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» How to decorate a bathroom other than tiles: options, features and recommendations. Cheapest bathroom decoration and renovation - guide and how much it costs Unusual bathroom decoration

How to decorate a bathroom other than tiles: options, features and recommendations. Cheapest bathroom decoration and renovation - guide and how much it costs Unusual bathroom decoration

Contemplating finishing bathroom, most often tile comes to mind as the main material, which is quite understandable - it has proven itself excellently and is widely used as one of the most suitable and durable finishing materials for specific conditions. Yes, and it’s beautiful, no one argues.
However, bathroom finishing materials are not limited to tiles alone; today’s market offers a lot alternative options, from affordable to exotic. We invite you to take a broader look at the finishing of surfaces in the bathroom, at least within dozens of available materials. So, let's begin.

1. Painting

It is affordable, fairly reliable and has good artistic possibilities finishing method. Latex paint perfectly tolerates dampness and moisture, and therefore can be recommended for use in bathrooms. Before buying paint, decide what color scheme you would like to see every day: plain paint is not the best good option design, but color combinations and zoning are just what you need. You can even draw pictures, it all depends on the skill of the performer. The cost of finishing, in the end, greatly depends on the cost of the purchased paint.

2. Self-adhesive film

PVC film – cheap material, which, however, can replace painting. Various options self-adhesive colors and textures will allow you to realize many design ideas, and the surface is resistant to moisture. But there is a big “but”: the preparation of surfaces for film must be of especially high quality, otherwise swelling and peeling cannot be avoided. And still, over time it lags behind in places...

3. Wallpaper

It is logical, following self-adhesive film, to remember wallpaper. It is clear that the option with paper wallpaper should be discarded immediately, all eyes are on vinyl and acrylic, which have some moisture resistance, especially those marked with a washing brush or three waves. But even in this case, accept that over time you will have to renovate the bathroom again, change the wallpaper that has peeled off at the joints and is swollen in places.

4. Glass wallpaper

If you really want wallpaper in the bathroom, then you should choose from glass wallpaper, which is much more expensive than the above, but is the only one that is truly suitable for the operating conditions in the bathroom. Made from glass fibers, they are absolutely environmentally friendly, moisture- and fire-resistant, resistant to fungus, and will reliably serve their 30-year warranty. In addition, they are quite beautiful, offer a wide variety of patterns and textures, are friendly to painting and a variety of decorative methods.


- use special glue;
- distinguish between facial (external) and inner side(in rolls outer side“looks” inward and in some cases is marked with a colored stripe);
- understand that fears about the harmfulness of glass wallpaper are absolutely and completely unfounded.

5. Drywall

Of course, only moisture-resistant types drywall are suitable for our purposes. Among the advantages - inexpensive, practical material, easy to install, bonus in the form of improved sound insulation. Disadvantages - requires painting or covering with film, somewhat reduces the volume of the bathroom, which can often be critical.

6. Plastic panels

In a nutshell – “cheap and cheerful”. They are easy to install, moisture resistant and you can choose the appropriate external design. They are good because they can brighten up moderate unevenness in walls. However, for the sake of objectivity, let us remember the disadvantages of plastic panels: they are fragile, they lose appearance(turn yellow), collect moisture in the gap between the back and the wall, it is difficult to achieve a chic look in the bathroom: simplicity and accessibility, widespread use in in public places can give the room a somewhat “cheap” look.

7. Tree

Well, we got to the tree. Well, it’s a good solution: the texture revealed by special processing gives the atmosphere solidity and chic, you can vary the color shades, it goes perfectly with metal elements decor (gilded mirror frame, bronze taps and handles, etc.). However: expensive, requires competent preparation (impregnation, finishing), limits design options.

8. Stone (natural or artificial)

Well, let’s say it’s not for everyone: the appearance often has a depressing effect on perception due to the weight of the material and the texture of the stone, the coldness of marble and the dullness of granite (the mausoleum is somewhat reminiscent of...), a “pomposity” that is not entirely appropriate for modern housing. Although, again, not for everyone. In addition, stone is expensive and technologically complex, requiring very good specialist. Yes, and it greatly reduces the perception of space.

9. Decorative plaster

Well suited for the bathroom, a special material for covering walls. Species decorative plaster today there are a great variety, not every taste, with its own advantages. If you do everything correctly (if not yourself, then a specialist who understands this), you will get an excellent result. Moreover, for a reasonable price.

How to choose the right materials for finishing the walls in the bathroom so that the room turns out beautiful, safe and easy to clean? That can constantly withstand the influence of moisture, vapors, temperature changes and aggressive influence detergents? In this article, we'll look at 10 materials that you can use to decorate your bathroom and create a truly classy ambience.

1. Ceramic tiles

Let's start with the classics! Most often, ceramic tiles are chosen to decorate bathroom walls. It is produced in a variety of shapes, types and colors. It can be rectangular, square, hexagonal, glossy, matte, textured or with a special decorative application. The list of possible characteristics could take a long time.

Manufacturers make every effort to satisfy any customer needs. For example, many produce tiles in series. Thanks to this, you can choose cladding for walls, floors and decorative elements from one set. It will all be made in the same style, and all its colors will be perfectly combined with each other.

An interesting design solution could be a combination of plain and colored coatings. For example, white with a patchwork pattern. Also with white ceramic tiles A Mediterranean or other authentic pattern goes well, which sets the room a certain mood.

A combination of white and wood colors will look very trendy. This direction came to us from eco-design. This design removes the feeling of sterility that can arise in a pure white bathroom.

When choosing ceramic products, mosaic deserves special attention. This is not the easiest material to install, but the result will be worth the effort. With these miniature tiles you can create a beautiful and sophisticated design for your shower area and sink. In addition, with the help of specially marked sets, you can depict small drawings or even full-fledged paintings in the bathroom.

2. Paint

An equally popular method of finishing bathroom walls is painting. It is usually recommended to use water-based acrylic or semi-gloss paint made from an acrylic copolymer. When choosing, read the instructions on the package. Usually it contains detailed description material indicating the degree of resistance to moisture, as well as to detergents and cleaning agents.

Compared with various tiles, paint is more available material. In addition, it is much easier to apply. However, it must be borne in mind that such processing is still subject to some negative influence of humidity. Therefore, it is better to use it either in combination with other finishing materials, or if the plumbing is located so that the walls will not have constant contact with water.

3. Decorative stone

Thanks to the trend towards decorating interiors with natural materials, stone is being used more and more often for wall decoration in the bathroom. Wherein natural material and him correct styling- this is a rather expensive pleasure that not every homeowner can afford.

As an alternative, manufacturers began to produce high-quality artificial substitutes. Visually it is very similar to natural raw materials. In addition, unlike real stone, artificial stone has very little weight and is much easier to install.

With regard to design, it is worth considering that an overabundance of such expressive materials can negatively affect general interior bathroom, especially if the room is small. It is better to decorate only part of the room or several small areas with stone. For example, you can make one contrasting wall or lay out a stone mold for the bathtub and sink.

In a combined design, this type of finish is best combined with painting, plaster or ceramic tiles. But depending on your project, other options are possible.

4. Tree

Like stone, wood has become increasingly used for bathroom decor thanks to the trend towards natural materials. But in order to complete such wall decoration, the wood must first be carefully prepared using special means. You need to be sure that the boards will not rot in a couple of years and you will not have to make repeated repairs.

Wood in the bathroom is most often used as a contrasting material to decorate one wall or certain areas - the washbasin area, cabinets and others.

If you are not ready to use a natural material, you can always choose a man-made option instead. It can completely recreate the appearance of wood or simply have a wood grain.

5. Decorative plaster

Another non-standard material for finishing walls in the bathroom is plaster. It can be applied if the bathtub is partially finished with tiles or other moisture-resistant material, and also if the plumbing is not adjacent to the walls.

In order to protect such finishing from negative factors, it must be coated with a special protective varnish or other means of similar action.

Using decorative plaster you can create a soft and nice design in Scandinavian style. It can also be designed as a somewhat rough surface with a pronounced relief texture - this option is perfect for decorating a loft-style bathroom.

6. Brick

Initially not intended for finishing walls in the bathroom, brick requires careful treatment with protective and antiseptic agents.

It is advisable not to place this material in places close to water. Rather, it should simply become a design element - you can use it to decorate individual areas of the room, create contrasting walls in the room, or design niches.

The slightly messy look that comes with using brick is perfect for creating Scandinavian style and loft style. And when painting in White color- you can get interesting classic version, Provence or shabby chic.

7. Mirror tiles

If you have a small bathroom and would like to make it look bigger, consider using mirror tiles. It is applied in the same way as ceramic, but you need to be a little careful with it, since it is a more fragile material.

Of course, there is no point in making a completely mirrored room - usually the tiles are applied either in sections, or only on one of the walls. You also need to understand that this type of design requires complex care - it is better to place such inserts where it is unlikely that moisture will get into them, otherwise you will have to constantly rub them.

When choosing the size of the tiles, it is worth considering that large options can only be used in large bathrooms. They do not visually expand, but on the contrary, they will slightly conceal the space. For a small bathroom would be better suited medium or small material. In addition, you can purchase mirror mosaics. It can be used as independent element design, and also as part of ceramic or glass mosaic masonry.

8. Wallpaper

No matter how unexpected it may sound, you can also decorate the walls in the bathroom using wallpaper. You just need to choose those types that resist moisture well - vinyl or acrylic.

IN small room You can put photo wallpaper on one of the walls. Depending on the design, they can give the room a certain stylistic effect. For example, a landscape will create a sense of perspective into the distance, bright flowers will lift your spirits, and a warm drawing will pastel colors will add a feeling of comfort.

But, despite the relative water resistance, when using wallpaper in the bathroom you should always remember that if liquid gets into the junction of two canvases, then gradually they may begin to move away from the walls.

9. Glass tiles

Relatively recently, another popular material for bathroom walls has become glass tile. This is a fairly strong and safe coating, which is made from tempered glass. It perfectly withstands both cleaning with detergents and any other types of aggressive influence.

Glass tiles are produced in different sizes, from the smallest to the largest slabs. It can have different colors or patterns. In addition, this material is also available in the form of a mosaic.

Since glass finishing is not afraid of moisture, it can be placed in any part of the bathroom, including in the shower area or near the bathtub where water flows.

10. Marble

One of the most beautiful and expensive materials for finishing a bathroom is marble. Except yours external attractiveness, it also has a couple of features for which it is better to prepare in advance. In the future, this will help to properly monitor its condition and preserve its natural beauty for as long as possible.

The fact is that this stone can small quantity absorb substances that come into contact with it. This means that if you use any colored hygiene products and they get on the stove, permanent stains may appear on it. In addition, aggressive detergents can harm it.

In other words, marble is a “living” stone that actively interacts with the substances surrounding it and can change under their influence.

Video: Decorating the walls in the bathroom - Beautiful ideas

Thanks to the variety of finishing materials, it is now possible to realize any design idea in my apartment. When it comes to renovating a bathroom, the question arises, what materials to use to decorate its walls? There are many options. This could be ceramic tiles, mosaics, PVC panels, paint, porcelain tiles or even wallpaper. The choice depends only on financial capabilities and the intended design. A lot of interesting ideas Interior designs with photos can be found on the Internet or you can come up with them yourself.

Material selection

The bathroom is a room with a high level of humidity. Therefore it is worth paying attention Special attention choice of finishing materials. They must be resistant to moisture, evaporation, some salts, as well as household chemicals. In addition, be of high quality, be in harmony with other finishing materials in the bathroom and comply with the latest fashion trends. There are several of the most popular materials for wall decoration in the bathroom:

The combination of paint and tiles in the bathroom interior

  • dye;
  • PVC panels;
  • agglomerate;
  • tree;
  • wallpaper;
  • drywall;
  • self-adhesive film.

Preparing walls for finishing

Attention! If on the walls old tiles, then it will have to be removed. To begin with, it is beaten with a hammer and then covered with a soil-concrete composition. This will make the tile come off easier.

The abundance of materials on the market sometimes leads to a stupor. What to choose? Which material is better? A sales consultant or a professional master can answer these questions for a beginner. You can also rely on yourself and choose the material to suit your taste and budget.

Ceramic tiles: traditional classics

Tile is perhaps one of the most popular finishing materials. Its main advantage is durability. After all, the service life of ceramic tiles is correct masonry can be up to 60-80 years. Unfortunately, this positive quality often remains unclaimed. Few people want to see the same tile every day for several decades.

Ceramic tiles in the bathroom interior

The advantages also include: resistance to biological and chemical compositions, scratches, cuts and lack of voids under the coating. But if you take into account all the disadvantages tiles, then it turns out that there are many more of them than advantages.

  1. The need for careful alignment of the walls.
  2. Price quality tiles very high.
  3. The tile cannot be repaired.
  4. Touching cold tiles during water procedures is not a pleasant feeling.

Attention! Intertile seams are another drawback of ceramic tiles. They collect moisture, dirt and soap solution residues, which subsequently leads to the appearance of mold and mildew. To avoid this problem you need to use high-quality grout.

Mosaic: stylish, fashionable and expensive

Mosaic tiles are an excellent option for finishing a bathroom. It is made from moisture-resistant and temperature-resistant materials. For example, marble, onyx, jasper or granite. Metal mosaic looks expensive and stylish, but is used infrequently, because caring for it is quite burdensome.

Decorating the walls and floors of the bathroom with mosaics

Mosaic tiles are durable, reliable and durable material. In addition, the mosaic is resistant to fading and is impact resistant. It can be mounted on any surface, be it a wall, floor or the frame of a font.

Advice. If the surface has a rough surface, then the mosaic will correct this defect by masking the wall.

With this finishing material you can realize all your design fantasies. But it should be noted that mosaic tiles have many disadvantages. It's hard to believe? But this is true. Despite the attractive photos of bathroom design projects, mosaics are fraught with their drawbacks.

Mosaic from natural stone

  1. Price. Indeed, the price of this material is very high. This is especially true for mosaics made of natural stone. The ceramic analogue is a little cheaper.
  2. Installing tiles requires special skill and skill.
  3. The services of a mosaic installation professional are not cheap. This is in case you can’t do the work yourself.

But if we ignore the price component of the tiles and the costs of its installation, the result will please you for a long time.

PVC panels: budget option

When choosing PVC panels, many people pay attention to their price. This is an inexpensive and accessible finishing material. Its positive qualities include:

  • low price;
  • possibility of self-installation;

PVC panels for bathroom

  • simplicity of installation stages;
  • absence of “wet” steps in installing panels.

Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that PVC panels are not classified as environmentally friendly clean materials. Choice color range small, despite the wide variety of materials.

Porcelain tiles: replacement for tiles?

Porcelain tile appeared on the market as a finishing material about three decades ago and began to actively gain popularity. It is in many ways superior to ceramic tiles, but its cost is much higher.

Porcelain tiles on bathroom walls

Porcelain tiles are stronger than tiles, they are resistant to mechanical stress and abrasion. Meanwhile, it can imitate natural stone finishing and look very expensive. The material has practically no disadvantages. Porcelain tiles are moisture-resistant and are not afraid of temperature changes, which is ideal for finishing a bathroom.

Painting the walls

Painting the walls in the bathroom is another finishing option. He has positive sides, but is not without its drawbacks. The advantages of using paint include:

  1. Economical. Using even expensive paint will not greatly deplete your budget.
  2. Ease of execution.
  3. Opportunity self-finishing.
  4. A variety of colors, which makes it possible to combine shades.

Matte paint on bathroom walls

The disadvantages of painting bathroom walls are as follows:

  • if the top layer is damaged, there is a high probability of mold appearing;
  • in a poorly ventilated room, such finishing will not last long;
  • the need for careful preparation of walls before painting;
  • the need to frequently update the paint layer.

Other options for finishing bathroom walls

Moisture-resistant wallpaper

Wallpaper in the bathroom: nonsense or reality? Thanks to new technology making wallpaper, you can purchase any options for decorating the room. They are made of moisture-resistant composition. However, experts do not recommend gluing wallpaper in places where the wall is in constant contact with water.

Advice. For gluing wallpaper will do a wall that does not have constant contact with water. It is advisable not to be located on it.


Drywall itself is not a finishing material. Its main task is to level the surface of the walls. Owners of small bathrooms will have to abandon the use of this material due to the fact that it hides space.

Advice. When choosing drywall as a finishing material, it is preferable to purchase moisture-resistant boards.

Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster in the bathroom will last quite a long time, provided that all the rules for its application are followed. Otherwise, it will begin to crumble. An undeniable advantage plasters are vapor permeable, i.e. the material absorbs evaporated moisture, as a result of which the mirror does not fog up.

Decorative plaster

The disadvantages, perhaps, include high cost. In general, the material is reliable, aesthetic and environmentally friendly.

Use of wood in decoration

Glued or veneered boards, solid wood or lining are the most popular options for finishing bathroom walls with wood.

Attention! It is not advisable to use an array. It is suitable for decorative inserts.

Few tree species are suitable for finishing bathroom walls. Oak, ash and elm are the three main species often used during renovations. A significant drawback of this option is that before installing the wood, it must be coated with an antifungal compound.

Decorating bathroom walls with wood

Agglomerate – artificial stone

New material in the building materials market. Externally, the agglomerate resembles ceramic tiles. But unlike it, it is stronger and more resistant to mechanical stress. It's easier to post. A significant disadvantage is the price of the agglomerate, as well as artificial components. At long-term storage the agglomerate may become deformed.

Mirror tiles

Mirror tiles in the bathroom look stylish and unusual. Many people know that mirrors visually enlarge the space, so tiles are perfect for small spaces. It is easy to install.

Mirror tiles

Meanwhile, caring for such tiles will cause a lot of trouble. Smears from detergents, darkening of glass, high price, instability to mechanical stress - these are the main disadvantages that scare away consumers.


Self-adhesive filma budget option. Despite the variety of colors, moisture resistance, ease of gluing and maintenance, the film will require careful preparation of the walls in the bathroom.

Wall decoration in the bathroom – important stage room decoration. There are a lot of options and materials. Ceramic or mirror tiles, mosaics, drywall, wallpaper, plaster and much more. You will definitely choose the right finishing material for your bathroom.

Decorating the walls in the bathroom: video

Walls in the bathroom: photo

When renovating a bathroom, to obtain good result it is necessary to select the right materials and evaluate the scale of work and the amount of time required. In the article we will consider various options finishing the bathroom using traditional and unusual materials.

Ways to level walls

Almost all bathroom finishing options include preliminary design. There are two ways - using plaster and drywall. Plastering is a longer and more expensive process, but it takes less space— when plastering, existing irregularities are filled. You can quickly level the walls in the bathroom with plasterboard and it will cost less. And that's a plus. But at the same time, at least 6 cm will be required on each wall (5 cm profile + 1.2 cm thickness of gypsum plasterboard). And this is a significant minus, especially in small bathrooms. Another point: heavy things or equipment can be attached to plasterboard walls only if the mortgages have been previously installed - wooden block or steel strips fixed to the wall. And this means additional costs and difficulties.

The walls in the bathroom are leveled with plaster according to

Whatever method of leveling the walls and ceiling in the bathroom you choose, you need to consider high humidity this room. Therefore, all materials are moisture resistant:

After leveling the walls using any of the methods, the surfaces to be prepared are prepared. finishing. Evenly plastered walls or primed drywall are sufficient for laying tiles. Putty is required for wallpapering and decorative plaster. The surface must be perfect for painting, so the putty is applied in several layers (usually two are enough, but sometimes more).

There is an option for finishing a bathroom, for which the walls are not leveled - Wall panels PVC. They are mounted on the sheathing, so the degree of curvature of the walls is unimportant.

Tiles and its types

When it comes to bathroom finishing options, the first thing that comes to mind is ceramic tiles. This material is ideal for wet areas, has a lot of advantages:

Wallpaper in the bathroom

Wallpaper in the bathroom is perceived critically by many. And in vain. It's inexpensive and quick way wall decoration in the bathroom. It’s hardly worth covering the area near the bathroom or washbasin with them, but the rest of the space is very possible. Wallpaper for the bathroom should be moisture-resistant (in graphical coding these are three wavy lines), preferably resistant to friction - so that it can be washed with a brush.

Use glue with antibacterial additives, not forgetting to prime the walls with an antiseptic compound. This option is perhaps the most cheap finishing walls in the bathroom and the fastest way to put it in order (provided that the walls are already level). And such repairs will last for a couple of years, and then you can re-glue the wallpaper or choose a more durable finishing option.

Wallpaper in the bathroom is a good option for an economical renovation, and the look is very good

Plastic panels

PVC wall panels are another inexpensive alternative to bathroom tiles. Their beauty is that the walls don’t have to be level: they are attached to the sheathing, which will hide all the unevenness. The second advantage is that they are inexpensive and can be installed quickly. Another plus - a large number of colors, including plastic panels imitating laid ceramic tiles, mosaics, and decorative panels.

Plastic for bathroom walls - there are different options

More positive points: under the walls plastic panels You can easily hide all communications, and they are also easy to clean. But to prevent mold from growing under the finishing, the walls must be primed with an antiseptic compound and good ventilation must be ensured.

The disadvantages of this method of finishing a bathroom are that the lathing takes up quite a significant amount of space, which is important. And the second disadvantage is that the panels are fragile and with significant force the jumpers are pressed into them. If you hit it with your elbow, you won’t be able to pierce through normal-quality slats, but there will definitely be a dent, and this spoils the appearance.

Custom bathroom finishing options

Some finishing materials are not very suitable for use in conditions high humidity, but, with certain processing, they can be used there. Such materials include wood and natural and fake diamond.

You can design a bathtub in a non-standard way even using standard materials - photo printing on tiles and

There are also new materials for wall decoration, which according to their characteristics are suitable for the bathroom, but due to the fact that they were developed recently, they are not yet widely used. Such materials include wall linoleum and thin PVC panels.

Here's about all of these finishing materials and we'll talk in this section.

Wall linoleum

This material is completely new. It is produced by Tarkett and is called Wallgard. Developed as a wall covering in medical institutions because it is resistant to water and exposure chemical substances, can be washed many times, even with the use of disinfectants. In appearance it resembles flexible sheet plastic 1.2 mm thick, sold in rolls 2 m wide, cut with scissors.

So far there are not many colors - the material is new, but since it has aroused active interest, the range will probably be expanded soon. Currently, if you prefer calm tones in the decoration and matte surfaces, you can use wall linoleum.

The canvases are mounted on smooth walls, are welded together with a special soldering iron with an adhesive cord. Can be used cold welding(glue), but the tightness of this connection is much lower.

PVC panels without partitions

There are PVC panels for finishing walls without partitions. These are sheets of plastic with a printed pattern. The thickness of the plastic is 2-3 mm, the size of the plates is 955 * 480 mm or so. In Russia they are produced so far by one company - the Regul enterprise produces the Dekopan material. One sheet costs 215 rubles, that is, the material is classified as inexpensive.

It is mounted with glue on smooth walls and cut with scissors. In general, a promising option for economical wall decoration in the bathroom. It will surely appeal to summer residents - it creates a 100% water-repellent surface, weighs little, and is easy to install.

Natural and decorative stone

If you are looking for non-standard options for finishing a bathroom, take a closer look at flagstone - natural stone cut into thin plates - flagstone. Granite flagstone is most suitable, since it is not hygroscopic, but other types can be used. The laid stone is usually coated with varnish on top, which is additional protection from moisture.

Another option is marble. But this is an expensive material that only looks good in spacious rooms. It is rarely used for finishing bathrooms, since it reacts poorly to contact with water and is difficult to protect. Very difficult installation - the slabs are large, weigh a lot, only professionals can handle it.

When laying natural stone, a special adhesive composition(for natural stone). The technique is similar to laying tiles, but you have to select each element.

Natural stone is, of course, beautiful, but heavy and expensive. The slabs have a random shape, which makes their installation very difficult. These problems do not exist if you use artificial decorative stone. It is made on the basis of gypsum and cement. To decorate the walls in the bathroom, cement is used, since gypsum is hygroscopic and does not react well to getting wet.

Walls are a little more difficult to work with ceramic tiles. Each collection consists of a set of fragments in the form of small bricks different shapes. They fit together, creating an uneven but picturesque surface. To avoid mistakes when laying, first lay out the fragments on the floor and select a combination of colors and sizes of the elements. When the “picture” is satisfactory, the decorative stone is alternately transferred to the walls.

Bathroom finishing options decorative stone are numerous, but most often the stone is present only in fragments. They decorate one wall or even just a part. The rest of the space is most often painted or, as in the photo above, finished with mosaics. These types of materials combine very well.


In our country, wood is used very rarely for bathroom decoration - it changes size when humidity changes, deteriorates faster and loses its appearance. So this is not the best option, although, no doubt, it looks beautiful.

Impregnations help improve the situation by preserving the attractive appearance of wood even outdoors. These are formulations based on oils and wax. Many of them, at the same time as protection, give the wood color. It can be whitened, made darker, even painted blue, pink or other colors - there are different colors.

Such bathroom finishing options look cozy and warm, and not cold, as when using tiles. The disadvantage of this type of finishing is that regular wood care is required using special products.