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» What goes on okroshka. Okroshka Ingredients: The Perfect Recipe? National soups like okroshka

What goes on okroshka. Okroshka Ingredients: The Perfect Recipe? National soups like okroshka

Of all the summer soups, okroshka remains the most popular and beloved - on the one hand, its composition saturates well, and on the other hand, it does not weigh down the stomach, which is rather lazily working in the heat. The vegetables included in this soup actively nourish the body, weakened in winter, with vitamins; the base (whatever you choose) cools it, and the meat component gives strength for a vigorous life. It is also good for its simplicity of execution, since cooking okroshka means simply cutting all its ingredients. A person, even very far from cooking, will cope with this.

Required Ingredients

Whatever liquid the okroshka is prepared on, the composition of its cutting remains approximately the same. This soup certainly includes potatoes, cucumbers and eggs. As the meat component traditionally should be meat. Most often, chicken is taken - it is low-fat, so it is the best suited for summer soup. However, the sausage okroshka recipe is also widely used - it is even more popular, since this ingredient does not require pre-treatment. To put radishes in the dish or not, everyone decides for himself. Many people do not like the taste of this vegetable, and some believe that radishes are put into okroshka only to reduce the cost of soup, since in spring this vegetable is much cheaper than cucumbers. Greens are obligatory in okroshka - at least dill with parsley, but onion-feather is also desirable. The ratio of all components is taken “by eye”, since people have different tastes: someone prefers more vegetables, and someone prefers meat. But you can approximately calculate the amount of products from such considerations: one cucumber, egg and potato and 150 grams of meat sausage per person. We also note that almost any okroshka is made with sour cream, since with any basis (except, perhaps, kvass), it is advised to put a spoonful of sour cream on a plate. Some, however, replace it with mayonnaise, but this is already a matter of taste.


So, what needs to be done to get a delicious okroshka? The composition of the products that it includes, we have described. Then proceed as follows: potatoes and eggs are boiled. Most cooks prefer to cook potatoes unpeeled, "in their uniforms", but there are those who believe that the whole final dish spoils in this way - the aftertaste of the peel remains. So if you agree with them - peel the potatoes before cooking. Then both she and the eggs are cut into approximately the same cubes. Cucumbers (and radishes, if you cook okroshka with it) are chopped into short strips. If meat is involved in your okroshka, it must first be cooked. If your recipe for okroshka is with sausage or ham, just cut it with the same cubes. The greens are washed and finely chopped. Some people like to immediately add it to the soup, some prefer to serve it in a separate bowl. It remains to pour the resulting "salad" with the selected dressing - and you can call everyone to the table.

Classic recipe

Of course, initially this dish was prepared exclusively on kvass. The main components are the same. They are cut, mixed, poured with the original Russian drink - and a wonderful okroshka is obtained. The recipe for kvass, however, also involves the addition of a certain amount of water. The volume ranges from a ratio of 1:4 to 1:1. It depends on the saturation of kvass. You can not dilute it with water at all, but then the sharp smell of the drink itself will clog the aromas of greens and vegetables.

We note certain nuances. First of all, purchased kvass is not very suitable for making okroshka - it is usually sweetened, so the taste of the soup will be spoiled. It is better, no doubt, to make it yourself, without sugar at all. However, if you do not want to wait until it "ripens", go to the market and look for a grandmother with okroshka kvass.

Second. Filled with kvass, okroshka is stored for a very short time. The very next day, the solid components are saturated with the base and lose their taste. So if you have made a bucket of okroshka, store it in a saucepan, and pour kvass on the table.

Classic Variations

If you want a completely calorie-free dish (or you are fasting), the next okroshka is the perfect choice. Kvass recipe, classic, but without any meat additions, but with some new ingredients - with horseradish and mustard. To make it especially tasty, do not be too lazy to make your own kvass: dry black bread in the oven (dry well, almost fry), pour boiling water, strain after four hours and add sugar and yeast. To make kvass fragrant and spicy, put ginger, raisins, cumin in it. After two days, it will need to be filtered - and you can make okroshka. This recipe also requires radishes. When everything is cut and filled with kvass, horseradish with mustard is ground until smooth and introduced into the soup. Very tasty, completely non-caloric and very refreshing.

Dairy bases

Those who prefer to see kvass in a mug rather than a plate may like okroshka on sour cream, whey or kefir. Of course, if those who will eat it have nothing against fermented milk products. In all cases, a very tasty okroshka is obtained. The composition of the products remains the same: potatoes, cucumbers, eggs, herbs, possibly radishes. Everything is also shredded traditionally. But it's handled differently. If you settled on whey, it is simply poured over the cooked salad. If you are more attracted to kefir - try to buy not too fat. 1% will be just right. A fatter product will have to be diluted with water. But if you like sour cream, then before filling the okroshka, you will have to dilute it with water and mix thoroughly until smooth.

Special note

The use of a milk base often gives okroshka a sweetish aftertaste. To make the soup more neutral, lemon is squeezed into it, little by little and constantly tasting so as not to oversour. If you don’t like the unexpressed taste of whey (kefir) too much or you like spicy, you can add mustard to the finished okroshka. Here, too, it is important to know the measure, otherwise you may get such bitterness that you will have to add liquid again.

Red okroshka

Recently, housewives have come up with many dressings for their favorite dish. Including very dietary ones. For example, red okroshka seems to us very curious - its composition is supplemented with boiled beets, and it is refilled with ordinary water. The initial stages are common - boiled, cut, salted, mixed. But then the interesting begins: the usual “salad” is poured with cold water and seasoned with mayonnaise. The beets are boiled separately and rubbed on a coarse grater chilled. When serving, a spoon or two beetroot is placed in each plate, okroshka is poured and mixed. It turns out very beautiful, extremely useful and quite dietary, especially if the meat component is boiled chicken breast, and take lean, light mayonnaise.

For those who don't like traditional dressings

Not everyone loves kvass in okroshka. Similarly, some people do not accept whey or kefir as the basis of this soup. It is quite possible that they will like okroshka on mayonnaise. The start of the process is standard. However, when it comes time to dilute the salad to a liquid state, other actions must be taken. Mixed cuts are poured with mayonnaise (preferably not too greasy) and mixed well again. When the mayonnaise evenly covers all the pieces, water is poured into the resulting mass. Stir constantly so that the mayonnaise literally dissolves in water. How much to add - determine for yourself: the density of okroshka is a matter of personal taste for everyone. And in the end, as in the case when okroshka is cooked on sour cream, you need to squeeze a little lemon into it. Please note that mayonnaise has its own specific taste and slight sourness. So the main thing is not to overdo it with citrus.

Little tricks

To make sure you get a delicious okroshka, use a few tips.

  • Firstly, if you introduce radishes into its composition, salt the vegetable before laying it and leave it in a separate bowl for several minutes. Before adding to the rest of the ingredients, it will be necessary to drain the drained liquid from this bowl. So the radish will lose excess bitterness.
  • Secondly, the greens that go into the okroshka should not just be chopped. It must be salted and slightly ceilinged. Dill, parsley and green onions will release juice, and the soup will turn out to be richer and more aromatic. Some culinary experts advise using cucumbers in this process, but, in our opinion, the dish will lose a fair amount of external attractiveness, but eating beautifully looking food is still more pleasant.
  • Thirdly, if your okroshka is on sour cream or mayonnaise, you will definitely add water to it. Try instead of the usual, boiled or filtered, take a mineral (only not alkaline and not healing, but table). And in no case do not combine the "salad" with water in advance! This must be done at the time of submission.

Good afternoon, our dear readers. In the last issue, we talked about how to make delicious homemade kvass. And now we will find out how okroshka is prepared on kvass. This dish is known to everyone, at least in our country, especially in Siberia.

How to save yourself from the heat, while eating a hearty meal - okroshka. Usually a housewife takes almost everything that is left a little bit from the refrigerator, cuts it with salad and pours it, for example, with kvass. Here's the crumble.

Of course, in addition to kvass, you can also use whey, you can use water with vinegar, mayonnaise, sour cream, and so on. This is for an amateur. Most of all, in the summer we prefer to make okroshka on kvass.

It is better to choose fresh products for okroshka. But kvass is best taken at home, which is well infused. And if there is none, then you can also store it, but it is better to choose natural, on live fermentation. Then okroshka on kvass will turn out what you need.

Here are a few recipes that we make ourselves from time to time. Very tasty and satisfying, we advise you to try such recipes. And let's start with the classics, okroshka with sausage.

The number of ingredients is given for a full three-liter pan. This, of course, without kvass. Well, the amount of kvass is at the discretion, everyone loves it differently, someone thick, someone liquid. And the number of servings will be different.

If you like this cold soup not very thick, then reduce the amount of ingredients. If the okroshchnaya mass remains the next day, then it can be stored in the refrigerator. It won't affect the taste in any way.

We will need:

  • Boiled sausage - 300 gr;
  • Potatoes - 4 - 6 pieces (depending on size);
  • Egg - 5 pcs;
  • Fresh cucumber - 4 pcs (small);
  • Radish - 250 - 300 gr;
  • Green onions - a bunch;
  • Dill - 0.5 bunch;
  • Parsley - 0.5 bunch;
  • Grated horseradish - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Sour cream - for serving;
  • Kvass - 1.5 - 2 liters.

Any hostess knows that the amount of ingredients is a very relative concept. So, cucumbers and potatoes can be both very small and extremely large.

Therefore, in this case, the “eye” is the most basic measure. Everything should be about the same. Okroshka is good because it has a lot of things. Therefore, we put "a lot" of everything.

Only high-quality and tasty products will make high-quality and tasty okroshka.

Sausage is better to take without fat. The Ostankinskaya or Doctorskaya variety is well suited, preferably in a natural casing.

Cut it into small cubes.

Sometimes cooked with semi-smoked sausage and even fried. But I believe that this is already for gourmets. Regular boiled sausage is usually used in our okroshka recipe.

Pre-cooked and cooled potatoes cut into medium-sized cubes. In order for it to be easily cut, it must be thoroughly cooled. Then the cubes will be even and will not stick to each other.

If possible, cut all the ingredients to the same size. So the dish will look more aesthetically pleasing.

Step 3

Boil eggs, cool in cold water and cut into cubes. To make this easier, use an egg cutter. In this case, the cubes will turn out to be slightly smaller than the others in the cut, but our cold soup will look more beautiful.

Rinse the radishes thoroughly, cut off the tails and on both sides and clean as needed. As mentioned above, it is better to purchase fresh, medium-sized radishes. Such a vegetable is juicy, strong, moderate bitter-sweet taste. Just the way you need it.

Overripe specimens are already too bitter, besides, they are often empty inside, and their skin is very tough and fibrous. It is better not to use such a radish in a dish.

The same goes for cucumbers. It is better to take them in medium or small size. Such fruits with a thin skin, seeds have not yet formed in them, they have a sweetish fresh taste and a wonderful smell.

Cucumbers cut into cubes of a standard size, as other components were also cut.

Step 6

Greens also chop, if necessary, cutting off the rough stems.

Put all the ingredients after cutting into a saucepan.

Cut the green onion as usual, transfer to a bowl and sprinkle with salt. Grind with a mortar until juice appears.

If you just chop the onion and pour it into the total mass, it will just float in the soup, and taste a little when we eat. The grated onion will release juice, and this juice will nourish literally every piece cut into a tiny mass. Needless to say, this will significantly improve the taste of the dish as a whole.

Add mustard and horseradish to the onion, and grind it all together. Add a spoon or two, adjust yourself. But I will say right away, even adding two tablespoons of both, you will not feel this in the dish. It won't be sharp.

In general, in the preparation of a real tasty okroshka, there are no extra steps. Everything is necessary and important! Sometimes they say - “What’s the matter, I crumbled everything, but poured kvass ...” I won’t argue, it will also be okroshka, but try to do it once according to the rules, as they have been cooking since ancient times, then you will feel the difference. Not for nothing because it has a name - classic! So, there are certain requirements for its preparation, there are also certain rules for preparation.

Step 9

Now add the pounded mass to the general cutting. Salt to taste and refrigerate for at least 20 minutes to chill the mass.

the resulting mass will be sent to the refrigerator for a short time

Now, as for kvass. In the old days, white unsweetened kvass was prepared specially for the dish, it was prepared from wheat raw materials.

You can also use purchased kvass, but preferably good, live fermentation. But it is advisable to use home-made kvass, of our own production.

The main thing is to cool kvass in the refrigerator.

Well, now that everything is chopped and chilled, it's time to set the table. Be sure to put mustard and horseradish on the table. Although we put all this into the total mass, but someone may want to add. Also, do not forget to put sour cream, it will need to be put on everyone's plate for sure.

Of course, you need bread, fresh herbs. Well, you can put fresh garlic on the table. A bite with brown bread, it will be very tasty!

Divide salad mixture among plates. Do not regret, put more. And pour it with cold kvass, be sure to flavor it with sour cream. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Okroshka with chicken and beef (veal).

In general, this recipe in an old original version has a very interesting composition of meat ingredients. It includes veal, hazel grouse or partridge.

But since at present the last two ingredients are not often found on our table, we will simply replace them with our usual chicken or turkey.

We will need:

  • Boiled veal - 150 gr;
  • Chicken fillet - 150 gr;
  • Boiled potatoes - 3 - 4 pieces;
  • Boiled eggs - 4 - 5 pieces;
  • Fresh cucumbers - 4 pcs (medium);
  • Green onion - 100 gr;
  • Parsley, dill - 50 gr each;
  • Sour cream - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 0.5 tsp;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Mustard - 0.5 tsp (or to taste);
  • Kvass - 1.5 - 2 liters.

Okroshka on kvass according to this recipe is quite versatile, you can use any meat you like.

Meat and chicken can be pre-boiled or fried, as you wish.

Boil potatoes and eggs.

Cut all the ingredients into small cubes or sticks. Chop the herbs and chop the green onion. Mix all.

In this recipe, I do not grind onions with salt, and I do not use radishes. The meat here is too tender.

Mix sour cream with sugar, salt and mustard, pour a little kvass, and pour chopped food.

Stir and refrigerate for 30 - 60 minutes to ferment slightly.

Then put a small mass in a plate for each and pour the right amount of kvass chilled in the refrigerator.

Okroshka vegetable.

This okroshka on kvass is very useful, as it contains many vitamins in vegetables. In addition, it is very tasty and we could not just ignore it.

We will need:

  • Bread kvass - 1 l;
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • Beets - 1 piece;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Green onions - 60 g;
  • Cucumbers - 2 pieces;
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Mustard to taste.

Cut boiled and chilled beets, carrots, and fresh cucumbers into small cubes.

Step 2

Grate boiled potatoes.

Step 3

Finely chop the green onion and mash with a spoon, adding a little salt to make it soft and give juice.

Step 4

Peel the hard-boiled eggs, separate the whites from the yolks, chop the whites into small pieces, and grind the yolks with mustard.

Mashed green onions combine with potatoes, yolks, sour cream, sugar, salt, mix it all up, dilute with kvass, put chopped beets and carrots.

When serving, put chopped dill greens in okroshka.

Okroshka on kvass with hunting sausage.

okroshka on kvass with hunting sausage

I especially like this recipe, because it contains my favorite hunting sausages. They give a very spicy taste. I love smoked meats in many dishes, and in okroshka, duck is generally very tasty. I advise everyone to try this recipe.

We will need:

  • Potato - 200 g;
  • Bread kvass - 1 l;
  • Boiled sausage - 100 g;
  • Radishes - 2 pieces;
  • Cucumbers - 1 piece;
  • Hunting sausages - 2 pieces;
  • Dill to taste;
  • Green onions to taste;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces.

The child watches with enthusiasm how the mother cuts okroshka:
- Potato ..., cucumber ..., egg ...
The baby's eyes gradually widen:
Waving his arms and head:
- I'm not going to eat such a liquid salad!

Okroshka is a traditional Slavic dish. especially popular in Russia and Ukraine. This is a cold soup that is very refreshing in the heat. The name comes from the word “crumb”, and usually summer vegetables are crumbled into okroshka: new potatoes, cucumbers, radishes, a lot of greens, a boiled egg. By tradition, all vegetables are poured with kvass, but this is not important. Old recipes are known, where cucumber or cabbage pickle is used for pouring. The most popular filling in our time is kefir, which greatly increases the nutritional value of okroshka. Summer is coming, so we are preparing okroshka - a soup-symbol of this wonderful and beloved time of the year.

You will need:

  • potatoes 3-4 pieces
  • cucumber 2-3 pcs
  • radish 10 pcs
  • egg 3 pcs
  • kefir 1 liter
  • mineral sparkling water 1-2 cups
  • boiled meat or sausage 250 gr
  • green onion
  • parsley
  • dill

Step-by-step photo recipe for making okroshka:

Boil and cool potatoes and eggs, wash vegetables and herbs thoroughly.

Usually vegetables are cut into small cubes. Cut potatoes...

Finely chop the green onion, parsley and dill.

Pour everything with kefir and salt.

In this form, it will be quite thick, so kefir is usually diluted with mineral water, but if it is not available, cold boiled water can be added.

It is quite possible that summer in the middle lane will someday come. So, it still makes sense to put bread kvass. It will take at least a week to prepare a good starter, and as weather forecasters promise, just by that time the air temperature should rise above 20 C (in the afternoon).

How to prepare sourdough
homemade bread kvass


  • 2 liters of cold water;
  • 0.5 loaves of Borodino bread or 100 grams of rye flour + 100 grams of rye bread;
  • 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 3 grams of yeast.
  • Cooking time - 5-6 days

How to put kvass:

  • Fry flour or slices of bread until it darkens (but does not char, it is sometimes difficult to understand with black bread: it is just fried or already burnt).
  • In slightly warm water, dilute the yeast and 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar.
  • After 10 minutes, add a third of the flour or breadcrumbs.
  • Drain almost all the water, add the same amount of fresh water, another spoonful of sugar and another third of crackers or flour with crackers.
    And once again insist a couple of days.
    Drain again, add the remaining crackers (or flour with crackers) and sugar. And refill with fresh water.
    During this time, the sourdough will lose its brazen yeasty taste and unpleasant bitterness, and it will be possible to put drinking kvass on it. To do this, once every 1.5-2 days, it will be necessary to add water, sugar to taste and a large handful of fresh rye crackers to a three-liter jar with prepared sourdough, before removing a little old soaked and sinking to the bottom. For taste, you can add raisins, mint, ginger, honey ...
  • notebook recipe

    Okroshka on kvass

    Soups are cold


    • 1 l kvass
    • 150 g potatoes
    • 150 g cucumbers
    • 0.5 tsp mustard
    • 3 eggs
    • Radishes 1 small bunch
    • small bunch of green onions
    • parsley, dill, sour cream to taste

    Cooking method

    • Boil meat, potatoes, eggs.
    • Cucumbers, radishes, green onions, herbs, potatoes, cut meat. Grind the yolks with mustard, cut the whites.
    • Mix everything, arrange on plates, pour kvass, add sour cream to taste.

    Quite often it happens that when preparing for the first time some even the simplest dish, we have a number of non-standard questions.

    Moreover, the answers to them are not as obvious as it seems at first glance, for example, many novice cooks do not even know how much to boil eggs for okroshka to make it really tasty. That is why today we will give specific information on this issue, which will be backed up by facts, as well as provide some useful recommendations.

    Do you need eggs in classic okroshka

    To begin with, let's figure out whether it is necessary to put boiled eggs in okroshka or not, because if this component is not mandatory in the classic recipe, then it can be completely excluded - the dish will not lose its taste from this.

    In ancient times, okroshka was a kind of appetizer, not a main course. Various boiled and raw vegetables were put into this cold soup, they were poured with kvass, whey or brine, and they were also seasoned with sour cream, mustard and herbs.

    Sometimes, however, meat ingredients or fish were also added to the okroshka. Eggs appeared in this dish much later, but they firmly entered the okroshka recipe and became one of the main ingredients.

    The thing is that boiled eggs perfectly emphasize the taste of cold dishes and at the same time do not interrupt it at all. That is why they are an integral part of so many varieties of salads and cold appetizers.

    Based on the foregoing, we can say with full confidence that eggs simply must be present among the ingredients of okroshka, especially if we are talking about a classic dish. However, in order for this product to harmoniously fit into the overall taste picture, it must be cooked correctly.

    How long does it take to boil eggs for okroshka

    So, before you start boiling eggs for okroshka, you need to let them warm up to room temperature. We usually store chicken and other eggs in the refrigerator as this greatly extends their shelf life. If you lower such a product into hot or even heating water, the eggs will certainly crack. Therefore, wait a quarter of an hour and only then start cooking.

    Now let's figure out how and how much you need to boil eggs for okroshka:

    1. First, the eggs must be thoroughly washed - this is how we get rid of chicken manure, which is so often present on the shell of this product. The easiest way to do this is with a sponge and a little detergent.
    2. Pour cold water into a small saucepan. It is best to salt it a little - so you will further protect yourself from cracking eggs during the cooking process.
    3. We put the testicles in water (it should cover them completely) and put the pan on the maximum fire.
    4. As soon as you notice that the water begins to boil, reduce the heat so that it is slightly less than medium and wait another 8 to 10 minutes.
    5. We take out the eggs from boiling water, or drain it and immerse them in ice water. Thus, condensation forms under the shell, which will make it easy to clean the product. In addition, this significantly reduces the time required for the eggs to cool, which are known to be placed cold in okroshka.

    If you do not have the desire or ability to keep track of when the eggs boiled and measure after this minute, then you can use the average value. Hard-boiled eggs will cook in about 10 minutes, and therefore, if you simply note this time after putting the eggs into the water, you will surely get exactly the state of this product that is required for okroshka.

    How to cook okroshka without eggs and how to replace them

    Now let's deal with the case when you need to cook okroshka, but for some reason you cannot use chicken eggs.

    The easiest way out in this situation is to use one of the okroshka recipes in which eggs are not used at all. Usually these are either lenten dishes or dishes for vegetarians, on the portal "Your Cook" you can find them in a fairly large number:

    If you don't want to use chicken eggs because you're on a calorie-restricted diet, or you're just afraid of salmonellosis, you can try replacing this product with quail eggs.

    Cooking such small testicles should be no more than 5 minutes, but they have much more useful properties than chicken ones. In addition, quail eggs are considered a dietary product, which means they can be used by those who follow their figure.

    If you avoid eggs for vegetarian reasons, but still want to find a similar product for hash, you can use tofu cheese.

    The structure of this soy product is somewhat reminiscent of egg white, and therefore it will feel exactly the same in okroshka. In the absence of this outlandish product, you can use the Adyghe cheese.

    So, summing up our today's topic, I would like to give a few recommendations that will allow not only to boil eggs correctly, but also to correctly add them to an almost ready dish.

    • It is better to take a small cooking pot - this way the eggs will cook faster, and this guarantees their safety, since they will not “jump” all over the container.
    • Eggs that are boiled in brackish water are less likely to crack.
    • To be sure to protect yourself from salmonella, you should boil the eggs for about 10 minutes. However, do not exceed 20 minutes of cooking time - after a third of an hour spent in boiling water, all useful substances are destroyed, and the protein becomes very hard.
    • Quail eggs are much healthier than chicken eggs and are practically not susceptible to Salmonella infection.
    • Vegetarians can replace eggs with tofu or Adyghe cheese.
    • If you are concerned about the cholesterol found in the yolk, then remove it, leaving only the protein, before adding this product to the dish.
    • In the same case, if you, on the contrary, want to keep the yolk part and prevent it from dissolving in the okroshka brine, then add the eggs after all the ingredients have been mixed.

    Now you know how much to boil eggs for okroshka, and you are also aware of all the intricacies of preparing this ingredient for this dish. I would like to note that in addition to the taste function, chicken testicles also give the dish great satiety. It is not for nothing that this product is added to many soups of Russian cuisine, and is also used as a complete and self-sufficient snack.