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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Renovation in a small office. Repair and arrangement of the office: basic principles. Alignment by beacons

Renovation in a small office. Repair and arrangement of the office: basic principles. Alignment by beacons

Any company wants to make repairs in the office as quickly as possible, because every day the company is down is lost money. Because of this, the real total cost of office renovation is always higher than the price of building materials and the cost of builders' services.

If you want the finishing of the premises to be completed within the agreed time frame and not entail unnecessary expenses, then entrust the repairs to qualified specialists.

Engineers, designers and builders have been providing office renovation services in Moscow for 12 years. Hundreds of companies enjoy using the results of their work every day, and specialists have many ideas that they are ready to offer you.

We take on any task

There are several types of renovation of offices and premises. - when you just need to finish the room and update the interior (put up new wallpaper, install ceilings, change flooring). involves remodeling the premises, moving walls, creating arches and new passages. By using a turnkey office renovation service, you will automatically save time, and the result itself will be of higher quality - specialists of different profiles will work on the site at the same time, and they will be able to solve problems more quickly and immediately take into account all the nuances of the room.

Cost of office renovation with materials

Office renovation involves some difficulties associated with the impossibility of full-time work for employees. And buying materials can throw a business person off schedule, because you have to spend more than one hour figuring out what’s what.

  • Firstly, the choice of manufacturer. Here the customer is faced with the following problem: some “popular” brands offer a product that is inferior in some characteristics to new little-known brands.
  • Secondly, the selection of products: one must be guided technical characteristics, taking into account the basic means to which the materials will be applied: their compatibility, wear resistance.
  • Thirdly, delivery, or a shopping trip.
  • Fourthly, excess materials.

You end up spending too much time on repairs. We offer Alternative option developments of events. A specialist from our company will come to your office, show catalogs, explain the properties of products, calculate quantities, and if there are any unnecessary products left, we will take them back. When ordering turnkey office renovations with clean materials, you can be sure that solving the puzzle of determining the quality of materials and drawing up a consistent logistics schedule is not your concern. The cost of renovating an office with clean materials is adequate and consists of the cost repair work and materials (at retail store prices). At the same time, you get a pleasant advantage: a two-year warranty on materials. Make sure that office renovation is easy!

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the features of office renovation?
  • What rules must be followed for quality repairs office space
  • What's happened major renovation office premises
  • What is office refurbishment?
  • What finishing and design options can be used for office space?
  • What determines the cost of office renovations?

High labor productivity of workers can be guaranteed if you create the most comfortable conditions in the production premises or office. Worn-out and unkempt walls, worn-out floors and darkened ceilings kill the enthusiasm of employees, reduce interest in the work being done, and do not stimulate full dedication. The above reasons determine the need to equip workplaces, equip them with modern technology, and give them an attractive appearance.

So, if you have decided to move forward towards progress, you will definitely need to start with arranging workplaces. To do this, it is important to know how to more efficiently renovate office premises. This article will help you with this.

Features of office renovation

The accumulated experience shows that excessive formalization of the production interior in the form of a cluster of strict tables littered with office equipment, with partitions separating employees from each other, does not motivate high-quality work. The best effect in the form of increased productivity is achieved in a bright office space, decorated with elements of originality, uniqueness, and the possibility of comfortable breaks.

This will definitely have a positive impact on expansion creative potential, the desire of employees to do something good for native company, for example, increase its profitability, rationalize work. Relations between people will become much better, friendship and cooperation will acquire special value.

Often, the responsibility for renovating an office is much higher than for similar work in an apartment. And this is understandable: office space should present the company favorably and create its positive image. It is important that the renovation provides comfortable conditions for office employees. After all, a person spends most of his life at work. And when workplace rationally arranged, things get done much more pleasantly and efficiently.

It should be emphasized that the repair and decoration of office premises must have its own specifics related to the activities of the company. In addition to knowledge of professional technologies used in construction, the contractor needs to have an understanding of the nature of the company’s business in order to most optimally organize the space for employees to work, provide it with communications and low-current networks. It is advisable to have design solution each office and hall, reception and management residence.

Office decoration must fulfill a specific task: to decorate the premises in such a way that business partners and prospective clients, upon entering it, immediately feel the rich capabilities of the company, its care for visitors and its own employees. Then a competently carried out renovation will create an image of you as a reliable, reputable company that spares no expense in caring for its staff and clients. To enhance this impression, there is no need to skimp on workplace design. This applies primarily to repair work carried out in restaurants, cafes, beauty salons, fitness clubs, and highly specialized stores.

What is turnkey office renovation?

The stable expression “turnkey repair” recently entered our lexicon. It implies restoration and finishing work carried out on clients’ premises with absolutely various types activities. At the same time, the types of restoration and finishing measures, their volume, and the degree of their complexity may differ.

Turnkey office renovation refers to work carried out by a contracting firm or an individual contractor, which upon completion allows the customer to immediately use the facility for its intended purpose to the fullest. IN in this case It doesn’t matter what type of repair was carried out: major or cosmetic. Currently, companies can order high-quality turnkey office renovations, regardless of the degree of complexity, at an attractive price.

Scroll finishing works performed by the contractor during major and cosmetic repairs is approximately similar. However, major repairs require additional partial or complete replacement equipment, dismantling and construction of partitions, laying electrical wiring and other network communications, installing windows and doors, installing an alarm system. Other work is carried out, sometimes radically improving the functionality of the room.

It should be borne in mind that before carrying out global work as part of a major overhaul, you should first coordinate the future redevelopment with the relevant services.

There is no redevelopment of the premises during cosmetic repairs. The purpose of the “cosmetics” is to introduce elements of freshness and renewal into the office atmosphere. The main types of work performed in this case are changing wall cladding, flooring, painting window frames, doors and pipes. Sometimes within cosmetic repairs The ceiling covering is being restored.

Before carrying out repairs, it is important for the contractor to visit the office premises to clarify the list of proposed work and agree it with the customer. Next, the project and design of the office space is developed, and the cost of repairs is calculated. After approval of the estimate for the renovation of the office space, project, and deadlines, the contractor can carry out the order.

Key rules for high-quality office renovation

  1. First, you need to decide in what style the design will be implemented during the reconstruction and renovation of the office premises. When inviting a specialist for this purpose, you must specify to him your vision of the final result of the repair work. It makes sense to take into account the wishes of employees directly located in this office. They can often suggest some useful details that will make their workplace comfortable and their work as efficient as possible.
  2. Based on volume working area, room planning is in progress. It makes sense to think about creating additional jobs (with a reserve) for the future due to the possibility of increasing staffing. It would be good if carrying out repairs in parallel would allow each employee to create their own personal office with high-quality sound insulation. However, even if your office has a small area, it is still better to allocate space for each employee by erecting office partitions and thus ensuring the independence of each workplace.
  3. Should be paid Special attention to create a favorable reception atmosphere. She should generally be the face of the company. In this room, clients await a meeting with management, where they form an opinion about the company, which can be quite stable in the future.
  4. When preparing an office renovation project, you should remember that, in addition to working hours during which employees perform their main functions, there are hours when they eat, rest, and relax. Therefore, if you create a relaxation corner or a kitchenette, the people working for you will clearly appreciate it. Consider further equipping the mini-kitchen with the most popular set of appliances: a small refrigerator, microwave oven, electric kettle. The care you show will definitely be noticed. And this can translate into better efficiency labor.
  5. Be sure to think about maintaining a constant temperature and humidity in your office space. Fresh air will ensure a comfortable stay at the workplace, and therefore, your subordinates will work better. Cool air is especially necessary in brick buildings in the summer, when the heating stone makes it impossible to concentrate. Having an air conditioner located under the suspended ceiling will help to easily solve the problem of stuffiness in the room.

    The coolness coming from above, evenly distributed throughout the room, will eliminate the possibility of controversial situations when some of the employees freeze while being close to the air conditioner, and those working further away from it suffer from the heat.

  6. Draw up a detailed electrical wiring diagram in accordance with the workplace plan, taking into account the specifics of each employee’s activity: for some it is important to have a telephone handset and, accordingly, a telephone network at hand, for others they need several sockets, for others they need within walking distance of the switch.
  7. It is advisable to think over the design of built-in furniture. This will help alleviate the problem of space overload in small offices. On initial stages repair, expand the standard window sill using a combined panel. You can get a full-fledged desktop. Shelves and cabinets fit comfortably into the niches.
  8. Choosing Decoration Materials for the renovation of an office space, it is better to consider the use of coatings High Quality. This will keep the office in working order for a long time, even with active movement of employees and clients. Let’s say, you won’t face the need for repeated repairs in six months (even if there are more than a hundred visitors every day), if instead of household laminate or linoleum you cover the floors with durable tiles - it makes sense to pay attention to porcelain stoneware or ceramic tiles having a high degree of wear resistance. It's better not to skimp on these things.
  9. When planning your office, be sure to pay attention to adequate lighting. The illumination of the workplace must be sufficient. However, it is necessary to understand that excess light tires the eyes. Provide the ability to create fast, high-quality blackout for presentations. Currently, this type of presentation of material with visualization has become very popular.

Major renovation of office premises

Carrying out a major overhaul involves global changes in the design parameters of the premises. IN similar situations The following work is often performed:

  • dismantling partitions, old wiring and water/sewage pipes and so on;
  • redevelopment of office premises, including installation of partitions in accordance with the new project;
  • gasket new electric cable, installation of new switchboards and other global electrical installation work;
  • installation of new sewer pipes and water supply networks, installation of plumbing fixtures and other equipment;
  • finishing of walls and ceilings;
  • leveling the surface of walls and floors;
  • dismantling and installation of entrance and interior doors;
  • final cleaning of the office premises after renovation and garbage removal.

Cosmetic renovation of office premises

Unlike major cosmetic repairs, it does not change anything internal layout premises. This is what is recommended if the area on which the office is located is rented. Usually the “cosmetics” complex includes:

  • electrical work not related to major changes;
  • minor redevelopment individual parts premises such as rearranging some elements of equipment and furniture;
  • improving the appearance of the ceiling;
  • improving wall coverings (using putty, installing panels, painting, wallpapering);
  • floor covering with modern materials;
  • elimination of previous defects during the installation of doors and windows;
  • small volume plumbing work;
  • final removal of construction waste and its subsequent removal.

Renovation work carried out in an office is usually aimed at giving it a discreet business style. The appearance of the work premises should not distract its employees from their main activity. Designer delights are inappropriate in this segment.

You can carefully emphasize in your business style the main areas in which the company has succeeded. The use of company logos, emblems or trademarks will play a positive role. Favorably emphasized appearance office certificates, diplomas, award certificates, letters of encouragement posted on the walls and in cabinets. Don't forget about the company's promotional products.

  1. Is redevelopment necessary?
  2. There are no standard office dimensions. It makes sense, if necessary, to carry out redevelopment if the office occupies a significant area. One large room is divided into several rooms. However, if the office is small and designed for 5-6 people, then there is hardly any need to redesign it. As a last resort, you can mount single lightweight partitions, separating this area from the main room.

    Even if a decision is made to completely change the office layout, load-bearing walls are not subject to any interference. When installing partitions, the following materials are used:

    Metal and glass. You will get a solid appearance, in addition to transparency. This will ensure that employees can interact with each other using visual contact;

    Drywall installed on a metal frame. The thin thickness of the plasterboard partitions allows you to fully isolate workplaces;

    Prefabricated sandwich panels will also help you quickly create small separate rooms;

    Metal-plastic profiles and double-glazed windows allow you to quickly and easily install small rooms of various configurations, equipped with doors and windows that ensure contact between employees.

  3. Installation of electrical wiring.
  4. When installing electrical wiring, it is necessary to take into account the location of electrical appliances. Hidden wiring provides for laying the cable in grooves, which are later sealed with plaster. Can be installed in plastic mounting boxes.

    The power supply of the office premises must provide for possible overloads and power surges in order to ensure uninterrupted operation equipment, the shutdown of which is unacceptable due to possible loss of information.

    It is important to install the electrical panel in a room inaccessible to unauthorized persons. It is advisable to install the system immediately automatic protection. When conducting electrical installation work it is necessary to be guided by SNiP 3.05.06-85. The current availability of mounting boxes and baseboards containing cavities for laying electrical networks greatly simplifies the task of installing electrical wiring.

    Some customers find it advisable to carry out external electrical wiring. The advantages of the latter are the ability to quickly move sockets from one place to another, and quickly troubleshoot problems due to easy access to the cable. Therefore, the sequence of work with electrical networks depends on what type of installation you choose.

  5. Which material is preferable as a floor covering?
  6. Office space is subject to quite large loads on the floor due to the large number of visitors. In this regard, the floor covering must be as wear-resistant as possible. The most suitable for these conditions would be ceramic floor tiles or porcelain stoneware.

    On the contrary, linoleum and laminate are absolutely not suitable for office flooring. They will most likely wear out quickly, lose their presentable appearance, and their damage can occur completely unpredictably. One of the reasons is walking on the floor in street shoes.

    Of course, you have the right to use natural materials as flooring, say, parquet or parquet board. However, wood good quality it will cost you quite a lot.

    Carpet tiles or carpet are quite suitable for an office. They will provide a high level of silence. In addition to office space, it can be laid in the assembly hall. This coating will create a high level of comfort for a long time.

  7. Office walls.
  8. Very good for wall cladding decorative plaster. This material is stain resistant. Currently, the market offers many types textured plasters. Therefore do right choice does not present much difficulty. Certain types of plaster are suitable for painting. If you have made just such a decision, then cosmetic repairs to the walls of an office space can sometimes be limited to just painting the walls.

    The best option when choosing wallpaper as a material for walls - washable and paintable.

    Quite suitable solution To renew walls, Euro-boards should be considered. They give the walls a neat appearance, similar to natural wood. Carefully varnished panels can last for decades without requiring special care.

  9. What material is suitable for the ceiling in the office?
  10. The stretch ceiling option should be considered the most optimal for installation in office premises. It forms a completely smooth canvas that does not require additional care and will serve reliably for many years. Currently there is a choice stretch ceiling in two tiers. This allows you to realize the most bright ideas ceiling design. Modular ceiling designs look interesting and unusual. A suspended frame made of metal slats is attached to the ceiling slabs using rigid couplings.

    With the help of suspended ceilings you can provide high-quality sound insulation. They are environmentally friendly and have an attractive appearance. The thermal insulation properties of the suspended ceiling are also excellent. If the surface of the suspended ceiling has reflective properties, you can correctly arrange the lighting of the office. Among the many options for modular ceilings, you will certainly find yours.

    In the space between ceiling covering ventilation can be installed in the suspended ceiling. Communication boxes for installing the lighting system are also located here.

  11. Features of office communications.
  12. The main office communications are ventilation, air conditioning, and lighting. Lighting sources are represented by devices with LED lamps, which are economical and compact. Even in a large room, DVO series lamps can provide high-quality lighting. In addition, with this type of fixtures the ceiling will look very attractive.

    Office ventilation is divided into passive (organized through a ventilation duct) and supply and exhaust. The best option is supply valve in the wall. This will allow you to always have fresh air in the office, including when the windows are closed.

    Air conditioning in the office is provided by standard split systems. With their help, comfortable working conditions are created by maintaining stable temperature and humidity. It can be used, although less frequently, mobile air conditioners. However, the latter are less popular due to the high noise level. But they have a significant advantage - compactness. Such air conditioners are easily transported from one office to another.

    It is very convenient when an office space is included in a multi-zone or ducted air conditioning system. Then most optimal parameters for a comfortable stay in the room are automatically maintained.

    In general, with the stable operation of heating and ventilation systems in the office, the same comfortable mode is created, which ensures the good health and mood of employees and, as a result, their high production productivity. Stable temperature regime and fresh air throughout the year are conditions to be strived for.

    Temperature and air humidity standards for industrial, including office, premises are established by the relevant SanPiN.

    To be precise, the working temperature in the office, for example, in winter and summer should not be below 22 ° C and above 25 ° C with an optimal humidity of 40–60%.

    The current standard is SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises.”

    Since the advent of polypropylene and metal-plastic pipes building a heating system is not difficult. There is no need to use welding. Modern radiators have become compact, lighter, but at the same time more efficient.

    The main characteristics of the heating network are indicated in SNiP 41-01-2003 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”. Installing automatic supply control will significantly save heating costs hot water with temperature sensors.

    Almost silent coolers placed inside the ventilation sleeves provide an influx of fresh air. Modern flexible ventilation sleeves-corrugations round section make installing an office ventilation system a snap. Ventilation ducts are laid above suspended ceilings. The adjustment can be combined with automatic system climate control, sometimes it is worth installing a personal switch.

    In accordance with construction and sanitary standards natural ventilation will be effective in rooms from 20 to 40 cubic meters. m. However, if the office bigger size or we're talking about O production premises with increased gas pollution, and even more so at negative outside temperatures, this type ventilation will not be able to fully perform its functions.

  13. Communication and security systems.
  14. IN modern conditions Availability of computer systems and communications – required condition successful business and management production processes. The wiring of communication lines is carried out in small-section mounting boxes. Most of the communications are located in the space above the suspended ceiling. If the ceiling design does not allow this (this applies to small office premises), communication networks are laid in the channels that modern baseboards are equipped with. Installation is quick, access to networks in case of need to troubleshoot is simple, which is very convenient.

    A mandatory safety element that must be installed during the renovation of an office space is smoke detectors, as well as motion sensors. Due to their small size, they can be mounted on walls and ceilings. The remote control for reporting information to the security service must be installed in a hard-to-reach place.

  15. Color spectrum.
  16. Research shows that the color scheme in which employees of a particular company are located directly affects their well-being and work results. More often, calm, monochromatic colors are chosen for offices. pastel shades. But depending on the activity profile, the latter can be diversified with contrasting inserts.

    The main range is selected based on the existing logo and style of the company. If the company is engaged in design issues, searching for creative designs in the field of style, you can safely add working space colors and color variety. This decision will definitely be supported by your employees, and it will attract the attention of customers even more.

How to create a design project for the renovation of office premises

Creating an environment in an office space where people feel cared for can be one of the main reasons for renovating an office space. To do this, you need to pay due attention to well-chosen furniture, the color scheme in which the walls and ceiling are made, and the lighting system. In this regard, a design project appears to be an important component in the basis of organizing renovation work in an office.

When creating a project, the following points should be taken into account:

  • The parameters of the personnel premises must comply with sanitary and technical standards (SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03: Requirements for premises for working with PCs).
  • To ensure sufficient natural light an appropriate number of windows must be provided.

It is better if professionals design your office. They will favorably emphasize the appearance of the room and bring its internal appearance into compliance with the rules and regulations of the current regulatory framework.

At the design stage, all customer comments must be taken into account by the performing company.

Below is a list of documents for the design project:

  • communications wiring diagram and partition plan;
  • final office plan after redevelopment;
  • scheme forced ventilation;
  • layout diagram of plumbing fixtures;
  • heating system diagram;
  • diagram of electrical communications and location of sockets, switches, lamps;
  • detailed plan floor, ceiling, walls indicating the quantity, name, approximate cost of building materials used for finishing;
  • list of furniture as agreed with the customer, quantity, approximate price, specific name.

The design project includes not only a set of sketches and product descriptions, but also the technology for carrying out repair work, assembling furniture and installed appliances. All this is necessary for the workers who will be doing the repairs. The quality of the work performed and the effect that the repair will have on clients and office employees will ultimately depend on how detailed and competently this document is drawn up.

How to draw up an office renovation contract correctly

Of course, the result will depend on the qualifications of the specialists with whom the contract for the renovation of office space will be drawn up. It is important to correctly draw up and conclude an agreement with a contractor to carry out renovation work in the office.

  • The executed document must include the total amount of payment for all work and the scheme according to which the calculation will be made. Since we are talking about the renovation of office premises, the cost and payment are very important points agreements that must be reflected in accounting.
  • Payment, by agreement, can be made upon completion of all work or after delivery of individual stages.
  • The agreement is bilateral in nature, and therefore must suit both parties.
  • Often the contractor is paid an advance before work begins. This must be done, since the contractor must have funds to purchase Supplies, tools and equipment that will be installed in the office. Each specific section of the contract is pre-negotiated depending on the situation.

It is important to remember that a well-drafted contract will protect you from unpleasant surprises in the future.

Finally, the contract for the renovation of the office space was signed. It should include the following items: a detailed statement with a list of works, a range of materials and names of equipment used, their quantity and price, main regulations, defining the technologies that will guide the performer.

How much does it cost to renovate office space from professionals?

In Moscow, pricing for a set of repair works depends on many factors. The leading ones are the area of ​​the room to be repaired and the degree of complexity of the work.

If the task is set competently and specifically, specialists from companies specializing in renovation can create an office with a unique design for your company, which will delight you and your employees with convenience and comfort for a long time. Applying modern technologies and material, you can also save significantly on finishing work.

Of course, the financial capabilities of the office owner are decisive in this matter. The level of repair and the degree of fulfillment of the customer’s wishes depend on them. Quality doesn't usually come cheap. It is better to deal with contractors who have a strong positive reputation in the construction market.

Office premises after renovation should not only please the eye, but also provide a certain reputation to their owner.

Cooperating with the “My Repair” Company is reliable and prestigious. The specialists working here are professionals of the highest level. The company "My Repair" operates throughout Moscow and the Moscow region.

Statistics show that some companies skimp on office renovations, causing the quality of work for employees to deteriorate. Of course than better repair office, the higher the company's image and the more cheerful the staff's mood, but not all private enterprises can afford expensive materials. When planning to renovate your office, it is important to find the optimal combination between capabilities and desires.

Primary requirements

Office renovations can be major, cosmetic, euro or branded. If the budget is limited, then it makes sense to focus on an economy class renovation - this is updating the decoration of the room. Standard renovation involves decorating the room, installing additional lighting points, and zoning. And finally, the highest level of repair, let’s call it business class repair, is carried out to create and maintain the company’s image. This includes significant redevelopment, expensive finishing and furniture, climate control, sound insulation, sophisticated ventilation and lighting systems.

Whatever the amount of work planned, in any case the final result must meet the basic requirements:

  • competent organization of space;
  • functionality;
  • comfort;
  • stylish design that matches the company's concept;
  • modern and wear-resistant materials.

When carrying out cosmetic renovations, the office is put in order by partially finishing the walls, re-sticking the wallpaper, and so on. If you need to radically change the appearance of your office, you will have to make a major overhaul. To do this, first of all you should make a design project. It is especially important to consider that a comfortable workplace requires sufficient free space. For example, to expand the office, you can demolish the partitions, make passages in the form of arches, add columns and functional niches.

Small windows need to be replaced. Light is important in office spaces, so the windows must be large enough. Choose wooden or plastic euro-windows with three-layer glass. Thus, you will reduce heat loss and improve sound insulation in the office.

The arrangement of furniture should be planned so that it takes up a minimum of space, but at the same time its location should be as convenient as possible.

Decoration Materials

When choosing finishing materials, focus on their quality. For example, plastic panels emit toxins that are harmful to health, and wallpaper absorbs odors. The best option for decorating office walls is lime plaster. Usually they choose for wall decoration light colors- beige, white, light gray, light green. However, if your office has a young, dynamic team, the interior style can be brighter and bolder.

When choosing the color of the finish, take into account the characteristics of lighting and the effect of color on the psyche. It is advisable to use warm colors in the decoration of offices located on the north side, and cold colors in offices located on the south side. If the work of the office is related to receiving visitors, use soothing colors; the monotonous work of the office can be enlivened by contrasting decoration and bright shades.


Special attention should be paid to electrical wiring. This is perhaps the most important thing in modern office. It is necessary to take into account the number and type of office equipment that will be present in the office, as well as determine its location. If redevelopment and rearrangement are not carried out, be sure to check whether the wiring complies with the PUE standards. If inconsistencies are found, the electrical wiring must be replaced.

Replacement of electrical wiring is carried out after redevelopment before the start of repairs.


In small rooms where there are quite a lot of employees and office equipment, it is simply necessary to take care of sound insulation. Surely no one will be able to maintain a working mood for 9–12 hours amid the noise of constantly running office equipment.


To make staff work more efficient, you should think about ventilation system. If it is missing, then at least an air conditioner is needed.

It is important to carry out cleaning in a timely manner ventilation shafts and air conditioner filters.


The office should have a sufficient number of lighting points. In this matter you need to focus on established standards office lighting. Replace all lamps in the office with fluorescent and LED energy-saving lamps. There will be more light, and less energy consumption. Use local lighting of the workplace with the ability to individually adjust the degree of illumination.

Lighting can serve a decorative function.

Remember, if you take care of your health and comfortable work staff, then your employees will repay you high level productivity!

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Equipping and repairing an office with your own hands is not exactly an easy task. If you nevertheless decide to take this important step, you should study some important aspects and take advice from professionals. So, how to renovate an office? Let's begin!

Personal space - office

If you have never had it in your home before special room for an office, decide for yourself where you would like to spend your working time.

You can carve out part of the room for your personal office space, it can also be a separate room. If there is none, in principle, it is not difficult to divide one large room into two. And at the same time, it is not necessary to build another wall; it will be enough to use a sliding interior wall or install thick Japanese screens or curtains. The main thing is that in the place you choose there is no constant traffic of pedestrians, annoying noises from the street, TV, etc. Make sure that the space you choose will make work in it as productive, organized, comfortable as possible, in a word - professional.

It's all about style

Think about what colors it will emit future office. If you are an accountant, lawyer or president of a company, you need a professional renovation of an executive office that would display perfect order and balance. If you are a graphic designer, website developer, photographer or advertising professional, your office simply needs to reflect a more colorful and artsy style!

Colorful renovation

Experiment with color scheme. Neutral colors such as white, beige, cream, tan or taupe are great for a professional office, while a palette of bright colors will... best choice For creative personalities, and also for office in art studios.


Exclusively bright hues- lighter than the walls, and even more so the floor. For example: shades of cream, magnolia, seashell, brass.


Wooden floor - could there be anything better! Dark natural wood, a rug under your feet (under the desk, near the sofa).

Office furniture

Think carefully about office furniture before you make a purchase. Mahogany and dark woods will shout about your professionalism both in the field of interior design and, directly, in your work. Stainless steel in combination with thin wood, for example, light oak, pine, maple, it will be an excellent choice for a teacher’s office or reception area.

To arrange and office renovation were as successful as possible, do not forget about the importance computer desk, small conference table, at least 2 chairs for visitors, spacious bookcase and separate shelves for folders, stationery, documents, etc.


Make sure you choose one of the most comfortable, adjustable and ergonomic chairs available furniture store. After all, working in an office and sitting for long hours in the same position can lead to many health problems.


Do renovation of an office in an apartment fascinating, as in the photographs in the article. Play with light, choose suitable lamps, chandeliers, table lamps.

remember, that natural lighting- this is one of the most important points in the design of the office. Don't hang heavy, dark curtains. Let the window always be open, the window not curtained, and most importantly, clean.


Finally, don't forget about greenery. Plants will not only be pleasing to the eye, but will also promote productivity by keeping the air clean and removing toxic emissions.

Important little things and equipment: buy a table clock, calendar, business card holder, table organizer, photos; computer, printer, fax, Internet, separate telephone line.

Don’t be afraid to experiment, because the ergonomics of your room is the key to the quality of your work and comfort!