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» English style in landscape plant design. English landscape style is a traditional British aesthetic. English garden layout

English style in landscape plant design. English landscape style is a traditional British aesthetic. English garden layout

The British value above all else landscape design natural motifs: chaotically planted shrubs, sprawling trees, winding paths, lawns and, of course, quiet ponds under the shade weeping willow. IN early XVIII century, such a vision of landscape even supplanted in Europe french style, with its symmetry, rigor and thoughtfulness. This is not surprising - in an English garden a person feels like a part of nature, and not its master.

The starting point for creating a garden in english style always serves smoothly, in open spaces without the slightest hint of curly outlines.

Although the style focuses on being as close to nature as possible, the lawn still slightly violates this rule - it must be neatly trimmed and cover the ground with a thick carpet. Thanks to this, your garden will be very clearly visible from almost any point, and the plants, instead of being buried in the grass, will be able to maximize their beauty.

Landscape design: how to create an English garden according to all the rules?

The English garden is surrounded by trees along the perimeter, the landscape design is replete with bushes and hedges growing in a free manner, the walls are covered with climbing plants. Many lawns are scattered chaotically across the lawn, with a path naturally winding between them. English landscape design is practically devoid of artificial structures, for example, the same rock gardens - unless the terrain is really rocky and natural motifs suggest the presence of stones. If you really want to put a gazebo in the garden, try to plant, for example, maiden grapes around it so that it will cover the structure with its young shoots.

The English style in landscape design emphasizes the desire to merge with the surrounding nature, so it is acceptable if the boundaries of the garden are slightly disturbed by plants from the outside, for example, the branches of a forest growing nearby will spread across your hedge. The house should be located to the side or harmoniously included in the composition. This can be easily achieved using the same climbing plants, braiding the wall of the house facing the garden. Near the house you should plant as many bright flowers as possible, in maximum density to each other - rainy England is buried in bright greenery and flowers, why are we worse?

In dry areas of your garden, this effect can easily be achieved with drought-tolerant plants. The easiest way would be to plant ground cover periwinkle and barberry bushes, which are very undemanding to moisture. In shaded areas it will feel best, which is in in this case fits perfectly with natural motifs. Bright colors will be inappropriate in the depths of the garden - they should retain their advantage here deciduous plants, peace and quiet reign.

English style in landscape design - create a pond and plant vines!

Avoid straight lines, strictly defined ovals or squares. If the area of ​​your plot allows you to create a small pond, which in the English style is one of the most bright details, make it completely indistinguishable from a natural body of water . Lilies and water lilies will emphasize unity with nature, and a weeping willow will create an atmosphere of peace and quiet. The English style allows benches in secluded corners of your garden; the landscape design will not suffer from this.

In front of the house, a flat terrace outlined by a wall of two or three bricks made of orange stone will look very good. They will fit very harmoniously on such a wall. garden lights and flowerpots with flowers. It also wouldn’t hurt to decorate the window sills of the house with hanging flowerpots with the same petunias. Any plants for the garden and home can be selected, depending on your preferences and climate characteristics, the main thing is to respect natural motives.

The minimum of artificial structures that is allowed in an English garden must also follow the main rule of style - everything should look natural! Therefore, if you want to install an arch, make sure that it is covered with vines as soon as possible; if you need to make a border, let it be a natural stone. You can make paths from sawn wood or strew with gravel - but try to avoid straight lines and clear boundaries, let them disappear into the lawn. A bridge with openwork handrails will fit very well into landscape design. You can use this decoration element even if you do not have a pond - under the bridge you can plant shade-loving plants.

The English style in garden design is also called landscape or irregular. Its main property is naturalness, perfect imitation wildlife, combined with purely British neatness and thoughtfulness.

The title photo shows the approach to a garden in East Sussex.

The main features of an English garden

These ten signs will allow you to unmistakably distinguish a landscape garden from any other:

  1. Free layout, creating the feeling that the garden was not created by man, but absolutely natural.
  2. Smooth, curved lines.
  3. Small winding paths, more like forest paths.
  4. A combination of coniferous and deciduous trees.
  5. Flower beds are not variegated, but monochromatic.
  6. The presence of both cultivated and wild plants in the garden.
  7. Large neat lawn.
  8. Using plants in containers.
  9. Alternation of open and enclosed spaces: lawns with flower beds and groups of trees.
  10. Selection of plants characteristic of given natural conditions.

Authentic English style gardens

An authentic landscape garden is something that many people imagine when they hear the words “English garden” or “English park”. Winding paved paths or gravel paths, trimmed bushes, stone sculptures, bridges with wrought iron railings, secluded corners with wooden structures, buildings overgrown with wild grapes...

Herterton Estate Garden

When creating such a garden, everything that is initially on the site is taken into account: ponds, trees and shrubs, etc. All artificial elements add to what already exists, organically fitting into the landscape. If there is a pond, then it is allowed to become overgrown with duckweed and water lilies, and...

Topiary in Herterton

With this approach, the overall picture looks like something natural that has hardly been touched by human hands. The only exception is - according to English traditions, always smooth and neat, consisting of plain low grass. In principle, it is also acceptable, but the figures should not be too complex.

A small garden plot in Hartington.

There should be a lot of vegetation, and mostly green. , as a rule, are planted in flower beds or along paths, among grass. It is preferable that they be of different types, but one color range. Trees and shrubs are collected in picturesque groups consisting of both deciduous and coniferous plants.

Garden in Worcestershire

The English style is characterized by smooth curves of paths and streams, the absence of straight lines, and general asymmetry. In general, this composition looks like a park of an old abandoned manor: still noble, but already beginning to be absorbed by wild nature.

It's interesting that when you walk through a garden in landscape style, it really seems uneven and asymmetrical. However, when viewed from above, it is discovered that all the paths lead to a single center, and the composition as a whole looks regular and orderly, with clear geometric shapes.

Decorative qualities of an English style garden

The main decorative element of an English-style garden is plants. Flower beds, groups of trees and shrubs, hedges. A variety of designs that wrap around fences, a house, sculptures, bridges and benches will also be good. Also, do not forget that one of the mandatory signs of an irregular style is plants in containers or pots.

Great Dixter Estate, Northiam, East Sussex, East Sussex

Some of the most popular flowers in landscape gardens are. However, they are not a mandatory element. Preference is given. The flowers may not be bright, but in this case the leaves should be large, lush, and of an unusual shape.

Rose garden with English style elements in Carmel, California.

The materials of architectural elements in such a garden should be natural. brick or stone, or simply covered with gravel. It is also possible to use tree bark. Metal parts (for example, bridge railings or bench armrests) are usually forged or cast.

When decorating a house and a garden, as a rule, the same materials are used.

Also, artificial caves or grottoes, shallow but secluded, can be used as decorations. Arches entwined with vegetation and located in secluded corners of the statue will fit well into the overall picture.

A mandatory element of the English style is a pond. Ideally, a natural pond or several streams, but you can get by with an appropriately designed fountain. If there is a descent to the water, then it is best to make it in the form of a simple path without any additional decorations.

How to create an English-style garden in Russia

You can create a garden in an irregular style, even if you are at a very long distance from Foggy Albion - in Russia. And, in general, the task is not too difficult. The main thing here is attention to detail.

It is important to understand that a landscape garden only looks maintenance-free. Actually maintaining it appearance requires quite a lot of time and effort.

The ideal plot for an English garden should be large enough - preferably at least ten to twelve acres. Shaded, with high humidity air. It’s good if it’s located on the edge of the forest. Even better is the presence of several large wild trees directly on the territory. It will also be a plus to have, for example, small pond or rivers.

The house must be hidden from view. Ideally, the location is deep in the area, closer to the edge. You can also disguise it by throwing grapes or hops along the wall. Another option is to “hide” the building behind tall trees.

The first step is to sketch out a plan for the future composition on paper. Clearly determine where the lawn, planting, decorative elements how the paths should run. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the features of the terrain - hills (or simply small hills), lowlands, ponds, large trees.

Garden of Killerton House, near Exeter, Devonshire.

The entire territory of the site can be surrounded by a perimeter. This would be a completely appropriate solution, even if there is already one on the site. And so that this element does not look artificial, it is not planted solid wall, but by breaking up groups of trees and bushes. Alternative option will be launched along the existing fence.

The basis of the garden, made in the English style, is the lawn. It can be either continuous or divided into several small lawns, but it should take up quite a lot of space. needs regular trimming and watering. Groups of shrubs, both ornamental and fruit-bearing, are planted along its edges. The main thing is that they are not too high. You can also plant bushes in the center of the lawn and create bushes around the edges.

In some secluded corner, in the shade of trees, you can place a seating area with benches and, possibly, a small table. It can also be located here. You can fence this place with greenery and build a path to it. It would also be appropriate to design the entrance here in the form of an arch. It is also permissible to fill the ground in this place with gravel, or lay it with tiles, bricks or tree bark. There may be several such corners in the garden.

Garden nooks and crannies in Lincolnshire

A mandatory element of the English style is . If there is no natural pond on the property, you can dig one yourself. The banks can be planted with semi-aquatic plants, in particular willow. And water lilies will look good in the water, as will simple duckweed. If there is a small river or stream, you can build a bridge.

As a last resort, you can simply install a small pool or fountain somewhere, decorating it accordingly.

The main color in the English garden is green. But the more shades there are, the better. Trees, shrubs and flowers are planted in small groups, in random order. Must combine wild species plants with cultivated conifers with deciduous ones.

Garden in Parham Park, West Sussex.

The flower bed should be made in one color, but may contain.

As additional decorations, you can place sculptures around the garden. Small picturesque ruins will look good. A good decision will place a sundial on one of the bright areas. Flowerbeds and plants in pots and special containers would also be appropriate. Of course, all these details must fit organically into the overall picture.

Elite in the world of English gardens

The basic principles of creating an English garden - based on the most outstanding examples in the program from “Cottage, Garden, Vegetable Garden”.

English style in design garden plot similar to individual frames from classic films about life in England in the 17th century - 19th centuries. It captivates with the predominance of relaxing green shades and the natural beauty of the landscape. Once in such a place, you will certainly want to enjoy a cup of hot coffee on the terrace, and then take a leisurely stroll along the winding paths leading into the depths of the garden.

Features of the English garden

Once you find yourself on a site decorated in the best traditions of prim Great Britain, you will definitely notice:

  • the landscape of the landscape, which repeats and emphasizes what was created by nature itself. No smooth paths or deliberately planned bodies of water;
  • a large number of wild green spaces, in which a modest house and inconspicuous small architectural forms made of white or gray stone. In this case, the dominant is not the house, not some individual garden element, but the entire space as a whole, created by smooth natural lines and big amount greenery;
  • paths and hedges made of natural stone;
  • barely noticeable signs of plant care. Bushes and tree crowns have natural look, mixborders give the impression that they have always been here. And only the evenly mowed lawn stands out from the overall picture;
  • harmony and precise balance in color: after all, the English garden in landscape design is not without magnificent rose gardens and flower beds. buds various shades fit so authentically into the overall color scheme that it is difficult to imagine the picture without them;
  • historical character, nostalgia for bygone times thanks to garden furniture with an aged effect and graceful statues reminiscent of the decor of past eras.

This view opened up to the owners of estates and landed estates in England. It is not surprising that the pastoral nature of the front lawn inspired writers and poets to create works imbued with romance and love.

History of appearance

England, XI - XVI centuries. It was at this time that the art of designing a site in the British style began to emerge. The first gardeners were Christian monks. They grew vegetables fruit trees And medicinal plants- what provided them with food and survival.

A little later, during Henry VIII, the garden began to take on a different meaning. Here they rested, enjoyed the ensemble of flowers, and walked along the symmetrical paths and alleys. This is how the Tudor era garden appeared, regular, with an aristocratic character.

In the 18th century, the British began to abandon pomp and geometrically correct planning. In addition, the nature of England itself favors the creation of landscape gardens. A new stage begins in the development of the English style, which has gained popularity in Europe and Russian Empire thanks to Catherine the Great and Alexander I.

Nowadays, the British direction does not lose relevance. It feels unity with nature, which is something that residents of megacities so lack.

English garden layout

Loves in this direction large areas, stretching in front of the house. This is the basis. But owners of small plots should not despair: designers will repeat individual elements style even on a modest footage.

The main place is occupied by the lawn, on which the British love to walk. It is framed by trees and shrubs planted randomly. The territory is cut by paths along which ridges and flower beds are developed. Paths are good not only for walking alone or with someone. They divide the garden into several zones, offering a walk to a pond, rose garden or sports area.

The loose arrangement of elements and architecture allows you to visually expand the space. The area seems more spacious, it’s easy to breathe here. This layout also helps highlight the features of rough terrain with its ravines, hollows and hillocks. It is in this style that the terrain plays with new colors and reveals itself to the audience from a new side.

English device landscape garden It’s also good that excavation work in this case is minimal. At the same time, the landscape features of the territory form a single space in which every corner reveals a picturesque landscape.


Holders garden plots, on which there is a natural reservoir, lucky. To emphasize its origin, landscape designers can only clear the bank a little and plant the plant around it. A place to relax and admire the surface of the water is ready.

Creating an artificial pond requires patience and skill. After all, an English-style garden follows the natural contours of nature. If stone lining of a pond is used, it is certainly smoothed out by wild vegetation, the chaotic placement of which leaves no doubt - the pond was created in the bosom of nature itself. Dense green grass surrounds and streams, the murmur of which is so pleasant to hear after a hard day.

Landscaping and plants

English gardens captivate with colorful play of colors with a predominance of green shades. They merge into one picturesque picture, making you feel real peace. Light undertones are smoothed out by more saturated and dark ones, bright flowers look impressive and at the same time harmonious in a edging of variegated greenery.

Lush mixborders or loosely shaped ridges will greet you when leaving the house and will accompany you along the paths and in remote areas of the site. For their decoration, wormwood, daffodils, tulips, phlox and, of course, roses are used, without which gardening in England is unthinkable.

The floral ensemble delights with colors throughout the season, since plants with different flowering periods are used to create it. Before snow-white or pale yellow daffodils have time to bloom, the space around them will be illuminated by the beauty of lush roses different shades. To give the space charm and special character, it is enough to place a rockery or rocky garden, as well as varieties of alpine slides.

Behind the splendor of flower beds there are usually shrubs and trees. These landscape elements can also be planted as separate accents, emphasizing the pristine nature. Landscape style is filled with aromas of lilac and jasmine. It is attractive with the familiar crowns of larches, rowan, apple, spruce and weeping willow near the pond. The water surface is decorated with swimsuit, cattails and forget-me-nots.

Paving and paths

The paths are laid according to the natural curves of the area, repeating the unevenness of the natural landscape. Thanks to this, the network of paths looks asymmetrical and original. They wind and confuse everyone who decides to go through them to explore secluded places. And only near the house the paths have a straight and even geometry to match the outlines of the building.

Help to emphasize the love of nature when creating paths natural materials. First of all, the stone with its jagged edges. Plates different sizes and the forms are laid out on sand or in the ground. IN latest version grass fills the space between the stone slabs, telling the story of how long ago the paths appeared on the site.


A special pride of the style is neatly trimmed lawns. The hardiest ones are planted on them lawn grass, creating a thick and dense cover on lawns. This is a great place to relax on weekends and get-togethers in the evening.

The shape of the lawn is incorrect. If the site has the correct geometry, then it can be preserved by shifting the emphasis with the help of ensembles of flowers and small architectural buildings.

Garden decoration

The English landscape style of the garden is permeated with an atmosphere of aristocracy and love of the classics. It is created using a variety of sculptures, forged items, hanging pots and flowerpots. Statues depicting gnomes greek goddesses or animals, are placed both surrounded by flower beds, where they are barely visible, and in open areas.

A garden created in the English style should create a feeling of antiquity. Despite its “aristocratic” origins, it will fit perfectly into the garden plot of a dacha. The best option it will be if the English garden is located on a flat, slightly shaded area. This could be the edge of a forest where they grow tall trees. As for the form, such a creation should be located on an area with blurred boundaries and it would be good if it occupied a large area.

How to plan everything?

To create an English garden with your own hands, you must adhere to several rules:

  • the house should be located deep in the territory between the trees;
  • there must be sculptures on the site that are clearly visible from any point (see photo);
  • the entire garden should not be clearly visible when entering the territory;
  • gazebos should be located at intersections created by paths;
  • the lawn should be as spacious as possible;
  • near buildings it is necessary to plant bright beautiful flowers, and in the rest of the area - more inconspicuous;
  • trees are planted along the edges of the lawn, as, for example, in the photo;
  • Old trees must be located on the territory.

Basic requirements for the site

The area where the English garden is planned to be located must be large enough and shaded. Optimal size The plot is at least 12 acres. It would be good if he was in the forest or at least on its edge. It is desirable that they grow on the territory big trees, and also at least in some places there was increased humidity.

Selection of plants

A house located in a country house, decorated in English style, should not be very noticeable. It would be good if its walls were suitable for landscaping. Among the plants for these purposes, it is better to choose girlish grapes (see photo). The territory must have several lawns or lawns that are connected by paths. Paths are also sometimes made “green” by planting grass between the pebbles from which they are made. The grass variety must be resistant to trampling.

Bushes and trees that bear fruit are usually planted along the perimeter of the lawn. In an English country garden there must be a pond. This can be either a natural or artificial reservoir. In any case, it should look a little unkempt, and on its banks there should be a lot of different plants growing, among which there must be a willow, as well as perennials: forget-me-nots, marigold, as well as cattail and swimsuit. The picture can be made perfect thanks to reeds, as well as irises and sedge.

Most suitable trees For an English garden, those with a pyramidal crown can be considered. The most popular are chestnut, hazel and birch, as well as larch, rowan and oak. As for shrubs, you can plant mock orange, lilac, euonymus and turf in your dacha. There should be few flowers in such a garden. Basically, they are located near the house itself, where they surprise with the variety of colors, and unremarkable perennial plants are planted on the territory (see photo). So, fern, bergenia, rhubarb, columbine, foxglove, as well as delphinium, wormwood and phlox will look very beautiful and natural. It is simply unthinkable to have an English-style area without roses that can be presented different types and colors.

Choice of colors and accessories

The main color of an English-style garden should be green and its shades. Thus, it is best to plant plants with your own hands with light green, dark and light green, as well as silver leaves. Similar style involves the use of paving in the dacha. So, to perform them you can use ceramic tiles, natural or artificial stones or fake stones, made by hand from concrete and painted in any chosen color. Benches and arches made of brick or stone should be located on the territory. They can be decorated with figured elements made of wood or metal. It is best to place benches on small elevations, near walls or under trees.

On personal plot decorated in this style, in addition to the above, it is advisable to place antiques, small elevations of stone on which, for example, a gazebo or various sculptures will be located (see video), handmade products, tall flowerpots with legs, individual large stones, as well as several accessories of African or Chinese design.

True lovers of gardening art have long known that the British are considered the best gardeners in the world. An English-style garden is the true beauty of nature, a harmonious mixture of sophistication and naturalness. A visit to an English garden gives you a feeling of freedom and ease.

English style garden: history, garden decor, examples

English gardens are rightfully called the most beautiful in Europe; the traditions and views of the British are aimed at boundless love for flora, and the country's climate, abundant with rain, favors vigorous growth herbaceous plants. And nature itself, with endless meadows, rivers and hilly landscapes, is conducive to the creation of incredibly beautiful masterpieces of garden art.

English gardens: history

The first steps in the development of gardening in England were made by Christian monks, back in 1066–1500. Then gardens were set up to grow vegetables, fruits and medicinal herbs, there were also flowers, however, the main function of the garden was to provide the owner with food. The people were finally formed as a nation, the cities were sparsely populated, residential buildings drowned in picturesque fruit trees, vegetable gardens and farms.

In the century of the outstanding scientist Caxton (XV century, 1422-1491), who printed about 100 books on his press, the form in English, combining several different dialects. Printing press influenced the development of science and culture as a knowledge multiplier. Education developed and spread.

The first book on gardening by John Gardner was written and published in 1450, it described more than 80 types of flower and vegetable crops. Only a few types of flowers were grown in the gardens: lily of the valley, rose, iris and mallow.

Active development of landscape design

During the reign of King Henry the Eighth (1509–1557), landscape design began to be given Special attention, then symmetry was valued in decorative art. Towards the middle of the 16th century, the garden acquired flower beds, group plantings, terraces, topiary shrubs and alleys with wicker vaults. Thus, the Tudor garden was born.

Symmetrically located paths led through the garden, and trimmed evergreen bushes served as a fence. The green spaces of the garden were decorated with metal sculptures, mainly figures of Greek goddesses, nymphs or animals.

Reign of Queen Elizabeth (1558-1603)

Many plants new to England were imported from other countries; this was facilitated by the rapidly developing trade relations between England and the outside world. In gardening, there were also changes; a flower garden appeared, divided into square and triangular shape with wide paths.

During the reign of the queen, various aromatic herbs were actively grown in the gardens - rosemary, thyme and lavender, the latter was even used to make hedges by cutting it. Lilies and gillyflowers were also bred. Walking through the garden was accompanied by the singing of birds, cages were hung on tree branches, and the garden was decorated with fountains, figures in the shape of animals and sundials. Curly cutting of plants has reached the peak of popularity. Yew, juniper and rosemary were given different shapes.

The reigns of James the First (1603-1625) and Charles the First (1625-1649)

Love to flower gardens became a characteristic feature for the British. Dutch refugees who settled in England brought with them new plants, these were tulips, nasturtiums, nigella damask, tulip tree, moonberry, red maple, etc.

During this period, the science of botany was actively developing, the nuances of growing trees and protecting nature from smoke and other harmful factors were studied. Biology also began to progress with the advent of the microscope. The study of the cellular structure of plants began and the secret of their reproduction was revealed. The first hybrid plants appeared.

Towards the end of the 17th century, the British became interested in growing exotic plants, such as oranges, and this is how greenhouses appeared, which today occupy a significant part of the area in the vicinity of London.

In the XVII– XVIII centuries Andre Le Nôtre, an architect and creator of famous gardens in many countries, introduced the idea of ​​planting flowers, trees and shrubs in a geometric order; the garden was divided into huge lush and pompous rooms under open air. But English gardeners considered this idea not the most successful, because the gardens seemed monotonous and artificial. The British gradually gave the gardens a freer layout.

Le Nôtre’s ideas that did not take root were replaced by new directions announced by the next generation of landscape designers Lancelot Brown, Humphrey Repton and William Kent. Now vegetation had become the defining element of the garden, straight planting lines, symmetrical ponds were no longer considered appropriate in garden art, and straight paths were replaced by winding ones.

English landscape design is a truly English art, it does not contain gardening ideas from other countries, they simply did not take root, its creators expressed their personal views on the beauty of nature. The design of garden plots was on a considerable scale, lawns were planted, dams were built on rivers, lakes were developed, forests were planted, the law of harmony was taken into account - the combination of different trees by type and size, for example, a deciduous tree was planted next to an evergreen one.

A border and lawn made of annual herbaceous plants is an element of landscape design invented by English gardeners.

Seeds and bulbs of plants brought to England were delivered to nurseries, the first of which belonged to George London, the owner of the second nursery was Philip Miller. Later, an experimental garden was founded at the Royal Horticultural Society in 1818, where plants were grown for sale.

Industrial Revolution of England (early 19th century)

This event could not but influence art garden design, since the influence of aristocrats - landowners passed to industrialists, merchants, and bankers. The Victorian period saw the emergence of the middle class as the foundation of modern English society. Private park areas and huge gardens became unaffordable for landlords; they were replaced by a small garden.

Further, the gardening art of England developed as rapidly as before, plants were exported and imported, new ideas and solutions appeared. Nowadays, there are clearly formed features inherent in an English garden or park. It is worth noting that thanks to the nature of England, gardens are mainly designed in landscape style.

Historical styles of gardens in England

  • Neoclassical (Augustian style) 1730 Classical landscape with water, grass, forest and classical architecture.
  • Winding landscape (Serpentine style) 1750. There were curved lines throughout, and a lawn appeared near the house. This style is also called Brownian, in honor of its creator Lancelot Brown.
  • Picturesque style 1790 Picturesque parks with completely new, exotic plants, for example, rhododendrons and camellias.
  • Landscape style (landscape) 1794. The closest to natural nature with a foreground, the main part of the garden and a background.
  • Electrical (mixed style) 1810 Elements from other countries' gardens began to be added to the gardens.
  • Garden style 1829 Plants atypical for the area became at the peak of popularity, and the fashion for round-shaped flower beds and flower beds spread.
  • Applied arts style (artistic) 1890 Clear boundaries appeared between the fenced area and geometric shapes flower beds near housing and a wild garden. The choice of plants, building materials, presentation of shapes and colors began to be treated with special sensitivity; everything had to be the best and fit perfectly.

Of the later ones, it is worth noting the abstract style and postmodernism.

Features of creating an English garden

An English garden in landscape style pleases the eye with harmonious compositions of plants, the ear with the murmur of water and the singing of birds, and the sense of smell with the freshness of herbs and the aromas of flowers.

The English garden as an art at all stages of development inspired poets and artists; it was and remains an example of the most successful landscape design. Everyone who has been lucky enough to visit an English garden at least once wants to recreate something similar on their site, however, this is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

Creating a garden in a landscape style is not an easy task, because all the plantings (of which there are many) must certainly be in harmony, complement each other, and the planting of each plant must be carefully considered. This is because a true English garden should awaken feelings of romanticism, grace and at the same time it is necessary to preserve naturalness, add mystery and emphasize the richness of the plant world.

The reign of natural beauty

Landscape style accentuates beauty natural nature. The bushes and trees in the garden are arranged in loose groups, the paths follow the contours of the relief, and the water gives life to the landscape with the flow of rivers and the sedateness of the water surface of ponds.

In English gardens, with the exception of historical architectural heritage, you will not find flower beds of ideal geometric shapes with even and neat plantings of flowers. Most often there are mixborders, where the background is marked by trees and shrubs, contrasting in the color of the foliage, and the front is created by flowers, and the frame is a lawn that narrows or expands to show all the splendor of the composition closer or further away and give us the opportunity to see only the play of colors .

For distant mixborders, flowers with textured foliage and large, lush inflorescences are selected; for close ones, miniature varieties of flowers are needed. For example, cuffs, for which the British have a special feeling.

The landscape, dictated by nature itself, does not need to be changed; the main task of the gardener is to emphasize nature, and a man-made addition that excludes artificiality.

English mini garden painting small private gardens near the house

Owners of private gardens, for which England is famous, show imagination and ingenuity when decorating their homes. In addition to group plantings of trees, shrubs and flower beds, they decorate the house itself, covering it with various vines, both green and flowering. The shoots of vines look especially chic on old brick houses, often garden owners deliberately refuse to plaster the building in favor of its elegant appearance.

The entrance to the home is necessarily decorated with flowerpots and pots with small plants growing in them. decorative trees, flowers, lavender, bulbous plants or traditional for an English garden herbs. Window frames decorated with hanging containers with petunias, pelargoniums or fuchsias of various colors.

The boundaries of the garden are rarely fences; more often you can find patterned trellises or hedges. If the yard is separated by stone fences, they are low, just as the house is covered with vines.

Oddly enough, in the absence of high, solid fences, it is the British who own the expression “My home, my fortress.”

Purely English choice

Any nation is famous for its preferences, flowers are no exception, the choice of the British is roses, daffodils and primroses. In the 19th century, daffodils in England were sold at incredibly high prices, and the pockets of sellers were replenished with huge fortunes. The red rose has been a symbol of England for many centuries, and planting primroses is considered the duty of every Englishman.

Garden elements in landscape style

  • Lawn. Most often he has irregular shape. By the way, unlike the lawns we are used to, which you cannot walk on, in England you can walk on them. Owners of small gardens do not have access to a large lawn, which does not prevent them from making it small and neat.
  • Trimmed hedges and figures. Hedges add a certain intimacy to landscape design, and figures, of course, always act as an accent.
  • Plants in containers. Container crops always expand the boundaries of the garden and make it picturesque.
  • Forged Products. Furniture parts or the furniture itself, lanterns, fences, as well as sculptures in the Art Nouveau, Empire or Baroque styles.
  • Rose garden. The red rose is a symbol of England, and it is worth paying tribute to it, however, it is not at all necessary to use only red varieties; there is a place for any roses in the rose garden. The entrance to the rose garden can be emphasized with an arch or gazebo entwined with climbing roses.
  • Natural stone. In the garden, it can be used to pave paths, decorate small ponds, or dry hedges that are not fixed with mortar.

  • Aged elements. There is no need to remove or restore them, because they give the garden nostalgic motifs and make it clear that the garden has its own history. You can artificially add antiquity by creating ruins, moss or lichens on the walls, however, they should look as natural as possible.
  • Paths. Smooth paths should be laid out if the landscape requires it, for example, along the line of a house; in places for walking and recreation, it is better for them to be winding; unevenness should not be hidden.

  • Statues. Garden gnomes were added to earlier sculptures of animals, nymphs and Greek goddesses.
  • Surprises and surprises. The gardens are created in such a way that the visitor can enjoy new views that open around the bends of the paths. You can create a garden with lots of cozy corners separated by hedges, this will give it romanticism and visually increase the space.
  • Bridge. Most often these are miniature copies of already existing architectural works.
  • Park buildings. Obelisks and towers, such structures in England are called eccentricities. This also includes wooden pergolas, gazebos, gates and fences.

  • Water. Murmuring rivers give the garden movement, and sedate ponds give calm and mystery, reflecting compositions of trees and shrubs in the water surface. Often small rivers were blocked with dams to create ponds. IN small gardens, or where there is no natural reservoir, an artificial one can be built.
  • Man-made grottoes. They are of considerable size and incredibly accurately, skillfully imitate natural stalactites.
  • Huts and caves. Quite an interesting idea, because previously, a specially hired person lived in this place, he portrayed a philosopher-hermit.
  • Compositions of trees and shrubs. Their planting pattern resembles playing card ten of spades

  • Hedges. The walls hiding the garden have been preserved only in cultural heritage sites, modern gardens have open view, separated by low fences or hedges.
  • Benches. Most often these are wooden and unpainted benches. They can be installed wherever the garden owner wishes; a rather good place is by the pond.
  • Lianas. A traditional addition to the landscape, they decorate houses, gazebos, hedges, benches, sculptures and even small artificial ponds.
  • Masking plants. Their task is to hide the unevenness of the landscape; ornamental grasses, irises, poppies, phlox, sage and many others are suitable for this purpose.

Gardens of England

Fans of travel, new emotions and impressions, visiting England, should definitely visit the gardens and parks that are cultural heritage countries. It is in these places that you can feel the atmosphere of bygone centuries. Let's look at a few of them.

Sissinghurst Garden (Sissinghurst, Kent, England)

An estate with a complex history dating back to the 16th century. After Queen Elizabeth came to the estate, it was rebuilt several times, and in the middle of the 18th century, a prison was built in it, where French prisoners of war lived. The building later became a refuge for the poor, and in the thirties of the last century it was acquired in a dilapidated state by Sir Harold Nicholson, who designed the modern zoning scheme for the garden, and his wife turned the garden into a masterpiece using ornamental horticulture techniques.

So, the Sisinghurst estate received new life in 1930, when the family of Harold and Vita Nicholson purchased it specifically for the creation of a garden. The design of the garden plot included many separate rooms - gardens with surprises. You can walk around the garden endlessly, and around every turn you will be surprised by more and more new views. Harold designed the garden in classic style with strict symmetry, and Vita filled it with romance.

Wisley Garden (Wisley, Surrey, England)

The garden, which occupies a considerable area - 97 hectares, was built in 1878 by George Wilson; the very first plantings have partially survived to this day; they are called the wild garden. Later, in 1903, the garden came into the possession of the Royal Horticultural Society, and the site became an experimental site for scientific horticultural experiments. Weasley is extraordinarily beautiful at any time of the year, and has a rich collection of plants.

One of the most striking elements of the garden is a mixborder measuring 130 meters in length, consisting of two parts, lined with trimmed hornbeam.

Wisley hosts gardening courses and landscape designers, and also has a large gardening literature store. The Weasley Garden consists of several gardens various styles and experimental fields, and is considered a school of landscape design.

Heligan Garden. The Forgotten Garden (Pentewan, St. Austell, England)

The garden, founded in the 18th century, was lost after the First World War, and was found again in mid-1990. The overgrown and abandoned garden looked so bewitching that there were immediately people who wanted to revive the forgotten beauty; garden architect Tim Smith took up the task. There is a book about how the garden was revived.

Botanical Garden Heligan consists of several locations, there are Vineyards, Wine Yard, Alpine Ravine, Crystal Grotto, Garden Behind the Wall, Museum of Horticulture, Italian garden and one of its most notable parts is the Jungle. The main attractions are the two plant sculptures of the Mud Maiden and the Giant's Head.

In England you can visit many more world-famous gardens, or those that have become famous only in narrow circles. At almost every step you can find private home gardens. Some of them surprise with the vastness of their territories, and some with their comfort and the amazing ability of the British to create incredible beauty even in small area. In any case, getting to know English-style gardens will leave the most vivid impressions and will inspire you to create something similar on your own site.