Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Original script for February 23rd. Scenarios of the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day for adults

Original script for February 23rd. Scenarios of the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day for adults

Men are invited to the room where the celebration will take place.

One of the men (in command).
Rota, equalize. Attention! Dear women, we are built for the solemn acceptance of congratulations!

Leading (reads poetry).
Once a year, at the end of winter,
All men are an object of admiration
And the reason for the big mess.
Fortitude and glimpses of genius
They are immediately visible
Once a year, on the eve of spring.
Once a year, at the end of winter,
All men call us
Manifestations of unearthly feelings -
And softened hearts melt
And disturbing frivolous dreams
Once a year, on the eve of spring.
Once a year, at the end of winter,
All men - both military and civilian -
From Rostov to Kolyma
Waiting for gifts, flowers and applause.
You are on the crest of a wave today -
like heroes great country.

Private ____________ two steps forward!

You _____________, a wonderful man.
Frank, honest, wise.
Kind and sociable
Bold and determined.
May not always be intelligent,
But competent in his field,
And graciously forgives
When they don't understand.

_______________ goes into the fire without looking,
For a fair purpose.
With its energy it turns everything and everyone,
And in a moment you forget about the problems.
Where our _______________ is, laughter is heard,
In his company you just relax.

Private _______________ two steps forward!
Our _______________ is a super boss.
There is a manhood in him.
Okay, I found a reason
Tell him about this.
Being a deputy is not easy
He pulls a cart, of which there are not many.
He would use milk for harm,
But he is not harmful, thank God! ..

At ease!

I ask you to take fighting places at the festive table!
Dear men! Congratulations on the Defenders of the Motherland Day!
We congratulate you on the holiday of the soldier,
But we always want to see you only in civilian clothes!
And if you are in shape, then only in sports -
For running, football and active life!

And now the female ensemble will perform a song for you:
It is performed to the melody of the song “Girlfriends have been married for a long time, but I keep dreaming about the prince.”
Wine froths in glasses
And we want to congratulate you!
We have men, like in the movies,
And we sincerely wish:
To grow your income

To wait in the kitchen for pilaf,
Fishing was waiting for the catch!
To go on vacation - to the Bahamas!
To be loved by the ladies
And at the same time, so that you
The youthful ardor in the soul did not go out!

We wish you bright dreams
And happy dates!
And understanding without words
And fulfillment of desires!
To grow your income
I had an account in a Swiss bank!
To wait in the kitchen for pilaf,
Fishing was waiting for the catch!
To go on vacation - to the Bahamas!
To be loved by the ladies
And at the same time, so that you
The youthful ardor in the soul did not go out!

Here every husband and every rank!
Here all handsome men are supermen!
We will drink together for men!
May happiness await you without treason!

To grow your income
I had an account in a Swiss bank!
To wait in the kitchen for pilaf,
Fishing was waiting for the catch!
To go on vacation - to the Bahamas!
To be loved by the ladies
And at the same time, so that you
The youthful ardor in the soul did not go out!

Dear men! We are grateful that we have you!
We wish you to always be Men with a capital letter!
We wish you to achieve the general's shoulder straps,
Know everything, know everything and work hard!
Follow the dressing of your army,
Less often from wives to go AWOL!
Let no blood be shed
And your glorious regiment never surrenders!
We wish you to always stay in the ranks!
May you be lucky in love, as in battle!

Two men are called.

Competition "Portrait of a Lady".
Now we will find out who is your muse, dear knights. (There are 2 easels in front of the men. Ovals of a woman's face are painted on them. They blindfold the men and bring them to the easels, giving a felt-tip pen in their hands). Now you will draw portraits of your favorite women as prompted. We draw the eyes-holiday of your beloved, now the eyebrows, nose, mouth, small tender ears into which you whisper words of love at night. It remains to draw the curls of the beloved woman. Ready. Submit your painting. You can remove the blindfold. Applause for the artists! For such work, you need to give kisses to these lovely ladies that you portrayed.

Competition "Who will dress the girl faster."
In the speed of undressing women, men have no equal. But what about dressing up? Who will dress up his beloved faster?
(Attributes for dressing: hair clips, clip-on earrings, bracelet or watch, hats, glasses, shoes, belt).

"Who is who?"
The names are written on the cards various types men. You can come up with your own names based on the characteristics of the invited men, or use the following:
A man in his prime;
Real Colonel;
Ideal husband;
Mage and wizard;
Honor and dignity of the nation;
Prominent fiance.
Labels must not be offensive. For a humorous flavor, each card is recommended to be supplemented with appropriate pictures or clippings from magazines. The host puts the cards in a hat and invites the male guests to pull out one card at a time without looking. This is where the whole honest company learns about the "hidden" essence of the men present.

The host makes a toast:
Do you know the difference between a diplomat and a girl?
If a diplomat says "yes", it means "maybe";
If a diplomat says "maybe", it means "no";
If a diplomat says no, then he is not a diplomat!
If a girl says "no", it means "maybe";
If a girl says "maybe", it means "yes";
If a girl says yes, then she is not a girl!
If a man says "no", it means "no";
If a man says yes, it means yes;
If a man says "maybe", then this is not a man!
So let's drink to real men who know what they want!

best toast
The facilitator informs the participants that, without a doubt, a real man should be able to drink properly. However, the purpose of the competition is not to drink more than others, but to do it most gracefully.
After that, each participant receives a glass of strong drink. The contestants take turns toasting and drinking the contents of the glass.

best compliment
Since a real man must be gallant and be able to find an approach to a woman's heart, in this competition, participants compete in complimenting the fair sex.
The one whose compliment women like more than others receives a prize point.

We continue our celebration:

The women's ensemble performs a song to the tune of "Songs of the Pilots":
Tonight, tonight, tonight
Without you, men, let's face it, there is nothing to do!
We will gather around the table
Glasses full of pouring
And for the men we love, we will sing a song.
It's time for us to confess

Always lean
On your faithful we want a shoulder!

There will be a lot of luck

You guys are brave, brave, brave!
So slender, beautiful, curly!
We'll drink one, we'll drink two
For your glorious deeds
But don't have a headache tomorrow!
It's time for us to confess
That we love you dearly, we love you, we love you dearly!
Always lean
On your faithful we want a shoulder!
Let fate sometimes be cruel to us, let it be!
Never allow despondency in your heart!
There will be a lot of luck
Everything will change, you know!

Then they drink and eat.
For February 23
We want a cheerful muse
Sing the praises of a smile for.
You are so smart and noble
You are charming in appearance
You will create anything.
And everyone is famous for something.

Today we are present at the 2010 Man's Awards ceremony, awarded by the Ladies' Academy. The ceremony is dedicated to February 23, a holiday like a favorite men's day.
For a whole year, members of the ladies' academy discussed the merits of the nominees, washed their bones, laid them out on the shelves, saw through and endowed them with all sorts of epithets. And here is the result of this painstaking work today we present to your attention.
So! The first nomination "Fighter of the invisible front". The prize in this nomination is awarded for modesty and purity of thoughts.
All the nominees of our department of the male half are represented in this nomination. After a long debate and a graceful squabble, _______________ (a circle) won in this nomination.

In the second nomination, everyone was afraid to be nominated. This nomination is called "Mr. "Charming simulator", for hiding from the views of persistent ladies and disappearing from sight! and wins it after a long debate and a graceful squabble _______________!!! (shine for shoes)

In the third nomination, oddly enough, there are three nominees: DE, AB and SU. After a long debate and a graceful squabble for the desire to always be the first and on time in the nomination "Mr. Punctuality" won _______________!!! (card holder)

We wish to live always "on the rise",
Both in personal life and at work!
And always remain true knights!

Knowledge is power
All team players participate in this competition. The facilitator asks questions to the teams one by one. At the same time, the women's team is asked men's questions, and the men's team is asked women's questions.

Questions for women:
What is a carburetor part of? (motor)
Is the hood on the car front or rear? (Front)
What is Bullitt? (Penalty in ice hockey)
In what direction is the force applied when working with a saw: towards itself or from itself? (Push)
Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (in hockey)
Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan)
Which company's products have a checkmark logo? (Nike)

Questions for men:
Why do women drip nail polish on torn tights? (So ​​that the arrow does not go on torn tights)
When threading a needle, what should be stationary: the needle or the thread? (Needle)
What is highlighting? (Coloring individual strands of hair)
Why would a woman need acetone? (Wash old nail polish off)
What is the name of a small purse that stores items needed to do makeup? (Cosmetic bag)
Do you put yeast in shortcrust pastry? (Not)
Do I need to wash off the dye from the hair after dyeing it? (Yes)

The team that scored large quantity points, receives a prize - a cake or a bottle of champagne).

The host invites everyone to play a game. He slowly, so that no one hears, tells each player his animal, then everyone enters the circle and the leader begins to tell a fictitious story about how he went, for example, to a circus or a zoo. He must name the animals. If he names one of the animals made to someone, this person must quickly sit on a chair (squat), and other players try to prevent him from doing this.
So, the presenter "handed out the roles" and tells the story:
"Once I went to the circus. It was fun there, the strongmen lifted the weights, the clowns amused the audience, the riders performed all sorts of tricks while sitting on ... horses. Then the tamer performed with his ... tigers. But the main number of the program was ... a hippopotamus!".
The meaning of the draw is that it is the hippopotamus that is guessed by all the players, and the whole company, as one, flops together on a chair (squats).
Copy of the monument
From all those present, a pair "A" and "B" is selected. Player "B" is led out of the door by the assistant facilitator and blindfolded. At this time, player "A" comes up with an unusual body position (for example: standing, sitting on a chair, lying down). When it is ready, it freezes in this position. Enter player "B". Its task is to determine by touch the position in which player "A" is located and copy it, i.e. himself to take, in his opinion, exactly the same position. When he is ready, his eyes are opened. Everyone is comparing results.
Open an account
Usually two pairs are called (in each pair, a man and a woman). The facilitator announces: “Now you will try to open a whole network of banks as quickly as possible, investing only one bill in each. Get the initial contributions! (Gives out candy wrappers to couples.) Pockets, lapels and all secluded places of your partner can serve as banks for your deposits. Try to process your deposits as quickly as possible and open as many banks as possible. The facilitator helps the pairs to complete the task, after 1 minute sums up the results. After that, women are invited to change places and "withdraw all the money from other people's accounts" as quickly as possible.

Now let's see how you can solve riddles. But they are not simple, and only real heroes who have intelligence, ingenuity and a sense of humor can guess them.
1) Not winged, but a feather, as it flies, it whistles like that, but it sits, it is so silent. (Arrow).
2) I fell into a swan and now I can’t find it. (Bullet).
3) You can’t see with your eyes, you can’t take it with your hands, and without it you won’t go on the attack. (Hooray!).
4) Breathes fire, blazes with fire. (A gun).
5) Everything rides on it: both joy and sorrow. (Mail).
6) Black seed is sown with the hands, collected with the mouth. (Letters).
7) 2 heads, 6 legs, 2 arms, 1 tail. (Rider).
Cool Inexpensive capital nourished all souls. (Shi).
9) He was born in the forest, grew up in the forest, came to the house, gathered everyone around him. (Table).
10) Village set for seven minors. (Shops).
11) The main weapon of the Nightingale the Robber. (Whistling).
12) Container for miracles. (Sieve).
13) There is no warrior in the field. (One).
14) Royal head distinction. (Crown).
15) Heroic figure. (Three).
16) Minimum measurements per cut. (Seven).
178) Not alone in the field. (Warrior).
1Cool Rogue figure. (Fourty).
19) "Unclean" dozen. (13).
20) Witchplane. (Pomelo).
21) Serpent for the priest. (Gorynych).

The most resourceful
Cards with items are prepared in advance, five pieces for each participant:
1. a glass of water
2. anything starting with "k"
3. lace
4. something red
5. watch

1. handkerchief
2. something brown
3. a person in whose name there is a letter "b"
4. comb
5. mirror

1. ring
2. something yellow
3. carton
4. glasses
5. keychain
Each participant draws a card and must find these five items, and they can find them, ask, steal, but in no case take them away.
The winner is the one who finds all five objects the fastest. Based on the results of all stages, the most-most is selected by the audience voting and he is awarded ......
Our holiday continues:

A song is performed to the motive of a song from the film "Three Musketeers". (It is better to arrange it in the form of a scene: women “on horses”, with sabers, in hats).
February again, and the red number,
So, Defender's Day according to the plan!
And we were brought back to the stage,
Hiring an ensemble is not yet affordable!
It's time, it's time, let's rejoice
In your lifetime
Because there are men
Free day!

We whisper to fate more than once:
- Mercy to the side!

Men need money
Se la vie!
And women need them all the more!
But most importantly, we wish you love!
And may good luck accompany you!
It's time, it's time, let's rejoice
In your lifetime
Because there are men
Free day!
Bye-bye-bye we have such defenders,
We whisper to fate more than once:
- Mercy to the side!

Ending and prizes to give away:
We congratulate all men
With such a wonderful day for men!
Rich life pictures!
Happy, difficult, long roads!
Not battlefields - fields of arable land,
Not the whistle of bullets - but the whistle of birds!
May yesterday not return
Let the earth be - without borders!

February is the most severe month of the year, and it is very symbolic that in February we celebrate Defenders of the Fatherland Day. We give our attention and care on this day to you - our strong, brave, harsh, but at the same time, touching, loving and beloved men!

It's not easy to be a man in our century,
To be - the best, the winner, the wall,
Reliable friend, a sensitive person,
Strategist between peace and war.
Be strong, but... submissive, wise, gentle,
To be rich, but... spare no money.
To be slim, elegant and... casual.
To know everything, to do everything and to be able to do everything.
On holiday we wish you ... patience
In solving your life problems.
Health to you, love and inspiration.
Successes creative and every success!

Dear women, making a holiday sincere and memorable is not as difficult as it might seem. Prepare a festive banquet with fun entertainment, well-aimed toasts and good wishes. Surround everyone with attention, none of the heroes of the occasion should be deprived of your care. And let the main surprise at the festive event be a wonderful video gift "Dedicated to beloved men" . Of course, you will have to work hard on it, but the result is worth it! Evaluate your capabilities - you can make a nice little clip using photographs, or you can shoot a whole amateur short film, in any case, the gift will turn out to be unique and very pleasant.
To create a clip, ask men in advance to bring their photo albums for a while, the more pictures there are, the more interesting it will turn out, children's and family photos are perfect. Scan selected pictures and make photo stories out of them. Play beautiful music and poems about everyone in the background. Knowing your men, you can compose soulful personified poems.

Poems - congratulations.

Life is not life without adventure
And no creative pain.
Bright, courageous, Sasha,
You conquered our hearts!

It will never get bad
If Lech is nearby.
Alexey is like a ray of light
In an instant, sadness will dispel this.

Anatoly. Briefly - Tolya.
The mind is inquisitive. Strength. Will.
He is aware of all events.
Destined for success.

Andrey is a daring
Balagur, merry fellow,
Well done in business
And in love, not a simpleton.

Let not constant, Antosha,
But overall, you're a good guy.
It's never boring with you.
Friends don't forget you.
Abilities - do not hold.
After all, your slogan - "I want to know everything!".

Artem - healthy, unharmed,
Unchained, tireless.
Deep, strong, romantic,
A wonderful friend and a wonderful husband.

Boris is a fighter, Boris is a sage,
Our Borya is just great!
categorical, perhaps
But how can you not love Boris!?

Versatile Vadik knows
That life promises a lot
For those who don't sit still.
Goes forward with luck together.

Responsive Valentine and sensitive,
Will come at any time of the day
To help relatives and friends.
How can we not appreciate all this?

Valera - fidget, mischievous,
I got used to success from early childhood.
It is interesting to go through life with him,
And friendship is measured along the way!

Beautiful name given at birth!
There is so much softness and so much fun in it,
Mobility, lightness and optimism,
Forgotten by us - almost - altruism.
Vitaly has all these qualities!
It's nice to write poems in his honor.

Where he is - there is peace, partnership, friendship,
It's hard to argue with him.
Great friend, husband, father.
Vladimir, right, well done!

A more glorious name
We don't seem to be able to find it.
This is amazing luck
Meet you on the way.
Your heart is open
Thoughts are always honest.
Dear, the only Glory,
We love you very much.

Gennady is our natural leader.
I'm sure you're always right about everything.
God did not offend beauty.
And the mind and become, and everything is with him.

A lot of "star" Gosh in the world -
It is easy for you to join this line.
Always effective and good, -
Well, just don't miss it!

Friendly with people
Responsible for your deeds
Our Gleb is reliable and smart,
He will not throw words into the wind.

Grigory, you are like a hurricane:
Ideas are a fountain, passions are a volcano!
You are a mood generator
You inspire us.

Denis has all weekdays - holidays,
Full of sparkling happiness,
All men are so different
But with you - and it's not cold in the cold!

Dima means "mother earth"
That's where your power is!
At least work for three
Though love for four -
You have enough strength for everything:
Apparently the name helps.

A faithful husband and a good father,
In life, in work - everywhere well done.

Ivan is known as a hero for a reason -
Destroy problems with one blow.
In the soul Vanyusha is vulnerable and thin,
Outside - a warrior, inside - a child.

Garik's last shirt
Will give and smile after.
There are many sympathetic people
There are no more like Igor!

Eloquent, clever Ilyusha,
He's so interesting to listen to.
A wonderful husband and family man -
We have one such Ilya!

Pulls like a magnet, Cyril,
You won't get bored with him.
Witty, light, bright -
It's a surprise, not a gift!

Reliable, faithful, pure soul,
Our Kostya is a golden guy!
And we heartily congratulate
You, our friend! We wish you all the best!

Life is not a joke, life is a game
Miracle, fairy tale, depth.
To live, dreaming, is more interesting -
Lena knows all this.

In Latin - the most-most,
Max and big.
Experience baggage initial
May it serve well.

Be happy, Misha, bright man!
Love for you, dear, we have forever.
Be respected and loved by all
And we keep our Angel all our lives!

Nikita means "winner".
Capable Angel - your guardian
Lead you to victory.
Forward! And have a good trip!

Advice and help are needed -
Kolya will help - everyone knows this.
Calm, wise, faithful comrade,
You are in our heart, our friend, believe us!

Dear, glorious our Oleg!
You're a wonderful person,
You are smart and romantic
And we are very nice!

Calmly and reliably with Pasha,
He has become a pillar of our lives.
Do you need help - Pavlik is nearby,
It will help with deed, word, look.

He is thorough and bold
It can be soft and harsh.
In endurance do not take away -
Peter can raise the whole world.

Roman has solid novels,
Life is like a story, a tangle of adventures.
The eternal wanderer became his friend,
Golden-haired boy Cupid.

Ruslanchik is bright, Ruslanchik is light,
Cheerful, sonorous, a little shy.
We wish you more happiness in everything
Live a vibrant life as long as possible!

We know, Semyon, that you are very vulnerable,
Trust us friends: we appreciate and love you!
A more sympathetic friend than you cannot be found,
You have helped so many along the way!
And on this holiday we want to wish -
Be strong spiritually and do not lose heart!

Sometimes Seryozha is the center of attention,
Sometimes in the eyes of the sad - a mystery.
Your world is rich, your soul is immeasurable,
It makes you sad, I guess.

Timothy is practical and caring,
But, sometimes it comes to life by touch.
You need to be easier, look simpler
And do without self-criticism.

We respect you, Fedya,
We wish you all the blessings of the world!
And also, happiness and good luck
in solving life problems.

Yuri is a mystery to friends,
Glorious, kind, do not hide.
We are good together, sweet,
Just give me a key.

Congratulations to Yaroslav!
Glory to the strength of your life!
Be lucky and happy
And always, always loved!

[c] A man always strives for heights,
He is ready to help if you need help.
A man goes to his goal
He fights, searches and rushes forward.
A man is ready to argue with fate,
Will stand the battle with dignity.
And every man will not give up in the fight -
He is faithful to the Fatherland, love and himself!

Leading (reads poetry).
Once a year, at the end of winter,
All men are an object of admiration
And the reason for the big mess.
Fortitude and glimpses of genius
They are immediately visible
Once a year, on the eve of spring.
Once a year, at the end of winter,
All men call us
Manifestations of unearthly feelings -
And softened hearts melt
And disturbing frivolous dreams
Once a year, on the eve of spring.
Once a year, at the end of winter,
All men - both military and civilian -
From Rostov to Kolyma
Waiting for gifts, flowers and applause.
You are on the crest of a wave today -
Like heroes of a great country.

Happy Army Day!
From the holidays of warriors,
Happy brothers day
Fathers and husbands
their aspirations,
Worthy of glory
The world is saved on the planet of people.

The holiday is celebrated on February 23rd. This is our tribute to all generations Russian soldiers, from ancient times to today who bravely defended native land from the invaders. On this "men's" day, male representatives, from boys to old people, accept congratulations and gifts, and military personnel are necessarily honored. Women have the happy opportunity to say to their loved ones the most affectionate and good words, to please them with signs of attention.

We have gathered in the festive hall, and at this time someone is serving and standing at a combat post. We remember you guys!

Cold winds rustle strained,
And in warm windows lights are shining.
Soldier in the ranks. He is always where he is needed
Be it steppes, mountains or sands.
Soldier on the march. Oath to the Motherland
Lives unshakably in his soul,
Like the eternal light of a single banner,
Leading forward, always forward.
Soldier in action. Let not the sugar service.
Above other feelings - Fatherland duty,
Moreover, in difficult times male friendship
It will help and come to the rescue.
Soldier - in school. Everything must be comprehended
To defend the country, if thunder strikes,
And for him the coveted reward -
Be the first in combat.
Serve, soldier! You are the son of the native land;
And, keeping the loyalty to the military oath,
Keep it also - right, indestructible
Peace of the earth, and mother, and me.

    i'm leading.
    Dear men! Congratulations on the Defenders of the Motherland Day!

    2nd leader.
    We congratulate you on the holiday of the soldier,

    1st leader.

    But we always want to see you only in civilian clothes!

    2nd leader.
    And if you are in shape, then only in sports -

    1st leader.

    For running, football and active life!

Today is a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This means that we must congratulate all the living soldiers and honor the memory of the heroes of past years. He loves the people of his warrior. A lot of epics and fairy tales have been written about him, proverbs and sayings have been invented, songs, stories, and novels have been written.
1st student.
A true story and a fairy tale about a Russian soldier who fought and is fighting excellently.
2nd student.
Heats up with smoke, shaves with an awl.
3rd student.
And on occasion, he will cook porridge from an ax - you will lick your fingers.
4th student.
Everyone knows: hard in teaching, easy in battle.
5th student.
And one more thing: the soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad.
In the most difficult moments the soldiers did not lose their sense of humor, which helped them survive in the war.


Who is the hero in the Russian army?
Understandable without prompting.
If not, here's our advice:
Read bedtime stories.

People say that the earth can feed us with its fruits and give us water to drink from its sources, but it cannot protect itself and people. To protect the land that feeds and waters you, to protect the people living on this land, has always been the duty of a man. Our boys are future defenders.


Today we celebrate Defenders of the Fatherland Day. As future soldiers and officers, boys should cultivate such qualities from childhood as the ability to be friends, keep one's word, be brave, courageous, noble and kind.


Day of our Army today,

She is not stronger in the world

Hello defenders of the people,

Russian Army- Hey.


Our beloved army

Birthday in February!

Glory to her invincible!

Glory to peace on earth!


The trumpets sing loudly

Our Army - salute!

Ships sail into space

Our Army - salute!

On the planet peace and labor,

Our Army - salute!

1st leader.
We wish to live always "on the rise",
Both in personal life and at work!

2nd leader.
And always remain true knights!

2nd leader.

Dear men! We are grateful that we have you!
We wish you to always be Men with a capital letter!

We wish you to achieve the general's shoulder straps,
Know everything, know everything and work hard!

Follow the dressing of your army,
Less often from wives to go AWOL!

Let no blood be shed
And your glorious regiment never surrenders!

We wish you to always stay in the ranks!
May you be lucky in love, as in battle!

1st leader.
This concludes the solemn part of the festive program. Next will be dancing, games, fun.

And now the female ensemble will perform a song for you:

It is performed to the melody of the song "My friends have been married for a long time, but I keep dreaming about the prince."
Wine froths in glasses
And we want to congratulate you!
We have men, like in the movies,
And we sincerely wish:
To grow your income
I had an account in a Swiss bank!
To wait in the kitchen for pilaf,
Fishing was waiting for the catch!
To go on vacation - to the Bahamas!
To be loved by the ladies
And at the same time, so that you
The youthful ardor in the soul did not go out!

We wish you bright dreams
And happy dates!
And understanding without words
And fulfillment of desires!

Here every husband and every rank!
Here all handsome men are supermen!
We will drink together for men!
May happiness await you without treason!


We continue our holiday concert:

The women's ensemble performs a song to the tune of "Songs of the Pilots":
Tonight, tonight, tonight
Without you, men, let's face it, there is nothing to do!
We will gather around the table
Glasses full of pouring
And for the men we love, we will sing a song.
It's time for us to confess
That we love you dearly, we love you, we love you dearly!
Always lean
On your faithful we want a shoulder!
Let fate sometimes be cruel to us, let it be!
Never allow despondency in your heart!
There will be a lot of luck
Everything will change, you know!

You guys are brave, brave, brave!
So slender, beautiful, curly!
We'll drink one, we'll drink two
For your glorious deeds
But don't have a headache tomorrow!

A song is performed to the motive of a song from the film "Three Musketeers". (It is better to arrange it in the form of a scene: women "on horses", with sabers, in hats).
February again, and the red number,
So, Defender's Day according to the plan!
And we were brought back to the stage,
Hiring an ensemble is not yet affordable!
It's time, it's time, let's rejoice
In your lifetime
Because there are men
Free day!
Bye-bye-bye we have such defenders,
We whisper to fate more than once:
- Mercy to the side!

Men need money
Se la vie!
And women need them all the more!
But most importantly, we wish you love!
And may good luck accompany you!

presenter .
On the Don, the Cossacks had interesting game "Aidanchiki ". Adult Cossacks and children hit the target with an animal bone (aidanchik). Aidanchik could kill a running hare. Now we will check the accuracy of our men - throwing into beer cans, plastic bottles bone or champagne cork. The winner is a prize.

It's no secret that men have always been inspired to exploits by beautiful ladies. The competition needs brave knights. There are such?

Two men are called.

Competition "Portrait of a lady".
Now we will find out who is your muse, dear knights. (There are 2 easels in front of the men. Ovals of a woman's face are painted on them. They blindfold the men and bring them to the easels, giving a felt-tip pen in their hands). Now you will draw portraits of your favorite women as prompted. We draw the eyes of your beloved, now eyebrows, nose, mouth, small tender ears, into which at night you whisper words of love. It remains to draw the curls of the beloved woman. Ready. Submit your painting. You can remove the blindfold. Applause for the artists! For such work, you need to give kisses to these lovely ladies that you portrayed.

Competition "Best Legs".
This contest is not announced by its name.

What kind of housework do men have to do! What can you do for the woman you love. All males are welcome here. (The host sits them on a chair, gives each a children's book). You should read a book to your child before bed. Who had to do it? Wonderful. But in order for the reading to be expressive, it is necessary to put the right foot on the left, wrapping the trouser leg to the knee on this leg. Made? Now open the book and read aloud at the same time. Good. Even louder.

Men read 5 minutes.

Moderator (addressing women):
And now we choose with you the most hairy legs. (Prize for the man with the hairiest legs).

Contest "Siamese twins".
Three men are called in and offered to find partners for themselves. Then these couples are turned into "Siamese twins" - they hug each other by the waist. The task for speed is given:
open a bottle of beer;
inflate and tie a balloon;
run a snake between the bottles without knocking them down.

Competition "Who will dress the girl faster".

In the speed of undressing women, men have no equal. But what about dressing up? Who will dress up his beloved faster?
(Attributes for dressing: hair clips, clip-on earrings, bracelet or watch, hats, glasses, shoes, belt).

Competition "Lovelace".

The apple is stuck with matches. A man is called. He must speak words of love to the woman standing next to him. The word is pull the match. Do not repeat words. Whoever gets the most matches wins.

Competition "Father's porridge".
The prize is announced in advance - a bottle of champagne or cognac. Wishing men are called.

On the Don, the Cossacks had such a custom. If a girl was born in the family, her father prepared her father's porridge. Any porridge was salted, peppered, bitter. And the girl's father had to eat this porridge without grimacing, so that his daughter's fate would be happy. The winner is who will eat "father's porridge" faster and without grimacing.

New Amazons or what they are, men

Cool lady.
So, girls, the topic of today's lesson is: “Extinct Species. The man is unintelligent." You all remember that in 2050, the male part of the population of our planet safely died out due to its immoderate craving for reproduction, thus providing us women with a long-deserved opportunity to achieve a brighter future. Today, we have only a vague idea about men, thanks to the myths and legends that have come down to us from time immemorial. But we, your classy ladies, carefully convey some facts to young people. Let's briefly recap what we've learned so far. Number 1, let's start with you.

№1 .
I want to talk about the Male. A male is such a man from whom the women of the past "dragged", that is, they could be taken with bare hands and dragged. A feature of the Male was the presence of two thought centers. The first, main, was just below the waist. Im Male thought most of the time. The second - the brain - was rudimentary and only prevented the Male from being fruitful and multiplying.

Cool lady.
Excellent, No. 1. And how could you recognize the Male in the crowd?

№ 1.
By bright appearance. As bait, he used luxury cars, yachts, cottages and barbecues. The hunting season has begun in early spring and continued until late autumn. Habitats - bars, restaurants, nightclubs, beaches in summer.

Cool lady.
Everything is correct. Continue #2.

№ 2.
I prepared a report on the Bore. A bore to the question "How are you?" began to tell in detail how he was doing. Breeding rarely, strictly by the hour. He was especially cruel with women, bringing them to delirium tremens with his moralizing. Most often, the Bore could be found in the library, sanitary and epidemiological station, at a rally, in marriage agencies. At the end of his life, the Bore was transformed into an old bastard or an old senile. A special sign of the Bore was the horns that adorned him almost all year round.

Cool lady.
Great, #2. Nothing to add. And now I will tell you about the Henpecked.

Little is known about this type. He was very timid, shy, he got food with difficulty, preferring to hide under the heel of a woman. Well camouflaged, merging with surrounding objects. Sometimes passed from one woman to another by inheritance.

Okay, but how did scientists manage to find out about Henpecked?

Follow the footprints in the kitchen and on the rug by the door.

Cool lady.
As you can see, the picture is rather ugly. But today I want to inform you about an amazing find that our archaeologists have made. In the permafrost was found absolutely new type men. We named him the Ordinary Man. All that is known about him is that women could not live without him.

Students (in chorus).
But why!?

Cool lady.
And this is what you have to find out by contact experiment. Attention! Before you is an ordinary man!
(Tears off the cover.)
The students, pushing each other away, pounce on the Man and drag him "backstage". Passionate sighs and sounds of kisses are heard from there.

Cool lady.
Every time the same thing. This arrogant man is completely lazy. He, you see, is the last one left on earth and uses this as he wants! Even young girls can not seduce. And what we, classy ladies, have to go to for the sake of these men!
All participants go to bow.

Competitive game program

P: Dear recruits, today you have to live one day of army life!

AT: Daily routine: get up, exercise, breakfast, military exercises, lunch, military exercises, free time, lights out!

P: Dear recruits, now we will raise a screen behind which you will have to undress to underwear.

The girls pull up the curtain. A curtain or two sewn sheets can serve as a screen. The main thing is that the screen should be wide and long enough. Recruits stand behind the screen in a line facing the audience. Only the heads and legs should be visible. While the recruits undress:

AT: Place your things to your right. On the command "Rise" you should start dressing as quickly as possible. Those who are dressed come out from behind the screen to the audience.

P: Well, are you ready? Rookies, rise!

AT: Well, you did an excellent job with the task. However, there is no time to relax in the army. Get on the charger!

The first girl (or assistant presenters) immediately prepare the props for the next competition. An empty beer bottle is placed in front of each participant, and they are given a sheet of A4 paper in their hands.

P: An exercise in strength and agility. It is necessary at the command "Start!" only with your left hand (right behind your back), without pressing it to the body, crumple a sheet of paper and push it inside so that nothing sticks out above the neck. You can't tear paper.

AT: Ready? Started!

P: And now it's time for breakfast. Recruits, what do they serve for breakfast in the army?

(They answer that porridge).

AT: That's right, porridge. Here it is, darling, you have to eat now.

P: The army is like a big family, you can’t yawn. Therefore, we will eat at speed.

All participants are given a plate of oatmeal and a teaspoon.

AT: Reade set Go!

P: And now it's time for combat exercises. The first exercise is a shooting range.

AT: But since we have a training center, no one will give us real weapons. Therefore, you will "shoot" cigarettes.

P A: Time for you to do everything about all three minutes. On my command, you must go down to the hall and "shoot" as many cigarettes as possible.

P: Music! Forward!

While the contest is going on, assistant presenters are preparing the next contest. They put chairs on the stage, to the backs of which plastic forks are tied with strings. The length of the rope should be such that the fork can hardly reach the center of the seat of the chair. Plastic plates are placed on the chairs, each containing a pile of canned green peas, about forty in each. At the end of the shooting ranges, cigarettes are counted on the stage.

AT: Dear recruits, it's time for lunch.

Vegetables are on the menu today, or rather - green pea.

P: Please stand behind the back of the chair, left hand remove behind the back; let's start eating. Remember, the one who drops the plate is automatically out.

AT: Ready? Started!

P: There is no respite for a soldier, such is army life! Well, recruits, it's time for combat exercises again.

AT: A real soldier should be able to do everything. Therefore, now you will master the profession of a sapper.

P: Take the mine detectors, please.

Assistants are preparing a competition: coins of various denominations are scattered around the stage. The main thing is that there should be enough little things, otherwise the competition will end too quickly. Contestants are handed caps or hats, these are mine detectors.

AT: Dear recruits, your task is as follows. As soon as the command sounds, you must collect the largest (if possible) number of "mines" with your mine detector.

P: So, it's time to start. Reade set Go!

The duration of the competition is two minutes:

P: After a hard day, the soldier finally has some free time.

AT: As a rule, only in these short moments of rest can a soldier send news home and tell about his difficult army life.

P: So now we'll see how our recruits can write letters.

AT: And to have something to talk about, we decided to help you a little. Now you will be given envelopes, each of which contains two pairs of rhymes on the theme of army life.

P: Your task is to write a message home in verse form using these rhymes in five minutes. Competitors are given envelopes with rhymes, sheets of paper and ballpoint pens. Before the start of the competition, the participants open the envelopes and read out the rhymes they have received into the hall. After that, the competition begins.

Rhyme examples:

Soldier - automatic,

Kasha is ours.

End - peace,

The enemy is a ravine.

Overcoat - bed,

Watch is a disgrace.

Footcloth - hodgepodge,

Hero sometimes.

So that the audience does not get bored during this competition, you can offer them a game. For example, hold a small competition among women, asking them to answer the question: “What should a real man be like?” The author of the best answer is rewarded with some kind of souvenir.

P: Well, the day is coming to an end, and so is our Young Fighter Course. Now the command "Hang up" will sound!

AT: Stop stop stop. The army is not an easy thing, there is no peace for the soldiers either during the day or on a dark night. And everything is like in a real army.

P: What do you mean?

AT: Like what? We have one bed here, and two recruits. Therefore, they will have to fight for the right to sleep on this bed.

P: And how will they fight?

AT: Very simple. Pillows. Whoever falls out of bed first will go to the night watch. Assistants bring a bench onto the stage and give the participants a cushion each.

P: It is known that " last Stand- he is the most difficult.

You're overwhelmed.

AT: Recruits, please climb onto the bed (participants stand on the bench opposite each other).

P: Weapon for battle! Started!

Summing up the results of the competition. Rewarding

Defenders of the Fatherland Day is approaching, and you want to put on funny skits for your male colleagues? Such a performance will help to amuse the guests and will be remembered by your colleagues for a long time.

Only the fair sex can participate in productions, or several men can be invited to the stage. Since the miniatures are small, it will not be difficult for them to learn their roles.

Short funny scenes for February 23 at work

Three girls participate in the first scene on February 23 for colleagues. They can be dressed in ordinary clothes or long sundresses with kokoshniks on their heads.

- Three maidens by the window
Dreaming in the evening...

1st girl:
- Hurry to get married
Tired of the girls right already!
2nd girl:
- Just for anyone
I wouldn't go out!
3rd girl:
- There are no good men
This is now a rarity!
I'd go for a businessman
Like a stone wall!
Mom would love a son-in-law
But where can you get this?

1st girl:
- That would be to marry the military -
Strong, extraordinary!
I would be happy
With a guy strong as a rock.
2nd girl:
- Well, I'm sure
I'd marry a sailor!
And while he was swimming in the sea,
I would live without knowing grief!
3rd girl:
- We were dreaming, girls ...
All the guys were crushed.
They would lie on the couch,
Have fun on the Internet!

Then, in this scene-congratulations on February 23 for men at work, he takes the floor leading:
Oh, those young people...
All of you are unbearable to marry!
Let me get into the conversation.
I know where the guys are!
Not one, not two, not three...
Girls (in chorus):
– Where is it?! Speak!

presenter(points to the men sitting in the hall):
- Look here:
Here guys anywhere!
Not the military, so what?
Each stately and good!
One per sister...

1st girl(approaches one of the men):
- Chur, I'll take it!
2nd girl(fits another):
- I like this one!
3rd girl(runs to third)
This one smiled at me!
Girls in chorus:
All the guys are good
Just a feast for the soul!

- Girls, you are right - today we really celebrate the holiday, and this is the holiday of our wonderful men! Strong, brave, courageous and self-confident, our knights and defenders. Let's congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts on Defenders of the Fatherland Day!

A funny sketch on the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland will be completed by the performance of a song-alteration to the motive of the song “A soldier has a day off”:

Our dear men
Happy holiday again
We are February this afternoon
Happy to congratulate!
And with a pins and needles on you
Dear suit!
And at least look at the shoes,
And expensive perfume
And expensive perfume!

We confess from the bottom of our hearts
What we admire about you!
We are under your protection
Life is so easy!
We wish you prosperity
Good luck in your endeavors
And up the career ladder
Rise high!

Sketches for congratulating men at work from February 23

The next short funny sketch for colleagues on February 23 involves the military commissar, his deputy and several girls.

A military commissar appears on the stage:
- What a life ... Conscripts are getting smaller every year, and they are somehow frail. It's time to recruit women into the army.

A deputy runs up to him with a piece of paper in his hands:
- Comrade Commissar! Your dream has come true! The relevant decree has been issued, so you will have to recruit girls into the army. And here they are!

Brightly made-up glamorous girls in short dresses and high-heeled shoes appear.

One of the participants in this miniature congratulations to men states:
- Well, finally, we were equalized in rights with the guys! And then they have a lot of privileges compared to us.

- What are these?
- Well, for example, you can walk in clothes and shoes until they break, and not until the release of a new collection.

The other girls continue:
- For them, the stomach is not a reason for worries, but a sign of masculinity!
And you don't have to worry about a manicure. It is done completely free of charge, and with teeth.
- And to bring the nerves back to normal, you do not need to visit a psychotherapist. It is enough to drink 200 grams of vodka or sort out the carburetor.

The military commissar walks around the uneven formation, carefully examining the girls, and scratches his head, then says:
So what else are we complaining about?

The girls answer:
“And guys don’t need to give birth!” You can appear in the maternity hospital for only one hour, and even then with beer.
“And you don’t have to stand at the stove for hours to cook dinner. It is enough to open a tin can, get bread - and you're done.

- Well, we talked and that's enough. Equal, girls! Attention! Before you are drafted into the army, you need to see if you are suitable for it.

In this short funny production for February 23 for male colleagues, ladies will have to pass the appropriate exams.

The military commissar hands one of the girls an elegant handbag.
- Come on, let's see how you do push-ups.

She begins to raise her purse at the expense of the commander: "One, two, three, ...".

- Excellent! Fighter fit!
He approaches another girl.
- And you have another task - shooting eyes. Attention! Object on the left! Object on the right! Left! On right!

The girl "shoots her eyes" at the audience.

- Excellent result! And this fighter is fit! And now I will check how you know the bylaws.

All the girls take out fashion magazines and read them.

- Great fighters! Everyone is ready to serve! And now they are in line. Sing the song!

Participants funny scene on February 23, they perform for male colleagues a song-alteration to the motive of the song “If there was no winter”:

If there were no men
Women would be bored!
Twenty third of February
Hardly would have noted!
Nails, lips and eyes
They hardly painted.
If there were no men
If, if, if, if!

If there were no men
Dear girlfriends,
Who would then his noodles
Hanging on our ears?
For whom would I be
Feminine and weak?
If there were no men
If, if, if, if!

If there were no men
Where to get problems?
About whom would we then
Did you sing from this stage?
About whom every day
Would you think then?
If there were no men...
There would only be women.

This scene tries to answer the eternal question that every year arises before all the girls and women of our vast country in the second half of February. It will be appropriate at a concert in honor of the Defenders of the Fatherland Day, and at a party in honor of February 23.

HOST: Paraphrasing the well-known lines, I will present the following miniature as follows: “Once on a February evening, the girls wondered ... what to give men on February 23”

There are three girls on the stage.

GIRL 1: Well, what will we give? (everyone thinks)

GIRL 2: No, why do we have to give them something every year?!

GIRL 3: They give us gifts, don't they?

GIRL 2: Mimosa and Alpen Gold are not a gift, but a mockery. Moreover, in our country it is “International Women's Day”, i.e. for all women. And they have "Defender of the Fatherland Day". And which of them served?

GIRL 1: Yes, men are generally lucky in life. You can walk in clothes and shoes until they break, and not until a new collection appears.

GIRL 3: Manicure can be done for free and with teeth.

GIRL 2: The belly is not a reason for depression, but a sign of masculinity!

GIRL 1: To calm your nerves, you don’t need to make an appointment with a psychotherapist, you just need to sort out the carburetor.

GIRL 3: Any container within a meter radius can serve as an ashtray.

GIRL 2: If you came to work in a different outfit than yesterday, everyone understands that today is your birthday.

GIRL 1: You only pack beer with you on the train!

GIRL 3: Yes, and then in the bathroom on the shelf there are shampoos with the names of different hotels and a comb with the inscription "Russian Railways".

GIRL 2: The only movie you've cried over is Blind Man's Bluff!

GIRL 1: You come to the hospital for only one hour and are drunk.

GIRL 3: You don't know how much bread, cheese and sausage cost, but you have it all at home.

GIRL 2: When you come home late and drunk you are again sent "to where you drank."

GIRL 1: You can open the tin with a knife. Then take the crumb, dip it in oil - that's it, dinner is ready!

GIRL 3: Girls, come on. that we attacked them. By the way, being a man is not only “pluses”, but also hard work.

GIRL 3: For example, when buying sneakers, you need to choose such a style so that later you can go to the theater and to the wedding (everyone nods in understanding).

GIRL 1: What will we do with the gift? As usual: shaving foam and lotion?

GIRL 2: No, if a man has a lot of accessories in his cosmetic bag, he is metrosexual (and for them it is a stigma), but if one toothbrush - you are a brutal man. Let's give them toothbrushes.

GIRL 3: And most importantly, our love (draw hearts in the air).