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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Minimum space – maximum convenience: competent design of a one-room Khrushchev house. Design of a one-room Khrushchev house: creating stylish apartments from a modest home (50 photos) Design project of a one-room Khrushchev house 30 sq m

Minimum space – maximum convenience: competent design of a one-room Khrushchev house. Design of a one-room Khrushchev house: creating stylish apartments from a modest home (50 photos) Design project of a one-room Khrushchev house 30 sq m

Houses built by Khrushchev are panel, brick or block buildings, the construction of which was widespread during the USSR under the leadership of N. S. Khrushchev. This is where the popular name “Khrushchevka” comes from. The most common series are 1-335 (later upgraded to 1-335 A, 1-335 K, 1-335 AK, 1-335 D), 1-447, 1-464.

Architecture and layout

Their construction began back in 1959, but was suspended in 1966 due to the inadequacy of the buildings climatic conditions. But despite this, the creation of this type of house was later resumed and continued until the 80s.

Initially, they were considered as temporary housing for relocating residents from villages and villages, but, as we know, nothing is more permanent than temporary. That’s why there are a lot of such houses left now. In Moscow and St. Petersburg they are subject to demolition in the near future. But on the periphery we are not talking about this. At most, they are engaged in major repairs.

"Khrushchev" are simple, without unnecessary architectural design buildings of four or five floors. There is no elevator for this number of floors, and a garbage chute is a rarity. Basically, this is a panel type structure. This is explained by the fact that their construction required a short period of time and minimal costs.

In small towns, "Khrushchev" buildings were built from bricks with reinforced concrete floors. Sometimes houses were insulated with mineral wool and the façade was finished ceramic tiles. They seemed more attractive on the outside, but on the inside they were no different.

Apartments have one or two rooms (then the largest one is a walk-through room), less often three, a small kitchen measuring from 5 to 7 m2, and a combined bathroom. The height of the ceilings ranges from 2.5 m to 2.6 m. The windows are double-leaf, almost square. All communications are central. Sometimes to ensure hot water a gas water heater was installed in the kitchen.

The advantage of such houses was considered to be a balcony and a storage room. There was no balcony provided for the first floors. Under the window in the kitchen in Khrushchev-era houses there was a small cabinet that served as a refrigerator in the winter.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • low thermal insulation of walls;
  • thin partitions lacking sound insulation;
  • small kitchen;
  • small area of ​​the entire apartment;
  • narrow corridors and hallway.

Some of the shortcomings of these premises can be corrected. Therefore, redevelopment of Khrushchev buildings has become widespread recently. In a one-room apartment they make a studio apartment, in a two-room apartment they isolate the rooms. More and more apartments are getting a kitchen-dining-living room.

Let's take a closer look at the one-room options.


Basically, one-room apartment has total area about 30 m2, of which living – about 18 m2, kitchen – about 6 m2. These figures may vary slightly. IN corner apartments There are two windows, but in simple ones there is one. The windows of the kitchen and living area face one side. There is often a small window between the bathroom and the kitchen.

The one-room “Khrushchev” building is made like a cube with internal partitions. There are no load-bearing walls inside it. This makes it possible to demolish and move barriers at your request.

However, first you need to obtain permission for this, and subsequently legitimize the innovations.


A fashionable trend nowadays is a studio apartment, which combines the space of a kitchen, a room and a hallway. The selected space model can be implemented for multi-apartment “Khrushchev” buildings of any series of buildings.

This option is suitable for one person or a young couple without children. In order to legally confirm the layout, a replacement is required gas stove to electric.

You can also leave a separate hallway, behind which there is a small dressing room and a bathroom. The rest of the space will consist of a living area, a kitchen surface and a bedroom.

Wall decor and furniture installation will help to visually divide the space. It is possible to separate the bedroom from the living room with a shelf with a built-in TV, which can be rotated in one direction or the other if necessary.

A bar counter or a symbolic round arch is suitable to separate the kitchen area. It does not carry any load other than aesthetic.

The bed can be separated with a screen or curtain to match the furniture. A good location for it would be the gap behind the hallway. Thus, you will get an inconspicuous sleeping place that does not weigh down the space.

Best suited for interior Scandinavian style, the essence of which is a bright, unoccupied room with a minimum of decor. This will visually expand the apartment and add lightness to your home.

The result is free space, uncluttered by any walls. One of the disadvantages is that there are no isolated rooms in the room.

Bathroom modernization

The option under consideration is suitable for “Khrushchev” apartments with a separate bathroom (series 1-511, 1-515). The essence of the method is to enlarge the bathroom at the expense of the corridor so that a bathtub, sink and washing machine can fit there. You can simply combine a bathroom and a bathroom. Then the latter will expand to required sizes and will accommodate the listed elements and the toilet.

As such, the hallway disappears, but the space for the kitchen area and recreation area increases.

The barrier between them can be moved somewhat into the room. Then you will get a fairly wide kitchen that can accommodate four people at a table, and a living room that accommodates a sofa bed, above which you can place various types of shelves, and a wardrobe. Seating can be increased by using small ottomans that fold compactly into a coffee table.

Modern artists and designers make multifunctional furniture that will help save space in a small apartment. This can be a folding wardrobe-bed, a transforming chest of drawers, folding and folding chairs and many other interesting options.

The advantages include a relatively large bathroom and kitchen. The narrow unnecessary corridor also disappears. Such housing is suitable for people who gather guests at home, for single residents and for young people. The downside is the lack of a bedroom.

Kitchen-dining room

It is assumed that a small bedroom is separated from the main space, in which only a bed and a chest of drawers are placed. The rest of the room is combined with the kitchen. Thus, it turns out to be a kitchen-dining room with a sofa. In such a room you can place a bar counter instead of a regular table. It will serve as a continuation of the work area and will save space.

Selecting a bedroom is especially important for corner apartments, where there are two windows per room.

One of the walls of the bedroom can be made diagonal, in which the entrance door can be placed. Parallel to it, opposite it, there will be a bar counter, which will visually divide the space. From the front door to the dining room It is advisable to place cabinets along the wall. This will create the necessary space for storing things and accessories.

Some design projects use transparent partitions for this type of transformation. This will create additional lightness and freedom to the space. To provide privacy, the glass is equipped with blinds or roller blinds. Furniture in such an interior too must be made from transparent materials, be it glass or plastic. Mirror surfaces will look unusual. They will “expand” the space, but caring for them will be labor-intensive.

You can place a shower in the bathroom, and put a washing machine in the vacant space, above which there will be a full-length countertop. A washbasin is also installed in it.

The undoubted advantage of this layout is the presence of a full sleeping place and recreation areas for guests. It is suitable for a small family who prefers to relax at home. Among the shortcomings, one can note the insufficient storage areas and the absence of a full-fledged table (if it is replaced with a bar counter).

Increasing the number of rooms

If an indispensable condition of the home is the presence of a second room and an isolated kitchen, you can make a small walk-through living room. This is especially true if there is an additional window (in corner versions). The farthest room will be the bedroom, which can accommodate not only an adult double bed, but also a crib. If the area was chosen a little larger, a closet can also fit in it.

In this variation, it is better to replace the wall between the living room and the corridor leading to the kitchen with folding accordion doors along the entire width. Depending on the circumstances, you may end up with a separate seating area or combined with a corridor to enlarge the room.

The advantage of such a redevelopment will be an isolated kitchen and bedroom. It is suitable for young parents with a child and for people who do not often invite friends for dinner. But this layout involves small narrow rooms with a small amount storage spaces.

To any type of redevelopment, you can add a combination of a balcony with a living area. There you can make a mini-office, place a high bar table along the balcony window, or even equip a sleeping area.


The layout of Khrushchev buildings is typical in all cities and regions. Therefore, the same furniture was arranged in a similar way in the room. Now things are different. Experts pay great attention to the design of a small apartment. After all, it is here that it is important to take into account all the nuances for the convenience and beauty of the room.

Zoning space using wallpaper and flooring is very popular. To do this, you should select models that combine in one room, but visually divide the area into parts. It can be wallpaper of the same color, but with a different pattern. You can paint all the walls the same color, and functional areas highlight with wallpaper with ornaments. The same applies to flooring.

Currently, small-sized housing is not a thing of the past. Many families buy it at a low price and inherit it; not everyone has the opportunity to immediately purchase spacious apartments. Many people are not upset and manage to develop a functional and fashionable, in which 3-4 people live and there is enough space for everyone.

Perhaps the most strange, impractical and often defying logic planning was carried out during the Khrushchev program for the construction of affordable housing.

As a result of total savings and errors in the planning of buildings, many of our compatriots still “enjoy” the fruits of the construction thought of those times.

Khrushchev buildings are “famous” for their small rooms. Raising the ceiling will allow you to make them larger. It is advisable that the ceiling and walls be decorated in light colors. This will visually expand the space. They can be plain or vertical striped.

In a one-room “work of architecture and construction” one cannot do without redevelopment.

You don’t have to decorate the windows, leave them without curtains, this will help let you into the room large quantity Sveta. If you want to decorate, monochromatic curtains or options with parallel prints would be preferable.

No matter how wide the window sill is, there is no need to clutter it; it is better to convert it into a desktop or shelf.

The original interior of a one-room Khrushchev house implies a large number of partitions. This is not relevant, not practical. Walls are absorbers of precious free space; the right solution would be to remove unnecessary elements. It must be remembered that during the redevelopment process there is a possibility of damaging the load-bearing structures of the building; you must first draw a plan for the desired changes, present them to the local BTI, and obtain official permission.

If the wall is load-bearing and you want to expand the space, you can simply remove the door located in it and expand the opening.

With the help of competent design and skillful renovation, you can make even such a modest space cozy, comfortable, convenient and attractive in appearance.

In process design of a one-room Khrushchev house and redevelopment is prohibited:

  • Remove already installed ventilation systems (can only be strengthened by installing an air conditioner);
  • Clean up and block free access to gas pipes;
  • Move the bathroom.

A Khrushchev apartment with a comfortable and practical interior is a much more attractive option for our compatriots than a rented, albeit standard, one-room apartment.

When planning interior of a one-room Khrushchev house It is important to place the lighting elements correctly. There should be a lot of light. When zoning, it is not necessary to hang the main chandelier; spotlights will be enough. Light bulbs can be different colors and shades, with their help you can play with the contrasts of walls, ceilings, and furniture.

It is important to determine the possibilities of using the provided number of square meters with maximum benefit, practicality and rationalism.

In one available room, it is necessary to place recreation and work areas, a dining area, because in small kitchens, as a rule, there is no room for a dining group.

LED lighting elements are placed on the ceiling, which turn on individually, highlight the main areas of the room with light, and shade some corners of the apartment.

The compact dimensions of your “odnushka” will allow the use of expensive finishing materials high-quality production while maintaining the framework of an affordable and democratic budget.

Style and colors in the interior

Lately there have been small one-room Khrushchev apartments are issued in Scandinavian style. The main advantage is the use of only light colors, which visually expands the space. Provence style and minimalism are also considered for decoration.

You can get an aesthetically pleasing, stylish and practical design"Khrushchev" without ruining the family budget.

In addition to light shades, mirrors are actively used in the design of the room.

Which option will be most suitable for your “Khrushchev” depends on geometric parameters living room, the size of utilitarian premises and your budget for redevelopment and repairs.

The most commonly used color in one-room Khrushchev house is white. This perfect option background that visually increases the size of the room by almost 2 times. If you want variety and brightness, it is enough to dilute it with 2-3 richer shades. For example, a large sofa in a neutral color with lots of bright pillows, colorful paintings on the walls, fancy coffee tables.

Accents can add personality to a room. But don't use too many bright colors.

You can try using a well-known design technique for saving space - wherever possible, use modular furniture and build in folding mechanisms.

How to arrange furniture correctly

Before purchasing furniture for your little onestudio apartment, you need to draw up a preliminary plan in which the arrangement is visible and every free centimeter is used. All interior items that have not been used for Last year better to throw it away.

A small room should have as little clutter as possible.

  • If the sofa is against the wall, then the space above it can be filled with a rack or shelf.
  • To save free space in the center of the room, custom-made cabinets can be installed in free corners according to individual sizes.
  • If the corridor is very small, then instead of cabinets you can hang several shelves on the walls.

If the room is installed New furniture, then it’s better to update the repairs. Otherwise, new things will only emphasize the shabby walls or floor.

A folding sofa during the day is a key piece of living room furniture and organizes a relaxation area, and at night it turns into a sleeping place.

Zoning of a one-room Khrushchev house

All one-room Khrushchev apartments small in size, but they can also be made comfortable for living with the help of redevelopment.

The first thing you need to do is remove all possible walls and partitions. A studio apartment is an ideal option. Here you need to do zoning wisely, divide space.

Use corner sofas, which provide a large seating area (and some models can fold out and become a spacious place for sleeping and relaxing) while not taking up much space.

The practicality of such sofas lies in their ease of use.

At the right approach You can create an unlimited number of areas for work and rest. It is preferable if there are a minimum number of doors, that is, two: at the entrance and to the bathroom.

If at one room apartmentIf a family of 3 or more people lives, it will be more comfortable if the areas for work and rest are separated from each other. To do this, you can use a floor shelf, a screen, or a thin partition.

A studio apartment is progressive, stylish and modern.

Gender plays an equally important role in zoning. This is done using finishing materials: tiles, laminate, wood.

Lighting in Khrushchev

Design of a one-room Khrushchev house , especially studios, implies individual lighting for each zone. It adds zest to the interior and allows each family member to do their own thing or relax without disturbing others.

To make the room seem larger, the color of the walls should be lighter than the floors (significantly), but slightly darker than the tone of the ceiling.

Spotlights mounted in the ceiling will allow you to highlight each zone. There may be a main chandelier, but if it is not necessary, then its absence will not spoil the interior in any way.

Ideal if there are several windows in the main room. They can be expanded to increase the number natural light premises.

White has many shades and you can use any of them as a base shade for finishing surfaces.

Nuances of interior design

Modern technologies make it possible to do comfortable life even in a small one-room apartment . Simplicity and minimalism are in fashion. For example, a few years ago in every home there was a TV on a cabinet. Now this is not relevant, it can stand on hanging stand or attach to the wall. This allows you to significantly save space.

When decorating small rooms, it is best not to use more than three basic colors. This rule is as old as time, but has been tested in many real design projects.

If the family is small, then it is not necessary to buy large ones kitchen refrigerators and freezers. Now there are even models that can be installed in the corner of the room. Or buy a horizontal model, which additionally acts as a shelf or tabletop.

It is better not to use wallpaper or any other finishing material with large prints.

Design of functional areas

Bedroom To accommodate a bedroom, 6-8 square meters is enough. m. It can be highlighted or separately, or it can be during the day comfortable sofa, bed at night. Additionally, you can separate the sleeping area with a closet. Place a soft carpet on the floor.
Living room Occupies the main part of the room. The TV can be hung on the wall, a table can be placed against the wall if the size of the room allows, 2 armchairs, a sofa. All furniture elements can be installed in a semicircle. For ease of viewing, the TV can be hung on a rotating rod.
Study It is enough to allocate a corner of 1-2 square meters. m. Place there a table for a computer or laptop, an armchair or a comfortable chair, a shelf for books and “stationery”.
Children's If a full-fledged family with a child lives in the apartment, then it is necessary to allocate a place for the baby. It could be 8-10 sq. m. The children's area can be separated by a closet, a small partition, or a curtain.
Kitchen This is a special zone for which you will need to allocate at least 6 square meters. m. Kitchen room You can paste wallpaper that differs from the wallpaper in the main room; the floor and ceiling can also be finished with other materials.
Bathroom In Khrushchev apartments, the toilet and bathroom are separate, but very small. Therefore, when remodeling an apartment, the wall between them is removed, and the space becomes larger. Instead of a bathtub, it is better to install a shower stall.

For rooms with a modest square footage, it is better to choose only wall decor, precious meters will be useful for placing furniture.

In one-room Khrushchev houses It is not recommended to place a large number of accessories. And in the kitchen you can put several candlesticks, a vase, and hang small towels.

The bedroom can be decorated with 1-2 paintings or photographs.

VIDEO: Design of a one-room Khrushchev house. Modern upgrade.

50 ideas for the design of a one-room Khrushchev house:

Having a small 1-room apartment in a house built in the Khrushchev era is much better than having no living space at all. If there is a small square footage, then the design of a Khrushchev-era 1-room apartment can become the most modern and delight the owner with its comfort. The wonderful transformation of outdated housing is facilitated by the desire of the owners to make changes and the availability of materials to transform, for example, an uncomfortable small Khrushchev-era apartment into a studio apartment. Behind the hallway door you get a common space without storage rooms.

The task that the owners will have to solve is to make the small space functional, comfortable, and stylish. How can a design project for a 1-room apartment in Khrushchev help turn it into a comfortable home?

There are features of arranging a room with a small area:

  1. Create a project correctly.
  2. Determine zoning methods.

The project may be simple diagram, which clearly indicates the location of the furniture and the placement of vital areas in the apartment in such a way that the living space visually expands.

The project, redevelopment, design of a one-room Khrushchev apartment, associated with the displacement of walls, must be coordinated with the competent authorities and obtain their permission for the refurbishment.

No less important factor is the number of family members who will live in the apartment:

  1. In a family with children, it is necessary to highlight children's Corner with a sleeping place.
  1. A Khrushchev-era (one-room) apartment, the design of which is being developed, can become several square meters larger if the kitchen is combined with the living room and the bathroom is combined.
  1. Designers offer interesting solution problems by creating a common functional space for the bedroom, living area and dining room.

Thus, the one-room apartment and the design of the Khrushchev building will change beyond recognition.

The design project of a 1-room Khrushchev house will help to visually expand the living space and increase comfort, which takes into account such nuances as light shades on the walls and ceiling surfaces, as well as the use of mirror, glass and glossy surfaces.

Options for creating comfortable housing

We must not forget about style, in in this case the most suitable is minimalism.

The design of a Khrushchev-era one-room apartment will look elegant if:

  • a minimum set of furniture and all kinds of accessories;
  • using simple finishing materials and a light color palette.

When the layout is finished, it's time to start creating a functional space:

  1. A decent wardrobe will be made from a Khrushchev closet, and replacing the bathroom with a small shower will slightly expand the sanitary room.
  1. By combining the hall and the kitchen by demolishing the inner wall, you can benefit from the kitchen, where the hostess can happily do what she loves.

Thus, the design for a one-room Khrushchev house becomes convenient for the whole family.

  1. The TV, which was used to separate the bedroom and living room, can now be turned in any direction, and the small sliding dining table can be easily unfolded if necessary.
  2. The bathroom has enough space for a shower, toilet, washing machine and washbasin.

There is no need to erect walls to divide into functional zones. It is enough to place pieces of furniture in accordance with the planned plan.

Options for design and interior design in a one-room Khrushchev house

With the right approach, design in a one-room Khrushchev house, where there is a minimum of space, can provide maximum convenience to the residents of this small apartment.

To achieve this effect, you need to know some general rules:

  1. Visually increase the space.
  2. Correctly decorate the ceiling.
  3. Choose the optimal color palette for the walls.
  4. Furniture and accessories.
  5. Every thing has its place.

The design project of a 1-room Khrushchev apartment best attracts objects of medium proportions, because large-sized design objects visually create an atmosphere of heaping.

Note. The only room in this version performs various functions (living room, bedroom, study).

Several zoning methods

There is a need to highlight different ways zones in living quarters:

  • color methods;
  • lighting fixtures;
  • using appropriate materials;
  • using screens and partitions.

At the same time, the space should not be overloaded with dividing strips. There should be harmony in everything.

Ceiling structures

  1. The design of a one-room Khrushchev house is influenced by the color of the ceiling. Multi-level ceiling options should not be arranged here, decorative finishing is also not welcome.
  2. To visually increase the height of the room, it is recommended to stick the wallpaper until it touches the ceiling surface.

Has the meaning suspended ceiling especially if it has a glossy or mirror surface, it will refresh and visually enlarge the space.

Lighting and color palette

  1. The space changes in an original way with artificial lighting installed along the walls of the room.
  2. All these nuances play in favor of the design of a one-room Khrushchev apartment.
  3. Light colors generally visually expand usable area and add light.
  1. Considering this circumstance, you can perfectly play on the color palette when creating a design in a one-room Khrushchev-era apartment and planning finishing work.

The role of a wardrobe with mirrors

The illusion of a large spacious space will be created by a wall mounted from mirrors.

Cabinets with mirrored doors from floor to top in the design project of a one-room apartment in Khrushchev, they will immediately solve the problem of increasing the area and at the same time visually hide the presence of an area for storing things.

The presence of bright color spots is allowed, but their number should be minimal (no more than 1/5 of the space). Dark colors are not welcome.

What role does furniture play in the project?

Furnishing in the design project of a one-room Khrushchev apartment is considered a separate issue:

  • Multifunctional furniture relieves stress from overloading the usable space.
  • When buying furniture, you should pay attention to folding, hanging items, and glass parts.
  • There is nothing to replace a folding sofa or chair-bed.
  • Consider using corner furniture.
  • Hanging design objects save space.
  • Minimize the number of bedspreads, rugs, pillows, textiles.
  • Minimum of small accessories.

In the presence of open library With a lot of books, it is better to refuse additional accessories.

Examples of projects in a 1-room Khrushchev house, photo selection with description

The standards of Khrushchev's living space cannot meet comfortable needs, but it is possible to live. Of course, there will be some redevelopment of the one-room Khrushchev house. A well-built design will ensure a quiet life for many years.

Modern Khrushchev 1-room apartment, design, important aspects for creating a project

Designers have developed and offer owners of small-sized living spaces various options projects.

When starting renovations, the focus should be on the basic rules developed by specialists in the design of residential premises, including small ones:

The choice of finishing materials for the surface of the ceiling, walls and flooring is one of the important aspects. Preference should be given to materials of light shades that can visually expand the area. Remember the main thing that a one-room Khrushchev apartment, design and decoration should not be gloomy.
Lighting items and their location in the home matter. It is advisable to exclude bright lighting devices that emit intense light, because visually the space is reduced.
You need to be thoughtful about choosing and arranging furniture in a small enclosed area. Bulky furniture loses out in such conditions; it is better to choose multifunctional pieces of furniture. The rule here is quite acceptable: smaller is better, but more practical, convenient and cozy. Appropriate decor is the key to a beautiful interior, stylish design apartments.

Photo selection to facilitate the process of arranging redevelopment

A beautiful interior will be achieved after dismantling the walls, and this work process must be legalized so that problems do not arise in the future.

Therefore, it is better to immediately obtain permission for reconstruction.

It is simply transferred using construction techniques into a simple door opening. The wall was lengthened by covering the arched part. The living room area has become functional, and a sofa is placed along the wall. Here is a one-room Khrushchev house, the interior and design seem more spacious. There was even room for a corner closet.

Every family has items that need to be stored, but the design project of a one-room Khrushchev apartment does not allow this. The proposed example shows how to plan this cozy corner. There is space for both a bed and a refrigerator.

Design allows us to best solve many problematic issues. A narrow passageway can be transformed by relocating the entrance. And in the bathroom, installing a shower instead of a bath frees up space for a device, for example, a washing machine.

This example shows how to separate a sleeping area and how to provide lighting. Interesting option combining the kitchen and dining room with just a common countertop. No less interesting is the use of floor covering for the purpose of zoning the area.

Designers have the opportunity to apply their most daring, unusual ideas when remodeling the design of a 1-room Khrushchev house. Cramped rooms loaded with different things can be transformed so much that it’s hard to believe it.

Skillful zoning does wonders for the interior of a standard living space. A studio space is equipped, which is transformed, with the help of professional knowledge and tempting ideas, into a multifunctional building - a bedroom, a reception area. And everything looks attractive and comfortable.

An example of how a bathroom benefits from installing a shower instead of a bathtub, and in the freed-up space there is a real opportunity to install household appliances.

The pantry turns into a whole room for wardrobe equipment; a wardrobe can be built in here. It all depends on knowledge, skills, and determination to act in accordance with your good ideas.

The design project for a one-room Khrushchev house involves moving a wall to free up space. Children's rooms and a kitchen workspace are created - and all thanks to proper zoning.

A special approach is taken to re-equip the kitchen and living room, which is considered in the project as a guest room and a sleeping area at the same time. Not many owners decide to undertake such transformations, but this project is quite popular.

It should be noted regarding the styles used that most often the design of a 1-room Khrushchev house is executed in the style of minimalism. However, there are details Scandinavian interior as folding sofa in the guest area, as well as a minimum of details in the kitchen area. The preference for light shades is justified by the fact that visually the maximum expansion of space is obtained, the home looks spacious and cozy.

The design of ceiling and wall surfaces influences the design of a Khrushchev-era (one-room) apartment. Therefore, the finishing of the ceiling, floor and walls must be taken seriously.

Special photographs with views of interiors help to carry out this work stylishly and beautifully. It is advisable to have a white or beige, peach or yellow shades. A combination of style and color surfaces is a must.

A one-room apartment designed in Khrushchev will receive visual space and breadth if there are finishing materials in characteristic light colors. Original inserts from mirrors or finishing masonry are used as decoration.

There are a huge number of examples of interior design of a one-room Khrushchev house:

  1. Beautiful options are offered for connecting the kitchen with the living area or methods for decorating the bedroom without natural light.
  2. Interesting options for decorating a hallway in which the mirror plays a decisive role.
  3. The use of photo printing in the interior looks tempting.

Note. From the original design, a one-room Khrushchev apartment either transforms into a spacious, beautiful living space, or becomes gloomy and unfriendly, where you don’t want to return.

Redevelopment and zoning options

In accordance with the physiological needs of a person, the living space surrounding him is conditionally and not only conditionally divided into certain zones.

In a large apartment, dividing the area into zones is not difficult. It is more difficult to identify auxiliary and residential areas in an apartment consisting of one room.

Planning rules

Here you have to connect something with something or, on the contrary, separate it. This implies the redevelopment of a one-room Khrushchev house. The design must fit into the volume of the room.

And in order to approach planning correctly, you need to understand the rules and familiarize yourself with the requirements of building codes:

  1. You can start by identifying for yourself exactly which zones are important and necessary in such conditions, so as not to go beyond acceptable limits.
  2. Design must be approached from the standpoint of reasonable calculation. To divide into zones, you can use the zoning method using furniture, or you can expand the area by demolishing the walls inside the room.
  3. Equally important is the selection of materials for the implementation of a well-thought-out project. The ceiling and walls require careful examination. The completeness of the furniture needs to be analyzed very well, and it is necessary to foresee where and what will be located.
  4. Redevelopment and stylish Beautiful design It is unlikely that a one-room Khrushchev apartment will be possible without decoration.
  5. If the plan includes the demolition or relocation of walls, then this point requires approval from the competent authorities.
  6. A one-room Khrushchev apartment does not have load-bearing walls that could crack during redevelopment, so the design should help visually increase the usable area for further comfortable living.

Design options

When zoning, you need to take into account the following features:

  • You can separate the main area from the relaxation or work area using properly arranged furniture.
  • A beautifully designed portable screen will perfectly separate the children's corner where the crib will be located.
  • A small table or counter will be a good divider for the kitchen area. work area and an area for joint dinners and lunches.
  • By removing the wall between the room and the balcony, which then needs to be carefully insulated, you can significantly expand the space of your home.

The area of ​​the former balcony can be turned into a place for work and relaxation by equipping it with a small sofa.

Kitchen area

Regarding the interior design of a one-room Khrushchev house and redevelopment kitchen space V legislative documents There are many conditions that require mandatory approval before starting repairs:

  • For example, gasification of the kitchen does not allow free movement of the room, corridor, or the formation of empty space between them; this room must always be enclosed.
  • Here you can install a door or partition. A kitchen equipped with an electric stove also cannot be freely expanded, since the neighbors’ living quarters are located under the kitchen.
  • Of interest is the unusual design technique- kitchen niche. The description of such a kitchen space looks like a planned kitchen space that is not separated from the room by walls. And it is arranged right in it, with this layout space is saved, and small apartment visually increases.
  • However, it is not always possible to make such conversions due to the requirements of building codes.

Attention. The structure of the house is supported by load-bearing walls. Rashly, unchecked actions to modernize a small apartment often lead to a weakening of the frame of the house, as a result of which its stability is compromised.

A large number of renovations are being carried out in wet areas. In the design project of a one-room Khrushchev apartment, the point of combining a sanitary unit and combining it is most often introduced.

This expansion is only possible through:

  • storage rooms;
  • built-in wardrobes;
  • corridors.


  1. Unauthorized transformations may lead to interruptions in the water supply and disruption of the sewerage system.
  2. Such drastic changes, as a rule, are not approved by management and supervisory authorities. And willful actions are prohibited.
  3. Sometimes, in a desire to improve their living conditions, people try to gain some extra centimeters from the ventilation system.

This does not need to be done so as not to disrupt the air circulation process.

What not to do when creating design projects for one-room apartments in Khrushchev

  1. For example, indulging your ambitions, it is not wise to try to arrange a study, bedroom and gym in a small single room.
  2. In such cases, it would be wiser to use transformable furniture such as a folding table, pull-out sleeping areas, and folding shelves.
  3. You should carefully consider the location of the private seating area.

Note. The option of placing sleeping places opposite the front door would not be suitable.

What to do if the one-room Khrushchev building is corner?

Don’t be upset if you get a chance to buy an older, small corner apartment. A dull, at first glance, home can become a cozy, attractive living space with good energy. It all depends on the mood of the owners, on a successful idea.

Even a corner one-room Khrushchev house with an original design can play a positive role.

A few design secrets

For example, a corner room with two windows can be divided into two zones by a closet. In this case, the cabinet will serve as a wall. Redevelopment here turns out to be minimal.

But you should pay attention Special attention for bright spots:

  • in the form of the color of the sofa bedspread;
  • some bright details in the sleeping area or in the bathroom;
  • The floor covering can be varied.

Living area

To save space a good option serves as a combination of sleeping space and storage for necessary things:

  1. The sofa in this situation is a base made of good-quality boxes on which sofa cushions are laid.
  2. For the wall next to the sofa, it is appropriate to choose original photo wallpaper.

The design of a Khrushchev-era one-room apartment benefits from a skillful combination or contrasting selection of individual interior details.

Sleeping area

The bedroom can be equipped with a wardrobe such as a multifunctional rack:

  1. Of course, a one-room Khrushchev house, the design of which is not easy to design, requires ingenuity.
  2. The wardrobe-rack is designed to accommodate clothes, a chest of drawers for linen is attached here, and above it you can arrange a place for a TV in the form of an open section.
  3. Even adapt a drawer for storing household items. These sections need to be turned to face the living area.
  4. The same closet reverse side facing the bedroom and instead of a cabinet there is a niche for various small items and books.
  5. On the other side of the bed, you can hang a cabinet on the wall. By removing the legs from it, we made room for the ottoman, which slides under the hanging cabinet.
  6. A convenient place for a dressing table is obtained by hanging a round mirror on top.

Kitchen area

Kitchen and design 1 room Khrushchev, executed in a minimalist style with additions of bright spots, will give the room an optimistic mood.

A checkered floor, a backsplash near the stove with white bricks, chairs painted in bright colors - this good mood, a holiday for the soul. With all the festivity, the table needs an extendable one in order to save space. Behind folding table you can gather guests.

The presence of a wooden tabletop somewhat muffles the pomp and brings comfort to the environment.


The design of a Khrushchev-era, 1-room apartment, due to objective reasons, simplifies the hallway a little.

There is no place to place clothes and shoe cabinets here, but an ordinary hanger and a shoe tray next to it are the most suitable accessories. A tall chest of drawers can fit here to store various things. Regarding the color of walls and doors, light colors can be recommended. The hallway space will benefit from this.

Bathroom decoration

Even a three-meter bathroom will be transformed if you install a small open shower. A curtain will protect the floor from splashes. The sink should also be small in size; you can install a toilet cabinet under it.

It is better to decorate the walls from bottom to middle with light-colored tiles, and painting the top, for example, turquoise, is suitable.

A black and white checkered floor placed in a diagonal direction will add some energy.

A few words about design in a small-sized Khrushchev building

Creating a design for a small one-room Khrushchev apartment is quite a difficult task, and at the same time very exciting. Strict, unchanging conditions give scope for fantasy projects.

When starting planning or re-planning, you need to keep many nuances in sight - walls, floors and ceilings from the point of view of their design.

It is necessary to take into account zoning, and along with these issues we must not forget about lighting and the volume of furniture.

As a result of intense activity, you can get an amazing design, and a 1-room Khrushchev house will turn into a stylish living space.

People always want to get more than they put into the business. This principle also applies to the design of a one-room Khrushchev house. As a result of long attempts to achieve excellent design options, practical advice for inexperienced owners.

This option can be implemented using a cabinet without destroying walls, partitions, or moving openings.

Place a partition in the room. The area of ​​the kitchen will increase, and the living room will decrease. The design of a one-room apartment in Khrushchev will change radically. But there is a possibility of applying for permission for redevelopment from regulatory authorities.

The design in a one-room Khrushchev house will improve if these utility rooms insulate. The renovation will result in another small room.

It is more convenient for single people to have such a design project for a one-room apartment in a Khrushchev-era building, when everything is placed in one room without partitions or screens of any kind, that is, to transform it into a so-called open-plan apartment.

Despite the popularity of new buildings in almost all regions of Russia, many, if not most of us, live in Khrushchev-era buildings in panel houses. This is what people call small apartments from the times of Khrushchev. They are distinguished by relatively small kitchens and separate bathrooms. In this article we will talk about the design of a one-room Khrushchev house. Approximate area finishing works 30 - 32 sq. m. How to make a small one-room apartment visually larger and more spacious if redevelopment is not available to you.

In a small apartment, like a one-room Khrushchev house, the owners fight for every millimeter during renovation, so that both visually the space looks larger and physically it is possible to fit what is needed in a minimum area. We will try to discuss the intricacies of this task. Below we will talk about the style that you could adhere to in decorating the apartment, about the intricacies of finishing and repairing all rooms, about individual details of finishing work. Such as the choice of wallpapers, their existing species. Space zoning, everything available options. Floor finishing options. Doors in small apartments. We will also cover the topic of the influence of color in space on people’s behavior and mood. We hope that, having learned modern tendencies, you will be able to make the choice that will bring the highest quality result of your work.

Style selection

It can be difficult to choose one specific style in Khrushchev, you may like something from one, and something completely opposite. Don't be afraid to mix styles, choose what suits your taste. It is quite difficult to maintain one image in the premises of Khrushchev, and then the most reasonable thing is to use materials from different genres, guided by your own choice of shapes and finishes.

1. Classic. A combination of tradition, solidity, with the high cost and quality of the materials used. Furniture from natural wood, upholstered in expensive fabric. The tones in this style are calm and restrained. Beige, pastel, rich brown, or greenish. Pictures will fit well here different sizes and with a massive, expensive frame.

Room design

1. If several people live in a 1-room apartment, then it is convenient to zoning the room. Select at least two zones. For each option, such zones are appropriate in their own way. Zoning can be done in the direct order of constructing a visually real wall or fence. For example, from foam blocks (then the wall will be real), chipboard, or drywall. Such a partition can be soundproofed and insulated, for example, with glass wool.

Wooden partitions are formed by covering shingles and plaster. To save as much as possible larger area residential part, many try to make the partition as thin as possible, or disguise something else as it. For example, install sliding doors, they do not take up extra space, opening in both directions by sliding. You can separate the parts simply with a closet, floor-to-ceiling shelves, shelving or furniture.

Wallpaper now comes in all sorts of colors, colors, and patterns. Vinyl, paper, three-dimensional, simple. We will talk more about their selection and colors below. If the floor is uneven, then now there are many ways from pouring to leveling using wood panels and level. It is better to make the floor at the same level throughout the entire apartment, without thresholds and sudden changes in height. Another point in the design of a living room in a one-room apartment is paintings or photographs, which can be hung in a certain order on the wall.

It’s worth choosing in advance the places where the paintings will hang, so that you don’t have to fill nail holes later.

3. The ceiling in the room is often finished with so-called suspended ceilings, or, for example, wallpaper for painting. There is also a technology for simply stretching beautiful natural fabric between self-made beams. The beams can be made into squares and varnished. It turns out something like a Swedish ceiling.
Pay attention to home textiles. You can combine it to your taste, choose everything in different colors: from curtains, to sofa upholstery, from carpet to tablecloth. Some people prefer coarser, noble fabrics, others prefer lighter, more transparent ones. In a small space it is better to use transformable furniture, modern walls, not weighing down cabinets. Cabinet furniture leaves room for imagination in its arrangement.

Bathroom design

A lot of time and effort is devoted to renovating a bathroom. In a one-room Khrushchev house you can combine a bathroom. The main problem in the design of a bathroom in a one-room Khrushchev apartment and decoration there are small areas. It is difficult to place in such an area: a bathtub, a toilet, a sink, a washing machine. It is better to immediately, from the beginning of the repair, think about where everything will stand, and preferably down to the millimeter. Replace the sitz bath with a shower stall. Hide the toilet flank into the wall.

Doors in a small one-room apartment can take up a lot of extra space. You can install sliding doors, or simply leave an arch, for example, from the corridor to the kitchen.


In specialized stores and online sources there are a large number variety of chandeliers, sconces, floor lamps. They can be complementary to each other and made in the same style, from the same materials, and sold as a set. You can choose light sources that are dissimilar, but will highlight the design. You can purchase LED strips to illuminate the perimeter of the ceiling with them. Cabinets with shelves illuminated by the same LED strips are also in fashion now. In any case, the light in the apartment should be multi-level, so that you can turn off the main light and leave a more intimate one.

Color spectrum

How can you make it so that it is not only pleasant and comfortable in your apartment, but also that it gives you strength and vigor? Psychologists have asked this question. They studied the influence on the human condition of decision-making of such design components as colors, shapes, textures, images. The color of a design can significantly change relationships, skills, and habits.


Let us explore in more detail the topic of modern floor coverings. After all, this is also a very important issue that receives a lot of attention. It is better to start finishing the white key after finishing the walls and floor. Materials are divided into: natural and artificial.

Parquet. Parquet has the highest wear resistance and practically does not deform. Block parquet more susceptible external influence, for example, moisture than all other types. Parquet is durable, but it is better to use it in rooms that are not popular in terms of traffic.
Cork floor. Environmentally friendly material. Cork is produced in the form of tiles, which consist of pressed layers. The outer layer is veneer, varnished on top. In this case, very good sound and heat insulation. Such material evens out even with slight deformation. Has antibacterial properties.

Marmoleum is made from natural ingredients. These tiles are glued on. Quite resistant to fire.
Laminate has several layers. The base is MDF, using plastic, and a decorative layer on top.
Linoleum is durable and wear-resistant, is not afraid of moisture and is easy to lay.
Carpet covering It is better to use in bedrooms, living rooms, in rooms where a cozy, soft atmosphere looks better.

In conclusion, I want to say that even the process of repair and decoration itself can bring real pleasure, because it is a change. Renovation means everything new, change of scenery, colors. Of course, this will not give your one-room apartment new life, but this will significantly change it, you will see how much more joyful it will be for you to be at home. This is a new breath for your home, and it’s up to you whether it will bring you true pleasure. Good luck with your results.

The author of the project, Albert Baghdasaryan, was able to rationally manage a small area in order to create conditions for comfortable living in an ordinary one-room apartment. The result of the work done is its transformation into full-fledged housing, with areas for relaxation and work, for preparing meals and lunches.

Living area

A remarkable component of the interior of a one-room apartment is a cube in wood, standing out against the white background of the walls and ceiling. Inside it there is a bathroom and a hallway closet, and the front side of the cube is the visual center of the room with a protruding shelf for decoration and a television panel with acoustics. Attracts attention unusual decor in the form of part of an elegant female figure.

The wall opposite the cube is filled with a combination of cabinets and open shelves for books. A sofa with strict geometry was placed between the cabinets, and in the center was a low coffee table with a glossy surface. The image of the city at night gives a complete look.

Near the window of the living area there is a workplace, the tabletop of which is fixed to the wall and cabinet. Roman blinds make it possible to regulate the amount of light in daytime. For evening lighting there are built-in ceiling lamps and a lampshade in the shape of a circle.

Kitchen and dining areas

Compact white set in a minimalist style it looks stylish thanks to chrome inserts. Some of the lower cabinets are installed under the window, so there is enough space in the kitchen to store everything you need.

The window sill is a place to place decorative living greenery. The space between the windows is occupied by a dining area with dining table, emphasized by a pendant with a voluminous lampshade. A contrasting photo in a frame harmoniously complements this part of the interior.


The design of the hallway in a one-room Khrushchev apartment is characterized by simplicity, corresponding to the preferences of men, and a built-in closet is used for storing things.


Wall decoration is done in small format mosaic tiles in shades of blue. The whiteness of the plumbing, floors and ceilings is complemented by shiny metal parts.