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» Hot water temperature standards. DHW temperature: requirements and standards of SanPiN

Hot water temperature standards. DHW temperature: requirements and standards of SanPiN

Temperature hot water in the crane, according to the standard in 2019, it is regulated by SNiP (building codes and regulations) N II–34–76 and SanPiN These documents determine the quality of water supplied to residential buildings

for household and drinking needs.

Inadequate quality of tap water In addition to the temperature, the hot water must match such parameters as

cleanliness and pressure. What good is hot water if it runs in a thin stream or is dirty? Increased pressure is also not a reason for joy: it entails damage to couplings, valves and other elements of the water supply system.

For hot water, pressure limits are set from 0.3 to 4.5 atmospheres. Exceeding these boundaries is a direct reason for contacting the Criminal Code for recalculation. Impurities in aquatic environment can be either organic or inorganic

origin: rust, entry into the earth system, rotting wood, etc. If such cases are frequent and long-lasting, it is necessary to file a complaint with the water utility with a request to inspect the treatment systems, which should be carried out jointly with the housing office.

How to file a complaint? As you know, apartments in multi-storey city buildings are most often supplied hot water , coming from central system

water supply This service is an integral part of ensuring comfortable living in multi-apartment buildings. Perhaps many residents do not know, but the temperature of water supplied to the final points of consumption is not the whim of boiler house workers or clerks of the heating supply organization, but a standardized value established by the relevant legislative acts. However, unfortunately, the temperature of hot water does not always correspond to established standards, which leads not only to serious inconvenience, but sometimes even creates certain risks to human health. Therefore, you should not treat such violations passively, as they can lead to negative consequences

So, this publication aims to provide information about what standard hot water temperature is set - what to do if you do not meet the standards, and where to go about this issue.

Hot water in a house or apartment has long been no longer considered a “luxury” - it is a necessary “attribute” of life modern man. However, it sometimes happens that the housing company, which has undertaken to monitor the hot water supply of the house, does not always conscientiously fulfill its duties (paid, by the way, by the residents themselves). In this regard, apartment owners or tenants have a fair question about what is the reason for these violations of established temperature standards.

All owners of apartments in high-rise buildings are well aware that hot water is sold to consumers at a much higher price than cold water. If the hot water supply is maintained within the temperatures established by SanPiN, then the hot water is diluted big amount cold, resulting in the most acceptable for human body, warm. That is, in this case, much less hot water is used, and you also won’t have to pay so much for it. But when the water from the DHW supply pipes is initially warm, then there is no need to dilute it with cold water, and in this option, residents pay for it as for full-fledged hot water, and accordingly, the amount in the payment will be much higher.

However, unreasonably increased payment is not the biggest drawback of water not heated to the required state. There are also more serious risks that can negatively affect the health of people, especially those with weakened immune systems.

IN Russian Federation, as in all civilized countries of the world, certain standards for providing utilities. This list also includes the quality of water supply, cold and hot.

In the Russian Federation, standardized standards for the supply of hot water to residential buildings are prescribed:

— in the “Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards” (SanPiN 4723-88 “ Sanitary rules installation and operation of centralized hot water supply systems");

— in the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of residential premises in multi-apartment and residential buildings", which were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 dated May 6, 2011.

According to them:

  • The normal output temperature of hot water (at consumption devices) in apartments connected to a central water supply is in the range from 60 to 75 degrees.
  • In addition, a small exception and clarification has been made. So, for houses connected to closed system heating supply (with galvanized pipes and water heating in boilers), the water temperature must be at least 50 degrees, with an upper limit of 60 degrees. This is usually stipulated in contracts for the provision of relevant services.

Here it is necessary to clarify that the temperature of hot water should not depend on the time of year - it should always be within the specified standard range. Permissible deviations are specified, but even then they only relate to the time of day. So, in daytime A deviation from the specified range (up or down) within three degrees will not be considered a violation; at night (it is considered, by the way, from 0.00 to 5.00) - five degrees.

There are a few other temporary exceptions specified legislative documents, when the heating rate can be reduced, or the supply of hot water is suspended. TO similar situations The following points include:

  • Carrying out scheduled preventative maintenance, during which problems that arose during the operation of the system are eliminated in various nodes of the communication network.
  • Emergence emergency situation on one of the sections of the highway or failure of equipment at pumping stations.

At the same time, such situations cannot last indefinitely - the rules also provide for temporary norms for suspending the supply of hot water supply:

  • No more than eight hours (total) per month.
  • No longer than four hours at a time.
  • No longer than a day in case of a serious accident.

In accordance with the above guidance documents, the organization responsible for providing utility services to consumers is obliged, on its own or with the involvement of other individuals or companies, to ensure Maintenance engineering systems inside the house, through which the services established by the concluded contracts are provided. In addition, this organization must recalculate tariffs for poorly provided utility services or their provision with interruptions that exceed the permissible duration.

For example, if the accident was not eliminated within 24 hours, residents of the house (in the absence of meters) have the right to recalculate payments for hot water for certain days of a given month.

What is the importance of temperature standards for hot water supply?

Controlling the temperature of hot water supply is important, as mentioned above, not only for economic reasons, but also from the standpoint of preserving the health of residents, which is especially true for children and people with disabilities or chronic diseases. Therefore, water temperature indicators should not exceed the permissible threshold or be below normal.

  • The first thing to consider is that the temperature can often be not only low, but also exceed established standards, and this creates a considerable risk of burns. To eliminate the possibility of such damage, mixers are installed, with the help of which you can adjust desired temperature water. Each user should remember what temperatures and how they can affect human skin:

— +50°C – partial burns are possible with exposure duration of 90 seconds or more;

— +55°C – the same situation, but the burn occurs in 15 seconds;

— +60°C – likely thermal damage to the skin when exposed for 5 seconds;

— +65°C – severe skin burn in 2 seconds;

— +70°C – immediate severe and deep burn of the skin and adjacent tissues.

This information must be taken into account if the apartment has Small child– consideration should be given to eliminating the possibility of his uncontrolled access to hot water taps.

  • A low temperature of the incoming “hot” water is not only its excessive consumption and other household inconveniences, but also a prerequisite for the emergence of a number of other unpleasant situations. In particular, in the closed space of pipes, when the temperature established by the standards decreases, a favorable environment is created for the appearance and reproduction of various bacteria that can cause temporary intoxication or even acute or chronic diseases in humans.

A typical representative of such pathogenic microflora is the Legionella bacterium, whose favorable habitat, development and reproduction is precisely warm fresh water. This microorganism is a gram-negative rod, no more than 3 microns in size.

These microorganisms thrive in warm water, and also willingly settle in air conditioners and low temperature systems heating. Legionella can cause various diseases, including lung infections and pneumonia with associated complications. This bacterium can enter the human body during a bath, shower, when washing or brushing teeth, as well as when eating food from dishes that were washed with insufficiently heated water.

If the water meets the standards, then it is heated to higher temperatures, which minimizes the risk of infection to consumers. So, heated to 80÷90 degrees in boiler rooms central water supply The water practically undergoes a process of complete thermal disinfection.

The effect of temperature on the pathogenic microorganism discussed above looks approximately as follows:

— Water below +20˚С: the bacteria is inactive - it does not reproduce, but it does not die.

— +25÷45˚С: the most favorable temperature for the development and reproduction of legionella.

— +55˚С: if this temperature is continuously maintained, then these microorganisms die in 5–6 hours.

— +60˚С: the death of the entire colony of bacteria occurs within 30÷35 minutes.

— +65˚С — legionella dies within 2 minutes.

How to achieve quality hot water services?

Monitoring compliance with hot water temperature standards

So, in order to achieve restoration of the quality of provision of such public services, so that it becomes possible to save on payment by filing a claim with the hot water supplier, it is necessary to periodically take temperature measurements. Moreover, this check should be carried out correctly, since deviation from the established algorithm for its implementation will lead to possible non-recognition of the result obtained.

The measurement procedure consists of four stages and is carried out in the following order:

  • The first step is to prepare a glass or other container and a thermometer for measuring water temperature, which has a scale of up to 100 degrees. Attention - mercury thermometers for such measurements in residential premises - are unacceptable.
  • After this, the hot water tap opens completely.
  • Next, you need to wait 3-4 minutes until the cooled, stagnant liquid flows out of the pipeline (although, in theory, with properly adjusted circulation of the central hot water supply, there should be practically no stagnant areas).
  • After water comes out of the tap at a uniform temperature, you need to collect it in a glass, which is placed directly under the stream.
  • Next, place a thermometer in a glass filled with hot water. When the indicators on it are fixed, that is, the column (arrow) stops rising, the value must be written down.

Request for recalculation or change in service tariffs

If measurements taken regularly throughout the day show that the temperature differs from the standard by more than 3 degrees, then you can demand that the management company eliminate the violations, and if such elimination is impossible at the moment, then reduce the tariff for hot water (providing payment discounts).

This tariff reduction is 0.1% per hour for every three “missing” degrees. Well, if the temperature of the incoming so-called “hot” water is below +40 degrees, then payment for the service should be made generally at the cold water supply rate.

However, such a payment reduction is only possible if the temperature readings were not only recorded by the consumer, but also documented. Unfortunately, employees of organizations responsible for hot water supply practically do not constantly monitor the temperature state of the water, and even when contacting them with relevant complaints, they carry out such monitoring with obvious reluctance.

Therefore, before contacting management company Very often, residents independently calculate the required discount. Similar calculations are made after taking temperature readings for several days:

  • To do this, take the number of days in which a decrease in the temperature of the hot water was observed - this number must be divided by the number of days in the month.
  • The resulting result is multiplied by the established tariff for hot water supply. This value will become the discount that will have to be deducted from the total monthly tariff.

Thanks to the independent calculations It would seem that you can control the recalculation that the management company will do. But in reality everything turns out to be much more complicated. Therefore, in order to achieve a reduction in payment bills, after independently measuring the indicators, the following actions must be taken:

  • The first step is to call the emergency service to inform the dispatcher that water is entering the house at a temperature that does not meet the standards. The dispatcher receiving the request must register it under a specific number, which must be remembered, or better yet, written down. In addition, it would be reasonable to record the name of the employee who accepted the application and the time it was submitted.

It is quite possible that the responsible employee is already aware of the reasons that caused temporary deviations from the hot water supply standards and can tell you when everything will be restored. If not, then we pursue the truth further.

  • Upon receiving a request, within a few days the management company must send an inspector or another of its representatives, who, having verified the accuracy of the information, draws up a report on inadequate water quality.
  • In the event that employees of the management organization are “in no hurry” to visit the house to understand the reasons, you can draw up an act yourself by inviting several neighbors who must sign the document, thereby certifying the data received.

Such a document is recognized as legally significant, therefore, on its basis, it is quite possible to draw up an application addressed to the head of the State Housing Inspectorate or public utilities, indicating in it all the data received, as well as regulatory documents regulating service standards, and the time of consideration of the application.

The application must also indicate the reason for the application - “poor quality water”. The document submitted to the housing inspection should receive a response from the inspector regarding the acceptance of the application for work, after which all that remains is to wait for a solution to the problem that has arisen.

It should be noted that the best option will be the preparation of a collective application from the entire house or from the majority of its residents. This way you can speed up the procedure for considering a complaint and restoring hot water temperature standards.

Installation of modern quantitative and qualitative water consumption metering devices

IN Lately Increasingly, apartment residents, faced with similar problems and despairing in the fight with housing and communal services bureaucrats, are trying to install individual meters for water consumption, both cold and hot. And if there is a financial opportunity, then optimal choice There will be a “smart meter” installed – it will pay for itself quite quickly.

Before entering the water meter, a temperature sensor. As a result, such a device records water consumption in real time, taking into account both volume and temperature. If the hot water temperature does not correspond to the standard, then the tariff is automatically calculated at a reduced rate, or even at all - the same as for cold water consumption.

By the way, there are cases when employees of management companies flatly refuse to register such multi-tariff water consumption meters and accept payment based on their readings (despite the existing certificates of conformity of water meters), citing a bunch of all sorts of obscure excuses. This is understandable - often such a technique becomes a “bone in the throat” for them, since there is no escape from the dispassionately recorded timing of violations.

If you are faced with such opposition, you should seek recognition that you are right, referring to the above-mentioned Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011.

Below is a quote from Article No. 31 of this Resolution (an extract of two paragraphs, “t” and “y”), which, after careful reading, should, in theory, remove all questions regarding this problem:

Performer (that is entity regardless of the organizational and legal form or individual entrepreneur providing utility services to the consumer) is obliged: ...

T) not create obstacles for the consumer in exercising his right to install an individual, common (apartment) or room metering device, meeting the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements, including a metering device, the functionality of which makes it possible to determine the volumes (quantities) of consumed utility resources differentiated by time of day (established periods of time) or according to other criteria reflecting the degree of use of utility resources, even if such an individual or common (apartment) metering device functionality differs from the collective (common house) metering device with which an apartment building is equipped;

at ) carry out, at the request of the consumer, the commissioning of an installed individual, common (apartment) or room metering device, corresponding to the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements, even if such an individual or common (apartment) metering device differs in functionality from the collective (general house) metering device with which an apartment building is equipped, no later than the month following the date of its installation, and also proceed to carry out calculations of the amount of payment for utility services based on the readings of the metering device put into operation, starting from the 1st day of the month following the month the metering device was put into operation; ...

Water consumption meters - how to choose and install yourself?

The installation of water meters often solves many problems related to the quantity and quality of consumed utilities at once. Read more about it in a special publication on our portal.

How to correctly write an application for elimination of violations?

If the desire to achieve restoration of normal temperature regime did not pass in the hot water supply system, then after recording the violations, it is necessary to move on to the “documentary part” of the process. So, a consumer (or a group of consumers) expresses their claims by filing an application.

The application is drawn up according to the established template, in legible and neat handwriting.

  • In the right corner of the document being drawn up, you should indicate the official and organization to which the application is sent, as well as the last name, first name and patronymic of the person from whom it was written, and his contact information - residential address and telephone numbers. If a collective complaint is being filed, this fact should be clarified.
  • Next, retreating 50÷60 mm downwards, write the word “Statement” and indicate for what reason it was drawn up. IN in this case It is best to indicate Article 7.22 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which provides for liability for violation of the rules for the maintenance and repair of residential buildings.

  • Next, the text of the complaint itself is written, which is also drawn up in a certain form. First, the address of the house is indicated where the hot water supply standards established by SanPiN are not met, and then the essence of the problem is described.
  • At the end of the compiled text, there is an appeal to the manager of the Housing Inspectorate with a request to conduct an inspection of the violation, and issue an order to eliminate the problem, as well as recalculate hot water tariffs for a certain period. In addition, you can safely demand, in accordance with Article 7.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, to apply administrative penalties against workers guilty of regular violations of hot water supply standards.
  • At the bottom of the document is the date of drawing up the application and the signature of the applicant or applicants when filing a collective complaint.

Filing an application can be called the first part of the justice restoration process. Next, after filing a complaint, you should wait for a response from officials, who are required to respond within (maximum) 30 working days from the date of its receipt. Then the problem should be fixed. If this does not happen, and the normal temperature of the water has not been restored, and recalculation has not been made within a month and a half, then the residents of the house have the right to go to court. In the same way, a complaint can be filed if the water has bad smell, taste, dirty or cloudy appearance.

In order for the consumer to have a chance to defend his rights in case of violation of water quality standards, it is necessary to remember that when drawing up an agreement between him and the supplier, all the norms of the provided public services, which are defined by law, must be spelled out. Therefore, before you sign the agreement, you should carefully study it, including all footnotes, including the “fine print.”

Proposed changes in standards for the provision of hot water supply services

Recently, Rospotrebnadzor has been actively discussing the issue of reducing the temperature standard for hot water supply from 60 to 50 degrees.

In this case, two options are proposed to solve the problem in order to save energy:

  • The first option is to use special disinfectants for high-quality water purification, instead of heating. At the same time, experts assure that consumers will not become infected, since this is a more effective way to improve the quality of water supplied to apartments.
  • The second option under consideration is lowering the water temperature to 50 degrees constantly and heating it to +70 degrees only once a day. According to experts, when offering such a measure of thermal disinfection, it is more effective, and this is proven by world experience, since many countries around the world use exactly this option for purifying water from bacteria living in it. To avoid accidental thermal injuries among consumers, heating to high temperatures is proposed to be done at night.

There are, of course, ardent opponents of such changes, who operate on the following quite fair considerations:

  • Firstly, they believe, it is still necessary to take into account the opinion of the consumers themselves on this issue, since the changes will primarily affect their comfort and the amount of payment for the services provided (it seems that although the lower limit of heating will be lowered, the cost of the service will not be reduced will follow).
  • Secondly, given, unfortunately, the current approach in the Russian public utilities to various changes, it is necessary to be prepared to receive output parameters that will be below the established standards, since even today they are not always met. For example, if we're talking about about reducing the heating level of hot water to 50 degrees, then in practice it is quite possible to get an output of no more than 40÷45 degrees, which is already “out of the question.” And discounts for such temperatures, taking into account the permissible 3 degrees of deviation, will turn out to be completely ridiculous. In short, the consumer is again the loser.
  • Thirdly, the practice of functioning of the Russian housing and communal services does not allow us to be sure that high-quality cleaning will be carried out in all municipalities without exception. cold water before heating it. Well, this may well lead to an increase in the likelihood of various infectious diseases. Therefore, opponents of the initiatives under discussion believe that in the conditions of the Russian communal system, only thermal treatment of water supplied to apartments is modern realities really effective way disinfection.

Today, the previously developed standards are still in effect, while new ones were planned to be introduced in March 2017, but so far there is no official confirmation or refutation in this matter. It is known, however, that such an idea has not yet received approval from the Government of the Russian Federation. But who knows, maybe this will happen someday if alternative proposals that have long been adapted in our public utilities are not heard.

Video: Insufficient hot water temperature is a problem in most regions of Russia

Permissible deviation at the point of water collection was adopted by Government Decree No. 354 acceptable standards temperature deviations of hot water supply:

  • for night time from 00:00 to 05:00 they correspond to 5°C;
  • for daytime from 05:00 to 00:00 – no more than 3°C.

Moreover, if the deviation from the standard is greater than these values, then for every 3°C it is possible to demand a reduction in utility bills by 0.1% per hour of deviation. If the device shows a temperature of 40°C or lower, then payment must be made according to cold water standards. But for this it is necessary to have an official measurement report confirming the deviation from the norms. Sample application to the management company for hot water temperature. to contents Minimum indicator The minimum temperature threshold for hot water supply is set at 60°C.

What should the temperature of hot water in an apartment be according to law?

When paying for utilities, any user wants to get a quality product for their money. That is why you should not give up if lukewarm water flows out of the tap.


Knowing the hot water temperature standards, you can try to influence the services that supply utilities: take measurements, draw up a report, make a recalculation, file a complaint with a higher authority. Statement of claim for the provision of utility services for hot water supply of inadequate quality and a reduction in fees for hot water.

There is not enough information about how management companies make money from hot water supply high temperature, you can find out from the video: Did you like the article? Follow site updates on VKontakte or Twitter.

Rules for measuring hot water temperature. which document to believe?

That is, the water temperature is 59 or 76 degrees for open system water supply will be a violation. There are several exceptions to this rule:

  • From 5 am to midnight it is allowed to lower minimum temperature by 3 degrees Celsius, that is, up to 57 degrees with an open system;
  • From midnight to 5 am it is permissible to lower the standard by 5 degrees - to 55.

Stopping the supply of hot water is also allowed in some exceptional cases:

  • Accident on the water supply line;
  • Preventive maintenance (shutdown is possible for no longer than 4 hours).

Where to go in case of non-compliance with standards If during the measurement it turns out that the water does not meet the temperature established by the standards, any citizen can demand that the management company eliminate the violations.

Standard and permissible deviation of hot water temperature in the apartment


Sampling of water from a consumer's tap Sampling of water is carried out at the outlet of the taps of the internal water supply networks of houses. When sampling from a consumer's tap, the time to drain the water before sampling depends on the purpose of sampling.

If the purpose of sampling is to assess the effect of materials in contact with water on water quality, then samples should be collected without first draining the water. For other purposes, 2-3 minutes of draining the water is sufficient to establish equilibrium conditions before sampling.
Before taking hot water samples, drain the water until it reaches a constant temperature.

Reduce the temperature: what standards are set for water in an apartment

You can also complain to the housing and communal services organization when the tap water has an unnatural smell or color. First, the consumer needs to call the management company and tell them about the problem that has arisen.


A company specialist will check whether the change in water temperature is associated with a breakdown or preventive work on the highway and will inform you of the preliminary completion time of the work, if this is the reason. If the non-compliance with the standard hot water temperature in the apartment is caused by another reason, the dispatcher must record the citizen’s appeal and forward it to authorized company employees for consideration.

You may need the following sample complaints: Complaint to the housing and communal services about non-compliance with hot water standards Complaint to the prosecutor's office about non-compliance with hot water standards A citizen has the right to demand that the dispatcher give his full name and the application number assigned to it in the log.

Rules for measuring hot water temperature in an apartment

Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011): "... BEFORE DETERMINING THE TEMPERATURE OF HOT WATER AT THE POINT OF WATER DELIVERY, THE WATER IS DRAINED FOR NO MORE THAN 3 MINUTES." In addition, clause 7.5 Guidelines MUK 4.3.2900-11 “Measurement of hot water temperature in centralized hot water supply systems” (approved.

Fed. Rospotrebnadzor service July 12, 2011) established that when draining “... The water flow rate must be at least 2 liters per minute (determined by the time of filling the measuring container).” So feel free to shove these Rules No. 354 under the nose of an illiterate (or pretending to be illiterate - every degree of hot water is a lot of money in his pocket!) to the chief engineer.
Do not let the meter open the tap at full power so that the splashes fly all the way to the ceiling and you end up measuring not the temperature of the water in your tap, but the temperature of the water in the supply line at the entrance to the house, or in the boiler room. During one of the measurements, the meter and I grabbed the tap alternately - I decreased it, she added it. As a result, I wanted to write down in the act the actual water consumption measured by the meter and the “measuring container,” but the commission snatched the act from my hands and took it away without my signature. But when at the trial the housing and communal services lawyer tried to attach this act to the case, in my opinion statement that “... AN ACT WITHOUT MY SIGNATURE IN ACCORDANCE WITH “RULES No. 354” CANNOT HAVE LEGAL FORCE..”, the judge refused this lawyer.
Be prepared for what Chief Engineer will demonstrate his knowledge and will respond by “sticking it under your nose” with the text “...Before taking hot water samples, you should drain the water until a constant temperature is established.
RosZhKH « all project ideas Yesterday Rospotrebnadzor measured the temperature of the hot water supply in the apartment (as they explained to me, according to METHODOLOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS MUK 4.3.2900-11). After a ten-minute drain (no one measured the water speed during this), the temperature was 68 degrees.

There are three measurement methods. What to believe? 1. Resolution No. 354 dated May 6, 2011: 5. Ensuring compliance of the hot water temperature at the water collection point with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation (SanPiN (2) Before determining the hot water temperature at the water collection point, the water is drained for no more than 3 minutes (in this way, according to our data, the hot water temperature is 45 degrees) (Appendix 1 to Rules 354).


Rules for measuring hot water temperature in an apartment snip

We are accustomed to the amenities that are available in our homes. Electricity, heating, gas, water - all this an integral part of our comfort.

Hot water is one of the most popular services. You realize this especially acutely in summer season during a planned water outage, but this lasts a short period. The content of the article:

  • What should the quality be?
  • Permissible deviation at the point of water collection
  • Minimum indicator
  • How to take measurements?
  • How to write a complaint?
  • Is it possible to request a recalculation in case of deviation from the norms?

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical solutions legal issues, but each case is unique.

Rules for measuring hot water temperature in apartment Z54

Measurement conditions Sampling and measurement of hot water temperature should be carried out in rooms with a temperature of 20-35 ° C, humidity 30-80% and pressure 84 - 106.7 kPa. 7. Sampling and measurements 7.1. Sampling for the purpose of conducting research for the purposes of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision and production control is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN at water collection points. 7.2. At least 4 points are selected for water selection: 2 closest to the hot water network entry into the facility (building) and 2 most distant from it. The points are selected according to technical documentation to the facility where control measurements are made. 7.3.

Rules for measuring hot water temperature in an apartment in the Republic of Belarus

RMG 43-2001 Application of the “Guide to the Expression of Measurement Uncertainty”. 3. R ​​50.2.038-2004 “Single direct measurements. Estimation of errors and uncertainty of measurement results.” 4.

GOST R ISO 10576-1-2006 “Guide to assessing compliance with established requirements”, Part 1. 5. GOST 28498-90 “Liquid glass thermometers. General technical requirements.

Test methods". 6. GOST 25336-82 “Laboratory glassware and equipment. Types, main parameters and sizes." * approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 04/07/2009 N 20, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 05/05/2009, registration N 13891 Head of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation G.G.

The presence of a hot water supply system is prerequisite for any modern comfortable housing. For this reason, it is important for every residential property owner to know what temperature the hot water in the tap should be in the tap according to the 2016 SNP standard.

It should be noted that hot water plays the most important function for consumers. With its help, the likelihood of the formation of viruses and infections, the development of pandemics and epidemiological diseases is reduced. Hot water is also a convenience that allows you to keep your apartment clean and not experience discomfort while living in it.

Each person can measure the temperature of incoming water using a regular thermometer. Therefore, it is important to know the standard indicators for hot water approved by government regulations:

  • closed systems - from 50 degrees;
  • open systems – from 60 degrees;
  • joint systems – from 75 degrees.

Having figured out what temperature of hot water should be in the apartment according to the law, you can safely defend your rights to public utilities. At the same time, it is important that there are no deviations in either direction: insufficient temperature will not kill harmful bacteria, and excessively heated water can cause a burn.

It should be noted that the standard hot water temperature in apartment building in some cases may differ from the actual situation. Utilities have the right to reduce the temperature of the water supplied to the water supply for the following reasons:

  • emergency situations arising on the main line or pumping station;
  • failure of housing communications;
  • carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance.

These reasons may lead to a interruption in the supply of hot water. However, current regulations also describe the duration of the period of interruption of water supply to apartment buildings:

  • up to 4 hours in a row;
  • up to 8 hours per month;
  • up to 24 hours in case of accidents.

In practice, utility services quite often violate the established time. Homeowners themselves are not able to influence this situation, but they may require a recalculation of the tariff used for water heating. Economists have calculated that when hot water is turned off, the price should be reduced by 0.15%.

It will not be possible to immediately attract specialists to measure the temperature of water in a hot tap, since there is a clear verification algorithm. Only compliance with it will allow drawing up an act that will be recognized by public utilities and other authorities.

If the hot water temperature in the apartment does not comply with the 2016 standard, then this fact can be proven by performing the following sequence actions:

  • open the hot water tap for 2-3 minutes to drain the liquid that has stagnated in the pipes;
  • place a special glass under the stream to fill it to a certain level;
  • immerse a thermometer into the glass, which measures temperatures up to 100 degrees;
  • record the results obtained.

It must be taken into account that a certain deviation in both directions from the standard temperature indicators is allowed:

  • 00.01-05.00 – up to 5 degrees;
  • 05.00-00.00 – up to 3 degrees.
  • explain the reason for the refusal to carry out any work on the water supply system;
  • take measures to eliminate identified deviations.

If no practical measures are taken to correct the situation within a week, you should contact local authorities or to the judicial authorities.