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» Large mirror tiles. Mirror tiles in the interior: design features, photos. Kitchen and dining room

Large mirror tiles. Mirror tiles in the interior: design features, photos. Kitchen and dining room

When it comes to the future, the question immediately arises - how do future interior unusual and modern. Keeping up with the latest fashion trends in the field of interior design is sometimes very difficult. After all, as soon as you find an image on the Internet with a room design you like, literally a couple of weeks later famous designers find even more interesting options finishing. The win-win method still remains mirror tiles V interior We will give some tips on its use in various rooms and consider its main types.

1. Classification of mirror tiles

The range of shapes and textures of this facing material is actually much more diverse than it might seem at first glance. The very first criterion by which mirror tiles are distinguished is manufacturing material. There are three options in total:

  • Mirror glass tiles;
  • Made of polished metal;
  • Made from hard, high-quality plastic – polystyrene.

The second and third types of material only serve as the basis for applying a mirror coating. The reflective surfaces of such tiles will be worse than those of a real mirror. In addition, metallic paint may distort the reflection slightly. But the cost will also be lower. The base in these cases can be self-adhesive, which greatly simplifies the installation process and the costs associated with it. Tiles from real mirror glass is classified according to the following parameters:

It is sometimes simply impossible to distinguish from what material this or that type of tile is actually made, simply by its appearance. If your goal is to purchase a mirror version, then you can determine it by weight. It will be much heavier than a plastic or metal base.

Standard sizes this finishing material allows you to easily select the most suitable option– 10×10, 15×15, 18×18, 20×20, 25×25, 30×30, 40×40, 50×50, 20×30, 30×45, 30×60 cm. However, some manufacturers can offer you tiles from 6x6 cm in size to order. The standard thickness is 4 mm. Such a wide choice makes it possible to combine it with a regular one, avoiding a large difference in the lengths of the edges. An interesting option are ready-made kits, which, after installation, form entire panels. They can convey a wide variety of images or create a pattern using elements of different sizes.

Concerning mosaic version execution, then standard sizes one fragment can be 20×20, 42×20, 50×50, 149×10 mm. This type of tile is sold in sheets. The base is a flexible mesh material onto which squares of the above sizes are glued. There is a gap between them for seams, standard width which is 2 mm. Thanks to this structure, it is easy to tile radius surfaces using mosaics. Pillars designed in this way look especially elegant.

2. Advantages and disadvantages

Like all finishing materials, mirror tiles have a number of pros and cons that are worth knowing about. Let's start with good:

Now about disadvantages:

  • The material is very brittle and its edges are prone to chipping. This cannot be avoided if installation and transportation are not carried out carefully;
  • If the mirror fragments are incorrectly positioned on different surfaces, may occur maze effect, which has a depressing and overwhelming effect on the human psyche;
  • The surface is easily scratched and does not tolerate contact with abrasive substances;
  • If the room is poor, over time the surface of the tiles may darken.

As you can see, the disadvantages are easily removable and can only arise from ignorance of the features working with this material. Choose trusted sellers who value their reputation and take care of their own products. This can ensure that the cargo is individually packaged and insured during transport. This means that you, in turn, will be safe and insured against purchasing damaged goods. The installation of tiles can be entrusted to experienced professionals who provide a guarantee for their work. Our article will help you avoid mistakes in using mirror tiles in the interior.

3. Recommendations for using mirror tiles on various surfaces

Designers simply love working with this type of material. All thanks to the fact that with its help you can instantly change the interior in the most incredible way. Even small fragments can add a new mood to the atmosphere of the room. The most common surface for implementing ideas is, of course, walls. But many recommend using reflective elements on the ceiling and even on the floor.

Secrets wall decoration

It is unlikely that owners will deny themselves two pleasures at the same time - it is beneficial to emphasize individuality premises and make it more spacious. All this will be possible if you adhere to simple tips:

  • The main rule using tiles on walls - do not decorate two opposite walls with them. This will create the illusion of an endless corridor. It is in this case that it will appear negative impact on psychological health. Such a visual illusion distorts space makes our brain actively work in search of a way out of the resulting labyrinth. You can forget about relaxing in such a room.
  • Finishing can only be done part of the wall or a small fragment of it. Think about which wall you want to highlight that you want to show off to your guests. After all, such an element will immediately attract attention. Even a small panel above is already a self-sufficient decoration. For the background it is better to use neutral or. And to further emphasize this highlight of the interior, you can dress it in beautiful frame.
  • To visually raise the ceiling cladding is performed in the form vertical stripes small width. Elements can be either paired or single. Repeating elements should have a smaller thickness, while a single strip should occupy about 1/3 of the wall surface. In this case, the most optimal location such an element - on the longest wall.
  • A solid mirror wall enlarges the room, while several narrow stripes make it more cozy.
  • To fill with light dark room, place the mirror panel on the wall opposite the window opening.
  • , back wall which are laid with mirror mosaics, will appear deeper. And when proper lighting this effect will be transmitted to the entire room.
  • Looks very original combination ordinary tiles with mirror For achievement best result Very important choose the same size of two elements. If this condition is met, the composition will be holistic and harmonious.
  • For facing two adjacent surfaces, for example, the corner between two walls or the junction of a wall and ceiling, use different variants tiles One can be plain, the other with a pattern, colored or plain.

AND remember that the effect of increasing space is achieved precisely due to the presence of reflection in the mirror elements. Therefore it is very important subject of reflection. The interior must be carefully thought out. After all, you must admit that if a massive wardrobe is reflected in your mirrored wall an infinite number of times, it will create the feeling that you are in a cave. And a completely different impression will be created by the reflection of the window opening and sunlight. Attentively choose location– this is the key to a successful result. Also be careful about placement. lighting fixtures. Glare and sunbeams can interfere and tire your vision. That's why lamps It is better to place it along the edges, and not in front of the mirrors. Then the light from them will be reflected from the surface more softly, tangentially and not create discomfort.

Mirror ceiling - yes or no?

This unusual technique is very rarely seen in the interior of apartments. This is due to the fact that it has not yet gained sufficient popularity and requires a competent approach. When is it advisable to use mirror tiles on the ceiling?

Mirror floor in the interior of the apartment

This is probably the most non-standard solution for finishing floors. However, there really is a special floor type mirror tiles. It is made from a mirror cloth of increased strength and wear resistance, which at the same time has a very large thickness. Its surface is not exposed mechanical stress. All these factors together do this type of facing material incredibly expensive.

As for residential use, you should think twice before deciding to take such a step. Laying on such a floor is simply impractical, given its cost. This means that you will always see the reflection of the ceiling on the floor... The sensations will be quite strange, it is possible the appearance of dizziness and disorientation. Therefore, no matter how interesting and attractive this crazy idea may seem to you, it is better to abandon it in time. Moreover, you will spend a large amount on purchasing the material, but over time you will spend no less on dismantling, purchasing and laying another coating.

The only thing you can safely do is use small ones mirror elements, to diversify the usual tilework. They are square-shaped, measuring 50x50 mm or more, and are inserted between tiles that are laid offset. This method is quite acceptable for apartments or houses. Fully mirrored floors very rare, but can be found in huge shopping centers. This serves as an excellent technique to attract clients. Whether you like it or not, you can go in and look at the upside-down shop windows and buy something.

4. In what rooms is it appropriate to use mirror tiles?

If you have definitely decided for yourself that there should be such an element in your apartment, the time has come decide V Which or room worth posting similar decor, and in which one not. Let's start with the main thing - not the place mirror tiles in children's interior rooms. Let’s immediately answer the question “why?”:

  • This material is quite easy to break, crumble into small sharp pieces and cause injury. Even if you are not using real glass, but plastic, its fragments can also be very dangerous.
  • Rate fashionable and modern trend The baby definitely won’t be able to for the first 15 years. This means you are doing this solely for yourself. In this case, place a mirror panel in your room.
  • A child's unstable psyche may have ambivalent perceptions of such a technique. Reaction baby maybe unpredictable.
  • From a comfort point of view, this is not the “warmest” material for decorating a child’s room.

In all other rooms you don’t have to limit your own imagination. Let's take a closer look.

Mirrored interior of a dining room or bathroom

Thanks to your positive qualities, this type of tile is an excellent solution for use in rooms where present constant humidity and temperature changes.

For bathroom, which often do not allow full use of various techniques for increasing space, it’s just find. You can not only diversify the interior, but also make it more spacious. In addition, if you choose a tile that is suitable in shape, you can replace it is ordinary, which you simply cannot do without. The remaining walls can be decorated with tiles with ornaments or plain ones mixed with tiles. Only in this room does the concept of “too” completely disappear. The most interesting cladding options mirror tiles in the bathroom:

The only one disadvantage using mirrors in the bathroom causes them to fog up when used hot water. You will need to constantly wipe all walls dry to ensure that no soap or limescale marks from hard water remain.

IN dining room mirror tiles look equally good as in work area, and in the dining room.

double benefit.

The space will seem much larger, and the need for an ordinary mirror will immediately disappear. In this case, you can combine two types of tiles. For example, in the middle of the wall, from floor to ceiling, lay a regular mirror one, and on the sides - tiles with patterns.

Mirror tiles in the design of a living room or bedroom Use case ceiling mirror elements looks most appropriate in

living room. Bedroom implies proper rest and healthy sleep, therefore it is strictly forbidden to use mirrors in large quantities

. This means that only one wall should be allocated for them. But whether it will be completely covered with tiles or not is a matter of taste.

This is because for many people, having too many reflective surfaces can be a source of embarrassment. Many people are used to doing everything renovation work in the house with your own hands. Some people save money this way, while others simply don’t trust unfamiliar craftsmen. Whatever the reasons, if you decide to install mirror tiles yourself, you need know the key points. The surface must be prepared as before. And here is the process itself installation has some

peculiarities: After successful completion installation work

, you can enjoy the unique design made by yourself. Using mirror surfaces you can change and decorate your space living rooms

, achieve sufficiently large lighting of the room. A mirror is a unique but fragile product. It cannot be applied everywhere. Therefore, mirror tiles come to the rescue, which are more functional and not as finicky as a mirror. In this article we will try to understand in more detail the features of tiles. Depending on the design idea, you can decorate rooms using mirror surfaces different types

  • or several at the same time. There are these types:
  • mirror glass tiles;
  • mirror tiles are self-adhesive. When installing this type of tile, it turns out that this option is simpler than others. It consists of 2 bases: the top one is mirrored, and the inner one can be glued to any surface. To glue tiles, the surface must be perfectly flat. Then the film is removed from the inside and glued to the base. The material adheres well, which eliminates the need for additional finishing work. However, this is a relatively expensive material compared to glass tiles.

Pros and cons of mirror tiles

  • fairly durable material;
  • universal;
  • a variety of colors from gold, silver, bronze or chrome;
  • tiles can be smooth, embossed, with various inserts (square, with stripes or lines);
  • for a wider profile, holographic patterns are applied;
  • a flexible structure is also inherent in this type, which improves work with it in curved structures (niches, columns);
  • fire resistance;
  • endurance towards chemical acids or alkalis;
  • resistance to corrosion and moisture;
  • visual increase in space;
  • material safety (ceramics).

  • a rather fragile material that requires careful care;
  • ability of the product to darken. However, if you install high-quality ventilation in the room and insulate the seams, you can avoid this;
  • the price of the product is quite high compared to similar materials;
  • The reflection is of rather low quality.

Technical objective assessment of mirror tiles

  • Due to their high ability to reflect light, mirror tiles can be placed even in a dimly lit part of the house. The main thing is to position the lamps correctly and it doesn’t matter in what quantities they are used;
  • Excellent moisture-repellent properties make it possible to install tiles in the most non-ideal conditions. And resistance to chemicals gives complete freedom to use household detergents;
  • Another important detail to note is that the top layer of the tile does not contain copper or lead. These chemical elements used to form a protective layer in household mirrors.

Installation methods

  • It is best to install mirror tiles on a ceiling or wall. Another popular way to install tiles is to combine them with ceramics. Of course, an inexperienced person will not be able to immediately install mirror panels or mosaics. Unlike tiles, which are mounted on a rough surface, mirror tiles have a smooth texture.
  • The tiles must be laid perfectly flat surface, which will be without flaws. Uneven surface appear on the product and make the image skewed. The surface should be prepared in the same way as in other cases with cladding.
  • After preparing the base, the tiles should be laid out as they were planned to be installed. One batch may contain tiles of the wrong size (usually the discrepancy can be about 3 mm), so it is better not to rush with installation and measure everything before starting work. It is better not to trim the edges of products, so as not to spoil them appearance tiles, because they are processed in a special way.
  • In cases where you still need to adjust the product to size, a glass cutter comes to the rescue. But you need to work with it carefully so as not to damage the material.
  • Laying is done horizontally. In order for the pattern to remain throughout the entire work, it is necessary to leave joints no more than 4 mm.
  • On mirror tiles with reverse side apply adhesive composition using a spatula. They outline the boundaries of the work, applying decorative elements over and over again. The work is helped by a plastic cross that matches the width of the seam. Wide seams are not recommended.
  • Upon completion, the tiles are polished soft cloth. When installing, it is important to measure each row using a building level.

Mirror tiles - finishing material, rapidly gaining popularity: its affordable cost and practicality involuntarily captivate. But, you see, these qualities alone are not enough for spectacular sales growth. The secret of mirror tiles lies in its ability to bring luxury and fairy tale, light and volume into the interior. Mirror tiles in the interior are always bold and original.

Characteristics and features of this material

Such tiles are made from ordinary mirror sheets, so they have no fundamental differences from the irreplaceable “attribute of narcissism”. At a certain stage of production, the material is given the appropriate shape and size and its edges are processed in accordance with technological standards. This is done in order to increase the level of safety when working with mirror tiles, in particular during the installation process. In addition, in this way each individual element acquires a complete appearance.

Shapes of mirror tiles with bevel - decoratively beveled edges

Arc-shaped, triangular, square, rectangular... Do you think this is the beginning of a geometric excursion? Not at all. It is precisely this variety of shapes that mirror tiles can boast of. Concerning color range, then style and grace reign here: gold, silver, bronze, chrome, etc. - your choice - shimmers will easily illuminate any interior.

The surface of the material, in addition to the classically smooth one, can be embossed and various patterns, including custom-made ones.

Using a holographic pattern on a mirror tile and competent work With lighting you can achieve not just an original, but an almost stunning look for the rooms in your house.

Designers advise using mirror tiles for visual expansion space, adding soft light to it. These are exactly the “details” that are clearly missing in the bathroom.

And this is what mirror tiles look like in a bathroom interior

First and the main problem Most relaxation rooms in typical city apartments are of modest size. Mirrored bathroom tiles solve this problem effectively and presentably, thanks to their natural “gift of illusion.”

Interesting design move Within a given room, the tiles may be placed diagonally.

If you suffer not so much from the quantity square meters However, depending on the overhanging ceilings, it would be advisable to place long tiles near the floor, and gradually reduce their size as you move towards the ceiling.

You can completely erase the boundaries between the walls and ceiling by decorating these surfaces with fragments of the same shape and texture.

The finishing material goes well with most of its “competitors” - especially with tiles. Inserts made of different-sized mirror elements will create a magnificent contrast with ceramic or tiled fabric.

Mirror tiles are optimal for the bathroom not only from the point of view of aesthetics and ample opportunities for visual deception, but also for practical reasons. She is not afraid of exposure to moisture and contact with various detergents.

Mirror tiles and bedroom - compatibility check

A panel of mirror tiles placed on the wall opposite the window will help transform a small bedroom beyond recognition. The room will instantly become bright and spacious.

A mirror panel in the bedroom, like an ordinary mirror, expands the space

By covering unsuccessful wall fragments or niches with this material, you will not just “cover up” interior flaws - you will get original design accents in the room.

But, having given free rein to creativity, it is important not to overdo it - you should not cover everything with mirror tiles. After all, the resulting composition is unlikely to satisfy you - the room will turn out cold, uncomfortable, reminiscent of a ballet studio. Mirror tiles in the bedroom act as purely auxiliary decorative element.

Kitchen realities

In the kitchen, as a rule, only the apron is made mirrored. For these purposes, use tiles measuring 10x10 centimeters. Thanks to repeated fragmentation of the image, even the most ordinary kitchen interior “comes to life”.

Mirrored “apron” in the kitchen - perhaps not very practical, but elegant

You can also alternate square and rectangular tiles in one row.

Mirror tiles for the kitchen are easy to clean - any glass cleaning solution will return it to its original cleanliness.

Subtleties of self-styling

The technology for laying mirror tiles is similar to tiled ones. But there are also some nuances:

  • Firstly, choosing optimal thickness seams, always take into account the design of the room - excessive large gaps between the mirror elements will hurt the eye and interfere with the integrity of the perception of the panel. Very tiny ones will make it difficult to align the tiles relative to each other.
  • Secondly, do not forget that working with this material requires extreme care and attention - breaking mirror tiles that have not yet been laid is as easy as shelling pears.

Mirror tiles are an excellent, durable, versatile finishing material. It does not contradict any of the interior styles. Even with mirror tiles budget renovation will turn into the embodiment of interesting design projects with a touch of exclusivity. And do not be afraid of the fragility of the material - there is a risk of damage individual elements exists only until it is installed.

Mirror tiles in the interior are a unique finishing material that can reflect sunlight and artificial light. This material acts like a distorting mirror, slightly changing the perception of space.

It can add light, depth and volume to absolutely any room. Elements with a mirror surface are ideal for small apartments. She will make the room.

Often such tiles are taken to provide additional lighting. Of course, it does not glow on its own, but it perfectly reflects the light falling on it. Mirror elements will be appropriate in almost any interior. They give extra chic and shine to the room.

With this material, any room will look fresher and brighter. It can be installed not only in bathrooms, but also in the kitchen, living room and even bedroom. But for each room you should select your own type of mirror tile.

In this article we will look at glass-based mirror tiles, that is, such tiles are essentially small mirrors. This is worth noting since there are ceramic tiles with a mirror effect, as well as plastic-based tiles.

The tiled surface has almost one hundred percent reflective ability. It is resistant to mechanical stress, shock, impact high temperatures, moisture or chemical reagents.

Mirror tiles look beautiful and interesting. Thanks to the diversity color solutions and configuration types from this decorative material You can create a variety of images. These decorative parts are easy to install. Even a non-professional can handle its installation. But over time, black spots appear on this material, as well as stains if the surface is washed not with special cleaning agents, but with water.

2. Types and types of tiles

There are many varieties of tiles that are used in different interiors. Depending on its type, the installation of this decorative material differs. Smooth tiles without relief are laid in such a way that their joints are invisible. This allows you to make real mirror canvases from it, which look impressive in minimalism and hi-tech styles.

Beveled tiles help create complex surfaces for palace and classical interiors.

Bevel - beveled edge of mirror glass

Tiles with an imitation metal surface (bronze, silver, gold) are suitable for all styles. Material with a regular or textured pattern (texture) gives the interior individuality and expressiveness. Tinted mirror tiles are different different shades glass or amalgam surfaces: smoky gray, white, pink. Mirror mosaic will fit into Art Deco and Art Nouveau styles.

Mirror tiles are also classified according to their shape; the most common options are: square, triangular, rectangular, hexagonal (honeycomb).

3. Production and technical specifications

Because of their structural features Mirror tiles are made differently from the way regular ceramic tiles are made. In production, large canvases are first taken, which are automatically cut into individual segments of the desired shape and size.

The mirror surface itself is made using the damping method. Special ingredients are added to the molten glass crystalline substances, which will be given later tiled surface characteristic shine.

After cutting, the material is ground and polished, carefully processing the edges. But sometimes this decorative element is made of polystyrene. In this case, it can be easily cut, painted, or even embossed designs can be created on its surface. But this material is not environmentally friendly, and designs on the reflective surface are made using sandblasting.

To the distinctive technical properties Mirror tiles include moisture resistance and environmental friendliness.

4. Interior decoration

Mirror tiles can be used in almost any interior. It is convenient to apply on the most various materials: plastic, metal, ceramics, etc. But when using this decorative element you need to know a sense of proportion. A large number of mirrors and stained glass windows in a room negatively affect a person’s psychological state.

You can use mirror tiles only on two adjacent surfaces, for example, on the ceiling and one of the walls, but in this case it is better to take materials with different textures or patterns. It is not worth covering the ceiling completely with mirrors, because... It may feel like the room is upside down. It is more expedient to decorate only part of the ceiling with this material.

To ensure that the light reflected on the surface of the mirrors does not tire the eyes of the beholder, it is better to use lamps with a soft matte glow or LEDs.

You can use mirror tiles in any room of an apartment or private house.

4.1 Hallway interior

Reflective surfaces allow you to visually enlarge a small hallway and harmoniously decorate a large hall. If the apartment has a narrow, long corridor, then there is no need to decorate both walls with mirrors at once; you should limit yourself to only one plane.

In small hallways, you can line part of the wall with this material and hang lampshades above them. This will make the corridor visually more spacious and comfortable.

In the halls, mosaic tiles look great, effectively decorating one of the walls. Mirrors also look good in a hallway niche. A cabinet is usually placed in it, but if there is no need to install it, this niche can be decorated with mirror tiles with ornaments or bright designs.

The tiles often depict:

  • hieroglyphs;
  • silhouettes of people, animals and birds;
  • flowers;
  • eastern ligature.

4.2 Living room design

Mirror tiles in the living room are often used to zone the room. Often it is used to highlight a fireplace or a sofa. In private homes, columns and niches are decorated with this material. The fireplace framed by a mirror mosaic looks very impressive. You can also make a stripe on the wall from this tile, placing flowers or floor lamps next to it. Thanks to this technique, it will seem that there is a lot of color and light in the living room.

This material is also used to decorate furniture. They can post it wall shelves or shelving facades. Moreover, mirror tiles will be appropriate in palace, urban, and oriental interiors.

A mosaic of mirrors is suitable for a kitsch-style interior, creating unusual multi-colored tints. You can decorate one of the living room walls with classic tiles, and then place a stylish sofa next to it. Its straight lines will look good against a mirror background.

4.3 Kitchen decoration

Mirror tiles in a post-Soviet kitchen look unexpected, although acceptable. This decorative item is not only beautiful, but also functional. It is ideal for classic small kitchens V standard houses. You can decorate with mirror tiles. This tile can be decorated with interesting designs, ornaments or holography.

For kitchen sets in classic style will suit aged mirror tiles. On such a surface, stains, drops of water and fat are almost invisible. This decorative material can be used to decorate the wall above kitchen set, if there are no top drawers, or the wall next to which the dining group is located. This technique will help give a narrow and long kitchen a square shape. And, of course, you can decorate the facade of the kitchen unit with mirror tiles.

4.4 Bedroom design options

Mirror tiles in the bedroom make the room unusual and piquant. From this material you can make completely monolithic wall or mirror ceiling. But such an installation should not be placed directly opposite the window; the tiles will look much more impressive to the left or right of it.

If a wall decorated with mirror tiles reflects sources of artificial light, this can make the room brighter and more comfortable. But this finishing method is only good for large premises. In small bedrooms, it would be more appropriate to decorate only part of the wall with mirror tiles, for example, the head of the bed.

Doors are often decorated with tiles wardrobes, bedside tables or chests of drawers for linen, as well as mirror tiles decorate beds, but this will not be appropriate in all interior styles.

4.5 In the children's room

The presence of a mirror wall in a children's room causes controversy among designers and psychologists. Of course, such tiles will look impressive and stylish, turning the nursery into a fairy-tale corner, but from a psychological point of view, this piece of furniture is inappropriate in rooms for small children.

A wall made of mirror mosaic can disrupt a child’s sense of reality, so this interior element is suitable only in rooms for teenagers. In other cases, you can hang a panel of mirror tiles on the wall or decorate the clock in the room with tiles. But such decor is not recommended to be placed opposite the child’s eyes: above desk, opposite the bed or in the sports area next to wall bars. Mirror tiles are best placed in those places where they fall Sun rays and light from lamps, floor lamps or ceiling chandeliers.

4.6 Bathroom

Mirror tiles are appropriate in any bathroom. One of the walls of the bathroom can be made completely mirrored: from regular or mosaic tiles.

This finishing method looks beautiful and is one of the most practical. A wall of mirrors opposite a window or bathtub looks especially impressive. This makes the bathroom light, bright and airy.

Mirror tiles do not deteriorate from moisture and are practically resistant to its effects. You can use it to lay out the ceiling or part of it, giving the interior a romantic style. When decorating a bathroom, some people combine ceramic and mirror tiles, and in ordinary white tiled walls spectacular shiny inserts appear.

This material can be used to decorate the facade of bathroom furniture. But there is no need to make the bathroom completely mirrored, decorating the ceiling, walls, and furniture with these tiles. This can make the bathroom cold and uncomfortable even when used. warm shades in the interior.

5. Features of self-installation

Mirror tiles are easy to install yourself, which is probably why they are so popular today. Its installation is practically no different from laying simple tiles. But you need to take special adhesives, since ordinary cement-based adhesive spoils the reflective layer of the tile - the mirror amalgam.

Laying begins with preparing the walls: the remnants of the wallpaper are torn off, the walls are plastered, all protrusions are removed, and then the surface is treated with a primer. In bathrooms and bathrooms, the walls are also treated with special substances against mold and mildew.

After the primer has dried, you need to draw markings directly on the wall and begin work on laying the decorative material. In bathrooms and kitchens, a small (1-2 mm) thermal joint should be left between the tiles. Traditionally, this material is attached from the bottom up, after which all seams are rubbed down and the lining is cleaned of traces of glue.

Useful video on installing mirror tile panels:

Tiles with a mirror surface are easy to use and care for on a daily basis. It needs to be wiped regularly damp cloth. To avoid divorces, you must not use plain water from the tap, but special cleaning products for mirrors or table vinegar.

After treating with these compounds, you need to wait a little and then wash them off with regular water. running water, then wipe the surface with a dry cloth or cellulose cloth.

Do not rub the mirror surface with hard sponges, as this can cause the tile to become deformed and become scratched.

In bathrooms, mirror tiles and the joints between them can sometimes be treated with special antifungal compounds. Otherwise, caring for this material is no different from caring for ceramic tiles or mirrors.

If dust and dirt appear on the mirror tiles, they can be easily washed with a regular glass cleaner. The matte surface should be cleaned with plain water and vinegar. At heavily polluted Cleaning agents are suitable for removing limestone.

7. In conclusion

Mirror tiles in the interior add a certain chic to the room. The room immediately begins to play with new colors, it looks fresh and impressive.

Innovative technologies for processing mirror tiles make it possible to integrate this detail into absolutely any interior. It can be used to decorate not only bathrooms, but even bedrooms and children's rooms. Installing mirror tiles is not difficult, so you can do it yourself.

This material does not require maintenance special effort. Today it is a fashionable trend in the design of city apartments and country cottages. The mirror surface emphasizes individuality and allows you to visually enlarge a small room.