Zircon" or "Epin" is suitable, which are recommended to be used according to the instructions. The treated seeds are dried with a paper towel and placed on a sunny, warm windowsill, scattered on a newspaper for a day, so that they dry well.

Sowing is carried out in prepared well-watered warm water grooves, trying to keep a distance of 2 cm between the seeds. The crops are sprinkled with moist soil, do not tamp, you can lightly press the surface of the soil with your palm.

Video: planting geranium seeds


Planting geranium shoots that have taken root is a great option to quickly get flowering plant. For propagation of geraniums by shoots, it is necessary to use mature plant with lateral branching. It is recommended to cut off the shoots for further planting in open ground at the end of May, so that the formation of the root system occurs in well-heated soil.

The procedure for harvesting the process is as follows:

  1. With a sharp knife, cut off the selected process (it must have at least 3 sheets), keeping a length of 7 cm.
  2. Leave the process on the windowsill for 3 hours to dry the cut area a little. Prevention of rotting of the geranium stem is the treatment of the cut site with crushed charcoal, which is carried out immediately after the process of cutting off the process.
  3. The prepared shoot is planted in holes in the garden (depth - 3 cm), tamping the soil around the stem.
  4. After planting, the soil around the shoot is watered with a small amount of warm water.

Video: propagation of geraniums by a shoot


Reproduction of geraniums by rhizome allows not only to obtain additional young plants, but also to rejuvenate old ones. Optimal time similar reproduction - the end of summer, during this period the plant is at rest, and the procedure for dividing the root is easily tolerated by the plant.

To perform the procedure correctly, you must follow the sequence of actions:

  • dig up an adult geranium, gently free the roots from the soil;
  • carefully inspect the roots for damage, fungus, traces of disease or pest damage. Remove diseased, dry, affected areas;
  • cut the geranium root into several parts so that each of them has at least one renewable growth point (young bud);
  • on the prepared bed, it is necessary to dig small holes (their size depends on the volume of the root system of the harvested roots), fill each hole with a handful of peat and compost;
  • install parts of the roots in the pit and fill the voids with the rest of the soil, lightly press the landing site with your palms and pour warm water.

How to care for a plant after planting

Quality plant care good development and flowering, as well as the formation of resistance to disease, so consider how to properly care for geraniums growing in open field. Watering geraniums is recommended to be artificial mechanical method or sprinkling.

If you want to decorate a window sill or a balcony, then geranium is exactly what you need. The plant was brought from South Africa. Due to the fact that it is characterized by abundant and long flowering, geranium has become very popular. At the same time, the culture feels good in both indoor pots, and in the flowerbed.

general characteristics

The flower belongs to the geranium family. Grown as a perennial. Pelargonium is distinguished by its beautiful, decorative leaves. Stems can be branched, straight, creeping.

The natural form has:

  • powerful, branching shoots;
  • lowered cut or smooth leaves;
  • inflorescences can consist of one or two dozen flowers.

At home, the plant has a decorative effect for at least 5 years. With proper care, correct, timely transplantation, the flower will delight with flowering for at least a dozen years.


More than two hundred species of pelargoniums are known. popular for home growing are just a few.


It is distinguished by clearly defined leaves with a pattern. Color - from light to dark green. It does not hibernate on the street, but it can be dug up and transferred to a room where the bush will feel great.

After the zonal geranium has faded, pruning is done. Young shoots are cut to 10 cm. The container is placed in a cool room (+15 degrees Celsius) with good lighting. Although it can withstand temperatures down to -5 degrees.

This variety tolerates drought well. Flowers are distinguished by bright colors: white, red, raspberry pink. The most popular varieties are:

  • Rumba Fire;
  • Rocky Mountain Nobles;
  • Bravo Pastel.


Great for creating an unforgettable landscape design. Used to frame arched structures. The leaves are fleshy, framed by a red border. By appearance reminiscent of ivy greens. The length of the shoots can reach 90 cm.

Wintering is best tolerated in an apartment. Pelargonium is sensitive to frost. Temperature below +4 degrees does not tolerate.

Flowers are located on long peduncles, can be double, semi-double. Popular varieties are Mustang, Pygmy, Red Pandora, Belladonna 99.

Landing features

Several landing methods are known. The main factor is location.

Landing at home

The planting algorithm is simple, but the following recommendations must be followed:

A layer of expanded clay or other drainage is laid on the bottom. A small amount of sand is placed on top, followed by a layer of earth. A small depression is made in the center, a plant is arranged, sprinkled with the remaining composition, watered with settled water.

Landing in open ground

Pelargoniums harmoniously look on the windowsill, flower beds, flowerpots in front of the house.

If you plan to plant geraniums on the street, you should adhere to the following algorithm:

  • The prepared piece of land should be well loosened. It is best to dig it to a depth of 30-35 cm.
  • To enrich the earth nutrients you should use compost. It is scattered over the surface, and then mixed with top layer earth.
  • For planting, holes are made, the depth of which should be approximately 20-25 cm.
  • The distance between the recesses should be from 15 to 60 cm (depending on the size of the plants).
  • Flowers are planted, sprinkled with earth, watered.

Since geraniums love good lighting, it is better to choose a sunny place for it.

Features of planting cuttings

Often, gardeners want to propagate a plant by cuttings. It is the rooted shoots that are best suited for the propagation of royal, fragrant, and other varieties of geraniums. However, this issue is relevant not only for obtaining "offspring". Very often, the flower loses its attractiveness: it stretches out, exposing part of the stem. To fix this, you have to cut cuttings from it, root them.

How to take a shoot?

If the cuttings are planned to be cut from a plant that is kept in the house, then any time of the year is suitable for this procedure. But, in order for the process to quickly take root, it is best to do this in spring or summer, when there is enough natural light.

If you decide to take a process, then pay attention to the mother plant: it should not have flowers. If the geranium managed to pick up buds, they should be carefully removed.

For the procedure, you will need a clean sharp knife, a scalpel. It is recommended to pre-disinfect with alcohol or other means. The cut must be done so that the process has a length of up to 7-8 cm. The best option this is what the top is for. You need to cut below the internode.

In order to root a process without roots without problems, to grow an adult, full-fledged plant out of it, you must carefully choose planting material. It should have at least 3-4 internodes or full leaves. The cut must be oblique.

How to plant a geranium with a shoot?

After the cut, it is not recommended to put a young twig in water or plant it in the ground at the same time. He must lie down for several hours so that the cut is slightly delayed. Additional processing is carried out antiseptics(crushed charcoal), rooter.

There are two options for the further path: the use of water or land mixture for rooting.

The first way is quite simple. In pre-prepared, clean containers, pour a small amount of settled water. The cuttings are lowered so that the liquid covers the cut. Roots will definitely appear in 7-10 days.

The advantage of this method is that you can constantly monitor what is happening with the planting material. If rot or another problem appears, you can immediately correct the situation. Water should be changed every 2 days.

After a sufficient number of roots have appeared, the plant is planted in the ground, following the recommendations for caring for a young plant.

The second way is rooting the shoots in the substrate.

A prerequisite for growing geraniums from cuttings directly in the ground is drainage. Containers or pots with special holes are suitable as a container, where excess water will go.

Cut cuttings are planted in pre-moistened soil. A distance of 2-3 cm should be observed between pelargoniums. The rooting process lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. Watering is carried out as it dries.

The advantage of this method is the fast rooting process. After its completion, young greens are transplanted into pots.

Proper care is the key to growth, violent flowering. "Green friends" tolerate ventilation well, but cold drafts are dangerous for them. It is important to follow the recommendations for the first time after landing.

Insufficient lighting will soon lead to a loss of splendor, the bush will begin to stretch upwards, wither. It is necessary to reconsider the placement of the flowerpot. In summer, it is recommended to take it out to the balcony. Bright light will give the foliage a reddish tint, which is not a sign of disease, but rather just a "tan".

Watering should be moderate, systematized. Spraying is not done. The main rule is not to allow the soil to dry out. Signs of this phenomenon are the yellowing of the foliage, its fall. Stagnation of water should be avoided (you should be afraid of rot of the root system, neck). Good drainage will help with this. In winter, moisture is produced less frequently. Enough 2-3 times in 4 weeks.

As fertilizers are suitable:

  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen;
  • potassium.

With the right ratio of elements, your green pet will bloom profusely. You can use special fertilizers, complexes for this type of flowering.

Pruning is required. Held in autumn. The procedure contributes to the formation of a neat crown, greater branching.

Geranium is a great option for home, balcony, outdoor flowerpot, beds, flower beds. She is not capricious. Subject to simple terms abundant flowering will last from spring to late autumn.

Due to the ability of geraniums to survive and continue to grow even in unfavorable conditions for this, it can be propagated without the use of roots. But in general There are three ways to propagate this culture:

  • seeds;
  • division of roots;
  • cuttings.

The first method takes too much time and patience, because in order to germinate the seeds, you need to provide strictly defined conditions, the second is quite risky, since the delicate roots are very easy to damage during their division, but the third, by cuttings, is preferred by most people involved in the cultivation and breeding of geraniums.

The main advantage of this method is the ability to propagate the plant without touching its roots, which guarantees the complete safety of the mother plant.

Propagation by cuttings almost completely gives a positive result in a relatively short period of time.

What is a cutting, how to choose and prepare it correctly?

A shoot, or cutting, is a cut off part of a plant with one or more nodes. This cut off part is just the same and is used for vegetative propagation(cutting). In order to get a new geranium that is completely identical to the previous one, you must first select this cutting.

When is it necessary to take a cutting from the mother flower in order to plant and grow a young plant? The mother plant should be well developed and absolutely healthy, ideally it should be 2-3 years old. It is necessary to choose the apical cuttings of the mother geranium. In length, this process should be 7–8 cm, have one or more nodes (buds, growth points) and 3–5 leaflets. If leaves remain at the base of the cutting, they must be carefully removed.

If the branches of the process are the same length as itself, then it is imperative to cut them off, and then they can be used as independent cuttings. And the finished processes are left in the air so that the cuts dry out. If after a few hours they dragged on with a thin film, it means that everything went well and the cuttings are ready for the next step.

How to carry out the procedure?

The cut shoots do not yet have the roots that are necessary for the development of a full-fledged geranium, therefore, after their preparation, it is necessary to root the cuttings. This can be done in water or immediately in the finished substrate.

Rooting cuttings in water

How to propagate a plant by placing a cutting in water? The main advantage of this method is the ability to observe the process from beginning to end and not miss the moment when the shoot has roots and can already be planted in the substrate.

Rooting in water also has its own significant disadvantage: sometimes the cutting can rot even before it takes root, and in order to prevent this, flower growers strongly recommend adding crushed activated carbon to it every time you change water for disinfection.

Using this method, you can get beautiful and healthy geraniums.

Rooting in the ground

Is it possible to plant a cutting without roots directly into the ground? Thanks to rooting in the ground, you can not be afraid of rotting of the shoots, since this happens extremely rarely, but at the same time it will not be possible to see when the roots appear, which sometimes causes the planting material to deteriorate by being transplanted ahead of time. How to plant correctly can be found in the instructions:

Transplanting into a pot: when and how?

Rooting a geranium cutting in water on average takes no more than a week, so after 7 days, as soon as the roots appear, you need to transplant the plant so that it begins to grow fully.

The cutting that is placed in the ground gives roots only after a month, but unlike the method with water, the roots will not rot, so the probability of getting a new plant is very high.

  1. Remove the stalk that has taken root from water or earth.
  2. Prepare the substrate: 2 part of sod land, 1 - sand, 1 - humus, 1 - sheet.
  3. Pick up capacity right size: shallow and rather wide, because geraniums have a shallow root system.
  4. Place good drainage in the bottom of the pot.
  5. Place the soil in the container and moisten it.
  6. Plant the sprout in the substrate and slightly compact the earth around it.
  7. Place the plant pot on a well-lit window sill.

A cutting rooted in water is transplanted after a week, and one in the ground - after a month.

The times above are indicative., therefore, first of all, you need to look at how the process develops.

When can a flower be propagated in this way?

You can propagate geraniums by cuttings at least all year round, but flower growers are of the opinion that during the dormant period (mid-autumn - end of winter), it is better not to touch the plant, because at this time it is very vulnerable, and therefore the mother geranium may die. Therefore, the most optimal period- this is spring, when the geranium begins its growing season and it is still full of previously accumulated forces.

Propagation of a plant such as geranium is a fairly simple process that anyone who undertakes it can do. And proper and timely care of a rooted plant will help it please the eye with its attractive and aesthetic appearance.

Geranium rightfully occupies one of the places of honor in the list of favorite houseplants. It is also successfully used to decorate balconies, terraces, garden plots and street flower beds. A variety of colors, unpretentiousness and ease of reproduction are the undoubted advantages of this plant.

The cutting method is one of the most common geranium propagation methods. They can be used all year round, but best time for excellent result- Spring. This method seems simple enough, but following a few rules will allow you to grow beautiful showy plants.

Geraniums can be grown from seed, root division and stem cuttings. To plant geraniums without roots, you need to properly perform the pruning procedure. Apical cuttings are ideal for plant propagation. They should be cut under the kidney so that the length is 7-8 cm and 3-5 leaves remain on each of them. The cut must be oblique. The bottom leaves are removed.

If after pruning the plant has long branches, they can also be cut into cuttings of the same length with two to three pairs of leaves and used for rooting.

Ready cuttings should be left to dry in the air. After a couple of hours, the cut and the places where the leaves break will be covered with a thin film. The cuttings are ready, it's time to choose a rooting method.

Rooting cuttings can be done in two ways, given their advantages and disadvantages.

Rooting stem cuttings is easy enough in water. To do this, prepare containers filled with 5 cm of pre-settled water. It is better if the containers are made of dark glass. The cuttings are lowered into the water with the lower cut. Roots appear within a week.

The beauty of this method is that you can observe the rooting process and plant the plant in the ground at the right time. The disadvantage is that the edge of the handle, without having time to release the roots, can rot. To prevent decay, experienced gardeners recommend adding activated charcoal to the water. Water changes should be done once every two days.

Shoots with roots are planted in the ground. Subject to the rules of care from such cuttings, lushly flowering beautiful geranium bushes are obtained.

Geranium cuttings can be rooted immediately in the ground. Containers or pots with holes to drain excess water are suitable for this purpose. Good drainage - necessary condition for excellent results. Ready cuttings are planted in moist soil at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. The rooting process can take two to four weeks. The shoots are watered as the soil dries. To obtain lush bushes, the upper bud is pinched.

The undoubted advantage of this method is that the plants take root better. The downside is when you think that the geranium has taken root and you start replanting it ahead of time, thereby losing some of the excellent planting material.

Growing conditions for geraniums

Good lighting, moderate watering and room temperature- the key to good rooting cuttings. Pruning will also benefit the old plant. As a result, you will get many luxurious geranium bushes.

Video about planting geraniums without roots

If you want to decorate a room or front lawn beautiful plant, plant a geranium. This flower is also called pelargonium, and it has many species. On the windowsills you can often see geraniums, delighting people with bright blooms. Its leaves have a specific smell that can repel insects and purify the air. Who does not like the exotic flavor, planted fragrant geranium smelling like lemon. The variety of geraniums is amazing, and everyone can reproduce and care, which is why it is so popular.

Planting room pelargonium

Geranium - unpretentious plant. Its cultivation does not require special care at home. For planting, pick up a container with several drainage holes at the bottom. The roots of the plant are sensitive to moisture and can rot from constant contact with water, so good drainage is indispensable. Get a pot about 25 cm deep. This is enough for growth and flowering.

  1. Landing should be done in a clean container. Be sure to wash the pot and rinse with a weak solution of manganese. It will destroy bacteria and pest larvae.
  2. It is better to use the soil purchased and try to choose a soil that passes water well and dries quickly. This will keep the roots from rotting. Ideal for growing at home universal soil mixture.

To make the landing successful, put a small layer of expanded clay in the pot. Pour some sand on top and fill most of the container with earth. Make a small indentation in it. If you want to plant a geranium with a shoot, put a cutting with a root there and cover it with soil. Pour well with settled water and place the flower pot on the windowsill.

How to plant geraniums outdoors

Types of garden pelargonium look great in the garden in front of the house and bloom continuously until the onset of cold weather. These are perennial flowers, but if they are not provided proper care they die in the winter.

Pelargonium should be planted in the spring, when the last frosts end.

  1. First of all, carefully loosen the earth by digging it with a shovel to a depth of 35 cm.
  2. Then scatter 5-10 cm of compost over the surface of the bed and mix it with the top layer of soil. This will enrich the soil with the nutrients needed for geranium growth.
  3. Dig holes 25 cm deep. small species should be planted at a distance of 15-20 cm, large - 60 cm.
  4. Carefully remove the rooted shoot from the pot and place it in the hole. Sprinkle with earth and fill well with water.

To plant geraniums, pick up a place in the garden in the sun. The flower loves light and warmth.

plant care

garden and indoor views pelargoniums need proper lighting. Growing with a lack of light leads to the fact that the plant loses its splendor, begins to stretch upwards and withers. In spring, flower pots can be taken out to the balcony, where geraniums will grow rapidly. Sometimes a red tint appears on the leaves from bright light. This is not a sign of illness and is considered completely normal.

Do not spray geranium leaves with water. Care includes moderate watering. It is produced systematically, preventing the soil from drying out. At the same time, care must be taken that the soil is not too wet and moisture does not stagnate in it.

In winter, watering at home needs to be reduced. Plants accumulate water well, so water them 2-3 times a month, but not less often. Overdried soil leads to the fact that the leaves on the pelargonium turn yellow and fall off.

To make the plant have a beautiful crown, cut off the branches stretching in height. From them new shoots will begin to grow.

Feeding geraniums

Apart from comfortable conditions For existence, the cultivation of pelargonium requires regular feeding. In spring and summer, garden and indoor geraniums need to be fertilized once every 2 weeks. In winter, the amount of dressing should be reduced. It is enough to feed the plant once in January, using half the usual dose for this.

It is best to use purchased at home mineral fertilizers. For flowering to be plentiful, geraniums are necessary:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • nitrogen.

These elements are in the Dutch fertilizer "Crystal". It is excellent for basal treatment of pelargoniums. Dissolve 2 tbsp. l. top dressing in 10 liters of water and water the plant according to the instructions. Such care is necessary for geraniums after winter holiday to accelerate growth.

Do not forget that the plant cannot be fed with liquid fertilizer when the ground is dry. This care can lead to a burn of the roots. First, water the pelargonium with a small amount of water, and feed after an hour.

Well increases the growth and flowering of iodine water. Put a couple of drops of iodine into the liquid and water the flowers in pots. The main thing is not to make the solution too concentrated so as not to burn the root system. At home, geraniums are often fed by stirring 100 ml of milk in a liter of clean water.

How to care for autumn and winter

All types of geraniums love cool, sunny autumn weather. Then they rest from violent flowering and gain new strength. At this time, care for pelargoniums consists in feeding, crown formation. If flower pots are on fresh air, bring them into the house when the temperature drops to 12 degrees Celsius.

  1. Garden geraniums should be cut to a length of 5 cm before the onset of the first frost.
  2. Dig out of the ground, trim the roots by a third.
  3. Prepare a wide tray, fill it with soil mixed with a little compost, and plant the plants.
  4. Water and put on the windowsill.

In the spring, you can cut the cuttings of young shoots and start propagating geraniums. Or plant overwintered plants again in the ground.

Secrets of growing pelargonium from cuttings

To grow a new geranium bush, flower growers use different methods. The easiest way to do this is with cuttings. For breeding to be successful, you need to prepare.

  1. Get plastic cups, make small holes on their bottom and pour drainage inside.
  2. Prepare the soil for planting. To do this, add a third of the sand to the universal soil and mix.
  3. Then pour a weak solution of manganese. If not, moisten the ground with boiling water. Such disinfection will destroy harmful microorganisms that can harm the process.
  4. When the soil has cooled, pour it into cups and start planting.

Propagation by cuttings is carried out in early March. Strong shoots are chosen and stems 3-5 cm long are cut off from their top. They must have 3 green leaves. The cut is sprinkled with coal dust. The shoot is carefully inserted into a cup of earth, rammed and watered with a small amount of water. If the flower has released arrows of buds, cut them off, otherwise they will interfere with good rooting.

Place the cups with cuttings in a wide tray and place in the shade. It is desirable that the temperature in the room does not exceed 15 degrees. Provide watering by pouring a small amount of water into the pan. Do this when the earth in the cups begins to dry out.

If you notice that the leaves have turned yellow, reproduction is not proceeding very well. Cover the shoots with a half-liter jar for a couple of days. The greenhouse environment will help to take root.

After 2-3 weeks, new leaves will appear on the cuttings. Now you need to wait until the roots are strengthened. It usually takes about a month. Then geraniums can be planted in the garden. Houseplants it is advisable to leave in a temporary container until the first flower buds appear on them, and then transplant into permanent pots.

Some gardeners root pelargonium cuttings in water. Such reproduction is not successful for everyone, because the flower stem often begins to rot from contact with moisture. To try this method, cut off the shoot and put it in a jar with a little water. Wait for the roots to grow and plant the cutting in the ground.

Planting seeds

Reproduction by seeds is a long process. If you want to grow pelargonium at home in this way, carefully choose the seeds. The germination and health of the flower depends on their quality. Purchase planting material only in specialized stores or from trusted suppliers.

  1. Prepare a wide container with small holes at the bottom, fill it with fertile disinfected moist soil.
  2. Sow the seeds on top and lightly press them into the ground. Cover the container with plastic wrap and place in a warm, shady place.
  3. Carefully monitor the crops, and when the first shoots hatch, remove the film. With the advent of leaves, geraniums can be transplanted into a pot.

Propagation by seeds is laborious and time consuming. The difficulty is that crops do not always sprout, so it is easier to buy a finished plant or root pelargonium with cuttings.

When the flower becomes crowded in a pot, it must be transplanted. You can also divide the bush into several parts and plant in individual pots. Soak the geraniums with water the day before transplanting. Then carefully remove the plant, divide it, being careful not to damage the roots, and transplant into a new nutrient soil. Such reproduction is considered the fastest.

Disease Control Methods

The main culprit in geranium diseases is improper care. To keep it healthy, regularly loosen the soil, do not overmoisten the soil, remove dry leaves.

Sometimes pelargonium is affected by gray rot. The fungus covers the plant with dark spots, and it begins to quickly disappear.

To combat the disease at home, do the following:

  • remove infected shoots and leaves of geraniums;
  • moderate watering is done before lunch;
  • clean the soil from weeds;
  • treat the flower according to the instructions with fungicides.

In summer, geraniums can be attacked by whiteflies. It is easy to get rid of it with the drugs "Spark", "Aktellik" or "Commander". Dilute them according to the instructions and process the plant.

Growing Pelargonium - an exciting activity that does not require much effort or expense. Provide her good feeding, competent watering, and it will decorate your home for a long time.

The geranium bloom looks spectacular. Therefore, gardeners often use the plant in landscape design. He is happy to be planted near alpine slides and around large tall bushes.