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» Perennial asters - all about planting, caring for and growing in the open field. Astra alpine perennial growing from seeds planting and care Astra italian perennial

Perennial asters - all about planting, caring for and growing in the open field. Astra alpine perennial growing from seeds planting and care Astra italian perennial

Asters are one of the most sought-after and well-known flowers in flower beds and flower beds. Astra is loved because it blooms all over summer season, delighting with color until mid-autumn.

Alpine aster varieties

Alpine aster - early flowering plant, which begins to please the eye with a riot of colors already in May. The varieties of this aster are low, up to 40 cm, most of all they look like chamomile. Alpine asters bloom for about a month, these are small flowers up to 6 cm in diameter, usually one flower per stem. These varieties are cold hardy.

Important! Before planting asters, select a suitable site for it, the flowers categorically do not tolerate damp or often flooded soil. From excess moisture, the aster becomes ill with powdery mildew and dies.

This variety grows in a dense bush with a large number of elongated leaves, grows up to 40 cm. This is an alpine white aster, semi-double, up to 3 cm in diameter. The snow-white petals are shaped like a bird's tongue, the tubular petals are yellow.

A sky-blue chamomile up to 4 cm in diameter, a bright yellow center looks very beautiful against the background of blue-blue petals. Will look spectacular in the background evergreens in a single planting or in combination with white and yellow flowers.

Another bright representative of the variety of perennial asters. Against the background of elongated leaves tightly strung on the stem - tender purple flowers. Goliath blooms for about a month. It is used for decoration alpine slides, rockeries.

Aster is a perennial bush, fluffy inflorescence of these daisies about 3 cm in diameter, petals in the form of a tongue of dark purple. The plant is frost-resistant, it will look good in a composition with other flowers or as a frame at the foot of an alpine hill.

One of the long-flowering bush asters - a flowering period of about three months. Blooms in June. The flowers are medium sized, pale pink with reed petals. Tubular brown petals.

New Belgian asters

Represented by shrubs with many branches, some have almost bare stems, while others, on the contrary, have many leaves. In some varieties, the petals cover the middle, giving the flower a terry look. The shrub grows up to one and a half meters, with many flowers on the stem. Mostly lilac-lilac shades, less often pink and red colors.

Meter-high bushes bloom for a little over a month. Reed petals are painted dark purple, with a yellow tubular center. More than six semi-double flowers per stem.

This New Belgian variety of asters is beautiful in bouquets and flower arrangements. Due to the lush and abundant flowering, it looks impressive both in a single planting and in a group. It blooms with bright pink medium-sized flowers.

A lush bush up to a meter high, blooms for more than a month. Thanks to the purple of its inflorescences, it looks beautiful against the backdrop of bright greenery.

Blue asters up to a meter high. Flowers are semi-double, up to 4 cm in diameter. Blooms for about a month, flowers with reed petals arranged in several rows.

The height of this sprawling bush is up to one and a half meters. Inflorescences are lush 4 cm in diameter, blue petals. It blooms for about a month, sometimes a little less.

Did you know? In ancient times, people believed that the smell of burnt aster leaves repels snakes from their homes. Almost every nation has an aster has its own symbolism: the Greeks used the aster as a protective amulet; Hungarians consider the aster a symbol of autumn; the Chinese give the flower the meaning of accuracy, infallibility; the Japanese believed that the aster conducive to reflection. In France, the aster is a symbol of grief; it was placed on the graves of dead soldiers.

Varieties of the New England aster

This species is united by several characteristics: strong bushes with straight stems; shoots are thick, lignified, more than one and a half meters high. Inflorescences are mainly located at the top of the bush. These are varieties of autumn perennial asters that bloom rather late.

Attention! When caring for this species, it is recommended to plant bushes every five years, dividing the rhizome. The soil must be nutritious, watering and fertilizingregular.

Branched bush more than a meter tall, blooms in September. Lilac-violet inflorescences are collected in lush brushes. These asters are good in a bouquet in compositions with other flowers, just as bright, but of a different shade. The bush looks beautiful like a hedge for more low colors or ornamental shrubs.

Astra New England with red-violet flowers up to 4 cm in diameter. A one and a half meter beauty ennobles flowering flower beds with her inflorescences in the middle of autumn. Blooms up to a month.

A branched bush dotted with leaves grows up to 140 cm. There are many saturated inflorescences on the stem. Pink colour, basket diameter up to 4 cm. Variety for making romantic delicate bouquets or diluting darker color compositions.

The height of the bush is one and a half meters, the flowers are large, seem to be terry, of an unusual carmine shade. Blooms in autumn, blooms up to a month.

Varieties of shrub asters

Shrub asters are represented by different types and colors, from pale blue to purple flowers, from yellow asters to maroon. They have a compact shape that lends itself easily to formative pruning, which allows the bush to retain decorative look before and after the flowering period. It is desirable to rejuvenate bushes by dividing the roots every three to four years.

"Blue Bird" is a small shrub up to 25 cm. It is just perfect for borders or as a central figure among even smaller flowers and ornamental greenery. The color of the petals changes from sky blue to lilac shade.

Dwarf bush about 20 cm, suitable for hanging compositions, as a frame for flower beds, in outdoor pots. Flowers bloom in September with a purple-pink tint, continue to bloom for a month.

Astra is a flower highly valued by gardeners all over the world. By the end of summer, when most of the plants have already faded, he decorates the flower beds with the most different colors. Growing an aster is not difficult, given all the rules of planting and subsequent care.


It is a herbaceous ornamental plant of the Compositae family. There are perennial and annual asters, they all have tens of thousands of different varieties, differing in height, shape, color of inflorescences.

The annual aster is called Callistefus. Its stem is erect, slightly branched, with jagged leaves of a rich green color located alternately on it. The fibrous root system is quite powerful. The basket-shaped inflorescence consists of tubular flowers and is surrounded by petals that can have a wide variety of colors - from white to dark purple. Only orange is missing from the palette. Thanks to unusual shape aster inflorescences and got its name, translated from Greek - "star".

perennial asters

These flowers adorn the garden late autumn, when flowering plants almost none left. They are also called Oktyabrinks, winter asters due to the fact that even when caught by the first frosts, they do not lose their beauty and, as soon as the sun warms up, they come to life again, opening thawed buds. Perennial asters can be of very different heights - from 30 centimeters to 2 meters. Therefore, you can decorate them with a border, rockery, or place them in the very center of the flower garden. They are perfect for creating compositions and as a garden screen.

These very unpretentious plants will adapt to any soil. They prefer sunny places, but they also feel good in shaded areas. Fertilizers are usually applied in the spring and during the budding period. In autumn, wood ash can be used as a top dressing.

A perennial aster should be transplanted every 5-6 years. Reproduction can be done by dividing the bush or planting shoots. Separate part of the plant with a shovel. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the underground shoots. This part of the bush is planted in a sunlit area, because the aster is a flower that blooms much worse in the shade. In addition, the plant is susceptible to disease.

Varieties of asters, which include perennials, are quite diverse. The most common in our area is considered to be a shrub aster up to 50 cm high. It is covered with small (about 3 cm in diameter) flowers, usually purple, less often blue or pink. Varieties such as Astra alpine, Italian, Tongol are also popular. All of them basically differ in the shape and color of the inflorescences. High asters include New England and New Belgian, their height can reach 1.5-2 meters.

Growing conditions

Astra is a flower that does not require the creation of any special conditions. However, their decorative properties will show much better if you follow some rules when growing. A place for planting should be selected well-lit by the sun so that the flowers have time to bloom before the cold weather. The soils of these plants prefer loamy, fertile, thoroughly dug up. Before planting, it is necessary to ensure drainage and water permeability, since plants do not tolerate dampness and stagnant moisture very well. Growing aster flowers in damp soils provokes powdery mildew disease. Soils poor in composition are enriched with organic matter, adding for each square meter 10 kg of humus.


Perennial aster can be propagated by cuttings. The shoots that appear on the plant in spring and during the summer take root very quickly (after 25-30 days), forming new strong bushes. The stalk is taken 5-7 cm long and planted in the soil prepared in advance from soddy soil, peat and sand. Top can be covered with a film to speed up the rooting process.

Asters can be propagated by dividing the bush. It is important that at the same time there must be 3-4 shoots on the detachable part and some roots. Reproduction by seeds is also possible, but this is very unproductive, because the germination of seeds is lost quickly enough. Therefore, this method is used very rarely.

This method propagates only annual asters. Growing from seeds can be carried out by seedling or seedless method. In the latter case, the seeds are sown directly into the ground and covered with a film until the first shoots appear. When the third true leaf appears on the plants, they are thinned out at a distance of 10-15 cm. Growing aster flowers using this method is quite problematic. Not all varieties are distinguished by good germination, and an open place under adverse weather conditions reduces the chances of seeds to germinate. That's why experienced gardeners prefer the seedling method.

Growing seedlings

At the end of March, seeds are sown in a greenhouse or special boxes. They are filled with a soil mixture prepared in advance from soddy land, peat and sand (in a ratio of 2: 1: 0.5). For every 5 liters of the mixture, you can add half a glass of wood ash. A small groove is made in the soil, which, after sowing, is sprinkled with washed sand with a layer of 0.8 cm. The temperature for germination should be approximately 18-20⁰С. It is important to water on time, avoiding waterlogging of the soil.

Astra is a flower whose seeds quickly lose their germination capacity. This requires a more serious approach to their selection. Only fresh seeds should be selected for planting. It is recommended to pre-treat them with a fungicide solution in order to prevent the possibility of diseases caused by fungal infections in plants.


At favorable conditions seedlings of aster flowers in 3-5 days already give the first shoots. The film must be removed and the container with seedlings placed in a well-lit place. When 2-3 leaves appear on the aster sprouts, they can dive. For this they prepare soil mixture, having the same composition, adding to it a tablespoon of mineral fertilizer containing potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. Having filled special pots with this soil, a small depression is made in it, into which the seedling is carefully placed so as not to damage the roots.

Then the soil around the plant is lightly tamped and watered with settled water. Watering should be done very carefully, starting from the edges of the container and trying not to get water on the leaves.


When 5-7 are formed on seedlings large leaves, they are transplanted into open ground. This usually happens in mid-May. Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the soil in advance. If its acidity is increased, then it is recommended to add 150-200 g of dolomite flour or wood ash and 50 g of mineral fertilizer for each square meter when digging. AT clay soils add sand and peat. Asters are planted approximately at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. Growing seedlings from seedlings under insufficiently favorable conditions can lead to the formation of overly elongated plants. Such seedlings need to be planted about 3 cm deep when planting. Slightly compacting the soil near the plants, watering is carried out and a small layer of peat is poured on top to avoid the formation of a crust.

Asters Care

After the planting of flowers is over, the aster needs further care. It is not as burdensome as when growing other plants. All that is required for full growth and flowering is weeding, timely watering and top dressing. In dry summers, it is necessary to water the flowers more abundantly, otherwise the leaves may turn yellow, and the number of inflorescences will decrease. Watering is especially important during the budding period.

At the same time, asters need to be fed. mineral fertilizers. They contribute more lush bloom and increase plant resistance to disease. Perennial aster - a flower that is grown for a long time in one place, requires the introduction of organic matter into the soil.

Diseases and pests

The most common aster disease is fusarium, when rot affects not only the root, but also the stem. Plants are also susceptible to powdery mildew, which appears as a result of too close plantings or lack of nutrients. There are also diseases such as rust, black leg, verticillium.

Insect pests are not indifferent to asters. These are mainly spider mites, slugs, bud aphids and others. Spraying plants helps get rid of them. by special means, as well as processing the site with lime and thorough loosening of the soil.

Aster varieties

It is impossible to list all varieties of these the most beautiful flowers. It can be noted only those that are most popular with domestic gardeners.

Among tall varieties, used mainly for making bouquets, Assol stands out with raspberry-red large inflorescences up to 12 cm in diameter. Blue frost, so named for the color of its buds, can reach a height of 70 cm. Nata, Khavskaya silver and Khavskaya blue, Marshmallow, Suliko - each of these varieties has its own unique beauty.

Undersized varieties(Little border, Leto, Odarka, Vologda lace, Polesye Star and many others) are used mainly for decorative borders, flower beds and lawns.

Having provided comfortable conditions for this plant, you can grow it in the apartment. Home asters need enough light and moisture.

Among garden flowers, perhaps, you will no longer find such a variety of shapes and colors as those of asters. There are needle-shaped inflorescences, chrysanthemum-shaped, coronal. The color of asters is simply amazing - red, burgundy, pink, white, yellow flowers able to create a real carpet in the garden. And, given the unpretentiousness of these plants, even the most inexperienced novice grower can grow such magnificence on his site.

Aster perennial undersized is a shrub up to 40 cm high. During flowering, these undersized perennials resemble a colorful, very bright pillow. In September-October, many gardens and flower beds are decorated with flowers of amazing beauty, blooming wildly against the backdrop of autumn nature. These are asters that can be grown as an annual crop or as a perennial.

Varieties of perennial asters

Undersized varieties are most common, and among the people they are affectionately called september, frost, shooting stars ... The tops of the undersized aster shoots are crowned with inflorescences, which can be either pale pink or carmine, dark purple or all kinds of shades of blue.

Another undersized aster is called shrubby. Bushes of perennial undersized asters planted close to each other merge into a continuous, blinding carpet during flowering. The stems of this herbaceous plant are branched, straight. Inflorescences are baskets, reaching up to 3 cm in diameter, depending on the variety. The flowers have a reed shape along the edges, and a yellow tubular shape in the middle. A perennial aster blooms for 35-40 days. Plants are loved by many flower growers for their unpretentiousness and easy care.

How to grow a dwarf aster

Astra grows well in sunny areas, but can withstand light shade. Low-growing varieties of asters can be planted in whole groups, to make borders from bushes. Bright bushes of autumn asters can be a soloist in a flower bed. Low-growing varieties of asters can be framed garden paths. Planting these plants is very easy.

Site selection

In order for your asters to bloom magnificently in the fall and grow well for several years without transplants, you should choose the right site for them. The best place to plant perennial asters is in a sunny area. The more sunlight the bushes receive, the more abundant and magnificent they will bloom.
Astra, of course, loves watering in dry weather, but it does not tolerate stagnant water at all. Therefore, the site for it must be selected without occurrence ground water and not at the bottom. Ideally, if the chosen place is on a small hill, so that water does not accumulate at the roots of the bushes.

On the north side of the plot, this plant will not bloom profusely - the aster loves warmth and sun.


The best period for planting, transplanting and propagating perennial asters is spring. Experienced flower growers, so as not to infect their site with viral diseases garden plants, prefer to buy planting material in nurseries or specialized stores. Another aster can be grown from seeds or by cuttings, dividing the bush, if you already have such plants.

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Aster seed breeding method

The seed method of growing perennial asters is suitable only for the Alpine aster variety. The fact is that seedlings of perennial asters take root very poorly and grow weakened. Sow seeds in the fall, almost immediately after they are collected. But you can sow the seeds in the spring, when the air and soil are warm enough.
As soon as it becomes warm, the seeds will begin to germinate, and in the fall, young plants can be planted in a permanent place in the garden. In one place, the flower can grow without transplants up to 5 years.

Growing perennial aster from cuttings

A very common planting of this perennial crop is cuttings. It is necessary to start cuttings in early spring, at the moment when young shoots begin to appear. Shoots 15 cm long are cut into cuttings, the lower cut should be at an angle. The lower leaves from the cuttings are cut off, leaving only two leaves at the top of the shoot. Before boarding, many experienced growers withstand cuttings in a growth stimulator or simply in water.

The prepared cuttings are planted at angles in a shaded area under the cover of the film. Usually cuttings take root in a month. You can plant cuttings in greenhouses or in boxes under the film. The boxes are filled with a mixture of soddy soil, peat and sand, taken in equal parts. It is advisable to shed the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate before planting in order to exclude the appearance of diseases in young plants. After rooting, the cuttings are left to grow in the same place, and only in the spring of the next year they are planted in a permanent place in the garden. Caring for cuttings consists of regular watering and weeding. Planting a shrub aster does not differ from planting other perennials - a hole is dug, spilled with water, the plant is lowered into the hole and covered with earth.

Read also: Brugmansia - why the leaves turn yellow and what to do so that flowering does not stop all summer

The division of the bush

If your perennial aster bushes have grown strongly, then you can divide them into several young plants. Usually an aster bush grows in the same place without a transplant for up to 5 years. But after 5 years, the plant must be seated. When dividing the mother bush, they dig it out and release the roots from the ground. Then, with a sharp tool, the rhizome is divided into several parts, making sure that several shoots remain on each division. The old root must be discarded.

Divide bushes in early autumn or spring. For early varieties asters are preferable autumn transplant, and for late varieties spring.

plant care

Astra perennial is a very unpretentious plant and its care is very simple. This is one of the few ornamental plants in the garden that can be safely forgotten immediately after planting. But still, in order for the aster to bloom magnificently and not get sick, it is necessary to follow very simple rules of care. Caring for this perennial comes down to regular watering, weeding, and disease control.


Astra does not like dampness, and therefore there is no need to water it too abundantly. But in the summer, and especially during the dry period, when it is hot, the plants should be well watered in the evening.

Mulching and loosening

Astra can grow on any soil, but still this plant prefers loose, breathable soil. If you have heavy soils on your site, then you will have to loosen under the bushes throughout the season.

Be sure to remove weeds around bushes as weed grass can drown out the aster, and will prevent it from developing well.

To reduce weeding, you can mulch the soil around the roots. As a mulch, it is better to use peat, crushed tree bark or sawdust. Mulch will not only keep weeds from growing, but it will also help retain moisture in the soil, allowing you to water your plants less frequently.

Read also: Planting and caring for colchicum

Top dressing

Asters are very responsive to the introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers. In spring and summer, any organic matter, phosphate fertilizers and lime can be applied under the bushes. During the active growth of the bushes, they should be fed with humus. Fertilization will help the bushes gain green mass and tie more inflorescences.

Pruning bushes

To form a beautiful crown, shrubby undersized varieties of asters require pruning. If you plant asters along paths, then you definitely need to prune so that the bushes are compact.


Astra is a winter-hardy plant that tolerates well even very coldy. Before the onset of cold weather, you should cut off the ground part of the bushes and cover the roots with compost if your area has too severe winters. Astra can also be covered with fallen leaves or covered with sawdust. It is especially important to cover for the winter for young bushes with a not yet strong root system. In winter, the aster does not need care.


Most often, the perennial aster suffers from the appearance of gray rot and powdery mildew. The cause of these diseases may be too damp weather or lack of care. To prevent the occurrence of these unpleasant diseases, spray the bushes with soapy water several times a season.

Use in garden design

Aster shrub is best suited for decorating the garden and creating an interesting landscape design. These plants grow very quickly, and thanks to their sprawling bushes form a beautiful background for the buds of other inhabitants of the garden.

The flower can be used to create living borders, as a hedge, to create green sculptures. The bush aster has one very important for flower growers and landscape designers property - bushes can quickly "cover" ugly areas in the garden. A dwarf aster can look great in the foreground in a flower bed.

Astra means "star" in Latin. So it was named for the shape of the flowers, which resemble an asterisk. Caring for this plant is really very simple, and the flower itself looks very beautiful in the garden. Try and you grow undersized varieties of asters on your site, which will become the main decoration throughout the autumn of your backyard.

Photo of varieties of perennial asters.

Astra - beautiful flower. Not at all exotic, but not a single flower bed in our front gardens can do without it. Her beautiful flowers various shades delight us with a long warm autumn until the first snow. The perennial Astra is a herbaceous plant with small leaves and flowers that bloom in late summer. Peonies and chrysanthemums look like her, and therefore they are often confused.

Flowers are:

  • White;
  • Burgundy;
  • Lilac;
  • Pink;
  • Purple.

Height, depending on the variety, varies from 20 cm to 150 cm.

This plant has many varieties that have different bush heights and coloring of flowers. As a result, by mixing and selecting varieties, you can create the most beautiful flower bed, which will delight us all autumn with its flowering.

A variety of colors allows the aster to occupy a leading position in popularity in landscape design

perennial stunted

Among the large variety of perennial Asters, a group of dwarf stunted ones stands out well. They grow up to a height of 20 cm, and with their help, rock gardens and the edges of various ridges and flower beds are formed.

When the flowers bloom, the small bush is completely covered with flowers, so that even greenery is almost invisible.

Gardeners appreciate the view for excellent frost resistance, it will be necessary to cover them with spruce branches only in the northern regions of Russia, where there are severe and prolonged frosts.

In contrast, there is a variety of Callistefus Chinese. The variety is also known as an annual, as it blooms from mid-summer to October.


Pink shades of flowers can also have Alpine, New Belgian and other types of perennial Asters. All of them differ in the period of flowering and the height of the bush.


Bush - a perennial species, grows in a compact bush about 50 cm in height. The homeland of the species is recognized North America . Flowering occurs in September and lasts until the first frost.

Flower shades:

  • White
  • purple


White perennial is also not the name of the species, since many varieties of Alpine and Italian perennial Astra species bloom with white flowers.


A common variety with an early flowering period. Astra is native to the Alps. The height of an adult bush is 30 cm. In sunny areas it can grow about 15 cm. It is often planted at the forefront of the flower bed or along garden paths.

Flowers blooming on a bush have the following parameters:


This perennial Astra grows to a height of 60 cm and is a representative of this species, which is planted in the middle ground of flower beds. Her inflorescences reminiscent of chamomile flowers and have a diameter of up to 4 cm and a light purple color of the petals.

If not for the purple petals, Italian would be a copy of chamomile

New England: tall view

Tall, grows up to 150 cm in height. Therefore, it is planted with a tapeworm in the center of the flower bed, planting it various varieties. flower buds collected in dense brushes of 25 pieces, the diameter of a single flower reaches 4 cm.

Color shades:

  • White;
  • Pink;
  • Purple.


To make the flower bed look beautiful and please the eye, it is important choose the right varieties Asters and plant them correctly. All procedures are simple, but they should be followed in order for the perennial to please with its flowering.

How to choose a place to land

In order for the bushes to grow well and not get sick, and in the fall they are completely covered with flower buds, you need to choose the right place in the flower bed. The soil in the area allotted for perennial Asters should be sufficiently loose and nutritious.

Check the quality of the soil BEFORE planting, otherwise the flower may hurt and grow poorly

If the soil is poor in trace elements, then complex fertilizers should be applied before planting.

Before planting the rhizomes of the plant, humus cannot be introduced, since not rotted humus will provoke the development of fusarium.

The place should be sunny, but the flowers easily tolerate penumbra or lacy shade from the foliage of a tree.

If in the garden the groundwater lies very close to the surface of the soil, then when planting, a 10 cm gravel pillow is made to avoid rotting of the root system of the plant.

How to sow seeds

Perennial Astra reproduces well by sowing seeds. To do this, untreated seeds are treated with any growth stimulant and fungicide, after which they are planted in prepared boxes up to 10 cm deep, filled with nutrient soil.

To make the rows even, they can be made with a knife or wooden ruler.

The depth of planting seeds in the ground should be no deeper than 2 cm.

After the seeds have been laid out in the prepared grooves, they are sprinkled with a small layer of disinfected (calcined) sand. After that, the earth should be shed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate - this will prevent infection of the seedlings with the "black leg".

In order for the seedlings to sprout more amicably, the seedling box is covered with glass or placed in a transparent bag to form greenhouse conditions.

The air temperature in the room where seedlings are grown should be +20 degrees. When most of the germinated seedlings appear, the glass is removed and the first watering is done.

What time to grow

The end of March is the best time to start sowing perennial Asters for seedlings. If it is necessary to propagate by seeds by sowing seeds immediately into open ground, then this period depends on the gardener's habitat.

In the southern regions of Russia, they are planted in open ground, depending on weather conditions in early April and covered with foil to create greenhouse conditions. In the Moscow region the beginning of sowing seeds falls on the first days of May, since return frosts can also be at the end of May.

Seeds can be sown in autumn before winter, but then they will need to be covered with peat, which will protect them from freezing.

How seedlings are grown

So that the seedlings do not stretch excessively, it is necessary to take them out to a cooler room, where the air temperature will be about 16 degrees Celsius. The room should be sunny.

Timely rotation of seedlings to the light ensures its proper development.

In order for seedlings to develop evenly from all sides, it is necessary turn different parties in relation to the sun.

Do not forget to do timely watering, preventing young seedlings from drying out.

Basic rules of care

In order for perennial bushes to please their owner, they must be cared for. Here are some wishes that must be met when cultivating the plant.


Any Asters and perennials are also fairly drought tolerant plants. But in order for the flowering to be lush during the summer, regular watering of the plant is necessary. But they should not be flooded, and therefore, during the period when there is no rain, they are watered for many years. once every 10 days.

With a lack of moisture, the bush will turn yellow and drop foliage.


Temperature doesn't really matter, but average temperature at 28 degrees Celsius, the plant develops well. If the air temperature drops to +5 degrees or rises above 35 degrees, Astra falls into a dormant state.

Naturally, the root system does not develop and flower buds are not laid.


The plant requires three feedings during the growing season. Of course, they can live without additional conditions, but fertilizing the flower will lead to more lush bloom and beautiful bush form.

All top dressing should be done only after watering - this will save root system plants.

Diseases and pests

Fusarium - this disease is not treated, all perennial Asters infected with this disease are destroyed outside the site. But disease can be prevented doing prevention:

  1. Do not fertilize with manure the soil intended for planting Asters.
  2. The soil is limed, thereby lowering its acidity.

Fusarium is dangerous not only for asters - this disease is on the list of the most dangerous for a number of plants. For example, we already wrote about it in the section,.

Incurability makes fusarium one of the most dangerous enemies of asters

Rust on sheet plates are raised parts that are located on the underside of the sheet plate. sick plants are destroyed, and the rest are treated with the drug "Hom".

Sometimes you can see aphids and onion bugs on the bushes - these pests can be easily destroyed if you dilute one Iskra tablet in a bucket of water.

It is worth starting the treatment of a diseased plant immediately after the discovery of the disease.

Flower propagation methods

In addition to seed propagation of perennial Asters, there are simpler ways:

  1. The division of an adult bush.
  2. cuttings.

The division of the bush is The easiest way worth breeding perennial. The best time for this is spring. The division of an adult bush can be done once every 4 years, this time is enough for the divided bush to acquire a large number of roots and branches on the bush.

Therefore, in order to propagate a bush, you need:

  1. Dig up the old bush.
  2. With a shovel, divide it into parts in which there will be roots and the vegetative mass of the plant.
  3. They are planted in prepared holes and watered so that they take root better.

Don't forget to maintain the temperature - create greenhouse conditions with a simple glass jar

Cuttings are carried out just as easy, as well as the division of the bush. To this end, in June, the apical cuttings are cut and planted in the ground where there is no sun. For greenhouse conditions, it is well worth covering with a three-liter glass jar.

Watering is done as the soil dries out. They spend their first winter under a jar, and in the spring they remove it and transplant young bushes to their permanent place of growth.

Perennial Astra is unpretentious plant, which deserves its place in the garden in the flower beds. Since an autumn garden is not conceivable without it. Adhering to simple rules for caring for her, you can observe all her beauty when she blooms against the background of yellowed foliage.