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» What was the real name of Stalin. How many years did Stalin rule? Domestic politics and mass repression

What was the real name of Stalin. How many years did Stalin rule? Domestic politics and mass repression

Without any exaggeration, the figure of Joseph Stalin is one of the most discussed and bright among all the heads of our state who have held this post at different times. Many are interested in the smallest details. For example, where was Stalin born, what was his life path how he came to power and how his personal life developed. Let's get acquainted with the biography of this great man. Consider what is the role of Stalin in history. His personality is ambiguously assessed by historians, as well as modern society.

Where and when was Stalin born?

The birthplace of the future leader is the small town of Gori, located in eastern Georgia. Stalin's birthday is December 21, 1879. He was born into a poor family. His older sister and brother died in infancy, Joseph is the third child, the only one who managed to survive.

Health in childhood

In childhood, Soso (that's what his mother called him) showed problems with the limbs (two toes of his left foot grew together), as well as problems with the skin on his back and face. To all the congenital troubles, an accident was added that happened to seven-year-old Joseph - he was hit by a phaeton, which led to a malfunction of the left hand.

To all the troubles, the boy was beaten by his father, one of which caused a serious head injury, which left its mark on the psycho-emotional state of the future leader of the country.


Father Vissarion was a shoemaker by profession. He often drank, which led to fits of rage, which were accompanied by domestic violence. The situation became especially acute when Stalin was born. Vissarion beat his wife and little son Joseph, who once even tried to defend his mother and threw a knife at his father.

Soon, Vissarion's affairs began to decline even more and he began to drink more and more often. Having left his wife, he tried to keep his son with him, but his mother did not allow him to do this. When Joseph was eleven years old, his father died from a knife stab received in a drunken brawl.

Stalin's mother, Ekaterina Georgievna, was of peasant origin, her father was a gardener. She herself worked as a day laborer. The love for the only surviving child was boundless, despite the fact that she sometimes beat little Soso. With all her might, she tried to make up for that love for the boy, which he did not receive from his father. Working to exhaustion, she did everything so that her son would not need anything and be happy. Ekaterina Georgievna dreamed that Joseph would grow up as a worthy person and become a priest. But her hopes were in vain - her son devoted more and more time to spending time in the company of street hooligans, and not in the seminary.

Studying at the Theological Seminary

In 1888, at the request of his mother, Joseph Vissarionovich entered the Gori Orthodox School (in the city where Stalin was born). It was within the walls of this seminary that Stalin's acquaintance with Marxism and his entry into the ranks of the underground revolutionaries took place. Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili was a capable student, all the subjects he studied were easy. He began to lead an illegal circle of Marxists, where he was engaged in propaganda.

He was not destined to graduate from the seminary, as his mother wanted, he was expelled from the school for absenteeism.

Road to Power

Stalin began his revolutionary path (you already know his birthday) in the early 1900s. Then he was actively engaged in propaganda activities, as a result of which his authority in society grew. Already not only in the city where Stalin was born, it was known about him, but also far beyond its borders. During this period, Joseph Dzhugashvili met Vladimir Lenin and other famous revolutionaries. Repeatedly, Stalin was sent into exile and imprisoned, from which he always found a way to escape. In 1912, his surname Dzhugashvili changed to the pseudonym "Stalin". So he is known to his contemporaries. Many do not know him real name.

During these years, Joseph Vissarionovich became the editor-in-chief of the Pravda newspaper. It was there that Lenin saw in him his assistant in resolving revolutionary issues. In 1917, for special merits, Stalin was appointed Lenin People's Commissar for Nationalities in the Council of People's Commissars.

After the Civil War ended, at which Stalin showed professional quality, he began, in fact, to govern the state (Lenin at that time was already mortally ill). Joseph Stalin cracked down on all his opponents and those who claimed the post of head of the USSR.

In 1930, Joseph Vissarionovich concentrated all power in the USSR around himself, which led to upheavals and restructuring within the country. These years of Stalin's rule were accompanied by mass repressions and collectivizations, when all the villagers were driven to collective farms, people were starved. Food was taken from the peasants and sold abroad. Industrial enterprises were built with this money. In this way, the Soviet Union became the second largest industrial production but at what cost...

By the fortieth year, Comrade Stalin became the sole ruler of the state. A strong leader of the country, he possessed a unique capacity for work, knew how to manage people, aim them at solving the most important issues for her. Stalin was characterized by the ability to quickly make decisions on any issues and control all the processes that took place within the country.

Stalin's achievements

Historical experts highly appreciate Stalin's achievements, even though they were often not obtained in the most humane way. Under the leadership of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, the USSR defeated the enemy in the Great Patriotic War, industrialization and mechanization in agriculture were developing in full swing in the country. In the Soviet Union there was nuclear weapon, which helped him become a truly superpower and have colossal authority in world geopolitics.

Negative points of government

Of course, in addition to achievements, the time of Stalin's rule is characterized with a mass negative points which are perceived by modern society as terrible, inhumane. Endemic repressions, dictatorial regime, violence and terror - this is what the years of Stalin's rule are for many historical experts. He is also accused of suppressing scientific direction Soviet Union, which was accompanied by the persecution of doctors, engineers, which led to harm to the development of culture and science in the state.

Although the reign of Comrade Stalin ended a long time ago, his political activities are discussed to this day. The head of the Soviet Union is accused of a famine of people, which led to millions of victims. But, despite all this, in many cities he is an honorary citizen posthumously, and many people still revere and respect him as a decisive and intelligent ruler, calling him a great Leader.

Stalin's personal life

Not much is known about the leader's personal life; he destroyed all evidence relating to him and his relationship. Historians managed to reconstruct only a small part of the events family life former ruler states.

Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili was married twice. The first wife was Ekaterina Svanidze (Kato). The future spouses were introduced by brother Kato, who in those years studied with Stalin at the theological seminary. Three days later, his mother met his future wife and received a blessing from her. On July 16, 1906, their secret marriage took place (in the city where Stalin was born), because even then, due to revolutionary activities, his position was illegal.

After 9 months, the couple had a son, Jacob. But just a month later, Catherine fell ill with typhus and died. Then the harsh Stalin devoted his life to serving the country and the revolution, and decided on a second marriage only 14 years later.

Stalin's second wife was Nadezhda Alliluyeva, who was much younger than her husband. She gave birth to a son, Vasily, and a daughter, Svetlana. In addition, she took upon herself the upbringing of Stalin's first son, Yakov, who until that time lived with his grandmother.

In 1932, the children became orphans, and Stalin became a widower for the second time. Nadezhda shot herself on the basis of another family quarrel. After that, Joseph Vissarionovich never married again.

The fate of Stalin's children

The son from his first marriage, Yakov, fell into German captivity. There is a version that the German side offered Joseph Stalin to exchange his son for a field marshal, to which the leader replied: “I don’t change soldiers for field marshals.” In 1943, Yakov was shot while trying to escape from the camp.

Vasily Stalin was an officer Soviet army, served in command positions during the war, after which he was the head of the Air Force in the Moscow region. After the death of his father, Vasily was arrested and released in 1960, and two years later he died of alcohol poisoning.

The only daughter, Svetlana Alliluyeva, was a Soviet philologist-translator. In 1967, she left the Soviet Union and emigrated to the United States, asking for political asylum. Passed away in 2011.

Until the age of 11, the Stalin family raised Artem Sergeev, who was the son of a revolutionary and Stalin's ally, Fyodor Sergeev, who died in a railway accident. Joseph Stalin raised him on a par with his own children. Artem devoted himself to the army, in 1981 he retired with the rank of major general of artillery. Passed away in 2008.

Death of a leader

The great leader died on March 5, 1953 from a cerebral hemorrhage at one of his many dachas (Blizhnaya dacha) in the Kuntsevsky district. An autopsy showed that Stalin had suffered several ischemic strokes over the years of his life on his feet, which were the result of heart disease, as well as disorders related to the mental state.

There are also versions that his enemies, who had a negative attitude towards the political activities of the head of state, were involved in the death of the leader. Historical studies claim that these people deliberately did not let doctors near Stalin, who could help him and put the leader on his feet.

Farewell to the leader

Stalin's funeral took place on March 9, 1953 in the Hall of Columns. Beria, Khrushchev, Malenkov spoke at the funeral meeting. On the street, during the funeral of Stalin, there was a stampede that led to the death of people, the number of victims is unknown.

The embalmed body was placed in the Mausoleum. Lenin” and was there until 1961. On the night of November 1, the body was taken out and reburied near the Kremlin wall, and then a monument was erected at the burial site.

Comrade, what year are you?

On March 5, 1953 Joseph Stalin died. And if no one has any doubts about the date of death, then the date of birth of the Secretary General is still (!) Controversial. And in old Soviet encyclopedias, and in modern ones, including Wikipedia, two options are indicated: December 6 (or the 18th according to the new style) 1878 and December 9 (the 21st according to the new style) 1879. The difference is a whole year and three days.

Kremlin historians have finally decided to put an end to an almost century-old dispute. "MK" tried to figure out this mystery together with the director's adviser Federal Service protection, doctor of historical sciences, professor Sergey Devyatov.

“Stalin (Dzhugashvili) Joseph Vissarionovich, b. in 1879 in the mountains. Burn Tiflis province. By nationality, Georgians, the son of a shoemaker, a shoe factory worker ... ”This is how the first official biography of Stalin begins. It was compiled by his assistant in the mid-1920s and published in a supplementary volume. encyclopedic dictionary"Pomegranate". From that moment, a completely inexplicable from the point of view of normal logic, a change in the real age of Stalin took place. And in the future, the original date and year of birth is completely replaced, including in official documents!

There are only three questions - when was Stalin really born, did he himself decide to "confuse" the dates, and why was this done at all?

In front of us is the metric book of the Gori Assumption Cathedral Church for recording births and deaths. It was here that it was noted that, we quote: "in 1878, on December 6, the son of Joseph was born to the Orthodox peasants of Vissarion Ivanovich and his legal wife Ekaterina Gavrilovna Dzhugashvili." How to treat this document?

There is no doubt about its authenticity, - says Sergey Devyatov. - The church metric book in those days was almost the main document. In addition to her, there is this certificate issued to Joseph Dzhugashvili in June 1894 about his graduation full course Gori spiritual school. See what is written here?

It is written in small letters: "on the sixth day of the month of December, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight." It's just in the line about the birth. And here are Stalin's answers to the questions of the questionnaire of the Swedish newspaper. The Secretary General's hand marked the date - 1878.

It turned out that there are still materials from the police department. They are now in the archives of the Central Committee of the CPSU, so it was not difficult to find them. The tsarist gendarmerie did not always agree on the dates of Stalin's birth

Please note that in the documents of the Baku Gendarmerie Administration, the time of birth is marked in 1880, Devyatov continues. - In others - 1879 and 1881. The most accurate was the St. Petersburg provincial gendarme department, it was not mistaken in the date: December 6, 1878.

The second question - did the substitution take place with the consent of Stalin? The answer is unequivocal - yes. There is documentary evidence that that first biography article was personally agreed upon by him. Here, for example, is this note: “The attached biographical information is personally comrade. Stalin were reviewed and corrected by him. It was found in the fund of the Central Party Archive of the IML under the Central Committee of the CPSU.

Then the last and main question - why?

In the early 90s, a version about Stalin's new birthday was launched, says Devyatov. - She said that the Secretary General could not pompously celebrate his 50th birthday in 1928 because of the struggle with the opposition, but he was able to do this in 1929 in the conditions of the struggle against the “right deviation”. This point of view does not withstand elementary criticism: new date The birth of the general secretary appeared in his official biography many years before the supposed celebration of the anniversary. Even the “great leader of all times and peoples” was not able to predict the prospects for the fight against the opposition and its chronological framework.

We read Lenin's letter to Stalin, written in May 1922. It has a postscript: "P.S. Secret. In Zubalovo, where dachas were being built for you, Kamenev, and Dzerzhinsky, and next door they will arrange for me by the fall, it is necessary to achieve the repair of the railway line by the fall and the full regularity of the movement of railcars. Then a quick and secret and cheap communication is possible. all year round". Apparently, even in their fifth year in power, the leaders of the Bolshevik Party did not feel completely confident. And yet, the replacement of the date and year of birth, that is, a fundamental change in the so-called "setting data", which were reflected in the archival and operational affairs of the police department - this is undoubtedly Stalin's personal invention.

But what if the reason is mystical?

It is known that Stalin turned to the services of esotericists, so most likely this is precisely the point, says psychologist Natalya Komissarova. - Knowing the date of birth of a person, astrologers can make a forecast from which it will be clear on which days a person is vulnerable in terms of illness, accidents, etc. With such a forecast, the enemies could choose the right moment to act. I think Stalin was afraid of just that.

However, such an exotic version is not supported by historians.

Majority politicians times of the USSR preferred to use aliases. They are usually associated with historical events, character traits of the owner or carried other personal reasons. Writers, politicians, scientists became famous precisely under a pseudonym, having managed, if not to keep their real surname a secret, then at least get rid of its use among the people.

The legendary leader of the USSR, Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, was no exception. During his lifetime, he had more than thirty pseudonyms - names, surnames, initials, party nicknames. All of them did not arise by chance and carried a certain meaning. The pseudonym under which the cult personality went down in history was the surname Stalin. It is associated among the people with the difficult times of the Great Patriotic War and with the great victory that was achieved.

This name is associated with mass persecutions and executions, political repressions, denunciations and oppression of the people, and at the same time with the period of reconstruction after the war, the development and prosperity of the Soviet Union. Perhaps in the area former USSR there is not a single family whose past would not have a connection with the name of Stalin. Many people think that "Stalin" is the real name of the leader.

The history of the emergence of the brightest pseudonym I.V. Dzhugashvili

Many legends are connected with the appearance of the pseudonym Stalin.

Some people believe that the name of a real person, a journalist, served as the source for it. E.S. Stalinsky, who translated into Russian one of Joseph Vissarionovich's favorite poems - "The Knight in the Panther's Skin". At the end of the 19th century, Dzhugashvili himself was engaged in poetry, and, perhaps, decided to take a surname consonant with the author of his favorite work. However, this version runs counter to the character of the world leader, who is accustomed to making only balanced and deliberate decisions.

Stalin from the word "steel"?

So, some put forward the version that the pseudonym "Stalin" is intended to be associated with steel - a hard and durable metal. In the same way we see the character of a revolutionary - persistent and inflexible.

There is a similar Arabic version of origin, according to which the verb "istalla", consonant with the pseudonym chosen by Dzhugashvili, is translated from Arabic as "pull out the sword". Indeed, Stalin was often referred to by his comrades-in-arms as "the naked sword of the revolution."

Perhaps the emergence of the last two legends is not accidental. After all, the name Dzhugashvili is literally translated from Georgian into Russian as "son of steel", from the ancient Georgian "juga" - steel, and "shvili" - son. They characterize politics as strong man with unbending will and desire to fight.

Other opinions about the origin of the pseudonym

It is worth mentioning the less popular versions of the origin, which also have linguistic grounds. According to one of them, if we divide the surname into sta- and -lin, we get two opposite translations: “attack, attack”, and “soft”. Some contemporaries of the leader believe that such a description fits him perfectly. Courteous and gentle with relatives and friends, he was a tough and uncompromising ruler when it came to the interests of the party and the country. Stalin perfectly combined two opposing qualities.

Finally, one of the most rare legends is the reading of the name Stalin as the Arabic "Istalian", which in Russian means "accepting curses". The world leader probably assumed that, admiring him during his lifetime, people would curse the times of his reign after his death. After all, the decisions he made crippled many human destinies and destroyed millions of families. However, he continued to do his hard work, thus ready to take on the curses.

Whatever the reason for choosing a pseudonym, the surname Stalin was firmly attached to the ruler, becoming very successful and fateful for him. It was under her that he entered the history of the Soviet Union, that is what his contemporaries called him and continue to call him until now, and it is her appearance that causes people the largest number questions. Why was Stalin called Stalin? The personality of the world leader is shrouded in many secrets, and this is one of the mysteries that we will never have to solve.

The birth of Koba: an underground nickname or a conscious choice of Stalin

Another pseudonym, under which the head of the people is known to a wide range of people, was the second most popular and beloved by Joseph Vissarionovich - Koba. History has not preserved exact information about why Stalin was called Koba, but there are several possible explanations for this.

Literary version

According to the literary version, he had a personal hidden meaning for the young Dzhugashvili, who at that time had not yet become a tough and powerful ruler and lived in Transcaucasia. Iosif Vissarionovich met the name Koba in the patriotic story of the classic of Georgian literature Alexander Kazbegi "The Parricide". The hero of the story Koba, a young mountaineer who is fighting with all his might for the independence of Georgia. Courageous and persistent, he is ready to achieve the goal at the cost of any sacrifice. Perhaps Stalin saw himself the same way - a staunch and fearless native of the people, capable of leading the masses of the people.

It is worth noting that the name of the hero of the novel itself was borrowed by A. Kazbegi from the history of Georgia, and comes from the name of the Persian king Kobades, who conquered Eastern Georgia in the 5th century. Interesting fact- the tsar preached communist views, advocating an equal division of property, for which he was dethroned and imprisoned. But soon released from prison by his beloved woman, he again returned to the throne, continuing to remain an adamant ruler. Historians trace an obvious connection between the biographies of the Koba Tsar and Joseph Vissarionovich.

Criminal version

Another, less romantic explanation is connected with the times when the young Dzhugashvili hunted for robberies and was forced to wander around the prison camps. Allegedly, there he was given the nickname "Koba", in prison circles meaning "indomitable".

The pseudonym Koba was more popular in Georgia. When Iosif Vissarionovich moved to the political arena, he became Stalin, and only close comrades called him the old-fashioned Koba, without thinking about the origin of this nickname and without drawing any parallels. The short and capacious surname Stalin turned out to be the most worthy of the great world ruler.

Facts from the history of the reign of the world leader

Stalin took his first political steps back in Georgia, at the beginning of the 20th century, participating in rallies and organizing demonstrations. After meeting the leader of the world proletariat, he absorbed the revolutionary ideas of Lenin even more and became the leader of the Bolshevik Party. The years of Stalin's rule begin in 1922 with a policy of forced collectivization Agriculture and continued until his death in 1953.

The ruler himself considers the years of the first five-year plan to be the most important in the development of the country. If at the beginning the plan was feasible and brought justified results, then Stalin, inspired by success, increased the planned indicators so much that the situation in the country escalated to the limit and, as a result, resulted in mass riots, arrests and repressions. So why did Stalin call 1929 the year of the great turning point, if the internal situation in the country was far from optimistic?

Considering the political course of the Soviet Union in the late 20s and early 30s, outwardly the picture really seemed rosy. Thanks to the forced industrialization, the forced collectivization of property on collective farms, the development of extractive industries, as well as the introduction of the strictest economy regime, Russia turned from an agrarian country into an industrial one.

From the biography of Stalin it is clear that it was an ambiguous, but bright and strong personality.

Iosif Dzhugashvili was born on December 6 (18), 1878, in the city of Gori, in a simple poor family. His father, Vissarion Ivanovich, was a shoemaker by profession. Mother , Ekaterina Georgievna, worked as a day laborer.

In 1888, Joseph became a student of the Gori Orthodox Theological School. Six years later he was enrolled in a seminary in Tiflis. As a student, Dzhugashvili got acquainted with the basics of Marxism and soon became close to the underground revolutionaries.

At the 5th year of study, he was expelled from the seminary. The certificate issued to him indicated that he could apply for a position as a teacher in a public school.

Life before the revolution

Everyone who is interested short biography Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich , should know that before the revolution he served in the newspaper Pravda and was one of its brightest employees. For his activities, Dzhugashvili was repeatedly persecuted by the authorities.

The work “Marxism and the National Question” gave weight to the future Generalissimo in the society of Marxists. After that, V. I. Lenin began to entrust him with the solution of many important issues.

In the years civil war Stalin showed himself to be an excellent military organizer. On November 29, 1922, together with Lenin, Sverdlov and Trotsky, he entered the Bureau of the Central Committee.

When Lenin, on the background of illness, retired from political activity, Stalin, together with Kamenev and Zinoviev, organized a “troika”, which was opposed to L. Trotsky. In the same year he was elected General Secretary of the Central Committee.

Against the background of heavy political struggle, at the XIII Congress of the RCP, Stalin announced that he wanted to resign. He was left at his post Secretary General majority vote.

Having strengthened himself in power, Stalin began to pursue a policy of collectivization. Under him, heavy industry began to actively develop. Against the background of the formation of collective farms and other changes, a policy of cruel terror was pursued.

Role in WWII

According to a number of historians, Stalin was guilty of the poor preparation of the USSR for war. Huge losses are also blamed on him. It is believed that he ignored intelligence reports of an imminent attack. Nazi Germany even despite the fact that he was called the exact date.

At the very beginning of the Second World War, Stalin proved himself to be a bad strategist. He made illogical, incompetent decisions. According to G. K Zhukov, the situation changed after Battle of Stalingrad when the war turned upside down.

In 1943, Stalin decided to create atomic bomb. In February 1945, he took part in the Yalta Conference, at which a new world order was established.

Personal life

Stalin was married twice. The first wife was E. Svanidze, the second - N. Alliluyeva. He had three children of his own and an adopted son, A.F. Sergeev.

The fate of his second wife and his own sons was tragic. The daughter of Joseph Vissarionovich, Svetlana, spent her whole life in exile.

According to A.F. Sergeev, at home Stalin was good-natured, affectionate, and joked a lot and often.

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Biography and episodes of life Joseph Stalin. When born and died Stalin, memorable places and dates of important events in his life. politics quotes, Photo and video.

The years of the life of Joseph Stalin:

born December 21, 1879, died March 5, 1953


"In this hour of greatest sorrow
I can't find those words
So that they fully express
Our nationwide misfortune."
Alexander Tvardovsky on Stalin's death


Joseph Stalin remains to this day one of the strongest and most controversial rulers of the 20th century. The entire biography of Joseph Stalin is shrouded in many theories, interpretations and opinions. It is difficult, years later, to say with accuracy whether he was the “father Soviet people or a dictator, a Moloch, or a savior. Nevertheless, the significance of Stalin's personality in the history of the USSR and Russia cannot be denied.

He was born in Gori in 1879 to a poor family. Joseph's father was a shoemaker, and his mother was the daughter of a serf. According to the stories of Stalin himself, the father often beat his son and wife, and then completely went to wander, leaving the family in poverty. At the age of seven, Joseph entered the theological school in Gori - his mother saw him as a future priest. After graduating with honors, he brilliantly passed the entrance exams to the Tiflis Theological Seminary, but was expelled five years later - for promoting Marxism. Later, Stalin admitted that he became a revolutionary and a supporter of Marxism out of protest against the regime of the theological seminary in which he studied.

During his life, Stalin was married several times - Stalin's first wife, Ekaterina Svanidze, who gave birth to Joseph's son Yakov, died of tuberculosis after three years of marriage. Stalin's second wife, Nadezhda Alliluyeva, who gave birth to two children Stalin, Svetlana and Vasily, committed suicide after thirteen years of marriage, when the couple were already living in a Kremlin apartment. Stalin's illegitimate son, Konstantin Kuzakov, was born in Turukhansk exile, but Joseph did not maintain relations with him.

After being expelled from the seminary, Stalin's political biography began - he entered the Social Democratic organization of Georgia, arrests, exiles and escapes from these exiles began. In 1903, Joseph joined the Bolsheviks - and his path to the post of head of state began, a few years later he was elected general secretary Party Central Committee. After Lenin's death, Stalin was able to retain power, despite the "Letter to the Congress" written in 1922 by Vladimir Ilyich, where he criticizes Joseph and proposes to remove him from office. Thus began the era of Stalin's rule, an ambiguous time full of victories and tragedies. During the years of Stalin, the USSR turned into a world power, won the Great Patriotic War, made a breakthrough in the national economic development, in the military-industrial complex. But all these successes during the years of Stalin's rule were accompanied by large-scale repressions, deportation of peoples, famine as a result of collectivization, and, finally, Stalin's personality cult, according to which the people had to believe that all the merits of the country are the merits of its ruler only. Busts and monuments to Stalin were erected throughout the country, which became a symbol of that time in the USSR.

In the post-war years, Comrade Stalin lived in his official residence - in the Near Dacha. On March 1, Stalin's guard found him lying on the floor, and the doctors who arrived the next morning at Stalin's dacha diagnosed paralysis. Stalin's death came on the evening of March 5. The cause of Stalin's death was a cerebral hemorrhage. The death of Joseph Stalin is still shrouded in a halo of mystery and possible conspiracies - so, according to one version, Beria, as well as Stalin's associates, who were in no hurry to call doctors, could contribute to the murder of Stalin. Stalin's funeral took place on March 9. So many people wished to say goodbye to the "father of the people" and honor the memory of Stalin that a stampede arose. The number of victims numbered in the thousands. Stalin's body was placed in Lenin's Mausoleum. Years later, it was reburied, now Stalin's grave is located near the Kremlin wall. After Stalin's death, the so-called thaw period began, the new leadership of the country decided to move away from the "Stalinist model" and follow the path of liberalization, however, this period in the country's history was not without contradictions and excesses.

Joseph Stalin in his youth

life line

December 21, 1979 Date of birth of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Dzhugashvili).
1894 Graduated from the Gori Theological School.
1898 Member of the RCP(b).
1902 First arrest, exile to Eastern Siberia.
1917-1922 Work as People's Commissar for Nationalities in the first Soviet government.
1922 General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.
1939 Obtaining the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.
August 23, 1939 The signing of the non-aggression pact between the USSR and Germany.
May 1941 Chairman of the government of the USSR.
June 30, 1941 Chairman of the State Defense Committee.
August 1941 Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the USSR.
1943 Obtaining the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union.
1945 Obtaining the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
March 2, 1953 Paralysis.
March 5, 1953 Date of Joseph Stalin's death.
March 6, 1953 Farewell to Stalin in the House of Unions.
March 9, 1953 Funeral of Joseph Stalin.
November 1, 1961 Reburial of Stalin's body at the Kremlin wall.

Memorable places

1. The Stalin Museum in Gori, in front of which is Stalin's house, where he lived as a child.
2. House-monument of political exiles in Solvychegodsk, located in the house of Stalin, where he was exiled in 1908-1910.
3. Museum "Vologda exile" in the house of Stalin, where he was exiled in 1911-1912.
4. Museum "Stalin's Bunker".
5. Near dacha, or Kuntsevskaya dacha, where Stalin died.
6. House of the Unions, where the body of Stalin was put up for parting.
7. Lenin Mausoleum, where Stalin was buried.
8. Kremlin wall where Stalin is buried (reburied).

Episodes of life

Stalin's son from his first marriage, Yakov, during the Great Patriotic war was captured by the Germans. According to one version, when the Germans offered to exchange the leader’s son for their field marshal Paulus, Joseph Stalin replied: “I don’t change a soldier for a field marshal.” According to another, he was very upset by the captivity of Yakov and even accused his wife Julia of the fact that his son was captured. Julia spent two years in prison on charges of passing information to the Germans. In 1943, Yakov was shot while trying to escape from a German concentration camp.

According to the stories of Svetlana Alliluyeva, Stalin's daughter, on the eve of the suicide of her mother Nadezhda, her parents quarreled a little - moreover, the quarrel was insignificant, but, apparently, served as a trigger for the mother's act. Nadezhda locked herself in her room and shot herself in the heart with a pistol. Stalin was shocked because he did not understand why? He perceived his wife's act as a desire to punish him for something and did not understand why. In the first days after the death of his wife, he was so depressed that he even said that he did not want to live. Stalin's daughter claims that her mother left a letter to her father, which was full of not only personal, but also political reproaches, which shocked Stalin even more. After reading it, he decided that all this time his wife was on the side of the opposition, and not at the same time with him.

In 1936, information appeared abroad that Stalin had died. A correspondent from an American news agency sent a letter to the Kremlin addressed to Stalin, asking him to refute or confirm the rumors. A few days later he received a response from the Soviet leader with the words: “Dear Sir! As far as I know from the reports of the foreign press, I left this sinful world long ago and moved to the other world. Since one cannot but treat the reports of the foreign press with confidence, if you do not want to be crossed out from the list of civilized people, then I ask you to believe these reports and not disturb my peace in the silence of the other world. Sincerely, Joseph Stalin.

Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Lenin


“When I die, a lot of rubbish will be put on my grave, but the wind of time will mercilessly sweep it away.”

Documentary plot from the series "Soviet biographies" about Joseph Stalin


“It is difficult to express in words the feeling of great sorrow that our Party and the peoples of our country, all progressive mankind are experiencing these days. Stalin, the great comrade-in-arms and ingenious successor of the work of Lenin, was gone. A person, the closest and dearest to everyone, has left us Soviet people millions of workers around the world."
Lavrenty Beria, Soviet politician

“In these difficult days, the deep sorrow of the Soviet people is shared by all advanced and progressive mankind. The name of Stalin is immensely dear to the Soviet people, to the broad masses of the people in all parts of the world.
Georgy Malenkov, Soviet politician

“These days we are all experiencing a heavy grief - the death of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, the loss of a great leader and, at the same time, a close, dear, infinitely dear person. And we, his old and close friends, and millions and millions, like the working people of all countries, all over the world, say goodbye today to Comrade Stalin, whom we all loved so much and who will always live in our hearts.
Vyacheslav Molotov, Soviet politician